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Stress Support Needed IV

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 2002
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Due to an overwhelming majority we're continuing this thread for a forth time.

    I started the first thread when I discovered that Mr C was suffering from nervous depression. I have found the support and help invaluable from all who posted. It is being continued to help those of us who post regularly to keep up the help, but is open to anyone who just needs support. It's also here for anyone who wants to scream, yell or cry and ramble on if life starts getting you down.

    Here's the link to the last thread and I'll link this to the old one.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Bumping this one up above the last thread.

    Have given the place a repaint, just to smarten it up a bit, but bean bags, comfy armchairs, sofas etc. all still here.

    Biscuit barrel full to the brim and tea, coffee, hot chocolate and other drinks all available.

    Make yourselves at home. :O)

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by starcaller (U14604624) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi chicken hot pot,
    Well, where do I start!
    Four years ago I had to leave my work place as was completely and utterly bullied by head teacher.

    Am so much better now.
    But oh, how I look back at that young me wanting to save the world... It sometimes hurts loads and sometimes its okay.
    Hope Mr C doing okay. x

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by starcaller (U14604624) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Biscuit barrel yes!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    From CHP's last post on last thread:

    "I'm always tied up on a Wednesday."

    I think that's too much information, CHP!

    Thank you for starting the new thread. The fact it didn't take long to get to 2,000 posts just goes to show how much it is needed and appreciated.

    Best wishes to all.
    Tatty xx

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi star,
    Four years ago I had to leave my work place as was completely and utterly bullied by head teacher. 
    Sorry about that. Bullying is *wrong*. I was bullied at school so know what it feels like. Not a nice place to be.
    Am so much better now.
    But oh, how I look back at that young me wanting to save the world... It sometimes hurts loads and sometimes its okay. 

    Didn't we all want to save the world and aren't the younger generation still trying? We can only do our best. If it doesn't work then it doesn't and we have to try and move on. Or that's what I think we have to do. Could be wrong.

    Yeah there's always a biscuit barrel in here and an endless supply of chocolate. :O)

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi Tatty,

    Glad you've found us.

    I'm always tied up on a Wednesday."

    I think that's too much information, CHP! 

    Tatty! What *could* you be talking about????? ;O)

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by starcaller (U14604624) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi chicken hot pot,

    Yep, agree, we have to move on. Trouble is its harder as we get older.
    But.. life moves on and you sometimes find yourself in a better place.

    Ahhh, chocolate!!

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi star,
    Yep, agree, we have to move on. Trouble is its harder as we get older. 
    Just one step at a time. :O)

    Is this enough for the time being?

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Must go to bed. It's midnight again here. :0(

    Night night and sleep well all.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by MrsGks (U14084771) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    thanks chp for starting this thread. Not supposed to be here - procrastinating.

    Still the lure of choccy biccies .....

    Waves to all


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Shallow Grave (U14307585) on Tuesday, 19th October 2010

    Hi All, new to this but living with a bucket load of stress that isn't getting any lighter.


    Any one else round here dealing with similar?

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Morning all and welcome to Shallow,

    Giggle may be able to help you better than I can, but she's not here at the moment. She's occupied with her little daughter.

    But, until she can help, just come in and let off steam. Rabbit on, if no-one's around we all do. :O)

    Breakfast out and ready for all, English or Continental along with the much needed tea and coffee.

    As I said I'll be tied up today - with work, Tatty. ;O) But, I'll be in and out when I can.

    Big wave to MrsG, hope you and yours are well. How's YGks doing?

    Morning to Star too.

    C U Later.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    HELLO, I said HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Chp........as Tatty said.....too much information......unless Mr C uses silk ties you'll have awful marks on your wrists!!!;O)))

    Shallo, what, exactly, is your OH going through at the mo apart from the PTSD? The PTSD will, with time, get better make sure meds are taken or changed if need be if not working, try professional counselling, it's not going to help with one session so keep trying, you may need to change coundellor as some of them aren't that good but the good ones are brillant.

    Try getting OH out and about, go for walks, even to the shops, ask don't tell OH to do things for you around the house, it will be a long hard rocky road for both of you love, maybe years of it but, and I do mean this, the situation will improve.

    Don't forget about yourself either, have time away from it all even if it's only an hour in the bath with strict insructions to all who share your home that you are NOT to be disturbed, you'll be no naffing good to anyone if you crack up!!!!

