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Hoarding & Clutterholic Thread Winter/Spring 2009

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 1993
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Michael Alexander Kearsley (U1675895) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    As the old Hoarders & Clutterholics Unanimous is heading for 2000 posts and the old year is on it's way out it seemed a good idea to setup a new thread.

    Can you see spaces of floor, swinging from the chandeliers or vaulting the furniture to get out the door?

    Anything lost for months or years in the piles, in the boxes. Can't move for book shelving, old photos.

    Can't bring yourself to get rid of rubbish, up to your ears in paper.

    Think Clutter has it's merits, clutter has character, clutter avoiding getting rid of things that you may need later, against tidying for tidying sake - somewhere can be neat and yet disorganised, somewhere can be cluttered and organised:

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    Fri, 26 Dec 2008 20:21 GMT, in reply to Michael Alexander Kearsley in message 1

    Christmas Day brought new progress. O/H vacuumed the top floor. I emptied the vaccuum cleaner. Then he did the stairs. I emptied it again, and while he was out with the dog I cleared the hall of extraneous clutter except for a box containing most of a filing cabinet that needs assembling. The rest of it was sent separately after I discovered damage to the back panel.

    When I have cleared this room of unwanted upaper, I will be able to assemble it in the corner by my desk, and the door should clear it by a couple of inches. Then, although there is plenty of clutter in the house, I shall be in a position to begin redecorating the house. I have discovered that this is a pretty efficient way of disposing of spare goods, as I only return desired items to the newly decorated room (if they are to live there.

    Has anyone any good advice as to whereabouts to begin this exercise? I thought I should start with the hall and stairs, and work through the bathroom, loo, kitchen and stair cupboard, before embarking on the bedrooms. The sitting room, (which deserves to be called the Library, as does my bedroom) was papered and looks OK, apart from the gloss work which could do with renewing. Should be able to do them without splashing more than the odd drop on the wall. A decent non-drip paint should also deal with the ceiling. If the paper then looks dowdy, I can always try rubbing bread over it to clean it up.

    I'm OK with paper hanging on walls, but on ceilings, especially the ones that curve down towards the bay windows, it is tricky, as I have very short arms. (Yes, it's true, I can't reach the bottom of my pockets, so I don't carry money around)

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    Wishing us all a clutter free New Year, and thanks to MAK for opening up the New thread.

    Rwth - If furniture will be being moved in and out of rooms as they are decorated I would leave the hall until last as it would break my heart to see a big scrape down the fresh paper and paint.

    I'd do the room I spend most time in first so I could get the benefit of my hard work and stay inspired.

    Have you chosen your colours yet?


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    I've been having problems today - my OH decided to clear the top of the Welsh dresser. In the centre of this is the area I dump things I KNOW I will need later, I consider it my space but ....

    I really don't feel up to clearing it myself as I have been thoroughly miserable all day with toothache, and recently learnt that a dear cyber friend had died before Christmas. I have managed to stop him doing too much, almost any other day I would have appreciated his help but just not today!


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    Sorry to hear about the friend, Fire-Pig and hope the toothache gets better soon.

    A sudden flurry of actively had resulted pictures being rehung, furniture being replaced and a couple of niggly bits (bits of wood trim) being done in finally finished living room.

    I would second the leaving of the area that'll be bashed until last.

    Steeling meself to start on the dinosaur room in the new year *shudder*

    Happy, hopefully clutter free new year to all

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Friday, 26th December 2008

    I spent a couple of fruitful hours up in the attic today. I didn't mean to - just wanted to take some stuff up there and sort-of got sidelined.

    I now have 3 bags of old clothing to take to the tex-aid.

    I have also shoved everything into corners: parents stuff, school stuff, camping/bags/bedding, sundry (hm - like that one). Having created corridors up there, I/we can now move around to find things or - even - to sort out some more.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Saturday, 27th December 2008

    I was thinking this morning, that though there are still things that need to be done in our house, we have made so much progress in the last 6 months..... My one small task from september was to deal with the clothes, and the bedroom floor is still clear and all the dry washing is put away (I don't iron anything until I want to wear it so that makes that a lot easier).

    The sitting room is mostly clear, though the coffee table does still attract random things, but they are quickly cleared. Upstairs the spare room and the baby room still need a bit of attention, but that is more furniture reorganisation than decluttering. Most of the stuff to be got rid of has already gone.

    And we are slowly getting better at doing the washing up more regularly and not leaving it till the next morning. This is my next area of concerntration. And the stairs need sweeping.

    But mostly the house is a massive improvement over what it was.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    Well done flutter-by! Have some Festive Glittery Stars.

