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Cybergym - 2010

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 294
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Monday, 4th January 2010

    Welcome to the 2010 Cybergym thread. While called the cyber "gym" we don’t advocate any particular type of exercise here – this is just a space to ask questions and get encouragement from fellow exercisers old and new. There is usually an expert in your area hanging around who will answer your questions.

    This is a space to share our successes and failures, our challenges and our breakthroughs on the road to becoming active and fit.

    I was in the gym yesterday watching some of the "new year" joiners only about 10% will still be coming by Valentine's Day. So motivation gets us started but habit keeps us going so how can we maximise on that New Year zeal to make this the year we get that bit fitter

    1) Set realistic goals

    - some people set themselves rather vague goals like "get fit" which is difficult to measure progress towards and so to get that boost from getting closer. Be specific and set interim goals so you can tick that box

    - other people set unachieveable goals either in terms of their physical capability or the time they allow to get there and then get demotivated and give up

    2) Choose something you enjoy or make what you do enjoyable

    - try and choose an exercise that you enjoy. If you like being with others and a social activity join a running club or a class or a sports team; if you prefer working on your own then pick something that you enjoy

    - if you can't enjoy it then try and add something you do. I don't like the gym (contrary to popular opinion) but as a busy working mum it's me time when I can listen to music or a podcast on my iPod while I work out; or I can treat myself to a sauna before a shower or a coffee with a friend after we've both finished (my gym does free coffee and tea)

    3) Commit the time
    If you vaguely say you will exercise then other things will crowd out the time. Book the time in your diary and keep it as an appointment - after 21 days you will find it has become a habit and you will want to keep it.

    There are tons of benefits of exercising - more energy, better health, sleeping better, better sox, and you look better - your hair will bounce and your skin will glow. And you recover quicker from being ill (or get your figure back quicker after a baby - and I am assured labour is shorter but I can't guarantee that one) ; oh yes and you'll either lose weight if you are controlling calories or you can eat pretty much what you like and not gain weight....

    Now isn't that worth 3 hours a week????

    Pull up a treadmill......


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Monday, 4th January 2010

    I read somewhere (or an instructor told me that) that it takes about 2 to 3 weeks to establish going to classes as part of the routine, once you find the ones that suit, but I could have imagined it.

    maybe that could be a goal?

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    hello Guzzi - no you didn't imagine it. On all the time management courses they repeat the mantra that it takes 21 repeats of something to make a habit - (there's your 3 weeks!)

    Yep - that would be a good interim goal. 21 repeats over 3-5 weeks to build the habit on the way to regular exercise. Remember it can be a walk or going for a run or doing something at home like a DVD which you exercise to - doesn't have to be the gym


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    Tue, 05 Jan 2010 15:40 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 3

    Thanks for opening up this year's thread, GEm.

    Here, as threatened elsethread, is my plea for help. I have a combination of two not-quite-hurdles, but maybe hurdlettes.

    I had an abdominal hysterectomy 12 weeks ago (this is hurdlette 1). Was recovering well, walking around 30 minutes every day (increasing distance and speed over time), which is what you're recommended to do. Then I changed jobs, which included moving abroad and am now living somewhere that exercise is a real challenge (this is hurdlette 2). Without going into why, there is nowhere that I can walk that takes longer than 5 minutes - home to office, office to canteen, home to canteen, home to gym, etc all take a max of five minutes.

    There is a gym, and although it's small it's surprisingly well kitted out - treadmills, bikes, cross trainers, rowers, steppers - but it's all pretty squashed and not at all attractive (BUT no mirrors - hurrah!). There's also a small weights room, although it's quite 'male' in that it's got lots of big weights and big-weights-type machines you pull yourself up around and over on, grunting all the time. There are 2kg weights, of course, but they are big and round, not small and easy to do things like sitting down bicep curls with (that's sitting on a gym ball, and if you've got wide hips like me, big weights just keep clonking on your thighs. Sad, but true). There are also some gym balls (all of which need re-inflating), but no balance boards, for example, which I really like doing weights on.

    Anyway, the challenge really is to start getting regular exercise that is good for someone only 12 weeks out of a hysterectomy but also inspires me enough to do it. There's no trainer to consult. I've been twice and done 30 mins of cardio, followed by 10-15 mins of weights/crunches. But I do feel pretty knackered and sore on the following day, and I'm not sure if this is just because it's been a long time (not been to the gym since mid-Oct) or because I'm trying to do too much too soon, or what... I wonder if the crunches aren't a good idea yet? Cardio-wise I've used the bike, cross-trainer and stepper so far. Will give the rower a wide berth for some time, and don't think I could take all the internal jiggling that comes with running on the treadmill, although I could walk.

