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Equestrian thread the 5th

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 2000
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Given that the fourth thread for horses, ponies, and the people involved in them is getting full posts, I thought we would prepare for trot, and make a nice smooth transition to a fifth thread!

    As per the last threads, this is the place to come for ideas on girth lengths, a Really Good Turnout Rug, or just how to make breeches appealing if you don't have the legs of a gazelle. A thread for horse-owners, horse-lovers and ,people who are interested in any aspect of the equestrian world.
    We share the good days, the horrible days, the thoughts, worries, hopes and plans!

    (I've taken the liberty of adapting Kizzalene's original introduction)

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Thanks for opening our lovely new shiny thread, C-B.

    Nothing much to report on the equestrian front from here, just looking forward to the return of dry ground and light evenings.

    Jo x

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Thank you carrick, lets hope we left the bad karma in the previous thread.

    Sit up and kick on, all!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    ok starting as we mean to go on
    vet *very* upbeat over len's progress
    i can turn him out for an hour at a time into the (whisper it ) field
    she was pleased with his walking and general outlook and his weight loss
    we agreed that i should wait untill after another shoing before riding him
    so as to give the farrier a chance to re-align the foot a bit better and for len to grow more sole
    she believe that the ever-so-slight unsoundness on the left fore is caused by the thinness of sole
    so,tommorrow.. its sedalin for breakfast and hopefully they'll be so keen on the grass that we won't have too much frollicking..
    hooves crossed

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Excellent news about Len, Boris. Give him a good talking too about the merits of head down eating and feet on the ground, not all 4 legs skyward. Won't do any good mind you! sww.

    Are you using any supplements or feed to 'encourage' foot growth?

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by halftidy (U8567554) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Yup JoBo that's me - so you will be able to guess which hospital she was so badly looked after in! The inititals W and H will give you a clue. She was one of the original organisers of the East Kent Sponsored Ride and fence judged there for years and years. County and Regional Chairman of the BHS, one of the original people involved in drawing up the BHS Riding and Road Safety Exam and,needless to say, an examiner as well. (I was terrified I might fail it when I did it - can you imagine the embarrassment?!). She was a regular at RDA, a Parish and then Borough Councillor, as well as a full-time professional tennis coach, phew, makes me tired just writing all that lot! They dont make 'em like that any more. I will do the BHS obituary shortly. Thanks for the reminder.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Are you using any supplements or feed to 'encourage' foot growth?

    My farrier swears by dried seaweed, and the last lot I got was seaweed with dried rosehip - the feed merchant said she'd given it to her older horse and it had freed up his movements "so much that it was scary" (but she sounded pleased!)

    Got the second dressage score-sheet today - Bay, the judges comment was "Charming cob" and a similar comment about just needing to get her working from behind more. I've been recommended to a dressage teacher who'll ride her and help me with that, so onwards and upwards.

    Taking her to my farriers round pen, to play and let her do some free jumping tomorrow.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Here I am in the new thread!

    Thanks for opening up C-B.

    So, onwards and upwards for spring.

    Brilliant news about Len - hope he'll take Bay's good advice sww. Looking forward to hearing of rides out in the Cotswolds soon then when they're both back ready. Will it be the full-on eventing body protector and helmet for the first time out on the trails?

    Good that you've got the test sheet back C-B and that you've found a dressage teacher too. Sounds like a good start to the season.

    Will there be pictures of the free jumping? Please?? I'd love to see that, but we don't have the right environment for it.

    Halftidy, your mother certainly was some woman. What a life! Would it be too much to ask that you post the obituary here when it is published for those of us who don't see the BHS papers?

    Waves to all.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Mitch (U8863023) on Tuesday, 22nd February 2011

    Thanks for opening C-B

    Boris glad len is feeling better.

    Hopefully this month will be a bit cheerier.

    I love the news about Baybabybel development ........ well all of 'our' horses development really.

