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August Cat Club

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 951
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Welcome to the August ML Cat Club, the place to chat about cats, exchange information, seek and share advice and support about all things cat related. There’s a huge range of experience here, and whatever the query, we usually manage to come up with some suggestions.

    But please note, one of the most frequently posted pieces of advice is, ‘Take your cat to the vet’. None of us claim to be veterinary experts, and no vet would diagnose a problem via a message board. So if you’re really worried about your cat’s health, please get him/her to your vet asap, and maybe come on here afterwards for advice and support on treatment. But if you’re not too sure whether it’s urgent or not, feel free to ask for an opinion. Most regular cat clubbers are here, dipping in and out, 24/7, so you shouldn’t have to wait long for a response.

    Other threads you might want to visit;

    Feral/Stray Cats: F2693944?thread=6216800

    Good Food for Cats no. 1: F2693944?thread=3538824
    and the current one, no. 2: F2693944?thread=6733162

    Pucci's Feline Diabetes: F2693944?thread=3603152&skip=0&show=20 This thread is now closed and for reference only. It is a wonderful resource for those with diabetic cats.

    Cats should look here: F2693944?thread=7321905 Cats’ lounging about thread (ceilidh) – a place for cats to have their own fun, without their slaves cramping their style.

    And another, which we frequently point people to, is Bash’s introduction protocol, a really good way of introducing a new cat into a household of existing cats – well worth a read, and it is highly recommended by those who have used it: F2693944?thread=5624542&skip=357&show=1

    And a link to the cat club rota, because we can always do with more volunteers to open a new thread: F2693944?thread=7314963

    This is a link to the July thread in case anyone needs to refer back:

    These are some external sites that have been found useful:

    Re legislation in the UK in terms of caring for a cat properly: ...

    Dr. Pierson (guru on nutrition and other feline information):

    Tanya's Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Centre:


    Goodness, I can't believe it's August already, where is the summer going? At least here in the SE corner we have had some decent weather, although a little bit of rain wouldn't go amiss.

    My three are happy, although I think harvest mite season is just starting. I'm still feeding the two little semi-feral girls from next door that adopted my garden and my boy cats.

    There were some lovely pics posted last month. Particular mention to Cat's naughty Doofus in the bin. I hadn't realised he was ginger, that explains a lot I feel. The idea of a separate thread for photos is interesting, I will leave it to everyone else to decide whether to go that route. I can't see too many people objecting, although it would also get full of admiring comments as well as the pics.

    I hope all poorly cats get well soon. Love to all, human and feline.

    Jo x

    (and Herbie, Hattie and Freddie)

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Thanks Jo Bo for opening August's CC thread.

    My cats are fine and bringing home "presents",
    such as field mice and yukky Rats. Both dead.
    Odd I felt for the mouse but not the rat.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Small boy in third row (U2247664) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Sun, 01 Aug 2010 10:23 GMT, in reply to Jo Bo in message 1

    Thanks Jo, just bookmarking.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Poor rat too, Rosalind (although I know what you mean, I had a spate of finding dead rats that had been brought in by the yard cats. Not nice).

    Just picking up on a couple of quote from July:

    As a house sitter, Bash, you're an excellent cat carer.... 

    Snork, I think the same can be said of me. I couldn't unlock my friends' front door last night. But this morning I did manage to stroke their cat (much to his disgust, though).

    Anyway, Pickle had a nice little kip in the afternoon, curled up on my chest, holding my finger between his paws 

    Awwww, so sweet smiley - smiley I'm glad his eye looks a bit better now, it is a worry just how bad they can get and in such a short time. Hope you manage to get some rest today, to catch up on your sleep a bit.

