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MFC -The Healthy Eating Club 14th April

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 181
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Please excuse me for the copy and paste job, but I've just noticed there was no one on the rota for today!

    Another week and another welcome to absolutely anyone and everyone in ML (including lurkers) wanting to lose weight/maintain a weight loss/maintain a healthy weight/eat more healthily/take a fitter approach to life. I hope that offers enough options!

    We are a one-rule club - no membership, no oath, no fees, just this: we don't mention our real life weight or size, because one person's starting point can be another person's goal, and over and above anything else we want to encourage and help each other, not to make anyone feel down. It's fine to say that you want to lose X stone (or kilos, if you're younger than I am), or Y inches (centimetres), just leave the actual beginning and end figures to be for you and the camel to know. (That'll be the camel who knows the 100th name of Allah.)

    There's a good few of us posting here - some come in every day, some come once a week, some just as and when, all of which is fine. Those who choose to weigh/measure regularly often do that on a Tuesday, but if a different day is more suitable, that's fine and dandy. And some of us post our food diaries on a Wednesday (ie what we've eaten that day) and others of us don't - again, we each do whatever suits us.

    We also each use the means of losing/maintaining that suits us best - that might be a club like Weightwatchers or Slimmers World, it might be using a book, it might be working on a food/exercise combo, it might be anything. We don't criticise, we try to help - although anyone who posts that they're eating one lettuce leaf every other day is likely to be helped by being told to eat more *now*.

    As well as no rules, we also have no ruler - different posters open up each Tuesday. If you fancy having a go (please do, it's easy) have a look here

    A really useful thread is the MFC cookbook, often known as Katy's cookbook, because it's Katy who runs it (if a book can be run, that is).

    The thread for the MFC cookbook is here

    and it's packed with recipes, tips, discussion about healthy eating, all of which is incredily interesting and also very inspiring.

    Katy has a link to the book itself in her second post - for speed, I've copied the link here

    The reason we added the healthy eating appendage to our name was because we weren't all agreed what the F stood for (it could be Fat, it could be Fit, it could be Fading Away, for instance). For me, Fat and Fit have to go together - I simply can't lose weight, or feel healthy, without being fit, or at least fitter.

    So here's our other very very helpful sister thread - the Cybergym, often known as GEm's gym, because GEm 'runs' it

    Again, it's a really helpful and inspiring thread about all things exercise-related. Like here, there are regulars and occasional posters - there are some who have very intense exercise regimes, some who are more gentle. But just like this thread, it's really, really encouraging and full of useful tips.

    GEm could convince the most sedentary of us to exercise with her long list of benefits that working out regularly bring. Not just healthier hearts and lungs, and thinner waists and thighs, and stronger muscles, but lower blood pressure, glowing skin, glossier hair (honestly, it's true), and a more motivated approach to life. If you don't already, then try it (the thread, *and* the exercise).
    but do please read Katy's second post if you're going to post a recipe because it explains the copyright issues.

    The cookbook is fantastic - you need never be stuck for a healthy meal option again. There are starters, snacks, soups, salads, side dishes, sauces and even sections that don't begin with S - drinks/cocktails (hurrah!), desserts, veggie meals. Then there's a section on cooking tips, dieting tips, cooking for occasions, and recommended websites and cookbooks. It's blimmin' marvellous. And to top it off, Katy's put in information about calories, points, syns etc at the end of every recipe. What more could you want?

    Thanks geepers for all that great stuff, hope it makes sense as I really have just cut, pasted and redone the links.


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Oh dear, I pasted the Gym stuff in the middle of the cookbook stuff, but never mind, eh? In my defence, I do have a rotten old tummy bug again, and I was up most of the night with it so it's not surprising I'm not at the top of my game.

    The result of this is that I've lost 2.5lb this week, most of which I know will be fluid, but it puts me at a new PB of 1lb below my target. I would quite like to nudge my zone down a teeny bit, because I've been in the 3lb above my target for 11 weeks now, but it would be nice to be in a 3lb zone with the target in the middle rather than at the bottom.

    I'll be going back to bed soon so I may not be around much, for which I apologise.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Morning Puzzler, morning all.

    Back from my week's holiday in Cornwall.

