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MFC (Healthy Eating Club) 16th March 2010

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 157
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 15th March 2010

    Welcome to theMFC (Healthy Eating Club), for Tuesday 16th March 2010. We meet here at the Village Hall once a week to discuss matters related to healthy eating – most of us are actively trying to lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight having lost weight in the past.

    If you think you might benefit from joining us, please feel free to post, as we are all welcoming and friendly (albeit sometimes a bit nuts). Posting is just the first step – there are lots of sources of advice here in all sorts of methods of weight loss, or healthy eating, from diet clubs such as Slimming World and Weight Watchers, to low GL/GI diets.

    There are few rules in the club, except that we do not mention real life weights or sizes, so that we don’t upset others (a long term goal for one member may be a starting point for another).

    There is additional help on the exercise front in the cybergym –

    The rota thread is where we sign up to open up each week, usually on a Monday evening or on a Tuesday morning. It is looking a bit threadbare (sorry) at the moment – so please sign up, it really is easy!

    Finally there is Katy’s cookbook, for recipes and nutritional advice -

    So come on in and join the fun, and whatever we do, KOKO (keep on keeping on).

    A new start beckons for me this week – anyone care to join me?

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 15th March 2010

    I'm just bumping this up above last week's thread. I've been bimbling about for the last few weeks, and not really sorting things out. However, I am determined to get myself sorted this week, and get back to last year's low. I certainly want to be a lot lighter by the time I have a big birthday in october.

    So, healthy eating today, and a run this afternoon, and aquafit this evening. So please kick me up the backside regularly. It is interesting that I have been in here much less in the times that I have not been applying myself, so I think there is a connection there.

    I hope all have a good week. Anyone seen geepers recently? I know her internet connection is a bit dodgy, but we miss you geeps!

    Pug x

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Monday, 15th March 2010

    Mon, 15 Mar 2010 23:27 GMT, in reply to countrypug in message 1

    Hi countrypug, thanks for opening!

    I'm busy Kokoing, despite 8 (eight) birthdays in the family, groan. But am very chuffed that I seem to be managing to more or less maintain, despite several heavy-duty weekends in a row (and 2 more to come), and what's more have managed several fairly long walks around the village per week while doing some errands too, instead of driving everywhere.


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Thanks for opening, Country Pug. I hope I do better this week than last, but it will be hard - birthday weekend coming up and overnight stay in nice hotel with 3 course meal promised... Since I have a trip to the doctor's scheduled for Monday 22nd after nice weekend away, I don't really want to blow it for then. It feels like I'm on a tightrope at the moment!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Morning All, and thanks to Pug for opening up. Popping in to report 1 lb 10 oz down today, bringing me into a lower stone zone, pleased with that. Overall I've lost 4 lb since the begining of January, which is very slow progress but it is progress so I'm a happy bunny.

    Well done on the maintain Katy, that's quite an achievement in the face of so many Birthdays.

    LiML - do we share a Birthday? Mine is on Saturday, we're off to stay in a wee flat on a Scottish Island, without kids. There will be food out and some booze but also hill walking so hopefully I won't be back up into the zone I just left by Tuesday next.

    Pug, enjoy your busy day.

    Wonder if we'll see Laura's silly grin in here at all today - I do hope so


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    bookmarking - see you later : )

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    This Fire-Pig is not a happy Fire-Pig. I've fallen off my pedestal and eaten things I should not have eaten. I have two lunches to attend this week and two next. I have sat miserably instead of getting up and out. I'm normally a sunny being, but I'm not!

    I want to see Laura's silly grin - we won't worry about the rest of her!

    Geepers may be on another break, she said she'd get them every so often - she was away on one when we were on holiday. 6 weeks yesterday since my accident.

    KOKO one and all


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Mabel Bagshawe (U2222589) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Fire-Pig, you are not alone. trying my best but have had the odd nibble of things I shouldn't (blame stress and hormones)

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by welshteddy (U3680635) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    I am quite pleased with myself as I have lost 1.5 lbs this week despite a meal out and cream tea for mothers day. 12lbs altogether now.

    I hope I don't sound horribly smug to Fire-pig and Mabel who are struggling. Sorry!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Tue, 16 Mar 2010 13:32 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 7

    I want to see Laura's silly grin - we won't worry about the rest of her! 

    Laura's silly grin reporting for duty, Sah! smiley - smiley

    Very silly grin... and very nice tripe too. I think it's also fairly healthy as well. It is based around a ham-rib stock, which has fat, but over four days of preparation I took off the fat quite often so I don't think there was much left. I am adding it to my list of "make a huge batch and freeze in portions" only there was none left to freeze this time.

