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swine flu

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Messages: 1 - 26 of 26
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Bractondefeated (U3173859) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Do I win a prize for the most boring and overused thread title this year? Anyway, my son has just got it and for some reason I'm getting in a terrible tizz. He's 25 and has no underlying health problems that we know of so am I right in thinking that its generally mild for someone with his profile? I.m sure I'm overreacting, which is why I'm asking here not in RL but I'm panicking.


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by rainbowLaure (U8486235) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Bracton, several people I know have had swine flu this year and are all fine.

    Also, I know that children at the local primary school were going down in droves, but I haven't heard of one serious case and, as one of the teachers is a friend, I would have been told about it.

    Please don't worry. Just make sure he drinks lots of water so he's well hydrated.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by rainbowLaure (U8486235) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    By the way, a mother's panic and anxiety won't qualify for any awards imo - been there, done that and will again.

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  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Lindy (U9525153) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    I had SF about two weeks, had if confirmed over the 'phone by my GP.

    After the first couple of days, when I had a high temperature, it wasnt too bad. Just extreme tiredness, cough, and upset tum. My GP said that there are now several strains about, some more severe than other. I must have had the 'lite' version.

    I'm sure if you have no underlying health problems, it will be fine


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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Bractondefeated (U3173859) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Thank you so much folks. Being a mother never stops, does it?! I've sent him the obligatory "oink oink" text and I'm told there are a lot of get well cards with pigs on them!


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  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by everforgetful (U6610529) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    One of my sons has it too! He's 10, and went down on Monday evening with a light fever (38,5° at the most), sore throat and a dry, barking cough. The cough was at it's worst yesterday morning but now has all but disappeared, and the temperature is more or less normal already. He hasn't felt especially ill throughout. I guess he's been lucky. But all cases around here seem to be so mild.

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  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by tillytrolly (U8311312) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Living in a small place where we haven't really come across it yet, I'm going to make a complete ??? of myself & ask how you know whether it's swine flu or ordinary flu/heavy cold

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Lili Bolero and the band played on (U10534540) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    tilly - I am so glad you asked that question. I have no idea, either.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by rainbowLaure (U8486235) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Tilly, I suspect no one really knows. They often do the diagnosis over the phone so, without doing a culture, I would think it could be any old fluey-type bug.

    I guess they work on the 'better safe than sorry' principle.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Annierose (U2992384) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    I am taking these figures about number of cases with a huge pinch of salt: I haven't been very well this week, with a temperature, bad cough and aches and pains. Presumed it was just what all teachers are liable to at halfterms and holidays, but did the swine flu thing on the internet out of curiosity and lo and behold I have swine flu and can fetch Tamiflu! I feel better today (after 3 days ill) so I'm sure it weasn't s.f. but I shall go down as having had it. So yes, how do they know?

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Kris massblues (U14058894) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Honestly peeps, there is a huge difference between proper flu and swine flu.

    I had the former 12 years ago and NEVER want it again. Sudden onset, almost paralysis (sp), only illness apart from a serious one that has ever made me cry with pain.

    Had Swine flu and it felt like the worse cold I ever had. Aching all over, stomach upset, headache, sickness. But totally different and not as scary as flu.


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  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Kate McLaren etc (U2202067) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Thu, 29 Oct 2009 23:26 GMT, in reply to krisjp in message 11

    I agree with kris. I had seasonal flu in the winter of 2000-2001 and was really seriously ill for (so far) the only time in my life. I was living alone and could only just crawl to the loo and to the phone. If I hadn't had a friend round the corner I would probably have died of dehydration. Even after the worst of it was over it took six months before I was really well again.

    I had swine flu just before Hebden Bridge, and as kris says it was like a really nasty cold plus upset tum. One day of high fever and feeling utterly bleh, then two days of utterly bleh only, and then a couple of weeks not quite the ticket. The koff went on and on though.

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  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Kris massblues (U14058894) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Ahhhh, the koff, still have it too. Annoys everyone around me, shame

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by rainbowLaure (U8486235) on Thursday, 29th October 2009

    Not suggesting it's real flu, just some viral infection. I had real flu years ago - thought I was going to die!

    When my daughter was about 9 years old, she had german measles twice in 2 months. Impossible, of course, but as they didn't do a culture there was no way of knowing what she had - just some mild viral thing with a rash.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Kate McLaren etc (U2202067) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Interesting, rainbowLaure - I apparently had German measles *three* times! Who knows what it actually was...

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by katsura (U13949689) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Yes, agree with kris and DD, from what I've heard most cases of swine flu aren't really that severe and symptoms are somewhere between a cold and the flu. I also had 'proper' flu a couple of times in the past, fever swinging from feeling like you are completely burning up to being freezing cold, and the most painful aching joints that you don't know where to put yourself, and walking to the bathroom is just about as much as you can manage (just!). I'm sure I had swine flu earlier in the year, had some sort of virus like a really heavy cold, with mildly aching joints, horrendous cough and head cold that went on for about 6 weeks. There were loads of people around at that same time with a similar thing, and I wouldn't be suprised if thats what they had but probably didn't bother to find out thinking that swine flu symptoms would be worse, the way it had all been whipped up by the government health agencies.

