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Something positive today

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 338
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Wednesday, 27th July 2011

    I often check in with ML just before I go to bed. I intend to use this thread to post about something positive even if the rest of the day has been a load of nonsense and carp. Anyone is welcome to join me. There are no limits on the number of positive points you can post about.

    I cleaned the kitchen and it is still visitor-worthy clean even after cooking dinner.

    My grandson involved me in a very silly game of him running round the house and me hiding in different positions to "get him". "Getting him" involved turning him upside down and making him into a whelebarrow.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by StargazerwithOscar (U14668197) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    The rowan trees visible from my bedroom window are, beautifully, covered in berries. We are, God be praised, all well and happy, including my 87 year old father. Last night I had a lovely long phone conversation with my oldest son who has made some radical decisions about his future. The weather is beautiful and life is quite good at the moment. Thank you for the lovely thread - it's good to be reminded.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Trillian (U14033122) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    I had my car cleaned and valeted at the weekend. First time since I've owned it - the inside looked like the municipal tip.

    Looks lovely, smells lovely, and I found a tin of baked beans in it as well!


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Dame_Celia_ Molestrangler (U14257909) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Being my own boss, I allowed myself to skive off at three p.m., and I went for a walk in the big park just 100 m from my flat (72 hectares!!). Enjoyed the walk, stopping for apple cake, cream and a milky coffee and looking at the farm animals on the way back. Got back just before the thunderclouds made things miserable-looking.

    Have just tidied up the flat, ready for my student. I don't need the money so much as a motive to tidy up. Now the place looks smart and shiny.

    Got really good jazz on - French radio station as recommended by the French thread.

    And then I shall enjoy the lesson and a good cup of coffee with my student.

    And then a book about Balzac, his eating habits and the emergence of restaurants in Paris. Much more fascinating than it sounds.


    And then, after checking two texts tomorrow (one I've translated, one written by someone else), I shall chip away at a horrendous translation about milk production in Switzerland done for free for Greenpeace and get something indulgent for lunch and allow myself the afternoon off.


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sunny Clouds (U14258963) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    After a bad start to the day crying my eyes out over plaster dust in the room I'd put Dad's valuable stuff in to keep it clean and safe whilst rearranging his house and getting a shower in, a friend turned up and helped with a couple of things that needed doing and listened to me. I also managed to shift a lot of dust from the room and to wash loads and loads of stuff in the kitchen, like wine glasses that had acquired a layer of plaster dust. I brought some blankets home and washed them (strike while the iron's hot and get it all done while Dad's safely out of the way).

    So a day that started bad improved with the help of a friend and a bit of determination.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Oh, a nice thread !!!!! I shall contribute if I may.
    Had a lovely walk today. Isn't that tall purple weed amazing this year? Don't know what it's called ... sure someone else will.
    Financial worries have been lifted. Not all at once -- but in 13+ months all should be well.
    And I have picked a beautiful load of fresh spinach for *free* from someone who has too much.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Kind Mrs Van Rentl (U2315000) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    The animal rescue place, where I am a volunteer cat cuddler, re-homed a three legged cat and his mum to the perfect home. Made my day.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    I think it mightbe Himalayan balsam, but amnot 100%.

    Son and I have just got back from a walk around the local fields - we were treated to 2 green woodpeckers, a roe deer doe and the tamest kestrel ever. It sat in a tree 10' away and didn't move despite several dogs and families passing by - and looking too!

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by SussexCornflower InTheFinalCountdown (U13833966) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Lovely idea XNo.

    I walked round my small garden just now - there are 9 new evening primrose flowers this evening looking very pretty and now they are 'shining' in the dark.

    Also, although it meant working far too hard today, it should mean I can take Monday off.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Isn't that tall purple weed amazing this year? Don't know what it's called . 
    Old Man's Beard - but I don't know the proper name. The seeds are a bit like ambitious dandelions and look as though the plant is wearing a beard. When the seeds are flying they're fairies and if you catch one it's good luck/you can make a wish. It used to be rife in bombed sites in Bristol.

