en Being Human Feed Welcome to the Being Human blog, where we bring you all the inside info (including exclusive extra scenes) from your favourite Ö÷²¥´óÐã Three drama. With a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost, anything can happen so stick around and find out! Fri, 15 Mar 2013 18:00:56 +0000 Zend_Feed_Writer 2 (http://framework.zend.com) /blogs/beinghuman Episode 6 Gallery Fri, 15 Mar 2013 18:00:56 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/20ada456-190f-3e66-9fcd-4c5091110af7 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/20ada456-190f-3e66-9fcd-4c5091110af7 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

This blog is a good news / bad news / then more good news deal.

*dabs tears from eyes with hanky*

It's alright. Something in my eye. Both of 'em.

Let's continue...

1. Good News

We've got one last glorious technicolour gallery of Ep 6 pics and behind-the-scenes shots to admire. To appreciate fully... .

2. Bad News

This is the last blog from Being Human HQ.

In an ideal world all our old Being Human blog-masters would post eternally while sat on a cosy sofa while watching The Antiques Roadshow on TV... hardly noticing the origami smart phones, tablets and dongles on the mantelpiece. Or Lord Toby's mankini.

Then again, maybe it's safer we stick to the real world.

Speaking of my predecessors, what an honour to follow in the footsteps of talents like , and . I'm sure they all join me in saying a tearful and fond farewell to you all. You've been - and are - truly amazing.

3. More Good News

It's not quite over yet.

Don't forget there's an exclusive extra scene on the DVD Boxed Set which may (or may not) cast new light on that ending.

We'll also be uploading classic clips and making-of moments to our new . Subscribe and join us there.

Here we are then.

Let's not say "goodbye"... let's just say "I'm doing this because I love you."

Huge thanks for being the most welcoming, passionate, and witty community I've ever encountered.

The way you embraced the concept and supported the characters on their quest to retain their humanity throughout all five series means the world to Toby... and everyone on the team.

Thank you.

PS Best Being Human Moment. Ever?

Winning Series Five Clip Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:43:26 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/04b08b8c-8290-3385-bd6d-e563675e8f1a /blogs/beinghuman/entries/04b08b8c-8290-3385-bd6d-e563675e8f1a BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Unbelievable as it seems, the results of our final Toby's Top Five are in.

There's been so many classic Being Human moments this year that is seemed impossible to choose... but our fans have spoken.

It seems Toby found the perfect way to bring curtain down on our beloved show.

So what do you think? Has Tom mastered Origami?

Are The Trinity at home, in hell... or in heaven?

Are there any other scenes that merit a place in the Being Human Hall Of Fame?

Additional Scene: Rook's Revenge Tue, 12 Mar 2013 20:00:39 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/5e969b84-9846-395f-8c3a-ada7992c622f /blogs/beinghuman/entries/5e969b84-9846-395f-8c3a-ada7992c622f BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

We're pretty sure there was one question on everyone's lips at the end of ...

"Why wasn't there more Toby Whithouse?"

Okay. Two questions. We can't help with that ending... but we can show you this completely exclusive scene featuring more action.

NOTE: This is NOT the extra scene on the forthcoming DVD boxed set.

Revenge sure is a dessert best served cold. At a drive-thru. The only thing Rook doesn't do is shout "SAY MY NAME" at Alistair as he gets out of the car. (Can you imagine what would happen if Rook and Walter White ever crossed paths?)

What do you think?

A bittersweet triumph for The Man In Grey?

Or did he simply win a battle before losing the war?

Toby’s Top 5 Moments from Series 5 Mon, 11 Mar 2013 18:00:10 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/4c548fe2-f038-35cf-acf6-9b000030c9f1 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/4c548fe2-f038-35cf-acf6-9b000030c9f1 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

By now we've all seen the final episode of Being Human: .

We were all up last last night discussing . Personally, I'm still hanging on to the notion that the big twist at the end was simply that Tom had mastered Origami.

He goes by many names: Toby Whithouse. Lord Toby. The Tobester. Djtoby (the "Dj" is silent). Our series creator has raided the archives one last time to choose his Top Five moments from the last series.

You know the drill. Check them out, mull over your options... and then . We'll put the most popular clip live, right here on the blog.


1. HettyÌýis questioned by Rook.

Episode 1 - Hetty is questioned by Mr RookÌýin the archive.

2. Larry Schools Tom.

Episode 3 - Larry schools Tom in how to be successful.

3. Rook and Hatch playing cards.

Episode 4 - Rook and Hatch playing cards. Hatch plays three sixes.


