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MFC/Healthy Eating 6th October 2009

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 202
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Monday, 5th October 2009

    Hello to all MFCers and welcome to another week!

    MFC is a club like no other! No subs to pay, no weekly meeting to attend and no public weigh-in – just plenty of advice, support and fellowship for everyone who steps through our virtual door. Simply put, we meet here as often as we are able – there’s a new thread every week – to help us on the journey towards our own personal goals. For some of us it’s about changing the way we eat to a healthier plan, for others it’s about the desire to put a stop to yo-yoing, lose weight and sustain the loss. Whatever the reason, you’ll find a genuinely supportive group here that’s slow to judge and quick to offer help whenever you need it.

    We don’t really have a rule book as such. We only ask that you don’t mention your real-life weight or size because one person’s starting point is another’s goal and we aim to motivate rather than to discourage. Do feel free to tell us your weekly/monthly weight loss though as we all love to hear of everyone’s successes!

    If you’ve been lurking and plucking up the courage to join, now’s as good a time as any and you’ll certainly receive a warm welcome. Whatever your goals, please join our happy band and dip in and out whenever you please. Some of us stop by every day, some come once a week, some just now and then – you’ll always be assured a hearty hello from someone. Those who choose to weigh/measure regularly often do that on a Tuesday, some weigh when it suits them and report when they can. Food diaries have proved a useful tool for many of us, especially when we’re struggling, so feel free to make a note of what you eat if you think it might help.

    There are a couple of sister threads to help motivate and inspire.

    Katy’s wonderful cookbook offers lots of options for those looking to expand their repertoire, rather than their waistline. Katy is a genius and can calculate various points/syns etc if you’re following a plan such as Weight Watchers. Check it out at

    GEm runs a very successful gym which might give you the motivation you need to start moving around more. You can post here if you have an exercise plan you’d like to share, or ask for advice if you’re unsure where to start.

    If you’d like to try your hand at opening the doors of the club one week, then feel free to sign up on this thread . It’s easy and, who knows, it may even help you feel more motivated than ever...

    Here’s hoping everyone has a great week with plenty to celebrate at the end of it!
    KOKO (Keep on keeping on)


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Morning all, a happy Puzzler reporting in after a lovely weekend of being pampered and celebrating with my family and friends. I kept a very close eye on what I was eating and managed to keep it under control, though the wine did flow rather freely at times...

    Unfortunately, yesterday I had a bit of a dodgy tummy (nothing to do with the weekend, I don't think - OH had a similar thing at the end of last week) which has helped me on the way to a 2.5lb loss this week, plonking me slap bang on my original target, therefore in the middle of the maintain zone I set myself.

    Next weekend we're on holiday so I am aiming to stay within the zone, which gives me 3lb leeway. Obviously I'll try and be extra good before we go to limit any damage!

    KOKO everyone,


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Morning Puzzler, and thanks for opening up JJ.

    Just bumping this up above last week's thread ..

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    JJ, that is a lovely opener and a perfect way to begin another week.

    Puzzler, well done you albeit with a little help from your poor dodgy tummy. I hope it is "quickly better" as our daughter used to say when she was about the size of your little ones.

    Having weighed at the start of the month I am really chuffed that I am now just at the top of my maintain zone and hope that for me it's third time lucky and I manage to stay within the 3lb zone permanently this time. The difference between this time and my previous efforts to stabilise my weight is that I no longer just pop things in my mouth without thinking and I am confident that that will make enough of a difference.

    I hope everyone has a good week.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Nice one, Westie. Maybe now that you don't weigh as often as you used to it might be easier to keep it under control when you are in a situation when you can't weigh yourself, like when you're off in your camper. I think that's when your weight crept up last time, though I may be wrong.Well done you, anyway, for not letting it get out of hand.

    Just a thought, but when I got to my target, kind people in here suggested that 3lb is quite a narrow zone to stay within, accounting for normal fluctuations. I now have a 6lb zone which is 3lb above and 3lb below my target weight. Admittedly, much of the time I am within the top 3lb of that zone anyway, but it's nice to know I've got such a big space to play in!


