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MFC - the Healthy Eating Club May 5th 2009

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 101
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 4th May 2009

    Welcome to another new week for the MFC. We meet here each week in the village hall to discuss all aspects of healthy eating. For most of us, weight loss is the aim, although we have some healthy maintainers too. We have no real rules except that we do not mention real life weights or clothes sizes, as a starting point for one may be a goal for another. Feel free to share with us the inches you have lost, or the pounds, or kilograms, or even of looser clothing.

    As summer is approaching, we may all feel the need to shape up for our lighter summer clothes, or for our holidays and generally wearing less! You will find a warm welcome awaits you here, and there is loads of good advice on planning, strategies and general healthy eating. If you are having a soddit day, there will be a friendly ear here to help you out. There are followers of many different types of healthy eating, from Slimming World, via Weight Watchers, GL, and many others in between.

    If you have been lurking here, please do post - you will find that we have all been there and done that, and there is support second to none on this thread!

    There are various related threads, all in the Village Hall –

    GEm’s cybergym for all things exercise related:

    Katy’s cookbook, where there are literally thousands of great recipe ideas:

    and finally, the rota thread, where you can volunteer to open up one week. It is really easy, and there are quite a few spaces for the next few weeks, so please feel free to help out.

    Our motto is keep on keeping on (KOKO). Hope all have a great week!

    Pug x

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Just bookmarking the new thread. Nothing much to add - we get a magnificent hotel buffet breakfast here and not had any lunch the last two days, just some fruit juice and/or green tea to keep us going until a fairly early evening meal.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Thanks for opening up Pug :0)

    At the end of last week's thread Arch asks if anyone has posted Dusty's chickpeas dip recipe in Katy's cookbook. I think that is a good idea.

    Also, I wrote the recipe on a scrap of paper rather than on my computer notebook, so would someone be kind enough to just repeat the recipe for me please.

    Have a good week everyone :0)

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Morning, pug, and thanks for opening up this week.

    I'd just like to echo what Archi was saying in our last thread about the energising effects of walking - it really does work. Yesterday, despite grey skies, Mr Wandaful and I went out for a 6-mile walk that wound along a river and took us to the remotest church in the county, where we sat on the grass with our picnic (included quails' eggs, ham, cheese, tomatoes and a few figs - I do good picnic) and listened to the silence.

    Took us about three hours, as we weren't in a hurry, and the scores on the pedometer were very impressive indeed... so that's part of my plan for May: to use my pedometer every flippin' day and make sure I do at least 7K steps. Yes, I know, 10K is recommended but my scores tend to fluctuate wildly (2500 one day, 14000 the next!) so I reckon committing myself to a 7K minimum for a month is a useful and manageable goal.

    I don't weigh in water-retention week, but can report that the inch-loss round the waist has remained stable... KOKO everyone!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Up nearly 3lb for me this week, but heigh ho, two much-enjoyed pub lunches over the weekend. We did cycle to the pub yesterday, up a very steep hill, I must add, but I don't suppose that offset the gravy, let alone the pie and chips. Much enjoyed though, as I say, so I don't feel bad, I'm back to Healthy Eating today.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Hi all,

    haven't weighed myself this morning because I forgot it was Tuesday (Bank Holidays always confuse me) and it's too late now cos I've had my toast and coffee, so I'll do it tomorrow.

    Spent the weekend in Paris with an old pal but despite the many temptations, I don't think I did too badly food-wise. We did a lot of walking as well. Got back on Sunday night, but it was yesterday when I overdid it slightly - a bit of cheese at lunchtime and some crisps I didn't need. I guess the scales will tell!

    Need to get back to my regular routine this week - does anyone else look forward to normality after the extra food stress of holidays?


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Good Morning.

    Thanks to Pug for opening up. As per my post last week, just reporting that I'm fairly sanguine about the scales this morning given the choices I made over the weekend. Back on to sensible choices yesterday and today.

    F-P, enjoy your break

    Westie - is this what you're after?