4. Tom asks Hal and Alex about the bird and the bees.

Episode 5 - Tom asks Hal and Alex the awkward question about the birds and the bees.

5. Our heroes become human.

Episode 6 - ‘They’ve gone. We’re human.’ Our heroes become human.


Which of Toby's highlights is your favourite clip?

Did YOUR favourite scene not make Toby's list?

What was your defining moment of the concluding chapter in the Being Human saga?

Is that ending a good thing or a bad thing for The Trinity?

Comment away, dear bloggers... we're (un)dying to know what you thought of Series Five.

Episode 6 Reactions Sun, 10 Mar 2013 23:01:47 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/97759b36-4a82-305c-acfa-a6bfa5c8c8f3 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/97759b36-4a82-305c-acfa-a6bfa5c8c8f3 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

*wipes away tears*

What did YOU think of Being Human - Series 5: Episode 6 'The Last Broadcast'?

Did Captain Hatch rise? Or did he fall?

Is it even possible to defeat an eternal source of all evil?

Or are Alex, Hal and Tom now able to enjoy the rest of their lives free of their curse?

(Read to find out more about the nature of THAT ending.)

PS Of course, this is also the very last episode. Feel free to simply discuss the show as you wish. Let's enjoy the hell out of our last night together.


Toby's Farewell Blog Sun, 10 Mar 2013 22:55:47 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/c883d336-9d9a-3374-a7ff-4733a0f41843 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/c883d336-9d9a-3374-a7ff-4733a0f41843 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

And so, farewell.

With a heavy heart we have to say goodbye to Being Human. It's been without doubt the most enjoyable, the most rewarding and challenging experience of my entire career. I think I became a writer so I could write something like Being Human.

A word or two about the ending. We wrestled with the exact nature of the conclusion for a long time. Should it be definitive? If so, should it be a happy ending? Or would that feel somehow cheap and convenient? Should it be bleak? Would our heroes sacrificing themselves to save humanity be a fitting finale? But instinctively I felt that this would be too neat. I think I wanted the ending to be a comma, rather than full stop. The fact is that there simply isn't an ending that will please everyone.

As I've said before the world and the characters should belong to the fans now, and by leaving them dead or even human again would rob the audience of that. And so we settled on something deliberately ambiguous. Though I hope you'll agree that it preserves the defining qualities of the show. Our heroes are left courageous and united - wherever that may be.

But it doesn't quite end there. On the DVD there will be an extra scene - one that takes place, in my mind, a week or so after the end of Episode 6. It answers the question I'm sure you're all asking yourselves now - what's happened to them? Did they save the world? And at the same time it allows scope for further stories, a future life for the show and the characters.

I should point out that this wasn't intended as a way of boosting DVD sales! We always planned to shoot an extra scene for the DVD and when it came to deciding what that scene should be, we thought it would be a good opportunity to give a little closure. Even if 'closure' means the turning of another page.

But that's a little way off. So for now, let's celebrate all we've achieved. And I include the fans and the bloggers and the viewers in that. Together we made the show a success. We plucked it from the strange limbo of 'pilot land', cherished it and nurtured it and made it into something very, very special. So thank you all. From the bottom of my heart. I've always said that the tenacity and loyalty and passion of the fans kept me inspired and determined over the last five brilliant years.

I was asked the other day what I would like the legacy of Being Human to be. The stories that inspired me as an adolescent were the ones that took place in our world. I imagined I was just inches away from some epic conflict and all I had to do was reach out, pass through some invisible membrane and suddenly I'd be immersed in some ancient and secret story.

It made me see the world differently, it prompted me to create stories that allowed me to escape my drab and stultifying world. So in terms of a legacy I'd like to think that our show has made people look at the world in a slightly different way. That it's opened the door, just a crack, to your imagination and fanned the flames of your speculation and creativity. Nothing would make me happier than for these stories to have inspired you to make your own.

Be nice to each other.

Toby x

Episode 5 Gallery Fri, 08 Mar 2013 18:43:35 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/c7a64a7f-32b0-3401-9c98-d2517fd267e6 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/c7a64a7f-32b0-3401-9c98-d2517fd267e6 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

The final episode of Being Human arrives Sunday, 10pm on .

Let's delay the inevitable and celebrate last week's incredible episode by admiring a gallery full of gorgeous productions pics.

To fully appreciate the beautiful faces and, of course, dramatic compositions... .

So, dear friends, how are we all feeling?

