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May Dog Club

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 463
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Sunday, 2nd May 2010

    Welcome to the May Dog Club.

    There are soft comfy bouncy things to sit on and bones a plenty, but please humans remember that the dogs have first dibs on the bones, as well as the seats.

    Seren has just reminded me to put a link for last month's dog club so here it is:-

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Sunday, 2nd May 2010

    Thank you for starting the new thread.

    Rocky had a visitor next door this weekend. It was a Rhodesian ridgeback juvenile and they spent the whole visit shouting at each other through the fence.

    Given the opportunity of free running and socialisation I'm sure they would have been friends but unfortunately that wasn't possible. Rocky ended up a bit hoarse.

    The little breakthrough I do seem to have acheived is that if he steals things and I forcefully ask, "Bring it to me" he is now doing so.

    He just wants attention, but when he exhibits that to human visitors as zebedee like bouncing I (and they) get a little exasperated.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    Mon, 03 May 2010 07:22 GMT, in reply to Nomadnomore - XNo in message 2

    Just bookmarking, really. Hope all is well and look forward to hearing updates on the different doggy ailments.

    Just back from Monday morning walk. This is always before breakfast and Sombra thinks that she must make up for it in case she never gets food ever again. She has eaten a large mound of sheep poo, several cubic metres of grass, half a biscuit, a used tissue and an empty orange juice carton. Just as a pre-breakfast snack, you understand.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    Mon, 03 May 2010 07:50 GMT, in reply to Alejandrita in message 3

    Bet Sombra can NEVER beat Desti's haul though.

    She did once eat a used condom not ours I hasten to add. It was November and in the middle of a very muddy field. Still I suppose at least whoever it was took precautions.

    And no neither Mr Dapply or I tried to take it off her, we just let nature take its course.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    My two have had their toast and are now occupied with two enormous bones.
    Its so quiet I've almost forgotten that I've got two dogs!!
    They won't want to abandon said bones for a walk either. Lucy

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by al-in-a-field (U3325483) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    just bookmarking - waves all round.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by PinaGrigio (U11141735) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    hello all. Monts has been over at my parents today as we were going out to visit new nephew. Parents have The Best Toy Ever which is an old leather football gone flat. So we were clearly surplus to requirements as soon as he crossed the threshold and was given the TBTE....

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    Brambles BTE is an old t-shirt of mine tied in a knot. Its kept her occupied for weeks now.
    At the moment she still has the bone she got this morning and is running around it woofing at it and throwing it about and generall trying to kill it!
    Jasper is steadfastedly gnawing through his bone,and keeps giving her "The Look".
    Hes been sneaky today burying his bone then stealing hers when shes not looking.
    Mind you she stole the liver I'd chopped up for their lunch,while I was getting some dried food from the shed.
    She followed me out to the shed and clocked that I'd be out long enough for her to scarf the liver! Lucy

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Monday, 3rd May 2010

    My horrid boys have been much better behaved, and I haven't had any reports of them going on their own outings - though to achieve this means I can let lab in the garden on his own. Still, better an indoor dog than a dead dog!

    JR stretched out of sofa with us, do they all snore?

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by dondy (U3463640) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    Bookmarking thread for future ref.

    Saw some photos of our prospective Westie's litter yesterday. Still tiny, but already cute !


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Campbell in Farewell Clogs (U14226916) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    I sometimes suspect I may have been a labrador in another life. I often feel a deep kinship with Sombra - not that I actually do sheep poo mind, but Comparative Comments Have Been Made on my version of homemade haggis in the past. Luckily I run about a lot too so I'm not actually like the side of a house but I do tend to eat at every available opportunity in, well yes, a Lab-Like way... In fact it surely must be about time for my next wee snack?
    I was supposed to be getting my long-legged lady friend tomorrow but A Nouting has been cancelled so she's not coming after all. The neighbours have a new golden lab pup. I saw/heard his arrival yesterday as he yapped in distress and ran into my garden when he got out the car (it's probably the most dog-scented space in this cat dominated area). Saw a rug hanging over the balcony to dry this morning - I suspect A Link between the 2 events.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    Tue, 04 May 2010 18:47 GMT, in reply to Alejandrita in message 3

    She has eaten a large mound of sheep poo, several cubic metres of grass, half a biscuit, a used tissue and an empty orange juice carton. 

    My two got bored with sheep poo, I'm happy to say. I dread to think of the consequences if they hadn't, really!

    But what is it with labs and used tissues? If I leave the bedroom door open OJL is straight in there burying her nose under the pillows in the hope she might find one left behind there, she's quite obsessed with them. Handy on walks though, on cold mornings or if you've got the sniffles, like having your own personal walking waste bin.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    Springers and tissues too. Bramble sneaks off with them and shreds them,she used to eat them but thankfully has stopped eating as much rubbish as she used to.
    Bad old days of "The Colitis" Lucy

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    Tue, 04 May 2010 19:07 GMT, in reply to mistresslucy in message 13

    The worst case of a dog eating Something Inappropriate I came across was a springer, my neighbour's dog years ago.

