
We Media Blog

Global forum 3 - 4 May, London

As smart as everyone

  • Alfred Hermida
  • 3 May 06, 09:03 AM

The We Media conference has just kicked off. We're all backed into the Top of the Pops studio at 主播大秀 TV Centre in west London. The location seems appropriate, given that one of the big issues facing the media is how to reach a younger generation who is moving away from traditional sources.

bloggers203.jpgThe day's events will be blogged here and also by , one of the co-sponsors of the event.

Dale Peskin of The Media Center has set the tone from the start, telling us all that "no one is as smart as everyone". So if you have a question or comment, let us know so that we can ask here at the conference.

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  • 1.
  • At 09:28 AM on 03 May 2006,
  • david fisk wrote:

Dale Peskin certainly seems to have set the tone (as in frothy?) Just suppose that the countercase was true: individuals are usually smart but seldom very powerful and organisations are usually powerful but seldom very smart...

While Barabas for one might be on Dale's side the countercase is an equally good interpretation of your email poll support for individually authored copy, free of sub eds and the like

Could it be that blogs are like email great while there weren't many and hopeless when everyone has them? By the time the 主播大秀's organisation has worked out what a good blog should have read like we will presuamably all be onto something else

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  • 2.
  • At 09:56 AM on 03 May 2006,
  • simon wrote:

i'd like to know more about reaching young people and how this is being addressed. as a youth worker working with young people in online communities, i'm keen to see an approach that is not tied in with buying products and services, but a genuine desire to enagage with the media to encourage positive change, participation and decision making in young people. is this being looked at/addressed?

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