    I suppose I want someone to suggest where I can get advice on what I ought to be able/trying to do at this stage; how I can work out a programme for myself that isn't going to do me any damage, but is going to stretch me a bit; and how I can get a bit enthusiastic about going to the gym when all I really want to do at the moment is go for a good long walk. When I was back home and going to D*vid Ll*yd inspiration wasn't that much of a challenge because there was always the lovely heated outdoor pool, or the sauna to reward myself with at the end (and it was a lovely big spacious gym too). S'not quite the same here!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Mizze (U14226295) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    I need help of a specific sort, until about 6 months ago I was pretty fit (18 months of an RC diet with exercise included and encouraged)but since 6 months ago ive had two health issues which have meant I stopped the regular exercise and have left me feeling pretty weak and feeble. I have a cross trainer in the house which, starting tomorrow, I will be back on. What I need I suppose is advice about taking it slowly and building myself back up. Im mainly talking cardio exercise and have started taking myself on walks at work. Luckily I can do a good walk directly from work, have started off with the little 20 minute one but, given the terrain I could get that up to an hour on a flat (concrete) surface. Ive thought about running again but a) im not ready for that yet and b) have had some knee problems which I think running on concrete would possibly make worse even with knee supports

    So given my fitness regime will mainly be walking and cross training - what sort of goals should I be setting?

    Any help appreciated.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    Hi geepers - good to hear you are on the road to recovering from your op and determined to get your fitness back. Okay let's take your problem in bits

    - aching the next day. Well you ought to remember what the good ache feels like. You shoud know the next day that you worked out but if it's bad or painful then you are definitely doing too much. I would reckon a hysterectomy is a bit like giving birth by 12 weeks you ought to be able to do gentle crunches but not full on ones till about 24 weeks so perhaps you are overdoing it a little. Why not go back to doing very gentle ones (try the yoga style ones where you just come up a little and keep your knees bent and feet on the floor).

    - can you get yourself a kettle ball or a set of small weights that you can use at home for your workout (or ask whoever runs the gym to get a couple of proper dumbells for you)? you can probably buy these on line and get them delivered

    - looks like you'll have to walk/run in the gym rather than outside based on where you are. Presume that you are somewhere that isn't safe to be wandering around. Have you seen if there is a running club or walking club locally you can join where you can be with other people and therefore safe?

    - have you tried the womans fitness website (if you google it comes up) and a subscription to their magazine - you can enrol on line for free. They have a load of exercises and videos there that you can do without equipment and they also have discussion forums where you could ask for ideas re the cardio.

    - could you afford to buy a couple of sessions with a personal trainer who will come to your house? I do this once a week and she keeps my workouts fresh and sets me challenges. Also if you get one from a recognised association they'll be properly qualified and able to work something out that will work for your recovery. Mine costs £35 for an hour which is pretty good and she brings all her own stuff (and as we are now mates we work out in the gym together as well!). Again the womens fitness website gives addresses of organisations so you could contact them for a recommendation

    i'll have a think some more and see if I can come up with something. I have a skipping rope buzzing around in my mind - do you have any outdoor space you could use a weighted skipping rope in? Or buy a punch bag and some gloves and do boxing?


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    hi MizzE

    Sorry to hear you've been crook and (cross threading) I notice that you are planning on getting pregnant so you probably need to balance the getting fit with not overdoing it.

    if you were reasonably fit then you should find that it comes back quite quickly. Why not start with a 15-20 minute session on your cross trainer with a low impact setting and do that till you are completely out of breath and feel you can't do another cross step. Then either pick an impact (level) or time goal and set that for one month's time. Then you need to do three times a week minimum. Each week consciously increase your time or level by a third of your goal and by the end of the month you will have got there with little effort

    in terms of other exercise then again build up your speed on your walks or work on carrying a rucksack with stuff in (good practice for carrying a baby when you get it). I find putting full water bottles in a rucksack works to add weight if you are doing a walk to and from home. if you are walking to work then your shoes, laptop, papers etc should provide a good start. You can always top up with your lunch or buying supper at lunch time and carrying that home too.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Mizze (U14226295) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    thanks GEm have printed that off -Will start the x-training tomorrow, currently its in the kitchen but it will be moved next week into its new home with mirrors (eek) and a decent sound system to keep me amused!


