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October 2010 Cat Club

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 1027
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Welcome to the September ML Cat Club, the place to chat about cats, exchange information, seek and share advice and support about all things cat related. There’s a huge range of experience here, and whatever the query, we usually manage to come up with some suggestions.

    But please note, one of the most frequently posted pieces of advice is, ‘Take your cat to the vet’. None of us claim to be veterinary experts, and no vet would diagnose a problem via a message board. So if you’re really worried about your cat’s health, please get him/her to your vet asap, and maybe come on here afterwards for advice and support on treatment. But if you’re not too sure whether it’s urgent or not, feel free to ask for an opinion. Most regular cat clubbers are here, dipping in and out, 24/7, so you shouldn’t have to wait long for a response.

    Other threads you might want to visit;

    Feral/Stray Cats:

    Good Food for Cats no. 1:
    And no. 2:

    Pucci's Feline Diabetes:
    This thread is now closed and for reference only. It is a wonderful resource for those with diabetic cats.

    Cats should look here: Cats’ lounging about thread (ceilidh) – a place for cats to have their own fun, without their slaves cramping their style.

    And another, which we frequently point people to, is Bash’s introduction protocol, a really good way of introducing a new cat into a household of existing cats – well worth a read, and it is highly recommended by those who have used it:

    And a link to the cat club rota, because we can always do with more volunteers to open a new thread:

    And a new link to a thread that's open for all animal lovers to post photos of their four-legged friends (or even stick insects if they want):

    And finally a link to the September CC thread in case anyone needs to look back at info:

    These are some external sites that have been found useful:

    Re legislation in the UK in terms of caring for an animal properly:

    Dr. Pierson (guru on nutrition and other feline information):

    Tanya's Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Centre:

    Hope all the links work!

    Billy Boy and Astrid have had a very exciting day, with two workmen fitting new doors and windows. There was an awful lot of noise, but lots of exciting things to explore when they went for lunch. The cats can now see out of the French window even when they're on the floor. My office was a very useful refuge for them and they even had breafast in here. Normal service will not be resumed until next Wednesday, so it's a good job they're not scaredy cats.

    Purrs and furles to all for October, especially poorly cats. Let's hope Athene and Roots can get back on line and look forward to having Rusty back.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Thanks Lareine

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Thanks LaReine-Astrid for opening the October
    Cat Club.

    Also since Rusty had suggested adding the animal portraits thread/link, here it is.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Portia Antrobus (U14257929) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    It's there, Rosalind...........

    And a new link to a thread that's open for all animal lovers to post photos of their four-legged friends (or even stick insects if they want):Ìý

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by dino (U13520517) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    bumping - October? never!

    only 2 months til Bertie arrives too.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Thank you for opening up, La Reine. Can't believe how this year's flown.

    Glad Billy Boy and Astrid like their new window -you will have nose marks at cat height on your on it in no time at all. Something we are all familiar with, I'm sure.

    Furfles to all poorlies from us too.

    Jones and Milli have had an awful week. A visit to the v.e.t. for their annual jab, a worming pill, and a flea-ing. We thought we'd get the whole lot done at the vets, let them take the strain.


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Just popping in to bookmark, I'm totally worn out (and have a repeat performance tomorrow) but will update on all mine tomorrow evening.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    First chance I've had to look in today - hasn't it been busy? 1015 posts on September's thread too - and it was a short month. Phew!

    LaRA, thanks for opening up - especially when you've got so much other stuff going on. Lucky BB and Astrid with their new-view windows.

    dino, the little fella has a name. Bouncing baby Bertie! So he'll arrive late Nov/early Dec then? (sorry if you've covered this on the Sept thread, should've caught up first, I know). That's good: time to get him settled in before Crimbo.

    ali, give my commiserations to Jones and Milli - tell them it was worth getting it all out of the way in one go.

    AelM, you got her in then? Now you can relax [Hahahahahahahahaha! -Ed] till tomorrow.