    Any New Year Resolutions planned, anyone?


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    No resolutions, KML, just hopes! OH has cleared the Welsh Dresser now except for one container that has my junk/papers waiting for sorting/etc. I'd forgotten how good it looked! I hope WE will be able to keep it that way. I hope that we will be able to keep progressing slowly. I hope that we don't come to blows over sorting and tidying as we have different priorities at times.


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    well its sounds like good progress to me flutterby.
    Glad the dresser looks good Fire-Pig, I can recommend a letter rack to try and keep papers and mail in one place, I rather like mine.

    no resolutions as such KML, just to try and keep things tidier, finish the kitchen and start the dinosaur room... oh and sort photos, our lad bought me a digital photo frame for Xmas but our photos are really muddled where the computer has "sorted" by date or number, sequences like Malta, New York, Morocco, Egypt,whoops, back to new york then lord knows where keep occurring!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Jane (U1484860) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    On Christmas Eve, somewhere around 7.30pm I finally collapsed in a little heap having cleared the living room and cleaned the entire house.

    I will admit that I did dump a few things in the study and that I have 2 boxes (1 large, 1 small) of paper in the dinning room that need sorting but the feeling of achievment and relaxation that I've had since has been great.

    Yesterday I assembled a full height larder cupboard for the kitchen, cut down the worktop where it was to go and removed the wall cupboard and junk from the corner thus enabling me to finally place the new cupboard.
    The cupboard holds masses of kitchen equipment and still has an empty shelf making the worktops clearer and everything easier to access when
    I need it.

    So I'm feeling a lot happier about my home and more relaxed in it.

    This clearing and sorting game takes ages but is worth it.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Jane (U1484860) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    Oh and I forgot to add.... after all the cleaning and clearing on Christmas Eve I still had to wrap all my presents which I did either side of Midnight Communion.

    All of which means that the only decorations up in my house this Christmas are all the cards I was sent and 2 glass decorations I bought from Laura Ashley. I'm having people in on New Years Eve do you think I can get away without the tree? I'm hoping that if I get a few lights out it'll do


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 28th December 2008

    Jane, if you don't want to put up a tree DON'T!! That's an order! Cards, lights etc (how about some candles?) will be plenty. If anyone is rude enough to criticise - ignore them!

    Younger PIglet reminded me this year of the first year we were in Brunei and had a very tasteful Christmas tree - where you could see the tree as well as the decorations. It was roundly criticised by some of our Bruneian visitors - they did tend for the very ornate. Other years we knew to expect criticism, but also our friends had learnt what we liked.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Mon, 29 Dec 2008 07:33 GMT, in reply to GuzziNut in message 10

    My resolutions are (starting today):

    1. Do the basic tidying up BEFORE switching on the computer in the morning. This includes emptying the wishdosher & washing machine, hanging up stuff to dry, putting washing away, wiping down kitchen surfaces, putting the rubbish out, cleaning round the cat fud dishes, checking loo rolls and tidying the kitchen table (a hot spot for STUFF).

    2. Daytime eating to be done at the kitchen table - not at the computer or on the hoof. Daytime meals to end with an apple.

    3. Deal with post every day (I am actually up-to-date now, thanks to the lack of post over Christmas).

    KML x

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    KML, they sound like excellent resolutions. Before I had my influx of visitors (they have now departed (flounced as mentioned elsethread) I was starting to get early morning routines in place.

    ie - Get up, light incense on way downstairs (burner is on the landing), let cats and dog out, put cat/dog food out, do dishes, wipe round kitchen, have toast (other breakfast meals are available).

    This is accompanied by boiling the kettle for that first much-desired cup of tea.

    I'm trying to get back into my routines now I've got the place back to myself.

    Am waiting for the nice people from Agros to deliver a couple of tall deep bookcases. These are going in my boxroom. Means I will then have a place to stack the copious amount of books, CD's, DVD's and LP's as well as all my knitting and stitching stuff.

    The boxroom is only six feet square so decent organisation is a must. Once this is done, I think my 18 month long clutter clear should be just about complete...phew...

    That's 21 years worth of clutter, might I add. Think a celebratory drink will be required upon completion!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Mon, 29 Dec 2008 09:37 GMT, in reply to KML (aka kindmrslovely) in message 14

    Ooh, I forgot the 4th resolution:

    4. I will not get side tracked!


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Well Done Babs and KML,

    Back from dahn sarth late last night. This morning access to the kettle only possible after mountaineering over luggage.

    So far - three bags unpacked, two to go. One of these is prtesents so will require a bit of thought as to where to stow stuff. One lot of laundry done and on dryer, second lot of laundry in machine, third sorted and in a pile on my bed.