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    my stars, Geepers thats some amount of stuff to have happen in such a short space of time!

    You could improvise small weights with tins of beans or old drinking water bottles, if you can get the shaped ones they would be easier to hold. Used to use old drink bottles full of pool water as weights for aquafit and they worked well.

    Could you get some small weights sent to you by post, with a wobble board? Or, assuming folk will visit you, you get someone to bring such things with them for you?

    Could you badger the gym / place you now work to provide you with some small weights?

    I'd ask a doc about crunches, 12 weeks after surgery.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:21 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 6

    actually, some boxing would be fab - maybe I'll see if I can get anyone interested in doing some pad work - will be almost like getting back to my kickboxing days...

    I'm avoiding posting the name of the place where I am, just because I worry (neurotically) about how possible it is for lurkers to search and find you, but I'm in the only country that's 4.5 hours ahead of the UK. As a result, absolutely any kind of off-compound type activity just doesn't exist. So walking/running clubs won't happen. The personal trainer's not possible either - not allowed anyone non-work related in my house! I can, though, get stuff delivered from Amazon, so maybe some smaller weights would be an idea. I'm quite tempted to get a bosu too (we talked about that before - it's the cut in half gym ball that works as a balance board the other way up).

    Will google woman's fitness - now that you've mentioned that I think you can find workouts at youtube too, can't you?

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:25 GMT, in reply to GuzziNut in message 9

    phone rang while I was replying to GEm, so didn't see your reply, GuzziNut. And now I feel forced to confess that the nurse here did imply she thought crunches mightn't be wise yet. (I was only doing v small ones on a gym ball, mind...) It's just that my belly is so depressingly big and bloated and disgusting...

    The gym is provided by work, and I was already wondering about asking for a balance board, so maybe I'll put in a request for more girl-shaped weights too.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    geepers - okay I can work out where you are and yes I can understand that there are understandable restrictions.

    If the nurse has already said no crunches then DON"T DO THEM!!!! Your tummy isn't bloated it's still healing...... DO YOU HEAR ME????

    I was able to do very small crunches - almost simple pelvic floor exercises after having a ceasar with the twins but it was nearly 6 months before I could even start doing normal ones.

    I would suggest that when you do all the other exercises you make a point of drawing in your tummy muscles and holding them like a girdle which will work them anyway. Also make a conscious effort to do this while you are walking round during the day or simply sitting - you will see the difference without doing any damage

    And MizzE I've just seen your post in the other place. NO CRUNCHES FOR YOU EITHER!!!!


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:34 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 12

    OKAY - I've stopped doing them from right now. But you're right, I could be achieving something by just keeping properly tucked as I go about my general stuff. I should be doing more pelvic floor exercises too.

    Really appreciate the advice - thanks v much.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Mizze (U14226295) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010


    Oh! well warnedGEm as I was thinking about these


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Tuesday, 5th January 2010

    gee whiz, you are 12 weeks out of pretty major surgery, give yourself a break geepers, please? things are allowed to look a bit battered! and bruised and stuff

    you could try some pilates exercises, if you can get a DVD tho (sorry, thats a pet rave of mine, I know) the pelvic elevator / belt thing would probably help

    if work provides the gym then yes, you can ask for some more female kit, like small or more portable weights or a wobble board I would say...

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th January 2010

    No gym today - can't get out of the drive and not prepared to shovel it out till it stops replacing what I shovel. Mind you that's my cardio sorted out for today.....


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 6th January 2010

    Morning all

    I had 2 weeks off exercise over Christmas as I was home with TomCat, where I haven't got a gym membership and was too lazy anyway. We got out for a few nice walks, but that was about it.

    Went to Bodypump on Monday, I did keep my weights lower than usual, but was still aching on Tuesday morning. Roads are fine here so if my car is back from the garage at a decent time I will go to the gym later today. I'm booked in for Step tomorrow as well.

    I really missed the gym and classes over those 2 weeks. Even dreamed about being in the gym one night. Should I worry?

    Cat x

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Wednesday, 6th January 2010

    nah I wouldnt worry, tho we too did stack loads of walking and as we were away on hol, did not sit around and eat loads, I too am relieved to be back with the usual routine of classes, Cat.

    That said pilates is cancelled tonight (boooo) as we are covered in 6" snow. Hoping to get to LBT tomorrow tho.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th January 2010

    I have just dug out the drive (again) so that guarantees more snow this afternoon!!!!