    Furfles to all. Just going to check on the end of September.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Aww, For some reason that sounds unbearably sad...

    (yes, I should get out more)


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Mitch (U8863023) on Thursday, 30th September 2010


    Thanks for opening up LaRa. Can't believe its October already. Willow and Sox are fine. Sox is not a happy bunny having to be pilled, but if it keeps her kidney function up then she'll need to lump it. Willow has taken to killing her cigar on a regular basis.

    Love and furfles to all.

    Mitch x

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Just bookmarking too. Yes, autumn is definitely here as the cats become fluffy indoor cats and the horses are sporting colourful (albeit mud-smeared) rugs.

    Love to all humans and furries.

    Jo x

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    May I be permitted a teeny bit of cross threading? Well not cross threading really - just back threading to September:

    G-AC, oh that's so lovely - to hear about Emily shouting for her grub that way. She sounds like such a sweet, feisty girl - and you describe her so vividly, I really feel that I know her. Give her (and Jasper) an extra cuddle from me.

    glo, I hadn't thought about the rain-equals-predator-cover thing with ducks, but it makes sense when you look at it that way.

    [Oops, off topic. Back to cats:]

    Gil, the IBKC is my all-time favourite website. I want Charlene to come and live with me, she is such a poppet. And as for the dear little kittenses, waaaaah!!!Ìý Isn't it wonderful, Cat? The pics are all so candid and cleverly shot, and the potted histories are witty too - and such good work! I often go there if I'm feeling a bit down, and it never fails to make me smile.

    And speaking of feeling down (how's that for a segway?) the cat's were in by 7:00 this evening. I can't bear the thought of all those loooong winter nights to come. Sorry, but the prospect of Christmas in no way mitigates the the horror of having four bored cats winding each other up just for the hell of it. For the next five months. Sigh.

    Hang on. Christmas in three months time? Blimey, I haven't got the sprouts on yet...


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by LooseWheel (U2499574) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Bookmarking too, though technically it's still September, at least for the next 2 and a half hours. So sorry I've been absent from the CC for the last couple of weeks - just lack of time I'm afraid. MT no longer visits, and Poppy is fine (and it has to be said, much happier for the absence of MT). When I get the chance I'll have a proper read through, so that I know how everyone's doing, in the meantime, commiserations to those with poorly pusses, and cuddles to all the well ones.
    LW x

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    Just popping in to say Hi. All well here. It will soon be a year since the first signs of Jasper's hypothyroidism appeared. What a difference a year makes - he's in superb condition now with a healthy weight gain and a beautiful thick coat. Tilly is a poppet and such a talker. Just wish they were friends, but we have mutual tolerance most of the time, so I'm not complaining. Love to all.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Thursday, 30th September 2010

    replying to Gil H in message 12:

    Emily and Jasper will certainly appreciate your cuddles when I pass them on, thank you. I think she prefers the duck version of her SD to the chicken one, though that will probably change any day now. May give them "real" chicken tomorrow.

    Emily very sweet and pretty, but extremely strong-minded, and like all cats she is aware of her rights (as she sees them). And demands them.


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Just mookbarking (thank you Mr T) so that I don't wonder why no one's posting about their cats anymore. Week off coming up so am happy that I'll be around much more in here. And ting. I may have all of my guys vaccinated in situ next week, on Dr Young's suggestion, so instead of paying even at cost for 12 visits, the head tech comes here. Not to mention the stress and taxi journeys and time and carriers. I love my vet. Hope all are well, love Basia and the Brooklyn 12. Bx

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Just heard from the vet about the tests that are going to be run - now, where is the best street corner to start selling my body? Should I sell it by the pound or the kilo? Scary stuff, the way the vet can just say "oh, you're looking at a bill of xxx" without seeming to bat an eyelid. Ho hum. It's only money. Sob, sob. As long as they find something (treatable), I don't actually care.

