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MFC Healthy Eating 2nd November

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 104
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Shove, push, puff, pant - no, it's not me trying to get into last year's jeans, I'm just opening the door to welcome one and all to this week's thread for the discussion of all things healthy eating related.

    We have a new thread each week for anyone who wants to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or just make small lifestyle changes to achieve a healthier body and mind. We welcome everyone, all you have to do is post and you're in (though I know we have lurkers too ~~~~ waves to the lurkers!).

    Our only rule is that we don't mention our actual weights or sizes as we don't want to discourage anyone. I'm sure we've all seen people slimmer than ourselves bemoaning the tiny bit of flab they can pinch and they have as much right to be here and take positive steps to reduce it as those of us with more to lose. The beauty of this place is that we can't tell which group we each fall into!

    We have sister threads here in TVH, Katy's Cookbook for healthy recipe ideas:

    GEm's Cybergym for all things exercise and fitness related:

    And the Rota thread where you can sign up to open for us on a Monday evening or Tuesday morning:

    We're desperate for volunteers for November and December so don't be shy, there's no commitment beyond the opening post and if necessary someone else will even do the links for you!

    Our motto is Keep On Keeping On so if you see KOKO in a post it isn't an offer or request for hot chocolate on these dark evenings (tempting though it may be...)!

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    I've managed a maintain this week which is remarkable given the rubbish I've been stuffing myself with *sigh*. I think I've just about taken myself in hand though, yesterday I was a bit better and resisted scoffing the children's leftovers.

    We've got a family wedding to go to on December 4th so I've set myself a small target of losing 3.75lb by then to get me down to the next stone.

    KOKO all!

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Thanks for opening Puzzler. This is my last day of working a five day week until probably next February or March, I find food control more difficult on days at home than days at work so I am going to have to learn to control myself this month.

    Although the scales show a maintain for the month, the belt shows a decrease in waist by one hole, approx an inch, I haven't measured. I have exercised more so suppose that is kicking in.

    Yesterday it certainly looked as if this part of Snowdonia is shutting down the hatches ready for Winter. The half term tourists have all gone home, there are parking spaces on the streets and fewer people speaking English! I love it when it is sparkling in Autumn sunshine, but I may have to wait for that this year!

    KOKO making the good choices


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Puzzler what a lovely opening :0))) Thankyou.

    Sadly for me I discovered the other day that I can't get into the trousers I bought last winter and have had to resort to others which are comfy ... but as I mentioned on last week's thread I'm seeing the surgeon tonight with a view to finding out what he can do to rectify my knee. We were out for the day yesterday in our little camper and I couldn't bend my knee to get into the back of the cupboards at floor level. I nearly burst into tears. I hope an op will sort out the tear and all will be well afterwards.

    Both of my knees have been injured by simple actions ... over extending as I stepped out of the kitchen and the tear happened to the leg waiting to be drawn up into the camper as I stepped up! So it's not as if I can avoid doing the same again.

    Fingers crossed though.

    Sorry to moan, but .....................

    I'm a bit busy for the next few days with my sis in law over from Canada. I hope we all have a good week.

    ps Can I just draw attention to a rather empty rota for starting up a new thread each week. I will do next week if I'm here but I may be in hospital.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    S'done westie...

    I take it the horspital would be for elective surgery on your knee. If so, I hope you get a quick appointment, get the op over well before Xmas. Since last year I've had tennis elbow in both elbows, the sore elbows and the achilles tendon damage I incurred in March are only just settling into the no pain category. It is scary how small damagae needs to be to impact on your life.

    Not weighed myself yet today, will have a wander up to the bathroom when I'm feeling less cold.


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Tue, 02 Nov 2010 09:59 GMT, in reply to Primrose Path in message 5

    Oo-er, what a gathering of the walking wounded... knees, elbows, my intermittent spine... here's hoping for successful work to result in a more able and lively winter for us all!

    Now then... I've been being a news-hound this morning - not difficult as both these were sitting on the Beeb's front page.