    TTFN and heres the pineapples and paxo for the use of.........they will be of GREAT help, that and seeing the funny side of things and there's always a funny side beleive me there is!!

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    HELLO Giggle. :O)

    Thanks for popping in as I know that Mini is taking up most of your time at the moment.

    Finished teaching for the morning, had some lunch, but have got to zoom out before I teach later this afternoon.

    Will return when I've finished work.

    Take care all.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Shallow Grave (U14307585) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Hello Giggle....

    PTSD & Accquired Brain Injury as the result of a crash some years ago.

    The major effect of the ABI is bizzare - he finds it very hard to lay down new memories. While he was on pain & sleep meds it was put down to the drugs, but three years drug free and it is still there. Like living with a gold fish. And it's exacerbated by stress, so any kind of mention of it makes him upset and therefor less likely to remeber things. As does my reminding him that he forgot something. Catch 22.

    It's hit and miss, sometimes he will remeber stuff, sometimes not. He hates anyone to know about it, but I have had to warn all our friends that, for example, if they phone he may or may not remeber they have called.

    When he goes out we have a regular circus of him forgetting his wallet, telephone, keys, shopping list and occasionally where he is going. He gets madder and madder and if I say anything he becomes defensive and I have to be nice to him while screaming inside.

    It's like groundhog day.

    Also, he forgets to tell me things and then says that he has.

    On the positive, he is a lovely, gentle, intelegent man. We share common interests and have some wonderful times together.

    He saw a shrink for three years to no avail, indeed he positively opposed to any suggested coping strategy. This includes writing things down or using check lists. I want to jump up and down on his head and scream "just try it you pig headed *!%$" But it's so hard to be mean to him, he can't help it and is well aware of his shortcommings.

    Enough! Just writing it down make me feel bad for him, he is the one with the muddled head not me.

    Thanks for listening.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Oh Shallow,

    That must be so hard for you. Especially as OH won't write things down to help him remember. As I was reading your post I thought Oh - lists. Obviously no go.

    Your right to tell friends or you might have found yourself without them. They need to understand that it isn't your OH being rude.

    Rant away. You'll feel better for just putting what you're holding in down "on paper" so to speak. I did for ages on the first instalment of this thread. :O)

    Will OH go for help from another source? Not necessary a "shrink"? I'm sure there is help out there, but being in France I don't know now how things work in the UK. That is *if* you are in the UK.

    We're hear to listen and offer chocolate, biscuits, tea, coffee and a hand to hold through the cyber stuff.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Shallow Grave (U14307585) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Oh CHP, it is so hard, yet I love him and can't immagine life without him. (well I can and it's vile)

    I struggle with my temper sometimes, but have to step back and see the bigger picture. Having a yell at him only makes matters worse. He breaks down and cries and I end up joining him.

    I am having a little cry now.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Here have a hand through the cyber stuff and hang on tight.
    I struggle with my temper sometimes, but have to step back and see the bigger picture. Having a yell at him only makes matters worse. 
    Now, this I can relate to. Mr Chp suffers from Bipolar and when he's down he's DOWN. Nothing gets done, he's ratty and starts yelling.

    Before the ratty ness and yelling, the not doing anything starts to get to me and I start getting annoyed. I have discovered that yelling gets us nowhere. In fact it makes both our lives WORSE.

    You're going to have to *try* to hang on to the temper and take it out on someTHING else. But take it one step at a time and I'm talking baby steps, not giant ones for mankind. :O)

    Just got to go and check the dinner, but I'll still be in and out. Plus you've got my hand. ;O)

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Shallow Grave (U14307585) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Thanks for being around - what's for dinner?

    I am roasting a duck to be served with sweet potato mash, green beans and puy lentils cooked in home made chicken stock.

    He has some physical disabilities from the accident and gets frustrated when he can't do stuff (bending, kneeling, running, lifting, sitting for long, standing for long, writing and taking change in his hands, reaching anything above shoulder height), but I HAVE TAUGHT HIM TO COOK! It's slow and fraught with danger but so satisfying for us both when he produces a meal.

    Life with brain boggerd men!

    I too must dash now - ting and ting -

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Chicken and mushroom pie for us.

