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MFC Healthy & Delicious Eating 17/11/09

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 163
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 16th November 2009

    Welcome to our healthy and delicious eating club, otherwise known as the MFC. Each week we meet here in the Village Hall, to discuss the trials and tribulations of eating healthily, and to have a good laugh too in many instances. All are welcome, just come in and join the fun. The thread tends to be fairly active with lots of posts, but please don’t be put off, as we are all friendly, and welcome all newcomers.

    You will find lots of useful advice here, whether you want to eat more healthily, or lose lots of weight. There are followers of many different methods of weight control here, from Slimming World, to Weight Watchers, with GI/GL and lots of others too. Our only real rule is not to mention our real life weights or sizes, as a starting point for one may be a goal for another member.

    For further useful information, you can head to the wonderful MFC Cookbook thread, run by Katy:

    Then there is the cybergym, where GEm and others can give advice on all things exercise related:

    And finally, the rota thread, where all are welcome to open up the MFC each week. It is very easy!

    So here is to a good week for all, onwards and inwards, and KOKO (keep on keeping on).

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U13783319) on Monday, 16th November 2009

    Thank you, Countrypug ... and bookmarking.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 00:06 GMT, in reply to anagramladysin in message 2

    Thank you, Countrypug. Here's to another healthy - and happy - week!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:21 GMT, in reply to nifty-fifty in message 3

    To reply to Angua-with-the-profiteroles-in-her-handbag-

    I wondered why the chap on the next table kept giving me dirty looks.

    I thought he'd eaten the profiteroles.

    He thought I'd taken them.


    Call yourself a friend, indeed.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Morning there!

    A much more cheery greeting this morning from me this week - I think I have declared myself free of lurgy. I still have a nasty cough, but that is much better than it was and improving daily.

    The lack of appetite persisted for most of last week, and I have been rewarded with another 900g loss which makes impressive reading after last week, and means I have some hope of keeping it off as I am now eating almost normal food again. So, another 4.1lb to go to the next mini-target........

    Now I'm off to make the most of an entire day to myself while Owen is at nursery. Rather dully, I'm going to do some DIY, but it need doing and I'll be proud of myself afterwards. I might take some time to knit this afternoon though.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:23 GMT, in reply to countrypug in message 1

    Thanks for a great opening and title, pug!

    Flut, good to hear you are feeling more like your usually fluttering-by self!

    I'm feeling really quite pleased with my food today - last night I didn't have anything for supper. Normally if I haven't planned ahead, I go round and buy something (and of course spend money on tempting special offers or treats or reduced-price things, most of which don't get used because I didn't plan for them...).

    I raided my drawer of the freezer and I had 9 Ikea meatballs*, lots of frozen petit-pois with finely chopped onion and 10 strips of diced bacon on top, and a baked potato. When it was done, I sizzled three ice-cubes of Duchy's beef stock and added 3 teaspoons of wholegrain mustard and oen of single cream for a sauce.
    It was lovely! And I didn't spend any extra money AND it was healthy AND it was much less than I used to eat AND it was all eaten with no leftovers because it was the right quantities in the first place!

    *9?? I remember how I used to need the big oventray to lay out all 30 for an evening meal, before covering in grated cheese to melt over them!

    So I'm pleased.

    Tonight I'm giving a talk to an archaeology society who are feeding me either before or afterwards so a pub supper I think; then tomorrow I may be eating out or may not, not fully arranged yet; then Thursday I teach an evening class so don't get home til late.
    I'm glad I got my muddled-meal week off to a good start smiley - winkeye

    KOKO all!


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:25 GMT, in reply to flutter-by in message 5

    Hello back again. I have been going trough another stage of not posting much. I am finding that threads move so quickly I can't keep up. I am not a very chatty person in groups.

    I have been a bit stuck but I am now 6 1/2 lb from target.

    Got to go now back later


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Thanks for opening, Pug and another good choice of name. Sunlit, welcome back, yes we have been moving fairly quickly lately I'm sorry if it isn't the best thing for you. How can we help? Do we need an MFC Slow thread, just one post a day? I don't know.

    Fluts did you mean to mix your weights - 900gm in one place (2lbs for anyone who works in old money) and then 4.1 lbs elsewhere in the same post? Hope you enjoy your day.

