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Cat Club, February 2010

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 850
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    From Stripey:

    Welcome everyone to the February 2010 Mustardland Cat Club.

    This is a forum for people to talk about cats, to share information, and to seek and give advice and support*

    If you need a fast response to a problem, you might prefer to start your own thread: entitle it "Cat Emergency" and it will attract attention more quickly, although most of the regular visitors to this club check in on a daily basis.*

    These are the links to other Village Hall Cat threads:

    Feral/Stray Cats: F2693944?thread=6216800

    Good Food for Cats no. 1: F2693944?thread=3538824
    and the current one, no. 2: F2693944?thread=6733162

    Pucci's Feline Diabetes: F2693944?thread=3603152&skip=0&show=20 This thread is now closed and for reference only. It is a wonderful resource for those with diabetic cats.

    Since we refer to them so often, here are a couple of new additions to the OP:
    The guru website of Feline CRF ("Tanya's Site"): felinecrf.org and
    The guru of food (and other feline) info, Dr Lisa Pierson: catinfo.org

    The Cat Club Rota thread: F2693944?thread=6184953. Volunteers to open a month always welcome.

    Cats should look here: F2693944?thread=6923939 The Autumn Ceilidh: A Gathering of the Cat's Coterie, which in Thorkjell's words, is "Intelligent feline speech, elegant dancing and gourmet food. Hard Katts and Pashmina Pussies welcome. Humans are welcome, but only if they're house-trained and well-behaved.......strictly no canines!"

    Here's the link to last month's thread if you want to reread or check something: F2693944?thread=7192461

    Bash’s Introduction Protocol (message 358) :

    Shorter version (message 44):

    *Please note that any advice given here is not a substitute for veterinary care. If you have worries about your cat's health, do please seek professional advice.

    So sorry for opening up a day late. It wasn’t my fault - you just can’t rely on humans to be around when they are required.

    All is well at Stripey Towers [what do you mean, it’s Rusty Towers?] though we’ve had enough of winter now.

    Love to all CC cats – well, actually love to *all* cats, and healing vibes to all poorly ones.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Flakey (U14259784) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Hi Stripey

    Thank you for opening - lets face it you opened when you said ( more than I can say!!)

    Claude and Trev are snugged up to the wood burner which is dishing out a million degrees of heat and they have one whole sofa ( stretchy boys) I am perched on a pouffe waiting for one of them to go to the loo so I can jump in... Mr F is happy to re-arrange them not me..

    Love to all CC chums and their servants.

    Flakes xx

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Mandelson Mustard Probe (U14279245) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Cats expand to fit the volume available to them....

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Thank you Stripey, and a nod of the head and a sixpence tip to the servant too - just read her useful thorts on worming medication on the January thread - ta, Rusty!

    Des is healing slowly but steadily after a rather dangerous and v. expensive month being beaten up (three times all told).

    Milly, whose favourite places to sleep at the moment include pillows (positioned there for her under her direction) beneath the bathroom and bedroom radiators, has finally expressed her approval of the new pillowcases bought especially for her. They are a plummy purple colour which sets off her fur nicely.

    Never have cheapo Primani pillowcases caused such anxiety and excitement. First they had to be washed, obviously, and then ironed - I try to avoid ironing our own bedding and here I am ironing pillowcases for the cat - and then they were ceremoniously placed on the pillows and offered nervously to the lady of the house.

    Miss Darcy was pessimistic from the start. She reckoned Milly would only accept them if they were trimmed with gold braid and an embroidered monogram was added. Mr Darcy asked - in all seriousness! - if there was anything suitable in my sewing basket.

    Elderly Mr Bennet greeted us for several days with the news that she had NOT slept on her thrones that day.

    However, today...she has slept on both and appears to have pronounced them satisfactory. The relief is palpable.

