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Researching 'EastEnders: Whitney's Story'

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Matt Humphreys | 11:49 UK time, Friday, 18 March 2011

As part of tonight's Red Nose Day coverage on 主播大秀 One, there will be a special ten minute episode of the show called EastEnders: Whitney's Story.

Updated: Watch the mini-episode

A continuation of the current Whitney storyline, the mini-episode not only reflects the character's own downward spiral after she becomes distanced from family and friends, but tackles a problem faced by young women in the UK today - sexual exploitation.

In the video below, you can hear how the storyline was developed by the EastEnders production team and how the research was incorporated into Whitney's story.

EastEnders has been working with advice from charities funded by as this has been an issue the charity has been working on for a number of years, both funding projects which help those who have been subjected to sexual exploitation and raising awareness of the issue.

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Whitney's story: related help and information

主播大秀 Red Nose Day


  • Comment number 1.

    can you watch it on bbc iplayer? love eastenders :]

  • Comment number 2.

    Was so powerful this why Eastenders is so good. Hannah xx

  • Comment number 3.

    Eastenders scared me 2day and Im only 19 years old! This was a good storyline! :)

  • Comment number 4.

    The eastenders episode on comic relief was amazing and I hope this storyline wins something at the british soaps award because it was the best in a long while......Just a shame that maybe not as much people watched the episode,jue to the fact that it was linked into to the comic relief show and it wasn't as long as I would have hoped it to be, but still that was an fantastic episode and I think eastenders has done this storyline perfectly.

  • Comment number 5.

    I lovedd watching eastenders on comic relief last night hope whitney will be ok and i hope chloe will be too!! Love eastenders and i love the fact that they took on this storyline made it great and real as usual LOVE IT!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    Congratulations to EastEnders on the 10 minute 'Whitney's Story' on Red Nose day. I was very moved and I have to say it had a lot to do with Georgia Henshaw whose short appearance was very well-acted. The most significant line in the whole thing was hers. "I'm you in 2 years" (Sorry if that's a paraphrase.)

  • Comment number 7.

    whitefield74. Agree. That little part Georgia Henshaw played and the chilling line `I'm you in 2 years" was just so significant. Well done again 主播大秀.

  • Comment number 8.

    This content should not go out on a sunday afternoon as familly viewing.
    I really do not know what has happened to Eastenders lately, It seems to be full of dreadful story lines. The drug story line with Phil, millions of kids watching these story lines churned out every day will think that that is the norm, real life. It isn't. Yes these things exist, we see the news everyday thankyou.

  • Comment number 9.

    Just caught up with Whitney on todays omnibus. Very moving, very scary and brought back lots of memories. Well done east enders for tackling grooming and abuse. Sadly it is a common part of growing up in the uk. It has been well known since the eighties. I'm glad its now being brought to the attention of kids, as another danger they have to face. It causes untold damage that changes those being abused forever. Its very subtle and many of the people involved are the last people you would suspect. My abusers still don't understand that they abused. It makes it difficult to come to terms with, difficult to report and difficult to prosecute. Look after each other. Well done east enders for keeping me on the edge of my seat again and for the actress who plays whitney for managing to portray the complexities and subtleties so brilliantly.

  • Comment number 10.

    I agree that Georgia's part was brilliant. I would love to see more of her in the storyline or I will forever wonder what happened to her. I'd like to see her have a happy ending.

  • Comment number 11.

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  • Comment number 12.

    Wow! Just watched the Whitney storyline - Well done 主播大秀 this has been thought provoking and powerful, something that is happening around us everyday but we choose to ignore while living in are semi perfect lives. I am now just about to watch the omnibus again with my 14 year old daughter as I believe that this is an excellent example of how easy it is for any girl to get drawn into this kind of life.
    As for the coments from Bramblyjam - If you feel the storyline is not appropriate for your children turn the TV over, LIFE IS NOT A BED OF ROSES OR A DELICIOUS JAR OF JAM!

  • Comment number 13.

    I never watch EastEnders or any other soaps. This was a once off and I was impressed that the 主播大秀 are attempting to highlight a normally highly taboo issue.
    With regards to the comment above: sexual exploitation tragically is "the norm" for many, an everyday reality for those who experience it, there is no switch off or turn over. As shocking as it is I feel it is beneficial to raise awareness and break through some of the barriers, fostering understanding as oppose to judgement.