    It turns out that a university study shows that, regardless of race/ skin colour, as a society (species?) we rate a face as "more attractive" if it has subtle specific colour levels... we prefer faces to have a higher level of red and yellow - sounds very Picasso, I know, but it is at such a low level as to be near-imperceptible by eye. One of those things that fascinate me, where our decision is affected by our primitive brain, the bits of brain that were active when we were hominids and early humans. It's the reason for lots of odd things which are the same across cultures, and this latest study looks at face colour-tone and concludes the increased red-tones come from regular exercise and the increased yellow-tones come from healthier diets causing chemical changes in the skin's composition.

    Also, regular exercise and eating healthily, but specifically feeling in yourself that you are a fit active healthy person, reduces your vulnerability to the Common Cold

    So... with MFC, the Cookbook and the CyberGym, here's to all of us blooming with healthy, with our Picasso-esque red'n'yellow faces and only Uncommon Colds this winter!

    Managed last night to avoid chocolate completely. Took treat-y nibbles to bed, but they were a very very small slice of fruit-cake and a small slice of Wensleydale. Excellent nibbles and far less bad than slabs of chocolate have been lately.


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Mabel Bagshawe (U2222589) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Perhaps it's time I started coming back in here - in the trousers starting to getting cosy stage now. Have slowly crept up to Y stone 6-7 from a pb of X stone 8 and am trying to take myself in hand before the other 3.5 stone come back too.

    Trying to train myself that it isn't inevitable and the weight loss wasn't too good to be true. I just need to avoid the multitude of biccies & sweets inthe office and bread at home and it should start moving (lots of stress at work not helping the control issues!)

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Mabel :0))) Lovely to see you ......

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    does anyone on here do Weight Watchers? I was listening to the today programme and Zoe something or other from WW was on saying that Weight Watchers have introduced a completely new plan which doesn't count calories any more and takes account of the calories you use chewing food(?????) Sounded a bit half baked to me and I was wondering if I had misheard as my take from members on here was that WW was pretty sensible and based on healthy eating techniques.

    Anyone else hear it?


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by SassieVicar (U11015741) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Hello. I am on my first week of Slimming World and it occurred to me, when hearing on the news the item about WW, that it sounds as though they are now going a similar route to the SW 'food optimising' one. Does anyone else do SW please? I am finding it reasonably easy (on the green plan) but can't believe I will have lost any weight when it comes to weigh-in on Thursday!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    *peers out from under pile of work*

    time to remind folk to drink some water smiley - smiley

    *raises pint glass*

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Lovely opening, Puzzler, and some great comments already. I'm still hovering... no great weight loss since summer and although I'm doing quite well, it all feels like 'maintaining' rather than losing the final 12-14lbs I would ideally like to lose. I too have a wedding on 4th December and right now, if I'd lost 3.75lbs by then, I'd be ecstatic. (Doesn't take much, these days.) That's how slow things have been recently.

    I find it much harder to maintain discipline in the winter months. I've got better at keeping up with the exercise, but the portion size also creeps up... and I'm acutely aware of how much I'm pining for sausages as Christmas approaches!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Lost, try the Black Farmer sausages .... low carb! and delicious.
    I used to have a recipe for cake that used prune powder instead of the black beans in the recipe above (well, last week)- and also one with grated courgette. Hmm. Will try to find them.
    The best thing about winter eating is soups rather than salads, I think. Tonight's is pumpkin and coconut with ginger and garlic. Followed by salmon and green beans. Yes, a friend coming to supper, not just me all alone.....
    And there was someone else I was going to reply to but I have forgotten now and can't go back without losing this.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Oh yes, it was that I also heard the article on the radio about WW changing the way they count food. It wasn't just chewing it. The example she gave was a plate of butter and a plate of steak. Butter goes straight into your system and onto your hips, apparently, whereas steak with the same number of calories takes quite a lot of those calories to digest, so is better.
    Isn't this something to do with all that GI / GL system?
    Me, I can count nothing. Except the ounces I gain or lose.
    Hoping to be in a new stone-zone for certain by next weekend -- I have been hovering.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Tue, 02 Nov 2010 17:21 GMT, in reply to message 9

    I was listening to the today programme and Zoe something or other from WW was on saying that Weight Watchers have introduced a completely new plan which doesn't count calories any more and takes account of the calories you use chewing food(?????) 


    I didn't hear that, but do you mean the WW ProPoints plan, GEm?