    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    curses. LBT cancelled, still I too did drive snow shovelling this morning. F* Load of good that did, I still didnt get to work...

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    Right - I am going to the gym tomorrow even if I have to run there and back as my cardio.

    I am currently in the inner circle of Dante's inferno clearing the path only to have it blow snow on it or to have just enough to put a light scatter back on the drive (it's on a flamin slope so any snow that turns to ice means it's impossible to get the cars out! ) I have certainly had enough exercise there. Have also done a major spring clean of the house (yes you heard me) which is just as well as house fairy has just called to say she is too poorly to come tomorrow (she does sound awful). BUT it's still not a good workout and I am decidedly grumpy so come what may me and the gym have a date tomorrow - the run will do me good and I should be warm when I get there and when I get home (I'll just skip any cardio while there and the stretches)


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    Thu, 07 Jan 2010 20:21 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 21

    I have new colleague (new to me, she's been here way longer than me but has been on a break), who's partner is v into fitness type stuff, so I now know that I can use the cross trainer and treadmill (walking only) and stepper (but for shorter periods), not the rower at all and the bike only for short bursts. Weights for arms/legs are okay, but nothing crunchy for a good few weeks yet. BUT, as GEm suggested earlier, maintaining good posture while doing the cardio bits wll help my abs.

    Oh, and she, like you all, tells me to stop gurning about my ugly gut, and just be a bit more patient.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    Thu, 07 Jan 2010 20:29 GMT, in reply to geepers in message 22


    obviously I meant to say I have a new colleague WHOSE partner blah blah blah

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    You grammar is obviously suffering from lack of dolphins! smiley - smiley

    Good news - and you could maybe get her partner to work through a routine with you. Glad that you are roundly getting the advice that you need to give your body time to recover. I remember after having the babies I wanted my body all taut and fit again a day after giving birth. Sadly after the twins my stomach muscles have never fully recovered.... you learn to live with it and walk tall holding in the muscles as you move


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 7th January 2010

    ah, so thats sounds like a result geepers.

    IIRC when the X had ab surgery, he was told not to even fly for about 6 months afterwards or do "serious exercise"

    also feeling yucky coz no classes for 2 days and the centre is shut, so even if I wanted to go to the gym (which I dont, coz I've never got the grips with them...) I cant

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 12th January 2010

    I managed to get back in the gym. Was surprised Sunday afternoon at how many people were in there - its usually me and MTV. I guess its a mix of the January effect and people being stir crazy stuck indoors. Felt much better after I had blasted my cobwebs away and will be back in there today for a cardio/arms/abs workout then tomorrow a workout with my trainer followed by an hour of power yoga. Ooh I am gonna ache on Thursday!

    have people been really innovative with their exercise over the cold snap or have we all been getting our calorie expenditure from shovelling the white stuff?


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Tuesday, 12th January 2010

    Hi GEm, my gym is packed as well, and you have to book well in advance for classes. Loads of folk being shown round the gym for their introductory sessions. Part of me hopes they stick at it, but the selfish part of me wishes the would hurry up & quit so there's a bit more room to move!

    last night was the launch for the new BTS releases - BodyPump release seems really good, though I wasn't familiar with much of the music. Body Step I'm not so sure of, I was dripping with sweat and practically needed an oxygen tent after it, and it was only a 45 min taster (though I'd done 45 min Pump taster before), and one of the tracks is really complicated and I (and others) just stood there looking in bemusement & trying not to trip over.

    Cat x

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 12th January 2010

    Snork Cat - one of the reasons I don't do the exercise to music type classes is that I can't keep up and I end up being a track behind by the time we get to the end. You know the old saying - she's a good dancer but they're just not playing her song!

    I sort of hope they keep up the exercise but like you want my gym back with some space in it. Still only another 4 weeks to go and all the new years resolutions will have faded..... so we'll be left with a few new members and the club will have subs from the others.

    Have you tried the strictly fit class yet? One of the gym trainers was trying to get me to give it a go on Sunday (our class is monday evenings) but I was out yesterday and not back in time to get there. Might go next week though


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 12th January 2010

    Just come back from a quick workout - I did the 45 minute circuit that they have in the gym for a change and it's quite fun if you do it to fastish music. You do a whole body work out including a bit of cardio in the time. Mind you I did go and do a bit more cardio as I felt it didn't really touch the sides.

    Weighed myself at the gym and 8 of the 14lbs I lost before Christmas when I was poorly have stayed off so that's good news.