    Of course by next week she will have rejected them utterly.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Flakey (U14259784) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Maybe I could take them off your hands when posh cat is bored. I might get a look in on a sofa. Between Mr F and the cats, I often go to bed and watch Tv with Gilly dog.

    Flakes x

    BTW snogette to Dessie xx

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Excellent work Stripey. Thank goodness you opened up and not that fool who works for you.

    Angel decided to scare The Idiot witless by Refusing To Come In after a jaunt in the garden. I believe it has something to do with the administering of medication. If The Idiot tried harder to make it chicken flavoured, we might not have this problem.

    Otherwise, all is quiet at The Brooklyn Finishing School For Felines. Now I will leave this thread to the servants and their tawdry passtimes.

    Mistress Gr-Audrey

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Just tagging on here. Posted this on the weekend photo thread, but here it is for you too.

    Haven't seen the young Tom for a couple of days now. If I don't see him by the weekend I'll go and found out if all is OK.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Thanks Stripey. Calling Jo Bo....... Visited the vet where Jasper will be having the radio iodine therapy this morning. Got lots of information and saw the unit where he will be housed. The "cage" was pretty small, about two and a half feet square and it was quite warm, which is a bit of an issue as Jasper likes his water really cold. He will be fed usually only once a day in the morning - quite a big meal- which will only be topped up if he eats it all. This is to reduce the number of times someone has to go into the unit and therefore lower the risk of contamination. Feliway and the radio are there.

    They always sedate before giving the injection and he will be in this cage for 2 weeks. He could then possibly come home but only if he could be kept isolated in a room or a cage for 2 more weeks without being touched - no strokes, no cuddles. Or he could stay with them but not in the special unit for 2-4 weeks. When he comes home he will have to use their flushable cat litter. They suggested for weeks 5-6 a harness so he can go outside. He has to be off the Felimazole for 2 weeks before he goes.

    They wanted a non-refundable deposit today for the stuff which apparently comes from Germany. Whilst not being able to fault the set-up there and the care they take I am feeling not completely a happy bunny today (anthropomorphising, I suppose). When I've got my sensible head on I keep telling myself a few weeks discomfort for a medication-free rest of life for my little chap. Did Herbie stay in for weeks 5-6 and was he OK as soon as he came home?

    Love and furfles to all.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by lambswool (U4508857) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Tue, 02 Feb 2010 19:46 GMT, in reply to supertillypops in message 8

    Just bookmarking this thread.

    Sorry to be a killjoy, but is there any chance the Cat Club could remain the province of human posters?

    I'm afraid I'm one of those boring people who doesn't quite 'get' the Cat Ceilidh thing, and this is such a useful, informative and supportive club for us servants.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Thanks for opening up Stripey, Milli and Jones send their best.

    Cold here, all they're doing is lying around draped on various bits of forbidden furniture, the bits which are nearest to the radiators or the fire.

    Furfles to all...


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Mitch (U8863023) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Bookmarking for now. Thanks for opening up stripey.

    All is well here in Mitch mansions, although willow is causing us a few grey hairs. Sunday night she refused to come in but came back at about 7 when o/h and were getting ready for work last night o/h let her out about 3 in the morning and she didn't come back so was out and about all day. Came in when we got back and is now sleeping soundly on the bed. O/h says we should ground her.

    Mitch x

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Aaaaaaaaaah....typed a long answer to STP, only for the server problems to cause me to lose the lot. Let's try again....

    STP, I didn't actually see the unit where Herbie went, but I assumed the pens were more like runs as in catteries. I do know they were let out about once a day to stretch their legs - I was told Herbie liked getting up high. I also assumed he was fed twice a day as normal, I know I was asked what he ate and if he had any special food. The main report I had back when I rung was that he was eating well!

    When he came home after a month, I didn't have any special instructions, just that I might notice a bit of lethargy due to hypothyroidism, and to take him back to my vet in three months for his first post-treatment blood test. As Herbie has always been a great outdoor cat (although right now he is curled up with me, half on my lap), I let him go out straight away. For him, inside and outdoors are all part of his territory, so it was natural to let him out. Don't forget, the test for letting them go home is when the radioactivity has dropped to a certain safe level.