    It was introduced over here in Belgium about a year ago, each food is assigned a certain ProPoints value, calculated by taking into account the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats & fibres it contains. The number of Propoints you *must* eat up daily, and the extra weekly ones you're free to use as and when you feel like, depend on gender/age/height/current weight/activity levels.

    All fruits and most vegetables apart from very starchy ones are free; lean meats are lower in points than fattier types; wholefood products have fewer points than the more processed versions, and so on.

    No food groups are banned, but obviously, it makes sense to make wise choices on how you spend your daily "points allowance" + weekly extra points allowance.

    For example, a Danish pastry for breakfast at 9 points is do-able on a daily quota of 29 Points (like I have), but you're better off (i.e. it's healthier and you're likely to be satisfied for longer) spending the same number of points on say a boiled egg + 2 rounds (50 gr) of wholemeal bread + 1 tsp butter + yoghurt + banana + grapefruit + 1 glass skimmed milk.



    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Tue, 02 Nov 2010 17:25 GMT, in reply to message 10

    Hello SassieVicar, and welcome. Several people have follwed SW over the years here, and of course, we have our very own resident expert Dusty Substances, who achieved absolutely fabulous results by following their system, and is now a SW instructor herself.

    I'll see if I can find her for you.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Thanks Katy - she didn't say what it was called (in fact I thought she was pretty awful as a rep) but that sort of sounds right - yes the steak and butter bit I got but I couldn't work out what was different to now (based on my extensive experience!!!! ie reading Katy's stuff!)

    Katy - I only remember the stuff you used to do on here with pts and stuff and that doesn't seem really any different than the old system does it? Just using blue pts instead of yellow ones and 1 blue pt = 2/3 of an old pt for example. Hey ho - I suppose the new year is coming up so they have to have something new to get new people to sign on with the post christmas bulge.

    She didn't seem to want to say anything about the new system - so why come on the radio and why publicise it????? It did end up sounding faintly ridiculous but the way you have put it would have worked so much better!

    As you were then.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Katy, I heard the bit this morning on Pro-points and thought to myself that Katy has been doing that for some time now! I'm so glad the old brain is still functioning!

    I wonder what time Birdy was seeing the specialist ~~~~~ Mr Specialist* - we want our Birdy back able to use her knee, please help her.

    (*I know the specialist could well be female)

    Ana that soup sounds good, I should try to move out of my comfort zones of making my traditional soups - pea & ham, leek & carrot, leek & potato etc - and the one with no name - a whizz up of the left over roast veggies with shreds of the roasted meat in it, always goes down well.

    Welcome back Mabel, good to see you here. Regaining is NOT inevitable. I am now beginning to resist/refuse the biccies etc at work. One ploy is to say "Not now, I'll have one later" and later never comes. I have chosen not to say anything to most people at work about trying to lose weight and eat more healthily. Others take a different tack.

    Lost, I back Ana's recommendation of Black Farmer sausages, or you could try Laura's slow cooked sausages with pearl barley. It depends just what you are longing to eat!

    GuzziNut - come on out dear, too much work can be bad for you (ask me how I know? - I'm a sufferer too!)

    SassieVicar - what a great name, you are very welcome here. I know nothing of Slimming World so no advice for you there. I just try to follow the basics of GL eating, and generally healthy eating and more exercise.

    I have had a very cold afternoon, the heating packed up in my office. I sat there with thin gloves on doing my data entry and resisted the siren calls of hot chocolate for a redbush tea instead. I didn't get a proper walk today - too wet just some striding head up etc under an awning. I hope nobody was watching me go too and fro!



    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Tue, 02 Nov 2010 18:36 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 18

    I didn't get a proper walk today - too wet just some striding head up etc under an awning. I hope nobody was watching me go too and fro! 

    I was! I admired how good your posture was, with those ever-flattening tummy muscles held in nicely and head up not back, and I really appreciated your determination to get some fresh air and exercise even in weather like you had today!

    Well done, f-p!!


    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Hi everyone! Lovely opening, thanks Puzzler.

    Great to see Mabel again. Would agree with f-p that a regain is *not* inevitable. So you have crept up a little, well, you've acknowledged it and you know what to do. If you're like me, I bet even on the 'bad' weeks you are not eating as much (or as much rubbish, anyway) as you were when you were 3 stones heavier. You *can* keep this gain minimal, and start losing it again.