    It is definitely autumn now - it's raining hard, blowing a gale and all the cats took one look at the weather when Baldrick woke me up at 4.30 this morning and trooped back to bed with me. I was allowed about 2" of bed space while the cats piled in around me. Still, at least they're not outside chasing wildlife. Unlike Pebble who was straight up onto the barn roof, despite the wind, and was last seen enjoying the wind ruffling through his fur. He's very odd....

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    So the vet is off on a nice holiday this year, AelM?

    Love to all CC furbags

    Cat x

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by smee (U2226513) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Fri, 01 Oct 2010 08:36 GMT, in reply to Gayer-AndersonCat in message 15

    and like all cats she is aware of her rights (as she sees them). And demands them.Ìý

    Way to go Ems. :¬)

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Oh AelM - *!*$#!*!! Yes, I know it's only money, but the world seems to set such store by it. I mean, try saying to your vet, 'Hey, it's only money - okay to pay you later on... sometime...?'

    As you say though, if it'll lead to getting Rash sorted.

    I have a really manic day today. ALL I needed was to be able to let the cats out for a good run round before I shut them in for the day. Guess what? It's chucking it down. Pie, Pickle and Holi are bouncing off the walls (well Pie &Pickle are mostly glowering - Holi's doing enough bouncing for everyone), and Pearl's vanished in search of waterlogged birds - no doubt she'll be impossible to find when I need her indoors.

    Oh and Something Heavy's just blown down outside.

    And I think I'm starting a cold.

    Grumble grumble grumble...

    Love to all cats and their servants. Hope your days run smoothly.


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Just bookmarking. Let's hope October's a better month for the Field household. I'm really starting to consider getting a new kitty soon.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    I can't quite believe it's October now, where has this year gone apart from too many visits to the vet.

    Marmalade's out in the rainy garden yet again,
    quite why she seems to like it, I don't know and
    Mischief stays indoors. She's been pigeon-hunting but has never caught one.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Ooh Brooke, I do hope so.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Just bookmarking and hoping to be around a bit more in October than the last few months.
    Libby very healthy and contented these days, bless her.

    Love to all furry purries and their loving servants.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by yellowcat (U218155) on Friday, 1st October 2010

    Fri, 01 Oct 2010 20:12 GMT, in reply to supertillypops in message 23

    Also just bookmarking.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hope all cats and servants are well.

    Marmalade's been chasing pigeons, squirrels and leaves all unsuccessfully but she knows how to maker Her Rosalind LOL LOL
    Mischief is fine just extra clingy today, might
    be because I went out to dinner with my Dad
    last night. (it's fun)


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by yellowcat (U218155) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Sat, 02 Oct 2010 10:47 GMT, in reply to RosalindF in message 26

    Juno was extra mad last night and this morning jumping about and dashing from room to room. We have just had a thunderstorm and she has calmed down at last and gone to sleep.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hi all

    All these bouncy cats - our two are just lazing around yawning. Blighters.

    Brooke - I do hope you get a new kit soon, just as long as you're prepared to be a slave...

    Furfles to all furries, healing vibes to all poorlies. xxx

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hi everyone: just bookmarking.. Working this coming week, so may not be around.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Wishing all cats and humans a healthy and happy October, with extra get-well furfles for all poorly cats.

    Milly and Des had their six-monthly Program jabs today with a check-up thrown in; Des now weighs a whopping 6.98kg (Milly is a somewhat more delicate 3.96kg). The vet went, "Blimey!"

    However, she didn't seem worried. Last time he was weighed a different vet said he wouldn't like to see him go too far over 6.5kg, but then again he didn't want him under 6kg either. Des doesn't look fat, though, just - really, really big.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Portia Antrobus (U14257929) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Eliza - wah hey - haven't seen you around for a while.

    I know what you mean about weight. Both of mine are around 5 kg. For Ferdy, that's a bit on the light side, and for Sophie - well - she was just under 4 kg when she arrived about 2 years ago and is now quite a spherical young lady. Having short fat hairy legs doesn't help either.

