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2/1/11 MRC Healthy Eating

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 69
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    So, here we are at the start of 2011, looking to start/ continue living healthily. For many of us, the Christmas period has seen us gain weight that we'd like to lose; most of all, though, we are interested in living healthily, looking at what/ how we eat and live. This is a great place for moral support, practical advice, helpful suggestions and most of all, great people!

    The only rule we have is not to mention RL weights or sizes, as one person's goal may be another's starting point. We aim to be as supportive and encouraging as we can be, whilst acknowledging that our body image can be a very sensitive area.

    Other related threads are:
    GEm's Gym (if you need advice or incentives about exercise, though I believe a new thread for 2011 will shortly be opened)

    I'd like to give GEm a huge round of applause as she really is a great motivator about exercise. For anyone to coax me into the gym and keep me positive about exercise is one of the great achievements of 2010, so take a bow, GEm!

    Katy's Cookbook (if you need inspiration on how to eat healthily)

    The Rota Thread (where we take it in turns to open a new thread each week as we tend to rabbit on a fair amount over a week!)

    Volunteers are needed for January and beyond!

    So, welcome, one and all to a new year, new resolve, new you!

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Oh NO!!! Dragged kicking and screaming into the new year :0)) Thanks Lost ... it needed doing!

    Luckily I've just consumed a mince pie (home made by Son in Law's Aunty and as light as a feather!!!!) and I had decided not to eat any more of the ones she left behind when she went home and so that is one more thing dealt with. What about the flapjacks we got given for looking after the neighbour's guinea pigs while they were away ... the children made them so we could hardly say no! Perhaps I'll leave them as DD1 loves them and she'll be back here next week teaching.

    That's me sorted then ...................... apart from the Christmas cake and home made fudge that we still have. Perhaps one more piece of cake this afternoon then I'll leave the rest for Mr Birdy to enjoy. He made it after all!

    So, last of the turkey and trimmings today and then, thankyou Lost, I'll turn back into the sensible Birdy that is somewhere here!


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Thank you Lost .............. here I am, turning up for duty .

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Ah Lost what a lovely thing to say, made me blush but here I am for my bow. Have taken my lead from you and just opened up the new thread for 2011 for the cybergym with a few words to get us started for the new year including sharing my own fitness goals for this year.

    In terms of healthy eating I think we do okay but I am going to try and drink more water and less tea this year.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Not doing too badly - but did have a piece of cake this afternoon - but only because I wanted some soluble aspirin to help fend off a threatening lurgy. Some years ago I had a bad experience with aspirin - so never take it on an empty stomach.

    Also as it is still the Xmas season - just a little something to drink while we watch eggheads - then sensible roasted vegetables and bacon for evening meal.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Didn't have Christmas cake :0(

    One maple brazil instead of maple brazil and home made fudge.

    So I'm doing ok too .......

    Sparkers, are you morphing?

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Thanks for opening Lost, I was thinking that I would do it this evening if nobody else had done it.

    All Christmas Cake eaten, all mince pies eaten, still some chocolate so nearly a new start here.

    Lost, I'm glad that Mr Lost is feeling better, and that your enforced detox has left you raring to go! Birdy, hope the Physio works marvels with your knee.

    I want to get out to walk but .... wretched data entry for end of year needs to get done, I got so behind the days I could not go in to work because of the snow. I am not going to do anything silly and work extra hours, I've worked far more over Christmas than many have.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Thanks Fire Pig. Fingers, if not knees, crossed!

    Interestingly, not having had cake at teatime I am feeling quite peckish. Ö÷²¥´óÐã made cheese straws (4 each) are being cooked in the Remoska and I'll have 3 cheesey balls and 3 crisps. A maple brazil for 'afters'

    Then soup and a roll and banana for supper.

    While we've been eating up turkey etc we have reversed when we have our main meal ... we found we were a bit uncomfortable going to bed after a turkey meal, but after today will revert to having our main meal in the evening.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 3rd January 2011

    Thanks Fire Pig. Fingers, if not knees, crossed!