Nervous? Excited? Listening to bittersweet country music already?

Let's hug it out in the comments...

#AskKate Q & A: Miss Bracken's answers! Thu, 07 Mar 2013 20:00:35 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/fe3e93c0-f02b-3e35-8bfb-dd8dc01e779a /blogs/beinghuman/entries/fe3e93c0-f02b-3e35-8bfb-dd8dc01e779a BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Alex has been trapped six feet under in her own grave by Old Nick himself. Hal and Tom just had their first bluey. It looks like a resue mission is off the cards.

But it's not all doom and gloom, actress is very much alive, well and on terra firma (not in it) and has answered this selection of your questions...

Who's been your favourite guest star? And… if you could be any other character in show (past & present) who would it be & why?

This is honestly so hard. Hand on heart I’ve loved each and every one of the guest stars. Amanda who played Lady Mary was amazing, I felt like I learnt a lot from her. And Danny who played Decky was one of the coolest kids ever – he had me in stitches and literally felt like my wee bro for the short time I worked with him. But honestly everyone has been so brilliant.

If I could be another character…maybe Herrick?! Like a female version though just to make that clear…he’s so brilliantly bad!

I think you are brilliant as Alex! My question is, If you couldn't eat or drink anything in real life what would you miss the most?

Thank you! And sweet and salty popcorn. It’s my kryptonite.

Firstly, I love Alex, and you are a brilliant actress! Secondly, as a ghost you have to wear the same outfit the whole time, if you could pick another outfit Alex could wear what would it be? A wedding dress for her and Hal maybe ;) x

NO MORE DRESSES! I had enough trouble with that one! It would have to be a onesie for ultimate comfort.

How much are you and Alex alike?

I would probably say we’re quite different. She’s much more funny than I am, and more kick ass. I’m also a bit more chilled out about stuff unless it’s something I feel strongly about. And I’d say I’m a bit more girly than her too. But she’s got a fire within her, which is something I think we definitely have in common.

Harriet Oswin
What is your relationship like with the other actors on set?

We fight aaaall the time. No, they are beeping brilliant. Damien and Michael are two of the most talented and lovely guys I have ever worked with and they constantly have me laughing. And for the guest actors that have come on too, they’ve all been incredible.

You hear horror stories of people being divas on shows but that’s what has made this experience incredible is that there’s been no egos whatsoever – and everyone’s up for a laugh.

How did you prepare for your role as a ghost? and has this experience made you believe that there are such supernatural things in the world? p.s. I hope to see more of you back on our screens in the future :))

I find that sitting in my trailer with a white sheet over my head watching Casper really gets me in the zone... But no, I never really focused too much on the ghost side of things when I was prepping for the role because I think that at the end of the day, she’s fairly new to this world herself so doesn’t know a lot about the ins and outs of it all. Not like vampires who have all this history behind them. So I focused more about trying to get her character right and the ghost stuff came after that.

I can safely say I definitely don’t believe in vamps and werewolves but, no joke my kettle turned itself on the other day, started boiling, then turned itself off again… so that’s clearly proof that ghosts are real right?

Emily Spencer
Just thought i'd let you know, I absolutely LOVE Alex, I pray that she gets out of her own coffin by next episode, and tells everyone exactly what has been going on! My question is: What is it like to be an actress? Is it something you've always wanted to do and how did you end up in acting?

Thanks! I love being an actress, to me it’s definitely the BEST job in the world! It’s pretty much all I ever wanted to do - I think when I was about 9 I wanted to be a vet for a fleeting moment but acting’s definitely something I’ve been set on for a long time.

I started just by going to an amateur drama group in my hometown and then from there just got more and more involved with it and decided to go off and study it so it’s always been something I’ve worked at I guess.

You are one fine, gorgeous actress indeed! My question is: How did it feel when you got the part of Alex?

So, soooo amazing - I remember the exact moment I found out so vividly. I’d not long moved to London and I’d just been to sign on at the Job Centre, but they told me to go home and do it over the phone instead. I was moping my way home when I got the call about 15 minutes later saying I got the part - I never ever thought I would end up becoming one of the leads though.

Aileen Young
Being a Scottish lassie, did you miss Irn Bru while you were filming, and did you managed to get anybody to try it?

Ha! Of course! And absolutely not, I kept the sweet taste of girders all to myself.

If you could haunt any celebrity, politician or public figure alive today who would it be and why?p.s. you are awesome as Alex.

