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The Waiting Game

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Messages: 1 - 49 of 49
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Tuesday, 11th August 2009

    I have decided to start this thread as a refuge for any parent waiting with bated breath for the 20th August and who is gradually starting to feel a bit sick !!
    We are waiting for a level results for Eldest ( B C C to go to Glasgow to do Chemical Physics) and AS results for youngest (important cos he wants to apply for Cambridge)
    I want it to be over !!
    Does anyone else want to join in or does anyone have any coping strategies for me ?

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by captainbenayoun (U13326760) on Tuesday, 11th August 2009

    Lady E, Its a long long time since I found myself in this situation (DD is now nearing 40 years old) But I still recall the heart stopping moment when she phoned to tell me her results!

    Good luck to you/yours. I will be thinking of you

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Imperfectly37 (U4335981) on Tuesday, 11th August 2009

    I waited in vain for mine - they got lost in the post. They didn't arrive on the Thursday - we went to the pub anyway. They didn't arrive on the Friday so a teacher drove to the examining board and collected them. We were then all rung by the head of VIth form and went to the pub on Friday evening also. Unfortunately, I didn't have the grades I needed for uni and had to wait until Monday morning to ring and see if they'd let me in (they did). I remember it well and sympathise with the anxiety.


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  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 11th August 2009

    Oh god I remember that walk to school to pick up the results and seeing one of DS's running out of the hall crying her eyes out, followed closely by a very harried looking mother..

    I will have to go through it all over again with my youngest 2..

    Now I have really worried you sorry... I am sure it will be fine.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 11th August 2009

    Where do I sign?

    Waiting for A2 results here too. Of course, they can check on UCAS before they go down to school and so will know whether they have gained their university place.

    To tell the truth, I'm not actually feeling that sick/apprehensive. Son's insurance offer was amazingly low for the institution, so he should be assured something. Unless, of course, something went VERY wrong in May and June. I expect I'll be more on edge come 19th and the morning of 20th.

    You'll just have to keep yourself busy till then - why not use ML as your escape?!!


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    Glad to know there are others in the same boat as me !!
    Actually Son seems really calm and to be fair to him he did get an A and 3 Bs last year and 3 Bs in January so I suppose he will be fine but the waiting is driving me mad.
    Ps didnt know they could check on UCAS before they actually got results

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by groovymy3gg (U13911616) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    Can I join?

    DD will be out of the country, cue mother panic, when will they get sent then blah blah. Cool it mum, I can pick up the results online, appaz I can go on college webby for them tooz. DD is awaiting A2 results, but is continuing her studies before UNi.

    Me too ~ have 2 more to follow, at least I may save on cap and gowns et all, or will they want their own?

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    They can check about their offer and see whether it is confirmed or not. They can't see their actual results, afaik. In previous years, I know of someone who knew they had been offered their place, but when they picked up their grades they were less than the offer. Somehow, I don't see that situation happening much this year!

    What time does your son go down? They seem to go down early (8-8.30) at my son's school - something to do with medicine students getting access to clearing asap if necessary.

    Nt sure if I will drive son down, or wait for the text...

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twin-Lions (U3870602) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    They can check about their offer and see whether it is confirmed or not. They can't see their actual results, afaik. 

    This is right so long as the results are sent to UCAS by the awarding body. There are some exams that UCAS doesn't process, and then the applicant has to send the result to the university before the university can decide whether or not to confirm their place.

    If the applicant has done better than needed for their offer, there's a new process called Adjustment whereby they can hold their confirmed offer while looking for a better place - but whether any will exist is a moot point.

    (I know someone who does work for UCAS occasionally.)

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    In reply to Ann Marie
    last year he went down at 10ish !!!! I had been awake from 6 but i have a feeling this year he might be more prompt!
    He has refused to let me take him and will walk down leaving me to worry at home.
    Last year OH opted out of all the tension by going to London for a meeting wish I could do the same !!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    Oh heck
    Son has just told me he cant go for results till 11o'clock !!!!!!
    What is the school trying to do ????send me to an early grave !!
    LadyE(feeling sick and stressed)

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Lili Bolero and the band played on (U10534540) on Wednesday, 12th August 2009

    LadyE I feel your pain. Last year, DS and I had arranged a trip to Stratford on what turned out to be the day before Results Day to see David Tennant in Hamlet.

