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Messages: 1 - 50 of 843
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Keri Davies (U2219620) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Welcome to The Village Hall. This topic was created out of a need for a space where special interest groups could meet on a regular basis, to discuss, chat, help, support and inform others on their topic of interest, away from the hurly-burly of the busier Bull. The Mustardland Fat Club (MFC) and associated groups (Cookbook & Gym) who had difficulty finding a home on the other topics of TA board were the initial beneficiaries but other groups soon sprang up and meet regularly on a weekly, monthly, rolling or ad-hoc basis (please see the list below).

    To these regular groups was added the initial Otherwise group, originally meeting weekly to discuss issues of concern to parents of Autistic children. Otherwise soon became of more general support to those undergoing trauma or great stress due to health, relationship issues, life in general etc., personally or professionally and specific Otherwise threads appear as and when someone calls for help, or in the words of one poster 'a cuggle and a cuppa'. An explanation for the choice of this title is at the end of this post.

    Please note that there are ten times more lurkers than posters about and the sensitive nature of some of the Otherwise posts may require care in making sure one is not easily identified. This is a public message board which *anyone* can read. If in doubt, create a *completely* *new* log-in & identity for the sole purpose of that Otherwise issue (merely changing nick-names temporarily changes your nickname everywhere and reverting back to your old nick-name reverts back all posts).

    Al-Anon is a spin-off Otherwise thread, being a support group for relatives of alcoholics.

    All newcomers are welcome to join any club or start one if they wish & feel there is interest.

    Rota of TVH Meetings & Clubs

    Club thread openers are kindly requested to put the name of the Club, date of the meeting, and topic if relevant in the thread title, to make browsing for clubs easier (& leaving more time for posting!). This list gives the *opening* day of the club thread, and the actual thread can and does carry on as long as people want it to and/or until the next meeting.


    * Mustardland Fat Club (MFC), starts Tuesday.

    * Cat Club, starts Sunday

    * Dog Club, starts Friday evening, other pets also welcome.

    * Potting Shed (gardening club), starts Friday


    * Music Club, starts every other Friday


    * Bird Group: starts the first Thursday of the month

    * Book Club: starts (?)

    * Cybergym: starts the first Tuesday of every month, bumped up each subsequent Monday/Tuesday to accompany the main MFC thread.

    * Eco Group: starts the third Friday of the month

    * Film Club: starts the third Saturday of the month

    * MFC Cookbook: starts the first Tuesday of every month, bumped up each subsequent Monday/Tuesday to accompany the main MFC thread.

    * PHD Group: starts the first Monday of the month

    * Writer’s Group: starts first day of the month (?)

    ‘ROLLING’ (i.e. permanently ongoing) THREADS:

    * Al-Anon support group ( )
    * Ambridge Wheelers (Cycling Club)

    * Feral/Stray Cats:


    * Good Food for Cats:


    * Pucci’s Feline Diabetes:


    * Other occasional rolling Cat Club Threads will follow

    * Danse Macabre: forensic, skeletal, para-medical, archaeological and philosophical questions, debates and discussions on or linking to the subject of death. ( )

    * Funky Knitting Club ( )

    * Housekeeping Thread ( )

    * Lighting a Candle Thread - where people ask for thoughts/prayers of MLers

    * MFC Rota Thread, listing the calendar of hosts for the main MFC thread .

    * ML Golden Hands Treasury, general handicrafts ( )

    * Silly Shakespeare thread: Aim: to conduct a conversation made up entirely of lines from Shakespeare's plays/sonnets/poems.
    ( )

    TOPICAL EPISODIC ROLLING THREADS (ie start according to circumstances)

    * Cricket Club: new thread starts whenever events justify it (Ashes, World Cup, Champions Trophy etc.)

    * Rugby Club: new thread starts whenever events justify it (6 Nations, Tri-Nations, World Cup etc.)