    Mitch x

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    good morning all new and shiny Equinettes

    bay ..most generous package arrived today..many many thanks ..have also owled you
    just waiting for the sedalin to kick in and then off to do the deed ...hooves crossed that the lack of grass for 4 weeks will out-lure the need for a frollick

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    Yup JoBo that's me - so you will be able to guess which hospital she was so badly looked after in! The inititals W and H will give you a clue. She was one of the original organisers of the East Kent Sponsored Ride and fence judged there for years and years. County and Regional Chairman of the BHS, one of the original people involved in drawing up the BHS Riding and Road Safety Exam and,needless to say, an examiner as well. (I was terrified I might fail it when I did it - can you imagine the embarrassment?!). She was a regular at RDA, a Parish and then Borough Councillor, as well as a full-time professional tennis coach, phew, makes me tired just writing all that lot! They dont make 'em like that any more. I will do the BHS obituary shortly. Thanks for the reminder. Ìý

    Blimey, HT, your mother did live a full life, I hope you give/gave her a really good send off. I'm sure I will know plenty of people that knew her, I have RC friends who are very into RDA (Cobbes Meadow), EKH, PC, BHS, etc. Sadly I will be away for the EK ride this year, I always enjoy it when I do go.

    When you were reporting about her hospital treatment in TB I did wonder if it was one of our local ones. I have concerns about my elderly mother, 92 in a week or so, if and when she needs hospital treatment. Our local would have been KC, but of course since the downgrading, it is now WH or QEQM. She has left instructions that she would prefer to go to the latter in the case of emergency, as more of the family live/work in that direction - after your reports, I hope her instructions would be followed. I hope once the dust settles that you send a stiff letter to EKHA and any other relevant bodies.

    Jo x

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    Has Len behaved Boris? I do hope so. Are you building the grazing up gradually. That is what I did with baygelding. I used to be so envious of others on the yard, come May and their horses went out pretty much 24 hours all summer having been in all winter. Really bad horse management but some get away with it. I had to turn baygelding out for about an hour at each end of the day and gradually increase it. I had to be really prompt with my timings too, especially at the beginning of the season.

    'Charming cob' is lovely. You must be very proud and happy with jem, carrick and rightly so. Think I mentioned that my trainer admitte baygelding was the only horse to ever leave an arena with her in competiton. Tactfully ridden was his usual on his test sheet. Sigh.

    Mitch, funny thing really but I think most of us consider all the ML horses 'our' horses. I do hope I don't go on about babybel too much. Or baygelding. Sorry if I do.

    Waves to all, especially halftidy, Josey and Hazel.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    greetings Equinettes
    weeeeeeeellllll...i've seen worse behaved horses on first turn out after box rest
    it was atoss up between
    a) paddock with grass up on top of the bank or
    b) paddock with deeper going less grass and safer access
    so paddock b it was..especially given len's ability to walk on his hind legs when excited
    yes yes yes turn out ....look at my new shoes mum (waves shoes at eyball level)
    several circuits in Ben Hur chariot mode
    full rodeo display from both
    then finally grass called and we settled down
    mr becka and i brewed a cuppa and watched for the hour

    then they came back into their stables very sweetly for a couple of carrots
    the aim is an hour a till the weekend
    then 2 hours for a week
    and so on gradually building up
    but niether are ever turned out 24/7

    i love hearing about all your horsey comings and goings....and od often wonder if i don't overly bang on about my two....but i think that's the beauty of the tack room we can chatt about anyhting ..personal or theoretical

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by BarchanDune (U14258077) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    Delurking to say hello. I used to ride pretty much constantly when a pony mad teenager, but gave it up when exams loomed. I now get my pony fix from this thread, from lurking on Arabianlines (as my first job was a stable hand at an Arab stud) and helping organise a small, local, unaffiliated horse show each year. Our show covers in-hand, and ridden showing, show jumping, and working hunter showing/jumping. Last year we also had a handy pony class which was great fun, and yes, included pegging the washing out. We also run a dog show along side. We tend to make a very small profit each year, which is given to local charities, like RDA, Air Ambulance, and last year, Ty Hafan, the children’s hospice.