    Clothes that didn't need ironing put away, clothes that do need ironing next to ironing board. A bigger pile than the ones I could put straight away - chiz.

    Front room still tidy. One child dressed, other (teenage) in bed so at least not cluttering the place up smiley - winkeye

    Not a bad start. I am going to have a busy and productive day so I can lounge at New Year. Also on my list is food shopping (which will give me the chance for a bit of recycling) and cleaning the bath room. I will be in here for regular 'boasting' sessions, sorry about that in advance.


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    (just an aside)

    Thanks Primrose Path - I've been trying to think of a suitable name change for a while...Babs seems like just the job!

    Sorry for the off-topic butt-in, as you were folks.

    Babs(formerly Babylonian)

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:08 GMT, in reply to KML (aka kindmrslovely) in message 14

    1. Do the basic tidying up BEFORE switching on the computer in the morning. This includes emptying the wishdosher & washing machine, hanging up stuff to dry, putting washing away, wiping down kitchen surfaces, putting the rubbish out, cleaning round the cat fud dishes, checking loo rolls and tidying the kitchen table (a hot spot for STUFF).

    2. Daytime eating to be done at the kitchen table - not at the computer or on the hoof. Daytime meals to end with an apple.

    3. Deal with post every day (I am actually up-to-date now, thanks to the lack of post over Christmas). 

    For a horrible moment there, I thought you were going to say put Saturday's shopping away! Whew!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Second lot of laundry done and well on the way to being dried.

    Since my first post this morning I discovered Monkeyboy has taken tenants on board sometime over the past few days. Had a big combing session - him, me and Darling Daughter. Texted the Industrial Organiser to see if he felt itchy. Yeeuuk! Phoned Xmas Hosts to spread the glad tidings. NHS 24 site says you don't need to specially wash bedding, towels etc as the wee beasties die fairly quickly away from heat and blood but I couldn't feel comfy with that advice so...

    One set of towels washed, next set in the washer as we speak. Just about to strip Monkeyboy's bed linen.

    I'm determined that all bags will be unpacked, contents dealt with and bags back in loft by tonight, so I'd better go and do some more.

    Hope you have productive pms and Babs, glad you like the name.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Well, PP, it's a bit more respectable than the former "Wh0r@ of Babylon".

    Bookcases now delivered - let battle commence....clutter, here I come!!

    Lead On, MacBabs!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Mon, 29 Dec 2008 14:07 GMT, in reply to Babs(formerly Babylonian) in message 21

    Now I hope you will be putting everything in alphabetical order!

    KML smiley - winkeye

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Monday, 29th December 2008


    To get my Brownies Collectors Badge I had to amass at least 50 of something and report how I would catalogue my collection. I had 50 paperbacks, so I put them into alphabetical order (by author then title) and got a badge.

    The badge is now in my heap of historical clutter...

    Do you think when I figure out how to catalogue historical clutter they'll give me a new badge?

    Not much movement since the last post as I got hi-jacked to construct a set of goalposts. I am now officially the best Mum ever as Dad had declined the job on his way to work this morning.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Primrose - a Declutterer's Badge - what an absolutely excellent idea!

    Cold out, isn't it? I put some roses on Freecycle and was very glad I'd said whoever collects also digs up..

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    KML, can I skip the alphabetical order bit and have half a badge, please?

    One bookcase assembled and in place. One more to go. Gah - I hate doing this kind of thing!!

    Have a feeling that the amount of clutter has doubled itself within the last half hour, so that there will be twice as much junk as there is shelf space. Where's the House Doctor when you need her?!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    You can certainly have half a badge.

    What I have found is that it is best get to get the shelves in place first, then just bung stuff on as it comes until the floor is clear. Then you can work out what should go on which shelf afterwards, but you can sort it one shelf at a time & it is a lot less depressing.

    You can also use the shelves as the limiting factor - i.e. you will have to get rid of stuff if you only allow yourself to have that space.

    OH doesn't know it, but when he gets new books, I sneak old ones out.... But it is my paperbacks that go, I wouldn't get rid of any of his stuff.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    That sounds like the way to go, KML. I'll just be glad to shift the clutter out of my bedroom (where I had to stick it, temporarily).

    My OH used to know in some psychic manner if I put any of his books aside (for later removal to the charity shop). He never, ever read them. I still feel a twinge of guilt, but there are so many books that won't get read now - time they went, I think.

    Having said that, I've got loads of vinyl that will probably never get listened to, so I'm just as bad - but hey, you can't throw those away!!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    No, you can't throw vinyl away. But you can give it away or sell it to someone who will get the pleasure of playing it.....