    I don't think I would have wanted to have Herbie home early if he couldn't have interacted with me and the other cats. I think that would have upset him more than leaving him where he was for a bit longer.

    I can understand why you are a bit concerned, but I'm sure Jasper will be fine, and it is only for a few weeks. It will be worth it in the end, I'm sure. For info, here's a link to where Herbie went. There is a short piece about the radioactive unit under Referrals. Oh, and the vet I saw was the cardiologist on the left - didn't realise he used to teach it, that explains why he was so interesting and informative when I saw him for Herbie's pre-treatment check.

    Do let me know if you want any more info or reassurance, as far as I can give it.

    Jo x

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Yes sorry Lambswool, but you have to understand I am not the boss here. What they do when my back is turned etc. Thorkjell started it.

    So good to have Angel by my side again. I was thinking that it wasn't a good idea to let them out while her meds aren't done yet, just in case she got it into her head to stay away...she decided to hide in the neighbour's garden for an hour, so I pretended I didn't care if she came back or not, stopped hovering by the kitchen window calling her and sat down on the couch with her favourite blanket on my knees. It worked. Phew. I keep some places sacrosanct for her, and would never dream of using her trust sitting beside me to grab her for her meds. I've learned the hard way.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Tuesday, 2nd February 2010

    Thanks to Stripey and Rusters for opening the new thread.

    Thanks also for the advice on the January thread about whether or not to intervene when play gets a bit too rough. Expect I knew I was wasting my time, but it goes against the grain to ignore squeals and squeaks. This servant must try harder to let them get on with it.

    Love to all, especially the poorlies.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Aw...the sweet darling pretty stray boy in my garden is fast asleep on the blanket. It's freezing, I mean literally, and the table he's on only has a roof above it, my funny gazebo thing. Muffin head......

    He appears most days now. I leave dry food for him, as he's not around enough for me to leave wet, and that would freeze. He had a chat with Valentine tonight, ahem. Not sure what the dymamics are but he def thinks the table is his spot, which it is in the evenings.

    It just amazes me how he can sleep like that, while mine are all here in the warmth, and there's tough guy out there....I wonder if he will sleep in a cardboard box if I rig it up?

    He's so pretty.

    Syd, I think, after Syd Barett.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by dino (U13520517) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    just bookmarking and saying hello to all for Feb.
    not long now 'til spring - hopefully.

    best wishes for all the poorly ones.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    CHP, lovely photo of a very peaceful looking cat.

    Bash, my yard cat Hedge used to sleep outside in most weathers - I didn't think he'd use a bed when I made one up for him but he loves his cardboard box with horse rugs, blankets and a pillow in it (and a Giddy Kipper in case he wants a catnip fix).

    Baldrick is a bit "off" this morning, apparently he went downstairs very slowly this morning and came straight back in again, went to sleep by the heater and stayed there. If he is still quiet tonight he'll be off to the V-E-T - I bet he's been fighting and has got an asbcess.

    Ref nearly spring, it's definitely getting lighter at both ends of the day now - it's light when I leave for the yard at night at last. The downside of that is Baldrick likes to go out before dawn from about now onwards but at least it doesn't seem so bad getting up at 4 to let him out when it's getting light.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Thanks for that, Jo Bo. It sounds as though Herbie had much more space. I'm puzzled by the different approach to how to deal with them on their return home. The vet yesterday was absolutely adamant Jasper should not go out till the 6 weeks were up. He also explained that the smallness of the cage was to make the thorough cleaning of it afterwards easier to get rid of the contamination and the lack of anything to climb was so that an elderly cat couldn't climb and break a leg (which I didn't believe). Wish he could go to your one........


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Thank you Stripey & Rusters for opening up.

