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Tagged with: Express Yourself

Posts (35)

  1. Express Yourself - Jonny McKee

    Across The Line

    Express Yourself - Jonny McKee

    ATL catches up with Jonny McKee, the man behind DIY PR company, Shizznigh Promotions.

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  2. Express Yourself - Marty Coyle

    Across The Line

    Express Yourself - Marty Coyle

    ATL catches up with Marty Coyle - Nerve Centre Musician In Residence 2016-2017, and a driving member of Balkan Alien Sound.

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  3. Express Yourself - Sarah McBriar

    Across The Line

    Express Yourself - Sarah McBriar

    ATL catches up with Sarah McBriar, the person behind AVA, the much celebrated electronic music festival and conference.

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  4. Express Yourself - Mark Reid, Touch Sensitive

    Across The Line

    Express Yourself - Mark Reid, Touch Sensitive

    Promoter and DJ Mark Reid discusses what is involved with running Belfast-based record label, Touch Sensitive.

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  5. Express Yourself - Ciara McMullan

    Across The Line

    Express Yourself - Ciara McMullan

    Local music photographer Ciara McMullan tells us how she first got started.

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