    Just a thought!


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Babs (U12089863) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    That's a good suggestion. Might have to do it, by the look of things....both bookcases assembled and in place. Need sustenance before I can face filling them...ugh!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Mon, 29 Dec 2008 18:44 GMT, in reply to Babs(formerly Babylonian) in message 29

    I can smell Turkey Broth. It was ready to go on and while I dozed, O/H put Pressure Cooker on to a low gas ring, about 15 minutes ahead of planned time. Now shall we eat 15 minutes early? or leave it until Archers time? It's Just a minute. Archers time will be fine.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    I'm really just bookmarking the new thread, to keep me on my toes with my decluttering and tidying over the next couple of months.

    We had done well before Christmas, decorating our bedroom, and sorting out the clutter below the bed, and moving furniture about to better positions. We have a corridor between our bedroom and bathroom, and decided yesterday to lift the old carpet, with the view to putting a new bit down. Unfortunately, this revealed the awful truth that our shower has obviously been leaking for some time, so damp floorboards, black carpet (under the wardrobe) etc.

    DH started investigating the shower as I went out to walk the dogs (taking off sealant etc). I returned an hour later to find the shower cubicle removed, the lower 3 rows of tiles removed, and scattered all over the base, and 2 walls covered in black mould under the tiles. Yuk and double yuk. So the tidying has come to a standstill, and we can't put the wardrobe back where it should be, never mind lay the carpet.

    Ho hum, I think we need to get the plumber out to see what needs to be done, as we don't want this to happen again. Still, the ironing pile got cleared by me in the afternoon yesterday, so something was productive!


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Michael Alexander Kearsley (U1675895) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    To get my Brownies Collectors Badge I had to amass at least 50 of something 
    Pennies surely would have been an easier thing to amass 50 off, or halfpennies further back in time, would leaves have done?

    I've managed to start reversing the more recent clutter a bit, in terms of clutter balance I think I'm back to Mid-December levels.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Michael Alexander Kearsley (U1675895) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    No, you can't throw vinyl away. But you can give it away or sell it to someone who will get the pleasure of playing it..... 
    Some people melt them down and turn them into other things.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Monday, 29th December 2008

    Reporting back.

    All laundry I planned to do done plus two sets of towels. All bags but one unpacked and properly stowed away. Food shop done and bottles/newspapers recycled. Bathroom half cleaned, will be finished before I go to work tomorrow but I've had enough for tonight. I'm going to abandon my usual practice of berating myself for what I didn't get done and focus instead on what I did manage. I think I did well and I'm as pleased as punch.


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Michael Alexander Kearsley (U1675895) on Tuesday, 30th December 2008

    I was just hearing a woman from an Uncluttering site being intervied on Radio 5 Live's Up All Night Programme - she by nature collects things, when her husband said that he didn't like getting home to all the clutter she took to doing things such as taking pictures of old trinkets she had picked up on holiday, scanning old research papers onto the computer and getting rid of the originals and keeping copies of her documents on Hard Drives stored in a Safety Deposit Box at her bank and online copies she could retrieve if there was a fire or natural disaster:

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Friday, 2nd January 2009

    finally! I have been allowed to spread cling strip onto the fireplace in the dinosaur room. Throwing stuff away was done whilst clearing the book shelves! and will be done again when stuff is allowed back into the room

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Monday, 5th January 2009

    Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:40 GMT, in reply to GuzziNut in message 36


    Just popped in briefly after email alerts to a birthday thread for me, saw kind wishes in old thread, VERY glad to see new thread!

    Will be back when have stopped licking wounds... meantime plenty to keep me busy so decluttering not even on the list of priorities until after April. A good time to storm furiously out of ML methinks.

    Good declutterign to you all - hope there's a sunny spring to make you want to open windows and clear out the debris and detritus!



    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Wednesday, 7th January 2009

    Just bookmarking really, but also saying I'm a really mean Mummy because a couple of Puzzlerette and Puzzling's Christmas presents are already in a box to go to a charity shop. Seriously, people, little girls do not need huge numbers of cuddly toys!

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Wednesday, 7th January 2009

    Puzzler, that doesn't make you a mean mummy, but I hope you have chosen charity shops that are off your ususal beaten track.

    A couple of years ago I did a similar toy de-clutter and was horrified, whilst going past the charity shop on a bus with the kids, to see that three of the toys formed a central part of the window display! Fortunately I managed to distract them with I spy something out of the other side of the bus, we came home a different route...


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Dunlurkin NL (U2675855) on Wednesday, 7th January 2009


    I will gloss over the mean Mumminess smiley - winkeye, but I am wondering of the charity shop is the right place for cuddly toys.