    I will try not to be a stranger this month - once more unemployed so will spending more time here till the next lump of work comes along. Of course, I will be spending more time seeing to the Libster's needs is what I really meant....what a dolt.

    Talking of the Libster....since The Snow, she has decided it is all Not Worf It and has stopped going out. Hmm, there has also been a strong smell of cat wee around our porch - but I haven't ever seen the culprit. It's unlike Libby not to get out there and sort whoever out. However, she seems perfectly content and food goes in at the usual rate of knots and appears in the litter tray some time later. Perhaps she will explore more again when the weather warms up a bit.

    If there is a stray tom (and the only evidence I have to date is the smell), we will have to sort something out. (OH is already hoping that it IS a stray and we can get it neutered and keep it - not sure Libby would be in agreement.)

    Next month, blimbles towers is having a new kitchen (aaargh, the upheaval), so Libby is going "on holiday" for a week to minimise the disruption both to her and the builders. I'm really hoping it doesn't drag on and we can get it all done in a week.

    Love and furfles to all.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Hmm, I can imagine what she'll make of that idea...

    I heart your OH.

    Bengal driving me doolally with food pickiness. Quite why Felix tuna in tins is unacceptable whereas Felix tuna in pouch is Delicious, is beyond me. And yet again, she spent the night under the blankie and directly above the hot water bottle, whilst I was relegated to the blankie-less side of the bed smiley - sadface

    Cat x

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Ah, picky cats - my yard cats have refused to touch the Felix in foil trays that I bought (on offer) despite them loving the same flavours out of pouches. This morning they went on strike - I had to produce some Whiskas out of the back of the car for them. It's a good thing my car usually has plenty of cat food in it.

    Blimbles, your OH sounds wonderful.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010


    Hope little Baldrick is feeling a bit brighter this afternoon. Sometimes they just sleep things off don't they? Ours are sleeping far more at the moment too, now, on the sofa, on the dust covers, on he bed, everywhere.

    Lovely about your yard cat, Hedge, and what a clever name for him too. Not so much a yard cat then, more of a box with blankies and a pillow cat. And catnip on the side.



    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Really am just bookmarking - wprk up my ears.

    Astrid still grubby, somehow or other Billy Boy has managed to stay clean, thank goodness.

    Purrs and furfles to all

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    OH will be home from work before me so will be checking on Baldrick first, but at least I can leave work early if he's still not right. He does this now and again though and by evening is often fine.

    Hedge started out life lurking in hedges, I was told - someone else gave him that name before I started feeding him. But he would love to be a pet cat given the chance, I think - he does love his box. And his cat bed. And litter tray. Yes, a yard cat with a litter tray, I'm going soft. Well, I would be if I wasn't already completely soft. He loves to be picked up - putting him back on the floor again is a challenge as he clings on, purring sweetly.

    If I didn't already have 4 at home, and issues between two of them, I'd take Hedge home. I love him to bits, and in a way I'm glad that the land buying fell through as it does save the worry of trying to move him (and the other two yard cats of course).

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Cat, the obvious solution is to have two hotties and blankies on both sides of the bed, surely??

    Jo x

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    What a problem then, selling the land and trying to move Hedge, and the others, although from the sound of it Hedge would be quite content to be wherever you were as long as he got his box and blankies and pillow. And litter tray.

    He sounds a darling, I can imagine you'd want to move him indoors. What a shame that the others have 'issues'.

    Fingers crossed for little Baldrick. Ours do this too, I always think that they've eaten someone who has disgreed with them. To quote someone or other but I can't remember who.

    Furfles to all.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Jo, I have got two hotties, so at least I had one. But it was jolly cold last night, and I'd have appreciated the other one.

    But yeah, I'll have to stop folding the blankie over...

    Cat x

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Cat, I agree, you ned two blankies and hot water bottles, Then you'll probably get back to bed one night and fine that she's moved the second blanket and hot water bottle to her side and has them all.

