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Specialist Cat Assistance Required:

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 121
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    A friend of mine has found a tiny kitten abandoned by the side of the road here where we live. It seems to be in reasonable health, but it is only about five weeks old. A little girl.

    My friend has asked for some urgent advice on the care required for such a little one, and I know that there are lots of really experienced cat lovers contributing to the cat thread.

    Any help would be speedily passed on.

    Many thanks, in advance.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    Oh, Ali, poor baby but how lucky it is. Am wondering if there are others nearby too. For instance, if a litter was dumped, one or more of them might have toddled off a bit.

    I hope Bash, Cat, Carol and others who have experience with such little ones see this soon.

    Meanwhile: if the kitten is 5-ish weeks old, she might be able to manage on well mashed-up wet kitten food. However, if she has only been having mum's milk she might not get the hang of eating proper food for a few days, so special milk from the vets might be necessary.

    Whether she needs bottle feeding the milk at her stage would depend on her. One could certainly try and see if she will lap it up properly.

    Small kittens are very messy eaters as they learn how to manage, so I'd put the plate on thick sheets of newspaper and clean her up after each meal.

    Lots of little meals, rather than putting a big wodge down - her tum will be tiny and she won't be able to manage much at a time (not without vomiting it up again anyway). Also, if you put a measured amount down each time, you can see exactly how much she is eating/leaving over a 24 hour period.

    It is good to warm the food slightly; maybe even put a little (no more than a bare teaspoonful) of warmed water mixed into the food.

    Even though she might not seem to drink, best to have water down - can't start them too early!

    Small kittens get cold easily, so best to have a cosy spot; they also get into trouble/can't be seen easily and therefore liable to get lost/shut in/stepped on, so best to be confined to one, safe room with no door to the outside, no open window (even a crack) and no fireplace.

    Wouldn't be surprised if she has fleas and ear mites; almost definitely roundworms too. I'd only get stuff to deal with these from the vet anyway. At her age maybe only a few of them would be suitable anyway, so best to check even if you have stuff in the house. Kittens need a worming schedule over several weeks/months.

    I like to use clumping litter for my cats BUT it is inadvisable for young kittens, who will eat anything.

    Found some links that might be useful. The first looks quite good as it takes on from birth to several weeks old:

    Weight chart:

    Both sites talk about the importance of socialisation.

    A quick look doesn't suggest amounts of food to be given but I suppose this depends on the kitten and the quality of the food. Guidelines are probably given on the labels.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    The first site suggests types of cat litter that are safe for tinies.

    Should also add that kittens' claws are like tiny needles and catch in everything. If going to the vet worth asking for them to be clipped or. if your friend is confident, is worth just clipping the very tips of the claws with nail clippers/special pet claw clippers.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    Thank you SO MUCH Rusters. My friend is not inexperienced with cats, but a very new baby like this is whole different set of problems. She already has four grown cats but she'll obviously keep this little one apart.

    I will keep an eye out for other info. during the evening, but this is a fantastic help. I've copied your advice to her in an email, and she thanks you very much.

    I posted this separately so as not to get it lost in the general Cat Thread.

    I will keep you posted.

    Thanks again


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    Look forward to updates, Ali. [Thinks to self - maybe sibs and mum are somewhere around too!]

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Flakey (U13643566) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    Ali can't add anything that Rusty has not already said.

    I just hope everything is Ok for the kitty. I must say I reckon there maybe more babes around. This is rural France..

    Best wishes to your wonderful chum and fingers crossed.

    Flakes xx

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    Hi Flakes, and Hi again Rusters.

    My friend has gone out to search the road with a torch to see if she can find any sibs. I will let you know how she gets on when she reports back.

    The baby is ravenous, but seems in good spirits. Apparently the little tail went up to greet my friend when she stopped the car and got out to approach her.

    Kit is currently in a very large cage with snuggly blankets, water, and bits of wet food, and in a separate room from the other cats.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Tuesday, 15th September 2009

    What a caring person your friend must be, Ali. Wouldn't be surprised if some stragglers start to re-appear around the same area over the next few days, or even weeks. Maybe even mum, but I suppose if people kept the kittens until sort of weaned, they might be hanging on to mum.

    I think it is fairly obvious that this little girl is used to humans, and treated okay-ish at that, since her tail went up when she saw your friend. IME, kittens with little or no human contact are almost invariably wary at the very least.

    The worst spitfire I ever encountered was feral kit Tiggywinkle, whose eyes were still sealed, so probably not yet 3 weeks old when I had to rescue her. (Her feral mother was hounded into abandoning her and her sister from a garden square). Tiny though she was she struggled, spat and growled when I collected her from her "nest". Her v. sick sister Sophie was scared but passive.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    No luck with any sibs or mum yet, Rusters, but we will keep an eye open for them. We're driving up there later this afternoon, and we'll pay a kitten visit with my camera. I'll post a photo of the little one.