    * Otherwise threads, dealing with individual problems re mental & physical health, and general Life Support. The prefix 'Otherwise' means that the following is going to be a thread containing personal information ,possibly of an upsetting nature and usually with an intention to share and receive support for some problem or serious situation. If you are posting hoping for a serious supportive response,using the Otherwise title will alert posters to this.

    * Emergency Pet threads (non-feline)

    * Emergency Cat threads

    'Otherwise' was taken as the title for the mental health thread because it offered rich and positive ambiguities, between its normal modern meaning (from Old English 'on oðrum wisan') of 'in another manner', 'differently' and 'otherwise' meaning 'wise, insightful in an alternative manner'. A full explanation of the title can be found here:

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Alsdouble (U524298) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Wow Keri, that's a whole Alternative Universe.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Thanks for this, Mr K - funnily enough I was just trawling through the mayo looking for this "header" to see if it needed bumping!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by angonaminute (U2268145) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Thanks Keri
    Blimey aren't we a diverse group of people?! What a fantastic forum for communication. Worth every penny of the licence fee (and I'm not being ironic, I mean it!).

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Thanks Mr Keri. And so well written, anyone would think that you might do that sort of thing for a living!

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Keri Davies (U2219620) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Not written by me at all - we must thank E Yore (and helpers) for that.

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Rusters (U4756220) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Thank you, E.Yore and Keri.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Rusters (U4756220) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Alsdouble (U524298) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Keri Davies...How about an art club. For members to display their works and discuss the medium of art?

    Anyone fancy that?

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Rusters (U4756220) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Should we all bump this thread every time we pass through TVH?

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    What a good thread,I think it says it all.Well done everyone.smiley - smiley

    How about bumping once a day,Rusty? That would probably keep it on the front page.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Doblinski (U6601372) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    How about an art club. For members to display their works and discuss the medium of art? 

    Go for it alsdouble set one up

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Alsdouble (U524298) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    I have not been here long enough to impose myself. I am, however, always interested in talking about art-work. As it has been a profession and as lifelong interest.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    alsdouble, I posted in TB last week about visiting a museum of contemporary art - and just got a handful of replies. If you are really interested in an art club, then give it a go, to guage interest.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by M® Legs™ (U2373018) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    I wouldn't worry about that alsdouble, if you're passionate about Art give it a try one month and see how it goes.

    smiley - smiley

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Alsdouble (U524298) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Well okay then. I will gove it some thought. Ta.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Rebecca Terrier (U2331526) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Bette, as I have posted before (I am so boring!) there is a strong element of self-fulfilling prophecy in all this.

    The less interesting thread topics are posted in TB, the more it is swamped by wordgames and frivol-merchants.

    The more interesting thread topics are privatised into 'clubs' (which implies selectivity in some sense if not in practice)) in TVH, the less TVH is able to operate to the advantage of the very clubs it was set up to benefit.

    The more TVH and TB become interchangeable, the less reason there is for both to continue.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    I totally agree with you, RR!

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Rebecca Terrier (U2331526) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Cor blimey, Bette - I've been waiting my entire ML life for someone to say those words.

    I've come over all peculiar now.


    Well, just this once at least!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    LOL - and we don't always agree!

    Funny, there seem to be two threads going in parallel at the moment - I'm beginning to lose track of which is which :-S

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Tadpole (U3173281) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    As someone who has only lurked in TVH before, I'm grateful for the explanation of the various clubs and headers. I never knew what the various headers meant before, and this put me off contributing.

    It seems to make sense to me that TVH stays the home of very personal 'needing support and advice' threads (as these can get swamped with frivolity and worse in TB), and also of special interest groups which by nature of their concerns need to meet/discuss regularly, such as Al Anon, the various pet threads, the MFC and so on. However, I share RR's concern that the more threads which migrate to TVH, the more we create a vacuum in TB which gets filled with conversation-stifling stuff. The occasional threads about particular TV progs (and I don't just mean BB...), exhibitions, theatre etc seem like perfect TB matter, as do reflections on woeful sporting performance, pantomimes, discussion of the news, tea parties, announcements and rants of a non-too-personal nature, diatribes about R4 comedies and the direness of Ewan Yores etc. I wouldn't want to see every possible topic - News, Theatre, Art, Sport etc - turned into a TVH club.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    I wouldn't want to see every possible topic - News, Theatre, Art, Sport etc - turned into a TVH club. 