    Good news - I only consumned the equivalent of one scone with clotted cream and jam across the whole week and generally behaved pretty well food-wise, except I probably drank more wine than I would on a normal week. Definitely more disciplined than I would normally be on holiday which I think is a good sign for me as food is becoming less of a temptation than the promise of sustained weight loss.

    Bad news - I went out for a run on the coastal path last Sunday (only our second day there) and twisted my ankle badly before falling into a nettle patch. Had to limp all the way back. Applied ice/compression etc, but ankle turned all the shades of the rainbow in the following days. A week later and the swelling is much reduced, but am still sore. Really cross about this as I can't return immediately to my normal exercise routine that involves quite a lot of bouncing about. Thinking about joining the local health club for 6 weeks (they have a special 6-week offer) and maybe factoring in some swimming and other low impact work to help me over this period.

    Anyway, decided not to weigh today and to get a good week under my belt first.

    Glad to be back though. Hope all well with fellow MFCers.


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  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Puzzler you are a star :0)) I began to look for the rota thread yesterday evening and then got distracted ... I am sorry I am not putting my name down to open up these days but I really don't know from one week to the next whether I'll be around or not as we have a camper and sometimes pootle off in it at a moments notice. When I am around though I join is as best I can and hope whoever is in the 'chair' finds it helpful.

    So sorry to read you are poorly, and please please don't apologise for not being around. We all share the responsibility of supporting each other on this thread, and it is a really super opener and its good to have a chance to re-read it ... in whatever order :0)))))

    Take care of yourself


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    JJ, poor ankle, poor you. You don't realise how often you use a particular part of your body until you damage it do you. Ankles especially :0)))))

    Well done for wanting the reward more than the food. That is pretty much how I am thinking these days and I am quite sure I have lost weight this last fortnight though how much I'm not sure as it isn't important just at the moment. Of course the real reward for thinking in this way is that we can all adopt a more healthy attitude to food, as well as eating more healthy food.

    Our dog walking now.

    What a lovely day it is ... sunshine blue skies. Hope you are all getting some too ... that sounds dodgy, but you know what I mean :0)))

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Morning All. Still pottering about, but still aspiring to do more.


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by happydays (U13769339) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Just a quick message to thank Bette for putting me on to the Gillian Riley book. I'm reading it slowly, as advised, and have found lots to relate to. Am finding I can work to Time and Plan and yesterday recognised addictive hunger straight after a meal. Just stood and let myself feel it. Amazing - it hurt - but slowly subsided as I thought it through.

    Thanks again Bette

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 09:38 GMT, in reply to clearwhitecloud in message 7

    Morning all - day off today and waiting for matey to turn up to go to the gym together and SHE'S LATE. She's always late, and if I were a better person, I'd have stopped letting it bother me by now, but I'm not and it does.

    Sorry to hear you're crook again, puzzler but thanks for stepping into the breach for us. And bad ankle news for JJ - sounds sore, and it's really irritating to get an injury when you're feeling enthusiastic about exercising.

    Wey hey - matey's just pulling up. Pip pip...

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    I have put this in the quinoa thread, but I thought it might be appropriate here too. There is a U tube demo of how to cook it, amongst other things - which I am off to investigate the rest of the items.

    The woman on the DVD is certainly most enthusiastic about it.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    PP, perhaps PP stands for Potter Potter :0))) It's perfectly permissible to potter

    CWC I'm finding that book helpful too. Glad you are.

    Thanks Prue. Duly noted ;0)

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009


    I am here to confess that in the last 4 days I have eaten more chocolate, cake and hot cross buns than sensible food. Oh, and there were crisps as well.

    What bought that on - well, we went to stay in a climbing hut in the lakes for the long weekend. It was great, lots of walks, Owen behaved well, we stayed up late and so are now both knackered broken. So nice to be away with friends and it was almost just like the good old days.

    And there was bad food all around, I was tired and hungry and just ate it! I took the two easter eggs we were given thinking I could share them around, and everyone else had the same thought and overnight all the easter eggs got together and bred.