    I don’t have anything else to say, except I love hear about everything people get up to with their horses, and Big Al moved me to tears this morning.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    good evening BarchanDune
    its allways nice when a lurker pops up from behind the Aga
    welcome to the tack room
    funnilly enough my first contact in the horse world was a staurday job at an Arab stud ...whcih of course devloped into everynight after school and before school during the foaling season
    at 15 i was holding mares for covering in hand (no elf and safety in the '70s) and showing yearlings in hand at county shows...
    i've never owned a arab but still have a soft spot for them
    please don't feel shy about having "nothing to say" all veiws and experinces are welcome...here, have a vodka infused sugar lump...

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    Another welcome from me too BarchanDune.

    Good to hear that Len's turnout went well - even though he got the chance to show off his new shoes again! Sww.

    Sounds like you've got a good plan there. I belive the Connys turnout is on a bank? I was thinking about them today as I was looking out of the window on the train to Leeds that cuts through the Pennines - there are horses along that route that are on really steep hills, I wondered does it present a problem to have a horse turned out where it's never on level ground?

    Anyway, as far as I'm concerned minute by minute updates on Baybabybel, and Len wouldn't be too much. I love hearing about all 'our' ML horses current and those who have gone before us, and everyone's horsey exploits recent or in the past.

    I'm always a bit disappointed if I check into ML and find the thread hasn't moved much. I've found here, and in RL, that horsey minded people can always find something to talk about..

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

    Evening, BarchanDune.
    Before I met Jem, my ideal horse was mostly Arab - the last mare I'd had was half arab and a quarter TB (The other quarter was show pony/Welsh), but I liked the conformation and mind-set of Arabs.

    Ironically, the closest that the horse I've got now is to Arab is probably the 3 Arabs who started the TB line she's half of. The other half is cob, probably with a fair bit of draught, from the huge size of her feet. Dainty - not. (Big face, Roman nose instead of elegant little dished face, etc, etc) The only similarity is that she's clever, with a sense of humour.

    Today, we went to my farriers and he worked her a bit in his round pen.
    I was pleased to see how unstressed and happy she was.
    She did a bit of jumping by herself - I was pleased to see her jump an unfamiliar wall type fence without me to give her moral support - she looked like a little stag.

    She almost "joined up" with him, but her attention was a little deflected by me being there as well.
    He's known her since she was 5 and says she's like a different horse now.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Thursday, 24th February 2011

    Something i have been meaning to do;

    First ET;




    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Auntie Clockwise (U8040384) on Thursday, 24th February 2011

    Thanks Bay. Nice to be able to look back every now and again. What's become of Kizzalene?

    Hope all the equines are enjoying the Spring like temperatures.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Thursday, 24th February 2011

    thanks for the links Bay
    another good hour turned out today but without the frollicks...one advantage of useing the less grassy paddock is that they are keen to come back into the yard for hay.
    it was so spring like this morning that i turned them out rugless....needles to say len is now black.....Cormac hates rolling in the mud....he will roll avidlly in his box when he's the slightest bit damp...so he's still a shiny bay..its amother 12 days before the farrier comes so plenty of time to spruce len up......i won't be considering riding before i've chatted to the farrier
    carrick ..the round pen sounds fun..when Jem jumps..is she loose and saddless or on a lunge ..both connys used tolove jumping on the lunge

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Thursday, 24th February 2011

    She was loose - I very very impressed by how the farrier made sure she wasn't at all stressed - she was brave and happy. I think it;s the first time she's done anything like this - the last time she went over the jump was completely off her own bat - she didn't need any urging on at all, but when we'd finished, she was good as gold to catch and tack up, so I'm well pleased.

    It's great to see them doing something they enjoy, isn't it?

