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Take your photo tonight at 5pm GMT

Eddie Mair | 06:07 UK time, Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Tonight's the night, when PM listeners around the world will take a picture of THEIR world as we come on air. I HAVE remembered my camera and will be taking part.


  1. At 07:03 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    You're at work already, Eddie??? ow that's dedication. I'm very impressed. Maybe you can catch Lissa unawares and we can finally see the BlogMistress:-) (Of course, Lissa, if you're reading this, please ignore the previous sentence)

  2. At 08:23 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    And here's the missing "N" from my last post....

  3. At 08:43 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I'm really anxious about remembering to take my picture. It might not be possible if I'm driving or in court at the time. I think I'll try to work out how to set my alarm on my phone.


  4. At 09:04 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    A picture while driving, eh? Do you really want to see yet another example of the main cause of traffic congestion, even if it's green at the time?

  5. At 09:08 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    "I HAVE remembered my camera and will be taking part."

    So you were in the office at 6.07 a.m., Eddie?
    Having breakfast with the Toadies?

    I'm reminded of schooldays, when me and my fellow kids would turn up, mostly looking smug, but some (like madmary) very anxious about last night's homework, or a presentation to be given in class, or PE ("Miss, the dog ate my plimsolls last night" - a variation of the "dog ate homework" mularky ...)

    So, I'm asking myself, will I be Ms. Smug or Ms. Anxious at 5 p.m. tonight?

    Or will I not bother?

    Random thoughts, you understand ....

  6. At 09:10 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Lobby Ludd wrote:


    Lights, camera... ACTION!

    I'm ready.

  7. At 09:36 AM on 05 Dec 2006, D Allen wrote:

    5pm Photo
    What an odd time to pick!
    I assume you're expecting a lot of very dark, if not black photos from most of the UK at 5pm tonight

  8. At 09:42 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Geoff Williams wrote:

    I heard the programme last week - the first time for a year or more.

    I made a note about the photo date but don't now where to send the photo. Where can I find more details?


  9. At 09:45 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Can I just put in a timely reminder to folk re this evening?:

    (1) Check the batteries in your camera

    (2) Charge up your phone

    (3) Check the flash out (you'll probably need it!)

    Depending upon the method you're using, of course!

  10. At 09:54 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Well done to out latest first-time strapline author..........

  11. At 09:57 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Fiona wrote:

    Well after leaving myself sticky post-it notes everywhere, voicemails to myself and carrying a knotted hankie etc I actually, in my stressed-brain-fuddled-doing-a-thousand-things-at-once state, remembered my camera. So hurray to me! ........... I did forget to put the kids in the car though, but hey, I can't do EVERYTHING!

  12. At 10:09 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Dr. H: Naughty boy!

    Incidentally, as far as I know, I've never had a strapline used. Hint hint! (And, yes, I have sent in suggestions ....)

  13. At 10:14 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Dear Eddie,

    I will be sending my photograph - which I imagine will be highly uninteresting - by post. At the moment, there are a lot of shots left to shoot on my film, so it may be a while before I can send the relevant print. What I mean to say, therefore, is please save a space for my contribution to slot into.

    Thanking you....

  14. At 10:46 AM on 05 Dec 2006, valery p wrote:

    Well done Doc H!

    I shall be using the "poxy" camera on my phone, as designated by Simon W. (Hi Si, just joking, it's a new phone and the camera's 3 somethings).

    The biggest snag is that I'm meeting TD after school to re-organise the chosen ballgown for Sixth Year Christmas HooHa. So I'll either be milling about in a throng of shoppers on Princes Street looking for her, or riffling through rails of party frocks. Which would you prefer?

  15. At 10:50 AM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Geoff (8) Eddie will be explaining on the programme tonight how and where to send the photos. I would guess he'll also put up an announcement here on the Blog and on the PM website as well...

    Well, I must make sure I tidy my desk this afternoon. Wouldn't want Eddie thinking I have an untidy desk!

  16. At 11:37 AM on 05 Dec 2006, Stewart M wrote:

    Can any one lend me a camera? Forgot mine, rebembered half way to work. Thought I've got my phone, thats got a camera on it and gues what! I've forgotte that also!!! In all the excitement I've peaked too soon!!

    CAn I do a drawing instead?

  17. At 12:26 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    i HAVE BoUghT mY Soopa DooOpa LoNg LEnSE for MY CAMera todaY And CAn'T WaIt!

  18. At 12:29 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Fiona wrote:

    Hi Valery P (14), do you mean THE Princes Street in Edinburgh (sorry if that sounds like a daft question but street names are the same so often!)?? Anyway if so - lucky you. I love shopping in (and generally being in) Edinburgh - you should snap the gardens that would make a beautiful shot.......and definitely a vast improvement on what mine will be! Likely to be a shot of vast car park in the drizzly rain and dark as I leave for home!

