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Feral/stray cat thread 2

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 2005
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Feral/stray cat thread 2

    This thread is for anyone who wishes to engage in some way in the life of feral and/or stray cats, regardless of previous experience, as these things have a way of coming into our lives at the most unexpected moments and few of us are ever fully prepared to deal with a situation involving a needy animal that isn't part of the existing family. Yet.

    I've been doing rescue work for 3 1/2 years, have 11 cats at home, and now take care of approximately 50 cats on the streets,in garages, warehouses and derelict buildings all over Brooklyn. I'll never really know the number I take care of, as there are always more than one sees.

    Since I began, I've had approx 50 cats spayed and neutered and found home for about 20.

    I'm one of many people who are part of the TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) programmes all over America and New York State boasts a very healthy mayor-sponsored programme of neutering and education.

    One day we dream of a no-kill state where no animals held in shelters will be killed and the dreaded Kitty Death Row/euthanasia list will be a thing of the past. We receive weekly emails with photos of perfectly healthy, abandoned cats that are due to be killed on the weekend, in the hope that some of us will come forward and take them in and try and find homes for them.

    Sometimes it's really hard to set boundaries, but I don't look at these emails as I have enough on my plate.

    If anyone would like to learn more about how you can help in your community,please go to the Neighborhood Cats site and read the TNR pages for a detailed guide on what it entails.

    These are the people that taught me how to do this:

    The UK version:

    My work is largely rewarding, in no small part thanks to this thread, where we can share our difficulties and triumphs. It can be difficult as one cannot help becoming attached, knowing one is powerless to control traffic, cruelty and undetected illnesses/injuries.

    But to anyone who is considering doing this, I would say the heartache is far, far outweighed by the joy involved.

    Thanks to Ratspiffle who inspired me to start this thread in the first place and to Slightly Foxed who encouraged me to dream of my own sanctuary. I don't have the physical space yet but I have the animals and the will.

    Thanks also to the many kind friends I have in all the cat threads who have come to Brooklyn and met the ferals and to those who have generously donated towards food and vet costs and just been wonderful and supportive.

    This thread is dedicated to all those cats who were loved and lost, especially little Urchin, who was the first ML feral birth, and to the people that continue this work and those who encourage us.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Hello Basia, and thank you for opening another Feral/Stray Cat Thread.

    I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of you who do such fantastic work with ferals. It's easy to talk the talk, but you people all walk the walk too - an Americanism I learned from an ex boss. You give us all hope that there will be a happier and safer future for all dispossessed animals, your unremitting hard work and complete commitment make it a better and brighter world.


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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by virtual_jan (U13662056) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Many thanks to everyone who responded on the Cat Club thread with their suggestions re the feral/stray kittens. I am still in pre-mod, so this reply won't come through as quickly as I would like, so please bear with me.

    As I suspected, it seems as if it would be better to attempt to catch them sooner rather than later- if only for the sake of their general health - so I'm going to discuss this with my partner, with a view to setting the cat flap on in only. My only concern here is that one is much bolder than the others and he may well come in first and then, when he doesn't reappear, his brother and sister will be very suspicious and refuse to come in at all, so it will have to be done very skilfully. I will let you know how we get on.

    We are already playing with them with a ball which they love, but will try the string.

    As for mum, we have no idea about her at all, but presume she has abandoned them- either at weaning or, as has been suggested, because she is pregnant again. We think they may have been living in an old coal bunker in the garden to the rear of us. Unfortunately, that property although unoccupied is not easily accessible, but I will try to find out more. At any rate, there is no sign of her. A very large, and I mean HUGE, tabby tom has been seen around recently (one who I believe my Clawed may have seen off in his fighting days) and he bears a striking resemblance to the larger of the two tabby kittens. He certainly looks too fat and sleek to be feral but as I don't know much at all about feral/stray cats - maybe not.

    Thanks to all who posted their condolences re Clawed. He was the last of our four cats and a dog to die - two tabby brothers and the dog died last year within weeks of each other - one cat and the dog died the same week. Clawed was the last of a great line of characters - at 17 and a half I had had him since nine weeks, so yes, the wrench was enormous at having to let him go.

    But, these three kittens have turned up out of the blue and it seems like fate - especially as they are two tabbies and a black (those were the colours of the first three of ours to go). Clawed was ginger, and I would be truly spooked if a ginger kitten suddenly appeared!

    Many thanks again and I will keep you posted.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Jan, that's quite a story. As you say, it really does seem like fate, doesn't it?