    Blitz a tin of chick peas with a glug each of balsamic vinegar, light soy sauce, a few cloves of garlic and some basil leaves. Then you will be able to use your celery etc to dip into it. 

    Could you remind me how you cook quinoa?

    Morning to Wanda and JJ and Puzzler smiley - smiley


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Another 100g down this week - only a little bit, and I was hoping for more, but never mind - at least it's no up!

    It's nice to be home though, holiday's are knackering when you have a wee one to take with you, and I'm not jumping to repeat the 'baby on plane with no help' experience. I'm still a bit tired, but it is getting better, mostly because I now have someone to share morning duties with and that makes it all much more leisurely.



    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Tue, 05 May 2009 08:03 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird)

    Hi everyone!

    At the end of last week's thread Arch asks if anyone has posted Dusty's chickpeas dip recipe in Katy's cookbook. I think that is a good idea. 

    Oh, I missed that!

    Thanks for the offer, but no need - I copied 'n' pasted into a Word document the moment I spotted it teh first time while in catch-up lurking mode, I'll post it on the website, together with all the newest recipes in teh Cookbook thread, once I've finished working on the nutrition info.

    I lost 700 grams last week, and am hoping for a bit more off this week, tho' huge garden fête at Bulb 3's school on Friday, complete with family BBQ, may have blown that idea.

    Yesterday ventured out on my bike to the local shops, for the first time since last summer, to try and up my activity levels somewhat - was going to do the same today, but it's pouring with rain! Pure sabotage, I calls it....

    smiley - winkeye Katy

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Tue, 05 May 2009 08:07 GMT, in reply to Primrose Path in message 7

    Could you remind me how you cook quinoa? 

    Discussion on quinoa in the Cookbook thread starts at message 111, PP,

    c-there's also a link to a thread about it in The Bull.


    Bfn all, must be off to reading practice at school,


    smiley - winkeye Katy

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Hello, well I completed the one week no choc challenge thrown down by my friend, and am so inspired I'm continuing for a second week. I am determined to beat what was undoubtedly a habit.

    I am considering my replacement foods a little more this week. Last week found me mainlining banana chips on a couple of evenings, which may as well be sweeties.

    Also, despite my early inroad into carrot sticks when I had a snack craving, I found myself more drawn to toast later on in the week. So, whilst patting myself on the back for a non-sugary snack, I feel now I want to go for something more likely to induce some weight loss.

    BUT: I'd never have thought I could relatively easily pack in the chocolate habit. Onwards and upwards!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Dear Puzzler, following my eczema-empathy post last week, I've remembered something else I wanted to say to you re Puzzlerette.

    I hope you know already (but we only found out when it actually happened to our son), that when she has an active outbreak of eczema, take care to keep her away from people with a cold sore, or indeed the herpes virus in any form.

    It can mingle with the eczema somehow, and cause a dangerous form of herpes that can spread quickly over young children's skin and can make them very poorly.

    Do hope she's much less scratchy this week, and you're both getting more sleep!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Thanks, op. The eczema is getting back under control now, with the stronger steroid we got from the hospital last week. It was when she got chicken pox last December that Puzzlerette's eczema became a major issue. Six months later, we might just be getting it sorted!

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Thanks for the recipe PP ...

    Katy has given you the link to the quinoa discussion but just quickly to say I rinse it then put it with the same volume of boiling water in a saucepan and cook it gently for 11 mins til you see the 'seeds' beginning to open and then wham a tight fitting lid on and leave for 10 mins or until you are ready to eat it. It soaks up all the water.

    In order to make it more interesting before I pour the water over it I add some low salt Marigold bouillon powder into the water instead of salt and add some tomato puree and a squeeze of garlic. I cook enough for several goes, and enjoy it with roasted veggies. I roast the veggies with olive oil, garlic, and any herbs going.

    I hope this is helpful.