    Sorry to hear that work is stressy at the moment. Any chances to bob out for 20 minutes for a walk or summat? What other treats can you have around to eat instead of the biscuits? We all need treats!

    I had a *lovely* day today. No work, so walked into town (approx 5 mile round trip). Looking for flat, comfy knee high boots so I can wear skirts sometimes during my walks. Found - tick! Really really wanted to wear them on the way home - could've worn 'em under my jeans, but then no-one could see the gorgeousness, so went mad and bought lovely just-above-knee dress and tights. (Horrible hanging-over-me-since-June work thing that happened a couple of weeks ago did pay a wee bonus, and I was determined to spend some of it on myself!). Dress is soooo flattering, and really shows off the results of the last 18 months of healthy eating. Absolutely loved swinging home in it!

    Wishing you all a swingy dress-y blustery autumnal healthy eating week.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Hi SassieVicar!

    Katy called me over, and I'm delighted to welcome you to Slimming World! I hope you find it as fab as I have - I lost 8 and a half stones with them and now run 3 groups of my own.

    I lost my weight doing Green, and now do either Green or Extra Easy. Most of my new members are amazed to find they've lost weight despite never feeling hungry and eating lots of fantastic food. One of my new members had a five pound loss in her first week tonight!

    Good luck on thursday. Dx

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    "The soup with no name", Fire-Pig, was known by my husband and children as LOVE SOUP. The LOV standing for left-over vegetables. A total favourite after Sunday lunch when I was not about to make anything elaborate for supper.
    They still use the name .... a long time on .....
    And oh (dammit have lost the last post in replying to this one) was it Orange Pekoe? What an excellent sounding day with the new boots and new outfit and all to match and accentuate your new shape and size. WELL DONE YOU!! I hope you feel wonderful every time you put those-boots-are-made-for -walking on.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    I Love Love soup Ana, and think that might start here!

    As a child we had soup made with "Mummy's Brains and Miss Carey's Bones" Miss Carey was the only lady butcher on the South Coast, and our local butcher. Her hand was a dire warning what would happen if you didn't take care, she had lost some (? 1 or more?) fingers when learning to make sausages.

    Off to make my sleepy tea


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Wave to Dusty, and Katy :0)) ... a hovering Ana and a hovering Lost.

    Hello SassieVicar.

    Fire-Pig I'm back in one piece ... the consultant said that despite being sure I had torn something the MRI didn't really justify surgery and he suggests I up my exercises (good) and in particular get going on the Xtrainer which is gathering dust in the garage. I have done 5 mins on it and felt really good afterwards. 27 calories the machine said! What's that ... half a small banaana! It's good to know I haven't torn anything badly enough to worry about and I feel much better. He said to cut back on the anti inflams and see how it goes and return to him if necessary but he'll see me again in February. We think we might go to Holland as it's flat ... and get walking. We have a significant birthday next week (my eldest daughter is 30 ... I can't believe it!) and we'll begin to plan a little trip after that if all is well.

    OH has chosen this evening to crash .... maybe he had been worried about me and feels able to be less strong now he knows I'll be ok without surgery ... I don't know. Ain't life a funny old business.

    Well done OP .... a well earned reward I'd say. :0)

    Well done everyone else. Interesting as always.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    WS Birdy do you have a proper knee brace?
    Mine (after keyhole surgery) plays up occasionally and last year when I was in Finland I needed a brace ... not a rolly-up-tight-stocking-thing but a whatsit made of that stuff they make wetsuits from (oh yes, neoprene, as I typed that the name came back to me). They measured my knee properly and it has been a comfort and strength to me ... and I have just lent / given it to a friend who was here at the weekend and whose knee 'went' as we were walking down to town.
    I got something similar from B**ts last year when I broke my wrist so they probably do the knee ones too.
    Sorry if all this is irrelevant and old hat.
    But I do wish you and your knee well!
    xx ana

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 2nd November 2010

    Ana, it's not old hat ... yes I do have a knee brace which was very helpful before I began taking anti inflams .... they have allowed the knee to settle down a lot and feel more stable and so I have abandoned the brace which gave me confidence when it felt as if the knee cap was all over the place. My main problem at the moment is I can't bend it properly but I have some exercises to do and hopefully it will improve. My other knee took nearly a year to be well again, so fingers crossed, if not knees crossed!!