  • Comment number 14.

    reply to bramblyjam1

    stop moaning!
    your the only one here moaning about this episode, which mean no one cares! sunday or not or whatever the storylines they come out with, if you dont like it then dont watch it! simple as, no one wants to hear it :) tar.

  • Comment number 15.

    does anyone know in whitneys story (mini episode) what the name of the song is and who the artist is????

    its the one where it goes something like this .... i close my eyes ... i spread my wings like a bird in the sky... u take my breath away ?????

  • Comment number 16.

    so sadd

  • Comment number 17.

    Really we know all about it, I dont want it beamed in to my front room, I found the storyline disturbing, I would not want my children to watch. The correct time for showing this is beyond the watershed. Same with the drugs story. I would not allow skanks in to my home either in real life or through the media.
    Awful, truly appalled, The program makers did not take into account how this program might effect younger viewers.
    The last straw for me, I will not watch eastenders again.

  • Comment number 18.

    i think that this is not good for her age(Whitney)

  • Comment number 19.

    when are they gonna bring whitneys escape into the normal weekly show
    i was really mpressed with how the writers have used the storeyline to show young girls jus how easy it is to get caught up in the sort of mess that whitney did

  • Comment number 20.

    i am so glad eastenders choice this story to show what it like for young women in the real world im can relate to this story as the same sort of thing happened to me and i was able to get away to so congratulations eastenders

  • Comment number 21.

    I thought this was shoen too early in the nihgt of Comic Relief.

  • Comment number 22.

    Brambleyjam1 - 'I would not allow skanks in to my home either in real life or through the media.' Sorry but did anyone actually make the suggestion you would? I think that eastenders captured the storyline perfectly. Well done EE! If you dont want your kids watching it then simply don't let them! In the world we live in all children will eventually realise that its not all sweets and flowers and that bad stuff does happen! You can stop your kids from watching bad stuff on the television but you can't shield them from all the bad things in the world! Your going to stop them watching EE but what about the news? Or reading newspapers? Abit silly if you ask me!

  • Comment number 23.

    in response to bramblyjam1 The news is a known cause of depression and there are certain personality types who are advised not to watch it as it gives a dull overview of the world. Reporters never report on good news as good news is never shocking or engaging enough for viewers to pump up the television ratings. Take a look at this maybe this is more acceptable to you. /news/uk-england-manchester-12159058 This is a news article about a similar story to whitneys. or if you prefer the guardian rather than bbc news this is the same story . The worrying thing is, I spent all of 5 minutes researching that I literally typed in sexual exploitation in the news and lots of them came up. You really need to open your eyes and stop having such a stuck up scared attitude towards life. Soe things are horrible and ugly the best way to defend against it is provide knowledge soaps are aimed at a younger market to make people aware of issues they always give a number to call if affected and they always do research. I firmly believe that hiding from issues such as this are a recipe for disaster. I would rather my child know about it to recognise it and run rather than believe she is loved and doing this out of love as whitney did. This is also another link for you /programmes/p00frjvj this one shows how eastenders researched whitneys story. I also really think you should think about your actions before you put your thoughts on here and I really think you should appologise for referring to helpless girls like that as skanks would you want your daughter to be branded as that because she was exploited by someone else. These girls don't know what they are getting into which is why programs like this are good as now they will know. thanks eastenders.

  • Comment number 24.

    Well what a lucky but silly little girl; She was almost the bang in g..g.

    Hopefully this will go towards educating other young women and men that all that seems to be too good to be true....... often is.

    Bravo Eastenders for tackling such an important subject.