    Cat, we resorted to putting all cat food pouches in a carrier bag twice a day, and putting said bag straight in the wheelie bin. It does mean we get through a lot of bags a week though, which isn't ideal. But I'm not convinced ours wouldn't decide to check the bin out otherwise.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Thanks Ae1M, luckily one of my neighbours' removed
    the dead rat, so I didn't see it but I dealt
    with something else instead.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Thanks for opening up, Jo. Well, I hope I will post more than once this month....have been utterly snowed under in RL and feeling out of sorts. Hope I haven't missed anything too momentous, apols if so.

    However, Libby is disgustingly healthy as usual. She had her booster last week and a check over. A dental was recommended and she had that on Tuesday and came through it all fine. The vet says she is "at the higher end of normal" weight range....ahem. So going to have to adjust the food rations slightly. I've been so stupidly busy that I haven't been making her home made food and we have been feeding her Natures Menu. Two pouches a day and a half a tiny tin of Applaws for supper. I need to think how we can adjust this (plus STOP OH feeding her scraps whilst he makes his sarnies each morning!!)

    Lots of love to all,

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Hi everyone. And thank you Jo Bo for opening up.

    Thanks too for all the good wishes to Pickle. His eye looks fine today, and he's feeling much better. So much better that he decided we should all get up at 7:00 so we didn't miss a second of the day ahead (I appreciate that for some of you this is practically mid morning, but I am still feeling rather sleep deprived, and couldn't fully share his joy).

    AelM, I do hope whoever owns the new tabby boy can be persuaded to get him neutered, for his own sake and everyone else's. And I suppose at this stage in his life, it's too late to hope that Baldrick will ever curb his passion for other people's cars? Ah well, it's lovely that he has such a positive outlook on life.

    Bash, hope the new career as a cat sitter takes off. I can see it might've been a bit embarassing to have called the house owners about the not-lost-after-all keys, but it could've been worse: I read, “I set their house alarm...“ as “I set their house alight“ . Oops. You're alright with arse Gil. As it were.  Ah, I can see I need to refine my language if I want to post on this board smiley - winkeye

    Bimbles, ooh dear - feeding scraps: I'm afraid I'm the guilty one in this house; I find it so hard to resist my little gannet Pie's hopeful face...

    Hope everyone's having a good day.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Hi to everyone. Have lost touch over recent weeks due to RL being particularly hectic but am hoping for a quieter August. Intrigued by a tip in our latest local CP news letter for cats who wolf their food very quickly and then throw up soon after. Apparently placing a large stone in the dish will slow things down, as the cat has to lick round it. Any thoughts? Love to all.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    replying to blimbles in message 6:
    "plus STOP OH feeding her scraps whilst he makes his sarnies each morning!!"

    But they smiley - love their little taste, Blimbles! Whenever mine hear the sound of knife on chopping board, they turn up hopefully. But they do only get one small taste each, no matter how much they plead.


    and replying to supertillypops in message 8:
    "Intrigued by a tip in our latest local CP news letter for cats who wolf their food very quickly and then throw up soon after. Apparently placing a large stone in the dish will slow things down, as the cat has to lick round it"

    That's really interesting. Second Cat is one who throws up for a hobby, and I have now placed her food dish on an Arg*s catalogue to raise it, which has helped, but I may try the stone in the dish idea. (Query: can I wash the stone in the dishwasher, I wonder?)


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    My dad had to use a similar trick (to the stone in the food bowl) with one of his dogs. Not sure if he still does. Can't remember what he put in the bowl - it wasn't a stone - some impediment though. I think it worked.

    Have been and bought a new bin.

    Cat x

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Have been and bought a new bin  Does it lock? smiley - winkeye


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    very funny smiley - winkeye

    it's a pedal one. Stainless steel.

    Cat x

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Portia Antrobus (U14257929) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Well done, Cat. I was just nerving myself up to suggest that the best thing you could do is go out and buy a better bin.....

    That orange stripy tail looks very familiar to me though ..... However, if my Ferd found himself upside down in a bin, he'd have a fit of the vapours and have to lie down in a darkened room for a couple of days.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Sun, 01 Aug 2010 17:18 GMT, in reply to catwomyn in message 12


    Are you going to be treated to the continuous din of Doofus stepping on the pedal and bashing the lid on the underside of the work surface?