    Interestingly, not having had cake at teatime I am feeling quite peckish. Ö÷²¥´óÐã made cheese straws (4 each) are being cooked in the Remoska and I'll have 3 cheesey balls and 3 crisps. A maple brazil for 'afters'

    Then soup and a roll and banana for supper.

    While we've been eating leftover turkey etc we have reversed when we have our main meal ... we found we were a bit uncomfortable going to bed after a turkey meal, but after today will revert to having our main meal in the evening.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by maria_sedgegrass (U2267184) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Happy New Year one and all!

    Not looking forward to my official weigh in this evening, but getting slowly back to healthy eating. It's surprisingly difficult to go "cold turkey" (ho ho) after quickly getting into the habit of a piece of cake with every cuppa.

    I had been wondering how your knee was getting on, Birdy - hope the physio goes well and you're back to normal activity very soon.

    M xx

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Alarming how quickly we get out of the habit of healthy living, isn't it? I dragged myself back to the pool today - 10 days away and it was pretty hard work to get myself up and exercising so early in the morning. I felt better afterwards, but it was a real effort. Whereas it has been no effort at all to roll over and claim an extra two hours in bed these past 10 days.

    Similarly, it's hard to go without the treats, isn't it? Those 'treats' soon seem like 'normal' food, not extras.

    Sigh. If only it were as easy to adopt good habits as it is to slip back into bad ones!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by myria (U4022847) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Hello All,

    I went bingetastic over a stressful Xmas and gained 6 pounds. Hopefully things will calm down a bit now I'm back at school but I feel such a train wreck not sure how the teaching will go!

    A real breakthrough for me though is that I have started to enjoy food again for the first time in years. I tend to see it as a hazard and something to be scared of but my OH has become a bit of a gourmet recently and helping him with the cooking has helped me to get a bit less scared of the kitchen and more able to enjoy good food. I'm trying to remember the feeling after a delicious healthy meal to stop me diving headfirst into chocolate the minute his back in turned.

    KOK one and all, and wish me luck for the onslaught of children tomorrow !

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    myria, that's good. Well done your OH. Good team work :0))

    To all of you that have put on weight over the holidays, I really believe that if you can quickly revert to sensible eating again that you will get results on those scales. It's when the weight has sat around for a while that it seems to be harder to shift.

    So, KOKO :0)))

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Well, my OH's bug has certainly worked wonders for his weight loss (not that he needed it.) He's lost 3lbs over the Christmas period!! I'm not venturing near the scales yet. I don't want to be demoralised, because as you say, Birdy, sensible eating habits and exercise are needed to make proper judgments, not 'oh-I-wish-I-hadn't-eaten-so-much' guilt.

    Actually, I /didn't/ eat 'so' much. I just ate more than normal, which inevitably results in gain, not loss.

    Wishing you well with the new term, Myria. I'm still mired up to my ears in lesson plans. I've yet to face the children!

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Lost - I'd forgotten that I'd had a tummy bug last Christmas so hadn't put on much weight. I did weigh myself a couple of days ago - and I need to lose about 4 lb - some put on before Xmas .

    Habits take 20 days to establish according to the experts (sorry can't quote an authority on that) - so by the end of January it should all be easier again.

    Took some decs down today - and will finish tomorrow - but kept the tree up as I love the sparkly lights - so one last Xmas drink to celebrate the end of a lovely season.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    As so many papers do at this time of the year, the Independent has some articles on a "new you" at this time of the year. See I don't think there is much there that we don't already know. I'm thinking about the five definite changes to make - but feel that I've already made most of them!

    Myria, I am so pleased to read that you are enjoying your food. I think that is very important. We have to eat to live so why not enjoy it? We can make the choices as to what we eat, now let us make the choice to eat good tasty and healthy food.