    I'm not going on the scales today, but will drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit this week, and the weather forecast is good so there'll be plenty of walks as well.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    >The weather forecast is good so there'll be plenty of walks as well.<

    The way forward :0))

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    A not unusual thing it seems flutters :0))

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    indeed. And I just saw some photos of me that are most unflattering so have renewed enthusiasm for walking lots and eating better!

    Off for a glass of water now, so far so good today.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Well done girl wonder :0)

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Thanks - I have been properly confronted by the fact that I have a big flabby bit on my tummy where none was before. Not nice and needs work. I'm going to keep the hideous photo as inspiration.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:24 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird) in message 15

    Just a quick visit to bookmark really. Had a lovely time over the last four days with visitors; much eating and drinking was done, but not as much as usual by me. I'm really conscious now of what and why I'm eating, and though there have been some addictive moments which I've given in to, there's also been plenty which have come and gone, and it is quite a powerful feeling. I ran on Thursday, Saturday and yesterday too.

    Westie, as a Gillian Riley fan, are you not weighing yourself at the moment? I am struggling with the idea of keeping off the scales, though I can quite understand why it's not a good idea if one is shifting the focus from weight loss to eating less. I weighed myself on Friday and was 2lbs down from starting weight, which was pleasing, and I don't know whether I will be able to resist weighing myself on Friday again.

    Have literally just bought the little GL book, so am off for a browse.

    Love and KOKO to all here.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Visiting cousin and sister have kept me away from the Club, but I'm just waiting for a call from sis to say that the hospital has finished checking my d.o.m's plaster which has been rubbing her hand. I feel very weird letting my sister take her (especially as she doesn't drive in the UK and it requires a taxi) but I must learn to let her do her bit when she is visiting. I will take her to the shops this afternoon.

    We need to sort out my swimming costume dilemma. I bought a lovely costume and kaftan set in Boots (no fitting room) and I got the costume in size B (we shall call it) but although that fits my tuchus (mods: bottom), it's a bit loose and unflatteringly floppy in the boob area. I will now buy size C (if it is still available) and try on in M & S fitting room, while she holds on to size B in case size C is too tight in the nether regions. What a palaver. Also, will this still be my size in four weeks time? This Passover week has been horrendous in terms of fattening foods - fried, fatty and sugary - but I am intending to make a supreme effort from Friday onwards - but don't I always? My weight has remained constant, strangely enough. OH, with his usual charm, just snorts: YOU in a swimming costume?!!

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Tolkny (U710741) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Thanks to all who give service to the MFC.

    Just back from my annual Sleep Apnoea machine service at London Chest Hospital.

    I saw a lot of fat people there.

    Did get to speak with one bloke who I told about my recovery so far, so that was good. He said he would look OA up but loads say that and then leave it at that and loads more go to a few meetings and then seem to stop, although it is not unusual for people to come back ages later. Anyway it helps my recovery to at least be able to offer the hope of the miracle I am enjoying to others.

    The food in the staff canteen was miserable, but I got an abstinent meal, so it was good enough for me. It seems to have deteriorated there since I first went about 10 years ago. Having enjoyable food, does help me. At one time I did not take much care about what I ate as long as it was filling. I treat myself more now and do not begrudge paying for what I like, although at heart I am mean!

    Despite being told by a Professor of Respiratory medicine that my sleep apnoea was not caused by my fatness, I remained doubtful. However it is very much present with me, despite weight loss and I notice the difference when for one reason or another I do not get proper use of the aforementioned Continuous Positive Air Pressure Machine, whilst I sleep. Good sleep also affects my tendency not to get food cravings.

    If I get them and ask am I, H.A.L. or T., usually I am at least hungry, angry, lonely or tired. The most frequent is angry and I have more to do with the AA 12 steps to overcome anger problems. However, at least it is progress that I am aware of the food and feeling connections, so that is reason for more hope!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Tolkny (U710741) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    here to confess 

    Of course I don't know if the writer of that is an addict like me, but these days I do not think in terms of confessing, if I eat something that is unwise, I put it down to the fact that I am an addict, and at that moment, I was not managing my addiction as well as I might have done.

    I did not choose to be an addict.

    Were I to confess to the consequences of being an addict, should my non smoking, light drinking wife "confess" for getting breast cancer?