    Thanks so much for your speedy rescue email.


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    get it to the vet asap to be checked over

    Cat x

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    My friend has already organised the vet, thanks. Fortunately her vet is well used to my friend having cat-type emergencies! Now of course she's going to be looking for a home for another little stray....hopefully the vet can help there too.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Flakey (U13643566) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    Its so hard isn't it.... thinking of the little one and hopes for a decent caring home. I asked Mr F if we could take it and I would have if your chum had been happy with us but he put his large foot down so I am now sulking.

    I would love to see pics Ali.

    best wishes

    Flakes xxx

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    I'd love to see pics of the little one, Ali. You don't suppose it will become a five cat household do you?

    Ah Flakes, know what you mean. I think OH is at the stage now that the only way we would adopt another cat is if one turned up on our doorstep, as that would be Destiny. Sigh.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    Hi Flakes and Rusters (again, just replied to you both on the Proper Cat Thread)

    I imagine that yes, she will finish up with another cat. She is a gentle and caring woman and if we were to find the entire family then she'd finish up with the whole lot.

    And sigh here too. Jones and Milli would never tolerate an interloper at this stage of their lives. It would be cruel and unfair to them. But I'd love to take her in, and so would OH if it wasn't for the two furry tyrants.

    Off to research what to do for fleas in kittens now.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    surely that could be arranged?

    Cat x

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    Oooh, cat, you are a wicked woman. But you have style. And guile.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Vicky S (U2258400) on Wednesday, 16th September 2009

    surely that could be arranged? 

    Don't joke about it! We went from a one cat to a two cat household in the the time it took him to walk across the windowsill and show off his starving little body - though he very cunningly refused food (at first) in preference to stroking and snuggling to impress with his advanced social skills............

    I suspect the vet's nurse, always trying to re home poor little odds and sods she is.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Well, here he is:

    I say 'he' because two suspicious looking little black dots have appeared overnight just below his bum.

    Five of us paid a visit. He is currently living in a lovely large cage, with his bed, his tray, water and bits and pieces to play with. We heard him yelling as we walked up towards the house, that strident, don't-you-dare-ignore-me kitten noise. As we walked upstairs he was bouncing up and down in his cage. When picked up, his skinny, stick like legs pedal furiously as he wants to explore and to meet everyone all at once. I have never seen such a social kitten. We think he may be older than five weeks, but he is so thin, his little bones stick out and I was frightened they'd break through the skin when I held him.

    But loving? This babe can't wait for a home. My friend has combed him and got about 5 or 6 fleas off him, but he's still scratching, and he obviously needs worming too looking at his pot belly. He will see the vet, I think, today.

    There's nothing much wrong with this boy though, other than starvation.

    My friend went and looked all along the road where she found him, but there were no other cats around. She's been back again though, and will keep looking, just to make sure. But we think that if there were any other kits they wouldn't have survived the night. It was pretty cold and wet that night. He is truly a lucky boy.

    My friend says thank you again for the support and help she's received here.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Kris massblues (U14058894) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    OH what a beautiful little kit Ali, simply adorable.

    Looks like a fiesty one!

    I'm sure whoever homes him will love him to bits. Many congrats to you and your friend for caring so much. T'is providence that kitty fell in the right hands for sure.

    Kris x

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Flakey (U13643566) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Oh Ali what a yummy strippy little chap he is, so cute, bright eyed and well a little tear fell form the Flakey eye.

    I hope all is well at le vet. My fingers crossed for his future.

    Love Flakes x

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    oh what a gorgeous little boy. he wants to come and live with meeeeee.

    Hope the vee ee tee visit goes well. he should put the weight on soon, my little Timmy has doubled his weight from 0.6kg in less than four weeks.

    Cat x

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Awww! He looks as though he'll grow up to look like mine - I have two tabby siblings - a pretty girl with a face like a baby tiger, and a very handsome chap. Good luck to him, wonder how many of his nine lives he's used up already? Please keep us posted, though I'm sure he'll wriggle into someone's heart.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Vicky, I hope you see this because I was wondering how your scraggy rescue was doing, and how the two cats are getting on. He certainly played his cards right when he honed in - whoops, I mean chose - you.

    Yep, I have been taken to the back of the surgery before now and forced to nurse a pathetic scrap of a cat(occasionally with more bandage/cast than cat on show) that they have had dumped at the surgery. Luckily they take their time and are quite pro-active in finding the right homes, so ..........