    Very glad you've found your way here to the stray-feral thread and the Cat Club in general. The level of knowledge and experience on these threads is quite extraordinary, as is the level of support.

    So welcome to you and the kits, don't hesitate to ask questions, you'll be amazed at how fast you get answers (well, I always am).

    All the best

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:02 GMT, in reply to laReine-Astrid in message 4

    Wow, Jan, what a story. Much sympathy from me too, having lost three cats recently too I know how hard that must have been (well of course, we /all/ do in here). After 17 years it's very hard to believe they're no longer there.

    Good luck with the kittens - I'll be following your progress with bated breath!

    Thanks for the new thread Bash, and for all the amazing work you do. I hope the dream of the sanctuary is realised soon.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Hiya peeps, just bookmarking really, but hello to Jan. Many, many condolences on you string of losses. I know the horrible grief of losing one, but to lose so many pets close together, I can't imagine.

    Thanks for starting the new thread, Bash.

    Love and furfles to all needy, feral, and stray cats everywhere.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Hi Basia, thank you for this new thread. I was just looking back at the previous Feral/Stray thread, and am amazed at how much has happened, how many cats helped, in that relatively short time.

    Can't remember if I've actually posted this, but people in the small rescue group I used to be part of when I lived in London lurk in the cat threads, especially the Feral, and pass advice read here to neighbouring groups.

    I hope the day won't be long coming when stray, feral and unwanted cats are not killed (or "destroyed" - horrible term for living creatures - and that you have a sanctuary of your own.

    Thinking particularly of dear little Urchin at the moment.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Morning all. Well, it's not morning but I slept in, much to Valentine's utter disgust. I didn't go to DUMBO last night,even though it was night 3 but I was too exhausted so made an exception. Of course now it's snowing...

    I met a film maker yesterday who is going to come and take a look at the warehouse as a location.... lots of fingers crossed. She had a short film a Cannes...oooooh.....How hard are the words going to be "Please will you shoot a short documentary of our work and I will do wardrobe for your next project?" Sounds really easy dunnit?

    < My only concern here is that one is much bolder than the others and he may well come in first and then, when he doesn't reappear, his brother and sister will be very suspicious and refuse to come in at all, so it will have to be done very skilfully. I will let you know how we get on. >

    Oh Jan you really know your onions. That's *exactly* the trauma I went through when I caught Luna and Louis. Luna was Ms Gregarious and Louis was Mr Nowaynohow. So I trapped Luna,missed Louis (as in mistimed the trap) and went home feeling utterly wretched knowing there was a kitten with no mummy and no big sister out in the gardens of Redhook. Went back the next day with Luna in a carirer and used her as bait as she cried for him and it worked. As I cried with relief.

    I'm glad tough love worked.

    So....don't hesitate to trap anyone. If you get the cheeky one and find the others aren't coming, try putting him in a carrrier near the cat-flap. I am totally making this up as I go along, but it's something I did in desperation with no previous experience and it worked.

    Actually, that's not quite true; I trapped Nick's cats like that, let the one still loose hear the cries of its trapped sibling. That's received wisdom in the rescue world although hard to do.

    Keep us posted.

    Rusty, that's great to hear that others share these boards. I do hope they will post if they have something to pass on, or even to say hello.

    Love Bash x

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by virtual_jan (U13662056) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    Good evening everyone,

    Just giving a quick report on today's attempts with the feral kittens.

    We decided that we would try to make some progress today, but not to go as far as caging them, as we want to wait to do that when we can get to a vet to have them checked over. That will be next Tuesday at earliest.

    So we settled for getting them all indoors and setting the cat flap on in only, and attempting to handle some or all of them.

    All went fine for about half an hour - they were all taking chicken by hand, and the boldest(the black one) was very playful - my partner even managed to stroke him briefly, until he realised that what he was enjoying was actually - shock horror- a human hand touching him!

    We were then aiming to distract the black and larger tabby with a ball, and get the other smaller timid one separated into the nearby bathroom to try and wrap her up in a towel. But, before we had the chance to try this, she tried to get out of the cat flap, and realised that she couldn't. This set her off panicking and jumping up at the back door to try to escape.

    She looked about ready to concuss herself, and the fear then transferred to the other two and all three then began to hot-foot(or should I say hot-paw?)it around the kitchen, desperately trying to find a way out.