    I have to treat myself seriously and respectfully nowadays, it helps me eat well and be well, or at least weller(sic) than I would otherwise be!

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Afternoon peeps. Thanks for opening up Puzzler. I too meant to check last night but got distracted and forgot until today, and fortunately you have got it up and running for us. Sorry about the tummy bug, and to JJ too for the ankle. Could I suggest seeing the doc JJ, as DH did something similar some years ago playing football, and it has been a nuisance ever since. He did eventually get some physio via the docs, which helped, but probably too late really!

    Fluts, I'm sure all that walking helped the calories consumed in the eggs. Archi - keep going, you are doing well, and you will find a swimsuit to fit (M&S used to do cup sized ones, which might suit better?)

    Primrose, keep pottering on, we miss seeing you here so much! Clearwhitecloud, glad to hear the book is helping, I haven't got it but it seems to be helping lots of people. Jules, I can't cope without a weekly weigh in, it does really help me to keep on track.

    Tolkny, helpful comments as always. I recently heard of a friend's 19 year old son with sleep apnoea, normal size and weight, but largely due to his extremely overlarge tonsils! He fortunately has been helped by those being removed, but most unusual apparently in such a young man, but so disruptive to his sleep that he was really struggling with university exams etc.

    Geepers, on the countdown now, well done on the last minute gym visits, you are going to look fab on that beach girl!

    I have managed to lose most of last week's gain, so am just above my all time best. I still need to lose just over 3lbs to get to my next mini target, which I would like to reach before the end of the month really. Hopefully the running will help that goal.

    Have a great week all, and KOKO

    Pug x

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:23 GMT, in reply to countrypug in message 21

    Have had a good day - v good workout (penultimate one!) and a bit of a swim/sauna/jacuzzi-fest before lunch in the bar there, of fish cakes and (v large) salad. Then walked to the local shops to stock up on salad for the next couple of days.

    Nice to see everyone checking back in after Easter - and a reminder as Westie often says that what we ate over the weekend is the past, it's what we eat from on that we can do something about.

    Tolkny, I completely agree that having enjoyable food makes it a lot easier to stick to plan.

    Last thought - I've been thinking quite a bit about the tip I posted in last week's thread (someone else's tip) about not talking about weight *loss* as loss is generally a negative concept, implying carelessness and making us think we should be trying to get the lost thing back. I'm telling myself that I'm getting rid of it instead of losing it.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Hmm Pug, have been wondering if I should go to the docs, but because I don't know if they'll be able to do anything constructive, I've dismissed the idea. Maybe I should just get a professional opinion on what I should/shouldn't be doing for the next few weeks. Thanks for the input.

    It's nice to see everyone back after Easter and full of motivation - it always cheers me up to come to this thread.

    Cheers all.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Hi Peeps, as usual you are all wonderful and positive people who make me feel it is all do-able.
    Still getting on with the pain and the meds. and it is just becoming a way of life now! Heigh-ho smiley - smiley

    I do snack, but stick to dried fruit, bits of raw veg. like carrot, celery,broccoli etc.
    Eating a complete meal [however small] is challenging, but I leave the rest in the fridge and try again later.
    Finding great solace smiley - winkeye in weak hot chocolate and horl***s and water.
    Can't be bad, it seems that this what my body is telling me to do.
    Weight settled - like a wreck on the bottom of the Solent- and will neither move up nor down. [Verrrry Interestttting Darlinks]

    Thanks to Puzzler for opening up, [I am doing well if I clean my teeth before midday!]

    Good luck to all especially Tolkny. I appreciate the thoughtful posts. Helpful to look at things differently sometimes.

    Puzzler, I do hope the Tummy bug goes soon.

    JsuJezabel, Good plan to do low impact stuff while you are waiting for the ankle to heal.

    Westie! [What a lovely day it is ... sunshine blue skies. Hope you are all getting some too ... that sounds dodgy, but you know what I mean :0))) ]
    Doesn't sound dodgy to me - sounds like a suitable activity for sunshine and blue skies ... dog walking!

    Primrose, , Spring is a good time to potter and cogitate, good luck with your aspiring. smiley - smiley

    Auntie Prue, I really appreciated the quinoa recipe site. I am a 'chuck it all in and hope for the best' cook.
    I bought a packet of organic quinoa and then could not imagine what to do with it!