    She does eat more than him for sure and he positively bristles with nervous energy. They're both due for their jabs/check ups within the next month or so and I'll be interested to see what the vet(s) have to say this time.

    A furfle to Milly and Des from me and mine.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    It's very quiet in here - where is everyone?

    Thinking about a new cat for chez Field. Is there a sort of protocol for introducing a new puss to the house? I seem to remember confining George to one room for a few days until he taught me the error of my ways by trying to dig his way under the doors. And we kept him indoors for a few weeks.

    Any other suggestions?


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by gillsquared (U14544294) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this thread so apologises if I'm going to hash over old ground.

    I have two cats; one, Dean, is overweight and has had his weight supervised by the vet for some time. However, it's a real struggle and, though he lost a bit at first, he's plateau'd for ages.

    There are two main problems: his sister Pearl, who isn't overweight so we have to feed them separately, which is a right pain. And his total lack of activity and general slug like persona, now it's getting colder he barely shifts other than to pop outside for a very quick whizz.

    Anyone got any tips on weight-watching cats?

    Feline hugs


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hi gillsquared, and welcome to the Cat Club!

    No personal experience, but my friend Lynette had the exact same problem:

    The main thing is to eliminate dry food as much as possible, and feed good quality wet. I'm sure someone will be along with specific advice soon.

    Love to Dean and Pearl from me and my gang, Pie, Pickle, Pearl and Holi.


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by gillsquared (U14544294) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Thanks Gil - another Pearl! Maybe they should get together....not really, my Pearl loathes other cats. I'll have a read of the blog.


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Oops, forgot to mention excercise (I'll get drummed out of the CC if I'm not careful!).

    Lots of excercise: laser pointy things seem especially popular (though my lot aren't keen, I'm afraid); feathers on string; scrunched-up paper balls: anything that they like, which will get them moving (thinking of Dean especially, but it will be good for Pearl too).

    I confess [whispers] that apart from Holi, my lot would prefer to be wheeled round on little trolleys, so I do sympathise with Dean and his, um... laid back attitude smiley - smiley

    Just being nosy now, but would love to hear a little more about D&P. Outdoors/indoors or indoors only? Ages? Colour?

    Have to shoot off now, but I hope we'll be able to chat again soon.


    p.s., My Pearl agrees with yours: she's not that keen on other cats either!

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Sat, 02 Oct 2010 20:32 GMT, in reply to gillsquared in message 33

    Could you get Dean to chase around after a laser toy? Laura had great success slimming down a neighbour's cat, who visited her, using one of those.

    I bought one for a ML friend recently in Pets at Ö÷²¥´óÐã and their stores keep them under the counter at the till as they were the most popular item to shoplift! At least in N-W England where I was at the time

    Dougal's Servant

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by gillsquared (U14544294) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hi Gil

    Mine are littermates, 10 years old, black cats. They are technically outdoor cats but, as mentioned, Dean hardly goes out in the cold. Pearl will do a tour of duty round the garden and sometimes sits on the back wall so she can hiss at other passing cats.

    Toys - yes, need to get them more interested. They had a laser toy but it seems to have gone AWOL - will have to get online and replace.

    love to you and yours


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by gillsquared (U14544294) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Thanks Dougal, I will check out the laser toys at Pets at Ö÷²¥´óÐã (I am in the NW as well)


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Sat, 02 Oct 2010 20:44 GMT, in reply to gillsquared in message 39


    I *am* in the NW but NW Scotland. This was a quick trip to Carlisle when I was in the Borders for a few days.

    D's S

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Oh, oh - really shouldn't be here... but MY Pearl's black too! Here she is in one of her more exuberant moments:

    Purrs from me and mine to you and yours.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    I'm back, permanantly I hope. Thanks loads to LaRA for opening this month. I owe you, so let me know when I can return the favour. Perhaps Dougal's servant could work out the rota, being an organising sort of servant (you said it yourself, Dougal)

    It may take me a while to catch up with all the news, so apologies for not being 'on the ball' with what's happening with everyone.