    Glad to hear that OH cooks.

    Must go or this pie won't get cooked.

    Take care and pop in when you need to.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Wed, 20 Oct 2010 17:26 GMT, in reply to chicken_hot_pot in message 6

    Yeah there's always a biscuit barrel in here and an endless supply of chocolate. 

    Now that's too much information. Oh, I love chocolate, but I am turning over a new leaf.

    I have rats in the veranda, attracted by the winter bird feed which was better than the containers and the whirligig washing line I hung them from. They have chewed a hole in the door. I have to get rid of the food before I can call in the very nice readheaded female pest controller, and should I just get a new door, or claim it on insurance? I'll get my building expert in to tell me what I can claim for, and what I can't. I'm having my roof on the study bay window done by a treasure, but my new pension is now confirmed, so the worst of my worries are resolved. The chapel of rest is still an option for Monday, (though I was afraid he might have gorn orf) and the funeral is Monday afternoon. Maybe I should make some ham vol au vents. (Always wanted to say "We're burying him with ham" ) How frivolous! I loved him very much, but this is only his mortal remains and nothing to do with who and what he really was.

    One little teeny problem, a friend who was having a crisis and broke up with his girlfriend and I packed off to his family by the Thames, is coming to the funeral. I have since found out that he is somewhat similar to Baron Muchausen, drinks a lot (I knew that) and is quite violent and agressive which I didn't. It could be very difficult, but I have decided to play it by ear, not provoke him, but find out the details of his return journey, and brazen it out if necessary. I thought that by telling him the details I would avoid a bad fairy type incident, and although I told him the wrong day, it was accidental and I corrected it. He would only have shown up here when I was alone in a bad mood. At least I will have family round me, and I have done nothing to provoke him. He might just try and move in on me as a chief supporter, but I won't stand for that. If it goes pear shaped and all else fails, I will call the police. A strategy is better than a panic reaction.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Wednesday, 20th October 2010

    Hi Rwth,
    I have rats in the veranda, attracted by the winter bird feed... They have chewed a hole in the door. I have to get rid of the food before I can call in the very nice redheaded female pest controller, and should I just get a new door, or claim it on insurance? 
    Yes, to both parts of that!
    The chapel of rest is still an option for Monday, (though I was afraid he might have gorn orf) and the funeral is Monday afternoon. 
    Can I laugh? I doubt that he'll have gorn orf and anyway who's going to get that close?!

    I do hope that the friend doesn't cause *any* problems at the funeral or afterwards. If he so much as *tries* get the family to help and if that doesn't work, as you say, call the police.

    Do remember that cyber biscuits, chocolate etc. are all non fattening. You can eat as much as you like and not add a centimetre to you waistline. :O)

    The pie is now in the oven, with a bit of help from Mr Chp with the pastry topping.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Thursday, 21st October 2010

    A very early Good Morning to you. Or it is early in the UK. It's 8.25 here.

    Have just taken Mr Chp to the main station to catch the express up to the smog. Only snag was that the kids were being dropped off at school either by loving parents or by coach. One of the schools being near/next to the station. Cor talk about jams!

    Also it's freezing cold out there. The car heater wasn't giving me any *hot* air until I got home!

    Breakfast out and ready for any early risers, full English or Continental with tea and coffee as usual. Just help yourselves.

    Hope everyone has a good/reasonable day.

    C U Later.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 21st October 2010

    Hello and thanks for brekkie Chp.

    No heating in the car until you got home? Desighned be men to make women's lives EVEN more diffucult than they need to be!!!!;o))))

    Shallow, with head injuries it's a hard one to live with and the after effects are hard to predict, shame the head doctor your OH saw wasn't much good, I've had ones like that in the past, case of trial and error really.

    As for the mood swings, well, that's to be expected, not easy for you to deal with but equally as hard for OH as well, you look at him and he looks the same, sounds the same, walks, talks the same but he's not the same and he never will be the same person he was before.

    Walk away when you get frustrated and if he won't keep a to do list/reminder note book, than if you have time, than you do it and leave it where he'll find it or tell him where it is and just phrase it along the lines of *There's a few things I need doing love and I've made a note of them so if you have time and wouldn't mind could you do them for me and tick them off when you've done them so I know it's been done? Thanks love I appricate this*.