    I am signing out now as I have acquired some crutches and a knee support bandage thingy and we are going to attempt to get ready to go off to Ireland for this family wedding and then do a bit of touring ... so I'll see you all in a month or so .... if not before :0)))))

    Westie :0)

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    I seem to have lost an inch on my bust and two inches around the waist, but nothing around the tummy and hips - which makes me even more of a pear shape than ever. I've been hovering above and below the stone mark all this week and today was bang on it. But I've had a very poor morning.

    I knew it would happen because Committee Meetings in my group are always around a dining table loaded up with nosh. Right in front of me were pastry twists, pr*ngles and cheesy triangles, a little beyond sweets and chocs, some honeyed almonds at an arm's reach, big fat raisins and cranberries with nuts behind the jug of water, and right at the end of the table where I couldn't reach a plate of carrots, celery and cucumber. I dread to think how I'm going to be able to read back my shorthand, as I was somewhat pre-occupied. Coffee was served with flapjacks squares, meringues, mini-choc rolls and mini ginger cakes. I had one ginger cake and one flapjack, but I had managed to resist the sweets and chocs, so I suppose it could have been worse (but not much).

    The question is, MFCers, I am not hungry now - not surprising - but should I have lunch anyway because I may get hungry later on and eat something not as nourishing?

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    If you have something healthy, I'd eat it to stave off further food. Even if it is just so that you can tell yourself that you have had proper lunch and don't need anthing else, rather than giving yourself an excuse.

    That's how my mind works anyway.

    A moments peace here though - Owen just went for more Jabs and WAS NOT IMPRESSED by the ordeal. But now he's asleep so it can't be that bad!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Afternoon All,

    Just checking in. I didn't weigh myself this morning as I was at the b/f's house, not mine. I'll weigh tomorrow.

    Still feeling upbeat. I've been being lots of active activities. Even if I'm not getting thinner (which I hope I am) I feel much fitter already, and this is hopefully just the start.

    I'm having a party in a couple of weekends so I'm now starting to plan the healthy snacks which I can offer/consume. Not easy considering my love for pastry! I'll go through all by recipes and find some lovely things I'd forgotten about, I'm sure!

    KOKO one and all.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Tue, 05 May 2009 16:59 GMT, in reply to Curiously Frittering in message 17

    Good news from me this week. 1/2lb off which makes a stone in a year. Feeling dead chuffed about it only 1 1/2 lb to the next stone down too.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    BRILLIANT, sunlit, I'm absolutely delighted for you!!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Weight bibbling up and down by about 4 pounds.
    About 7 lbs to go to reach 'middle of the range' for healthy BMI for my height.

    Still doing the food diary and eating three small meals a day.
    Not fridge grazing any more. If I want to eat between meals I have a glass of water, and if I am still feeling hungry I have carrot and celery sticks or 2 oaties sometimes with a desert-spoon of either hummus or fish pate, both home made, with herbs but no added oils.
    Made a Bara Brith for first time since last autumn.
    Reduced sugar, increased dried fruit, tea and orange juice. one egg, SR flour no added fat or oil.
    I admit I had a goodly slice, but after giving OH a chunk, I split the rest between our cake tin and a friends. Only enough left now for a couple of thin slices each.
    Mainly waiting for my feet to settle down so that I can walk for more than 100 yards. I think I will get to my desired shape and fitness when I can be more active. KOKO Cella smiley - smiley

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Evening everyone, sorry to be such a tardy hostess, but it has been a busy day at work post Bank Holiday.

    Fire-Pig, I am very impressed at you checking in from your hols. It sounds lovely, not jealous at all.....

    Wanda - well done on all the walking. I am almost evangelical on the walking front too, although I have recently introduced interval running into it, but I feel so much better when I have been out, even in the bad weather.

    Puzzler, glad to hear you enjoyed those 3lbs, and to hear that you have it firmly in perspective too!

    JJ, glad you enjoyed yourself in Paris (we are going in July, mega excited!), and I know exactly what you mean about looking forward to normal food again after your holidays. I always also feel this after the APs have been visiting, as they are real meat and 2 veg sorts, and I get fed up of the heaviness of what we eat to please them. I know I should cook our normal food, but they really wouldn't cope.

