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Tagged with: Statistics

Posts (8)

  1. A record month for Audio and Music's websites

    Alan Phillips

    Following the headlines in March's iPlayer stats pack that we published last month, I wanted to share some more details and insights about 主播大秀 Network Radio's interactive performance, as it was a record month for us. They say events drive reach, and plenty happened on the Radio websites in March...

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  2. March 2011 主播大秀 iPlayer stats: "38 million requests for Radio programmes"

    Paul Murphy

    Senior Producer, A&Mi

    The performance pack for the 主播大秀 iPlayer covering March 2011 has been published today on the 主播大秀 Internet blog. Headlines from the Comms team include: March 2011 saw a new record being set, with 38 million requests for Radio programmes, boosted significantly by World Cup Cricket 2011 cover...

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  3. The Q4 Rajars in the press and on the social networks

    Steve Bowbrick

    Head of Interactive, Radio 3

    Using a beta (test) version of a service called Storify we've rounded up the reaction in the press, on the blogs and on the social networks to this morning's RAJAR numbers. What's your opinion of the numbers? Log in to leave a comment. Steve Bowbrick, blogs editor RAJAR (Radio Joint Audie...

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  4. Adrian Van Klaveren on 5 live's Rajars

    Steve Bowbrick

    Head of Interactive, Radio 3

    I asked the 主播大秀's media correspondent, Torin Douglas, to drop into 5 live's offices in Television Centre this morning to interview Controller Adrian Van Klaveren about the station's performance in the final quarter of 2010. Steve Bowbrick, blogs editor RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Rese...

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  5. Q4 Rajars

    Tim Davie

    Director of Audio & Music

    Tim Davie is Director of Audio & Music at the 主播大秀 RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) is jointly owned by the 主播大秀 and commercial radio trade body the Radio Centre. Participating listeners are asked to record their radio listening in quarter-hour time blocks for one week. The RAJAR figure...

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  6. A RAJAR primer

    Paul Kennedy

    Editor's note: on the eve of the publication of the latest radio listening figures, Paul Kennedy, Research Director at RAJAR, explains how they're gathered - SB. RAJAR, or 'Radio Joint Audience Research', is the official body in charge of radio audience measurement for the UK. RAJAR was establi...

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  7. Who's listening? The Rajars are coming

    Steve Bowbrick

    Head of Interactive, Radio 3

    The Rajars? Obscure industry obsession or the beating heart of radio? The RAJAR figures for the fourth quarter of 2010 are published next Thursday morning, 3 February. Watch this space for coverage of the numbers that give radio people sleepless nights, starting on Tuesday with an exclusive prim...

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  8. The Latest RAJAR Listening Figures: can it all be good news?

    Tim Davie

    Director of Audio & Music

    As I was reading an article listing all the official quotes from radio industry leaders - myself included - reacting to the latest quarterly radio listening numbers, it was hard not to feel somewhat exhausted by endlessly positive sentiments. Nearly every quote is upbeat with each company procla...

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