    Sorry you're feeling de-pedestalled. Think of the first three months of this year in the 80:20 vein - have you eaten what you intended to eat for 80% of this year? If so, then regard this is a blip, and see how that works, maybe?

    Er, no idea what I weigh or measure this morning. Does idiot-grinning use up lots of calories?

    smiley - biggrin


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Thanks for opening up Pug and I hope each and every one of you have/has a tasty week ;0)

    We've just had tinned tuna, mayo, black pepper and chopped up toms on ryvitta. Yum.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Afraid - I just had coffee and a large slice of apricot and almond cake at our local nurseries.

    BUT - it was a planned treat. I just had some goat's cheese, a few nuts and an apple for lunch, knowing I would be loading up with some carbs later. I really enjoyed it. It was a treat - and in the overall scheme of things, won't make much difference to my weight, because I won't be doing it again for quite a while.

    Another treat this evening though. We are having pan fried scallops with a salad - will include some beetroot and walnuts. Mullerlight yoghurt for pudding.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    I am really really trying this week. Last week I had not lost anything, nor the week before.

    So I gave myself a big telling off and tried to control the eating AND up the excercise this week.

    I have either swum or walked every day this week. I even walked to the gym (3 miles) before my aquafit class last Thursday. But I got the bus back home. I walked for a couple of hours today delivering a newsletter.

    I will report back on Thursday after my weigh-in.

    PS I bought myself a pedometer but seem to have lost it.....

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Tue, 16 Mar 2010 15:45 GMT, in reply to Sixties_Relic in message 13

    Ooooh! oooh!

    Excited squeaks!!!

    I had a GP check-up today and.... we realised nobody has actually taken my blood-pressure since last July's shock 'high' reading.

    It's, er, I can't remember now but "well down into normal, I've no concerns on your blood pressure, that's really not an issue any more"

    THANKYOU MFC!!!!!!!!!

    (I may have had quite a lot of de-stressing very recently, of course...!)

    But wow, MFC! Just comparing the dowdy frumpy miserable little bundle of high-BP muddle that crept in here on July 3rd to the cheerful lively, much more stream-lined, much more focused, much more clear-minded and healthy-bodied soul posting today!

    MWAH to the whole boiling of you - even those who joined after me, or even last week, because MFC is one of those things, there's a name for 'em, things where the sum is greater than the consituent parts, you know the things I mean. Anyway, MFC is one of those.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Underline all that Laura has said - plus put it up in neon lights too.

    I really enjoyed shopping for a few cheap and cheerful casual things this morning - knowing what size I am - and also enjoying trying them on when I got home (mind you, this was before the cake - see above!).

    There is no way that I could have got down to my pre-children size of 35 years ago without MFC.

    I will continue to need you all in order to maintain what I have done so far, and not slip back into bad habits.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Primrose Path, my birthday is Friday, not Saturday - but it's close enough, eh?! I hope I can enjoy the treat of a meal out etc. without fretting too much about last week's weight gain and wondering if I'll have put on even more this week...

    Great news about the BP, Laura! If only that can be the same for me on Monday, but somehow I daren't even hope...

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:30 GMT, in reply to countrypug in message 2

    nyone seen geepers recently? 

    thanks for asking, pug - I'm around and about a bit, but as you say the internet connection here is carp, and I feel I've lost touch with MFC, to be honest. Only have canteen lunches and dinners to report on anyway, and still not doing a whole heap of exercise due to still-post-op-sore tummy. Am now at the five months stage, though, so hoping in four more weeks time, all will be a lot better.

    As F-P says, I'm about to head off on a break. I hit half-90 tomorrow, which I'm not that chuffed about, so am whisking myself off to an obscenely indulgent spa in Malaysia for a few days (Pangkor Laut, F-P), then a few days shopping in Hong Kong. So a lot of healthy light stir fried food looms. And maybe the odd massage or 17. Hope you're all getting on okay.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Laura well done! Take that in any way you like - Blood Pressure, Tripe Soup or anything else you think worthy of congratulations!!

    Lost, chin up stand tall, you are doing well - remember Laura has been here longer than you, so would expect to show greater results.

    Happy Birthday to all the birthday girls. Geepers you know I am just plain envious, wanno go to Malaysia and Hong Kong!!