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Thanks for the thought Puzzler ... yes I remember that it was suggested 3lbs is a bit tight so perhaps I'll cut myself a bit of slack in the future ... but I am only just in the top at the moment so no slack just yet!!

    And yes, it has crept back on partly while we are away although I managed to keep it under control the last few times we've been away. I've been twice as pleased with myself this time as I have had my dodgy knee for a lot of this time ... even on crutches for a while, so feel I have really mastered this business now. No complacency though ... and thanks so much to all the help and support I've had from this lovely thread.

    JJ described it perfectly didn't she.

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  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Hi Jezebel ... lovely welcome to folk as always.

    Can I just comment on one tiny thing to reassure anyone who is planning to join a weight loss club. There never are 'public weigh ins'.

    At the Slimming World groups I run, clearly I see the weight of a member, and the member of my team doing the weighing sees the weight. That is it! Nobody else sees it, and the team all sign confidentiality pledges never to reveal anyone's details, weight or otherwise, to anyone else. In group we talk about the changes, up or down, but not the actual weight. Just like here.

    I'm sure you didn't want to give the impression that slimming groups announce everyone's weight publicly and I just wanted to make that reassurance. Thanks. Dx

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    I am shamefully returning after many months absent and extremely bad eating.

    Well done everyone who has been continuing the good work - you are all an inspiration. Your positive attitudes have made me realise I can and will do this eventually!

    So, from today I'm back on track. Last week I started training for a 5km run - however didn't change my eating habits.

    Last night I ran/walked 5km and came home and had a HUGE bowl of soup I had made on Sunday.

    It felt so good that it made me realise I WANT to eat healthily and be fitter. Not that I just feel I should. This time it isn't just about fitting into smaller clothes.

    So, hopefully I'll be here telling you of my successes. (Not in ML much at the mo as RL is busy, but I'll lurk if I don't post).


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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Can I reiterate what dusty has posted, from the pov of the member of such a group. Your weight is the business of you, your consultant and the person manning the scales. Losses and gains are disussed in the group session, usually in relation to how you feel about it and what you can do if you want to change what is happening.

    Years ago I attended a private weight loss group. This was abroad. Even there, no real life weight measurements were ever publicly mentioned.

    I find attending a RL group very motivating- it certainly focuses themind and selfcontrol. Perhaps it's paying for it....?


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 09:10 GMT, in reply to Anne-Marie in message 9

    Morning, all!

    I'm still sitting at Blah stone 10 pounds, and it seems I shall weigh Blah stone 10 pounds for the rest of all eternity as this is what I have weighed for the last seven weeks, I think it is now... I'm lucky not to have gained, though, so...
    The tape-measure says I've gained half an inch on my waist, but the bust, under-bust, hips, upper thigh all remain the same; upper arm is down a quarter of an inch.
    I think that all comes out as: Maintain!

    So far so good again... second day of re-kick-starting after various Life-induced slithers from the MFC path...

    Fire-Pig, about making oatcakes, you could use a spatula or fish-slice to splat the mixture - I just posted the way I do it! And for the perosn who queried the use of lard in the recipe - it's one teaspoon of lard in a recipe that does me for two days's worth of oatcakes, and my own take on healthy eating is that I am happy to eat natural unprocessed foods even if higher in fat as long as it's in moderate amounts - I'd certainly rather include half a teaspoon of lard a day than any amount of hydrogenated vegetable oil/ trans-fats!
    Lard has an unusual crystalline structure to it which is why pastry made with lard is often very very light - there is a gigantic difference if I bake croissants or the Scots version, Butteries, using vegetable fat or using the trad 50/50 mixture of lard and butter.
    Mind you, I only make the butteries twice a year, so I don't have a problem with the fat content when it's for the end of the Festival in August and for Christmas morning!