  19. At 12:45 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Vulak'Aerr wrote:

    Does anybody remember the mobile phone number to MMS our photos to if we're using a phone camera? I know it was on last night's programme but I just can't remember it.

  20. At 01:07 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Delores Behan-Ingland (Mrs) wrote:


    Photography: An ambivalent medium potraying both selective editing together with the unedeniable power of the image.

    "Always look on the bright side of life, toot-toot, toot-toot, toot-toot-toot-toot-toot".

  21. At 01:19 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Joe Palooka wrote:

    Hi Eddie,

    My camera is broken. So I'll send you a postcard instead, but I'll post it at five 'o clock just to make up for it. ok?

  22. At 01:22 PM on 05 Dec 2006, admin annie wrote:

    so having had a moan on the beach and having now unpacked I feel slightly calmer. What did I miss while I was away apart from 2 episodes of The Archers? Anything interesting on the frog?

    Re 14/18 above - anyone else remember the late lamented real Taggart's take on Edinburgh?

    'What's to get excited about? One street and a floral clock, that's what Edinburgh is.'

    A classic.

  23. At 01:39 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Good to see some new bloggers on here. Welcome all!

    I do hope you'll stick around, or pop back again soon.


  24. At 01:57 PM on 05 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Will Eric Bailey be taking his on the dot (or the 'pip') of 5pm or will it be a simultaneous shot whilst delivering his opening sentence? In which case, will we hear the whirr as the camera shoots?

    Am sooo looking forward to these new planning regulations. Now they will be able to build on all our green spaces without even paying lip service to the locals. Industry has to come first...just concrete the whole place!! Grrrrr

  25. At 02:15 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Eddie Mair wrote:

    Indeed Fifi (21) Hello!

  26. At 02:19 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Inspired by Sasparilla (above)

    Our photos:

    TO sEe Delightful IDEas With spIriTuality tHrough LoOking eVErywhere.

    I believe Christmas is traditionally the silly season?

  27. At 02:27 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    I shall be in a workshop (and thus, I'm afraid, not listening to PM - I'll listen later, honest Lissa!)

    I intend to ask the workshop leader if he would mind a quick flash at 5pm...

  28. At 02:41 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Eddie Mair wrote:

    gossipmistress (24) we've tested my camera as we wanted the noise live at 5, but it really doesn't make one.

  29. At 03:00 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Please also post your pics to .

  30. At 03:01 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I assume we'll also here on this blog where to send our pics to at PM?

  31. At 03:45 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Oh Appy (26) A quick flash at 5pm??? You know I'm going to say "Ooh Err!!" to that....

  32. At 03:51 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Vulak'Aerr wrote:

    Maybe we could find a camera click noise for you online, Eddie.

    Ta da!

    Sixth one down. It's a nice idea to hear the noise, I think.

  33. At 04:06 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Gordon Mackie wrote:

    I can't decide whether to stay put in my office till 5 pm and take a pic of my computer and the poster of Maria Callas behind it or leave work, go to IKEA and take a pic of something flat pack.

    That Eddie Mair is interfering with me and my whereabouts. Does that make him a time lord?

    Disorientated of Pollokshields

  34. At 05:36 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    But of course Fearless (31), but of course... ;-)

    Gordon (32) LOL!

  35. At 06:35 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    None of my posts from this afternoon has appeared. Why is this?

  36. At 06:38 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I've just sent my 5pm photo by e-mail. Of course, it was 6pm here in France. I am really enjoying Radio 4 via the web. Also Listen Again.

  37. At 07:14 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    what a mismanaged prep for the 5pm photo... i had the video setting on when i thought i was taking the pic... realized this 1/2 hr later when i tried to text it... so i took another of the same view (my desk with sphyg behind some bottles), still the phone wouldn't send it; so copied it over to the puta which then allowed an email to be sent with it... Er, my sons took pics with their phones but didn't send them (I'll try to assist them to do so tonight... but i haven't a good record..)
    great thought though if we could somehow put all these pics together to show the instant when 1000s lifted a lense for a slice of time at once.. the multifacited eye
    what fun and games...

  38. At 09:25 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Crazy Mum wrote:

    I've spent twenty minutes (ok, three) trying to find the instructions for sending photos, back to google twice to try with different words, all to no avail.

    Please put a big red button somewhere that says click here for photo instructions.

  39. At 05:59 PM on 08 Dec 2006, Leslie Williams wrote:

    I had a photograph but it's all too complicated for an old codger of 81 like me! Les W.

  40. At 01:16 AM on 10 Dec 2006, Mrs. Naughtie wrote:

    Hello Leslie,
    If it's a genuine paper type photo, send it with one of those old fashioned postage stamp things to:
    Window On Your World, PM, Room G601, Ö÷²¥´óÐã News Centre, London W12 7RJ
    I got the address from here:
    If you can't get a proper picture then write again. One of the bright young things around here may be able to help.

    By the way, if you're the Leslie Williams that I met in Leicester Square on V.E. Day, can I have my stockings back, please?

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