    The next morning we tore off down the M5 to get back to school for the results and arrived there at just before noon. He was in there for an AGE, and I was sitting outside in the car and didn't know what was happening. He had missed his preferred offer by one grade.

    We then had a whole week (when we had no internet access) of phoning the University every day to see if they would amend the offer. They evenutally said 'Yes'.

    Scroll forward one year. He loved the university but hated the course. So we are back re-applying again. He has been accepted for a different course at another University. So much wasted Angst...

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by WildMarjoram (U14026934) on Thursday, 13th August 2009

    Hi, LadyElizabeth. I hope they do OK. I remember the stress well. This probably wouldnt apply to Cambridge but my lovely D didnt get the grades requested by her Uni choice - much wailing and distress as you can imagine - but she phoned them up (as suggested by the School) and they said they had been impressed by her at the interview and if she promised to work really hard they would like her to go there anyway.
    The relief I felt as it dawned on me from her end of the conversation what was being said is relived now many years later as I think about it.

    I dont have any coping strategies but just as an extra thought - and I know it wouldnt help any disappointment initially - some of my children's friends got the grades needed and then hated the course/uni they had chosen and others didnt get the required grades, went through Clearing and loved the Unis they ended up at.

    Fingers crossed and best wishes


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Eilis (U11273736) on Thursday, 13th August 2009

    Good luck, everybody.

    Mine all had theirs posted out to them. That saves all that finding out with everybody else. Staff are all available at the school to sort out problems, help with clearing etc.

    My niece got her Irish Leaving results yesterday. She could have picked them up in school but opted for online check.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Tuesday, 18th August 2009

    Hi just bumping this thread in case anyone is feeling as sick as me?
    The wait is almost !!!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    I'm only waiting for a couple of AS results tomorrow,as niece has done them early.She is trekking in Iceland and out of mobile contact so I have to go and get them for her,we have to go after 11.30,as the A level candidates take priority.We are waiting for GCSE results next Thursday for her.

    I'm not stressed,however,I will confess to being a tad anxious the year the twins did their A levels,only because it happened to be the same year the triploids did their GCSEs.....

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    Heck Wombat how did you cope ? I think if it had been me the gin stock in the entire country would have been at zero !!!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    Well,I figured that I had done my bit making sure that homework and assignments were in on time,ensuring that they got to the correct exams on the correct day(my fridge was like a military battle plan)and after that it was up to them.I couldn't do their exams for them,so utimately,it was down to each individual to do their best.

    Luckily,the twins got the same grades and into their university of choice.The triploids got 'variations' on a theme,but sufficient marks to study their chosen subjects.Two years later we waited for their A level results,and they got what they needed,so,all in all,it worked out OK.When you have 6 children,perhaps you get a bit more chilled about the things you cannot change and concentrate on the ones you can? There is usually a minor crisis going on with one of them. Either that or you would go completely batty,mind you,my lot would say that I am more than halfway there already....

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Mrs Ryecroft (U6999804) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    Can I join you on the worry bench?

    We are waiting for AS results, he worked really hard but thinks he blew two of the papers, so we shall see. He is another who has to be in at 11, after the A2 boys have been in. I think it will be a sleepless night in the Ryecroft household.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by captainbenayoun (U13326760) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    I'm thinking of you all, and hoping that you/yours get the results that they need/want.

    How can I break this to you? Well, DD is 39 and I still find things to worry about on her behalf, not that she has ever given me anything to worry about herself - but you (I) do anyway.

    Ah well.