    We felt we had no option other than to let them go back out. It was quite demoralising, and I felt we had potentially really messed things up.

    However, within half an hour the black one had come back in, and about an hour after that all three were back in (sitting on chairs in the kitchen if you please),so we obviously haven't put them off too much!

    I suppose we will just play it by ear for the next couple of days.

    I think the CPL might loan us some traps,so I will make enquiries on Monday about that.


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Saturday, 10th January 2009

    From everything I've read on the cat threads they are savvy creatures Jan, so I imagine that after a bit of reflection they decided that it was far better to be inside in a nice warm house. Even if it is populated by humans - but what the heck as every cat seems to know that humans are weak creatures easily subjugated to feline will

    smiley - winkeye

    Bookmarking really as I enjoy this thread. Seen "my" cat recently Basia?

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    Hi Virtual-jan

    I think you are doing a brilliant job, and they will not desert your lovely warm, food filled and loving home. They just need to feel in control a bit at the moment, until they know they can trust you.

    Anyway, loads of help from experts on this thread, as you already know. I'm no expert, but I know enough to understand that these little cats have found at treasure in you.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:23 GMT, in reply to Ali-cat in message 11

    Here here, Ali. smiley - smiley

    Well done V-j.


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    on my way, gj......

    Seriously, though, are you feeling better now? Recovered from the ghastly lurgy?

    Hope so.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    Sun, 11 Jan 2009 11:27 GMT, in reply to Ali-cat in message 13

    Pretty much, thank you, though not yet quite bouncing with vim and vigour. Any day now...

    smiley - smiley


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    Well, purrs and cold wet nose bumps from our two, to speed your good health.

    Off to do some housework now. Yuk.


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Sunday, 11th January 2009

    Just bookmarking so that I can keep up with all the feral news.

    V-j, those kittens sound great, I'm sure they will come round in time.

    Jo x

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    No, but I saw her itsy bisy little paw prints in the snow. Awwwww....I put one of her dry food bowls in the shelter of the old wooden door where the sexton keeps his gardening tools as the snow was melting on the box trees beneath which I normally hide her bowls. Stealth tactics are normally 100% with clear bowls (low visibility from the street) but it's ben solong that i've put one of her bowls in the doorway, and it's not exactly gardening weather, I thought I might get away with it last night.

    And if the from the church wish to engage me in this matter, they needn't leave me a note attached to the bowls any more as the gits, all 6 of them that I wrote to from head bible-basher to the sexton, all have my blinking email address from the time when I wrote to them and not a goddamn single one bothered to reply.

    And they thought putting a padlock on the gate was going to stop me. Fools. Actually there isn't one any more,and the new wrought iron fence (yes, it's the kind of church that can afford to have a new one, that looks antique) is only waist height anyway and I may be er not young , but I'm still able to climb over a gate.

    Did DUMBO last night, and locals and Redhook tonight. Mr Turner and his girlfriend Blinky were so pleased to see me, I got major roly-polys. they don't love the Trader Jo's inexpensive dry food, but they are eating it. I will try mixing it up with what I used to buy them, but the cost of it just shot up to the point where my food suppliers asked "Are you sure? You know they've just raised the price?" and it is indeed insanely expensive. So have to try and get organised to buy wholesale again.

    Anyway, all was well by the river, with Baxter frollicking in Elizabeth's colony. Blinkie seems to be more confident now that Hissy is gone. I can't work out if Matty is bothered by Hissy's absence because she's always been quite clingy with us anyway, so there's little difference.

    In Redhook, I saw Fenella, but she doesn't beat anyone up any more. It's been ages since I saw her, or I think it is. It's hard to tell unless I see the tip of her left back leg, with its little white splodge. She's so obviously related to Keri,whose back left leg has a bigger white splodge. He came out tonight for his drugs, but I had just sold..er I mean given the last of the nip to the New Fellas.

    About the New Fellas. Well, the ringleader is Reg, Asheti's cat (or so he thinks), and there are three teens. Reg may be dad, no flaming idea who mum is. One teen is pale apricot, one black, and one tabby with white paws and they know me now. As I came out of Diane and Robert's apt, they were all sitting in a row across the street by the old navy yard cycle path. As I approached, I could tell that they knew me coming over was A Good Thing by the way they only half ran away. Well, they did run, but I knew where they were.