    Laura it is great to use leftovers and also to cook just the right amount of food. I had problems growing up - one grandmother hated seeing food left over at the end of a meal as it meant we hadn't enjoyed it, the other hated it if we had eaten everything as it meant she had not made enough! I was brought up in the generation made to think of the 'starving millions in China' if I didn't finish what was on my plate - though that was at boarding school not at home.

    A good start to the day as I have just eaten a bowl of sultana porridge, thanks to Westie, I think, I now add the sultana before cooking and they are far softer and tastier.

    KOKO one and all


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U13783319) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Three recipes I want to ask for, in the last few posts .... from three different people I think.

    sultana porridge?

    brown rice with tamale? tahini? tamari?

    champagne cream?

    Sunny morning here so just out for a walk ....

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Ana - happy to oblige, sultana porridge as made in the Fire-Pig household. I make it in a good quality non-stick pan on the hob, for two servings 1 cup of porridge oats (nothing fancy cheapo supermarket ones are fine) approx half a cup of sultanas, three cups of water. Bring to the bowl and stir, turn low for long enough to thicken to desired consistency - or in my case until OH has finally finished his morning ablutions and got dressed, I never understand why he takes so long! Stir well before serving or one person will get all the sultanas and the other will complain! (Guess who didn't stir the first time and also guess who had the first serving?)

    As part of our wedding presents we had a 16 place setting Royal Doulton Dinner service (Roundelay). Little did we know that 39 years later, the soup bowls with their decorative lines would mark just the right volume for half this porridge? When OH retired and we stopped official entertaining, we kept 6 settings out for everyday use and still love the design. We have the 'better' pieces in a cupboard for special occasions.


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by sunlitfern (U1481854) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:13 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 8

    Fire-Pig thanks for thinking of me but I don't think that there needs to be a new thread. I just need to be more decisive about posting. I get trapped into thinking everyone else is talking so don't want to interupt or the conversation has moved on.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:22 GMT, in reply to sunlitfern in message 11

    Sunlit, I know what you mean, but the best bit about "chatting" like this is that you *can* say what you want to say without shouting anyone else down or "butting in" like we've all been brought up not to. (Probably terrible grammar there).

    I guess one way to keep up with things is to keep your posts short and quick and then there's less chance of things moving on too fast.

    Just some thoughts, anyway.

    Great to see you whenever you can manage it.


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Just frightened myself by Googling our china - it is Rondelay not Roundelay as Google told me! I wonder how much money I could make?

    You can see how good the lines are for portion control!


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    F_P - indeed you are right - I of course meant 4.1kg to the next target..... duh.

    Turns out as well I'm not quite as better as I thought, having returned my breakfast to the white porcelain god upstairs. Again. Great. Still feeling fine though, other than inability to keep food in stomach all of a sudden. No nausea until I eat, so it's tempting just not to eat but I know that I should.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:52 GMT, in reply to flutter-by in message 14

    Hang on in there flutz. Keep away from anything dairy for a while and go for bland like dry toast and flat lemonade (don't ask me why, but Dr told me this and it works for me.)

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U13783319) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Dear Fire-Pig

    Thanks so much for this. Sounds lovely.
    And the china. Doesn't it make a difference, the aesthetic pleasure of eating out of perfectly-proportioned china?

    Sorry you are still poorly, flutterby. Take care... but at some point the ability to stomach food will come back, for sure.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    That's what's so wierd - this morning I had only eaten the rather bland and boring breakfast of toast and marmite and a glass of water. If I was going to be funny about food again then why not all the other more demanding things that I have eaten in the last few days (eg sausage casserole last night?). It's a mystery and I'm now hungry so going to try again!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Oh gosh I'm several days out of touch ... thanks for the new thread Pug ... I'm just catching up on last week's one ... Laura chucking out stuff she doesn't want to eat. Ana beginning a new week with Laura starching and ironing her resolve for her, Isobel travelling but doing her best ... like a good Brownie ... Pina offering us all support, and Laura planning to do a Ronnie Biggs ... but we will recognise you I'm sure :0)

    GEm helping friend stay on her diet plan, Isobel in her hotel being wise and sensible in the face of a bacon butty, Mermaid enjoying not being tempted by profiteroles ... I only have them if they are made by my sis in law as they are SO lovely ...

    ........... and this week flutters restored to full health. I'm glad. Laura off to a good start ..

    Sunlit :0)) Lovely to see you and well done keeping on with getting nearer to your target. I hope that knowing you can post here is helpful even if you perhaps just read the header each week and get encouragement from that?