    That may be away around it for you and for him and than he won't feel he's being *got* at and you'll know things are getting done/being remembered.

    Come in here and sound off when you need to, that's what we're here for after all and don't feel bad about doing it either.

    Rwth glad things are coming together for you and that the money situation is sorting itself out for you, one less thing to worry about!!!

    TTFN and see ya later!!!!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Thursday, 21st October 2010

    Hi giggle,
    No heating in the car until you got home? 
    The engine didn't warm up enough until I was home to produce hot air! It's not far from home to the station, but not quite near enough to walk. Or not early in the morning on a freezing cold day.

    How's Mini doing at the play centre?

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 21st October 2010

    She's enjoying it love, I take her on Monday for Gymbroee and Thursday for Rhyme and Story time, the fist needs booking the second doesn't, the fist one is an hour the second 45 minutes, she's making friends as well and I'm getting to know people as well which is always good.

    Knackers her out which is another good thing, this morning I got 2 loads of washing done and cleaned the bedroom windows inside and out so it's just the balconey windows to do which I'll do one day next week.

    Yeah, all told Mini's enjoying herself at the play things she's going to and they're free which is even better, a lot of the nuseries charge for these kind of things and with one wage coming in I can't afford many of them!!

    See ya later!!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Thursday, 21st October 2010


    She's getting a good start for Nursery. I used to take my a couple of my charges to a pre school play centre and they loved it.

    Gym was the one they loved the best.

    Mr Chp's rung he'll be home at about 3.00/3.30, he's having to get a stopping train and they take *hours* - poor chap.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Thursday, 21st October 2010

    Hi All
    Had a good day today having had a big row with OH last night. Started over something really trivial - like most do. This morning he was all sweetness and light, like nothing had happened. That's OK but a "Sorry" would be nice!

    Anyway, went out for lunch with friends (had day off from work) and it was great - chatted and gossipped for hours.

    Sounds good, Giggle that Mini is enjoying meeting new people as are you.

    Hope you are OK today, Shallow. Rwth; you and the family are still in my thoughts.

    Wave to CHP and everyone else.

    Tatty xx

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Friday, 22nd October 2010

    Morning all,

    Breakfast ready, or sort of, haven't really woken up yet.

    Tatty, sorry you had a row with OH, but pleased to hear that you got out with friends for lunch. Those rows are always more tiring as they probably shouldn't have started in the first place.

    Better get on. Still in my jimjams and I'm teaching later.

    Have a good/reasonable day all and will C U later.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Friday, 22nd October 2010

    Good evening! Things calmer chez Tatty. Having spag bol tonight (not very imaginative, I know, but I have been working all day). Anyway, when I got home OH had done all the prep for it (as in chopping onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc) I felt like one of thos chefs on the telly who just reach out for ready prepared ingredients in little glass dishes! Maybe it was his way of making amends but I appreciated it and he has been pleasant and chatty (makes a change!).
    Hope everyone else has had good/reasonable day.

    Tatty xxx

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Friday, 22nd October 2010

    Sound like a peace offering Tatty. Better than nothing I guess.

    We had a couple of ducks legs for dinner. Think Mr Chp has got a thing about turkey, chicken, duck and now guinea fowl. He came home from the supermarket last week with a duck and a chicken. Jolly nice they were too.

    But, this morning he came home with a couple of small guinea fowl and another chicken for in the week.

    Plus he's bought *more* baked beans. We've had them for the last two Saturdays. Couldn't he have looked for something else??????

    Going to be a bit quieter for the next week and a half as it's the school hols. Won't do us any harm as we're both feeling pretty bush whacked. We'll be working here and there, but I'll make sure we also get some real time off too.

    Hope everyone has had a good/reasonable day and the evening has gone according to plan.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Saturday, 23rd October 2010

    A very late opening this morning, didn't have time before I started teaching to nip in to open up.

    Think it better be brunch this morning.

    Mr Chp is going in search of diesel this morning, apparently there's some to be had at one of the supermarkets again. Yippee.

    Got another student in a moment or two and then I'm free for the rest of the day. I do love the holidays. :O)

    Hope everyone has a good/reasonable day.

    C U Later.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Saturday, 23rd October 2010

    Hopefully the quiet day means a good one.