    It's so cute at this formative stage in the relationship...I have to build on their trust. Anyway, they wolfed the wet food down and were soooo happy with the left over fish from my utterly revolting fish and chips (an insult to the expression) that a friend insisted on buying for me from a crappy diner. Normally I'd rather starve than eat at those places, but it was rude to turn down, so at least the cats benefited. I blame Seinfeld.

    No Rustette tonight, first absence in ages, but I won't worry. Today.

    Jewel wasn't so much disgusted with the chunks of fish I nervously proffered, more completely unconcerned-she looked through me when I tried to persuade her that they were yummy. Oh the insult of being ignored. It was a kind of 'I know this doesn't apply to me, right?' look.

    I saw one of the funniest things tonight from the chicken kits. Sylvester, Badgey, Grant, Jewel and two black cats all had to come out from the slaughter plant, make their way over to the (for now covered) station where I was dishing out, and then follow me to the next station, and I burst out laughing. Sylvie trotted along as if he had pooped his pants, straddling the snowy bits, careful to place his delicate paws on non-snowy bits. And he did this fast so the effect was so comical. Precious things.

    This is why Elizabeth shovels her colony but they are outside 80%.

    Oh yeah, met a bloke who I've seen hanging round the deli in Redhook,drinking beer with his cronies, who told me he wants to get rid of his Siamese cat. He didn't really want it in the first place (from what I can gather) but rescued it from a basement, where it had become cloudy eyed etc so I realise it was well-intentioned.

    Deep breath.

    I asked why he wanted to be rid of it. He said it was driving him mad. I took one look at him, equated the vision with a Siamese and there was no connection whatsoever. I think his meek wife was standing next to him (a Hispanic couple) and she said nothing. I asked if it was neutered, He said "It's supposed to be" and then admitted that he didn't actually know if it was male or female.


    I told him that there is a specialist Siamese rescue group in NYC and for him not to do anything until he's heard from me. He said he didn't want to throw it out onto the street, and it was then that I recognised him. I had this exact conversation with this idiot several months ago. Oi vey. I think his relationship with this poor animal has just deteriorated. He said something about shaking, as in him being afraid of it. I made some assumptions and then called Elizabeth, who told me the woman who runs the Siamese rescue group is a cow and refuses to deal with anyone except via email. Ugh. Control freak issues. Anyway, will contact her to see what she can do for this poor thing.

    People just don't think before taking on an animal do they? I bet you any money it's unneutered and he has been playing rough with it.

    Bash x

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Hi Basia

    What a super update, Bash. It left me breathless with fury at these Church types whose true 'Christianity' is deeply buried beneath layers of feelings of superiority and complete lack of compassion. And then the chap with the poor Siamese, I am hoping that something can be done to help this poor cat before too long. It must be a bag of nerves, and heaven knows what else by now.

    Sylvie trotted along as if he had pooped his pants, straddling the snowy bits, careful to place his delicate paws on non-snowy bits. And he did this fast so the effect was so comical. 

    Oh, bless him. Well, all of them really.

    And I wonder how many pairs of eyes are actually watching you and Elizabeth when you do your rounds. All waiting to decide whether or not they dare take the first step towards food and a stroke. And possibly a fix.

    Anyway, take care in the snow, vaulting over gates and hurdling high walls, rolling under barriers, etc. Is it a bird, is it a plane.....


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Monday, 12th January 2009


    Sorry, couldn't resist! Oops, there goes another one.

    Bash, just wondering if this chap isn't a bit freaked out by the Siamese's chattiness. If you're not used to them, they can seem like pretty weird cats. And if he's making it nervous and jumpy, I can imagine that it's behaviour may seem quite wild. Let's hope the Siamese rescue woman does something quickly, it sounds like a situation that could badly deteriorate.

    All the best

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Basia - do feel free to drop me an e-mail with the details of the church and it's pastor so that I can make my feelings known to them about their lack of Christian charity to one of God's creatures. Feeling all propietorial towards a cat that I've never met!

    One of our local ferals was out on our deck yesterday - well until it spotted me when it scarpered. I think it had been using one of our chairs (tucked under the outdoor table) as a snow free shelter. Judging by the colour I glimpsed - grey and white - I think it must be one of the offspring of the one that used to use our tumble drier vent under the deck as a safe and warm place to have her kittens. Haven't seen mom in a long time so I suspect that she is sadly gone - she used to occasionally give me a start by sitting looking in at me through the windows of the sun room. I'd look up from my book and there she would be

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Yes!!! (Sorry..)

    Hurrah Jane. I will certainly do that. I will send you a copy of the email I sent to the church, the one that was roundly ignored.