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Thursday, 24th February 2011

    I'm glad she enjoyed it and was having fun C-B.

    Boris, glad Len wasn't so keen to show off his shiny shoes this morning. It has been lovely today, and with the sun being out the evening seemed to last a bit longer.

    Ah, well at least you've got a bit of time to get him back from black before the farrier is back. And tomorrow when he goes out, no doubt he'll roll again. At least the rug is staying clean, look at it like that.

    Thanks for links Bay - I hadn't thought to do that this time.

    is this little touch of spring to continue to the weekend I wonder?

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    << is this little touch of spring set to continue into the weekend>>
    allegedly not
    turning colder over the weekend ....to quote the met men
    more cloud today , but still mild.......muckingout this morning , the sky was weirdly purply/yellowy/pinky ....a most odd light....
    both connys out again for their hour ..len rolled again.....all shoes still on feet
    those that can...have good rides thie weekend

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    it appears that we are back to 20 posts a page.......just checking as i've come in to the tack room through my discusiions on h2g2

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    nope, back to page one......gremlins in the works....
    .get the terriers in to ferret them out

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    morning all,

    Sorry I just threw the links in; I was going to add my usual drivel to the post but decided I really ought to do the thing I was avoiding doing. So did it. I have spent a bit of time recently dipping into the old threads. Inititally a bit maudlin, then bitter sweet, then with the realisation that nothing stands still.

    Glad Len is not still flashing his Manolo's in your face, Boris. A bit of sunshine may have brought a bit of fresh grass through and that always helps to focus a pony mind on grazing.

    Loose jumping is usually fun for a horse. My very first horse loose jumped himself quite happily, changed the rein and had a wizard wheeze. The most difficult thing was to make him stop. The yard I am at now does not allow loose jumping - damages the school surface apparently. Sigh.

    My second horse could not jump at all though. Loose or otherwise. She did not stop but did not bascule. She almost came to a stop infront of jump, took off vertically like one of those planes on a ship, somehow travelled forward in a line parralel to the ground over the obstacle then dropped like a stone at the other side, momentarily paused then cantered away from jump. She did hte same over a trotting pole too.

    Waves to all, happy riding to those that can. Hope the comfy chairs by the tack room Aga are providing some cosy warming comfort to those that need it. Take care all.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by lumbricus ex machina (U8665292) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    thought you might like this, maybe some of you are familiar with this fab lady?

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    Calling halftidy!

    Sorry, just using this thread to alert you to Squiggs' thread on poor hospital treatment, following your mother's poor treatment recently:

    Jo x

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    thought you might like this, maybe some of you are familiar with this fab lady?Ìý
    its a very "in" thing isn't ,it....gypsies
    all sports people need publicity....
    publicity generates sponsorship...which is jolly useful in eventing 'cos its a very expensive sport
    some people play on their celeb staus.....ie katie/ jordan price( yes i know she's not eventing)
    some people emphasise their colour ....or ..their humble background
    luckilly, as the article points out, eventing attracts all sorts and the participants tend to be practical hard working non diva-ish types....
    .i bet the comments about her background came more from the hangers-on than the top riders...
    .good luck to the lass..she'll need it

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by halftidy (U8567554) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    thanks jo bo. It's a toughy at the moment. One minute I am on an adrenlin rush of organisational skills, the next a wreck. I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything at all. Will be down south tomorrow but on Sunday regardless of the weather I shall take BB out and find some set aside or something and have a bit of a pipe opener. Next weekend getting back into dressage writing, which means I can go brain dead on the personal stuff and work out which is the horse 'I most want to take home'!

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by halftidy (U8567554) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    Jo-Bo - my post on the other thread has been moderated - why? What do I do. I cannot find a way to complain about it??

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    Halftidy, you should have been sent an e-mail titled "Your post has been removed" - this should tell you which of the house rules (or which one of a group of house rules) your post is alleged to have broken, and, at the end of the e-mail, give you a transcript of the moderated post.

