
Archives for October 2010

Lauren's video diary: "It's my cousin..."

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Lou | 12:30 UK time, Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Ìý"... he died and it's his funeral today."ÌýÌýHmm. Do I detectÌýa hint of emotion over Billie's death? Surely not. I mean, Lauren Branning's sensitive reaction to Billie's death was toÌýgiggle!

OKAY, nervous laughter in times of trouble - accepted. Laughing over your cuz's death -Ìýnot recommended.Ìý

It's Billie's funeral, and whilst most ofÌýthe Brannings are in a state over their recentÌýloss (even Alan and Blossom goddammit). The future Speilberg-virtuoso has beenÌýonline to the States! Lauren may have been with Billie the night he died, but I get the feeling she'd much rather have her bro, Bradley back...

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Not in the best of moods is she? Down-in-the-dumps Lol certainly wants to get to the bottom of Bradley's death...ÌýBillie may be getting buried, but Lol's feelings certainly aren't.

Check out Lol's first two video diaries:

Lauren's first video diary: "I'm Back"

Watch Lauren's video diary: I'm Back

A pregnancy announcement, murder and the joy at being back in Walford... Lauren's not holding back on the good stuff when it comes to filming her diary.


Lauren's second video diary: "I'm eating my weight in ice-cream"

Watch Lauren's video diary: I'm eating my weight in ice cream

A break up and a lorry load of ice cream, OKAY... maybe less of the lorry.

I'm sure there are more video beauties like this knockin' about in Lauren's hideaway, so watch this space for more...

Picture gallery: w/c 01 November 2010

Rob Francis | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 26 October 2010

So many Walford relationships look like they're heading for a crash this week, some quite literally...

Off the rails?

Janine's done some questionable things in her past, but she's really on the wrong side of the tracks this time. Will Ryan be able to get her and baby Lily out of the jam she's in?

Ryan and Janine


Spray what you mean
Vanessa and Max get the message when a mystery grafitti artist leaves their mark on their front door. We're not saying who the culprit is, but we doubt it's Banksy...

Vanessa and Max


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Video spoiler: Will Janine survive?

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Lou | 10:40 UK time, Friday, 22 October 2010

Cor blimey! WhatÌýwould you do if you saw a train hurtling towards you at full speed, horn blowing and you're stuck in your motor withÌýa duffÌýengine and the door's jammed? PANIC?

Call it unlucky or just plain stupid, butÌýJanine doesn't make life easy for herself.ÌýYIKES.

On Monday, 1 November the newlywed goes on the run with hunky hubster RyanÌýand baby Lily. Yep. Baby Lily.

How did they film this stunt?! More importantly - does Janine "GET OUT?"

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Janine, you silly sausage.


EastEnders to go HD on Christmas Day!

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Lou | 14:09 UK time, Thursday, 21 October 2010

Whilst you're feasting on roasties, gorging on chocolate log and pulling a cracker or two (oo-er) -Ìýyou'll get an extra treat toÌýindulge on Christmas Day - EastEnders broadcasting in high definitionÌý(HD)!

Not only will you be able to see every little detail of Albert Square in it's true form, but you'll also have the delight ofÌýbeing able toÌýsee beads of sweatÌýsliding downÌýChristian's pecs. Roll on HD.

The Queen Vic has even had a lovely refresh so it's all HD ready...

Bryan Kirkwood, Executive Producer EastEnders says: "Christmas Day in Walford is traditionally turkey, tinsel and turmoil for the residents of Albert Square. This year will be even more spectacular with viewers having the opportunity the watch the festive drama unfold in HD for the first time."

Does that mean we can watch vivid festive snotfests whilstÌýstuffing our puffy facesÌýon nuts and choccies?!

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Picture gallery: w/c 25 October 2010

Claire | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 19 October 2010

It's a mixture of joy and sorrow as the new Queen Vic is revealed and Billie is buried...

The Grand Unveiling

Walford gets a new watering hole. Let's hope Kat's zebra print coat isn't an indication of the design scheme.

Kat and Alfie outside the Queen Vic

Carol Singing

Carol tests her vocal chords on Billie's gang. Is she hoping for a record deal?

Carol Jackson


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Video spoiler: "Does Jodie know I'm not her father?"

Lou | 14:35 UK time, Monday, 18 October 2010

OMG. Have you ever walked into a room and wished you hadn't!? Well, precious Jodie Gold will have wished she'd stayed well and truly out of the picture in la la land with her boyfriend, Darren on Tuesday, 26 October.