    Said springer became very ill - vomiting, refusal to drink and obvious abdominal pain, and the vet suspected an obstruction but nothing showed on x-rays. He was taken in for observation and put on a drip, but no improvement after 24 hours so the vet operated and found.....

    A pair of tights. One toe was only just below his throat and the other was in his rectum, so they were wound through his entire digestive system. It took the vet over three hours to get them out without causing permanent damage. The dog survived but my neighbours bank account suffered serious injury!

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    One Christmas I unwrapped some dog biscuits (from a client of mine to the dogs)decanted the biscuits into tupperware container and left the empty cardboard box on the shelf.
    Went out for half an hour to see my Mum,came back,all the rest of the recycling was in the kitchen,bar the biscuit box,found one tiny piece of cardboard in Brambles bed.
    Found the rest of the box over the next day or so. Lucy

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Tuesday, 4th May 2010

    Tue, 04 May 2010 19:21 GMT, in reply to Shy in message 14

    I think Sombra only goes for the tissues because she knows it's norty. If she finds one in the garden she'll slink off to scoff it, chuckling to herself. She once got at one of those jumbo-sized bog rolls (OH has them around for DIY/gardening/mechanical tasks various) and shredded the whole bluddy thing all over the garden. At least she had the grace to put her tail between her legs and go to the norty corner of her own accord when we came home and found the mess!!

    Some of you may recall the days of her eating children's socks and alice-bands (the former was chucked up a week later, the latter took it's natural course), but she's not quite so bad now about eating absolutely everything. I can't remember if it was mustafa or als who once said here that a labrador will eat anything and let his stomach decide if it's edible or not - a perfect description I feel!! I did once "rescue" the MOST revolting thing from her chops while out on a walk - a used sanny pad UGH UGH YUK YUK YUK... She didn't gobble it up when I told her to drop it, so I reckon even she drew the line at that one!

    Campbell v jealous to hear about your new neighbour! I'm sure you will soon be great mates esp as you feel you are rather lab-like yourself!!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Mrs PPG (U14114383) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Good morning

    I'm staying away from anti dog threads from now on smiley - sadface

    (Well until the next time).

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 07:04 GMT, in reply to Pink Pinot Girl in message 17

    Hi PPG - is that because you don't like hearing about disgusting things they eat (we didn't take long this month, did we??!! Is that a record I wonder?) or have I missed another "I hate dogs" thread somewhere?

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Mrs PPG (U14114383) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    You've missed one! It started last Friday and was resurected by some doughnut yesterday (oh that would be me!)

    No, I loved the April dog club thread so am really just bookmarking this one so I can carry on reading all your posts. I love doggy people.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    So many "I hate dogs" threads at the moment.
    I'm tempted to start an "I love dogs" one but what the hell,its probably safer to stay nice and cosy in the Dog Club with like-minded people.
    We won't ever change their minds!! (and they won't change ours!) Lucy

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 08:01 GMT, in reply to mistresslucy in message 20

    Well here's something nice to read..........

    Mr D couldn't get to sleep last night so went downstairs for some hot milk and a biccie.

    Seren now sleeps in the house, on the settee, yes I know naughty hoomings. Mr D had to share his milk and biccies and in return Seren gave him a lovely huuuuuge cuddle.

    As she can't actually sit on him anymore she put her head in his lap and gazed up at him adoringly for about 10 minutes and then fell asleep. Mr D is so soppy that he stayed there far longer than he wanted to cos he didn't want to wake her up when he moved.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 08:16 GMT, in reply to mistresslucy in message 20

    All these dog haters, I dunno, where are they in RL? I never seem to meet any, perhaps they're all in Big Town and City Land, since I never go there if I can help it.

    I certainly never met anyone who objected to my dogs while we were still in the UK (just as well really since they were almost always walked on the farm, and I'd have given short shrift to anyone who objected to my own dogs on my own land, public footpath or not!).

    And where we are now dogs seem to be universally accepted, they all mill around on the beach, playing with each other and with children. Big dogs, little dogs, any dogs, they rush up with tails wagging to anyone they see in the hope of a thrown ball or a treat, no-one minds them at all.

    Must admit I get quite upset reading those threads, but I guess I should just be grateful I never meet the contributors.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 08:22 GMT, in reply to Dapply in message 21

    Aw Dapply, that's lovely, Seren sounds so like the dalmatian we used to have.

