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Tagged with: tips

Posts (70)

  1. Writers Academy 7

    Ceri Meyrick

    Giving up the Day Job This week I've asked Rob Williams (Writers Academy Graduate 2008) to write the blog for me. He finished the course just before Christmas and is in the throes of his first Holby City script... "When people ask me what I did before the Writers Academy, I used to reply ...

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  2. Writers Academy 6

    Ceri Meyrick

    Dumbing Down Yesterday we had one of our regular get-togethers for the Script Readers, who help me and the team read through the large amount of submissions we get year round. I invited Simon Harper along to speak to them. Simon is the Development Editor on Holby City. His job is to find an...

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  3. Writers Academy 5

    Ceri Meyrick

    Small Children This week's entry is prompted by one comment that suggested we might be excluding writers (mostly, it was assumed, women) who had to care for young families, because of the full on-nature of the course. Sally Abbott completed the course in December, and she's about to start he...

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  4. Writers Academy 4

    Ceri Meyrick

    A Reader Speaks OK - this week I thought I'd hand over the blog to David Roden. He works with me as part of the Academy team, and his job is mostly to read scripts that are sent to us. I asked him what he thought... he did this: "I read scripts. I read a lot of scripts. I can't tel...

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  5. Writers Academy 3

    Ceri Meyrick

    Do I qualify to enter? A few thoughts this week on what kind of writing experience will qualify you for the course... You are able to apply for the Writers Academy if you can prove you have a "professional drama commission". In other words we want you to show us that you have been paid to...

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  6. Writers Academy 2

    Ceri Meyrick

    What script should I send in? Thought I'd spend some time this week talking about the kind of sample script you should send in with your applications to the Writers Academy. Your sample script is the most important part of your application. You need to send us your absolute best work, and ...

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  7. Writers Academy 1

    Ceri Meyrick

    Hi, I'm Ceri Meyrick, Development Producer, New Talent in the 主播大秀 Drama Department. For the last three years, I've been running and co-tutoring the Writers Academy with John Yorke. We've just come up for air after the 2008 course finished before Christmas, so I thought it might be useful to st...

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  8. The Perfect 10: 5. Emotion

    Paul Ashton

    Happy New Year! And swiftly on to instalment 5: Emotion In Character is Everything, I talked about engaging with characters on an emotional level. But I think emotion is worth a discussion all to itself, because it is the thing that makes great stories resonate with us for years to come...

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  9. The Perfect 10: 2. Get your story going!

    Paul Ashton

    Here's instalment two... GET THE STORY GOING Not getting the story going is a big problem with many of the scripts I have read. It's always hard to gauge just how much or little an audience really needs to know. It's hard to know the best point at which to start your story - and different ...

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  10. How To Be Funny

    Piers Beckley

    Thing is, you can be funny electronically these days. It's a lot cheaper. Rob Manuel - your ginger overlord - has written a big long page all about being funny on the internets. It's got lots of good advice if you're thinking of making your own funny rather than just writing it and hoping tha...

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