en 主播大秀 Radio Blog Feed The 主播大秀 Radio team explain their decisions, highlight changes and share news from all of 主播大秀 radio. Fri, 06 Jan 2012 14:48:10 +0000 Zend_Feed_Writer 2 (http://framework.zend.com) /blogs/radio Getting the 主播大秀 Sound of 2012 on the Red Button Fri, 06 Jan 2012 14:48:10 +0000 /blogs/radio/entries/e4187aff-d647-3dea-a267-b8a3a6a3a2d0 /blogs/radio/entries/e4187aff-d647-3dea-a267-b8a3a6a3a2d0 Tom Bedwell Tom Bedwell

It's all very well making predictions for the most successful artists of 2012 in January, but with the Christmas break this was never going to be the easiest of tasks.

On the up side; interviewing up-and-coming artists about their careers so far, enjoying the passion, the energy and the excitement that they had made it into the annual list (without letting on where they'd come).

As Michael Kiwanuka exclaimed "Just to be given the nod and for people to want to listen to what you ramble on about in your room with your guitar is amazing". Managing to source video of a two-year-old Skrillex playing harmonica and some photos of Azealia Banks from her early days in youth theatre were also a definite highlight.

The only down side; days and days in a darkened room cutting down wise words and electrifying performances to just five or so minutes each.

from Michael Kiwanuka, Frank Ocean, Azealia Banks, Skrillex and Niki & The Dove and take inspiration that you can do the same.

Watch the film on the 主播大秀 Red Button until Thursday 12 January.

Tom Bedwell worked on the 主播大秀 Sound of 2012 Red Button programme

The Chris Moyles Show tour on the red button Mon, 01 Nov 2010 08:33:48 +0000 /blogs/radio/entries/d9a314ff-9164-3bce-a1fc-ae70427f6bfc /blogs/radio/entries/d9a314ff-9164-3bce-a1fc-ae70427f6bfc Adam Heyhurst Adam Heyhurst

The Chris Moyles Show Tour happens to coincide with Radio 1's week - when we throw open the doors of Yalding House (figuratively for the masses and literally for a lucky few) for all to see.

There's an expectation that audiences want to watch as well as listen to outside broadcasts (OBs) of a certain scale nowadays. So, when this project landed in the inbox, we thought we'd try to find a way of making a bigger splash with the element. We eventually decided to give the audience a higher level of access to Chris and the show than they've ever had before. As well as a live stream online, users will (for the first time) be able to watch the action live on their TVs (by pressing the red button). Additionally, for those viewers on the way to work, the stream will also be live on 16 across the UK.

We've tried to incorporate the visualisation element without affecting the 'sound' of the programme. Some features that are usually audio-only have been produced on video this time, so that the audience watching on TV has something to watch as well as hear - the radio programme will play out our audio during these features. On the flip-side, we have also prepared video items to play out over long segues in the radio programme to keep the TV audience engaged.

Technically - We're using 9 cameras in total, some robotic, some operated. OB facilities are from , who we've worked with before and who have been very flexible in delivering what is a somewhat unconventional OB. We're sending the transmission by satellite to Satellite Operations at TV Centre where the red button video will play out and our partners will handle our online stream from Broadcast Centre.

Please let us know what you think of the whole experience!

Adam Heyhurst is Series Producer for the Chris Moyles Show Tour

  • The Chris Moyles Show tour is directed by Will Kinder. Executive Producer is Ben Chapman.
  • Access All Areas week is under way now. Full details .
  • The Chris Moyles Show tour is on the Radio 1 web site, on the red button and on 主播大秀 Big Screens around Britain. Details . Chris was in Portsmouth this morning and will be in Newport, Derby, Darlington, Perth for the rest of the week. Tickets for all four Cities are sold out.
  • The Chris Moyles Show is and the team is .
  • The hashtag for Access All Areas is