    I think it's something I have really got to look at - the way I have always said "oh well, it's natural, it's traditional, it's full of healthy homemade goodness" and then scarfed a vat of it - because butteries/ croissants take a looong time to bake, I really don't do them often, but I can remember in the days when we could buy them that I ate them far more often. The only reason I make them now is because the shops no longer sell butteries, but I think maybe home-cooking is a good way to think about how luxury foods fit into my normal diet. If it takes ages and lots of effort to make, then it shouldn't be an everyday staple food for me!


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Thanks JJ for opening up - a cracker of an opening, if I may say so. Commiserations to Puzzler for a poorly tummy, I hope you are one who recovers quickly, much easier when there are little ones around.

    I have never belonged to a RL slimming group, mainly because of access problems, I find online like MFC (Rubbish can there be anything else like MFC - Nah!) helps me. Someone else has said it, we don't know why but most of us feel we cannot lie on here. Somebody may occasionally be economic with the truth but that's as far as it goes. If RL Groups "float your boat" that's fine, if not that's fine too; we just all try our best.

    I love the humour here, the gentle ribbing at times and above all the support in all aspects of life.

    By this stage, you will have probably realised my day off this week is Tuesday not Wednesday! I have a pile of paperwork to tackle which has been niggling me since before 'my troubles' - I had a nightmare about it last night so ....

    If you don't see me again I will be under it somewhere!


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 09:43 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 11

    I wondered where everyone was this morning. No-one told me you'd moved. You clearly want to get rid of me, sneaking off like that.


    But I'll still persecute you and post here what I posted there.

    When I joined here 2 weeks ago I was Xst 10lb, aiming to reach X by Christmas.

    Weighing today - Xst 6lb.

    I said the other day (yesterday?) I was feeling lighter and the scales agree. Roughly the equivalent of a bag of flour. (plain, it's heavier the SR)


    Cream buns, fish and chips, chocolate - help yourselves to help me celebrate.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Well done to Puzzler and Westie for reaching your maintain zone - I can't wait for the day I can celebrate mine!

    Apologies to Dusty and Anne-Marie - didn't mean to suggest that clubs such as yours broadcast members' weights over the tannoy! Many years ago I lost some weight successfully with WW. I attended with a couple of friends with whom I was working at the time and we were able to motivate each other and share recipe suggestions etc because we were sticking to the same plan. I agree with A-M that forking over your subs can be a big motivating factor too!

    Good luck to all this week.



    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 11:58 GMT, in reply to JustJezebel in message 1

    Bookmarking waves to all, thanks for opening up, JJ.

    Apols for my absence, I do try and lurk in here whenever I can, great threads these past few weeks.

    Love and koko,


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Katy, sorry to hear about young Bulb, btw. Hope he recovers ASAP. No advice to offer as (fingers crossed) no experience of it, but am sure lots of TLC from adoring mother will be just the ticket!


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Just getting the new thread onto my list really, as the scales told me nothing new this morning. I have taken on board the advice of other MFCers of not setting myself a rigid target just at present, but of course the 2lb a week intention is still at the back of my mind. I only managed 1lb this week - and that's a wobbly one, too.

    However, as I'm just (only just) into the right stone zone, I suppose I should be happy. And I managed to get through all of yesterday without dunking a biscuit. DOM shared her small size (2 little fingers) dark chocolate K*t-K*t with me and I finished off my bar of Cote d'Or 86% last night.

    I am asking for advice: I have one slice of wholemeal toast every morning for breakfast (after a small bowl of cereal) and enjoy my one slice of bread a day. I usually put on my home-made marmalade (divine) but with all that sugar it's surely not a healthy option. I occasionally opt for peanut-butter - thinking protein here - but it is high fat. I do like marmite, but I'm not sure about it at breakfast time. I have cheese (low-fat) for lunch on r**vitas and an egg seems like a whole meal to me. Any suggestions?