    Was a bit embarrassed as the gym was pretty empty and one of the trainers came over for a chat. He was saying that he noticed I had lost a bit of fitness and was wondering if I needed to perhaps up my training sessions from 3-4 a week to get it back. Buggrit - he's checking up on me!!!!


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Wednesday, 13th January 2010

    another reason why I avoid the gym, GEm, hate being checked up on!

    Briefly back to normal, this week but I bet pilates is cancelled tonight booo

    I know what you mean about classes to music, I was enjoying combat (until I shafted my ankle) but used to have to go to the learn the moves each week before class started, unlike those who pick stuff up straight away...

    I just about know the warm up routine for LBT but struggle with the rest, and when the instructor tries to help I get worse

    heigh ho Guzzinut, 'bout as much rhythm as a lapsed catholic

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 13th January 2010

    Just done an hour with my trainer followed by an hour of power yoga - all arms and abs work with a bit of legs. Boy am I gonna hurt tomorrow

    Snow is coming down here but am fed up of it so out and about as normal.


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 13th January 2010

    just got back from first visit to the gym since before Christmas (though I've done classes)

    One of the trainers asked where I'd been as he hadn't seen me around. I was tempted to tell him that the fitness routine he evilly designed had landed me in hospital, but I didn't.

    Cat x

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 13th January 2010

    Snork Cat. At yoga this morning we were down to our normal class (the snow probably put the not quite committed off) but our instructor was obviously in the mood for a warming workout. I can barely walk at the moment - the leg stretches were excruciating! There were OWs all over the room and her response was yes this one's a killer.....

    Ow ow ow


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    Thu, 14 Jan 2010 15:23 GMT, in reply to GEm in message 33

    having just begun to get back into the way of regular exercise last week, I got up on Friday morning to find that for no good reason I couldn't put my weight on my right ankle - so that was another few days written off. But have been in the gym tonight - just forty mins of cardio, but feel heaps better in myself for doing it. Head off for a bit of a break next Thursday, so will hopefully get another three goes in before then, to make the trousers just that wee bit looser!

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    I thin kyou should have Cat, just to have seen his face...

    dedicated few (and the woman who lives close, and complains all the time that the excercises are too hard - well stop going, already), got to pilates last night. A relief to not have the class cancelled.

    off to trip folk up at LBT tonight.

    Dont you just hate it when bits of you give up for no reason, Geepers?

    Oh and man in unsuitable shorts seems to have found a more covering pair to wear to fit ball, which is a great relief to all concerned

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    That's a proper LOL, thanks guzzi! I'm hoping it fits, erm, *both*... smiley - winkeye

    Bobbing in to report that despite the weather I made it to my first pilates class on Tuesday morning, as recommended by Auntie Clockwise, and reaalllly enjoyed it.

    Compared to the rest of the class you could say I have a leetle way to go, but I could feel the results (in a good way) yesterday. Can really see how this approach is great for your core.

    Happy happy happy at finally being able to go! (Can't next week, boo.)

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    thats sounds good Orange Pekoe, I'm another advocate of pilates. Its great and also flippin hard work when done correctly.

    Yes, the alternative shorts are relief to all other attendees of fit ball who err dont want to really see ummmm stuff TVM. Whether he came to his senses or was taken to one side by instructor I dont know...

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    geepers - thats a real downer when you had worked so hard to get yourself a fitness routine in your new home. Still sounds like it's better and you;ll see results really quickly

    OP - well done and welcome to exercise corner. You'll soon be hooked. Don't wait a week - practice what you learned at home so you keep up the routine.

    Guzzi - good to hear you managed to get back to class. Like your gym we are seeing huge dropouts already (the weather has put paid to even the short lived enthusiasm). Mind you it's nearly finishing me off the changing rooms are FREEZING. I am coming home all sweaty with towels on the car seat (which is leather thank goodness) and showering at home!


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    GEm, yes now I can hear the trainer's voice in my head describing what to do, I think I will be able to practice some of the moves at home.

    Guzzi, I did realise it was a fitball class btw, just a really funny sentence in the context of the too-brief briefs!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 14th January 2010

    yeah I know, but the relief at the change in shorts was far too intense not to share.

    On consultation with the Bloke, he sez the offending short were running shorts... I hope they've run away!

    yes, its nice not to have stuff cancelled GEm, and, due to other newcomers, teacher made the class tonight less varied and... I almost kept up with the changes, and... tried to use arms as well

    what I lack in coordination I make up with sheer persistence, thank gawd I'm a good deal more coordinated when on the bike (its been remarked on by others...)