    If it is clear how the post broke the house rules, it may be possible to edit and re-post it on the same thread.

    The e-mail gives you basic details of the appeal procedure, but you may find a bit of judicious re-modelling the best answer.

    For example, an allegation of maLPRACTICE IDENTIFIABLE AGAINST AN IDENTIFIABLE BODY OR INDIVIDUAL MAY BE MODDED, WHERE SOMETHING MORE CRYPTIC MAY GET THROUGH.(Sorry, wasn't shouting, accidentally put the caps lock on and didn't notice)

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by halftidy (U8567554) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    right - m thanks - will go back and look at that email! Grrrrr.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    err ladies, this is getting a tad off thread.....sww
    but i did worry about earlier post/s on this subject which i thought came close to identifying RLorspitals and RLpeople

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    HT, I didn't see your post, but I suspect you gave too much info, although quite a few of the other posts made it quite clear where they were referring to.

    Sorry HT if any of my earlier postings made stuff too personal, but I know I'm not that anonymous - I post knowing that people that know me would know it's me, if that makes sense. Therefore I don't post anything that I wouldn't say generally anyway, and I assume others take the same attitude. Interestingly, if I google my name, it is mostly horsey sites with results that come up! Not my professional life. And for any of us in BHS circles, it probably wouldn't take much to put 2 and 2 together if we happened to see the obit for HT's mother appear.

    Right, off from work for the weekend. Rather busy, but hoping to catch quick ride tomorrow. August should have been ridden by my friend today. Can't wait for light evenings so I can ride midweek again.

    Have good horsey weekends everyone.

    Jo x

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Friday, 25th February 2011

    Ah well whatever gremlins were about earlier the terriers must have sorted, and we're back to 50 posts a page. Wonder if it was something to do with Boris coming in a different route?

    Yes, I see my view of spring was a bit over-optimistic, it went quite blowy when I popped out to the shops at lunchtime.

    Lumb, saw the article on the gypsy eventing girl. Seems to be a lot of cashing in on the C4 programme, but good luck to her. Hadn't noticed her, but I guess H&H won't have her listed as Gypsy Event Rider. As Boris says anything that boosts the publicity of the sport is a good thing.

    In terms of publicity, round here we have Lee Pearson on the front of the Phone Book as a publicity thing for 2012 in all his dressage finery. And very smart he looks too sww.

    Halftidy, glad you've got work to take your mind off the personal problems, sounds like interesting work too! Off topic, should you want any help with complaints and the like with the NHS I may be able to help. Not in your neck of the woods, but might be able to help with the processes. Several Equinettes have my contact details, or links on FB, or I'm in Peets.

    Back on topic, hope you get to ride A tomorrow Jo. Can't wait for the light nights - it is coming slowly but surely. Nearly March - eeek!

    A good horsey weekend to those who can (think I'm on an early picking up my friend on Sunday, but better text to find out). A comfortable seat by the Aga to all.

    Will there be any updates on Baybabybel this weekend Bay?

    A good weekend to all.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    my bum is becoming so glued to the comfy seat by the Aga.......i doubt i'll ever get off it.
    .i shall become a fixture..
    .i'll hold my arms out and you can all sling your bridles over me as you walk through
    absolutely persisiting it down this morning...so the connys stayed in their boxes whilst we got 14 bales of hay in from a local farmer...later the sky stopped leaking and they went out for a paddle and a slurp of grass..then back into the yard for the afternoon.....
    i do hope somebody gets a ride in this weekend ..
    .i wonder if Barney ever got to ride in the New Forest

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Barney Farnsworth (U14242274) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    .i wonder if Barney ever got to ride in the New ForestÌý

    Funny you should say that Boris...