    No indeed. The very existence of TVH allows people with interests in common to /group/ their conversations together. It has worked for some time now. It would be such a shame for all this to be diluted (for want of a better word). I see that a similar debate is now going on in TB regarding the use of TBU. If this gets sorted out, then things might even-out between the 3 boards. I hope so, as I'd hate to see them being exterminated along with other Beeb message-boards.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by petal jam (U1466691) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    Tue, 12 Dec 2006 23:20 GMT, in reply to Bette in message 22

    It would be such a shame for all this to be diluted 

    Agree Bette. The principal problem with ensuring a good mixture of conversations in TB [imo] is that some of them are always going to be slow growers and some are always going to spread like wildfire. It's the sheer volume of traffic and the rate at which things drop off the menu pages which is the problem.

    Other than that there were ever arguments about 'high-brow' and 'low-brow' tastes: Dave the Rave versus the Aesthetes. Room for both, in moderation but do you remember the fall out from a vampire costume at one of the end of the month parties? Neck-biting wasn't in it!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    do you remember the fall out from a vampire costume at one of the end of the month parties?  

    Petal, I really, /weely/ try to read diagonally, but this apparently escaped my attention (which is akin to a flea at the best of times).

    What is /wrong/ with the idea of shifting the voluminous or lighter threads upstairs? (Sorry, not responding to /you/ - just a general question).

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by shaz_in_exile (U6315542) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006


    Oh what a wonderful phrase, are you from the North of England? In my family we call them 'cugs' - they are somewhere between a 'cuddle' (not before the watershed, please!!) and a 'hug' (just a nice hello and how are you). But 'cugs' also have a deeper emotional effect that you cannot describe, only experience as a giver, receiver or best of all, as a sharer.
    Thanks Keri.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Tuesday, 12th December 2006

    ooh Petal,I've never been called an Aesthete before and doubt I ever will be again! smiley - winkeye

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by petal jam (U1466691) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    Wed, 13 Dec 2006 00:15 GMT, in reply to Wendypoos in message 26

    Just have to put a reminder on next year's calendar to to it again next year Wendy!

    Bette way back when Rory was just a twinkle in Brian's eye there used to be parties to welcome new posters in the Bull on the last Saturday of the month. Themes, costumes, music, decor, leopards, roman slaves, interesting drinks [couldn't post the word cocktail]. One poster came as a vampire and had various female posters line up for a fang-fest.. went beyond good taste. Spats across two boards for days. Alpha males marking their territory. Eventually TBU was opened for parties but the ill-feeling about being shoved upstairs if things get a bit rowdy is a cyclical problem.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    Wed, 13 Dec 2006 00:34 GMT, in reply to petal jam in message 27

    Ah, right! So I didn't miss it, Petal - I just wasn't around at the time!

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:24 GMT, in reply to Bette in message 14

    Ah wonderful, thank you Keri, and E.Yore and any others.

    alsdouble, I posted in TB last week about visiting a museum of contemporary art - and just got a handful of replies. If you are really interested in an art club, then give it a go, to guage interest. 

    Oh I missed that. I'd be interested!


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    What a brilliant, crystal-clear post. Quite a galvanising effect. I suspect.

    I still go all warm inside when thinking of the various alcohol-related threads we had last year when some lurking alchies came out of the bottle, and have stayed out. Nothing comes close to the compassion one feels for a stranger that finally pipes up and joins in. What a great place this is.

    Thank you so much Keri and E.Yore.

