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Dan Tetsell

Blog posts in total 7


  1. Newsjack - Spread The Love

    Each week, during the run-up to the Newsjack recording, I'm struck by the fact that Miles Jupp is a cursed man. A curse so rare that you can go a month of Fringe Sundays before you find someone bearing the same cross. It's the curse of being a good straight man. This isn't to say Miles isn't...

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  2. Newsjack 3

    Hello, How's everyone been? Just a quick heads up that Newsjack (Radio 7's open door topical sketch show) is returning for a third series, starting in June. A refreshed Writers' Brief should be up any day now but essentially the idea's the same - a deadline for sketches of midday on the...

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  3. Newsjack: Comedy Jazz

    Ok, in memory of Johnny Dankworth, here's how a sketch is like a jazz tune. Say you're listening to Coltrane play 'My Favourite Things'. He'll start out with the basic tune, and then he'll take it and muck about. He'll take that tune all over the shop, he'll noodle, he'll swoop, he'll throw i...

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  4. Newsjack: Special Guests

    Hello. Apologies for missing a week - I was off in Bristol doing some acting and then I lost the email with my login details. Also, I'm only half way through series one of Mad Men so something had to give. Anyway, to make up for my absence, I promise my next blog will contain at least 75% more b...

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  5. Newsjack: Explosion In A Clown Factory

    Sorry about that last blog. I never wanted to come across as a font-obsessed monomaniac. Oh, I am one; I just didn't want everyone knowing. So, the sketch deadline for Newsjack show 3 has passed. Did you send anything in? Slow news week, isn't it? And where it's not slow, it's grim. The ...

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    OK, that's show two all printed off. We're now waiting for our cast to arrive from their snowy country retreats (and for some game changing news event to make all our sketches obsolete), so I've got just about enough time to post this on the subject of laying out sketches. The first sketch I ...

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  7. Newsjack Uncut (Actually no, that would be about an hour long and full of mistakes)

    So, the first show of the new series has been written, re-written, collated, re-written again, rehearsed, performed, edited and broadcast so this seems as good a time as any to start this series of blogs aimed at giving you an insider's view of the ravening script-hungry beast that is Newsjack. ...

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