    Primrose, glad to see you back here, and sounding happy about getting back to the routine so to speak. Fluts - 100g is better than nothing, so well done, and good to hear Owen is letting you have some time to yourself too.

    Katy, good to see you, and well done on last week's loss. You always sound so busy, don't know how you fit everything in! Much respect to you Orange P for giving up the chocolate. Although it isn't my failing, I know how difficult it is to give up, so you have done really well on the willpower front.

    I know Westie is meant to be organising for her hols, but I bet she is still lurking, so sorry to hear about the knee, take it easy in Ireland won't you, but enjoy it anyway!

    Archi - sorry to hear you are still having struggles, but those inches lost are pounds lost you know - so well done. That committee meeting sounds an absolute nightmare - I could never resist all that lot. Hope you have a good week.

    CF, good to hear you are upbeat,and all that exercise will surely get you further down on the scales. Sunlit - fantastic news, and good luck for the next mini target!

    Cella, hope the feet start to behave soon so you can get more active, but you sound as if you are happy with how things are at present.

    Sorry for the mammoth post, but I think it is nice sometimes to reply to each person personally. Obviously I will probably not keep this up, or I will get no housework done this week (nothing new there then!)

    For me, I have lost another pound. I thought I had maintained this morning, as I couldn't remember last week's score, but looking back in my diary I am at a new low, and only a pound away from the mini target. Mind you, having had a sneaky hop on the scales on Saturday, I was virtually there, but puglet's profriteroles were a bit of a downfall last night I think! Water retention week here, so that may be also part of the answer.

    I'll stop now before the message takes up the whole thread smiley - winkeye

    Pug x

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Hi Pug, and I'm glad to be back...

    Well done on your new low and thanks for the mega post. Off to read another bit of Harry Potter to Monkeyboy. Sleep tight peeps.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Evenin' All.

    What is it about quinoa?

    Ocado is running out. Holland and Barret in our local town have run out. Apparently everyone appears to be buying it, according to the shop assistant.

    Whilst on the subject, may I just add that it needs to be cooked with double its volume of water - like rice. I think someone earlier may have said the same volume. Apologies if I misread it.

    Today I bought some scales - just basic ones. I have resisted weighing myself because of previous obsession about weight and consequent dispropotionate ups and downs. But I do need to know if I am eating too much or too little.

    OH is looking after them for me, and I will weigh myself once a month - no more. I hope that in time, I will feel able to ask to "take them over" - when I can trust myself to be sensible.

    Having weighed myself today - I can't understand for one minute how both the GP and the nurse said I wasn't overweight! I won't set myself a target other than healthy eating (Low GL, and low fat and portion control) - but I will check to see if the pointer is going the right direction in general.

    I have probably done the fat to muscle convertion thing through doing what exercise I can manage regularly - so I hope that it will be overall loss from now on.

    Portion control wasn't too good this evening with the chicken tikka and dahl - but it was worth it!

    I have set the new egg boiler (from Windermere polywhatsits) to cook OH and me a breakfast egg - and I intend to have it with half a slice of stoneground wholemeal bread cut up into soldiers.
    With it I will have some tomato juice, a few grapes and some green tea.

    Tomorrow is another day - but only two days before our hols. That will be a testing time.

    Good luck and happy eating.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Thanks Pug :0)

    Managing well with crutches and camper all packed so we're orf in the morning really early.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 5th May 2009

    Enjoy the holiday and the wedding, Westie.

    Pug, OH brought the laptop so he could finish work on the next issue of the magazine he edits, the hotel has given us free broadband access - we even listen to the Archers! I log on while he is in the bathroom etc. My conference doesn't really start until tonight, so I will be busy until Saturday night (Borneo time) then we start being tourists!

    So far I have been eating sensibly except I succumbed to a pud last night - which I didn't enjoy as much as I had hoped I would from the menu description! - so what's new?