    Thanks for your concern :0)

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Good to hear the update, Birdy, and to have the encouragement from Dusty!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by puzzler76 (U3733897) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Ooh, what a lovely thread we've got so far this week!

    A shrinking Fire-Pig, a chocolate avoiding Laura, a returning Mabel in the same position as me - we will NOT allow those other 3 stones back on!,a starting out SassieVicar, a glugging Guzzinut, a hovering Lost also in the same position as me (it's taken me 10 weeks to lose 3.75lb so losing the next lot in 4 weeks is rather ambitious for me too!), ana on her way to a new stone zone, a puzzled GEm and a clarifying Katy, a wonderfully shapely and swingy Orange Pekoe, a visit from our own positive Dusty and long awaited knee news for Birdy - glad to hear you can get back on the crosstrainer!

    Phew, well done everyone, KOKO!

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    And well done Puzzler for producing such a positive post ... I've run out of words beginning with p :0)))

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Wed, 03 Nov 2010 07:57 GMT, in reply to westsussexBirdy in message 26

    My main problem at the moment is I can't bend it properly but I have some exercises to do and hopefully it will improve. 

    Got some of those oven gloves that are a long strip with a pocket at each end, Birdy? And two tins of baked beans?

    This is one of the best all-round knee-strengtheners going - normally I very deliberately Do Not post how to do any physio because everyone's dodgy back is dodgy in its own way and some exercises can harm one and heal another, but this one is, I'm told by physios, suitable for everyone who can walk.

    You have all kinds of very small muscles around your knee as well as the big leg muscles, and it's the smaller ones which stabilise the joint. This targets the most important of those.

    Sit on the floor with legs out in front of you, no shoes or slippers, barefoot or thin socks. Make sure you are sitting evenly and not tilted to one side. Remember how that feels as you need to keep it throughout, no tilting!
    Now, if you concentrate on really REALLY straightening your right leg, you will find that your heel comes very slightly off the ground, just a fraction of an inch. This is called hyper-extension and means you have actually over-straightened your leg - check you are sitting evenly again! You can use both hands to balance you a bit as long as it doesn't make you lean back or forward. Just how you were to begin. Now, with your leg hyper-extended, lift the entire leg up off the ground, just a bit - no Lullaby of Broadway dance-moves, just raise the entire leg a couple of inches upwards, as a whole, keeping that hyper-extension. Put it down.

    That is one repetition. Start with very very few, and no weights - be warned you may feel a muscle-ache the next day, but should feel no extra joint-pain. If you do, then stop! But if it is only muscle-ache, then it shows those tiny muscles are being made to work, and that's good.

    I would concentrate on doing only a few, even just two or three on each leg (always do both legs even if it's only one weak knee). Build up at your own rate until you can do ten each leg without having to really make a massive effort. Then the ovengloves comes in - wrap them round your ankle so the pockets hang down either side, and add tins to be homemade ankle-weights! You can use small tins of veg and work up to big tins of baked beans, or 500ml water-bottles with a bit of water, a fair bit of water, lots of water, full of water, but you do need it balanced, of course.

    When I started having to do these, years ago with very feeble knees (and how I recall that convincing feeling that the kneecap was sliding freely all over the place!), I was to do five each leg, each day and I can remember being sure I couldn't do the fourth but getting there eventually and then somehow managing a fifth - it is always better to do fewer but do them perfectly, than to do many but be raising the leg wrongly, or sitting tilted, or leaning forward or back or worst of all losing that crucial hyperextension as you raise!

    It is an excellent strengthener for those muscles which are so important but which are simply not used enough in modern life - if you think of how we evolved to be upright, it is interesting that they are used in things like rock-climbing, scree-running, tree-climbing, skiing and hiking on boulder-y slopes. But not really used enough to keep them strong in ordinary walking and day-to-day urbanised life.