    Do feel free to leave food out for the one that visits you...ahem.


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    I would Basia but not entirely sure that I want to encourage the racoons or, worse, the skunks.

    Ah but what the heck, it's winter! What do you suggest as suitable feed material?

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Ah, bless you. If you put it out early evening, the feline might have a look in before you go encouraging any other furries, and you won't be putting enough out anyway, Trust me on this; the hungry cat will wolf it.

    On the evidence of the Cheeky Racoon by the river, who didn't like dry cat food, perhaps leave some dry out esp as wet does freeze and become inedible pretty quickly and I don't know about you but we're expected some pretty brutal temps this week.

    If you put dry out, it's important to leave a bowl of hot water near it, so it freezes more slowly and to give the poor mite some warmth. Not right next to the dry food, as the bits of dry often fall into the water, but a few inches away is fine.

    If you're in a supermarket, Paul Newman's brand is really good, followed by Iams. The rest is rubbish really, but i'm sure your visitor will be glad of the sustenance.

    And really Jane, don't worry about encouraging a menagerie...if your bins are secure, one small bowl of dry cat food isn't going to crack it.

    Love Bash x

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Mon, 12 Jan 2009 21:47 GMT, in reply to jane_berry in message 22

    Thank you Jane

    Ah but what the heck, it's winter! What do you suggest as suitable feed material? 

    How soon before you ask Basia for a whole colony to look after? smiley - winkeye

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    OK Basia - so leave it in the vicinity of the heated birdbath then? I've seen our local feral cats drinking from that from time to time - as well as the squirrels

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Monday, 12th January 2009

    Oh and PS we are about 40 miles from you so same brutal temps expected. Wrap up warm on your rounds this week.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Tuesday, 13th January 2009

    Heated birdbath Jane? Purrrrrfect!

    I just changed the water at the other church station (the church that lets me leave a station, round the corner from me) as I was coming out of a meeting. Funnily enough they're both the same denomination but the priest at this one is a cat-loving gay old soak. Wonder if any of those things have anything to do with it?

    I'm fascinated by how the water freezes and to what extent at different stations. Anorak.

    Anyway, I'm going to Little Berry's station tomorrow as it's way too cold not to look in on her for 4 days.

    Stay warm Jane,


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Tuesday, 13th January 2009

    Deffo a heated birdbath Basia - where else are the birdies and assorted wildlife going to get unfrozen water at this time of year. It is screwed on to the top of the deck railing as well so that squirrels and cats etc can sit and drink from it.

    Stay warm youself and say hello to little Berry if you see her

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Tuesday, 13th January 2009

    Tue, 13 Jan 2009 03:33 GMT, in reply to Basia in message 27

    Wanna lecture on microclimates and frost pockets?

    I absolutely adore the idea of a heated birdbath. Not needed here (usually) so hadn't heard of them before.

    Big grrrrr to those horrible church people. Well done Jane for taking up the baton.

    Furlfes and/or eye blinks to those who want them.


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Tuesday, 13th January 2009

    Wanna lecture on rost pockets and microclimates.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Tuesday, 13th January 2009

    Jane - you're lovely.

    Cat x

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Last night, 8.43 text from Elizabeth who was covering both our colonies :

    I was doing Redhook, so replied:


    B: < [Four letter word with excl mk] Poor bunny...can you take him tonight instead of Matty? Ugh. Am at community board meeting to discuss feral issues.>

    E: < I can. Have carrier in my colony. Hope he doesn't have a shy friend or sibling. Call me later? Have W street left. Will come back for him.>

    E, ten minutes later:



    And another night of rescue drew to a close.

    I sent Elizabeth's email out to some, and will try and get the photos up on my photobucket account, but Elizabeth wants a very English name for him. I told her Eric or Kevin. How obnoxious of me, but Eric the Cat or Kevin the Cat makes me smile.


    E: < Ö÷²¥´óÐã. He walked right into

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Sea Nymph (U1474682) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Looks more like a Nigel to me, but what do I know.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Luv Nigel. Will suggest it to her.

    Mind you, I have three unnamed newbies across the street from the sloping ramp park, near where Asheti feeds Reg..A ginger, a tabby and a black, who all act like Reg's kids. So need more names.

    Btw, your namesake took a swipe at me last night, as I was putting his food down, cheeky mucker*.

    * Other versions avail.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Basia just replied to your owl he's gorgeous. I also suggested Alfred or Arthur, he has a certain regal bearing about him - and I was watching Monty Python last night.