    IF I master this and (V BIG and) the ankle doesnt let rip, this I might give combat another go.

    Its a short drive back, so I get changed at home, changing rooms remind me of school PE *shudder*

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Monday, 18th January 2010

    bump smiley - smiley for auntie clockwise

    just back from Pilates, new year has bought out the "resolution people"

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Auntie Clockwise (U8040384) on Monday, 18th January 2010

    Thanks GuzziNut, I really must keep up. Didn't see the new thread - doh!

    This weather has been a drag. In Scotland it started the week before Christmas and as I live in a very rural area could only get out for emergency trips for animal and human provisions. Anyway, it's temporarily better until the next lot of snow and ice so went to Jazzercise today. Hopefully will get back to some kind of normal routine with classes and the gym.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Monday, 18th January 2010

    glad you got to a class, its not been too good here in the deep south as well, Auntie Clockwise, classes cancelled, roads not usable at times, lots of snow shovelling...

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Tuesday, 19th January 2010

    Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:58 GMT, in reply to GuzziNut in message 43

    Hello all!!!

    Haven't been around for a while, but I'm still alive and working on those lumps and bumps!

    We've been doing lots of "hip & buttock" work in aerobics class recently. I'm aching in places I didn't know it was possible to ache. Seems to be working though!

    I have another consultation re upper body strength - in my case, an excess thereof. We use dumbells and weighted bars for all our arm and shoulder work in class - the max weight is 6kgs for the bars, and 2x2kg for the dumbells. I find the exercises very easy even using the max weight available...and while I was pleased with how toned my arms were looking I think it's gone a bit to far now and they're beginning to get Swartzzeneger-like. I have opted for using less weight for the same number of reps, but having got used to more weight, it feels a bit like lifting feathers and I barely raise a sweat...any suggestions?!

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Tuesday, 19th January 2010

    Unless you're VERY small and slight, I can't see those weights making you hugely Arnie-like. (am not attempting to spell his surname)

    I lift 10kg bars (5kg on each end) or 5kg dumbbells for my biceps, and use similar weights for triceps (triceps are bigger muscles than biceps). I use lighter weights for shoulder work because I am seeing a physio for tight trapezius & levator scapula muscles, but use a 7kg bar (3.5kg each end) for shoulder work.

    I'm vertically-challenged with a small build. And I don't think I look particularly Arnie-like, well maybe my shoulders are a bit hefty but my arms are fine. But I quite like the muscular look, so I wouldn't mind anyway...

    What I'm trying to say is that are you sure it's gone too far, or might it just be that you're noticing the difference and worrying about it a bit too much? (like when you get a spot & think it's enormous but no-one else even notices it?!)

    Cat x

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Monday, 25th January 2010


    I am REALLY fed up with the gym classes being booked up by the resolutionaries.

    You can book a week in advance. I phoned 9am Saturday to book for the following week, and it was fully booked.

    I don't pay £40 a month for the classes I want to go to, to be fully booked. Grrrrrr

    Cat x

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Monday, 25th January 2010


    Much the same here. I would complain to your gym manager - after all you are what keeps them open! Tell them you are not satisfied that they are catering for the demand and if they are going to recruit the resolutionaries (love that word) then they have to increase capacity until they get bored. If you don't get any satisfaction then ask for the details of head office to complain to them copied to trading standards (they are not providing the service they advertised when you bought the membership - remind them of the sale of goods and services act)


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Monday, 25th January 2010

    cheers GEm! I have used the email contact system to whinge. Last time I whinged I got a quick reply, so I will see what they say and if I'm not satisfied I will do as you suggest.

    Cat x

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Auntie Clockwise (U8040384) on Monday, 25th January 2010

    Jazzercise class also crowded out with resolutionaries. Of course by February many of these will have given up.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Monday, 25th January 2010

    I know what you all mean, drives you bonkers doesnt it?

    we get to book a week plus a day in advance. For pilates we religiously on that first day, if you see what I mean, sometimes as soon as the centre is open in the morning!

    For other classes I get away with booking on the evening for the next week

    Most of those resolutionaries 'll give up soon enough tho.

    But its not easy for the centre to cater for everyone, lack of space for classes etc.

    The number of "regulars" at the classes I attend, I get to listen to moaning that they cant book because "something might come up" but feel they should get preferential treatment somehow, when others have booked on before them so they cant just turn up and attend...

    Report message50

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