The poor lass totters intoÌýMax's lounge with Dazza in tow to find her 'dad' having a barney with her mum, Vanessa. And lo and behold... the timing's not so great...


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Did Jodie hear him? What happens next?!

Ben Mitchell's back... but not as we know it!

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Lou | 00:00 UK time, Friday, 15 October 2010

Throw away the tap shoes, bin the Judy Garland CDs and bury the West End musical ticket stubs.ÌýA new Ben Mitchell is back in townÌýand a new actor to boot!

Joshua Pascoe will be Squaring up to the challenge of taking on banged-up Ben later this year, as the blighter will get his 'get out of jail free' card. Hurray!


Ben's return is set to revive theÌýlong-term resentment between Ian and Phil. Will Phil flush Ben's bro's head down the loo again? *Rubs hands together*.Ìý

Whilst the snarling duo embroil in a fued, Shirley and Jane team together to help BenÌýfrom being stuck between a rock and a hard place. No. Make that jammed between a runt and a hard nut.Ìý

Newbie Joshua commented: "I was so excited when I got the call to say I'd got the part of Ben Mitchell. I've always watched the programme and it will be great to work with fantastic actors such as Steve McFadden and Linda Henry.

"I'm really looking forward to this fantastic opportunity and making the role of Ben my own."Ìý Nice one J.

Joshua takes over the role from Charlie Jones who left EastEnders earlier this year.

What do you hope Ben will be like when he returns to Walford?

Picture gallery: w/c 18 October 2010

Rob Francis | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Babies, big bets and bother with the Old Bill are all on the agenda for next week. It's going to be a belter - and we don't just mean the punch Billy's probably about to get from Bianca!

Out clubbing?

Billy's in trouble yet again - for yet more inappropriate romance. Who has he snogged this time to upset Bianca so much? And will he be left with a face that anybody will want to kiss after Bianca's finished with him?

Billy, Alfie and Bianca


Girls' night out

We can tell you that they haven't been locked up for wearing loud dresses in a built-up area, but why are Kat and Stacey in the cells?

Kat and Stacey



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Lauren's video diary: "Eating my weight in ice cream"

Lou | 18:29 UK time, Monday, 11 October 2010

You can always rely on Lauren 'Speilberg' Branning to keep us in the picture!ÌýThe video queen has been proving herself handy with a camera since returning to the Square. Not only that, but she's alsoÌýcaught on filmÌýchatting to her American bud, Jessica, online.

AND GUESS WHAT?ÌýI've found her secret stash of videos. YAY! Check out her second vid, as sheÌýopens upÌýonline to her bezzie mate Jess in the States. The poorÌýlove bares her soul about her recentÌýbreak up from Edward. That's when a big, badboy bucket ofÌýice cream comes in very handy. Yum.

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Do you take inspiration from Lauren's camera work? She ain't bad is she? Check out her first vid...

Lauren's first video diary: "I'm Back"

Watch Lauren's video diary: I'm Back

A pregnancy announcement, murder and the joy at being back in Walford... Lauren's not holding back on the good stuff when it comes to filming her diary. The girl's got it sussed!

I'll be keeping a beady eye on her hiding place for more video delights... so watch this space...

Walford puckers up for Pudsey!

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Lou | 17:14 UK time, Monday, 11 October 2010

The love bug has taken over Albert Square as the Walford residents are puckering up and locking lips. Has cupid's arrow speared the residents of Walford with romance?

Erm. No.

The soppy lot are just raising cash all in the name of charideeee. 'Kisses 4 Pudsey' isÌýa FABÌýwayÌýof raising dosh for Ö÷²¥´óÐã Children in Need.

Fatboy, Whitney, Tanya, Jay and even Patrick "Yeah maaaan" Trueman is getting in on the act by earning their spotsÌýto raise lots. And what better way ofÌýcreatingÌýa bit ofÌýRobinson Crusoe (otherwise known as... doe/chasherooney/bread/loot/spondoolies/dosh). Jubbly.

Watch the cracking video of the cast puckering up for Pudsey by clicking on this pic:

Fatboy and Whitney prepare to get down to business

Will you be following suit by getting lip-friendly? I dare ya.

A host of stars join Pudsey for a night of fun and fundraising on 19 November.

Find out how to donate and raise cash through the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Children in Need website. "Yeah maaan."

Ever wondered how Pudsey got his name? Find out on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã Children In Need's History page. It's educational.

Lauren's video diary: "I'm back!"

Lou | 16:45 UK time, Friday, 8 October 2010

Lauren BranningÌýIS BACK... and don't we know it.ÌýThis clever chick'sÌýnot alone though, as she's brought herÌýbest budsÌýalong... her laptop and camera!