    Where I keep the horses at the moment is rented, and the yard owner is lovely, so at least I am safe there for the forseeable future with the horses and cats. Hedge has lived there all his long life so I was rather worried about moving him, the other two moved in from other houses/farms so I think they'd have settled down more easily.

    I really think Hedge would make a perfect pet cat, although I don't know how well he'd manage stairs now. I have to prop the stable door open for him as he can't jump on to it any more. I did try to persuade some friends to have him but they worried about him wanting to go out - they live by a main road. He's happy where he is though, and gets lots of fuss.

    I think that would be about right for Baldrick - he often eats someone who doesn't agree with him. I feel sorry for the "someones" myself.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    In my experience the disagreeable 'someones' usually end up being regurgitated onto my carpet, looking rather chewed but otherwise recognisable.

    Jo x

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Jo, just had a call from the vet. Jasper goes on 23 February till 23 March.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Oh good STP, you have a firm date. I'm following this with some fear and a lot of interest as Valentine is hyper-thyroid and has been on meds for a year now I think, and is doing well, but he's getting on and I notice small changes in behaviour like him letting Mama or Pixie (Bossy and Crazy) swat him away from his food. Have to watch over my dear old boy.

    Day 5 of meds for Angel. She gets easier to catch every day. Phew. She's a bit peeved afterwards, but waits until I sit down with my breakfast and then comes for snuggles. Hurrah for living in the moment.

    Foot prints in the snow this morning from Syd...aaaah...He came right up to the kitchen window.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Ooh STP, not too long to wait, and 23 March will come round ever so quickly.

    Jo x

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Cat & AelM, I will pass on the "hearts" to OH!

    His family have a history of semi feral cats arriving, being tamed and then neutered and gradually becoming domesticated. He believes they arrive for a reason. We will have to see if the phantom sprayer ever shows his face.

    Cat, you bengal sounds like a little minx, bless her.

    AelM, Hedge sounds wonderful and sweet.

    STP, I am sure Jasper will come through the treatment fine as JoBo's Herbie did. Still worrying to contemplate though, I guess.

    Oops, Libby is telling me it is tea time - bad servant.... off to dish up goodies...
    Love to all,

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Flakey (U14259784) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    STP glad you got a date, how ever hard it is. Snugs to Jasper.

    Love to Angel also and hoping Syd is OK - bless him.

    The award for the serial pooper by the clean litter tray goes to ..... (opens gold envelope) ... Claude, caught in action.
    At least I know now.

    Talking of Claude over the last couple of weeks when Trev and Claude's doggie is in the garden- if she barks Claude rushes to the window and growls and makes strange noises. Is he being protective of his doggie do you think or helping to "protect" the house. As soon as he has checked out the situation he carries on with his life. Which is normally hanging around me or annoying Trev.

    Any idea's?

    Flakes x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Thanks for kind words, Blimbles and Flakey.


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Blimbles, I think your OH is right about cats turning up for a reason. I'm sure that's how we gained some of ours.

    STP, it's good news that you now have a date for Jasper's treatment. I'm sure it'll be hard with him being away for so long but it'll be well worth it. I hope the time goes quickly for you both.

    Baldrick is back to normal tonight. He came to meet me from work, shot off squeaking, jumped on Morticia then ran off squeaking again. That is what passes for normal for Baldrick...

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Buffy regularly visiting our bed at night for a few minutes which I am glad about, as O/H starts radiotherapy very soon, and I am sure will be cheered up by a little grey and white face peeping up at him ( cat, not me!)

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Flakey (U14259784) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Best wishes to your O/H Archie and heres hoping that Buffy becames a cuddley girly when she could do such good.

    A few years ago I had an accident on a motorbike and my then cats Hamlet and Poppet ( who wasn't) stayed by my side when I came out of hospital. It was very comforting.