    I am very impressed with the walking, archi, and think I should invest in one of those counters when I get back. I fear it would show such low levels that it would tell me I wasn't getting my money's worth!

    Off for healthy breakfast - anyone want to try yellow watermelon? Tastes very similar to pink but looks so very different!


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Weighed myself today and recorded a maintain, which I'm quite happy about considering my trip to Paris etc.

    Wanda - I meant to say that I bought a pair of fit flops and I love them, so thanks for the recommendation!

    Am going to try to have a slightly more abstemious week as I really would like to shift down into my next stone in the next couple of weeks.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    WHOOPPEEEE!! Result! Oh, I'm so pleased that you're happy with them - I had been SO hoping that you would be.. phew!

    I didn't do so well on the walking as hoped yesterday - largely due to my boss announcing that he's out of reach for two days and I will have to be him as well as me - threw my day completely out of shape, that did. Ha! Today I shall be going out at lunchtime to fit my steps in (and get away from the phone, natch).

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Morning All,

    I weighed myself this morning and 2lbs down. This means I'm only 3lbs away from my first mini-target, for which I set myself a goal date of the end of May. So I'm feeling confident that I'll meet it.

    This week is about continuing the better eating habits I've got myself into and stepping up the activity levels again.

    I'm starting to really love going for long walks around town, getting to know all sorts of new places (unfortunately, I've seen so many restaurants I want to try!).


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    The encouraging thing is that good restaurants these days have plenty of items on the menu that are healthy.

    The days of the cholesterol ridden 60s and 70s are long past - and it is possible to choose food that won't rock the boat.

    So I think a trip to one of the restaurants would be a good reward for reaching your target smiley - winkeye

    Shall we all come along too?

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    I've always thought pictures of food from the 60s/70s and even 80s looks really funny. And the restaurants you see in 'Butterflies' and programs like that are so unusual.

    There is a relatively new California restaurant near me, I may try that! Looks very healthy.

    It's quite small, but I'm sure we could all squeeze in.

    On this, if anyone is going to Pizza Express soon do try the pizza/salad range. Pizza on the outside, salad in the middle. Really yummy, filling and only 500cals. I didn't feel like I was choosing a really healthy option - rather something lovely.

    This may be one of my problems, I go to restaurants far too often. Shall try to cut down to once a fortnight.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by myria (U4022847) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Hello all,

    Glad to hear all the good news. I'm going in the opposite direction sadly, major bingeing yesterday and today. Made doubly unpleasant as I am down to my last few pence so am going into my overdraft and incurring bank charges on every piece of binge food I buy! Trying to calm down and start again, but can't think of a thing to cook this evening, so will probably end up being a chocolate and ice-cream fest again . . . Sorry for the negativity, just need to focus on getting through the rest of the day without hitting the shops again, will think of you all supporting me!

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Fiorella - Chin up Missus. Being aware of what might happen gives you the chance to do something about it - if you feel you're in the right frame of mind to start making choices.

    You could start with a little choice - frozen yoghurt or sorbet instead of ice cream - or you could make a bigger choice, like deciding to cook something healthier for tea, or go for a walk instead of sitting with bitsys and tea and tv and a mope.

    Baby steps, like they say on the clutterholics thread, one small change at a time...

    And don't worry if today turns out not to be the day you felt up to making a positive choice. The fact that you're coming here and thinking about it might just be one of the baby steps you need to make along the way.


    ps At the end of the month I find a lot of lentils and beans making their way into the menu - economical and low GL

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Oh, Fiorella, the wheels on my particular little mini-van of the No Choc Rule have nearly come off today, too, so I understand completely. I still haven't succumbed to the chocolate itself, but have turned to my other Top Favourite comfort food: bakery products. Today, I have been mostly eating fruit loaf.

    I wonder if you have any cereal and milk in the house? Marginally better to tuck into a couple of bowls of that tonight if you can't be bothered to cook tea, than icecream and the like.

    Beans on toast? So you feel a bit better for having 'cooked' and not just scoffed junk.

