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Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi

Health Adviser, 主播大秀 Media Action, Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi is a Health Adviser with 主播大秀 Media Action. She tweets as @ewuhib.

Blog posts in total 3


  1. How media and communication can help close the gender equality gap

    How media and communication can help close the gender equality gap

    Media can and often does perpetuate stereotypes. But used responsibly and sensitively, it can also be a creative and engaging public platform that tackles some of the deepest-rooted beliefs successfully.

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  2. How can communication help stop teenagers dying?

    How can communication help stop teenagers dying?

    Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi looks at what's killing teenagers around the world and outlines how communication can help address the main causes of death.

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  3. Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Using social ties to make pregnancy safer: insights from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

    Following the launch of our Global Health Stories site, Emebet Wuhib-Mutungi explains how influencing mothers-in-law and husbands can help improve the health of mothers and their babies.

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