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Script theme sharing thread

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Messages: 1 - 38 of 38
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    The new script allows us to share 'themes'. Thought it might be useful to have a thread on which we can comment on our own and each others' themes.

    I've shared two: 'Cornfield', which is based on the new look of the boards but made (to me) more readable and visually appealing, and 'Mustard Memories' for those of you who hanker after the old DNA look.

    Would be interested in comments on either.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by OxfordBookMan (U14598500) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    Hi Leapers. I like Mustard Memories but I would tweak the text to be darker/bolder.
    Am actually using the Strong Mustard one but had to tweak the text on that as well,
    to be black rather than brown.

    Lovely to have the script back again =)

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by The Vintneres Driver (U5034590) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    I've made a second (Version V) edition of mine which makes it clear that the text sizes are designed for high resolution screens.

    I wish I could delete the original version but the method for doing that is eluding me at the moment.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by 3arn0wl (U14257993) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    I'm grateful to jont and Achilles for the script, and for the ability to customise the way we want to view the thread. I've paid homage to your theme, Leaps, but I like a font without any serifs. I've fiddled around quite a bit since, and refind a variation which I find pleasing to my eye. I guess though, looking at others' preferences, that "One size does *not* fit all". So, thanks for the opportunity to customise things, it's very much appreciated! smiley - smiley

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Lilith (U14250994) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    I got in a bit of a tizz when trying to share themes - Jont explained what I was doing wrong on the Proteus thread and I've now deleted the ones I'd put in the theme-sharing section as they were all the same.

    I've got a lovely one now that I'm calling 'Mustard and Cress' - golden mayo, traditional mustard highlights and a green garnish. Having tried just about every font in the list I've settled on 10 pt sans serif. I've put it up to share (I think).

    Think I'll be sticking with this one for a while - especially as Jont has said he's still working on the theme-sharing.

    It *wonderful* to be able to customise things like this. Am at a loss to understand why, with all the resources available to it, the Beeb has left us twisting in the wind for so long, despite thousands of anguished cries from all the 'improved' boards.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    Sorry, the current theme sharing page is a bit crappy and I threw it together using a technology (Google Web Toolkit: ) that I am (still) not too familiar with. Also was tired (and maybe emotional too, if we're honest).

    I'm still learning and hopefully it'll get better as I do.

    The reason for releasing the script when we did - even with a not-very-good theme sharing page - was because we wanted to release the script asap but also recognised that not everybody will be comfortable using the redecorate config section. We also recognised that /our/ preset themes may not be to everyone's taste (as we can see). It's also just a bit of fun. I think.

    Apols to Badger if this post is outside the remit of the thread.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    >> Apols to Badger if this post is outside the remit of the thread.

    Not at all, mate - most welcome, and I'd just like to reiterate my huge thanks to you and Achilles for (a) working on a new script at all, and (b) for releasing it when it was still a work in progress, rather than waiting until you were happy everything was final, because that has given us the benefits of the script much earlier than we would have had them otherwise - I had been going fairly mad without it.

    Thanks again.

    To Oxford Bookman upthread, the text in the Mustard Memories theme is actually black - with dark brown for links and headers - which I think follows the old style. So it can't be darker. You can alter it yourself to a blacker font, or increase the point size, in your config panel if that will look better on your screen. I personally would use it at 12 or 13-pt because my screen is very high-res - 12pt text is only about 4mm high on my screen. So I think any theme will need to be adapted by individual users based on their screen resolution and size, and their eyesight of course. Feel free to play with it.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    'Ere, who's deleted my Zen calm theme? That was /hours/ of work... grumpy now.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by 3arn0wl (U14257993) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    >quote>who's deleted my Zen calm theme? That was /hours/ of work... grumpy now.</quote>

    It's a blessed relief to us all that they have! smiley - winkeye

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    I considered doing so but realised that it would be wrong of me.. possibly a breach of trust, so I didn't (*)

    I did see it had disappeared, I so I assumed that you, in a fit of humanity, had done so yourself Badger.

    (* unless I miss-clicked something or got terribly drunk, or both, but I really don't think I did)

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 18th December 2010

    If you think I'm capable of humanity, you really don't know me, Jont.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Saturday, 25th December 2010

    I must be drunk. I just made a vaguely festive theme.

    Happy winter solstice, all.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Sunday, 26th December 2010

    Just for fun(*) I made a slightly more festive version called (wait for it) "Festival of Brian II"

    (* ohh.. alright then, maybe to show off too)

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Sunday, 26th December 2010

    Jont, I don't know how you have the gall to share that festive theme after you removed my exceedingly tasteful 'Zen calm' theme. Tsk.

