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Earthwatch Europe

Partner organisation of the Watches

Blog posts in total 10


  1. Discover toads and how you can help them

    Discover toads and how you can help them

    Written by Cathy Robinson, nature and travel writer, for Naturehood at Earthwatch Europe

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  2. Wildlife photography: get your best shot!

    Wildlife photography: get your best shot!

    Wildlife photography is a fantastic way to grow your connection to nature and support your wellbeing.

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  3. Nocturnal wildlife to spot

    Nocturnal wildlife to spot

    By Amber Jepson, Bangor University

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  4. How to create winter shelters for wildlife in your garden

    How to create winter shelters for wildlife in your garden

    By Jess Creber, Animal Biology & Conservation student (Oxford Brookes University) and Earthwatch Europe volunteer

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  5. Wellbeing in winter

    Wellbeing in winter

    By Kirsty Crawford, Senior Project Officer Citizen Science (The Conservation Volunteers & Earthwatch Europe)

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  6. We can do better together

    We can do better together

    There’s loads that you can do to help local wildlife in your space, like planting flowers for pollinators, digging a pond or adding a hedgehog house.

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  7. From the Mouths of Babes

    From the Mouths of Babes

    Earthwatch Europe’s winning nature poetry entries from children aged 7-14

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  8. What nature really means to us

    What nature really means to us

    Naturehood is a community project from Earthwatch Europe working to reverse wildlife decline. We put people at the heart of what we do, helping communities connect with nature and each other to make a real difference for local wildlife and their own wellbeing. Here are stories from Naturehood me...

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  9. How to encourage wildlife into your outdoor spaces

    How to encourage wildlife into your outdoor spaces

    By Kirsty Crawford, Citizen Science Projects Officer– The Conservation Volunteers / Earthwatch Europe

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  10. Naturehood: transform your garden into a butterfly paradise

    Naturehood: transform your garden into a butterfly paradise

    How you can help to provide more habitat for the small tortoiseshell butterfly.

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