    Sorry everyone for the very long post!

    p.s. I am adopting Miss Carey's Bones. I shall now develop a pearl barley soupy-stew made with stock from smoked ham ribs and shall call it Miss Carey's Bones, with a smile - poor woman, sounds horrific, but at this distance in time, it appeals to my sense of humour (types she, having designed and knitted four-toed socks for a relative who this year had both little toes amputated...)

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Thanks so much Laura ... I consider myself a practical person but I hadn't thought of using oven gloves and concocted a ridiculous leather stap/plastic bags with small bags of rice. Your advice and other suggestions are so helpful. Thanks :0)

    I happen to have a new pair of Lakeland oven gloves waiting ..... if you can get an order over a certain amount the postage is free, so I sometimes order in advance of when I need something. No problem when order a Remoska as that comes with free postage 'just like that!"

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Got to cook using my son's Remoska at the weekend. Greater love hath no Mum than she buys a Remoska to give away... It was great to use it.

    I'm saving my new Lakeland catalogue for my coffee break... hope to buy some Christmas presents from it. And they're opening a store in my local shopping centre too! (Not that I go /there/ very often if I can avoid it, as shopping in shopping centres makes me feel rather claustrophobic...)

    Just back from my morning swim: new changing rooms opened this week!

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Laura - I might have known you would be watching when I walked yesterday. Today is a whole new ballgame - a meeting this morning where I have to take the minutes, afternoon preparing a church budget for next year and then presenting it this evening. I was promised information earlier for the budget but didn't get it!

    I hope you enjoy your Miss Carey's Bones soup - she was a lovely lady. We moved from the South Coast in 57, but my parents remained friendly with her and she was absolutely delighted to be invited to my wedding in 70. I don't know whether she knew about our soup!

    Birdy, I am glad that you don't need surgery and that you now need exercise. Are you getting any physio for it? The exercise Laura describes sounds very familiar from times when I have had knee physio.

    Orange Pekoe, I missed your post last night - you must be feeling on top of the world. The walk will have done you good - but you wouldn't have wanted to take those boots out in our rain yesterday!

    I am back feeling down and full of headaches - seeing the GP again tomorrow. I had begun to feel that things were getting better but .... I try to keep going, just don't snap at me or I'll burst into tears.

    KOKO one and all


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Will a cyber-hug send you into tears? We're not going to snap at you, FP! You're ace. We love you. Let us know how you get on at the GP's and take it easy. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Glad to hear the boots' talk continues!

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Wed, 03 Nov 2010 10:23 GMT, in reply to LostInML in message 34

    Lost, I am in awe at your selflessness - giving away a Remoska?!

    Will a cyber-hug send you into tears? We're not going to snap at you, FP! You're ace. We love you. Let us know how you get on at the GP's and take it easy. Don't be too hard on yourself. 

    Let's hope a cyber-hug will cheer her and strengthen her, because she's getting one from me too!


    p.s. if necessary, remember the loos are a very handy place to nip into. Tell 'em you've got cystitis if they get nosy, and just go in and breathe in-for-four, hold-for-four and out-foooor-eeeeiiight. Not if you have asthma, of course, but if you have otherwise-normal breathing, that's a very good one, ime, to calm down feelings of rising panic and impending doom.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Ah, now I feel proud at being selfless, Laura, so I've just lost any sense of virtue at all!! It was a case of giving my son something practical or worrying that he'd starve. He has an anathema to gas cookers (long story... naked flames... trying to blow up the car by welding... a bit like your food processor story, I suspect!), so a nice safe electric Remoska meant he was able to cook when he went away to university and had limited facilities.

    I must admit, he's chosen well in his housemates this year: they all looked like they were coping admirably with cooking for themselves!

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Thanks Lost and Laura. I got through this morning's meeting OK, but did not find it easy. I have made a very basic budget ready for this evening's meeting. I have also made a sausage casserole. The main thing I haven't done today, that I should, is get out and walk. Sorry but that's waiting till tomorrow.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Wed, 03 Nov 2010 16:40 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 37

    f-p, I was so impressed with your determination yesterday that I gave you today off.... and tomorrow is only a very light amble, if you feel like it.