    Meanwhile I need advice. Pickle is being an absolute horror with Lucy. He just won't leave her alone. Where Brandy will walk past her with eyes averted and no confrontation, Pickle always gets too close to her, stares her in the eyes, and it ends up with a lot of swearing, fisticuffs and fur flying, and she runs away from him, which I don't think is the right thing for her to do, but I don't blame her. When I can, I avert confrontation by sort of distracting him and shooing him away from her, but I'm aware that I can't always be there when needed. She does get peace at night, when the Vandals are shut in the kitchen and she is free range in the rest of the house, but is that enough to stop her leaving home? Three cats, trying to work out the hierarchy. However do people with more cats manage?

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Athene (U14422798) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Hello all, it’s been a long time and it’s taken me forever to read back several hundred messages. My notebook did finally stop working and it was sent back to the manufacturer (thank goodness I took out the extended guarantee last year before it was a year old) and now it’s back and not making a noise like a helicopter at all!

    Flakes, it was very upsetting to read about Dora – such a loved little girl and what a touching tribute from Dormi. RIP sweet Dora.

    Gil, I was so sorry to read that you’d hurt your foot so badly and hope that it is well on its way to being mended. Your constant support of Benjy, and me, means so much. Ooh, just seen the photo of your gorgeous Pearl. Got any more?

    Big thanks to Rusty for posting about Benjy and Rusty you got it all completely right.

    AeIM, everything crossed for Rash’s treatment.

    A quick catch up on Benjy. He seems much better and hasn’t scratched his ear open for about two weeks now. His appetite has returned and he’s now back up to two pouches of the good wet stuff originally recommended by Rusty so he’s regaining some of the weight he lost while his ear was tormenting him. When we went to the RVC, his ear was smelling quite markedly and you could smell it the instant you walked into any room that he was in, but now I am delighted to say that it is not smelling at all. I was going to take him back to my vets for a check-up this week, but seeing as he is so much better in himself, I thought I would leave it until next week. It’s been nice for him to have a couple of weeks without being carted off to the vets. Whatever they think the next step should be, I won’t go down the surgical route until I have consulted with R. Allport first as they seem to think that they could help.

    I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of Benjy. You are all lovely.

    Brooke, I think some people recommend Felliway for introducing a new puss to the household but I’m sure someone else will be along to help you more than I can.

    Hi Roots, nice to see you back and ditto re someone else helping with your problem too.

    Thank you to laRA for opening up and for all your support too.

    Furfles to all.

    Athene x

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    I have never served three cats, but... I wonder what would happen if you moved their (unlaundered) bedding around between their respective different sleeping places...

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    Yeah, Roots is back, Eliza's come in to see us, and we've got a new member - welcome!

    Eliza - Kit (RIP) was a really big cat and he went up to 7.5kg without really being overwieght - just "well rounded", shall we say. And he stayed very active at that weight. He was just a very big boy.

    Gillsquared, I'm having a similar problem of overweightness with my father's new cat, who is also black (what is this with these black cats?) and is an indoor boy. Dad is very elderly , so doesn't get the cat moving much, and he (Bushy, not Dad) has put on far too much weight. At the moment, we're trying cutting out all dry food (some cats put on weight at the sight of a dry biscuit) and splitting his wet food into four meals a day. Am also trying to persuade Dad to get Bushy playing more, but that's an uphill battle...

    Roots, much sympathy. Billy has been like that with Astrid lately. Honestly, I don't think Lucy will leave home and all you can do is support her and make Pickle aware that you're not pleased with him behaving like that.

    As we keep them in at night, if, for example, Billy is being horrible to Astrid while we're all in the lounge, we shut him out and keep her with us. Sometimes, we even shut Billy in the basement for a "cooling down" period, and make sure Astrid gets lots of attention while he's down there. She gets to eat when and where she wants, has cuddles if she wants them (she's only cuddly when she wants to be), and just generally gets to rule the roost.