    She could be a bit bonkers sometimes though. I remember once we were out walking with her and she was being particularly daft, when we met a little girl with her grandfather. Little girl announced "Oh look Grandad, it's a damnation", and I thought "You don't know how right you are!". (But I didn't mean it, she was wonderful really).

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by fairy hedgehog (U1485678) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    < All these dog haters, I dunno, where are they in RL? >

    I don't know either. I've always ended our morning walk by going through the village past the school, so that we mingle with children regularly & don't see them as something strange or threatening. The parents & children are always nice to us & a lot of the little ones are happy to point & say 'doggy'. Sometimes they will pat the golden retriever because he looks so soppy & kind.

    My OH & I have taken to walking to the next village to have a couple of pints of beer in the pub on a Saturday evening. We were delighted to find that dogs are welcome there, in the bar.


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Campbell in Farewell Clogs (U14226916) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    the neighbours' new pup

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 11:05 GMT, in reply to Campbell in Black and Blue Clogs in message 25

    Aww aren't they gorgeous at that age? Wanna give it a cuddle!

    I always think their skin is too big for their little bodies, but they will grow into their skin.....eventually.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by DeeKay Bee - Disenfranchised (U236881) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010


    The trouble is they grow into these thugs

    actually I'm sure that the second one (from the left) is mine, it must have been taken while she was staying some time.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by PinaGrigio (U11141735) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Shy, I don't bother posting on dog-hating threads because I don't think there's anything to say which will persuade people who don't like dogs of an alternative group (just as nothing would persuade me all dogs are unpleasant!).

    We don't tend to meet dog-haters where we are but that's because The Hound is never let off the lead so doesn't get the chance to do anything loopy. There are a couple of idiot owners I see regularly though, who have let their dogs off lead when they clearly have no control over them. These dogs 'crowd' the Hound, who really doesn't like it and so lets the other dogs know. At which point the idiot owners look at me as if my dog is the problem!

    And MrG has taken issue with a couple of people he's seen leaving their dogs' carp on the paths and not clearing it up. Grrr.

    Set against that are the lovely friendly owners & dogs we see. One of the owners does a litter pick on the local common every morning, tidying up the debris left by picickers and others. She collects stacks of stuff, sometimes.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 13:19 GMT, in reply to PinaGrigio in message 28

    OMG I love all these yellow lab pics. They make me go all weebly inside.

    Have to admit to having a soft spot for these silly, soppy, eternally hungry and stunningly beautiful doggies. You'd never have guessed eh?

    I just adore the shape of their heads, the way their ears hang off the corners, the expressive face, the stocky body and those gorgeous soft brown eyes. I love the way that their entire physical makeup reflects their wonderful personality - esp the wiggly bum and the tongue-lolling smile.

    Not that I don't like other dogs - I love them all in their own way and there are so many beautiful breeds and wonderful canine characters out there. Labs just happen to be my personal fave.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Wednesday, 5th May 2010

    Wed, 05 May 2010 13:37 GMT, in reply to Alejandrita in message 29

    At the risk of being really boring (most of you have already seen these, but for those who haven't....) here is an album of Sombra photos plus a couple of videos - one swimming and the other in the snow...

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Thursday, 6th May 2010

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    I love dogs,

    AND I'm glad I can come into the DOG CLUB and feel safe to admit that....I LOVE DOGS ;o*)

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Alejandrita (U2222432) on Thursday, 6th May 2010

    Thu, 06 May 2010 20:19 GMT, in reply to mistresslucy in message 31


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Campbell in Farewell Clogs (U14226916) on Thursday, 6th May 2010

    Bluddy dog clubbers! smiley - winkeye

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by DeeKay Bee - Disenfranchised (U236881) on Thursday, 6th May 2010

    I was looking at the house rules earlier

    So recommending debarking is moddable, probably.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Mrs PPG (U14114383) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    One of the most vociferous fans of debarking (mentioning no names but it's Olly) says he was a dog handler ..... I find that incredible!

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by mistresslucy (U9471573) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Sigh,I still love dogs even tho' there was a nasty accident in the house last night that I was cleaning up at 3.10 this morning.
    Thank you Bramble! Lucy

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by PinaGrigio (U11141735) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    has anyone seen this? Fascinating:

    love the dog pics. Just love 'em.

    The Hound managed to find a burst football on his walk a couple of days ago and brought it all the way home (about a mile) so we now have TBTE - The Sequel in the house. He's not giving that up to anyone.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by What larks (U14260755) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    We might be going to a flyball competition next weekend ...(jumps up and down in excitement, pulls on tuggy rope).

    Only as "spare dog" but still, it is an honour. Haven't quite decided whether to go though!

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Fri, 07 May 2010 15:24 GMT, in reply to skylark in message 38

    Oooo oooo I have a friend in Dalmatians who does Flyball and she (a Dal) is absolutely brill at it. I have a wonderful video of her, beating Border Collies to a standstill.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by What larks (U14260755) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Which part of the country does she compete in, Dapply?