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  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by poshquilter (U3799549) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Fri, 30 Oct 2009 09:34 GMT, in reply to Drystane Dyke in message 15

    I 'think' I had swine flu last month. Felt dreadful, high temperature, rigors, hacking cough, no appetite or energy etc. I did the web site thingy and it said I had swine flu, but how can it tell? No swabs taken to test, so no diagnosis. I was a statistic I suppose although I didn't bother getting any Tamiflu. As the side effects appear to be horrid, and it doesn't shorten the illness much, I would not take it.
    I am a children's nurse, and we have had an awful lot of children with possible swine flu in the past few months. Very few have tested positive.

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  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Lindy (U9525153) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    I agree with Kris and Drysdane re my bout of Swine Flue. Symptoms identical

    I vaguely remember having flu during the late 50s, and being incredibly poorly. It could have been Asian flu.

    Keep healthy, Lindyx

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  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Bleak_Midwinter_Squirrel_Nutcase (U2248205) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Fri, 30 Oct 2009 12:09 GMT, in reply to Lindy in message 18

    I wish I knew what I've had lately. I've had 5 respiratory viruses in the last 11 months, but then hardly surprising. I'm a late-diagnosed asthmatic who's had a dicky chest for decades (just thought it was my cotton-mill ancestry); I have never smoked. Three were pretty nasty (the sort where you can scarcely get up to feed the cats, or cook for the family, and Waitrose has to deliver food), with fever, heavy limbs and headache, with lassitude and chest gunk, lasting weeks after.

    I know where I caught each of the bad ones (on a bus in Cambridge last Dwecember, sitting next to a toxic, spluttering student; either in Bologna, or on a plane from it, in the spring; in Co. Clare in the early autumn, when visiting 3wells, as she got it badly too).

    Have just had the seasonal 'flu vaccine. Will put in for swine 'flu jab, being officially vulnerable.

    Fed up to the back teeth and the tonsils with all this. So is my husband, who is supposed to be the disabled one and is rather censorious about my weakness. Thinking of becoming an anchoress to avoid contact with the human race.

    Sympathies to those who have been really knocked over by Fevodor Nastikoff, Ilya Chestikoff and the rest of their cohort.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Until I read this thread it didn't occur to me that I might have swine flu now! I'm certainly feeling bleh, got the nasty koff, sore throat and headache. It has all been pretty low-grade for about three weeks but in the last couple of days it has decided its time has come. Yes I'm feeling bleh and off my nosh but not so bad to take to my bed.

    I will suffer in silence, but a grape or two might become acceptable in a day or two.


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  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Kate McLaren etc (U2202067) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    here's a grape, Fire-Pig. Ach, let's push the boat out: have three.

    I think most people with swine flu also have the upset tummy - I certainly did, and NHS24 told me I had swine flu, but like someone else upthread I didn't bother with the Tamiflu.

    I suspect there is something else going round as well which answers to your description in that it goes on and on and bloody on but is low-grade. I don't think that's swine flu. But it's all academic, anyway, at this stage.

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  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Why thank'ee kindly, DD. I'll just leave them over there and when I feel up to it will enjoy them.

    No upset tummy here, just no wish to eat - but hot chocolate is going down well, so there is some hope for me.


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  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    The advice we've been given about swine flu (I work at a large general hospital) is that swine flu is a possible diagnosis where there are the following

    A temperature in excess of 38 degrees, PLUS two or more of the following

    shortness of breath or cough


    runny nose

    sore throat

    diarrhoea or vomitting

    unusual tiredness

    loss of apetite

    aching muscles

    The significant thing about Tamiflu etc is not that it makes the illness shorter, as has been said that is negligible. However it reduces the viral load by up to 70% - in other words you are less infectious to other people, this might be a consideration if you have vulnerable people within your household.

    For most people there will be recovery within 10 days as with an ordinary flu. However where there are complicating factors it can cause a rapid deterioration.

    If you are nursing someone with probable swine flu at home you should keep an eye out for an increased respiratory rate (over 30 breaths a minute) and confusion. If you see those symptoms do not delay in seeking help.

    But, the most likely thing is that you will never see that combination of symptoms, just a poorly bod who needs TLC.

    And do remember to wash your hands a lot if you're sneezing.


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  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Bractondefeated (U3173859) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Son says he's never felt so ill. He and dil did the internet thingy and she went to collect tamiflu for him but he's only taken it once cos it made him so sick which was particularly uncomfortable as he hadnt eaten for a bit. I asked him where it hurt and he said everywhere. He's relying on -er, if brand names are out, the things possibly made by a relation of Nigels old friend Tim!!! Which he says are brilliant,

    He's a bit better today and I'm not panicking any longer. Thank you everyone.

    If it isnt actually swine flu he has, it's some other type of flu but he was up to sitting up in bed today which was good.


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  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by DeeKay Bee - Disenfranchised (U236881) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    I know someone who had chickenpox three times, so maybe it *was* GM.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Kris massblues (U14058894) on Friday, 30th October 2009

    Sounds exactly the same symptoms that I had when I had swine flu.

    I've known a couple of people who have reacted violently to Tamiflu, I was fine on it thank goodness.

    The good news now is that Son should feel so much better tomoro Bracton. And there is always something lovely about feeling better after you have been so ill (exc.mark).


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