    Flutters, 'I am here to confess...' that was then and this is now. You're doing marvellously, I am highly impressed. Gently does it, and as BamBam says, 'We Can'

    JulesBee, 'I'm really conscious now of what and why I'm eating, ' that struck home with me.
    I like that situation as a lot of my problems have been cramming food in my mouth and not even being aware of what I am eating

    Hope I haven't left any one out but ...
    Gotta go, the family have just turned up for 3 days, out with the wine and the corkscrew! KOKO Cella smiley - smiley

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:04 GMT, in reply to celladefarm in message 24

    Anyone seen vsm? I've just found out our water's not drinkable at the mo - been a warning in force since YESTERDAY so obviously really well publicised, and want to be sure she knows too!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by witchwoman (U2992515) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Hello everyone,
    I have read last week's huge thread - blimey! Lots seems to be happening, one way and another. Sorry to hear of people who are poorly/injured; hope things pick up soon.
    I too have been reading Gillian Riley and am gradually starting to take on board some of her ideas; it feels really good so far. Have made some good food choices but yesterday afternoon I found myself in the pub sharing crisps, nuts and chocolate with friends...Luckily I managed to stop before it had gone too far. Weight seems to be more or less unchanged but given I've had a weekend away including 2 hotel breakfasts and 3 evening meals out, that feels pretty good too. Gillian Riley's Plans have struck a chord with me but will have to see if there's a long term change.
    Anyway best wishes to all for a good week, hope to drop in later and see how everyone's doing.
    WW x
    PS. Puzzler, you were brilliant on the radio! Well done. If I'd been a new mum listening, I would definitely have wanted to get in touch with you and your bosom buddies. Fantastic work.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:46 GMT, in reply to witchwoman in message 26

    Hi everyone

    Hope your feeling better Puzzler and thanks for opening up.

    1lb down for me, 1lb more and I will be at a stone down from last May's weight. 2 1/2 lb off and into a new stone mark. I am aiming for this for the 2 1/2 in two weeks but i know that is a stretch for me, but going for it anyway.


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:00 GMT, in reply to sunlitfern in message 27

    that's brilliant, sunlit - keep it up/down!

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Archi and everyone, well done.

    I've just got in from a day out so please excuse me just responding to Jules who specifically asked me if I'm weighing myself, in the light of Gillian Riley specifically asking us to consider weight loss as secondary to eating well and thoughtfully. If you need to lose weight then that should get taken into account as you do your thoughtful eating, but a lot of people she would hope to help have issues around food but don't need to lose weight. I think she would expect you to adjust your intake according to whether you need to lose weight or not, but for everyone to use the same techniques for altering their 'relationship' with food. (My words not hers)

    I mentioned, perhaps last week, that I had had several good days thinking about what and why I was eating and everything was fine. I got on the scales (almost out of habit) one morning and almost felt my heart leap as I saw that I hadn't actually lost any weight but then I thought, heck, everything is fine, I'm eating well and sensibly, why should these scales cause me to feel I am failing at this when I am obviously not.

    I have pulled myself up about 6 times from eating as a reaction to simply seeing food in the kitchen, and about 10 times from thinking that it isn't anywhere near the time for me to be thinking about eating, and so one way and another a lot of food hasn't gone into my mouth that would have gone in before.

    So, I didn't weigh myself again until this morning and as it happens I have lost about 3 pounds in the fortnight I've been reading this book and it is getting easier and easier to recognise mindless eating for what it is, and I have been able to walk on by each time.

    Before this I weighed myself every morning, thinking that if I lost weight that it would encourage me, and if I didn't well, I must try harder, and if I put some on then I really must take myself in hand and get a grip, as it were. A fairly stressful business really.

    So ... that's what I'm doing :0))

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    This evening I cooked quinoa for the first time - having collected together various recipes, I ended up doing my own thing!