    D's S

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    very funny smiley - winkeye

    it's a pedal one. Stainless steel.

    Cat x  

    Cat, I hope that your new bin works better against
    your funny cat.
    Although as we know that cats are canny animals
    and might find a way to use it.

    (Hope not)

    Rosalind x

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Doodlysquat (U13738858) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Sun, 01 Aug 2010 17:36 GMT, in reply to Portia Antrobus in message 13

    I posted a few weeks ago to say that we were thinking about getting a kitten. Well, we have one on order. The litter consists of three boys and three girls. We will be getting one of the boys. They are all utterly adorable tabbies. We don't mind which one of the boys we end up with as they are all equally irrisistible.

    He will be ten weeks old when we get him and I am trying to think of a name and also of the best way to introduce him to life on the boat with a Jack Russell and a stroppy parrot.

    I have to admit to feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing. We have always had cats and never had problems...except for the dreadful experience when Diesel was stolen three years ago. My biggest worry is that the kitten will be distressed at the change in his circumstances, so if anyone could give me some advice about the settling in period I would be most grateful.

    The dog grew up with cats and prefers their company to that of other dogs. The parrot is at the top of the pecking order and will take no nonsense from a kitten or anything else (including me).

    Should I take an old sweater or something round there so that he gets used to my smell? Should I get him a box to sleep in and to retreat to when he feels the need. Should I let him sleep on the bed...with the dog and us?
    Should I just stop bloody stressing about it and relax?

    I have been so looking forward to getting another cat but now feel terribly worried about it. I think it must be my age!

    Sorry to ramble.
    suze...in panic mode.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Gil, the entire bunch of litters that Baldrick was in as a kitten were fascinated by cars (well, the food supplier turns up in one so they must be good) - to the extent that every time I left the yard I had to count kittens, then open the bonnet, remove a couple of kittens from the engine compartment (difficult in a 4x4 with huge engine), then pluck kittens off the tyres, check underneath for more kittens then back out very, very slowly having counted all 20+ kittens into the stables first. So I suppose it's not surprising that Balders gets in cars - one of the ones I rehomed was next door to Mum for years and used to like to sit on the roof of the car while going for a (very, very slow) drive round their bit of the estate. He'd get in anyone's car, too.

    A big stone in a feed bowl is a trick used with horses to get them to slow down their eating, too. I've never tried it though so can't say whether it would work.

    I have visions of the Cat household being kept awake all night by Doofus jumping on the pedal of the new bin, now.....

    Doodlysquat, just want to say I'm not ignoring your post but I'm afraid I have no useful advice. I'm sure someone will be able to help you though.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by politeLadyPortia (U7099336) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Reporting in
    All is well here. Sheba has just twigged that I am away next week...... however my neighbour R will look after well and she likes him.
    Zizou and Magic are both very well and on good form. Zizou has put on a little weight which is good and continues his patrols and car park supervision.... Magic is mousing.
    Thanks for opening up

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Just popping in to bookmark. Oh, and if anyone should be feeling the need of a hot-water-bottle at the moment, I would like to offer George for hire. Last night he was lying at full stretch snuggled between me and OH and kept us both at simmering point. Phew.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Just bookmarking, thanks for opening up Jo.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Cheers Basia. I haven't wished you well for the 'big move' yet. We moved with 2 cats once, don't envy you sorting it out with all your lovely bunch. Good luck.

    Jo x

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Thanks for opening up this month, Jo.

    Lovely to read your three are happy and the two semi-feral girls too. Flaming nuisance about the harvest mites though. I know everything is supposed to have its own ecological niche, but what on earth is the point of a mite (contd p 93)?