  • Comment number 25.

    i must admit i am not really a fan of whitney, but the comic relief episode was really well done and convinsing, And i appalude the bbc and the cast for reaveling to us the shocking truth and the dangers of sexual explotation of young teenage girls in britian and around the world today. And one thing i didn't count on is.......JANINE ACTUALLY LETTING DOWN HER TOUGH EXTERIOR, AND SHOWING US THAT SHE ACTUALLY DOES HAVE FELLINGS AFTER ALL!!!! I Just can't seem to get past my hatred of lauren she just totally ANNOYES THE HELL OUT OF ME!!! lolz. glad janine told her like it is, and that she will never understand whitney's pain because she has never experienced it. As far as shona's acting skills go, im sorry but she has got a VERY long way to go if she want's to match lacey's outstanding portrayal of a very bipolar stacey. Don't get me wrong, she was good, but i just didn't FEEL that fear and terror coming from her, like i did when lacey performed stacey being sectioned which (at the end of the episode)had me in tears i have to say! lol. And i as far as this being the best episode and storyline goes? sorry but for me it will always and forever be stacey's bipolar and her being sectioned that did it for me!! just so, SO incredibly powerful and emotional and just ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!! lol (Sorry if im offnding any whiney fans out there, i dont mean to it's just my oppinion! lol. :)

  • Comment number 26.

    I just had to write in and praise the wonderful acting from Shona McGarty and the rest of the cast. Whitney's storyline has been really well made and EE should be very proud of themselves for undertaking the storyline and it has been compelling and harrowing viewing, the 10 minute special during Comic Relief was outstanding. Please don't take any notice of negative comments - these people simply want to bury their heads in the sand - it's really important this issue is seen by young people around 12 - 16 and the 10 minute special was pitched just right in my opinion. Well done EE - keep on doing what you do best.

  • Comment number 27.

    I think it was excellent and Can I say it is not a children's show, it was not made for children and it was made for Young Adult's and Adults. Young Children should not watch thing's dealing with prostitue and expolitation of women as it is too grown up and hard hitting for them to understand as a soap and Drama. They must try to deal with rea life sitution's and show both side's of society good and bad taboo and social and econmic issues. Whitney is a Young women who has had a very troubled life from being abused by her step-father Tony king just aged 12, then bein g abandoned by her real mother and losing her boyfriend Billie Jackson to alcohol posioning. So I can see why she was picked for such a powerful storyline She has earned her stripe's as a actress and is totally iconic and amazing to watch. She is very natural and beautiful to watch.

  • Comment number 28.

    Over a year ago I had a book published 鈥淎 Wonderful Life?鈥, that provides a clear understanding of why so many people like Whitney are struggling to cope with life.
    It is an easy-to-read 21st century 'Christmas Carol' type story, with a typical 19 year old girl, instead of Scrooge, (called Stacey after the Eastenders character). However as well as being an enjoyable read it uses the exensive scientific research to explain why these problems occur and how they can be overcome.
    Following almost 40 years as a secondary school teacher and a learning consultant I recently 鈥榬etired鈥 to focus upon 鈥榟elping everyone learn to succeed鈥, by providing support and understanding using the extensive scientific research on the everyday concerns that seem to affect almost everyone, especially young people and parents. I particularly want to help everyone understand what our children most need to learn to increase the life chances and how we can help them learn to succeed and improve their wellbeing.
    The Whitney story is brilliant and the 鈥楨astenders Revealed鈥 special on it provides a little background to it. However, I feel that if the approach I used in my book and my website is applied it would really help many people understand and learn from it and I would be happy to help with it.

  • Comment number 29.

    You are nut's she is 18 a woman prostution is legal at 18, lizan.

  • Comment number 30.

    I Think That Shona (Whitney) Is A Really Good Actress, It Must Be Hard To Play Such A Real Scene. I Mean Whats Happening To Her Must Happen To Lots Of People. I Was Recently Watching Whitneys Story Revealed On 主播大秀 Iplayer And She Explains How She Listened To Some Peoples Stories And Then Has To Act Them. This Is Like When Lacey Turner (Stacey Slater/Branning) Had To Do The Bi-Polar Bit. They Are Both Really Good Actress And I Would Like To Wish Shona Good Luck For Future Storylines And Lacey Good Luck In The Future (P.S I Hope She Does Come Back To Eastenders, She Was Like The Best!)

  • Comment number 31.

    This story Line really touched me... It really shows whats happening in the world right now...
    NUNYA123: I Agree
    bramblyjam1 i dont think Eastenders is actually made for young viewers so... And Yeh STOP MOANING
    Really hope eastenders win the british soap awards! x

  • Comment number 32.

    is there going to be any more story about whitney because if not the ending was too good x

  • Comment number 33.

    i knew that guy rob was a nasty piece of work from the minute he came on the screen hes just like any other guy nice at first then they turn nasty later

  • Comment number 34.