    Family life here has gone a bit pear shaped and for various reasons we are all down in the dumps. I am doing three days at work each week at the moment, and when I am at home I eat more than I should. OH wants to tend to me and produces meals that I don't have the heart to ignore, he is doing his best. Elder Piglet is a worry once again and we can see no answer to his problems, he has to find them himself but it won't be easy.

    Still, I have just made a vegetable casserole for tonight. My hand is getting strong enough to be able to take the splint off and prepare food for a short while. If I left it on, the raw food would be up against the splint and no doubt send the OCD mad at the thought of it! I don't think much of it myself, had the splint for 4 weeks now, so it is no longer pristine.

    KOKO, one and all


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Good to hear that progress is being made, Fire-Pig.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:11 GMT, in reply to LostInML in message 16

    Lost, bear in mind that I haven't lost huge amounts of weight...

    I've gone from Z stone 2lbs down to Y stone exactly, so only one stone and two lbs down, which isn't a vast amount. I am still "overweight" by any definition, visually or numerically.

    I think what's REALLY made the difference is that I get out and walk several times a day even if only round the block. I have to be quite sedentary at a desk thesis-ing but I interrupt that. I move a lot more, on top of the walking. I eat less sugar, dramatically less sugar. I still eat more fat than is recommended, ditto red meat and specifically meat that's been preserved ie salami, kebanos, etc.

    But I eat FAR less sugar and I am FAR more active, just by walking round my district.

    So, on paper, I've 'only' lost a stone and can clearly stand to lose another 2-3 but in terms of health, the BP is right down. More than ten points down!

    So get walking, keep MFCing, stand tall and get glugging that water as well and even if it isn't down on this visit, even if you do go onto meds for a while, I bet you can get your BP down by the summer considerably!

    f-p, if the splint is like I think it is, you can hand-wash them quite easily. Mine used to get filthy being on all night and all day 24/7 and we scrubbed them with a soapy nail-brush, rinsed well, squeezed out excess water and velcroed them on the clothesline to dry.
    Sorry to hear the fire-sty is a stressful place once more. You can only do so much for other people, as you know...

    I'll take the hearty congratulations and merely smile knowingly *idiot-grin*


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Maintained on Y stone again this morning. But I'm really not trying very hard.

    Great to see geepers. I asked where she had disappeared to when I got back from 10 days at my sister's, in case I'd missed some news.

    I have just read a very long email about the dangers of aspartame causing formaldehyde poisoning which goes misdiagnosed as MS and Lupus. Avoid it at all costs, just in case.

    I have got a tough couple of weeks coming up with lots of sugary food on offer, but after that I will be going to the nosh-free zone of DD's for three weeks, in the steaming heat. Let's hope it kick starts a good response to work on for the summer.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Evening, good to see so many here already. I'm so glad to see Laura's idiot grin back again - congrats girl, on both the tripe dinner (and diner), and, of course, the lower blood pressure. I am so with you that MFC is a great place.

    Geeps, great to see you, sorry to have missed you, and happy birthday, and have a great break. No more to add, but I thought I'd better get it all in while you might be able to read it!

    I've had a reasonable day, no after effects of yesterday's run, although my leg muscles can tell me they have done a bit more. I had a lovely 45 minute walk with the dogs in the sun this afternoon, but a rather fragmented dinner, as I was helping at a Career's convention at the puglets' school, so had a couple of nibbly things there, then poached egg on toast when I got home. I'm hoping to run tomorrow, weather and work permitting.

    I really hope all these birthdays this week go well, and have a day of pampering and indulgence ladies, you all deserve it!

    F-P, sorry to hear of the continuing worries, and take care of yourself won't you?

    Pug x

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Thanks for all your concerns -some of you were with me last summer when I needed it, the situation has rumbled on ever since and seems to have flared up again over the weekend.

    I am still not eating chocolate, except for Mothering Sunday, and that doesn't count, I didn't buy it! I have been eating too much bread and cheese, but at mealtimes and only very rarely in between so not as bad ad it might be.

    Veg casserole followed by mango made a very good supper tonight.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by HamsterMama aka nifty-fifty (U14121030) on Tuesday, 16th March 2010

    Tue, 16 Mar 2010 23:42 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 23

    Just bookmarking and wishing happy birthdays to all the birthday people this week.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Thank you! I have a very ambivalent attitude to birthdays these days - I want to mark them as milestones, but they usually only serve to remind me how old I'm getting!! Ah well.

    Because I'm away this weekend and lose the chance to swim then, I am trying to do extra during the week. Yesterday I went twice, morning and evening! Surely this virtue has to count for something?! I'm off again soon... hope I can carry on as normal for the rest of the week!! Not sure I could swim twice a day on a regular basis...