Rewind to when the crafty minx recordedÌýher cheating dad and Stacey snogging and then played it out on Christmas Day in 2007... what a lovely festive treat for the whole family, eh? Enough to makeÌýthemÌýall choke onÌýa choccie. Oh, and knock the Christmas tree over. And cry. Lots.

Fast forward again to the present (no, notÌýa wrapped one)...

Lauren'sÌýrecording button is well and truly lit again and this time the cunning madam has started a video diary. BRILLIANT! Somehow,Ìýher first recording hasÌýlanded inÌýmy lap (*cough * "It wasn't me, guv" cough.*)

Knock yourself out... we betcha this won't be her first recording!

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Right, I'm off to tip toe around the Square to search for abandoned videos... (*wink*)

Did you watch 'A day in the life of an actor'? Find out the ins and outs of being Jacqueline Jossa in EastEnders.

Goodbye E20S2! Hello E20S3!

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Claire | 10:53 UK time, Friday, 8 October 2010

Sob! E20 series 2 is all over. Well, it went out with a bang….

, Sol and Asher danced with Flawless and Avant Garde, whilst DJ Ace appeared on the decks. tweeted "With . Me and him are gonna be bredrins I can tell". Maybe R&R should book them for Friday nights?

Olly looked fetching in Stevie's ball gown. He tweeted, "I'm never coming back to Walford. Ever again". Good! After the way you treated poor Stevie. But as she pointed out, "Happy endings... Awwwwwwww". We love a good happy ending. Bye chaps and chapettes!

Fatboy will continue his tweets , but we bid a fond farewell to our #E20S2 tweeters , and .

Stay tuned for more details on E20 Series Three! Coming soon!

Naz, Sol, Asher and Stevie.


Picture gallery: w/c 11 October 2010

Rob Francis | 00:00 UK time, Tuesday, 5 October 2010

A sombre week in the Square, as the residents of Walford come to terms withthe loss of Billie Jackson.

Family matters

Devastated by the loss of her son, can a hug from Dad Jim even begin to comfort Carol. But, more importantly, how did poor Billie die?

Carol and Jim


ÌýCandle in the Walford wind

Looks like Carol isn't the only one who is grieving for Billie, as Whitney sets up a shrine to her lost loved one.





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Video exclusive: A day in the life of an actor!

Lou | 14:48 UK time, Friday, 1 October 2010

Have you ever wondered (or, like me, slightly obsess) over what it's like to be an actor?

Meet Jacqueline Jossa.ÌýNot only has Jac stepped into the role of sarcastic Lauren Branning, butÌýshe's stepped into WalfordÌýas a bright, young starlet and loves it.ÌýShe's also oh-so-bloomin' friendly. Whatta gal.

We gave the Kentish lass a video camera for the day, so she could film herself from morning until night... from wet hair to Albert Square...

Watch what her day is REALLY like.ÌýAnd keep your eyes peeled for Cheryl (Hev)Ìýdoin' "sexy".

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My top Jac quote:

"Yeah, I have a sheep. Yeah, he sleeps with me in bed." Let's hope he helps her catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzz's.

And when the camera wasn't rolling (damn!):

  • We spotted Ricky Norwood (Fatboy) hanging out with the young actress, Himesh (Tamwar) and Bunmi (Mercy) inÌýthe chill-out room between scenes.

  • We listened to Cheryl singing a song about Jac whilst strumming her guitar. Quite a tune!

  • JacÌýexplained that she HAS to wear two bracelets as Lauren in every scene.

Now you're filled in on what it's like to live life as an actor, what do ya reckon? *Turns a shade of green*. I'd do it! Let me at 'em.

Who else wouldÌýYOU like to see a day in the life of? What sort of video feature would YOU like us to film? (Keep it clean people)...

Love is in the air...

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Claire | 14:45 UK time, Friday, 1 October 2010

OH. MY. GOSH. We were wondering what was on about when she tweeted, "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh". and Pippa??? Blimeyness. What will think about his two ex-girlfriends getting closer?

Meanwhile the 'love triangle' just became a 'love pentagonÌý'. Naz has attracted Sol, Asher, Ekin and now Fatboy?! He tweeted, " looking boom today!" Could Naz be the next Mrs.Chubb? Ding dong!

Looks like that dream is ending before it's even begun. "Turkey here I come", tweeted Naz. Sol, what ARE you waiting for?? Get your act together and get your girl!

Tune in online next week for the final two episodes of … Follow , , and for the latest gossip in the Square.

Naz, Asher, Sol, Fatboy



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