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Mermaid: >I wondered where everyone was this morning. No-one told me you'd moved. You clearly want to get rid of me, sneaking off like that. (sulk)<

    No need to sulk Mermaid, you didn't read the post I had plonked on the end of that thread ... to collectively griddle your lions and hotfoot (a bit difficult for a Mermaid, tis true) over here ... I even gave you a link. So, put that in your fishnet stocking and smoke it :0)))

    But seriously, glad you made it over here and well done you for keeping on keeping on .... you are doing SO well.

    Wave to Dusty and Anne-Marie :0))

    Curiously, lovely to see you and well done for coming back in here ... I am really enjoying feeling a lot more comfortable in my skin because of eating sensibly ... and enjoying trying new things. It sounds to me as if you're off to a wonderful start, so that will encourage us all too. Try and post here ... maybe post your food diary one day each week to give us new ideas. A big welcome back. :0)))

    Laura ... it's stating the blinking obvious to say that maintaining when before you would have been gaining, is a triumph but it can be disappointing all the same. Upper arm measurements down a quarter of an inch is presumably from thumping those oatcakes into submission :0)))) We too can have arms like yours from making oatcakes!!! Cutting down on those energy drinks has been your triumph this week I think. Well done.

    Fire-Pig hopefully under the pile of paperwork ... what a relief it is to get these jobs finally done. We use going away in our camper as a deadline for all those kind of tasks. :0)

    Wave to Katy :0)

    Archi .. losing a wobbly pound isn't to be sniffed at :0))) Regarding what you put on your toast I would say anything in moderation is just fine. Have what you enjoy to get the day off to a positive start and put your piece of toast on a nice plate, sit down, enjoy enjoy enjoy. Eat it slowly and enjoy it. I am so pleased your Dear Old Mum is entering into the spirit of sharing her Kit Kat with you rather than loading you up with your own supply of the earth's chocolate :0)))) She must love the idea of you taking care of yourself. If she would like a cyber hug, please give her one from me.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Sometimes DOM has a little grumble about money and I counter it with: well, stop spending £50-£100 a year buying me high-quality chocolate then. But she knows I love it, and like so many Mums, puts me first. She wouldn't knowingly do me any harm and just wants me to be happy, if only for a few minutes every evening as I savour my 86%. I'm going to miss her when I'm away, but at least she'll save some money ;o)

    So, the marmalade stays then, for now ...

    Well done, losers and maintainers, welcome newbies and lurkers, KOKO strugglers.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 13:44 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird) in message 17

    Errmm -

    Chastened Mermaid (no longer sulking)

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Archi, I hope I didn't sound harsh regarding your DOM ... when all is said and done good chocolate (in moderation) is actually good for you :0)))

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Mermaid :0) Sulking didn't become you anyhow so thank goodness you've recovered your smile.

    They say the best face lift is a smile!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 14:13 GMT, in reply to westie (westsussexbird) in message 21

    As long as you aren't standing on your head.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    I agree with Westie, Archi (as usual smiley - winkeye), regarding your toast. I too have a slice of toast in the morning because I love toast and want to have a happy start to my day. I only have one slice - a small piece of pave which weighs in at about an ounce and is quite a substantial sort of bread, chewy rather than woolly - and I top it with butter and a preserve of my choice. I say carry on and enjoy it!

    It's one of the hardest balances to achieve isn't it? To sustain a diet over time, you have to enjoy your food, yet also need to steer your choices towards healthier decisions. I daren't slap a forbidden sign on anything because it would instantly make me crave it. So maybe it's just a case of small treats now and then. Today I really fancied a cake as I was walking past the bakery; I bought a small baked custard and when I got home, made myself a cup of coffee and ate the centre of the custard out with a spoon, neatly avoiding the pastry - kind of like having the enjoyment of a cake, without too many calories.

    Laura - your talk of butteries made me think of a recent episode of the Hairy Bikers where they visited Aberdeenshire (I think) and made butteries using lard and butter - they seemed to be a bit like croissants without the crescent. Looked delish!


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    JJ I too love baked custard tarts and OH brought me home one as a treat a little while ago. He quite understood that I didn't want to eat it there and then (as I hadn't planned to have it) and I kept it for teatime. It was lovely.