    I haven't felt strong enough to stand on the scales since Christmas! I do try to take more notice of clothes than figures on the scales anyway.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 4th January 2011

    Fire Pig I love the idea of us not feeling strong enough to stand on our scales ..... you are assuming the scales are strong enough to weigh us!! :0))))

    Well done everyone ... just get back gradually gradually ... I have had 2 maple brazils and a Quality Street today (nut and toffee) which OH had pinched from the tin when it was first opened as he knows I love them ... ) and a tiny amount of Christmas pud with brandy butter. Other than that I've had my usual type of food and am feeling better for it.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 5th January 2011

    Very interesting slot on Woman's Hour about eating and food... I found this touched on a lot of the things we talk about here: food as obsession, childhood problems, the emotional relationship we have with food, our tendency to use food for pleasure/ comfort etc. etc. I liked the comments about food and addiction, namely that we can give up smoking or drugs or alcohol, but we can't give up food per se, so that we have to deal with managing how and what we eat rather than going 'cold turkey', so to speak, with food in the same way that we can cut out other obsessions. Much food for comment here, I'm sure!

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Tolkny (U710741) on Wednesday, 5th January 2011

    we can't give up food per se 

    Nor some other behaviours some of us find addictive, particularly such as relationships etc., so there is no need for us to feel especially blighted if we have a food addiction. Addictions are not all expressed via substances, considering things like, sex, gambling, controlling outcomes and compulsive helping.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 5th January 2011

    Good to see you here again, Tolkny. I think it's just a case of having to learn different strategies in relationship to food, isn't it? In some cases, I have managed to say no totally to certain things (eg chocolates, cakes, biscuits etc.) because that is the easiest way for me to manage my health issues in relation to those things, but I have had to dig deeper into motivation and find other strategies to deal with the more underlying problems.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Wednesday, 5th January 2011

    I'm still doing well ....
    Wednesday .... I'll post what I've had.

    Wbix x2 and skimmed milk and sprinkle of sugar
    1 maple brazil with coffee
    Bowl of my soup
    4 Ryvittas and Flora
    4 small pieces of different cheeses
    1 bananananna
    Low fat yog and honey dribble.
    This evening we're having prawns (not good for cholesterol I don't think!)
    large white freshly made white/spelt flour roll with mayo and salad.
    1 hard boiled egg in with the prawns.
    Not sure what I'll have for pud but if Xmas pud/brandy butter it'll be a small bit.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Wednesday, 5th January 2011

    breakfast: small portion of sugar free muesli in some Total 0% fat yoghurt with blue berries and banananana slices. Tomato juice. Green tea

    Lunch: 2 oatcakes with taramasalata. 3 cherry tomatoes. Small portion of mixed nuts. Apple . Water

    Evening meal: chicken with stuffing + large portion of cabbage
    1 1/2 mini mince pies with some brandy butter
    1/2 bottle Sauvignon blanc (because OH coming down with a lurgy so medicine really) Two chocolate ginger sweeties (Xmas pressie)
    Black coffee

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    So... I ventured onto the scales today for the first time in 2 weeks and have gained 4lbs, which is pretty much what I expected. That's what bread and cheese do to me! Back to the regime of life without them and getting back to exercise. I've done better this week. It's a question of ongoing commitment!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    Remember we are in this together Lost - my meercat will be looking at yours today! I have just been so down over life that planning healthy meals becomes very difficult. If anybody sees my get up and go looking for a home, please send it back to Snowdonia!


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    I too popped on the scales and it could be worse in that I have just avoided going into the next stone zone, so am thankful (mentally) for that!

    However, since I hurt first one knee (April 2009) and then (just as that one finally recovered) the other one, I have put on over a stone! I've been on camper holidays where Ive just had to sit in the van watching birds through my scope while OH has gone off walking (S coast of Ireland ... brilliant) explored towns etc and haven't been able to walk DD's dog at all and have spent a lot of time with this leg elevated ... so what I'm saying is, don't let your level of exercise drop and if anything try and raise it.

    I had been steady for a long time and on the strength of that had bought quite a lot of trousers that are now not wearable!

    Yesterday (at a friend's house) I had a ginger snap dipped in thick chocolate and some chocolate covered nuts! I didn't have my maple brazil or cheese for lunch to balance it out a bit! :0)) She just has these Christmas leftovers sat out in her kitchen and isn't tempted by them at all! She loves savoury things.

    KOKO everyone.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    Fire Pig .... I'm sorry.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    I'm not tempted by sweet things either, but I succumbed badly to bread rolls and cheese boards over Christmas, and I knew I would pay for it. Whilst I enjoyed the relaxation, I know I cannot continue like this, nor do I want to. But I do find it hard to resist when those things are in the house.