    Hope you are enjoying a fine Yuletide. All the best to you.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Lilith (U14250994) on Sunday, 26th December 2010

    Oooh, I /love/ jont's snowflake backdrop!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Hollydaze (U14054088) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    Yes, jont's snowflake feature was good... unfortunately it's been removed again. A patterned backdrop is an exciting thought - it had me imagining all kinds of William Morris style possibilities!

    It was also interesting to see light text on a dark background. I tried to tweak it to make the text slightly lighter, but unfortunately lost the snowflakes in the attempt.

    At the moment I'm test driving Willber G Force's *Muedy Bloos* theme. It is very restful, but then I'm partial to cooler colours and blue is my absolute favourite .

    I'm very hesitant to share my themes because I've discovered that the way my screen is tilted affects the intensity of the colours and the brightness. So am wary that what I think looks good on my screen might look awful for someone else.

    Jont and Achilles have really produced a work of art with Proteus. Was this theme sharing (private/public) and test driving feature also part of the Old Script?

    ps. I was horrified to read the Badger had lost the Zen theme, because this was mentioned about 15 minutes after I had deleted one of my own themes. I thought maybe I had done it by mistake. Is this possible? Can someone other than the author (or Jont and Achilles) remove a theme?

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Hollydaze (U14054088) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    unfortunately it's been removed again. 

    Wrong!!! I've just seen both themes still on the list. Goodness, how on earth did I not see them previously?


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    Thanks, Lilith.

    It was just a bit of fun and not to be taken seriously.

    I'll tear it down (or make it private til next time) on twelfth night or whenever.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    A patterned backdrop is an exciting thought - it had me imagining all kinds of William Morris style possibilities!  
    I cheated a bit because I know how it works under the hood and what's possible and what's not.

    I tried to tweak it to make the text slightly lighter, but unfortunately lost the snowflakes in the attempt 
    Yeah, sorry, the [config] panel isn't designed to cater for a background image - so you lose that attribute if you edit the theme that way. I guess if there's sufficient demand (I can't imagine there would be though) then maybe we could allow it in the [config]. Maybe.

    I'm very hesitant to share my themes.. 
    If you share a theme then people can always ignore it. If nothing else you can use the theme share page to save you settings privately.

    Was this theme sharing (private/public) and test driving feature also part of the Old Script? 
    No. I added the notion of "themes" (just for "redecorate") into Proteus almost as an afterthought - it kinda went along with the ability to have different "redecorate" settings per messageboard. As has been stated before, one of the reasons for the theme-sharing is because the "redecorate" settings in the [config] is quite daunting and it turns out (in my mind) that it takes quite a bit of skill and work to get a good looking combination of settings.

    ps. I was horrified to read the Badger had lost the Zen theme, because this was mentioned about 15 minutes after I had deleted one of my own theme 
    I shouldn't be horrified. The server logs strongly suggest that Badger himself deleted the "zen calm" theme late on the 16th

    I thought maybe I had done it by mistake. Is this possible? Can someone other than the author (or Jont and Achilles) remove a theme?  
    Unless there is some serious problem with the software (or somebody is "hacking" *) the only the author (or me or Achilles) can delete a theme.

    (* As I indicated elsewhere, these aren't bank details we're dealing with, so I didn't put much effort in implementing security... but you'd have to be pretty sad and/or bored to put in the effort required to muck about with other people's themes)

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by 3arn0wl (U14257993) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    I added the notion of "themes" (just for "redecorate") into Proteus almost as an afterthought - it kinda went along with the ability to have different "redecorate" settings per messageboard.   Well I, for one, really appreciate the ability to decorate the theme to suite my tastes. smiley - smiley Thank you. Again!

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Elnora Cornstalk (U5646495) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    I love this facility, jont. I've just been test-driving, for fun and inerest, and am struck all of a heap by your Festive ML. I'd got myself in a real muddle with my own redecorating and it's wonderful to be able to take advantage of fellow posters' expertise and good taste. I've not quite been through everyone's yet, but can see there's something there for any mood. Thanks, all!

    However, I'm back with my new 'default', which is Badge's 'Cornfield' (well, a Cornstalk would feel at home with this). I've deseriffed the font, and gone a bit smaller, as I must have a cruder screen resolution than Badge does; but that's about it.

