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Messages: 1 - 18 of 18
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    well we have had our week away and apart from a bit of a bad flight and disorganisation at Gatwick last night it was brilliant. We went to the gardens with the memorial (thanks for recommending it was a lovely oasis of calm and shade) and we did all the museums, kasbah and souks and some climbing in the atlas mountains. We were obviously not very good on the bartering as we only bought one thing which was something a friend had asked us to bring back. We located this item and enquired the price. "50" said the stall holder - OH got out his wallet and the stall holder said "no you are supposed to bargain with me" A rather startled OH then said "okay - would 40 do?" Stall holder says -" no 45" OH looks relieved and says "OK then" " no" says stall holder " 40" OH then handed over 40, snatched the item and fled before the stall holder could bargain himself down any lower. Children and I were most amused (while recognising that at least he joined in when we would have sloped off!!!)

    Holiday was great - we did quite a bit of sitting in the parks in the sunshine and YS was able to do quite a bit of talking. All is well now and both are looking forward (well you know what I mean) to being back at school tomorrow (and not having to eat Tagine for every meal!!!)

    We found some fab restaurants (Al Fassia in the new city run entirely by women for one) and the Cyberpark is sensational. Have to admit I was somewhat scared by the traffic and lack of stopping for crossings but I soon worked out if you go and don't look at them they won't actually run you over deliberately.

    So back to reality tomorrow.


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Nice to see you back,GEm,and pleased to read you all had a great time.

    I hope that school is OK tomorrow,I'm sure the break will have been good for him and all of you.

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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    thanks wombatsnose. We have talked about it being okay to just say that he doesn't want to discuss it any further and that he wants to get on with things. We are going to put a candle on the mantlepiece with our Christmas things especially for M which YS will light and trim. He has also asked if he can invite M's parents and older brother for a drink and a mince pie over Christmas and that we as a family spend some time with them and offer our support as well as helping them see something positive. He is going to go round to their house later on to make the offer but he doesn't want them to come till he has the candle in place so he has drawn up a list of possible dates and times (impressed or what) and he has also prepared a little speech about M and about how much he meant to him and that while he won't forget him he feels now that he has to live a bit for both of them. I am not sure about the speech as I am sure it will end in tears but OH says I have to let him do what he thinks is right..... Suspect I may be the one having the tears along with M's mum!


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  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    I think that's a really lovely gesture on his behalf and for a teen of his age shows great maturity.I think you are quite right to let him do as he sees fit,M was his friend and if this is how he wants to remember then let him.

    At the risk of making you blush,GEm,may I say that those children of yours seem to me to be getting a rather good dragging up!

    As mine would say,for a Mum,'You're quite cool'.

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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    cheers wombatsnose I am blushing (and your words mean a lot). Mine do say that all their friends think I am quite cool - as you say for a mum. Because I carry a genetic health problem which has meant I never knew if I would be around to see them grow up I have brought them up to be independent and kind to others (even when they don't always get kindness back). Sometimes they do stuff that takes my breath away. Laura always says that come the revolution she is going to make my YS the prime minister as it'll make the world a better place. Think he might get my vote too even though he'll never get the qualifications to get anywhere near that sort of job


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  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by MV Whitby May Rose (U6862284) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Your son is a star Gem. I hope that all goes ok for him when he goes back to school tomorrow. He sounds such a kind and thoughtful boy.

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  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Spartacus (U2261983) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    He may surprise you.

    I remember Laura's cabinet of the future,she was going to make my niece Ö÷²¥´óÐã Secretary or something..

    I know what you mean about not seeing them grow up,I was so thrilled to be able to walk down the aisle at my eldest's wedding,they, nor I,if I'm honest thought I would manage that.We can't change the circumstances we find ourselves in,but we can give our children and,in my case,someone elses,the tools to deal with what life throws at them.

    Oh Gawd,I'm off to roast a chicken before I get even more thoughtful.

    I just wanted to say that,over the ML years,I've 'known',you are clearly one hell of a Mum.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    I was thinking about you this morning GEm and thinking you must be back soon. Glad it all went well - just how old is that son of yours? He sounds incredible, good luck to him and may it all work out just as he wants it to.

    BTW 'my' Little Miss Piggy Flu is home from hospital now, very weak and feeble just going to go into school for the Christmas Dinner (or was it party?) and not allowed to restart her swimming training for at least six months - but she's through it.


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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Fire-Pig I am so pleased to hear about miss Piggy. she's had a really rough time so some TLC and some first class dossing around is probably required till after Christmas. Don't forget to let her have some friends round but make sure they don't overtire her. I was hoping you'd have good news for us when we came back and you have. Poor little mite must be a bit disconsolate to be too weak to join in the Christmas stuff.

    My YS is 15 and has a twin sister. He is certainly a young man to be proud of as is his sister and older brother. OB has stayed at home this week but sister came too and she has been very protective of her twin (and I suspect will remain so tomorrow - she is a very determined young lady who speaks her mind.... can't think where she gets that from).

    He has come back from his visit and M's parents and brother have told him they'd love to accept his offer and will join us for mince pies and a drink. I'll phone the mum tomorrow and offer to make it afternoon tea given the time and that it'll give her a break. He is looking much happier than he was this time last week!


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  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Cripes Gem, that brought a tear to me let alone you and the bereaved Mum.

    We see a lor less of Dan's friends now but one in particular still visits and has brought his baby to meet us. I can't tell you how much it means to us.

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  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by savannahlady (U2362903) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Sun, 06 Dec 2009 17:22 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 9

    What a lovely son you have GEm! It is so good to hear about youngsters who understand about being kind to people in life and - our Golden Rule - always doing as you would be done by. You have done a great job with your children by all accounts and you must be very proud.

    Glad to that you had a good time in Marrakesh - I may pick your brains later as I think we might take a few days there sometime towards the end of Jan/beginning of Feb if OH can get away. He trekked the anti Atlas mountains 3/4 years ago with some friends but didn't get to see Marrakesh. I went years ago but it has no doubt changed a lot.

    Hope the school leave YS alone this week - it sounds as if he knows more than they about how to handle this!


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  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009


    You are welcome to pick my brains. Squigs has my owl if you are in touch with her along with a few others (I think Schezzie has too). I have annotated the guide book a friend lent me as I went round as there are things to see and things to avoid. Happy to share our experiences. We didn't have enough warm clothes for the early mornings for example!


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  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by E Yore (U1479700) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Sun, 06 Dec 2009 17:45 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 12

    I'm in touch with both of you and will give Savvie your email addy, GEm.

    Welcome back, you were missed.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Thanks E-Yore. Seems like I've missed quite a lot here. You can fill me in on Thursday (I don't get the long names thing but I am sure it's simple).

    Savvie - feel free to contact me while it's all still fresh. I can give you good restaurants, a decent place to stay and some great places to visit (as well as some tips about what to take and what not to bother with)


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  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by E Yore (U1479700) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Sun, 06 Dec 2009 17:50 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 14

    For the sign-on changes, the best place to go is Leaps' thread & 1st post:

    Owl winging its way to Savvie as I type.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by savannahlady (U2362903) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    Sun, 06 Dec 2009 18:45 GMT, in reply to E Yore - pointless pedant in message 15

    Many thanks E.Yore and I will be in touch soon GEm when I can pin His Lordship down!


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  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 6th December 2009

    don't worry - happy to provide the info whether you use it or not


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  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Monday, 7th December 2009

    For anyone who wished YS well at school today he went off happily and returned happily. He has said nothing so I am leaving well alone - he knows I am here if he wants to talk


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