    Ummm...... not trying to hate on Eastenders, because I love it, but what the heck happened to Whitney anyways. Seriously. We got the ten minute ep, then nothing, like she disappeared off the face of the earth. So where did she go exactly? You'd think after all that, she'd go home, but she obviously hasn't. So what's up with that?

  • Comment number 35.

    Well after reading soaplife I take back what I said Diredick Santer would have been better at producing this this was awful, I thought we were going to see the hardcore effect's of prostution and sexual expolitation and Whitney hooked on weed, and booze, along with other drug's instead I saw just her go off for two week's with some seedy looking guy and then in the week to comic relief see the inside's of her staying with her bad boy boyfriend, just smoking and drinking Vodka. I have symparthy for this not Young Girl but she is now a woman Yes I do feel sorry for this vurneable damaged Woman suffering such a bad childhood, She has so much potienal the Young Woman who play's her Yet she is wasted in Eastender's with the child abuse storyline, it went on for three month's at viewer's got a clearer insight into the issue with this I was so excited about this plot do You honestly expect me to believe this Young Woman would just be so stupid to go back home she hate's it she has no family, barley no friend's and Carol made it impossible by alway's looking down her nose at Whitney to like her, she called her a slapper, sorry Whitney is a Dean not a Jackson and What is Ricky going searching in for her, she is just a missing woman at 18, the police can't do nothing, prostution is only a crime under 18, most police will probably say she is a adult it was her choice to sell her body honestly just showing her one week then escaping, I know she was uncortable doing it I saw her eye's looking sad when she had to sleep with one of rob's mate's also they never showed us her sleeping with anyone, for God Sake, they could of just said we will put it on during the Watershed, it is not a children's show sorry but when was Easstender's subtitle for 5 Year old's and What is this about Eastender's Whitney going into the police station like she would dare report him he would just saying or I ain't a rapist im' only a pimp, they are thousand's of pimp's around the country do You think they would waste time locking them up. Yes it may be degrading and horrible but isn't that the whole Idea to show the down side of it all, She wouldn't escape that quickly if this woman is really that damaged when she obsivouly is not she would have stayed regradless of sleeping with dirty middle aged men, they said he was a abusive pimp didn't see him being very abusive to her all he did was pull her by the hair or lock her in the room I was excepting him to rape her in their or get those guy's up to rape her and or Rob would have beat her up she is only little, and couldn't defend herself against him I believe he is a very good actor and believe his evil character in Eastender's could have been a lot more evil and showed more of a controlling life, this producer has ruined the whole show and therefore has ruined Whitney has a character, Get Direrick Santer back and quick why all the complaint's about the Comic Relief episode sorry ten minute's long should have been more like 15 minute's or 2 hour's . I am really upset as a Whitney fan I would say to the actress who play's Whitney leave honestly I can't really say I like Whitney that much now even though it did show me how easy it was to get into prostution and change my misconception of prostitue's as they are not all dirty slag's but vurenable woman like her. Sorry Eastender's but You have ruined what could have been a perfectly good storyline, griity, dark and real and the clothe's she wore prostitue's don't dress like that. Poor Shona she should go and join Corrie, or Hollyoak's or some other Drama like Waterloo Road I hope she get's more Tv work and threatre work when she doe's leave Eastender's how can she be damaged then have the stregth to escape she obsivouly deal's with these thing's very well I don't think she is the new Stacey well maybe but I would like a new Whitney sorry but get the fesity big mouthed one we all knew and loved back like when she started in 2008, get the one who kicked leon in the groin for breaking up her & Billie, by making a move on her and get the one who stoled off Stacey's Stall the one who punched fatboy in the eye for saying he something about someone fancying her can't remember quiet but she did punch him giving him two black eye's cause Zsa Zsa punched him too, she might have bbeen through a rough time, but she is certainly not a victim, more a fesity strong, sexy beautiful, survieour that is my Whit not poor tragic me she can take on Carol and definetly take on Rob she wear's the trouser's in that realitionship.

  • Comment number 36.