    The bread is now gone; the cheese isn't, but it's under strict rations now. What I find alarming is how when I start in on those things, I don't want to stop. One bread roll isn't enough. It's the old story that for me, it has to be pretty much all or nothing. I don't seem to do the moderation bit.

    I know what you mean about get-up-and-go being missing, Fire-Pig. I am finding it very hard to have much energy at the moment. Goodness knows how I will cope when I'm back at work next week, but I hope the routine will crank up my metabolism a little.

    I'm back swimming this week and even ventured to the gym yesterday, so I'm trying to stay positive, but I confess to feeling it's a long haul again...

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    One day at a time ... one hour at a time ... eat well and think small :0))

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    Droopy Drawers reporting in! Two pairs of winter trousers are in the wash so I pulled a third pair out of the wardrobe this morning, OH still asleep so I get dressed in the half light. All day I've been pulling them up, yes they are a size larger than the others and I really cannot wear them any more! Once I've done the ironing, they will be washed and given to the charity shop.

    Sadly I need to make a Sympathy card this evening, so I may have to endure them another day!


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Friday, 7th January 2011

    Yo! Drooopy, or Droppy drawers :0)) I was sorry to read of such sadness, and hope A is managing alright.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    Thanks, Birdy. We haven't heard any more from A, he was OH's mentor in his teens and 20s, but retired to the north of Scotland. We last saw him when we went north to see EP a couple of years ago.

    Droopy drawers here again! It does make me feel good that these really will have to go out- I do not intend going back to to that size again!

    Today is another day and I am off to work to try to conquer the end of year data entry!


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    Grrrr - just pulled muscle (not badly) putting warm socks on!

    So no rowing machine for me today.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    Sparkers, OH cricked his back yesterday taking off a sock! What a pair you are :0))

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    It is obvious that you must stop wearing socks! They must be feeling particularly malevolent at this time of the year!

    Hope the aches don't last too long.

    I got almost all my data entered today and feel a real sense of achievement, but I am feeling whacked. I am sitting here yawning my head off, so will probably have an early night.

    All Christmas specials have gone now, so I hope to be a good little piggy from now on!


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by boo decker (U10848648) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    Just popping in to say its all gone a bit wrong lately.

    Its my bifday tomorrow so I shall enjoy that then draw a line and come into next weeks thread with a new attitude.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Saturday, 8th January 2011

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow Boo ..... and see you next week :0)) In the meantime make sure you enjoy your food. And that's an order!

    Well done Fire Pig ...............

    I'm doing ok ..... small portion of macaroni cheese and toms, mushrooms and slithers of bacon for flavour, and the last of the Christmas pud .... oh, and one maple brazil ... half of one tomorrow then they are gone too.

    Well done everyone. Thinking about what we eat, even if we haven't got back to being as careful as we might be, is half the battle.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    I'm back from my Far Eastern travels and pleased to report that, in spite of being in a foodie paradise and eating very well, I have come back one kg lighter.

    This is entirely due to being in a biscuit/chocolate free zone at my DD's house and eating deliciously and healthily. Not much exercise, I'm sorry to say, because the heat in Singapore means that walking is not the pleasure it is here. Managed to do a little more in Thailand (north) where there is no humidity and the air is fresher. But time was against me and I was usually accompanied by two sets of little legs who couldn't do fast pace or long distances.

    I know I was spoilt rotten by having all meals cooked for me but I must give a big cheer to DD and her helper who concocted the most delicious salads for lunches at home. I'm normally stuck on low fat cheddar on R*v*tas for lunch, no wonder I get bored. But this is the website they go to for inspiration. Some of the ingredients may seem a bit exotic, but you can substitute where necessary, I suppose.

    (Hope that link works)
    The Miso vegetables and the Roasted Squash ones were the most fabulous that stick in my mind. I am not usually a salad lover, but these are satisfying meals, a million miles away from lettuce and cucumber.