    Lots of posts I want to reply to but knackered and worried: have been out all day and came back not long ago to find Stripey has an aural haematoma. As I'd been reading up about them after Athene mentioned her Benjy's ear. Emergency service confirmed on the phone, so we are off to my vet pdq tomorrow morning. Stripe isn't in pain, though obviously uncomfortable (from the haematoma, or whatever caused her to scratch and shake her ear, or what??) and she is being very clingy.

    Wish us luck for tomorrow that she doesn't have to have an op, but emergency vet thought it likely.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    suze (message 16), How exciting to have a new adoptee arriving soon. Bet your dog will be in seventh heaven about his new companion too.

    I'll reply tomorrow unless someone else posts with some info and advice before I do. Bit distracted at the moment and will be tied up tomorrow morning (see my post above re Stripey).


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Rusty - just read your post and I'm so sorry that you and poor Stripey have this problem. I hope all goes well with the vet tomorrow, and that she doesn't need an op. I imagine that neither of you will get much sleep tonight.

    Lots of love from here, and very gentle furfles for little Stripe. I'll be dipping in and out tomorrow for news.


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Jo, thanks for opening.

    I want to bookmark this month's thread so it'a a bit of an experiment to see if I will be allowed to post, having had real difficulties in the last few days. Don't like being locked out, dying to say things and not being allowed. Will press post now and see what happens.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Hooray, I'm back in. And haven't had to change my user name or password.

    Doodly, just wanted to say that I don't think you're panicking, just wanting to do your best for the new kit. I know you live on a boat, but would suggest that you can use the introduction protocols (see opening post) to introduce your new kitten to the the Jack Russell and the parrot. Basically keep the new kit confined in a small area for a while, allowing the other pets to have a good look at him, and he at them, while keeping them separate so that nobody panics and goes overboard. Young kittens are tremendously adaptable so I don't think you will have a problem with him if the parrot and Jack Russell accept him as part of the family. Food treats and encouraging play together usually works. Photos soon please.

    Talking of which, I think a photo thread sounds like a good idea. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think CC opened in TVH because people in The Bull got fed up with cat posts. I can't believe that people who post in TVH would mind a cat photo thread, so why don't we start one and see what happens?

    Love to all felines and carers, and it's good to be joining in again.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Hope Stripey is okay, Rusty. We have all our fingers and paws crossed here for her, and send purrs and furfles.

    G-AC & the Puddy Tats

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Sunday, 1st August 2010

    Sun, 01 Aug 2010 22:58 GMT, in reply to Rusters in message 22

    A gentle furfle to Stripey

    D's S

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Will be thinking of you and Stripey tomorrow Rusty. That's what poor feral Darcy of DUMBO has, in both ears, but we never manage to see him when we can trap him.

    Dr Young just called with blood test results from Thursday's visit with Grilly and Valentine. Grilly doing really quite well on paper, despite having lost a little weight. Not worried there. With Valentine, one of the tests hasn't come in, which will give us the true picture, but for now, one of his levels is a bit wacky, but we will know when the straggler is in.

    His bare patches on his legs are not ringworm (forgot to report this on Thurs) which was tested under the light, and a culture was taken to be doubly sure. He has been pulling his fur out. My little Valentine. I feel so bad that he's so stressed that he's doing that. This isn't new, the patches have been appearing on and off for months. I have never experienced any cat ever doing that, I'm so shocked. I really thought it was odd ringworm patches which I got rid of with the meds, which miraculously didn't spread to me or any other cat...I know, I know...) but Dr Young explained to me that they got better because I was putting foul tasting meds on them so he stopped pulling in those spots, duh.

    So I put lemon juice on them. My poor bear. and I'm about to put him through a move. I always give him extra snuggles and attention since Cuthbert, Saint, died, but some days I guess it's just not enough.

    Dr Young reiterated that I'm to drop any cats off that need an overnight stay while I move, and it really is so comforting to know I have that option.

    Love to all, esp you Rusty,

    Bash x

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Rusty, so sorry for you and poor little Stripey-face. What a rotten end to a long day out, when all you'll have wanted to do on getting home was put your feet up and unwind.