    Yesterday I made 2 new ML friends at The Globe.

    Today I watched the farmer moving cattle along the road. There were cows, calves and a gert big bull. The cows in one ajoining field and the sheep in another all flocked to their respective fences to watch.

    So did I.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Rosebay willow herb or the bomb site plant I think.

    Watched a green woodie bouncing round the newly mowed lawn at work this PM

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Orpheus (U14408875) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Nice thread.

    Ooh Lady M, was my mum one of them? Not sure if you've met before?

    Today I was complimented on a good job by my new boss. He has barely spoken to me since I started my training, so it was an unexpected surprise.

    Also, I taught my younger brother to make chicken kiev's from scratch. He wanted me to show him something simple but interesting that he can cook back at university to impress the girls!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Ooh Lady M, was my mum one of them? Not sure if you've met before? 
    Met your mum at Glos MUM, Orpheus. I donated 2 pairs of jeans yesrterday, cos she is more syphish than me.

    Rose Bay Willowherb - of course I knew that. Duh!

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Hmm - better not comment on your apostrophe use, then (smily wossit).

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by La Bez (U14670366) on Thursday, 28th July 2011

    Lovely thread.

    Today, having had a rough start to the day after getting bad news, I found a photo on Juniper's FB page. It is of him and my brother on the recent vacation OH and the kids had with my bro and his family on Corsica. I looked at my brother's image in that photo today, and saw my dad looking back at me. The first time I've ever seen a resemblence between the two of them, brought a big smile (and a small tear or two)

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Thank you all for joining in.

    We had the first of the home grown tomatoes in the roast veg tonight. Marvellous explosion of flavour.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by douglas the rabbit (U13762692) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Many moons ago we used to do this on the Early thread in the Bull - only then it was policy to try, no matter how carp the day, to think of three positive things which had happened.

    I had a carp day yesterday involving a trip to A&E, but on the positive side received a very small but welcome legacy from the will of an elderly friend. On the principle of "pass it on" half will go to a good cause, but the other half I intend to fritter utterly, and look forward to deciding precisely how to achieve that....

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Dame_Celia_ Molestrangler (U14257909) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    The day has started well: I've found two mistakes in the German of a friend and colleague who has some of the best German I've ever seen. And I've learnt a new word from the same article that I have proofread for him. I'm pleased with that. Learnt a new French word yesterday - the one for 'tipsy' or 'slightly inebriated'. Cute - but not sure how I can weave it into a conversation.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Ooooooh, Dame Celia, tell us! Please? I am sure I could work 'tipsy' into my next French conversation ....

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Yesterday I had my hair cut and restyled and received a lot of compliments - I am now walking tall with a spring in my step! Simple things can give a lot of pleasure.

    Yesterday I received a large cheque, larger than expected, it was maturity of some investments made 15 years ago when OH received his golden handshake, but put in my name - now to decide how much to re-invest, how much to pass on and how much to fritter. In these days of economic gloom and doom, it seems almost wrong to receive it but .... he worked hard for it.

    Rose Bay Willowherb brings memories of a trip to Alaska, where it is called Fireweed. They have a saying that the first frost will follow so many days after the flowers reach the top - sorry can't remember how many days!


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by StargazerwithOscar (U14668197) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Rose Bay Willowherb brings memories of a trip to Alaska, where it is called Fireweed. They have a saying that the first frost will follow so many days after the flowers reach the top - sorry can't remember how many days!


    I've always known it as fireweed too.

    Glad the new hairdo is a success.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Today I have made Elder Piglet's day. We are helping him buy a bike for our DGS's birthday, he told me that they had some excellent used mountain bikes for sale. These were previously owned by the Police who patrol the Balmoral Estates. He needed a new bike and was trying to work out whether he could buy one - I assured him he could as I had just come into money!

    Later he texted to say he had bought the bike and had had a wonderful day out right up one of the local glens, fantastic views.