    I am assuming that they are new and as yet 'unloved', with all the wear, tear and stickiness that brings. I know that you know they are OK, but while I would buy almost anything from a charity shop I would not buy used cuddly toys. What I am trying to say in a very rambling way, is that I am wondering whether there is any other destination where you know the toys would be well appreciated. Direct gift to an orphanage in Romania? That sort of thing. It would be such a shame for them not to be sold and end up in landfill.

    I do know that women's refuges can use that sort of thing - families often arrive there with nothing at all.

    Please ask me to explain myself if all this rambling has made the posting incoherent!


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Kizzalene (U2573136) on Wednesday, 7th January 2009

    Just popping in to bookmark for later!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Elnora Cornstalk (U5646495) on Wednesday, 7th January 2009

    In reply to Kizzalene in message 41

    Me too. I'd wondered where you all were, but thought I'd lost you along with two crucial sets of keys in the Christmas debris. (Now I've found you, perhaps the others will show up. OH even dreamed last night that he'd seen them in a small basket on my desk. Alas, no such basket visible in daylight.)

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    Dunlurkin, that's a good point. I'll do some research. Actually I'm sure we've got plenty of household type things that could go that way if there was somewhere nearby. These toys are really just 'stuff', two from my Gran that she got free with something else, and mine are the only little girls in the family at the moment (My sister's 21 month old son has hardly any cuddly toys) and two are from my husband's well-meaning great aunt who has no idea of what is suitable. I really don't want to sound ungrateful, but yikes. Puzzlerette already has well over 20 soft toys, most of which live in a hanger in her room out of reach. I just don't see why it's necessary, I'm afraid.

    Last night I had a burst of domestic goddessicity and did the downstairs vacuuming and two loads of washing, one of which I hung up as well. It's amazing the difference it makes now that Puzzling is weaning and OH can give her a fromage frais while I do stuff.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    We were scheduled to have the wooden floor in the sitting/dining room refurbished this week, so we spent much of the weekend taking absolutely everything out of the room.

    Phone call late Sunday afternoon - chap who was to do it had a car accident - not too serious, but enough for it to have to be put off for two weeks.

    So, I have a completely empty room, where it doesn't matter if a bit of paint gets on the floor, so I have absolutely no excuse not to get on and decorate it. Boo.


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Pin o Chocolat (U2372386) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    Puzzler, I am sorry to hear that your nephew has so few cuddlies. My son loves his and is still, at 11, reluctant to get rid of any ( he is a tough, football playing, PS2 assassin, sailing, sword fighting "proper" boy - other "proper" boys are availiable). His bed is piled with about 6 regulars and there are loads more that I try and smuggle out from time to time. I do agree that there are often too many though.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Kizzalene (U2573136) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    OK, tonight's task is simple: if it's wearable, it's either going to be a)hanging up/folded in a drawer b)in the washing machine or c)keeping me cosy. If we run out of storage space, then the charity shops will benefit. This really, if I put my mind to it, shouldn't take longer than a couple of hours.

    Tomorrow night: paper!

    I think, rather than the usual OST, I'll be going for a One Daily Task for a few days, to get the shoebox looking at least like a tidier shoebox, before I start thinking about long-term plans.

    One positive update: the last OST I instituted (which, as I recall, was washing up dishes when done each evening) is now nearly-a-habit. Next step? Putting them away! It's a slow process, isn't it?

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    <quote>So, I have a completely empty room, where it doesn't matter if a bit of paint gets on the floor, so I have absolutely no excuse not to get on and decorate it. Boo.<quote>

    but that is really great! KML, no moving heaps of X from one side to the other, then back again, no falling over said heaps... or worrying about At least half the time spent on my living room was taken up with moving stuff around to get to places and falling over the stuff!

    I'm aiming for V little stuff in the dinsaur room and no carpet too for the redecoration of it.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Bearhug (U2258283) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    Do take care when you're sorting paper. I absolutely cannot find some papers that I wanted to show someone, and I strongly suspect they have gone to the recycling bin. In this case, it's not so urgent, as it was something I'd got online, so I can print them off again for the person in question, but it is making me wonder if I inadvertently threw out anything else that isn't so easy to recreate. Don't think so, so far, but...

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    I have a basket for paperwork that I am planning to bin/recycle/burn, but I don't get rid of it for a couple of months just in case.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 8th January 2009

    yes, I check the stuff as I shred and keep it all in a big envelope prior to a shredding session.

    well done on the washing up OST Kizzaline, yes its a slow process, I'm still trying to get to grips with correspondence opening and filing.

    Report message50

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