    I think OH is still scarred by the fact that after we moved here from London with mumble many cats, we promised each other no more till we got the place refurbished (haha). However within the month I had an emergency case from London (Flossy) and then semi-abandoned ancient, Eric, moved in from down the road.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Ali, what an enchanting little scrap he looks. He is just the luckiest little kitten after his terrible start in life. Horrific to read quite how emaciated he is though. Maybe partly worms rather than chronic starvation?

    A real honey though, so should be easy to find a home for - difficult to part with him though.

    Got an awful feeling your friend is right, and she won't find any siblings, but you never know, so it is worth just keeping an eye out. Just thinking what if she hadn't seen this one.......


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Hi Rusters

    Forgot to tell you what she did the other day. She popped him in a carrier, snugged up in a blanky, and took him back to where she'd found him. She was hoping that his calls would bring any sibs or his mum, but no luck.

    But she felt awful, because he was shaking and trembling with fear. Lots of cuddles to make up for it afterwards though.

    I took some kitten food up today, and had another love-in with him. He's like a little brooch, he clings to my sweater and purrs like a motorbike.

    Awww, wish we could have him. M&J would NOT be impressed though, and I think Milli would go and live in the garage.


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    "Forgot to tell you what she did the other day. She popped him in a carrier, snugged up in a blanky, and took him back to where she'd found him. She was hoping that his calls would bring any sibs or his mum, but no luck.

    But she felt awful, because he was shaking and trembling with fear. Lots of cuddles to make up for it afterwards though."

    That implies he had been dumped, and was terrified it was about to happen again. Poor little thing, what a horrid start in life. My two came from Cats Protection, but at least the previous owner, who was unable to keep them, was responsible enough to take them where they'd be safe. My previous cat was a dumpee, though, and for weeks she wouldn't go outside unless I was with her, she was terrified that the door would close and shut her out for ever. She'd been knocked about, too, before I rescued her. Happy ending though, we had 17 happy years together, and thirteen years on, I still miss her.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Aw, Gayer, your little girl must have had such a bad start in life. She was another lucky one though, as she obviously had a long and happy life with you.

    It's a privilege, I think, to deal with such loving and trusting animals.

    And yes, we think that someone had allowed their cat to have kittens, and didn't want them all. They waited about 5 or 6 weeks before dumping this one. Such cruelty should not go unpunished. If I could get my hands on them I would commit a crime, I know I would.

    Ali (normally not violent at all)

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    oh Ali, how sad. So good your friend found him.

    I'd love to see him all snugged up in his blanky. Timmy used to like that before he got too boisterous.

    Does the kitten like tummy num-nums? Never too early to start...

    Cat x

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    cat - this kitten likes anything. He wants love, love, love. More than food. More than anything. He just wants to be picked up and cuddled, and as soon as he sees the hand going into his den to pick him up, the motor bike starts up. His paws pedal furiously until he has a grip on whatever you're wearing, and he's locked on.

    My eyes fill with tears just thinking about him and his awful start in life, and also thinking about how many other kittens these dreadful people have done this to, just to get rid of them. And who haven't had the sheer good fortune to have been found by my lovely friend.


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    I know, Ali, I know. You (one) can drive yourself into depression just thinking about all those for whose animals who slip through the next. All we can do it be vigilant and to step up when we come across cruelty/abandonment.

    BTW, I always hated taking kittens back in a basket to try and attract mum, for instance. Used to wonder whether taking a tape recorder of their urgent little voices would do the trick instead. Dunno.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    You are right of course, Rusters, it was just the first thing that came to my friend's mind, and she thought it worthwhile. I don't think she reckoned on him having such a violent response though, and I don't think she'd do it again. Because there's bound to be an 'again'. (very sad sigh here).


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Vicky S (U2258400) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Ali he's lovely, and a tabby too, my great weakness. I hope he finds a loving home soon, poor little scrap.

    Rusty, thanks for asking, Sam is doing very well, he is now twice the cat he was and though the scar around his neck hasn't furred up yet the rest of him looks glossy and healthy, though his back legs are still a bit stick like. The dislocation doesn't seem to be slowing him down - only wusses use the last five stairs when they are coming down you know. He and Charlotte are at what I would call a sibling rivalry stage. They vie for laps and attention but gang up against me or Miss S when she visits to get extra food, they will join forces to see off any strangers , but are not above a sly slap and thump as they pass each other in the hall. I don't think they will ever curl up nose to tailtogether but they have sat on the same sofa at the same time, for two minutes.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Oh good, Vicky, no fireworks between Charlotte and Sam then. I wonder if she encountered him outside so it wasn't such an an 'orrible shock when he first came in.