    It made my day him telling me that.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Thank you all for the fireweed / rosebay willow herb name.

    Here I have had some people to dinner and the meal was really good and they loved it. And what a nice way it is of getting to know people better, sitting over good food.

    Even the drizzle was just what the garden needed.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Tomorrow I shall mostly be incinerating - once the incinerator arrives.

    Die nettles!

    Look - they turned my arms into a stinging thing from the university of Stung yesterday. But my garden looks a whole lot better and I've left enough for the butterflies.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    I should say I got the idea for this thread from Carrick's "Small Pleasures" thread in the Bull. I thought a similar but different thread would suit TVH. It's a bit Pollyannaish I agree but I'm challenging myself to find at least one positive thing every day.

    I got a letter today that says the council are going to be picking up more types of plastic for recycling. It's the missing link as far as I'm concerned for my general household waste.

    I can now recycle cardboard, food and garden waste (including nettles) in the brown bin; cans, paper, plastic, glass in the blue bin; what's not to like about this?

    I'd like Lady M's incinerator for the paperwork that needs shredding or disposing of in some way. I suspect incinerating might be more energy efficient than shredding and the ashes can go into the garden.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Bractondefeated (U3173859) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Great thread! I had a dear old friend - 90+_who when asked how he was always said cheerfully "well I woke up this morning"which I thought was wonderful. Until the day he didn't.

    Anyway - good NI refund cheque. And son and dil invited me to lunch at the pub out of the blue.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Abberley (U14872426) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    My lovely OH planted some sunflower seeds out of the birdseed this spring, and they have finally started to flower - beautiful, small, bright yellow flowers. Such a bonus, and all for free! He is so chuffed, and they are very cheering for me to look out at.

    I had the day off yesterday, and met up with two different friends, for two lots of coffee - it did me so much good to have a dose of sociableness, followed by a blissful afternoon of snoozing and reading. I may not have tackled my massive 'holiday to-do list', but I recharged my batteries and felt wonderfully decadent.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    A man with a van has just delivered an incinerator.

    I'm off into the garden with a box of matches >>>>>>>>>

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    XNo - smashing idea.

    I managed to do a good amount of exercise today and some Pilates. I'm gradually working my way back into some activity after a long period of not doing any because of being ill, and this is the best I've managed since last year so I'm really pleased despite being tired.

    Be careful Lady M!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by laughingDeborah (U13727461) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Yes lovely thread XNo and no surprise that it is you started it - you were very encouraging when I used the board at a very bad time four years ago.
    In a much better place these days, much of what I feared then didn't happen and......today we've got the hay in.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Orpheus (U14408875) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    This thread is getting to be my first port of call when I log in. It's heartwarming to read, isn't it?

    Am kind of worried bout Lady M's incinerator though!

    Mt positive today?

    I have a sick cat, Mickey. She rallied after a trip to the vets but this morning, as soon as I opened my bedroom door, she ran in and hid under my bed.

    I've tried on and off all day to coax her out, but she resisted all food and water and just lay (out of reach unless i cleared 24 years of assorted Nic-things..) looking lethargic and poorly.

    Cognisant of the fact cats seek quiet places to die..

    I just sat on my bedroom floor putting out fresh food and water and Mickey has bounded out from under the bed and ravished the food! She has let me brush her and stroke her too. Still don't know what's up with her, but I honestly thought she would be dead before the vets on Monday. Now i think she will be ok.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Am kind of worried bout Lady M's incinerator though! 
    It does seem to have a life of its own. It appeared to have gone out about 3 hours ago, but is smoking away again now.

    Today I may have saved the life of a lizard - or possibly lizards. The farmer with the deluded peacock was about to mow a verge wherein the local lizards have their home. I mentioned it to him, and the verge remains unmown.