    Yesterday I was looking at the website for the stables you rode from when you had your visit to the forest. I must be getting desperate - I don't really mean that in the way it probably comes over, it's just that I have a problem seeing myself at a riding stables, having an "assessment"? - I suppose just the whole bit about proving I can ride. I totally understand why it all has to happen, it's just that I'm not sure it's for me. In fact I know it isn't. It's just that I would like a ride.....

    How did you get on with all that? I would be wanting to do the two hour advanced ride, don't think you did that one for some reason?

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Hazel Wooley (U2338026) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Ooh, if you google my real name, a lot of bridesmaid dress websites come up! S'not me you understand; there's one other person with my name in the US (v. unusual last name) and it seems to be an abiding interest of hers.

    Nothing horsey to say really. Just taking the opportunity to bookmark and read what you're all up to (or not, given the weather).

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    i do hope somebody gets a ride in this weekend ..Ìý
    I rode this morning, BB. Jem was very happy and forward going - we called at a friends and she said "Jem, how are you always so full of energy?" and I replied, cheerfully, "Because she's possessed by the Devil".

    She's very shiny, and losing her winter coat, which is good.
    Hunting on Tuesday, so I'll be exercising her for about 4 hours on Monday. I'll leave her feathers for another month, but I might trim her face, so she looks like a hunter.
    She's been good to catch for 2 weeks now - hope she's not sickening for something.

    A small moan - Blue's owner borrowed my hoof-pick but left it by the gate, so I had to search for it. I don't mind her borrowing it, but a hoof-pick and dandy brush are my sort of desert island grooming kit - 905 of the time, Id survive with those two things, but I can't manage without them.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    I'll be back later, but a miracle - my laptop has come back to life. Yay!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Hi Hazel.
    How are you?

    (I'm going hunting with the woman who clips, Jem; weekday meets have a small field, she's an instructor, with a really good mare; we're going in her box and she's agreed to baby-sit me, so ideal - seems the give Jem the best possible chance.)

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    I was going to make some sill play on Hazel's real life name being something like 'Candy Dreams' (ie very sugary frilly bridesmaid dresses) but realised that Candy Dreams make one sound more like a porn star so better not. . .

    Moving swiftly on; first foal of the year at babybel's yard is now a week old. Only seen it lying down - being alive is just sooooo tiring. Looks like it may be grey eventually, two white socks in front and a big splodge on his face. One forgets how small they are at the vey start of their little lives.

    Babybel seems to have grown up infront - or at least he did not look badly croup high today. He was full of his furry self today. He left the pen happily, decided he did not want to leave the barn. Walked very nicely to the school, screamed his head off once there (the school runs along side the barn where he and more importantly, his pals live) lost concentration, walked over 2 poles, first at right angles to eachother, then one after the other, too far from eah other to be a 'related distance' but something a bit different for him, then let him loose where he proceded to tank around with his tail stuck in the air, then decided he had had enough and came to a halt next to me (ahh, how sweet -sww). He then thought leaving the school on his terms was acceptable so I made him stand still. Front leg flies up, higher than I imagined it could and slams down on the floor in a very bad tempered way, so he had to stand there a bit longer. Today for a change we went back to the yard the way we came so much turning back on myself to make him walk at an acceptable pace and not trample me underfoot. We then had to stand for sometime outside the barn as much leg stmping and other totally unacceptable behaviour. Luckily someone had brought another foal for a second opinion for stallion potential so that gave us something to watch for a while so the good behaviour of standing and watching that nicely was rewarded with returning him to his pen. Mr Gelding was very supportive and excellent at moving poles and doing gates.

    Silly question; babybel has only been over orange and white poles, they live in the school, will subsituting orange poles for anther colour make a diffeence to babybel? What do you think?

    Sorry, very long rambly post about nothing much really. He is much more wick than I remember baygelding being but Mr Gelding says he was equally 'uneducated' when I first got him. I just feel very old to be starting again from scratch; I stopped bouncing many many years ago. Sigh.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Horses are *meant* to see in B+W, so it should be ok - my jumping trainer says that in his experience horses can sometimes find black and a colour striped poles difficult, as the non-black bits must seem to loom in the air, sometimes.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Bayandgreygelding (U5161003) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Sorry it took me a long time to write that and bits and pieces of RL inbetween times so lots of posts.