    We find that often we don't need to go food shopping as when we think about it we can produce perfectly healthy and adequate foods from what we have here already. It might just be half a courgette and a bit of red pepper but with a bit of blue cheese or goats cheese and some pasta and tin of tomatoes, or squirt from concentrated tomoto and some basil from a tube we have a meal.

    Ana asking for what I want too ... recipes.

    Flutters not well after all :0/ Eat very small amounts often and see how you go. Flat coke has quinine in too ... a tonic I believe. "Tonic water has quinine added to it, and a much more interesting story behind it. In the small quantities found in tonic it is harmless . On the theory that the drug could also kill certain diseases, when the British navy encountered malaria they issued a "health tonic" comprised of quinine and seltzer to combat the illness. To make the bitter concoction more palatable, they would add a measure of their national spirit, gin, to the mix and often squeeze in a piece of the local tropical citrus fruit as well. And the gin and tonic was born, complete with its ubiquitous wedge of lime."

    Fire Pig that is the china one of my brothers has ... use it and enjoy it. You can't take it with you! I've mentioned before I have one or two lovely dishes that I am only allowed to eat healthy food in!

    I'm pootling along maintaining but not quite losing the couple of pounds I should be using. Cake for our 35th wedding anniversary hasn't exactly helped, but reminded me once more that I am better without sweet/fat foods.

    Have a good week everyone ...

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:43 GMT, in reply to flutter-by in message 17

    Your tummy obviously prefers something more interesting than toast and water which it finds boring.

    Can't say I blame it.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Mabel Bagshawe (U2222589) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Hope you're better soon F-B

    Just checking in to bookmark really

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Hello everyone.

    Sunlit, I understand that you find it difficult to post when the thread is so fast-moving. I have posted less frequently recently. Everyone uses this thread in a different way, so it can appear that the more regular users are having an ongoing conversation that it is hard to break into.

    I use the word 'appear' on purpose, because this is a really welcoming group, and nobody sees any post as an interruption to the flow. I have taken to reading the last few posts whenever I'm online, and replying to them as appropriate, but not necessarily reading the whole thing. Or even just flying in and saying what's on my mind without referring necessarily to any recent posts.

    Anyway, glad to hear you are unsticking yourself (I was hovering around the same weight for about 3 months until a couple of weeks ago, so I know the feeling!), and not far to go now! Those last few pounds are the most stubborn little blighters.

    Fluts, grr to hear you are not quite over it. Maybe easy on the DIY today, do a bit more knitting instead! We shouldn't really celebrate weightloss due to illness, but at least it is a little fringe benefit in your case.

    I've had a tough week workwise, and haven't got quite so many Ms (for Motivation) as I had last week, but haven't put any weight on as yet. Would love to dip under this X stone that I've reached. Still walking as much as poss, and I always think about Auntie Prue's useful info about this encouraging your body to burn up lots of fat overnight in preparation for tomorrow's walking.

    KOKO one and all.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:46 GMT, in reply to Mabel Bagshawe in message 20

    Morning (just) from me. I had my flu shot this morning, but never seem to react to it, so not really sure why I even bothered to tell you all!

    It's going to be curried parsnip soup again for lunch, and I've taken a (good quality) burger out of the freezer for tonight - I need to get through the freezer contents by the end of next week...

    Got distracted by a phone call, so it's not morning any more. Not by a long shot.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Afternoon all. The cold I picked up over 3 weeks ago is still lingering - I now have a horrible cough - and it does make sticking to sensible eating difficult.

    I bought (and ate) some chocolate yesterday......

    I went swimming for the first time in three weeks yesterday. I was very slow but did manage 30 lengths.

    And as I was away in Newcastle last Wednesday I missed my normal RC class and weigh-in. I am very bad if I dont have the discipline of the weekly weigh - clearly I totally lack self control and need an external source of discipline.

    But I have been better today, I made a big pan of ham and pea soup - delicious!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Oh Sixties I'm so sorry to hear about your cold - I had a low grade one, also the cough, for about three weeks then about two days feeling very miserable and it finally went away. I hope yours goes soon.

    Enjoy the soup - I'm making that tomorrow!