    My best wishes to all of you, I'll be checking in tomorrow hoping for good news all round.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    Eldest cant remember what time he can go in (AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHH) so has announced he will use the "track facility on UCAS to see what has happened before he goes in to school. Youngest is on work experience at the same place where OH works so he is taking him in at 11ish to see what has gone on.
    When I was at the supermarket I bought some thing to help me sleep but Im not sure if it takes exam stress in to account.
    I know I will be worrying about them forever but some how this seems so important.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009


    I can understand that you are worried - I got into rather a state myself in a similar situation - but I do know that it wasn't sensible. There will (despite the newspaper reports of dumbing down of A levels and so on) be a lot of young people who are facing disappointment tomorrow (I will talking to some of them) but whatever they think at the time it really, really isn't the end of the world - although it is more likely to feel like it if that is how their parents feel and reveal that is how they feel.

    I hope that everyone gets the results (or the university decisions if not the results) that they are hoping for - but it really should not be treated as the end of their futures if they are amongst those who do not.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Mrs Ryecroft (U6999804) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009


    that's just what we've been saying to our son, we won't be any more/less proud or love him more/less whatever his results and what will be will be. It will not be the end of the world if everything has gone the pear shape that he worries about.

    See you all in the morning.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by atishy, virgo intacta and unstuffed post changeover (U3927091) on Wednesday, 19th August 2009

    May I sit on the bench too?

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Morning fellow members of the waiting room! In a few hours the nail biting will be over. Good luck to all your offspring!


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Abby33 (U6428266) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    We were very disappointed to find, last night, that UCAS was closed until mid morning and so my son won't know until he gets to school. He is laid back and still asleep-I am the one biting my nails! Good luck all.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Morning All
    Well Eldest has just checked UCAS online and his place is ......confirmed !!!!
    He has to go to school later to get actual results but I feel MUCH better. So only Youngests AS results to go ,oh and I forgot my Nephew is also waiting for A level results.Back to the nail chewing !! Will update later
    LadyE x

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Well done to Eldest ladyE and I hope your anxiety is now relieved!

    Son knew he had his 1st choice place (thank you UCAS track) before heading down to school and has since phoned with his grades - he sounded very happy.

    He said results were mixed, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't too long before all A2 pupils are sorted out with an option for next year.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Redbookish (U1335018) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:46 GMT, in reply to Fee in message 22

    a lot of young people who are facing disappointment tomorrow (I will talking to some of them) but whatever they think at the time it really, really isn't the end of the world 

    From watching this process for about 25 years now, seeing the freshers come in and then graduate, what I've learnt is that most people get where they need to go, but may not get there by the route they expect. In spite of the hype about A levels and university, there are second, third, fourth chances in life, and more ways than one to skin a cat!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Redbookish (U1335018) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:49 GMT, in reply to Redbookish in message 29

    PS waves to Fee! hope all's well at your place. We had all our places in place as it were by Tuesday, although we've been required by the university to take about 10 extra applicants -- thus is the quality of HE diluted ... but we'll cope.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Abby33 (U6428266) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Very true Redbookish-and it is never too late. However I am relieved that my son has his place-it makes life simpler-although because he is my third-I had the belts and braces approach this time, just in case!

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Have just heard ,Nephew has got place at 2nd choice Uni,but seems really happy with the outcome.
    So only AS results to come

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Redbookish (U1335018) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:52 GMT, in reply to ladyelizabeth2 in message 32

    ladyelizabeth, I remember there were some ructions at your place about your two sons' university ambitions. I hope that's settled ...

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Hi Red
    Fancy you remembering that !! Thank you and things do seem to have settled down, Eldest has realised we think he is great to be going to Glasgow and Youngest is under strict intructions not to spoil today for his Big Bro (today is for him)but we will be pleased for him.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Well done to your eldest,ladye,and hopefully to the youngest when you get his results.I got mine and they are fab,she will be very pleased,so now waiting for next week.

    Most of the girls up at school looked very happy with their results,although some were waiting for place confirmations.

    Hope all got the results they needed,but as Fee says,it is not the end of the world if they don't,they just think it is until a loving parent beats some sense into them!
    (insert smiley winky thing)

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Hello All
    Eldest got just what he wanted and seems pleased and is off with mates buying supplies for Leeds Fest !!
    Youngest got 4As and an E. A's in Further Maths,Chemistry,Physics and Biology and an E in General Studies. He is very pleased but has promised to be really enthusiastic about Big bros results.
    LadyE(who can now breathe properly)

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Thursday, 20th August 2009

    Glad to hear it has gone well for people.