Good question! JUSTIN BEIBER. I’d teach him a lesson for being 2 hours late to stage…Ìý (I wasn’t at his gig by the way. Just to be VERY clear.)

Kate! This week's episode blew my mind! You are such a terrific actress! I just wanted to know what is your favourite Alex quote?

Ahhhhh I can’t think!! I know I’ll think of a better one as soon as I’ve done this. However ‘Cool your chebs’ was a great line. Chebs is far too underused.

Did you get to keep the boots?

I did! Although they’re not really my style.Ìý I wore them to get up the hill to go shoppingÌý when the snow was here though – the grip on those things is crazy good.


What was your most favourite episode to shoot?

This is so hard!! I don’t know if I have a favourite episode – more like moments from different episodes – like I loved all the stuff in the basement at the end of series 4. And I really loved all the stuff in the house throughout… the house scenes always seem to have a really nice feel about them, even if they’re not necessarily nice scenes.Ìý

There’s also a couple of scenes in the final ep, one quite emotionally challenging and the other quite physically challenging, which were both amazing to film.

Charlotte Fitzhugh
If you had to Rentaghost to any place in real life, where would it be and why?

Maybe like the top of Mount Everest – just so you could say you’ve been up and seen the view but you don’t have to go through the effort of ice picks and oxygen masks and all that malarky. And then straight back to a hot beach somewhere to soak up some sun. I’d say that’s a pretty good day.

Daniel Pederson
Hi Kate what is it like working with Michael Socha and Damien Molony?

A lot of fun! There’s never a dull moment when the pair of them are around. I love doing scenes with these guys but it can be pretty hard sometimes because when we’re all in a scene together we tend to get the giggles.

The French online scene was a brilliant example. We couldn’t stop laughing for about 15mins, like that really uncontrollable laughter that the more you try to stop the worse it gets. All over the word ‘pamplemousse’. Who knew?

Jessica Nutt
Hi Kate! You have some pretty hard-core emotional scenes, and some fantastic comedic scenes. My question is, which do you think is more fun to do?

Funny scenes are always a good laugh to do – it’s always nice to do something light and be able to play around with it and be a bit silly. Saying that though I love the darker scenes… it’s a great feeling to be able to let go and get all emotional and really get into a zone.Ìý The scene with Alex and Hal in the rain just after she’d seen him drink from Natasha was great for that.

Scott Henry
Hello Kate, I'd just like to say that you're awesome as Alex, and I'm gutted we aren't getting another series with the three of you. My question is: Do you and the boys ever hang out off set/outside of the show?

Yeah! In fact all the cast and crew are great for that. It’s so nice that even at the end of a long day where everyone’s been working very intensely with one another that we could all still go out for a meal together or go catch a film or something. It’s very much a family in that way, which is really lovely.

I love Alex , you're an inspiration as well , but do you think that someone who wants to become an actress / actor has got to be uniquely talented or could anybody become one and how did you get noticed?

That’s a toughie… I think there’s definitely got to be a spark of some sort there, but just because you don’t see it in yourself doesn’t mean to say you haven’t got it. I think if you want something enough and you work hard then you can definitely achieve it.

I was incredibly lucky in that I happened to meet some very lovely casting directors whilst I was still at college, who then decided to give me a chance at auditioning for something. It kind of all just spiralled from there. Right place at the right time!

What has been your most memorable moment from your time on Being Human?

Another very difficult one!

There have been so many. The explosion in Series 4 was pretty memorable. We were all quite nervous because we knew we only had one shot to get it right and I just kept thinking ‘what if we don’t react properly?!’…Ìý but I don’t think any of us were prepared for the noise and heat that came off that blaze! I’ll never forget that. Ìý

And, of course, I think watching the final shot EVER being filmed will be something that I’ll always remember. Everyone was there behind the monitors watching and I just remember thinking at the time that it was a pretty special moment.


There we have it. That concludes our Q & A's with the principle cast. The Trinity is complete... on the blog at least.

Can they reconvene to battle Captain Hatch?

Winning Series Four Clip Thu, 07 Mar 2013 18:00:35 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/73c4d4e5-0d58-38fe-82fc-52baae9fa6d5 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/73c4d4e5-0d58-38fe-82fc-52baae9fa6d5 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Are we really here already?

Toby chose his favourite moments from Series 4 of Being Human. You voted for the scene that you most wanted us to reanimate here on the blog.

The results are in.

It's the moment the unthinkable actually happened on the docks of Barry.


Did you really think this could possibly happen?

Were you as shocked as I was?