    I like being able to experiment with new thoughts but know that I can easily find my way back to 'home'. : )

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    I shouldn't be horrified. The server logs strongly suggest that Badger himself deleted the "zen calm" theme late on the 16th 
    Did I? If I did it was by mistake, and I was unaware of doing it. However I'm quite happy for it to be missing because it was only done for a laugh to make people's eyes bleed (in case anyone didn't realise this). Not sure how I managed to delete it, but never mind. By the way, jont, I hope you realised I was only joshing you in my last post.

    I do think the theme sharing is going to be a fantastic facility as we get used to it. The new test drive facility is excellent as well.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by The Vintneres Driver (U5034590) on Tuesday, 28th December 2010

    I do think the theme sharing is going to be a fantastic facility as we get used to it. The new test drive facility is excellent as well. 

    With a performance like that I reckon your a dead-cert for the Brown Nose award, Badge!

    [Passed through Badgerville yesterday. Waved in the general direction (I think) of the Sett.]

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    A patterned backdrop is an exciting thought - it had me imagining all kinds of William Morris style possibilities! 
    Again just for fun, you prompted me to make a(*) "Grunge" theme, based on this excellent wallpaper:

    (* well, 4 actually, for best results pick the smallest that is the same or larger than your screen resolution)

    I tried to tweak it to make the text slightly lighter... 
    I think I have made the text even darker in this Grunge theme, the reason being is that I find that light text on a dark background tends to give me strong stripey after-images if the text is too bright.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Strong stripey after-images sound great to a badger.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Will Scarlet - the Beauty of Cashmere (U14251100) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Ah, Badge, I like your Mustard Memories theme. It is very much reminiscent of the good old days and I shall use it forthwith.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Hollydaze (U14054088) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Jont, Grunge theme looks good! Not sure that I could spend too much time reading with it, but as you say it's for fun and I'm having plenty of that with Proteus.

    About the lighter text ... I *must* remember to tilt my screen a bit rather than change the settings... worked for me this time while looking at your theme.

    I look forward to more works of art.


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Nelson_G (U13801071) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    I've settled on Cornfield Var. 1x. Many thanks to 3arn0wl and of course Jont and Achilles.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by 3arn0wl (U14257993) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Awww Thanks Nelson_G smiley - smiley

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Lilith (U14250994) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    [quivering lip font ON]

    Nobody likes /my/ lovely theme then...

    < sniffle >

    < muffled sob >

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by 3arn0wl (U14257993) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Awwwww. Lilith it's urrrm lovely. : )

    At the end of the day, the absolute joy of being able to cutomise the theme is that it suits us. I didn't share mine expecting anyone else to like it. It's just the way I happen to like it.

    Chin up, dear heart.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by The Vintneres Driver (U5034590) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Nobody likes /my/ lovely theme then... 

    They don't like mine either, Lilith. We'd better sit in the Norma & Norman Nomates corner.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Lilith (U14250994) on Wednesday, 29th December 2010

    Thank you for your kind words, Barn Owl


    And Vints

    Phwoarrr! Nice theme!

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by studioj (U1600165) on Saturday, 24th December 2011

    For the deeply sad(*) among you, I have made the two [crappy] Festival of Brian themes available for the period. Just a bit of fun, mind. Not to be taken too seriously.

    (* or jolly, if you like)

    For me, that's it as far as decorations go.

    Season's greetings, all.

    jont {;¬· >···{

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 24th December 2011

    And you, jont. May the Star of Bathroomhem shine upon you.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Abel Magwitch (U15012382) on Saturday, 24th December 2011

    Hi Leapers,

    I have been using Mustard Memories theme for several months now and find that it suits my needs very well.
    Very much like the old theme, IIRC.

    The only thing I have changed is the background colour for the quote box to a red.

    And now I'm messing about with fonts..................................................

    Why did I come in here?

    Merry christmas to all.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Saturday, 24th December 2011

    Cheers, Abel. Glaf you're finding it works for you. Funnily enough a few weeks ago I switched back to Mustard Memories from Cornfield, which I'd been using since Proteus arrived. I've updated Mustard Memories to be even more like how I remember the old board - although my memories are hazy, so E&OE. Partly inspired by Peet's as well.

    A red quote box sounds a bit scary, to me. Feel free to play around with it as much as you like, and do share the results on the theme sharing site ('Share theme' from the config panel, if I remember correctly) so that other people can try it.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Abel Magwitch (U15012382) on Sunday, 25th December 2011

    Have just submitted my tweaked version of Mustard Memories.

    Hope someone likes it!

    Report message38

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