    Usual manic business (so manic that at one point this morning we thought all the systems had crashed) - we have agreed to offer a fairly large chunk of these extra places - and where we are placed in the general pecking order makes it a completely chaotic exercise - bit like filling a leaky bucket when you are sure of neither the size of the holes in the bucket nor the rate of flow of water coming out of the tap. I've been on my feet pretty much non-stop for ten hours and tomorrow will probably be the same. I expect it will come out OK in the end, it usually does.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    I wish I'd found this thread on Wednesday, as I was VERY nervous!

    Son's results excellent, but we're still waiting to hear from 1st choice as he narrowly missed the offer on the additional exam they wanted. 2nd choice is fine with the results he got. Now we're still playing the waiting game and finding it just as hard as Wednesday!!

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Actually, I think this is worse. We keep checking UCAS Track and wishing they'd make up their minds, one way or another!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by ladyelizabeth2 (U14024187) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Hi Lost
    I am so sorry you are still suffering the waiting game, I think i would have passed out by now if it were me !!!
    Keeping everything crossed for you and yours

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Finally got the 'unsuccessful' post at 6 p.m. To be honest, knowing is better than not knowing. We can now move quite happily on to Plan B!

    I'm not sure I like this system!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Glad that plan B will be a happy one.

    The system is potentially very unkind to applicants - but institutions can be more or less in kind in the way they operate it. In the courses for which I am responsible we make up our minds before results day on all students for whom we have results who were holding conditional offers with us - even if it means that we may end up with a profile of slightly lower results among the intake than we might get if we kept people hanging on until we saw whether we could get replacement students with higher grades through clearing - which is almost certainly what those who have been keeping people hanging on have been doing.


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    He only just missed the offer in one small area (exceeding it in others), but an offer is an offer, so there was certainly no obligation on the university's part. I just think that it's hard to wait, that's all, and wish there could be a more personal way to break the news, but I guess that is just plain unrealistic given the numbers involved. Never mind. We live and learn!

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Hi LostInML - yes, the unkindness is not in the rejection (and you are right that it would be hard for the university to provide a cushion for the blow) but in the keeping people waiting for the decision.


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Hebe (U1477254) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Fri, 21 Aug 2009 19:17 GMT, in reply to Fee in message 42

    I would say it's not just about waiting to see if you can get a better candidate - at my institution it would most likely have been waiting to see which of the insurance students came our way, when they were a near miss for their firm choice, and their firm choice hasn't yet confirmed what they are doing. Given the potential financial penalties for over recruiting this year there is some nervousness about the potential for insurance students to push us over target.

    However there are firm instructions that it is unacceptable to hang about for very long because of the impact on the students.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Which is, of course, a problem that could be avoided if the firm choices had made up their minds at once.

    Actually, I'd scrap insurance choices from the system given the chance.


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by merrylatestarter (U10475559) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    There were no A or O levels when I went to school. We had School Certificate but I cant remember any fuss being made about the results. We got them through the post, and if you passed, good luck to you. If you didnt hard luck, you just stayed on a further year in the 5th form, and took them again.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Hebe (U1477254) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Fri, 21 Aug 2009 19:25 GMT, in reply to Hebe in message 45

    hmmm what happened there, part of my post disappeared. I think my cut and paste went awry.

    It did say the ones that there's little delay on are often wanted, but the total numbers just haven't worked out. We would always rather have students slightly lower grades who have actively chosen us earlier in the year, than slightly higher grades who chose us in a rush at the last minute.

    LostinML, I hope your son really enjoys where he goes - everyone I know who ended up at their second choice had a great time - and it's the second choice out of the thousands of different courses out there.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 21st August 2009

    Thanks for all these replies - you're all amazing! It helps to have the perspective from the other side. I can't imagine how you all cope with this crazy system on a regular basis!

    I'm sure my son will be fine where he goes and will learn loads about life, not just maths! I am just glad we can move on positively - the waiting period (only just over 30 hours, but it felt a lot longer!) was like being in limbo...

    Report message49

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