    Put the swipe down to the freezing cold Basia - can't blame any cat for being a bit grumpy and going to be much worse today it seems

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Hmmm. We called a cat Eric because he was ginger (remember the Viking Eric the Red? - well, maybe a bit before your time).

    Um, other English-y names? Cedric, Cecil, Edwin, Harold ..... Yeah, probably Kevin is best though I *think* it might be Irish originally.

    He is one lucky chap, poor love. Don't remember readinb about hte black tame cat. It never rains but..........


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Hi Jane, lovely to see you. Guess what? My therapist told me today over the phone that she saw Litttle Berry this week. Aw...She lives at the end of the cul-de-sac where the church is. Oh, that's reminded me, must find the email I sent to the church to send to you.

    Love all the suggestions. Ali suggested William and Henry and said exactly what you did about him looking regal.

    Must get some kip. If it's not booze or cats, it's Gaza.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Not sure that I'd lumber any animal with Cecil Rusty - conjures up a picture of the ghastly fiance in Room With A View.

    Cedric or Harold sound good and yes Kevin is Irish.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    I confess I've had Cecil and Cedric on hold as names for a while. Love them.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Oh dear, Jane. That Cecil certainly was a dismal fellow. Love the name though. I think the Americans usually pronounce it Ceeecil, come to think of it (thinking of - ahem - Dynasty).


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Rusty, the back one is elusive and the station is in an archway in the beautiful old listed tobacco warehouse in DUMBO and we just never see them. I've seen the black one twice or three times in 3 1/2 years. I think awol Maurice (Angel's bruv) may live with or near him/her.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Awww! You must try and snatch a photo of her Basia.

    Have purchased food and bowl and put it on the deck not sure that s/he (possibly they as not sure how many ferals are lurking around the neighbourhood) trusts me enough yet but we'll persevere

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Rusty - I think they pronounced it Ceeecil in the film as well (oh dear good excuse to dig the DVD out to check) which came across to me more as n Upper Middle/Upper class thing.

    Of course William and Henry although I think William came over with that pesky French person in 1066. Edward and Edmund as well, they were around before the Normans.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Mwah Jane. Especially in these sub-zero temps. All their energy is spent keeping warm, but I know you know that.


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Ah, think you are right, come to think of it, Jane. Funny, I don't like the name Cecil for *human* males, however it is pronounced, but I *do* like Cecile for huamn females.

    Odd that some cats are seen so seldom, especially if they aren't feral. Maybe he has a home but they don't bother to make arrangements when they go away - like our Nasty Neighbours down the road (which is how we came by our Eric).


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Yes I do. I've mentioned that the one I think was this one's mom used to have her kittens in the opening to the vent from our tumble drier and stove top. That's under our deck - can't be reached and not entirely sure why the previous owners didn't block it off when they had the deck built. Not that I mind them being there but about 3 years ago one of the kittens found it's way up the vent shaft. We could hear it meowing pathetically under the washer drier space (at least 50 feet from the opening but couldn't get to it to help. I think it managed to make it's way back to mom and siblings eventually but it was heartrending listening to it - and because it was technically in the house animal control refused to come out and do anything to help.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:07 GMT, in reply to jane_berry in message 46

    I have just seen your new boy and I too suggested Alfred as could then become Alfie as he looks like he will be a right scamp.

    do you get lots of cats dumped in colonies or do you think they gravitate to them when left?


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by jane_berry (U3025755) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Basia's colonies not mine

    Have placed the food underneath one of the tables under the deck as it is about the only place not currently coverd in white. No feral so far but the birds have discovered it - might not be so keen if/when the cats show up.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Thu, 15 Jan 2009 15:36 GMT, in reply to jane_berry in message 48

    Sorry Jane was replying generally to the thread, as it were. The question just popped into my head so I thought I'd ask it.

    Any cats at your station yet Jane?


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 15th January 2009

    Hi Bash, Hi Jane, Hi all

    Yes, Edward or Edmund - he could be Ed, which is sort of modern and British. Alfred is Great (excl mark) too. Alfie the cat...anyway lots of brill suggestions, and isn't he pretty. A beautiful silver tabby. Love him. Will he be re-homed? Hope so, I'd have him like a shot if I was over there. Well, I'd have 'em all really, but Jones and Milli might object.

    Wonderful news, tell Elizabeth she is Great too.


    Report message50

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