    As for dealing with multiple cat households, Rusty has solved the problem by dividing her cats up into small groups that get on well with each other. Thing is, you have a group of three, who can't be totally separated from each other, so compromises have to be found.

    AelM, hope your eye-wateringly expensive treatment for Rash will at least prove effective. (For any new members, Rash is a horse, but she's been accepted as an Honorary Cat Club Member!).

    Off to bed for me, it's almost 12.30 here in France.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by gillsquared (U14544294) on Saturday, 2nd October 2010

    She's gorgeous! Bit like my Dean (although he is twice the size..). Pearl is fluffy with a big Basil Brush tail.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by ali (U14257944) on Sunday, 3rd October 2010

    Morning cat peeps

    Eliza – your Des and our Jones are about the same weight then. Hurts my back to pick him up these days, and when he’s on my knee it’s like wearing a huge furry blanket. Glad they’re both OK.

    And hi Portia – furfles to your two, who sound as if they are full of beans. Good luck for their check ups.

    Brooke - I think the protocols are mainly for introducing a cat to another cat or dog, but someone may put me right on this. When we have a new cat, we make sure that they bring something with them that smells of their familiar home, for comfort. A blanket or a ‘t’ shirt belonging to a former owner, or something smelling of their mum. Then they need to have a place where they are utterly safe and not touched or lifted out of – a box is excellent, especially one turned on its side. This is their refuge. It’s nice if this is in the family room, if there are no other animals around, and then they can make forays into the new big world in their own time. It’s usually not long before they find a comforting knee to sit on. Good luck, and let us know.

    Welcome to gillsquared, and to Pearl and Dean (oh, I see what you did there – nice – made me smile). Poor Dean, he must really love his grub. No tips really other than to just cut down on his portions, and maybe get a laser toy, try and make him run around a bit for half an hour or so twice a day. That might get him moving a bit. Furfles to them both from us. Ah, just read that everyone else has mentioned laser toys too. Sorry for the repetition.

    Hi Gil – waves – love to Pie, Pickle, Pearl and Holi. What mischief are they up to now? Love your beautiful black Pearl – she’s gorgeous. And sorry about your foot, how ghastly. I hope it is getting better now.

    Glad you’re back Roots, sorry for all your problems. And poor Lucy. I don’t have any real advice on this problem, but I’m sure someone will have. The only thing is, we had a cat who was naughty sometimes, and his punishment was being excluded from the family room for half an hour or so. He absolutely hated it, and soon learned that when he behaved in a certain way, he was shut out. Much better than getting cross. Might work...

    Athene – I have been thinking about Benjy during my busy September (visitors, and more visitors), and I am thrilled skinny to read that he hasn’t scratched his ear open for a couple of weeks, and that it’s not smelly anymore. And he’s eating too, this is such good news. I feel so relieved for you, I know the anguish you go through when your cat is tormented in this way. Please give the darling boy a special, gentle and loving furfle from me.

    AelM – good luck with Rash’s treatment, a financial blow but she’s worth it. Furfles to all your furries.

    Jones and Milli have been back on the Atopica after our foray into the wet food world. We tried the lovely RC chicken with rice, they adored it, but after a fortnight their skin started to itch and erupt again. I feel gutted, and deeply guilty. So, back to the dried (Hills Sensitive formula) and they are now down to 1x25mg Atopica on alternate days. The itching has died down but there are little crusts on their skins, and Jones has one red nipple, but otherwise I think we're getting back to normal. The vet says they will always be on the Atopica, but probably just down to one a month or something. She says this treatment is effective by it's regularity. Sigh. But anyway, they are outside on this lovely October morning, playing in the gusty warm wind and chasing leaves.

    Furfles to all. xxx

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 3rd October 2010

    I haven't a hope of catching up after 48 hours but will try.

    Huge snork from me about the idea of pushing cats around on little trolleys - I think Gomez would like that idea very much and Morticia would sometimes, too. Speaking of whom, she's out in the pouring rain and will probably come in soaked through and shout at me to turn the weather off any time now.