    When I was a working gel I used to buy myself one every day for lunch! I had a brown bread sandwich with liver pate and cucumber and a baked custard tart.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    "Every pound is sacred ...."

    Prue - bursting into song!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Westie, my mum always used to bake a custard tart alongside an apple pie and serve a slice of each for pudding. Yum...


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 15:19 GMT, in reply to JustJezebel in message 23

    That's what I do, Jezebel. Nothing forbidden, a balanced diet and one treat a day. Then I enjoy it and feel no regret or guilt. It can be quite fun deciding what the treat is to be. In fact yesterday I hadn't even decided what to have - till I decided to make a sponge pud with syrup in the bottom. Merman enjoyed it so much he's asked me to make another one tonight, so that's the decision made for me.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    ... and we've just finished up the rhubarb from the garden and I only had a little custard with it yesterday as I was finishing up the veggie/porridge bake from the day before, but I promised myself a real load of it today ... it was really good.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:02 GMT, in reply to JustJezebel in message 23

    Laura - your talk of butteries made me think of a recent episode of the Hairy Bikers where they visited Aberdeenshire (I think) and made butteries using lard and butter - they seemed to be a bit like croissants without the crescent. Looked delish! 

    They are - and for thirty years thay have been our staple Xmas breakfast - but then 8 or 10 years ago M&S stopped sellin gthem and we tried croissants but they are ot the same somehow... so last year I tried making them and now make them twice a year!

    I bake so badly that eventually after advice from every home bread-baker I know, my Fond Papa actually said, and I quote, Laura, please stop making bread for us....!
    BUT somehow I'm a dab hand at stuff with lard or suet in - I can't do any pastry except suet pastry, and I can't make any pastries or bread except butteries!

    Making them uses up lots of calories and it is so labour intensive that I wouldn't make them more often than twice a year to be honest - you have to mix the lard and butter, then roll out the pastry, spread with some of the fat mix, then fold, rest it in the fridge for X minutes, roll thin again, daub, fold, rest it in fridge, roll, daub, fold, rest it... roll daub, fold rest it... the name doesn't translate as "a thousand sheets" for nothing y'know!

    Worth it as a real treat but not more often... so they don't tempt me, which is nice!

    Not sure what the difference is with croissants - maybe just that I've never had a croissant fresh from baking, or possibly butteries are richer? Or croissants use all butter and butteries use half-and-half butter and lard?


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Any chance of a recipe, Laura?
    They sound delicious - but sufficiently labour intensive that they will only be made as a very occasional treat.

    I like the idea of cooking them especially for christmas morning - yum.

    Oh dear, now I've got myself thinking about lovely christmas food.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:21 GMT, in reply to Curiously Frittering (erstwhile Bright Young Thing) in message 30

    Remind me in late November and I'll post a recipe then - no point giving you mouth-watering recipes and expecting you not to try them out before December!!

    They are lovely but I've worked out the only way I can do them is to have a kitchen-timer and some knitting. Ten mins in fridge, roll, daub, fold, back in fridge, knit for ten mins, ad infinitum!!


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Hey CF - I'm sure Laura will furnish you with her recipe, but in the meantime, check out the hairy bikers' version here .


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Curiously Frittering (U5481361) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Excellent! Thanks.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    I did NOT deal with the paperwork, more nightmares for me! However I have did achieve something today. There is one corner where I sit to embroider. Last week when we had a houseful it was obvious that the corner needed clearing, and there was only one person who could do it - MOI! I have now cleaned it thoroughly going through several layers of detritus. If EP wants to sit there next week, he will be able to do so. I also found a book I promised to send a friend in August but ... It is now packaged and ready for the post.

    The reason I did not tackle the paperwork was a headache - not a really bad throbbing one, just enough to make me tackle a less demanding task. I will have to have a quick look at it tonight ready for a meeting tomorrow.

    Not a good day on the food front but tomorrow's another day. I am not going to berate myself about it.