    You sound really weary of it, and I'd like to second Primrose's comment that at least you're coming on here to share with us. You mention our support - hope you can really feel it!

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Chin up, Fiorella! I really do empathise and I believe we've all been there. It's not ice-cream with me, but snacks like crisps (Fudge's cheese wafers are among my faves) and really good crusty bready plus a slice of melting Brie de Meaux...

    You can only do what you can do at any given time. If you're feeling down or ill. it's really difficult to work up the energy to even care about your weight, let alone do anything about it. It's pretty good that you've felt able to share your woes with us here. Why not have a drink of water, abstain for half an hour and see how you feel? If you still feel like ice-cream, dole yourself out a measured portion and really enjoy eating it - try not to wolf it down guiltily. On the other hand, you could run yourself a bath and enjoy a soak with a good book - see if you feel any better after that.

    Good luck - the MFC is always open!


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Fiorella - I was lurking around this club for some time before I really did anything other than think about it. In fact, I have only been really *engaged* since 17th April so, not even three weeks. But I feel so much better already, in spite of the fact that my eating habits still need a fair bit of refining. Walking has become my new obsession, which has energised me, along with the absence of most of the junk I was eating. I do fall off the wagon (see yesterday!) but it hasn't brought the world crashing down around my ears. (Leave that to other sources ...)

    If you do go to a supermarket, have a look at the reduced price shelf around the veg department. You may find something that will make a tasty meal - I like oven roasting with a spray of olive oil - and you can disguise most veg past their best with some garlic. For lazy moods - toast and marmite or a bowl of muesli is my equivalent of comfort food.

    You will get over this mountain, Fiorella, and we are here to offer a helping hand.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Hello, fellow flab fighters.

    I have just gone back to Rosemary C***ly* after a gap of about 2 years. I packed up smoking when the ban came in and I have piled on the pounds ever since - but have been to scared to look at the scales....

    And tonight was a horrible shock - much worse than I had thought.

    So I'm back on the straight and narrow. I hope I can share my ups and downs (mostly downs I hope) with the rest of you.

    *Other slimming clubs are available....

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Welcome Sixties Relic!

    It feels good just to have made the commitment to tackle our eating issues, doesn't it? Well done for having the courage to face up to the dreaded weigh-in - that's often the hardest part of all. Hope you find some inspiration and fellowship here as well as all the support you need to buoy you up when you hit the downs as well as the ups.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Mabel Bagshawe (U2222589) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Wed, 06 May 2009 21:19 GMT, in reply to JustJezebel in message 37

    How be - pound back on today, or should that be minor fluctuation in my standard weight?

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Welcome Sixties,
    You will find a load of useful information on these Healthy Eating threads and everyone is very positive and supportive. If you dip into Katy's food thread there are some great recipes.
    Everyone is taking it at their own pace, so jump in, the water is warm and the company is lovely. Cellasmiley - smiley

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  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Hi Fiorella,
    We have all been there on the ups and downs bit, and this is the best place to come for support and encouragement.
    I had to dump a load of stuff in the bin, because I have the resolve of a gnat if the stuff is in the house. If I am stressed, I eat for Britain, so I try to find out what is stressing me and reduce it if that is possible.
    I try not to beat myself up over lapses, as it just makes me go for the sweet stuff again.
    Loads of veg, the more basic the better, onions, carrots, celery etc.
    I scour the reduced racks, but only buy the basic stuff.
    I also cook simple and plain food because if it is adventurous and 'too tasty' I just eat more than I need.
    Don't know if any of that helps for you.
    But other will come up with things that work for them, and you can choose what you think will help.
    KOKO Cella smiley - smiley

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Hi Mabel,
    Don't know your circumstances, but I bibble up and down over a range of about 4 pounds.
    I put it down to either fluid retention, or time of day, and as my body is a mystery to me for most of the time I just accept the variations. Others may have some other advice. Cella smiley - smiley

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by celladefarm (U13688521) on Wednesday, 6th May 2009