    So: Quinoa cooked in veg stock. Sauteed (sounds healthier than fried) mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, a shallot; and topped with a large dollop of fresh chopped herbs from the garden (a strange mixture of mint, lemon balm and parsley)

    We had a pudding as a treat. Orange (soaked in a tiny soupcon of rum) and a few raspberries, topped with a spoonful of fat free Greek yoghurt and some of Westie's gorgeous crumble mixture (but added a few pistachios, as OH very fond of them and he has been a brick about the new eating regime, and coming out for walks with me etc).

    Well done to those who have lost weight - especially over Easter!

    And to all of us - keep enjoying your healthy food.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Westie - now you know why I don't weigh myself.

    Previously, I became obsessed with it, and would weigh myself several times a day, even though I knew it was a silly thing to do.

    If I didn't lost weight, I would feel dreadful and go and eat.

    I got rid of the scales.

    I can see that overall I am getting thinner, and more energetic.

    Incidentally, some years ago I started to get arthritis. I joined the arthritic association

    and followed their diet - and the arthritis disappeared. Of course, I lapsed, and it started to come back.

    But since following this low GL regime (but without having all the fat that is theoretically allowed) - the arthritis has gone again.

    I think that tells us something about the benefits of healthy eating for all conditions (and potential future ones)..

    I am so grateful to all here, who have informed and encouraged me - and I have every hope that I can keep it up - but a forum like this makes all the difference. Many thanks to all my friends who I will never meet, but who have made such a difference.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:24 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird) in message 29

    thanks for posting that, westie. I really, really hope this isn't speaking out of turn, but that post really cheered me up - it has always been a real source of concern to me that you were weighing yourself every day as I felt it had potential to put such a blight on your day, and it didn't allow for the fact that weight fluctuates a fair bit from day to day anyway. But I was always too frightened to say anything as it seemed a bit of a cheek on my part to be so critical! I think I've mentioned before that the people who were my three closest friends during my mid-teens to mid-twenties (two of whom are still my closest friends) all had eating disorders and were all very, very frequent weighers, and it just seems to me that it's not the most helpful thing to do.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by witchwoman (U2992515) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    your post really struck a chord with me and impressed me hugely with your self-awareness. Thassorl.
    Witchwoman x

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Hi folks, glad you got on so well without me today! I'm not going to go back and comment on everyone's posts, it's been done so well by others already.

    I'm feeling a bit better now, having done nothing all day but try to keep drinking water.

    With regards to the weighing thing, I find it very helpful to weigh once a week to keep me on the straight and narrow, even when I expect to have gained after a holiday or whatever. I occasionally hop onto the scales in between times (eg this afternoon when I realised I would have lost more weight since this morning - another 1.25lb) but it doesn't count in the overall plan, and it never gets recorded on my spreadsheet.

    It's two years since I found the MFC in April 2007 since when I have lost 3 stone 5.75lb (and had a baby) so thanks to all my fellow Healthy Eaters, and KOKO all of us!


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Just checking in to the new thread - she says new but it is already fairly long! Sorry I can't greet everyone, just come in from a meeting.

    I'm still at the weigh myself weekly stage, and think that I will continue to do so until I reach target range. I would like to get to the stage of thinking healthy eating, and think it can be achieved. Certainly I am thinking more of what I put in my mouth as others have said. I have stopped myself several times, when I know that I would have eaten a few weeks ago.

    Tomorrow friends are coming and we are going out for lunch, I will enjoy that, and their company. I don't yet know where or what we will eat, but that is the Plan. Must make sure I think about the evening meal before we go out.


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Prue, well done you and OH :0)))

    Cooking the quinoa in stock is what I do/suggested, but could I just be a nag and say please make sure you are using a good veggie stock and, if not your own, be careful to check salt ... I had Marigold swiss vegetable vegan bouillon powder recommended ... it also is useful for a drink with hot water. By adding flavourings from herbs etc we really shouldn't need to be using products with a lot of salt.

    "The good thing about this product is that it does not contain preservatives, artificial colourants and monosodium glutammate, the ingredients are all natural and they have two versions a salted one and a low sodium too, not bad at all if you are watching your daily salt intake or suffer of high blood pressure!"

    We have rhubarb shooting up in the garden, so the crumble recipe will come into its own again for us now too.