    And I would /love/ to dip into an art club.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    It is very helpful to see it all explained so well. Thankyou. Perhaps this could be reposted once a month for newbies.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Wednesday, 13th December 2006

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Jane Eyre (U5521427) on Thursday, 14th December 2006


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Friday, 15th December 2006

    I'm bumping this up to the top as it is a summary of everything and I have found it very helpful.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Saturday, 16th December 2006

    bumpety bump.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by redbird (U3837163) on Sunday, 17th December 2006

    Though we dont have an official crossword club there has been much pondering over some of the better clues, e.g. those in the Saturday Guardian.

    I recognise that some may regard wordplay as trivial compared to some of the issues raised in the VH, but it is a harmless therapy for some of us who otherwise could end up in the alcohol section of the Village Hall.

    An art or image section would be very interesting, as would the chance to use short sound files, but I recognise the difficulties with the latter.

    May your boards move from strength to strangth Mr. K

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by U6643113 (U6643113) on Sunday, 17th December 2006

    I am bumping to help others who may wish to have a useful summary of VH activities.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 17th December 2006

    DD suggested in the Al Anon thread that we should perhaps rename it the the AA/Al Anon thread ,or Al Anon/AA etc, so as not to deter lurking alcoholics who have yet to come out. I would hate to think someone wants help but feels excluded. I know I would have hesitated had I been lurking when I was still struggling.

    Any support for this notion? Or at least a sentence of clarifictaion that it's for alchies too, whether in recovery or still practising.

    Bash x

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by ~arabesque~ (U2356575) on Sunday, 17th December 2006

    I still don't quite understand what AA/Al Anon respectively are for, Bash - thought for a long time they were the same thing. Could you explain again?

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    AA is for alcoholics in recovery and Al Anon is for friends,families and partners or work colleagues of active alcoholics or alcoholics in recovery.

    There are meetings called 'double winners' that cater to alchies who feel the need for some extra support because of an active alcoholic or addict in their life.


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Keri Davies (U2219620) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    >May your boards move from strength to strangth Mr. K

    Thank you. But they are *your* boards :o)

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Rebecca Terrier (U2331526) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    < >May your boards move from strength to strangth Mr. K

    Thank you. But they are *your* boards :o)>

    Keri, you are a fine chap ect ect but that is a pretty barftastic post!

    [Night night John Boy] [Night night Grandpa]

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by TooManyPosts (U2440869) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    How about a thread for the official notification of a poster's leaving? Then the people that want to can post that they are leaving the boards so their MB friends will not wonder whether they have been hit by a bus, and without feeling as though they are indulging in a spot of self-importance by posting their own thread. (or be accused of it by others)

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Reggie Trentham (U2746099) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    Perhaps it could be combined with one for all those people who post one message in DTA saying that they've been listening since Noah was a boy but have become so disgusted by (insert issue) that they will in all probability never listen again. It would save one hell of a lot of space especially at the moment.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by witchwoman (U2992515) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    Just bumping this up as some people might have missed it.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    Mon, 18 Dec 2006 21:01 GMT, in reply to Reggie Trentham in message 44

    You're right Reg, that's generally the one that gets 'em apoplectic.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 18th December 2006

    Ooh, all these issues being inserted round here. Think I'll go off and look at some more pictures of Matt Lucas's CP wedding. Hurrah and ooer missus.

    Cindy Darling

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by redbird (U3837163) on Wednesday, 20th December 2006

    In reply to the reply for "strength to strangth" how about a flashing red light when one uses the wrong vowel.

    A post edit-edit might take away some of the funnier errors but prevent more red-faces.

    You are right of course, these are our boards, and that is why we sometimes argue with such passion about matters that are of little consequence to others. I really enjoyed my having a chance to write something about Vaughan Williams earlier this year, and the responses were super too, even those that disagreed with me (pardon)!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 21st December 2006

    bump :0)

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Almond_Aire (U2259917) on Friday, 22nd December 2006

    Does the Beeb really not have a "sticky" facility like just about every other MB I have been on? This would save someone needing to bump this every so often. This excellent guidance thread should be permanently at the top!


    Report message50

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