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    F-P :0))

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Evening all. 34 messages already - a great start to the week.

    I've lost a pound this morning, which, although I am pleased about that, I know that I was lighter on Sunday when I had a sneaky weigh in. So, that serves me right for a mid week sneak, as I was a bit disappointed first thing to be honest. I've given myself a bit of a talking to, and got it in perpsective I think. It seems to take so long to get back to where I was earlier in the year. Why does it go on in 2 weeks, but take 3 months to get off again?

    I haven't managed any exercise today, as the weather has been lousy, but I did get some housework done after lunch before going back to work. Unfortunately I did succumb to some ginger biscuits after finishing work at 7 - not sure why, but they found themselves in my tum, not planned, and I regret it now, as I feel too full after my tea now. Sooooo...tomorrow is yet another day, so I will try to do better then.

    JJ, thanks for opening, and well done to all others for doing well either maintaining or losing. Special well done to Westie and Puzzler for being in the maintain zone - that is a long distant dream for me, but nearer than it used to be!

    I think I'll avoid reading the buttery recipe as I love them, but only have them when on hols with the APs.

    KOKO all

    Pug x

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Pug ... thanks for your good wishes :0)

    I was having a bit of a tidy up in the kitchen the other day and found all my secretary notebooks that I used to write in ... everything I ate went into them, day after day, a new page every day. It takes a long time to shift a couple of stone but you just need to do it one day at a time.

    I found the notebooks invaluable ... a quarter of a way through the notebook, halfway through the notebook and then you get to the end and when you look back to the beginning of it you realise you've lost a chunky amount of weight.

    I went straight through the book, then a new one. Never going back through the other side of the pages as I wanted a new pristine page every day. When I had eaten all that I intended to on a given day I would draw a line under the list of food to prevent me eating any more. Then turn over the page and write tomorrow's day and date and know that it would be a fresh start.

    Just do your best every day .... then start a new day. Then you start a new week, then you start a new month, then you start a new year. It takes time.

    The great thing is we are always here to encourage
    you, but, it is a lonely thing to do as it is down to you and you alone. You are the only person who decides what food goes in your mouth. Noone else.

    But it is so worth doing, it really is.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by AlinDorset (U14147404) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Hello to everyone.
    Thanks JJ for opening up. I found myself all day looking forward to when I would finally manage to pop in here to be re-motivated for the week.
    Well done to the losers and maintainers.
    Like you Pug, I have maintained but had lost more in my sneaky mid-week weigh in so a bit disappointed although I knew I had wobbled too many times this week. I know sneaky mid-week weigh ins don't really work for me - if I've lost then I think I can relax a bit and if I haven't I get despondent. Neither is good for my eating habits! Although knowing I want to pop back in here is definately good for avoiding my "oh it's all going wrong, i'll just have another packet of crips" mentality.

    Archi, I think having toast is a good way to start the day. I have porridge and often think I won't have toast aswell in an attempt to keep the calories down. But I always regret in by mid-morning if my tummy is rumbling and I'm being tempted by biscuits or cake.

    F-P. hope the headache is better. I find healthy eating really hard with a headache - I always start to crave the carbs at that point.

    Hope everyone has a good week. I went swimming tonight so feeling motivated for the week ahead.
    Ali x

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by WildMarjoram (U14026934) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Hi all, just reporting in. I've been busy in RL and a bit preoccupied so have just lurked on this thread for a few days - there is so much to read and inspire me. Lots of ideas to try too. Am going to try the oat biscuits amongst others.

    I've lost just over 1lb since I started just over a week ago. Actually I'm quite pleased - at least it is in the right direction.

    The choc biscuits are still sitting on the shelf and I occasionally open the cupboard, have a chat to them and then close the cupboard door. Thanks for the idea Westie. I'm not strong enough to let myself have one of them yet though because I know I wouldnt stop at one!

    This week I intend to give the cheese in the fridge the same treatment as that is another weakness.

    I have regarded this week as a preparation week. Reading past MFC threads, getting ideas, etc. I think the next thing to sort is the exercise part of my healthy living I must pop my head round the Cybergym door and see what is going on there.