    Believe me, I do know this is easier said than done. but try not to worry too much and too far ahead (yeah right - should've see me this time yestesday!)

    I'm sure you and your vet will be able to work out between you what's caused the underlying problem. (It's good that you'll be able to see your own vet in the morning - thank heavens it was Sunday *today*, if you see what I mean), then they can get on with reducing the swelling.

    It may be possible to just drain the fluid. I know this isn't usually the preferred option, but every case is different. Even if they do decide to operate, aural haematomas are really, really straightforward to perform - quick, with a very good success rate.

    I do understand why you don't want Stripe to have to go through an operation, and that's the outcome I'll be hoping for tomorrow, but if she did have to pick an op, I don't think she could've chosen a better one (um... if you see what I mean).

    I'll be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow, and wishing you the very best.


    p.s. Pickle says to tell Stripe he knows aaaall about vets and their dastardly ways, and she's not to take any nonsense from anybody in a white coat!

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Oh expletive bluddy deleted. Just typed a reply to you Bash, hit... something (obviously not 'post') and sent it lord knows where. Well, it boiled down to, 'hindsight is a wonderful thing - try not to beat yourself up over it', and 'Valentine's undoubtedly picking up stress from you too, so when the move's finally complete, that element of the mix should ease'. Hang in there - not long till you're safe in your brownstone, and you can concentrate on helping Valentine and the others to settle in their new home.

    Do you think it might help him to stay with Dr Young during the move?


    Oh, and if anybody should happen to spot a nice fresh almost-completed post wizzing past them, could they catch it and send it back to me please? It had a lot of words in it, and I'd like to recycle them. Thank you.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Gentle furfles for Stripey and Valentine.


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi Bash. Oh, poor Valentine. And so worrying for you too, with the move looming. The vet's sounds a good option for him, away from any noise and fuss. I have my fingers crossed that his other test comes in normal, and I'm so pleased that Grilly is doing well on paper at least, but weight loss is always worrying isn't it? Unless, like us, you are trying to make an overplump cat (Jones) eat a little less. I seem to remember that in the past our (more normal) cats ate less in hot weather, and a bit of weight loss was routine. I hope that Grilly's weight loss is just a blip.

    Ours are both outside now, shot out of the hall window like rockets, and immediately dived to their favourite hiding places (raspberry canes for Milli, hedge for Jones). They have been fascinated by the hoopoes on the lawn recently - these birds move like the clockwork chicken, so strange to watch, and attack the lawn with their enormously long sharp beaks. I just hope they're eating all the nasties and aerating the lawn at the same time.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Gil - so sorry about your 'Lost Post'. No words have whizzed by me so far, but I shall keep a lookout.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    aw sorry to hear about Valentine and Stripey. Basia, you know all the stuff about stress anyway, so I've nothing to add, just good wishes.

    Doofus hasn't (yet) started to leap on the bin pedal. But because I haven't got the right type of bin liner yet there was a small overhang, which he has enthusiastically shredded. Deep deep sigh.

    Doodly, yes, giving the kit a jumper of yours before the move is a good idea, and yes to a cardboard box as a hidey hole, with a nice cushy blankie in. Kittens like to chew to strengthen their teeth (like human babies) so cardboard is good for that as well - makes them less likely to chew your fingers. And, er, an important part of settling in is to have the kitten's photo linked here so the Cat Club can appreciate it... smiley - winkeye

    Cat x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Flakey (U14259784) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Belated - Thank you for opening Jo Bo.

    Thinking of Stripey and Valentine xxx

    Best wishes to all, I have got summer flu missed a fair bit.

    Best wishes all

    Flakes xx

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Doodlysquat (U13738858) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Mon, 02 Aug 2010 09:15 GMT, in reply to Flakey in message 35

    Thank you for the replies everyone. I will consult Basia's introducing thingy as soon as I get a bit of free time today.