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Back from the usual Wednesday swim and savouring my first cup of coffee as reward. It was hard work today after the extra exertions yesterday, but I've noticed there seems to be little correlation between what it feels like and the more objective facts such as how long it takes to swim.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    But wow, MFC! Just comparing the dowdy frumpy miserable little bundle of high-BP muddle that crept in here on July 3rd to the cheerful lively, much more stream-lined, much more focused, much more clear-minded and healthy-bodied soul posting today!  

    Laura, brilliant - this post cheered me up no end.

    I too had my blood pressure taken recently and it was fine - last time I had it done (about a year ago) it was a bit high/ This sensible eating/losing weight/getting more exercise certainly does make you feel better!

    I had got to the stage a couple of years ago when I was seriously overweight, and finding getting out of bed in the morning a real effort. I now find I am getting up with a spring in my step and with far less aches and pains.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Oh dear, I meant far FEWER aches and pains...


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by flutter-by (U2729197) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010


    I almost wasn't going to stand on the scales this morning. I've spent the last 2 days on site, traipsing round a bog on the top of a hill on the north coast (near tongue) where is was cold and very very windy and intermittently very wet. I have eaten a VAST amount of food, but so far no gain, probably because of the traipsing.

    TOdya I have a treat day off work (cos of working on monday) and am going to make a big pot of soup and start calorie counting again. It is a pain, but it works.

    Glad to hear everyone sounding cheery - grins to Laura!

    ps - in Edinburgh for the day on Saturday to go shopping in the dress fabric shop near you....

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    A complete mystery! I decided to "maintain" as I had got down to the dress size I wanted, so have been eating a bit more, having the occasional slice of cake etc etc - and what happens?

    I lose 2 lb in one week.

    This may be because of the green matcha tea (the stuff used in the Japanese tea ceremony) that is supposed to boost the metabolism - but I suspect it is the usual law of s*dd*t that seems to apply to weight loss.

    What I don't want is to end up between two dress sizes - and I think the next one down wouldn't be right for me.

    Last summer I despaired of losing even a pound, as I plateauxed for ages hovvering just about the stone mark (there is rule of nature that obligesplateaux to happen at this frustrating point). At the time, I exercise more, counted just about every calory and nothing happened.

    Conclusion: There is no point in attempting to understand the process - best thing is to eat healthily and well at least 80% of the time - and not worry about the odd occasional blip.

    .... now where have I hear that before?

    I know - HERE - the folks in these 'ere parts sure know what they're talking about.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    People who manage to lose 2lbs whilst eating cake are frowned on darkly by those of us who gained 2lbs last week despite being totally virtuous!

    But the principle of there being not as much rhyme and reason in losing weight as the gurus would have us believe, yes, I agree with you there, Auntie Prue!

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    I promise not to do it again, Lost : )

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by welshteddy (U3680635) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    This happened to me recently, Auntie Prue. I am convinced that if I don't eat enough then I don't lose weight that week. If I eat a little more, then the weight comes off. Maybe the body hangs on to the weight if we don't eat enough, just in case starvation sets in!!!

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U1481323) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    That makes sense, welshteddy

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    I'm just checking in for the night to keep me on the straight and narrow. I've had a good day - sensible eating, small portion of healthy dinner, and a run/walk this afternoon of about an hour in total.

    Day off tomorrow - no run, but just maybe a swim, and definitely lots of housework, so that must count for something!

    Prue - well done, even if you weren't trying, think of it as a bit more leeway on your maintain zone maybe.

    Pug x

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    proper, energetic housework, that raises your pulse rate counts as exercise, Countrypug. Read that somewhere - honest

    hoovering the stairs is dangerous tho (well it is in this house)

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    My lunch out today was not as bad as I feared! It was delicious - in Gwynedd's only 5 star restaurant. I has a starter of scallops and parma ham served with rocket and shavings of parmesan. The main course was fresh grilled sardines on ratatouille with steamed vegetables. Nobody had a pud, no bread was offered with the meal and I drank water. All in all it was a good day out with friends and I saw my first roadside daffodils of the year!

    Tomorrow I go to England - to the Wirral for a lunch followed by a speaker on "Poison is a woman's weapon" I wonder what I will learn!


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Oh F-P, that sounds absolutely delicious, and is making me salivate....

    That menu is just so lovely sounding, no wonder you weren't bothered by pud. Have a lovely lunch tomorrow - and let us know what you learn about poison!