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:48 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 24

    The lurgi that is going around where I work is lingering here at the moment. It starts like a cold with a very sore throat and a runny nose, but doesn't actually develop into a proper cold (I was going to say 'full blown'). Then along comes a church-yarder of a cough. And it just doesn't go away. Some seem to get it worse than others, and one of my colleagues has just gone sick with it after soldiering on with it over the last 5 weeks. She did look like death warmed up on Saturday. So we had to work short staffed again yesterday.

    smiley - sadface

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Hi - I think the champagne cream is me to go with the fruit salad. I'd love to say it's all my own work but aksherly it's from Waitrose - channel island double cream with champagne. Have just found pot and glasses - it says it's double cream (76%), sugark CAmpagne (7%) and Marc de champagne (5%)

    It is very rich and you can tase the champagne so a teaspoon full is all you need to make a fruit salad feel like a luxury pud. It says it 123kcal per 30 ml

    Have spoken to friend and she is on a green day so lunch is

    Spicey home made pumpkin soup (pumpkin, garlic, fresh ginger, chillis, salt and black pepper boiled till pumpkin soft then blended to make thick)

    Mixed mushroom and pasta bake but with added chillis and some garlic for flavour served with brocolli and a green salad (naked as Dusty said it had to be undressed smiley - winkeye !)

    Fruit salad made with mango, papaya, figs, strawberriesm blueberries and kiwi fruit (made in water so no juice other than that seeping out of the fruit) with choice of passion fruit creme (which is basically half fat creme fraiche mixed with passion fruit); champagne cream (cheat as above) or I have bought a vanilla and a toffee muller yoghurt which she can have if she wants.

    Hope this works okay for her - she has said it will and I hope she isnt being polite.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Gem - if it's not alright with her can I come round and eat it? Sounds lovely!

    Have discovered that lebkuchen seem not to make me sick, but trying not to just eat cake so I think I'll make some cheese scones and soup for tea. Mmmmmm.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:35 GMT, in reply to flutter-by in message 27

    lebkuchen have ginger - ginger is a famous stomach-settler... if you've any ginger-root, slice some into a jug and pour on boiling water, leave for a while and pour through a strainer into a mug for ginger tea... supposed to be very soothing to upset tums!

    GEm, good for you.


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Salad dressings that are syn free - any bought ones that have fewer than 40kcals per 100ml. Or add spices to some fat free natural yogurt. My favourite actually is just a splash of balsamic.


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    GEm, it all sounds wonderful, and if I didn't seem to have contracted something similar to Flutter-by smiley - sadface, I'd be round like a shot.

    You could serve salad dressing on the side - then you won't have to do without. And, as Dusty says, balsamic is always good for a splash of flavour.

    Re your fruit salad - instead of adding water, you could gently heat one of the berries until it releases a teensy drop of juice - I do this with my morning blueberries. I wonder how the passion fruit cream would work made with quark, which, I think, is free?

    I think your menu is a perfect example of how people who follow SW should not get hungry - so much free food!


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    I had to be a pooper, but cooking the fruit means that they have a syn value I'm afraid. Quark is free. Dx

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U13783319) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    GEm thanks so much for that ..... ( I had to think twice about finding both the pot and the glasses, and then I "saw" ) ... sounds delicious and a bit wicked.
    Your lunch sounds super too -- have a great time with your friend. We all need friends like you!

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Even just gently warming...? I do it to defrost my blueberries in the morning. Am I being synful?

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    If it is just to defrost, then it is ok, but if you are cooking them then they are syns. I could weary you with the full explanation but the gist is that cooked, dried, pureed and juiced fruit doesn't fill you up as much as the raw fruit and that is why it has syns. You'd probably need to judge whether the state your fruit reaches is defrosted or cooked!


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Hmm, I do kind of know that which was why I hedged my words to gill and said something along the lines of warming a teensy bit!!

    Re my own berries - not cooked as such, but a bit warmer than just the chill taken off them. I prob need to start syn-ing them. I'm only 3-4lbs away from target now, so every little counts now.

    I think a food diary might concentrate the mind!


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Or an SAS log? Ask your consultant. They are a boon in that you look at the context as well as what you are eating. Dx

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Oh yes - we did talk about them recently.

    BTW Dusty, does anyone do mix-2-max in your group? It's never mentioned in ours - we discuss mainly red, green, EE and occasionally that one where 2/3 plate is free.suprfree (forgotten what it's called). But mix-2-max doen't crop up. I was wondering how successful it is as a plan...

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    It works well but I think people are finding that they get more or less the same benefits from Extra Easy in a more understandable format. I think you will hear more in the new year, she says wary of an embargo!