    The kitten will not be ready to leave mum 'til september so there is plenty of time to plan the arrival.

    I had quite forgot just how adorable kittens are.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    suze, the only things I would add or emphasis are that first impressions can make or mar a good relationship, so it is worth taking time to introduce the animals to each other, and taking the first few encounters slowly.

    The other thing is to get your little tabby microchipped asap(of if he has already been chipped, then change the contact details to yours with the relevant company - Petlog probably). If you are moving around a lot then, maybe your base-camp (!) vets would allow you to put their details on his chip details, otherwise a relative who stays home!

    Let us know all about him in due course,won't you, and what he makes of the dog and parrot, and vice versa.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Just thought of something else, suze. If you are travelling from place to place, take some good photos of your little chap, and new ones as he grows up, so that if he does go AWOL when exploring strange environments, you have a good likeliness to show around/put on flyers.

    Oh, and another thing. I read about a family whose very adventurous cat was always disappearing, only to be found miles away, sometimes locked in somewhere. They lived in a city that was awake and noisy 24/7, and they ended up buying a dog whistle (v. high pitched and not heard by humans, but carries over quite long distances) and got him to respond to that (probably with food-bribes). If he was lost, he could home in on the sound, and if locked in he would start bellowing.

    Never followed this up myself, but it sounds like a good idea in principle.


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Rusters (U11225963) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    So, Stripey and the vet. My main vet and Whizz with the Scalpel vet weren't going to be in till this afternoon, and KYV is on maternity leave, so saw the locum who is filling in for the latter.

    Stripe does indeed have an aural haematoma, probably caused by violent head-shaking rather than scratching. No signs of anything wrong inside her ears, and skin looks good, but ears have always been itchy (no infection, no real gunge, but sometimes a bit waxy, which is normal for cats anyway). Itchiness can be Just One Of Those Things, apparently, especially in older cats, but like wot I said she's always been that way.

    Vet doesn't want to anaesthetise her at her age - 15 or 16+ -, for an op to sort the ear flap out unless absolutely necessary. He thinks there is a chance of it healing normally if the blood is drained. That will be on Wednesday, possibly with light sedation.

    Meanwhile, he wants to get the inflammation down first, so he cleaned the ear out (well both ears actually), and there was a bit of wax in the hurty one, but not abnormal. He also put a squirt of corticosteroid stops into the ear and around the inner ear flap to reduce swelling, and gave her a short-acting corticosteroid jab, plus a long acting antibotic injection (Convenia, which lasts two weeks and is v. good for skin problems.)

    Poor old girl, the emergency vet told me on the phone she would probably need an op, so she had nothing to eat from last night till we got back from the vet around 10.30 am this morning. Making up for it since, though, which is nice as she is normally a lacklustre eater.

    She seems to have forgiven us, and is very affectionate, but a bit whingy.

    Keep fingers crossed the procedure on Wednesday works, and she won't need an op. Hoping against hope they won't put an Elizabethan collar on her, but not holding my breath.

    Stripey is very touched by all your good wishes, vibes and furfles.


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Small boy in third row (U2247664) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Mon, 02 Aug 2010 10:51 GMT, in reply to Rusters in message 39

    Ah, poor Stripey, doesn't sound much fun for her at the vet's today. Still it is at least hopeful news, that she may not need an op. Fingers crossed for Wednesday.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by dino (U13520517) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Just bookmarking - August already!

    good luck to all the poorly ones


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Aww poor little Stripey. Furfles to her, and I hope you've had a Sit Down And A Nice Cup Of Tea since you got back home. Stressful all round, but I'm glad she's eating. Everything crossed that the inflammation goes down, and that Wednesdays procedure does the trick. So. Deep breath and shoulders back for Wednesday, then.


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Ah Rusty, just popped in to see if there was any news; so glad you and Stripey are home safe - and yay for non-invasive procedures.

