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Electric Proms
  1. To be honest, I was never much of a talker...

    • Nitin Sawhney
    • 23 Oct 08, 04:05 PM

    To be honest, I was never much of a talker.... I never found the depth of feeling or thought I experienced through music. So I find it hard to write blogs. "Encapsulate your thoughts in around 200 - 300 words", I was asked....

    We're in rehearsals now. The new album has been very well received ( , , ,
    etc. ) and I'm proud to be out there representing it and playing gigs again.

    Ultimately, I'm playing with musicians who could get blood, guts and emotional intensity out of a spoon so I'm not worried about the music. The visuals were designed by along with some brilliant graphic designers. That all feels great, it's just.....

    Well, I really hope people get where the album's coming from.

    Nowadays, every time I switch on the box or pick up a newspaper there's something negative about multiculturalism or cultural diversity. Muslims have been demonised endlessly in the media and the issue of immigration is back again as a scapegoat for all the crap that's presently going down with the economy.

    This album, this show, this tour is, above all, a celebration of diversity with artists of many backgrounds collaborating from a profound sense of connectivity and mutual respect. The music they have painstakingly produced is soulful, haunting, powerful, heartfelt and beautiful. It's the sound of a muted city desperate for a collective voice.

    That and nothing else is the point.

  1. paranoia, anxiety, self doubt, denial, hedonism and balancing on Bobby's shoulders

    • Nitin Sawhney
    • 16 Oct 08, 03:08 PM

    Well another crazy week gone by.

    Socialism made a bizarre return to save the arses of greedy, narcissistic bankers who change all the rules when they're losing badly.... Meanwhile the NHS and British education system are on their knees...... No extra billions under Alistair Darling's mattress to rescue THEM unfortunately.

    As for myself - Just a blurred flurry of interviews, Dj-ing and late night cabs really.... alternating with massive bouts of paranoia, anxiety, self doubt, denial, hedonism and balancing on Bobby's shoulders to snatch a Bollywood classic from the jaws of obscurity. All of which are the usual runnings when you put a new album out..... Ah, did I mention that?

    Yes indeed, "London Undersound" emerged to the naked glare of critical opinion and public view on Monday. Very proud of that fact and terrified at once but I reckon it'll do alright. Great reviews, thank God.

    Anyway, on a closing note, we go from full band and orchestral rehearsals tomorrow into a mad rollercoaster of the Electric Proms, frantic touring and an experimental IMAX performance in London, teaming up with designer , , the band and an 8 storey high screen lurking inconspicuously behind us (November the 14th ).

    Oh, did I mention the 5 film scores, videogame music and spontaneous combustion I'm currently working on. No?

    Time flies.....

  1. Africa Express...maybe doing something on their night too

    • Nitin Sawhney
    • 7 Oct 08, 12:35 PM

    Mad. Since my last blog, expressing my confusion over Ian Blair not resigning after Jean Charles' killing in 2005, he actually resigned last week...

    Really impressed to hear that Oasis are going to play the Proms with the . Ennio Morricone, who's always been a massive hero of mine - true genius - , used them in his soundtrack work. Coincidentally, I just did an interview about his life and work last week for 主播大秀 Radio 4. Been listening to and inspired by his brilliance since I was a kid. Amazing how much of an influence he still is.

    I'm also pleased to hear Africa Express is going to get it's own night on the 22 October. I played with them earlier this year and thought it was a fantastic way to support a great cause. Been talking about maybe doing something on their night too ..... Rehearsal schedules willing.

    As for our gig, I'm just coming to grips with the tempo of the set. Problem is if you come in too slow you can lose a live audience with a big venue like the Roundhouse. Come in too upbeat and you lose some of the emotional, intimate aspects of performance. Going to come in solid and build, I reckon.

    Had a great meeting over the show visuals last week... Looking really strong. Some excellent coverage of the album too - ie. and and you can check the youtube vibe on a rough and ready upload of . If you can deal with the insanely bad sound quality!

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