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Dan - Autism, Pride and Me

Dan - Autism, Pride and Me

A few months ago, I always used to feel a bit of a fraud saying that I had Autism. The reason behind this was because my Autism didn’t really affect me on a day to day basis anymore. I had been able to lead a relatively ‘normal’ and happy life for several years after having CBT and counselling therapy when I was 16. It was almost as if my Autism was an invisible friend/passenger that I could pull out to use to my advantage when needed i.e. remembering facts and trivia for quizzes or entertaining my work colleagues on our lunch break by being able to remember the release year of every movie they presented to me.

It was out of nowhere that my Autism and some of the complications that can come with it came back with a vengeance in the last few months almost out of nowhere. I began to encounter difficulties with my placement and studies at the 主播大秀 even more so strange as the 主播大秀 has always been 110% behind me and my Autism – they have basically never let my Autism define me but they are always reminding me that help and support is there if needed. It was no one fault that these ‘difficulties’ had appeared, just a reminder that I do have Autism and should never feel like a fraud for saying that I am Autistic. My mental health and anxiety was virtually in tatters.

I spoke to my managers and schemes advisors about the difficulties I was having and without hesitation, I was offered tailored and personalised support to continue my apprenticeship with ease with my wellbeing and mental health being the main priority. I always knew the 主播大秀 would support me but the level of support I did receive was outstanding and I was completely amazed by it. As I like to put ‘they really did put the money where their mouth was’.

I have now been able to continue my apprenticeship to a learning style that is best for me and my Autism and not only do I not feel like a fraudster anymore, I now have a new found pride in my autism and I cannot wait to experience my journey in life and the 主播大秀 with my Autism in tow.

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