    Hm - strange about the itchyness, isn't it? Hols has a slightly itchy left ear from time to time, and no one's ever been able to find anything. Still, you've obviously been managing Stripey's problem successfully till now, so hopefully this was just a 'blip'.

    I'm much less familiar with drainage than the op - will they bandage afterwards to prevent the pinna refilling? Hmm, I suppose an Elizabethan collar is a distinct possibility - do you have one of the less cumbersome alternatives that you might be able to use instead? (And am I asking way too many questions as usual?)

    Anyway, lovely that Stripey's home and tucking into supper/breakfast/lunch at last, poor cruelly-deprived little girl. Fingers, paws, and all other crossables crossed for Wednesday.


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Catwomyn -- just catching up after we ventured away for the weekend, and saw your message in the July thread.

    Well, Buffy still not too thrilled about Buddy, she comes in via the window in the living room (won't use the back door and back garden because, if you remember, there is a thug cat that patrols the back area, not that Buddy is too bothered by it) and sits on the table and glares at him. However I think she is now coming to realise that he is here to stay, and also I have got some Feliway,I am still feeding them separately and letting them sleep in separate rooms. But I am sure they will come to some accord as they are both lovely.

    My sister's kittens are very sweet, both completely black and about 3 weeks old now. I was prepared to take one as arranged, even though it would have been tricky with three of them in a small house. Actually it's not that there would be 3 it's that one is Buffy and I don't want her to run away because she feels outnumbered. But another friend is keen to have "my" kitten if I don't really want it, so she can take it and then things should work out ok. She lives in a bungalow in the country so just right for a cat.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Sorry Rusters, meant to send my best for Stripey.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi Archie, glad to hear relations are slightly improving with Buffy and Buddy. And thanks for the update re sister's kits, and that the 'spare' little one has a home.

    We're cat-sitting for the neighbours this weekend. I think they think I'm a bit odd - they asked very nicely if we'd mind, and I clapped my hands and said ooh yes please, as if it was a treat... their cat is very very sweet and friendly.

    Cat x

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Mitch (U8863023) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Just bookmarking, thanks for opening Jo Bo. Mr Mitch and I have been on holiday Willow and Sox were in kennels. Sprung them yesterday I think Willow is in shock, she was following us around yesterday. Otherwise all well here. Gave up on the July thread because there was about 300 messages when I got back.

    Love, furfles and tummy num nums to all.

    Mitch x

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Hi Mitch

    I hope you had a good holiday, and that Willow and Sox have recovered from their shock by now. I know, they do make you feel guilty don't they? And yes, I sometimes throw in the towel when I've missed more than a few days. I can't believe how the thread grows so quickly.


    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Very quick catch up as I'm only just in from the horses (no problems with them, just a very late appointment for saddle fitting).

    Rusty, poor Stripey. I hope the draining goes well on Wednesday, good that the locum vet didn't want to operate at her age though.

    Bash, poor Valentine, too. It's so distressing when they're pulling their fur out, Gomez sometimes does the same and I hate seeing him stressed.

    Suze, kitten photos are compulsory....

    I'm off to bed now.

    Incidentally - nearly forgot. Not cat related as such (although I nearly forgot, too, to report that I should be getting grey cat this weekend or next). I have a proper, permanent job smiley - smiley It's a bit further from home than I really wanted to go, and not such good money as I was hoping but I should get a couple of pay rises by April which will help. It's a great job, it's the permanent version of the one I'm doing as a contractor at the moment. It's a much better job than I was doing last year - more "me" - so I'm dead chuffed to have got it.

    We may have to starve to death if the yard cats (what am I saying - "if"?) are to be kept in the manner to which they have become accustomed..... Ah well, I still need to lose some more weight. smiley - smiley

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Small boy in third row (U2247664) on Monday, 2nd August 2010

    Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:33 GMT, in reply to AelM in message 49

    Well done, AelM, really pleased for you.

    Report message50

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