    Pug x

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Mabel Bagshawe (U2222589) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:31 GMT, in reply to countrypug in message 38

    Pound and a half off, despite the odd hot cross bun (blame office colleague leaving them on the table of doom in my room) plus a raid on the tea club biscuit caddie for two choccie hobnobs (not even a member , shamefaced to say). Am blaming pesky hormones for last week

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Well Pug, if you are ever this way see


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Wednesday, 17th March 2010

    Wed, 17 Mar 2010 23:02 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 40

    Time I came back. RL getting in way. Not been as conscientious as I should be. Vary between Xst and Xst 2lb.

    But do feel fitter.
    I need the Eye upon me.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    The Eye's always here, but sometimes we like to think it's not watching...

    The menu sounds delicious. I have been eagerly scanning my birthday meal menu and think I can come up with something that is just as nice. Whether that will be enough to fight off further pounds is debatable, though!

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Lovely to see geepers popping in ;0)

    As yiu guys kniw .... Oops! As you guys know I'm posting from a mobile so won't scroll back but how life affirming this thread is and with the support and help a constant thread like this can give, then anything is possible ;0) I remember yonks ago when I bemoaned what seemed to be the fact that unless I went to bed feeling a bit hungry then I never lost weight. I think it was Jane (and others too of course) who took so much trouble explaining to me that there is a better way to do it which would also hopefully get away from the gaining over a couple of years, losing over a couple of years and then slowly slowly putting it all back on again. Although I'm not sure I really believed her I thought "well, nothing to lose ... but pounds" so began the long job of re-educating myself. Since then I realised my brain needed some fine tuning to stop me nibbling (albeit healthy things) without thinking/realising, and so far this additional thoughtfulness around what I eat has done the trick. My weight seems stable, though I have almost abandoned the scales, but just use them to check every month or two.

    I'm just going to post this without editing, as I risk losing the lot if I try to alter/check it.

    I'm sat in the sun with a big green Tilly hat on, in the mountains above Messina in Sicily. I've made porridge and OH is just boiling himself an egg/toast and has brought me a cuppa coffee. Oh yes, the other day when we were traipsing around all the Greek temples at Agrigento we had planned to eat at the restaurant at lunchtime but needless to say it was closed. OH was all for bashing on just with the Nairns/nuts/dried fruit but I said I thought we should go back to the van and we had a lot of tuna, mayo, toms, etc and bananas. He volunteered that afterwards it had been the right thing to do and commented how much better he feels with good regular meals. We kept going til 7pm when the museum closed.

    Waffle ;0)

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Lovely to see Mermaid ;0) I was asking if I'd missed you.

    Also I should add that I'm wearing more than 'just' my Tilly hat!


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Great waffling, Westie.

    I am transported into the Sicilian mountains (wishing I had your mind control*).

    *Er, I mean control of my mind. I do not wish to control your mind, of course.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Archi ;0) I am pretty confident that you are doing well too.

    I've spent the greater part of the morning listening to and then watching through binoculars, a large herd/flock of multicoloured goats slowly munching their way up through the pine forest below us. It seems all they are eating are bramble leaves and they stand on their back legs if needs be. The kids jump up onto any fallen tree trunks they can find and leap off really loving life.

    About 5 of them have bells of differing notes and it is lovely. I've seen goats herding sheep even taking them back down to their enclosure at dusk, and dogs doing it too.


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  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    yodeleydl yodeleydl yo ho ho

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Mermaid the Swishy-Fishy-Tailed Wise One (U10731448) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Thu, 18 Mar 2010 19:28 GMT, in reply to westie westsussexbird in message 46

    Any good recipes for goat?

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    I've only really heard of goat curry, but I can't say it appeals to me, as I think it would taste like goats smell (not good). I was rather influenced by a bad goat's milk icecream some years ago......

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 18th March 2010

    Well I have been to England and back today! OH very kindly drove a friend, L, and me there. Other friends at the meal helped by cutting up both L's roast beef and mine. She is crippled with arthritis, and I still cannot hold a fork! It was a good meal but nothing like yesterday's as it was more institutional cooked for 80-100 of us.

    The speaker was the woman who had researched The Black Widows of Liverpool You really did not want to know one of these ladies! The speaker now believes there may have been 20 or more victims of these two. (Just in case you feel tempted modern fly papers do NOT contain arsenic, and won't have the same effect!)

    Both last night and today I have just had fruit for supper as I had big lunches.

    KOKO one and all


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