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Apprentice Abraham Gordon on Fighting Cyber crime at the 主播大秀

Abraham Gordon

Cyber Security Apprentice

I joined the 主播大秀 in September 2017 and it’s been a great and exciting journey to date. The working environment, opportunities and personnel employed here are responsible for this!

I’ve been able to develop at a very proud rate here at the 主播大秀 through several reasons, the main one being the care and consideration for my personal and professional development shown by colleagues and senior managers. For example, my colleagues often ask me if I have done “X” task before or if I’m interested in learning about it. They then take their time in educating me, ensuring I understand in full and then often assign a task to demonstrate that I understand: very impressive commitment by the team. Managers also present opportunities for me to get involved within Information Security and within the wider organisation.

For example, I have been able to get involved in Information Security by working on dedicated projects that will provide intelligence for the SOC and reviewing automated alerts, improving them in the process. In the wider organisation, I have got involved in many areas and departments such as working with 主播大秀 Sport, working with TV Religion, working with 主播大秀 Academy and also now in process to work with 主播大秀 Bitesize team. All these opportunities that have been presented have allowed me to understand the wider organisation and not just my own department.

One of my most enjoyable experiences is being part of the team who delivers a 2 day introduction to the 主播大秀 for new joiners, due to the 主播大秀 being a large organisation we have regular new starters and my role is to give them an introduction into Cyber-Security and also welcome them to the 主播大秀. This is also a good opportunity for me to network with new starters as it’s a common occurrence that our paths cross in the future.

I also enjoy being an active STEM ambassador for the 主播大秀, travelling to schools and colleges across the UK to promote STEM as a subject and apprenticeships as a career choice. Promotion of STEM subjects are done through various ways, for example, Students may come to the 主播大秀 and see how Science Technology Engineering Maths, transfers into working life and careers, or I may go to their school and do activities which would demonstrate their ability to work in a STEM related field. I enjoy being able to inspire the next generation to go and achieve success and if possible guide them along the way.

I will always advise people to look into apprenticeships or trainee schemes as University isn’t for everyone. As apprenticeships become more popular, University applications will decrease and Apprenticeships will be seen as the better value option. I’m currently debt free, but gaining qualifications AND experience at the same time which is seen as more valuable to employers than degrees.

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