    Sorry about the long comment, I have had a think and it was a bit much what I said, I don't wish to offend anyone anyone who has been in her situation I feel extramley sorry for. I alway's thought myself suffering from Depression, I know how desperate You can feel and I have self harmed before Shona is a great actress and like I put on Your official Eastender's facebook page I hope she stay's she has progessed so much in three Year's and Eastender's unlike Coronation Street or Hollyoak's is not shallow, or too light hearted either it is gritty socialism, realism mixed it with a bit of Eastender Cockney humour and heartbreak, I know I go on a bit but studying Drama, I am really passionate about it and my character's, I just put this on as I don't want to upset Shona or anyone with all my complaining and sorry What I said about the producer Eastender's Comic Relief was excellent and I know Bryan Kirkwood did a great job at Hollyoak's I am a fan of Eastender's well I watch it the most and corrie, not as much as I did watch it and Hollyoak's. This was the complete wrong place to air that view, even I didn't swear or say anything racism this storyline has educated me so much about prostution and some of the vurenable Girl's and Women behind it these people are pure evil, who do this and should be locked up for 40 Year's or more. Please I didn't mean to offend anyone if You are going through this I hope You have the strength to testifry against these people, I have tried running away myself but have alway's come back seeing What This poor Girl went through put me right off and I will say she is a class character Three Year's loved the She has already become such a inconc figure given by Bryan Kirkwood on 主播大秀 Reavelled so true. She is Eastender's A list, when I said he won't get arrested I really didn't mean to put it in a jokey way of course he can, but I would like to know what is the aftermath glad she found the strength to escape hopefully her & Carol can now gain a better understanding of each other. I won't comment on furture Whitney Storyline's as it is up to the producer's but I hope this one Win's masse's of award's and Shona get's best actress or this get's best storyline next Year can She be in the running for Sexiest Female please! Because Iwould vote for her and of couse best actress would be better feel free to complain if What I said totally offended You I would understand but believe me I have felt so different about prostitue's now they are vurnreable people who need help, and I for one hope they get it. I will read more up on this and give money to charity's against Expolitation of Woman, I feel warmer as a person before this I would have just said it was all their fault & they chose to do it but what woman would feel good about herself after sleeping with a guy who was middle aged and fat, and she didn't even like I saw how uncomfortable Whitney felt after that Friend of Rob's left and it was heartbreaking she is still Young and honestly I nbow she is 18 the same age as me but I still see her innonece and see the child in her eye's it was horrible, but now I have worken up to how easy this is and Can honestly say I am so sorry for judging all those prostitue's before it make's my life seem easy, as I do have a family, who care about me and friend's Whitney obiviously doesn't have that support network and I am sorry I was such a selfish girl and took my family for granted I am sorry so many people complained but like I said it is there to educate and Eastender's has delt with rape, child abuse, HIV and many other senstitive issue's in the past they are so many girl's out there like her and I only hope they meet some one who love's them and treat's them nicely and is gentle and is not abusive. But as a teenage myself I can relate to her and probably the Younger cast more as they do go through a lot of hormanal problem's in Your teen's I don't think Adult's understand Young People very well but Whitney is a troubled Youth and society often protrye's them as bad but at 18, there is still that thing of being respected for who You are. You are a adult legally but then still a teenager so not really it is werid. Anyway I am sorry if I upset anyone and just want to let You know.

  • Comment number 37.

    Whitneys story really hit me because i know someone who was raped last year. This is basically the same scenario. Shona does well playing Whitney; I really want to meet her one day. I saw Lucy Beale at my train station though and I got her autograph. Anyways, I hope that Whitney stays in EE because she is the best female actor so far. I really feel sorry for Morgan, Liam and Tiff (Tiffany) though because they have to cope with their big sis not there. (Even though they were not related.) This short episode reminded me about when Tony abused Whitney and how she thought he loved her. I would really hope to appear on EE one day. It is one thing I wolud like to do before I die (even though I'm still in my teens).

  • Comment number 38.

    Me too, that is dreadful so sorry being raped is just terible, I can't even imange to wonder all the pain they must be going through and I believe no one understand's how bad it is till it happen's to them. I am sure it will happen . I would love to meet her too and reckon she would be probably down to earth.

  • Comment number 39.

    Does anybody know the name of the song played during the episode ' Whitneys story '??????

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