    I wish I had more time - I think I could easily become a full time poster. I would like to spend some time in the potting shed and that thread about favourite childhood books is drawing me in - and that's before I think of venturing as far as The Bull.

    I hope next Tuesday I will be able to report at least another lost lb. Thanks for all the ideas and support


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Ali and Marj, you're both doing so well. Each week will get easier.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by villageschoolmaam (U11233398) on Tuesday, 6th October 2009

    Good evening class!

    A very tired ma'am (skool inspection) nipping in to record the fact that over the last 24 days I've lost 6lb. Great!

    A quick survey of all the single gals in skool has revealed that not one of us has any food in the fridge at the moment thanks to our official visitors. I made a poor choice tonight, some pizza and garlic bread. It tasted great at the time but I ate too much and after a couple of hours it was lying in my tum like lead! And when I steeled my nerves to type in the cals into my wee machine - erk! So, lesson learned.

    This time tomorrow it will all be over.
    I've ten days to make it to the half stone for the skool formal. I think I can do that, yes?

    Terrific opening post from JJ which has set the tone for some lovely warm posts as always.

    I'm letting you all have an extended break tomorrow and we'll do finger-painting and a nature walk instead of sums. How's that?

    KOKO all,

    vsm xx

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Hi! Just popping in to say RL has gone a bit crazy so far this week, but I've enjoyed catching up and hope things settle down for me to be able to sort food out instead of grazing...
    Mermaid, didn't you read the note pinned on the backdoor?
    KOKO smiley - smiley)


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by villageschoolmaam (U11233398) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Nf, you should be in your bed!

    As indeed should I. Do you think this has anything to do with the grazing? I am the queen of grazing when I'm tired and not organised, ie now!

    Nighty night.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    I've been in bed since I got home at 6.15. This is my 'panic hour' before I nod off again. But you're right about the grazing and being tired and disorganised.
    Do teachers still put 'must try harder' in red ink?


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  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Nift, we should both be sleeping. I have a very busy day at the Day Centre tomorrow, followed by dancing class in the evening.

    It has been very nice here in ML tonight - but back to RL now (sigh).

    Sleep tight

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    And now the morning shift come on - hope all continues well VSM and that you can make some better choices today. All you lurkers out there, do try the water we don't bite and we are not all saints by any means!

    Am up slightly earlier than usual to man the door ready for Staples delivery. After a day of work and a Physio session I have a committee meeting tonight at which biscuits will be served - I hope they are nice enough to count as my treat of the day!

    Personally I prefer to keep quiet about trying to lose weight in RL, you either get people commenting you don't need to or pressing you to eat just the one etc. What do others think of this?


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    F-P, you're right about other people's reactions to hearing that you are trying to lose a bit of weight. I particularly find it hard now with people who haven't known me for long, because as far as they can see, I'm not a bad shape. Because I do allow myself to have a biscuit or a cake occasionally when I have one planned (such as this morning's biscuit at the breastfeeding café), they see me eating them and don't understand why I won't have another one, or two... This is one of the reasons I always carry a picture of myself with Puzzlerette when she was 7 months old (that'll be 3 years in November) at which point I weighed 4 stone more than I do now. People have looked at it and said they think it looks like a completely different person. It's a handy prop for demonstrating why I won't have any more cake, and it gets me lots of positive comments about how well I've done, which inspires me to keep it up!


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by JustJezebel (U7474974) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Morning F-P, morning all!

    I agree with what you say about RL dieting confessions. I have found most people (specially my darling best friend) to be supportive, but they often ask how much you've lost since they last saw you and if it's only a pound or two, it can be a bit demotivating, as they're obviously expecting greater things!