    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Wed, 03 Nov 2010 17:16 GMT, in reply to Laura in Lothian with quirky strange charm in message 38

    Hello all - sorry, have been absent for a couple of weeks. We were on holiday in Northumbria last week and had a fab time, with decent weather and visits to Warkworth, Craster, Embleton Bay, Alnwick, Cragside & Lindisfarne. Not as much walking as I'd hoped, but some - including a couple of soul-restoring wanders along the beach. Eating was a bit tricky, as we were out most lunchtimes and although I had soup and salad, I also had the odd sandwich "faut de mieux" (mods: for want of anything better), and I did fall foul of a couple of delicious cakes...) - plus the first bits of chocolate in weeks. Interestingly enough, I quite enjoyed the choc, but not overwhelmingly so, and found it easy to resist again after a couple of days. Was still away on Friday, so didn't weigh myself - probably a good thing.

    However, I am hopeful that at least some of the damage will have been reversed this week. On Saturday we collected our new (and first ever) puppy. On Sunday I was very wobbly and emotional, wondering if we'd done the right thing and if I could cope, and barely ate anything (couldn't manage my roast dinner, which is practically unprecedented...). Since then, things have been MUCH better, but there is still a small "nervous knot" in my stomach which is just enough to stop me feeling very hungry. On the other hand, I've not been out walking as much as I usually do, so will not have burned quite the usual number of exercise calories. Oh well, all will be revealed on Friday. And in the long term, once Midge is able to go out on his lead (not until Monday week), I'm really looking forward to walking with him (though it will only be for very short periods at first).

    Very best wishes to everyone here, and great to hear so much positive news. Glad to welcome Mabel back. Fire-Pig, so sorry to hear that you are feeling bad again - please accept my best wishes and hopes that "this too shall pass". Congrats to the losers, and here's to KOKOing.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 3rd November 2010

    Surprise surprise, this evening's meeting went far better than I had expected. My very basic budget was what they wanted. We are going to have to do a lot of fund raising to cover our costs but that's for another time.

    There were biscuits on the table - including chocolate digestives but not one passed my lips!

    I'm off to bed now, after what feels like a very full day, I've had a headache all day but I have got through to the end without actually breaking down in tears - they have been close, particularly when someone was so nice and concerned, but also when I was snapped at.

    Tomorrow the plan is work, visit the GP and look at the pile of ironing .... whether I do more than look depends on how I feel then!



    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Piles of ironing are enough to make anyone feel fragile, Fire-Pig! Glad the meeting wasn't as bad as you'd feared.

    I love Northumbria, Jules Bee, so hope you enjoyed your stay there.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    FirePig .. I hope today is a good day for you :0) I hope you don't judge the day by whether you get the ironing done or not .... that can wait if necessary!

    Wow Jules ... what a lovely holiday. What type of hound have you got? There's nothing nicer than walking with a dog for company. Assuming you haven't acquired a wolf hound and that your pup would fit into an oblong bag with sturdy shoulder straps you can go out walking with him or her in the bag tucked under your arm with his or her head poking out one end ... our spaniel loved doing that when a holiday in the lake district came before he was allowed to walk very far. We'd let him out every now and again to pee and have a sniff around. Now we just enjoy our daughter/son in law's daft spaniel. He looks remarkably like this dog ....

    My knee ... I'm not going to revisit the physio as I've been to him twice with this knee but more importantly, I saw him several times when I hurt my other knee last year. (I also saw a different physiotherapist under BUPA .. don't have that now that OH is officially retired .. who got me using weights [as per Laura] to help that leg straighten) Now that I know there isn't a tear in this leg I shall just combine their advice with Laura's advice, and gradually built up strength with those exercises and stamina on the Xtrainer.

    Hearty wave to everyone else .... have a good day.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Thu, 04 Nov 2010 08:06 GMT, in reply to westsussexBirdy in message 42

    Birdy... if there is not a definite and distinct improvement after two weeks of SLOWLY building up the stability and muscles, then please do see someone qualified - knees can 'go' in all kinds of ways and what was told you last year for your other knee may not help this knee this year, could even cause further damage. So go slowly and gently, resist that urge to overdo it (I remember that!) and keep in mind that you may need to see a physio... maybe check your footwear too as that can put a lot of strain on knees.

    f-p, someone snapped at you? They /snapped/ at you?!?! Right. Where are they? You just send 'em round here, chum. There's a horde of MFCers and we're rolling up our sleeves in readiness. You just tell 'em to come round here and snap at us!! I may not have lost much lately, but that means I can still put a fair bit of weight behind a swing... c'mere you snapper, if you think you're 'ard enough!! Snapping at fire-pigs, eh? What kind of person goes round snapping at fire-pigs!?! Disgraceful... In my young day... [retires muttering and mumbling]


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    My first giggle of the day Laura ... thanks :0)

    There will be lots more today as the sis in law whose with us from Canada is coming with me to meet up with one of my other sis in laws and there will be merry laughter.