    Hi Auntie Prue,
    What a lovely positive post! smiley - smiley
    Well done on handing the scales over to OH, it is such a temptation to jump on them too often, and then wonder why it isn't going the way you want it to more quickly.
    Like you, I am concentrating on eating healthily and for me, portion control is important.
    The nicer it looks and tastes, the more I want!
    No surprise there then smiley - winkeye
    That Eggy breakfast with wholemeal soldiers had me drooling!
    Yes, everyone seems to be going for the quinoa. Hopefully it will settle down and become easier to get. It was strange at first, but I am getting to quite like it.
    Well, KOKO and enjoy the hols. Cella smiley - smiley

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  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Hi, Comrades.

    Day one for me of yet another go at loosing loads of weight. I know what to do, I'v done it before (more than once!) its sticking to it that is my problem.

    I did read an article in the Metro, on the bus yesterday, that there has been some research done recently that says putting on weight after you stop smoking isn't just because you eat more - there is a genetic component too.

    I don't see this as an excuse, but an annoying reassurance. I know I am from fat stock and that keeping it off is a lifelong battle for me. But it's not just because I am a greedy pig...

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Morning Sixties_Relic and welcome to the club.

    Lots of different things going on for all of us who come in here. With me a large part of the problem is that I am not very good at portion control and have a tendancy to use food to satisfy other needs than hunger.

    I found that developing a list of quick non-food treats, like posh handcream for a five minute hand massage, or having cds to hand in the kitchen and putting on some music to dance madly around to helpful.

    Also, planning what food to eat in advance and sticking to the plan - that helps with the fact I don't recognise I've had enough until I'm over full. A lot of us have found it useful to read 'Eating Less - Say Goodbye to Overeating' by Gillian Riley, but there are also lots on other schemes, as it says in the OP.

    Anyway, onwards and downwards and KOKO


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  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Thanks, Primrose.

    I will try to use every distraction possible!

    I find that logging on here helps if I feel like nibbling. Mustardland as dietry aid! Excellent.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by LooseWheel (U2499574) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Hi all

    Please could someone point me in the direction of Katy's cookbook? I tried the link in the first post but am such a numpty I couldn't find the cookbook! Since going back to office work a year and a half ago, I've put on quite a bit of weight, despite cycling to work everyday, and although I do still cook from scratch (apart from once a week when I have a break from cooking and get a takeaway) - also Miss W would like to lose a little weight, so rather than diet as such, I would like to introduce more healthy eating for all of us but am out of ideas for recipes. I looked at Slimming World's recipe archive, but I thought they looked horrible!
    LW x

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Thanks, celladefarm. I think it important to try to stay positive - and we all have to find strategies to cope with our weaknesses!

    Someone gave me some chocolate yesterday.

    I will take it to share on holiday - but I intend to have just one square of it. Being a planned treat, I can ensure I have it at the end of a low GL meal, thus "defusing" it a bit ; )

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    The Slimming World recipes are delicious Loosewheel ... believe me! I've lost 8.5 stones using them.


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  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Another fan of Slimming World recipes. I can only think of a couple that I wouldn't bother with again. I've 'only' lost 1.5 stones but I have kept it off and still use the recipes even though i don't count syns and healthy extras daily anymore.

    Today's lunch was the spinach & ricotta pasta sauce recipe from the last magazine (with pasta, obv!) - I made enough for 4 earlier in the week and have been having it for lunch. I've got a whole load of the classic pasta sauce frozen, and am planning to try the mushroom pasta sauce soon.

    Frequently have the SW chips as well.

    Cat x

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  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by LooseWheel (U2499574) on Thursday, 7th May 2009

    Ah, perhaps the ones I looked at in the archive just didn't appeal to me - am a bit of a stick in the mud I suppose. I quite liked the look of the stuffed chicken breasts (with cheese & spinach I think) until it mentioned quark - what the devil's that then? It put me off a bit, plus the spag bol recipe with all the boiled carrots and celery. I'll have another look though as they have a ML recommendation! Would still like to look at Katy's cookbook though...
    LW x

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