    We have to travel for miles to competitions because we are the only flyball club in the county. The next competition is in south London, and if it is in the same kind of area, I'll keep my eye out for a spotted rival (if I go)!

    It amazes me that so few long-legged beasties take part. We've got a greyhound in the club who is fast, but temperamental.

    The fastest of all is a little bull terrier type, but he attacks other dogs so has to be carefully managed! Though there is a "new girl", a border collie, who is racing to Crufts speeds, and just needs more practice working in a team. Puts my laid-back chap to shame.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Campbell in Farewell Clogs (U14226916) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    I've no experience of flyball myself but just wanted to report that my pal the one-eyed Rottweiler pup passed her puppy class exam on Monday. I've just paid her a wee visit (she lives next to the garage where I had to collect my car) and she came laughing up to the gate to greet me. No bark, no 'gaurd dog' behaviour at all really, I think someone should tell her she's supposed to be evolving into a big scary gaurd dog type. She has a laugh that makes her look like a particularly happy dolfin - it's the shiny white puppy teeth that do it I suspect, and something about the cheery curl of her mouth. If she was mine I'd rename her Flipper.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by fairy hedgehog (U1485678) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    < a big scary gaurd dog type >

    We sometimes meet a timid rottie puppy on our weekend walks. It's quite sweet when a big dog is obviously a bit softie. I'm glad your puppy friend is thriving.


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Dapply (U2437462) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Fri, 07 May 2010 17:53 GMT, in reply to skylark in message 40

    Which part of the country does she compete in, Dapply? 

    Hannah(that's the dog) competes in the North East. Apparently they just missed qualifying for Crufts by a gnat's wossit this year.

    Mind you Hannah is a bit of a clever doggie. She has also got her Good Citizen Gold Award which is almost the equivalent of some sort of Obedience thingy.

    Who sez Dallies are dumb?

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Fri, 07 May 2010 18:29 GMT, in reply to Dapply in message 43

    Who sez Dallies are dumb? 

    Not me, that's for sure. Labs, otoh.......[mouth closed for reasons of loyalty]

    All these fit flyballing dogs, it sounds such fun. OJL /can/ still retrieve but she only does it at a gentle trot now, or sometimes even a walk. Or a swim, I suppose.

    Lovely piccies of Sombra and Campbell's neighbour's pup, thanks both.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    Fri, 07 May 2010 18:32 GMT, in reply to fairy hedgehog in message 42

    We sometimes meet a timid rottie puppy on our weekend walks. It's quite sweet when a big dog is obviously a bit softie. 

    Oh I used to know a wonderful rottie years ago, the biggest softie you could wish to meet, he was an entire dog, *huge*, and his name was.......

    Trevor. Which I always found hysterically funny but I don't know why!

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by What larks (U14260755) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    congratulations Campbell on your pup's success!

    I've a friend with rottweillers who is thinking of taking one of hers to flyball training. The club organiser was totally unfazed and said rottweillers can be excellent competitors!

    One of friend's dogs is a rescue Rottie who is far from cuddly, and is called ScoobyDoo. Trevor sounds quite sensible by comparison.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Campbell in Farewell Clogs (U14226916) on Friday, 7th May 2010

    I just find the name Trevor hysterically funny anyway, never mind on a Rottweiler. (Hope I'm not offending any Trevors now...)

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by fairy hedgehog (U1485678) on Saturday, 8th May 2010

    < Trevor >

    I quite like that. I may have a Trevor in the future. I had been planning to have a Colin at some point.

    The shy rottie I meet is called Bear.


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Shy (U14227333) on Saturday, 8th May 2010

    Sat, 08 May 2010 08:33 GMT, in reply to fairy hedgehog in message 48

    I may have a Trevor in the future. I had been planning to have a Colin at some point. 

    Note for anyone dipping into this thread: We are talking about dogs.

    Um, I think so anyway.

    The shy rottie I meet is called Bear. 


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Threeblack drapedwellsofmyown (U5254306) on Saturday, 8th May 2010

    Sat, 08 May 2010 08:48 GMT, in reply to Shy in message 49

    Found you all!

    I can report that Lily is angelic in her holiday home and the wee boy (aged 8) whose Mum has the kennels adores her.

    He also loves Sally - a small boy a collie and 15 acres of woodland and fields is a perfect match I hear.

    Apparently he comes ho,me from school springs Sally from her kennel and reappears at teatime.

    Then he walks Lily for a good half hour and plays with her off the lead as well.

    Idyllic holiday home or what?

    Especially since his Mum found Lily on his bed one morning with small boy's arm protectively around her....

    Report message50

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