    My neighbours' cat Jane has a scar around her neck where the fur has never grown back (mind gone blank, and can't remember whether the rescue place said it was due to a tight collar over which the flesh had grown or reaction to a flea collar). Never mind, Jane is lovely, and I am sure Sam is too, wonky legs and all.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    good to read Sam settling in well - I was thinking of him recently.

    my two are still snotty, and sneeze rather violently, with revolting results on my jeans. ick. infection seems to be less in the chest and more in the nose, dunno if that's good or bad but inclined to think good.

    they have had great fun with the tub of Q-tips, and have found a way to circumvent the sheets I draped over the sofas - they climb under the drapes, it's much more fun that way and kitten on the outside can pounce on kitten on the inside. wot larks.

    Cat x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Vicky S (U2258400) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Thanks Rusty and Cat.

    I forgot to say that he has learned to sit on command - well, not quite on command, but when food is around. Charlotte gets her food first to reinforce her place as senior cat but Sam can't have his until he goes to his feeding area and sits nicely. Which he does bless him. In fact I sometimes find him sitting nicely in a hopeful sort of way as I pass through the kitchen.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Thursday, 17th September 2009

    Oh what a good boy; clever too as I bet he knows it earns him kudos.

    It always amuses me when I go to clear up their dishes and someone has carefully laid a catnip mice on one of them. I can take a hint.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 19th September 2009

    Three more photos of the little one :


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Saturday, 19th September 2009

    Ohhh, Ali, what a lovely, contented little boy he looks. I would even swear he has put on weight (bet you are going to tell me that, actually, these pics were taken at the same time as the first one a few of days back).

    Did he go to the vets, and were they able to make an assessment of his age? Apparently it is relatively easy with young kits because of their developing teeth.


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Sunday, 20th September 2009

    What a sweetie! He is going to be a very handsome chap when he grows up. Does he have a name?


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Sunday, 20th September 2009

    Ay Ay Cap'n, and hello Gayer

    No, my friend has resisted naming him, for obvious reasons. He is known simply as Baby, or sometimes Little Boy. But of course, this is really naming him ... isn't it?

    No, these photos were taken yesterday, and yes, he is absolutely gorgeous. Also, the good news is that Mimi (or is it MeeMee), my friend's 'spare' cat, has licked him, and has stopped swearing at him. It is now hoped that they will bond, as a friend of hers is looking after both of them whilst she goes on hol for a week. Mimi has always been the odd cat out, none of my friends other cats like her, and she has seemed lonely. AND her friend has just lost a cat and has always loved Mimi, and so we are hoping. Everything crossed here.

    No news of vet yet, though

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Update on abandoned kitten - still no name but we think we have a home for her. And yes, she is a girl, confirmed by vet after some doubt.

    Anyway, here she is, and she's gorgeous:


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by PepperTree But No Petard (U13945752) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    What a little charmer!!

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Oh thanks for the update, I was wondering how the kitty was.

    She's GORGEOUS. All blinky eyed and how regal-looking on her blue blanky.Certainly looks like she rules the roost.

    She definitely wants to come and live with me, btw. But fingers crossed for her future home.

    Tummy num-nums from Aunty Cat

    Cat x

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Kris massblues (U14058894) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    AW Ali-cat, she is so gorgeous! Brilliant news that you have possibly found a new home for her.

    If only she were in England..would so love a new kitten at the mo...

    Well done to all concerned,


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Hi krisjp

    How I wish you were here, she would be yours, together with all her passionate purry love. She is the most loving and affectionate baby I have ever met, she lives to please and purr.


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Or yours too, cat, if you could have her. But we think the that the chap who's been looking after her for a week has fallen in love, and also he may well want the other 'spare' cat, Mimi, who is bonding with kitten. It would be a really happy ending if this all comes about.

    So please keep everything crossed, and send strong vibrations for two cats to find a loving home together.

    If she was my little kit, I'd call her Charm. But no, no, mustn't get into that...


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Flakey (U13643566) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Hi Ali

    I have everything crossed for baby and Mimi having a nice new home together. Is the man concerned English or French ?

    Lots of luck and love to a very very delish baby and her "mentor" Mimi.

    A hug to you and your chum as well.

    Flakes x

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Thank you for the new pic, Ali. She looks a real honey. She sounds a naturally happy, confident girl too which will stand her in good stead throughout her life. I hope it all works out and she and Mimi will be very happy together.


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Vicky S (U2258400) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    What amazing ears she has!

    So pleased she seems to have landed on her feet.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Ali-cat (U8666386) on Saturday, 3rd October 2009

    Hi Flakes

    He's English, and an 'ex' of a friend, but they've stayed on good terms and look after each other's pets. So nice. He is a definite cat person, and the only problem is he is still mourning for his own sweet puss who died about a month ago. He adored her, and she was quite old, they'd been together through thick and thin, and you know how it is.

    However, he has fallen for little girl, and he's always liked Mimi, so if they continue bonding nicely, I think it's a given.


    Report message50

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