    I'll be careful with my knee Laura ... I've written to our physio to keep him up to date and he'll say if he wants to see me. Also I'm to return to the consultant before February if I'm concerned about any aspect of it.

    If anyone living down south has similar problems there is a private clinic which takes NHS patients called The Horder Clinic. It's very good. It's quite a drive for us to get there but it came recommended which is what we were wanting. They are very efficient and you get to see a consultant in ten days!

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Laura - I think I love you!

    It may have been my fault I was snapped at, it was during the morning meeting, when I was taking minutes. The Chairman had said she wanted to keep the meeting short, when we reached one item on the agenda I pointed out it had already been covered so .... I was a smart alec or something.

    I've just printed out my sleep diary since my last GP's visit. I will tell her the headaches have returned, and wait for advice.

    I hope you enjoy your day out Birdy, with plenty of laughter.

    Jules Bee, I have never been to Northumberland, but have always had a hankering to go there - you have just increased that hankering!

    Just had muesli, with blueberries and yogurt for breakfast and am about to go to work.



    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:17 GMT, in reply to Fire-Pig in message 45

    Fire-Pig, I know that you live in a spectacular part of the country (I'm lucky enough to do so too). But I do encourage you to visit Northumbria some time - it really is beautiful. Hoping that today is a better day for you - your breakfast sounded like great "mood food".

    Birdy, Midge is a miniature poodle. He weighs 2.170kg (was weighed yesterday) and so I can carry him in my arms, which I've been doing each day, taking him out to show him the world and socialize him. Good for both of us, I think! It's lovely the way that people smile at us, or come to say hello. I am really looking forward to being able to take him for walks, which will have to be built up slowly so as not to overstrain his skeleton. He's currently asleep at my feet and being very companionable - one of the reasons I wanted a dog!

    On topic, my usual breakfast of half a grapefruit and muesli today. Still not feeling over-hungry, and tomorrow is weigh-day, so will check in again then. Wishing everyone here a good day.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Fire Pig I've had the best day ... haven't laughed so much since the last time the three of us were together! We ordered our lunch at the theatre bar (The Yvonne Arnaud in Guildford in case anyone is interested ... really nice grub) and the barman gave us a spoon with our table number on but said "I think I'll know where you are going to be sitting as I'll be able to hear you!". My two sis in laws are both natural size 8!!! GGGrrrr!!!

    Jules ... a girlfriend of mine when I was a girl had a small poodle and it seemed a very intelligent pleasant companion. It loved beer and used to go round sipping any leftovers in glasses left on the floor! I hope you have many happy years together.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    So glad that you had a good day, Birdy, laughter is good for the soul.

    Jules, whereabouts are you? I am going to work on OH to get a holiday in Northumbria, the trouble is that he is currently into European Narrow gauge railways. I am sure that there is some interesting Industrial Heritage in Northumbria - is Beamish there?

    My GP's appointment was at 10.30, in typical fashion for her I went in almost an hour late. She wants me to take anti-depressants, she is sure they would help, but apparently I wouldn't know for several weeks. It will take longer than that to get a talking therapy appointment. Later today I'll read up about the tablets then decide.

    OH is currently doing the washing up, then I'll go to prepare grilled trout fillets, with new potatoes, peas and carrots and 'gloop' as YP flatteringly calls it - a mix of mayonnaise and yogurt with lemon juice, black pepper and garlic puree.

    Another grey wet day here in Snowdonia, I want to see the Autumn colours, bah!

    KOKO one and all

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    Your meal sounded delicious, FP. I'm feeling fed-up about meals right now... they are too predictable and I'm not enjoying them that much!

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Thursday, 4th November 2010

    I wish you well with your decision making Fire Pig.


    Report message50

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