    Thankyou for reinforcing my thoughts about scales and weighing. It is all new to me and very helpful to know how others are managing. Yes, this forum is brilliant as it is here day and night whenever any of us need it. I have been in here yelling and ranting at times and I am thankful to be feeling calmer about things at the moment.
    A great relief.

    geepers, you could never speak out of turn :0)))) We all have thoughts and ideas and opinions and if we can't express them on this thread, then what's the point of the thread. We all learn from each other. Some of us will find weighing regularly helpful and that is fine. I remember how dismayed I was when I got some new scales which (still to this day!) have me 2lbs heavier than my dear old rather unreliable scales. I knew in my heart it was bonkers to mind so much as I actually weighed the same as I had the day before but the thought of being those 2lbs UP meant I was in the next half stone zone, and I had set my target to be below that half stone zone.

    Witchwoman ;0)

    Puzzler, glad you are feeling better. Gosh, April 2007. You have been so constant, and that makes you a very special part of this thread. I wonder when I joined.

    Well thunked Fire-Pig :0)) That all sounds so encouraging doesn't it. Enjoy making your food decisions tomorrow.

    OH and I had lunch out today and chose a pub that is good at veggie food and we chose one dish with two very little tarts (!) one with sundried toms/goats cheesey filling and the other was brie and red onion, and had half of one each with the salad and five little potatoes, (I had 2) and shared/had half each of the risotto which was stunningly lovely. OH went on to have a ridiculously awful pudding which I wont describe as it was so bad for him, but he enjoyed every mouthful. I found myself getting peckish at about 5pm which I was quite pleased to notice, but didn't have any of my oatcake/nuts/dried fruit nibbles and waited til we got home and had a banana and yoghurt to stave off the nibbles til our evening meal of homemade soup and a rye roll, and tahini spread on the roll ... still don't care for it much! Like bitter peanut butter.

    I think that's me done for the day.

    Well done everyone.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:12 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird) in message 29

    Thank you very much, westie, for replying so clearly to me. I was aware that you had been a devotee of the scales, and so it is particularly interesting to see how you have been influenced by the ideas in the Gillian Riley book.

    I'm honestly not sure how much I can resist the lure of the scales at the moment. I "get" the ideas in GR's book, and I can identify my own addictive desire and already am choosing not to act on it more often than not (though not all the time). I buy into her view that self-esteem is a much more powerful motivator for honouring one's body than wanting to look good/weigh less. But am I ready to ditch the scales...? Perhaps I just have to accept that it's all a process - after all, eating less, but well, and making good choices is a lifelong thing, not a quick fix, and maybe my attachment to the scales will wane as part of the process. At least I am already not losing heart or giving up on the idea of eating better/less even when the scales have been less than encouraging.

    I have had a quick skim-through the GL book and found it quite inspiring. I have laid in some stocks for some of the very tasty-looking low GL salads, and am genuinely keen to give them a try. I know that the start of any new phase is always the most exciting, and the trick is to keep it up long-term, so let's see how it goes. At the moment, combined with GR principles, I really think it could be revolutionary (albeit a slow and steady revolution, if there is such a thing!).

    Love and best wishes to everyone else here. Sunlit, well done on your loss - you are an inspiration! Likewise Puzzler (though I'm sorry you've been so under the weather).

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Evening, all!

    Wanda, reporting in with a maintain - but that is fine and dandy with me. I have just had a complete soddit night, eating things that are most definitely NOT on my list Just Because. It is the very first time in seven weeks of the Idiot-Proof Diet that I have done such a thing, which I reckon is liveable-with. Tomorrow I will be happy to be well and truly back on the plan.

    I'm very pleased with that discovery. I thought that a night off might send me screaming back to the bad old ways redolent with processed carbs, but in fact it's just reinforced my growing feeling that I don't miss them much.

    There's some really good stuff going on with everyone this week, and it's lovely to read.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:53 GMT, in reply to JulesBee in message 37

    Jules, I think it's one of the hardest lessons to learn that it comes off far more slowly than it goes on. But if we can get that fixed in our heads, we do a lot better in the long run because none of the quick fixes really works, and pounds that come off at speed inevitably go back on again, usually bringing friends along with them. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Jules, I know how to lose weight by eating healthy food as I've done it twice very successfully but each time I have slowly slowly put it back on, and this last time I thought it wouldn't happen as I had the support of this thread (I've had never wanted to join any particular clubs).