    The other one you are thinking of is Success Express.


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    I have spent far too long this afternoon in the dentist's chair, and am absolutely numb on the left side of the mouth. (How long before that wears off?) I've started cooking supper - boiled gammon but don't know whether I will be able to eat it.

    As it was the first stage of crowning me, and I now have a temporary one (no not out of a cracker!) I was told not to eat any toffees - they are not one of my vices. Geepers did you finish your Mum's toffee?


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Thanks ladies - I love balsamic on salad (and in your alcohol free pimms Dusty!) so balsamic will be on the table.

    I will investigate this Quark stuff - I have never heard of it (hope Waitrose have) and try it and report back.

    The children may have quite a lot of assorted leftovers to finish off when they come in from school!

    I'll stick with water for the fruit given Dusty's warnings. Plus in the mag it looks like you have to count thingies (not sure which) for fruit juice


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 17:43 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 39

    No, FP, I'm proud to say that despite having had my sister and then my 2 mates to stay, about half the block is left. We are the models of restraint.

    Guess who just popped out to post a birthday card and didn't check she had her key with her before slamming the door? Yep... So that's an hour dandering around the shops waiting for the neighbours to come home. Am a tiny bit grumpy. And also quite tired. I do, though, have a nice t-shirt that I didn't need.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Fire-Pig I have a couple of crowns at the front and don't even bite into an apple any more ... I cut it up into bite sized pieces. Keep the temporary crown as a spare ... I keep mine in the camper with some glue/cement you can buy easily, and if anything happens to my crown and I swallow it by mistake I'll have the spare to cement on.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Thanks for the advice Westie - but this is right at the back and even the dentist was complaining that it was difficult to reach. I almost felt like apologising for being a nuisance! I doubt if I would be able to put the temporary one back if the real one did come out.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Just popping my head round the door to say I'm pleased to have only gone up 0.75lb despite a weekend away with less exercise and more food than usual.

    KOKO everyone,

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    ... and right at the back wont look as odd as losing one at the front!

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    When I did my stint in East Germany we used quark as a dream chees type spread on ryvuta style crackers, so I tend to associate it with feeling cold and hungry!

    I have bought it in sainsbos too. Also good as a dip with snipped chives and garlic.

    More generally, last week I had another1/2 lb loss. Wasn't doing so well this week (o/h perfecting sticky toffee puding! ), but this stomach bug might just have an effect. I'm joining flutterby on the sick bench smiley - sadface

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:55 GMT, in reply to Anne-Marie in message 46

    Seem to be maintaining my Xst 4lb. Too much bread today. Feel gassy. (no comments about jet propelled mermaids, please)

    Mushroom soup now cooking. Experimenting, so no idea how it'll turn out. Added a bit of sherry as one recipe suggested. And leeks.

    Well, it's all edible ingredients even if it tastes 'orrible when cooked. Might add crème fraiche, though double cream is tempting. (haven't got any in the house though)

    keep going folks and smiles for the poorly ones. I lost weight through illness 4 years ago, but the ensuing depression didn't help me stay at that weight. At least now I have the mental strength (most of the time) to keep at it.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Sorry you're on the sick bench as well. I'm still feeling far too energetic to be ill, and in fact have managed to keep the last two meals down so am again declaring myself better.

    Sausage casserole later......

    Todays food diary.....

    Breakfast 1 - 2 slices toast and marmite, water. Didn't stay down long.
    Snack - Lebcuchen (a big one) and then a while later another one. Also didnt stay down.
    Late lunch - 2 slices of toast and marmite, lebcuchen, tangerine.
    Tea - Pumpkin and lentil Soup and cheese scones.

    Later I'll have some sausage casserole. I'm getting into the swing of eating at 5 with Owen (start of family meals) but then normally need something at about 8 so end up having another small meal. Ho hum. Tomorrow will feature more vegetables I hope!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    Oh flutter-by get into the habit of either eating properly with Owen or eating later but don't do both. Next comes putting the left overs in your mouth. If you want to be sociable with him have a cup of tea and an apple cut up small or some sesame seeds but beware of the slippery mummy slope of eating twice.


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Tuesday, 17th November 2009

    My usual stance on this is to eat soup for at least one of those 'meals'. Today was a bit of an exception because I'd had such a funny food day but usually it's just vegetables at that time of the day. But I think I'm going to make that my main meal because it's better than the late stint with Francis.

    Report message50

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