    Have fun on Tuesday, carrick. I am sure you will have a marvellous time and with the support of an experienced babysitter. Quite envious really.

    Raises glass of wine to toast the miraculous recovery of Looby's lap top (ooppss, sorry Loobly seemed to have sloshed most of that glass over the keyboard, but I heard a good tip the other day - just throw some rice over it to absorb the liquid and it will be fine. . .)

    Boris, lots of tack needing some attention shall I just add it to the pile there? Dull days are better for Len, do watch those bright frosty days and consider a fraction less grass that day. Sucking eggs I know but my lovely vet was terribly cautious about those days. Not sure of the implications of paddling.

    Waves to all.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    evening all
    Barney.... the 2hr rides were in the morning,as i recall and that didn't fit into our short stay schedule...i didn't have any ridden'assessment' as such i filled a form in when i arrived stating my experience and got a very narrow TB ,sweet and schoolmasterish.....
    Carrick .. i'm sooooooooo envious...... you've realy done wonders with jem, so i hope all your work plays off and you have a great day on tuesday
    Bay..that sounds wonderful,change the poles, add bushes in tubs, use jump blocks as bending poles....richard maxwell's 'from birth to backing' is really useful............don't worry... i'm hyper cautious abouut len and frosty grass .... any hint and they will stay in the yard with hay for that day
    Looby, Hazel...etal hello to you all

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by StillBorisBecka (U14076840) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    oooh everybodys stars have gone out
    have you all left the building?
    deeeeeeeeeeep sigh
    i'll sit here and get on with the tack cleaning
    polzzzzzzz snor snore ......

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Ah, good to hear all is going well with the Babybel training. It's the perseverance at this stage that will pay off in the long term. Some people might let a colt get away with the foot stamping and pay in the long term.

    Good to hear about the plan to take Jem hunting next week. Hope you have fun. Sure you will.

    Barney, the assessment lesson won't be bad, it's a formality as for some reason when it comes to going on hacks there are some people who really do overstate their ability, but for people like yourself, the instructor will just want to see you in the 3 paces and that you can control the horse. Well, that's how it works at our place. In some respects it could be seen as way of getting more money off you, but I suppose you have to think of the insurance these days. Go on, though, you know you want to get back in the saddle sww.

    Boris, you're doing a good job on the tack sww.

    It was horrible first thing here this morning, and very windy. Don't blame the connys having a lie-in. Glad you've got some more hay in, there seems to be a bit of a shortage.

    Oh, Bay, the rice thing, best maybe not to put it in the keyboard. I put it in a plastic cup on the keyboard. But it seem to have done the trick and I'm back in business. Just better clear down the internet history on the work PC. It's good to be back on this pc, than the cheapest ever nasty work one with the little screen and awful keyboard.

    Hazel, I hope your name isn't what Bay suggested, and I'd advise you both from googling that one!! Who knows where you might end up sww.

    Full day on the yard tomorrow. There for opening up time which is always lovely when they see 'mum' the yard manager arrive.

    Looks like we might get a frost here tonight, but it was nearly light until 6 this evening. Bring on the spring!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    oooh everybodys stars have gone out
    have you all left the building?
    deeeeeeeeeeep sigh
    i'll sit here and get on with the tack cleaning
    polzzzzzzz snor snore ......

    I'm back our posts crossed - it just takes an age to compose a mega Looby post, even though I can type much quicker on this keyboard.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Hazel Wooley (U2338026) on Saturday, 26th February 2011

    Dunno about coloured poles, but they often really, really hate anything painted like a black and white cow.

    No, name not anything that could be confused with a porn star, just lots of consonants and fairly unusual. First name common as muck, but that's just as it should be.

    Report message50

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