    I was horrified when I realised it was proving so hard to keep within the maintain zone I had set myself and gradually despite my best efforts the maintain zone slipped out of my reach.

    I just realised something was wrong and I wanted to try and get to the bottom of why it happens and Tolkny appeared on another thread mentioning to the poster who was asking for 'resolve' (I think it was) that he knew that he was addicted to food, and resolve alone wasn't the answer for him, and it sort of began to ring a bell in my head as I had had plenty of resolve!! Then someone mentioned G Riley's book which goes along with the idea of the possiblilty of having an addictive desire to eat food and the lengths we all go to find excuses for popping unnecessary food into our mouths, and it all sort of slotted into place.

    Not everyone who is overweight will have this issue, but I thought about it and it made sense for me.

    That's all. :0)))

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    Geepers, I couldn't agree more with your last post - slow and steady is definitely the way to go, and for me, that has involved accepting that sometimes the weight will go up as well as down (sounds like an odd bank advert doesn't it!)

    In times past, when I have lost weight, a gain (especially one that was unexpected, or one that I felt was undeserved) was inclined to send me to comfort eating. This time, I can fairly happily accept that if I've had one of those weeks, lots of entertaining or going out, that the weight will creep up, but I can also look at the bigger picture (literally) and see that the overall trend is downward. For me it is helpful to look back in my diary, where I record my weight. Sometimes I feel as if not much has happened, but if I go back a couple of months, I can see where the results are leading.

    So, like Puzzler, I can look back to September 2007, when I discovered MFC (and delurked), and see that I have lost 3 stone 11 pounds since then - extremely satisfying overall!

    Glad to hear the weight is going down Westie, and that you aren't weighing too often and getting yourself down. GR has certainly seemed to help you!

    Pug x

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    I am still at the stage where I weigh every day, hoping that a loss will spur me on, a gain will force me to try harder. Usually though, it is the same, which is strangely awkward when searching for a reaction.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 14th April 2009

    archi ... thankful that it hasn't gone up, fed up that it hasn't gone down .... come in here and yell and we suggest you lift up your left arm next time you step on the scales, or have a haircut, or or or or


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Haircut booked here, Westie! I had been thinking of growing it and then a couple of muggy days in the office made me decide that I wouldn't be able to bear it in Borneo like that. On a whim I phoned a new place in town and made a booking for next week, it is going to go from touching shoulders to short then so I've a shedding to look forward to (or should that be a shearing?) I like Geepers idea of shedding weight not losing it, which sounds so careless!

    After days of glorious sunshine, why is today so different, our friends are not going to see the glories of Snowdonia!


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Loobie-Lu (U3740776) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Calling Julse-Bee

    Hello again, remember the run in Westminster a couple of years ago? Well, I managed to get a mustardland team together to compete in the Edinburgh Marathon relay (each person does a section so not too far to run each) but have had problems contacting one member so we are now one short. Do you fancy being member number four and completing a five mile leg of the relay? Date is 31 May and details are on the official Edinburgh Marathon website under "hairy haggis relay".


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Don't judge a book by its cover, this just made me cry:

    next time you step on the scales 

    Couldn't stop myself this morning and I am down 1lb in spite of another festival food fest, but plenty of walking. It did spur me on, so it works for me when it's *down*, at least. (TBH I'm not convinced of the accuracy of my scales, but perhaps I don't want to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth?.)

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Archi the truth of the matter is you are doing a very good job of thinking and being aware of what you eat. Well done. However you achieve this (within the mantra of eating enough healthy food to keep yourself fit and bright eyed and bushy tailed) is up to you. We all find out what suits us at a given time.

    Firepig my hair so SO short I am out of options with it :0))


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by witchwoman (U2992515) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Archie, thank you for the link - I'm crying too!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    thand for the link, stunning lady, susan boyle.
    Thanks for that, I loved the looks on their faces as all their preconceptions were blown out of the water. One to treasure. Cella smiley - smiley

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 15th April 2009

    Another clip for you Cella ...

    Report message50

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