    Had a lovely lesson this morning first things, but my 2nd student didn't turn up. Thought he didn't have a lesson because it's the holidays. Why do I give them a timetable?

    Both of us had a snooze this afternoon and Mr Chp cooked us dinner. :O)

    Now watching TV and relaxing.

    Hope everyone else is having a reasonable evening too.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Shallow Grave (U14307585) on Saturday, 23rd October 2010

    Crep night last night, OH screaming and kicking till dawn.

    Work went well, the lad who had a total melt down on me last week was in a better mood and didn't threaten violence.

    The Lydil's tequilla is going down a treat.


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Saturday, 23rd October 2010

    Don't drown in that tequila Shallow.

    Glad you had a good day at work and nothing untoward happened. :O)

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Good Morning. Letting Chicken have a lie-in so setting out the breakfast. Not very interesting, though so you might wish she'd hurry up and get up!
    There's tea, toast with whatever you like on it; I have jam, marmalade, peanut butter or Marmite. And there's fresh fruit or tinned grapefruit.
    have a godd/reasonable day everyone

    Tatty xxx

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Morning Tatty,

    Thanks for my lie in. I've been up for awhile, but hadn't got round to dropping by here.

    Toast and peanut butter YEAH! Love peanut butter, I *can* get it here, but it's twice the price as in the UK so don't get it that often.

    Going out for a walk this morning, can't have the car as we still can't get fuel. :0( This is doing nothing for my photo gallery. But, a walk will do me good.

    See you late and have a good/reasonable day all.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Hope the day's been good/reasonable for all. Went for a lovely long walk this morning. Good thing I did really as it's rained all afternoon. Left Mr Chp at home as he wouldn't have wanted to do all that walking.

    Should have taken him with me. He managed to burn one of our non stick saucepans..... A set of 4, or they were a set of 4.

    He's now cooking dinner, now I just hope he doesn't burn that. We're having guinea fowl, with roast potatoes and leeks. Hope he's going to make some gravy too. He doesn't always, as he doesn't *do* gravy. :0(

    Hope everyone has a calming evening.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Just dropping in before bed and to say thinking of Rwth and family and hoping they all cope tomorrow.

    Thoughts and prayers for all who may be having a difficult time at present.

    Love, Tatty xxx

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Night night Tatty,

    Hope you've had a good day. Think we'll all be thinking of Rwth tomorrow.

    Sleep well.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Just to say I hope all goes well for Rwth and family tomorrow.

    Shallow Grave .... just a supportive post from me to say I doff my hat to you. You must need the patience of a saint. I'm sorry.

    Wave to Chicken and all who sail in this thread.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Hi westie,

    Glad to "see" you. Hope you and MrWestie are well. Must be going to bed soon, it's late here.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Yes, all is well thankyou Chicken.

    I'd lost track of you all .... I thought of you in the middle of last night but then forgot to check until now why the thread was so quiet! Doh!

    Night night :0)

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    Oh no, you didn't get lost *again* did you? I wondered why you hadn't been around. I'll have to start flagging you when we move onto a new thread.


    Mr Chp gone to bed, but not 100% tonight, but don't know why not. He may eventually tell me what's on his mind.

    I'm now off to bed for real this time.

    Night night.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    :0)) I hope MrC is ok in the morning.

    OH has been a bit quiet this evening and as you know with MrC I /knew/ there was something on his mind. He had upgraded the software on his phone this morning and as a consequence his own gps/ordnance survey map programme won't work with it .... he hadn't mentioned the problem!

    He's taken a Piriton tonight to help him sleep ...

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by MrsGks (U14084771) on Sunday, 24th October 2010

    just popping in to tell Rwth we'll be thinking of her and her family today.

    OH seems less stressed now, thank goodness. Been out for supper with friends - first time in months. Nice time had by all.


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 25th October 2010

    Just to say I hope all goes well for Rwth and family today.

    Sunshine and frost.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Monday, 25th October 2010

    Morning all, I had a lie in this morning due to it being the school hols. Mr Chp was up with the lark and wondering why I was enjoying a longer snooze. HOLIDAYS darling, remember them? Obviously not!

    He seems a little less distant, but not all here, I watch how he goes.

    Breakfast or brunch for everyone. I'd better get a move on before I start annoying Mr Chp.

    C U Later.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 25th October 2010


    Report message50

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