    Athene, very glad to hear that Benjy hasn't been scratching his ear for a couple of weeks - long may that continue.

    Roots, just sympathy from here about Pickle and Lucy. I have a similar situation with Gomez and Ellis and all I can do is try to avoid them making eye contact if we're around. Difficult, but Ellis is quite often asleep in the spare room rather than the sitting room and Gomez tends to sleep in the sitting room. They are getting a bit better but we do still have huge arguments between them sometimes. Ellis has just walked in now while Gomez is asleep in the corner of the room and they've ignored each other which isn't too bad.

    Welcome, Gillsquared and Hi to Eliza.

    With the bad weather today (looks like I'd better make a start on the ark....) the cats won't be going out much (except Morticia but I do wonder about her sanity) which means I'll be in for an interesting evening. They'll be bouncing off each other later, I should think - and Baldrick will probably wake me up every half an hour demanding to be let out. He's sulking as he'd been in for pretty much 48 hours but made up for it by going out at 3 this morning and not coming back till about 5.

    Rash's tests... Where to start? For one thing, the scope (twice) and the scan )half a horse judging by the amount of winter coat that has been clipped off) showed nothing. Fortunately, that means no issues with her liver and they're 99.9999999% sure it's not kidneys either (one result to come back to confirm that). Mainly, the vet thinks she's got an abscess in her abdomen somewhere that the scan can't pick up and it's flared up, causing the peritonitis. It is definitely peritonitis again. So, the treatment is either 4 - 6 months of antibiotics with regular blood tests, or cut her open and see what they can find. The latter is not only very expensive (our vets are colic surgery experts so at least I know she'd be in good hands though) but also very risky. As I lost Rash's grandmother to colic before she could be operated on, it's something I'm in two minds about. I prefer the idea of 6 months of antibiotics and see how that goes.

    The vet did say that long term use may well get right to the root of the abscess and get rid of it. She also did say it might only stop the symptoms for two years - cheerful soul, that vet. So that's the route we're taking for now, at least, and see how things go.

    Meanwhile, I'm very keen to move my horses onto different grazing as at least some of this may possibly be environmental. Probably it isn't but there's always that chance.

    I just hope that we can finally clear this up completely - obviously I want to ride Rash again but, more important, I don't want her to be feeling ill or even just a bit off colour for any longer. She's not too bad in herself although the bad weather seems to have got to her (she is rugged up well as she's half naked now).

    So a pretty depressing day really - plus I didn't get her away from there till 6 so it was gone 8.30 before I got home, having been out since early afternoon and I was out all day yesterday so I'm completely worn out now. So much for a couple of quiet days off work....

    Morticia has just walked in - bone dry even though it's still pouring down outside. How on earth does she do it? She still has to walk down the path in the rain and I know she'd been outside as I just watched her come in through the door.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Sunday, 3rd October 2010

    Does Morticia have a little brolly?

    Sorry about Rash, I do hope you get to the bottom of it soon. There's a dear little foalikins at the farm where I'm working, I sometimes see her drinking milkies from her Mummy smiley - smiley

    Went to TomCat's yesterday and saw my pair. Doofus was very cuddly and sweet. Little Cat was pleased to see me too. They were in the bad books however, as TomCat had been out to the shops in the morning and upon his return, found the study door ajar (they're not allowed n there) and the dried food tin overturned, lid off, and with significantly fewer biscuits in than previously. Oh dear. Prime suspect is ginger, but with a little black sidekick.

    Cat x

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 3rd October 2010

    Awww, little foalie - I hope I'll (or rather, Ash) will have a little foalie next year. They're nearly as cute as kittens (but a bit bigger and a tad more dangerous).

    I think Morticia must have an invisible slave with a little brolly for her - it would be beneath her to actually carry said brolly herself. She's an odd one though.

    Oh dear, Cat, about the biscuit raid. Surely Doofus would never dream of doing such a thing though? He's so sweet and innocent....

    Report message50

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