    A funny story. As some of you know, my weight loss has been slow (just approaching the two stone mark, but have been at it since January). I was at a meeting a few days ago and Colleague 1 said: 'Are you still losing weight?'. Me: 'yes, but I still a way to go.'
    Coll 1: 'Why don't you just have a big blitz and lose it quickly so you can get on with your life?'
    Me (slightly blinsided): 'Well I find it better to lose slowly as I think it stays off longer.'
    Coll 2 at this point kindly says: 'I think you're looking good, you don't want to go mad and lose too much.'
    Coll 1: 'Oh I don't think she needs to worry about that just yet, do you?'
    I was a bit gobsmacked, but it does make a funny story, doesn't it.

    Anyway, off to the gym this morning with a swim chaser!

    This thread is so lovely - as usual! Good luck to VSM with your inspection - it'll all be over this time next week as ma used to say! Glad to see Alin, Nifty and WildMarjoram popping heads through the door - do stick with us, even when you're feeling despondent and we'll try to cheer you up.



    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Wed, 07 Oct 2009 06:41 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 46

    F-P, I thik I've bee lucky - because I changed shape so suddenly in the summer (I went from eg a fictitious size 100 to a size 94, I'm never sure if I call that "down three sizes" or "down six sizes"!), people really noticed and commented positively adn encouragingly.

    What I found interesting was how may were curious to knwo what my "secret" was... they were a bit taken aback when I said basically I was eating less ad exercising more! I think sometimes people want a magic formula.
    I was touched when someone I know got in touch via text to ask advice after being diagnosed with High Blood Pressure at the same age as me. Luckily they have a background as a historian so were able to "get" the basics of eating a healthy balanced varied diet including lots of unprocessed home-cooked food as "oh right, so if I go by Anglo-Saxon foods, then I won't go far wrong, eh?"!

    I think comments from others are maybe dependent on their own feelings about their weight - one very close fried simply hasn't commented at all, and I know she has been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for years so perhaps she feels frustrated that I've managed to do it "easily" when she has struggled (incidentally she tends to try restrictive diets and only lasts a week or so... ). Another person I know is where I would be if I hadn't take action - high blood pressure, on meds with side-effects, finding it less easy to get around generally, no energy, Type II diabetes borderline, etc... she has commented favourably but also been quite dismissive, even bitter, about it - "oh yes, "just" eat less and walk more - easy for YOU to say" as if what we do in MFC is somehow not possible for ordinary mortals...

    Some MFCers are on specific diet plans - some go to RL groups - some go it alone.

    What we are ALL doing is eating moderate portions of healthier food, trying to be more active in our daily lives and it works.

    Where's the rocket science?! smiley - winkeye

    A day of full-time Aunting today - up at 5.45am to ensure younger niece bacon-and-egged and on the right train to get her back to her school town in time for assembly, then off in late morning to visit older niece, back after bedtime tonight... aunt-candle burning at both ends!! So I've got an energy-drink... sigh... if I only had them on low-sleep days like these it would be okay - what I have to do is NOT have any tomorrow when there's no "need", isn't it?

    Good balanced three meals yesterday.

    some grilled bacon for breakfast; shall make extra-lovely sandwich for the train; am buying student-niece a hot meal for supper (she says it will "also" be nice to see me...!)

    KOKO all


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by sadie (U781345) on Wednesday, 7th October 2009

    Morning all,

    It seems most people are keeping on track and being more positive than I am feeling.

    I have been eating well for over three weeks now, last time I weighed myself (I am not doing it very often) I had lost 5 pounds, but I really can't feel the difference.

    I am still feeling bloated and lardy!! The jeans I found at the back of the wardrobe pinched on the waist after a day of wearing and I am feeling a bit fed up with it all.

    I can't see any difference and I am trying really hard. I eating sensible portions of healthy food, every day, no bread, cakes, sweets, beer or anything, and it has been easy to do.

    I am going to have to up my exercise but given the hours I work and the dark nights approaching and the fact we have no spare money, and I am just not motivated this seems a hurdly too far.

    Sorry for grumbling, I have found the eating easier than I thought it would be, I just want to start feeling a difference.

    I know I will KOKO and I might pop in and see what GEm is up to.

    have a good day everyone


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