    Since my return, I have been hoodwinked and sabotaged by puddings, biscuits and cake my sister left for me and DoM has been forcing on me. Do I look like a dustbin? Don't answer that. New Year Resolution: Must learn to say No Thank You.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    Archi :0)) The link works, thanks. It looks really interesting.

    Lovely to have you back .....

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    Welcome back archi. I know just what you mean about walking in the high humidity of Singapore. I've bookmarked that salad page and will try some.

    Happy Birthday Rebekah, enjoy your day with the little ones. They can spoil you all day as it is Sunday! My birthday is 2 days before YP's, so he would charge around telling everyone that he had a birthday too!

    I've had a very good sleep, and am ready to face the challenges of a new day! My porridge is soaking - I can't have my breakfast until an hour after taking my osteoporosis medication. Today I'll do a roast chicken supper, and enjoy a small piece of the skin!


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    Happy Birthday Booooo :0))))

    My knee had a good session with a physio yesterday and today I'm going to go wading in the swimming pool and then am buying some bicycle pedals without the bike so I can sit and pedal ... I've been told not to go on my crosstrainer (not that I can bend my knee enough to go on it yet!) as it is load bearing. If you hear a bump today you know I've fallen off the chair!

    (I find bikes very uncomfortable so not getting a cycling machine)

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    How far did you cycle today Birdy? Take care, even without wheels! I'm glad you are getting the physio it is possibly as important as the surgery.

    My chicken dinner went very well and met with appreciative sighs all round. I baked new potatoes to go with it, first time I've done such little ones, I can recommend them!

    KOKO one and all


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    I sometimes split potatoes into wedges before I bake them and then you get more crunchy sides.

    I've had a good day ... went swimming with DD1 and whilst she did 46 lengths I did about 6! But that wasn't the point of what I wanted to achieve ... I used the water to help me get my knee bending more and I'm happy that I did that. I had a long foam tube that I popped under my arms and I could do breast stroke with my arms and exercise my legs as I wanted. Apparently breast stroke legs are not a good idea after a knee op.

    I've done 100, 80 and 80 revolutions on the portable mini bike and my physio is really pleased I got it as, as he says, the rotation of the pedal is smaller than an ordinary bike or even a full sized exercise bike and so doesn't put such a strain on my knee. The end result is I can walk upstairs much more easily now ..... the tension on it doesn't go very hard but that doesn't matter for this .... also you can use it with your arms if you want. (Not so easy to do on a proper exercise bike!!!)

    2 wbix
    boiled egg and a small piece of my brown toast
    1 boiled egg and open prawn/salad white roll
    half a maple brazil (sob!)
    small portion of macaroni cheese
    2 figs
    Small blackberry and apple/yoghurt/muesli

    Probably enuff food to maintain rather than lose, but I had lost a pound or so when I got on the scales this morning.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    hi all

    Very much into healthy eating here as my rash appears to be a severe allergic reaction (seeing doc tomorrow to discuss more0

    Breakfast: 2 weetabix with a pot of 0% fat Greek yogurt

    10k run and a few weights

    Friends for lunch

    Lunch: Filo basket with apple, garlic, basil and goats cheese followed by Chilli roast veg stuffed aubergine with a yogurt quenelle and watercress salad, fruit and frozen greek yogurt

    4 glasses of chablis

    Supper Watercress salad, ham and fruit and a lot of tea

    Food is about having a small amount of "treats" aand a lot of good stuff. OH suggested my rash might be part of this food scare but I can't think of anything that we have eaten that contains anything processed. The only things we buy that are processed are cheese and yogurt - everything else is bog standard basic ingredients that I cook from so I don't think it's that. I do hope she has some ideas tomorrow but interesting that one's body can react so violently to something that you eat.

    Make me wonder if perhaps quite a few of the minor ailments we have are a low level reaction to some of the "processed" stuff we put into our bodies.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    I hope you get answers tomorrow GEm.

    Frozen yoghurt? Way back we used to buy frozen yoghurt in America, but do you just pop greek yoghurt in the freezer?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    Hi Birdy - me too! I just want to know what to stop using/eating etc. My doc is wonderful but she and I are totally perplexed - even the steroids haven't really taken more than the edge off it.