    Flakes x

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Just bookmarking ... I've been buying new toys for George, to give him exercise. Laser torch - excitement at first, now he just watches it; catnip carrot - went mad for ten minutes and killed it, but now just rolls on it for a minute and wanders off; treat ball - watches me roll it, eats treats when I point them out to him. I fear he is a cat of little brain.

    His favourite toy? A scrunched up ball of newspaper, which must always be pounced on and killed, several times if necessary.

    Furfles to all poorly felines.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Hi Brooke, well at least George is cheap to amuse, if his favourite toy is a ball of newspaper!

    Have you tried a dangly toy? No need to buy expensive one. Roll half a tabloid-size sheet of newspaper into a worm, tie it in a knot, affix to some string, affix string to stick, hey presto.

    Good news, Bengal has been chosen. With luck she'll go on Friday. New owner has been doing her research and is asking all the right questions, and has considered carefully. Bengal liked her as well, when she came to view.

    I just went to get some fish pouches from the shelter, as had run out & all other fud is being refused. Brought back a cardboard box cos I need to take some stuff down when I go to TomCat's in a couple of weeks. Put cardboard box on floor, predictable results...

    Cat x

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    Hi Catwomyn. I just remembered George does like dangly toys - I occasionally find him attached to my apron strings before I can fasten them.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Wednesday, 3rd February 2010

    cat, glad Bengal has probably found a new home. Bet you'll miss her though, like a hole in the head probably.

    Re cats and toys, the vandals still don't quite get cat nip, although Lucy loves it. Pickle brings in all sorts of things from the garden, odd bits of twigs, feathers etc, growls alarmingly for a while and then loses interest. Brandy prefers games he can play with us 'umans, like the paper retrieving game, which he will keep up for hours at a time before getting fed up. But tonight, while I was cooking dinner he kept bringing me a feather, which he seemed to expect me to throw for him. Well of course you can't throw a feather, but I did find if I stood on tippy toe and allowed it to drop he could show off his leap and catch skills. Bless him. And that's my excuse why dinner was so late tonight.

    Love to all, especially the poorlies. xx

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    cat - yes I bet you will have mixed feelings when you wave pretty Bengal off. Good to know that the future slaves are asking the right questions. I hope they appreciate how lucky they are, being chosen by a Bengal.

    Ours adore cardboard boxes, and we often pick one up just for them. They prefer those with holes at either end, so that they can poke stuff through. They bring their own toys in, usually dried up twigs from the wisteria.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Des had a joyous time scooting a grape about the kitchen floor last night.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by greensparklybejewelledone (U2283175) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Thu, 04 Feb 2010 07:09 GMT, in reply to Eliza Bennet in message 44

    Sounds like he's in good form Eliza. Good to hear.


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  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Well I hope you peeled it for him Eliza. The boy deserves no less. Furfles.


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  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Well I certainly hope you didn't Eliza, excl mk. I haven't read up about the toxicity of grapes but the ASPCA here have actually put out a statement warning people not to toss grapes down for their cats to play with. Don't wish to alarm but I would tread with caution. Not sure if there's a direct link to kidney issues but I've heard it enough times now where I don't leave grapes lying around waiting to be peeled by some passing lothario.

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  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Ok, I just looked at the ASPCA site and it says that there are 'some cases where renal failure in dogs occurred where large amounts were ingested', stupid hounds, but so far on cats and grapes, nothing more detailed other than 'an uknown toxin'. Hmmm...

    Ok bed,love to all


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  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Message 38 Flakey:

    Thanks so much for your kind wishes. Yes, cats can be very comforting at times.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by lambswool (U4508857) on Thursday, 4th February 2010

    Thu, 04 Feb 2010 10:45 GMT, in reply to Archie7762 in message 49

    I've probably told this story before, but when I was taken ill on an island in Belize and had to spend the day by myself wrapped up in a rug on a balcony, a gorgeous small ginger cat came and spent the whole day curled up on my lap. We were there for a week, and I never saw it before or after that day.

    Report message50

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