Do you think Annie, Eve, George and Mitchell have a Honolulu Heights of their own on the other side?

Let's get chatting people...

Last Rookileaks Wed, 06 Mar 2013 18:00:27 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/cfafd288-7b1f-362c-aa6d-b7c08864e553 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/cfafd288-7b1f-362c-aa6d-b7c08864e553 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Our source has been silent following one last exchange of images. Ìý

The Trinity has imploded and it looks like nothing can stop Captain Hatch from rising.

Can Rook convince Alistair to recomission The Department of Domestic Defence?

Click these image links to read the emails, click again to zoom in for easier inspection.

Will Alistair finally realise the how much is at stake (pun intended)?

Can anything show Rook that his in league with Satan himself?

What say you, bloggers?

UPDATE: Gremlins have returned! We've contacted Billy Peltzer and will have to wait until tomorrow to publish our *deep breath* Winning Toby's Top 5 Moments From Series 4 clip *big exhale* ... until then, many thanks for your patience.

Alex's Unfinished Business - The Final Challenge Tue, 05 Mar 2013 20:01:19 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/1e316930-6bcc-31a6-8089-f67517dcbd89 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/1e316930-6bcc-31a6-8089-f67517dcbd89 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

It may not be scribbled on her official list but we'll bet getting the hell out of that coffin is Alex's top priority right now.

Why can't she Rhentaghost out?

How can Hal and Tom possibly find her?

Will completing her Kicked The Bucket List help her escape?

The only way to find out is to watch our last online exclusive scene - written, of course, by the supremely talented .

Can Alex escape?

Will Hal and Tom figure out where she is?

Does Captain Hatch really have wrinkly moobs?

Let's debate the hell out of Being Human for all it's worth this week... see you in the comments below! Steve

Exclusive Scene: Taking Care Mon, 04 Mar 2013 20:00:23 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/9f0bf5bf-a1bd-367b-888a-c4dd2efe40b4 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/9f0bf5bf-a1bd-367b-888a-c4dd2efe40b4 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

This week - more than any other week - we're pretty sure you'll appreciate an extra online scene.

Following the events of it seems Alex isn't the only one with some unfinished business to attend to.

Rook and Tom must reconcile themselves with the death of poor Natasha...


Written by .

Now, dear bloggers, will Natasha's death be the catalyst Rook needs to realise that Captain Hatch is in fact the most dangerous supernatural entity he's ever encountered?

Let's speculate in the comments below...

Ep 5 Reactions Sun, 03 Mar 2013 22:57:52 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/813c8771-8109-358f-9aa2-4acfa55f7dad /blogs/beinghuman/entries/813c8771-8109-358f-9aa2-4acfa55f7dad BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Is it safe to look now? I'm just getting out from behind the sofa...

Has Lord Harry usurped Hal as the conflicted vampire's dominant personality?

What can possibly deter Tom from staking his former best friend on sight?

How can Alex escape her tomb?

Oh and there's still that small matter of Satan himself walking the Earth to contend with...

Are you ready for the final episode of Being Human? Check out this teaser clip!

So... the stage is set for the ultimate conflict between good and evil next weekend.

Who will win?

Answers in the comments below please!

#AskKate Q & A Sun, 03 Mar 2013 22:08:14 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/675323c1-f8b3-3550-8380-65056f770017 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/675323c1-f8b3-3550-8380-65056f770017 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

Alex actress will complete our trilogy of Trinity Q & A's this week.

We want your most imaginative, quirky and inventive questions so we can go out on a high.

Want some ideas to fire up your imaginations?

  • Would you like to Rentaghost in real life?
  • Have you ever seen Damien drink Kia-Ora?
  • What was it like wearing the same costume every day?

Post your questions in the comments below. We'll forward a selection to Kate and then post her answers on the blog as soon as we have them.




Episode 4 Gallery Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:01:12 +0000 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/f81b6b18-1771-3d6f-937b-60c6d8edaed2 /blogs/beinghuman/entries/f81b6b18-1771-3d6f-937b-60c6d8edaed2 BH Insider Steve BH Insider Steve

If you loved this still of Hal and Tom sleeping on the sofa, you're going to adore our exclusive follow up pic in this gallery of images from .

In fact, it looks like the whole cast had a blast between takes.

To witness the fitness*... .

Also, we've been informed that the gremlins have been eradicated from the blog comments. Thanks to the Ö÷²¥´óÐã tech team, sunlight and an older, wiser Billy Peltzer.

Apologies again... thanks for bearing with us.

*Sorry. *sighs*