    Forzen Yogurt. I love the 0% Greek Total stuff so I just stick it in the ice-cream maker (sometimes with a bit of stem ginger and a couple of spoons of the syrup) and it churns into something like ice-cream but sharper and cleaner


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Sunday, 9th January 2011

    ....... aha ... I have a friend with an ice cream maker!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Monday, 10th January 2011

    Let us know how you get on, GEm. I have to say that my rash comes and goes and I can't quite fathom what triggers it, but it's so debilitating when I have it as it itches so much. The steroid cream I was given does help a lot.

    Feeling down in the dumps as I feel I'm back at square one weight wise and don't have the energy to keep being good all the time!

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Monday, 10th January 2011

    Dear Lost ... this wont do ... we cant have you down in that dump.:0)) Try to focus on today ... what you will achieve today foodwise ... have you an idea in your mind what you plan to eat, perhaps write it down to help you stick to what you intend to eat and tick each thing after you have eaten it. You will feel very pleased with yourself and it will remind your brain what you are going to eat. At the end of the day award yourself marks out of ten and a smiley face. We will all be here cheering you on and encouraging you to succeed.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 10th January 2011

    Lost, I agree with Birdy, we can't have you down in the dumps. We need you! It is only natural that you feel bad, going back to school after Christmas, whether as a student or a teacher, was always my most difficult start of term. Remember the days are already getting longer, we can look forward to the beautiful spring flowers soon.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned 80/20 lately. If we are eat healthily 80% of the time, we are already achieving a lot. Can you plan some treats? There are healthy treats like GeM's frozen yogurt, would you like some? I've got some Total in my fridge, I'm sure I could whip it up for you!

    Ooh I miss Laura, she would come along with a meercat on her shoulder and a basket of freshly starched resolves, and we would all feel better!

    Cyber chum, we can do this together, I'm sure you're already at work but I'll be sending cheering thoughts towards you all day - better not while I'm taking Minutes for a meeting this afternoon the others might get a bit perplexed by rolling eyes and meercats in the Secretary's report!

    KOKO one and all


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by orange pekoe (U9563764) on Monday, 10th January 2011

    Hi everyone. Think this is my first visit this year. My pre-Christmas slack attitude to eating, plus being at various family over Christmas itself (so less in control of what's put out on the table), has finally had an effect on the scales, to the tune of almost half a stone put on!

    So, time to remember all the small changes I made gradually when I first started this. I found slipping gracefully into better habits, rather than leaping straight in to some unsustainable diet, worked much better. So, extra veg and fewer carbs on my dinner plate. Drinking water more often. Less bread at lunchtime, more soup. Ö÷²¥´óÐãmade soup, followed by a piece of delicious cheese and a couple of seedy ryvita did me proud last year. Remembering the fruit bowl when I fancy a biscuit..!

    I also urgently need to find some spare time to get back to my walking, because that made a huge difference to me. I had much less time available over the past few months, and am now seeing the results on the scales of less energy expended. I think I need to put it in my diary, like I think GEm has mentioned she does.

    Hope you get some answers today regarding the rash, GEm. You are a paragon in terms of your lifestyle, so it seems really unfair that you are suffering so horribly.

    Birdy, thrilled your knee is gradually getting back to normal. Keep up the patient hard work you are putting in. Glad to note you have lost some weight again!

    Lost, we're all with you - if it helps, please note again that I put on more than you did over Christmas! I know exactly what you mean about not doing well with the practice of moderation. That's why I was so successful (over a period of 16 months, until gradually slipping back) in re-training my body, such that I didn't want to even start eating my previous downfalls. I *think* I have improved a little, so that as I aim to restart my healthier lifestyle now, I am starting from a 'less bad' position than when I first began 20 months ago.

    I took what felt like several giant steps forward, and have been slipping back gradually over the past few months, with probably a couple of largeish steps back added over Christmas, but I'm still not at square one, either physically or mentally, and I'm sure you're not either.

    Fire-Pig, you are right about 80/20 being a helpful and reassuring guide. Sorry you've had such sad news to deal with recently.

    Ana, your DD sounds super-healthy! Glad you had a lovely time with lovely food (and a lovely loss to boot!)

    Report message50

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