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    It's a good idea xno, I confess I try and find something positive most days too

    So, in no particular order

    Cherry tomatoes in the greenhouse, tomatoes starting to ripen outside too, yum yum
    Hanging baskets looking good, I really lke the dark blue lobelia with the red geraniums (various)
    Had a great day racing round on my old T3 bike
    Delivered tent to pal, so we will all be camped in the same field in two weekends time
    Cropredy festival in two weekends time, countdown starts here, yay (-:
    My dad liked his birthday pressie
    And they ( the folks) appreciated a bag of courgettes
    We still seem to have four coal tits
    And four goldies
    I heard the wren singing today for the first time in ages
    A nice hot bath, glass of something cold and an early night
    Yup, guzzinut, easily pleased

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Ohhh lady m, lizards are cool, well done for that

    We too have an incinerator that has a life of its own, still having that has stopped the Bloke from using my veg patch for fires...

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by SussexCornflower InTheFinalCountdown (U13833966) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    The most positive thing for me today was that for the first time in ages at a weekend the sun shone and the wind was not blowing a gale -

    - so I was going everywhere on my bike, in shorts and feeling a lot brighter for it.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    I did a bit of digging today. I try to do a little bit most days and I do a bit a digging and a lot of sitting. As soon as I sit down a robin appears to hoover up any morsels I've unearthed for it. I do enjoy watching that Robin.

    And and and..... I saw a barn owl flying over the garden just before it got dark.

    I wonder what that glow to the west is. Are you all right Lady M?

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Lady Macbeϯh - not without mustard (U550479) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Cropredy festival in two weekends time, 

    Ooo - off to Google.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    Lots positive today.
    A lovely walk down the the market, and good eggs and cherries there. Not to mention the toffee/pecan brownies but I didn't eat them honest m'lud.
    I have a young couple staying and they are pregnant and it is a real joy to them, and to me.
    Theatre tonight -- not a brilliant play but the costumes, set and performances were superb.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Trillian (U14033122) on Saturday, 30th July 2011

    I'm trying to lose a little weight (too much around the tum) and today was the first day I could wear my "measuring trousers" comfortably They're a bit shabby but they're the only reliable gauge for checking when my waistline's contracting a bit.

    Sadly, I also got stung by a wasp in a restaurant at lunchtime, and it's still thrumming now.

    Wasp escaped, so that's positive!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by funnyjazzbaby (U14389829) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    I'd like, if I may, to add my absobloominlutely wonderful something to this thread.
    I have been offered, and accepted, a brand spanking new two bedroom ground floor flat from my local Housing Association.
    It's adapted for the disabled so has a shower I can wheel OH straight in...Amongst other good things.
    As lifelong renters rather than home owners, the security and permanency of this place is a first for us both and for the first time ever, I am looking forward to moving house.
    BTW I think the thread itself is absobloominlutely wonderful too.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    How fab fjb hope you are both happy there

    Just been watching woodie pecking at the peanuts, Thu a gap in the curtains, not sure which woodie tho, he/she hides behind the feeder

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Trillian (U14033122) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    I live in the centre of town, next door to the main park, which is usually a nice place to be. However, we are now on day three of Concert-in-the-Park Weekend, which has contemporary music on Friday and Saturday nights, plus fireworks, and a classical afternoon concert on Sunday.

    Last night's concert finished at 11 pm, followed by the usual parade of drunks causing havoc in the street outside (why do they bellow at each other when they're only eight inches apart?). A scuffle broke out, and I heard - inevitably - something crash over my side gates (which are quite high) and clang off the car which is parked there. Not the first time, this. Lucky my car's just a big bag of bolts.

    Did nothing, and went to sleep. Went out earlier to get the car to go shopping and found the offending item. It was a fold up chair, with a Union Jack design on the seat and back pads. The fact that it has "£3" scrawled on it in felt pen suggests it was a boot sale purchase, rather than someone's prized possession.

    So that's the positive - I'm up by one folding chair with Union Jack design worth three quid!

    That was a long story, wasn't it?

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Trillian (U14033122) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    Please...someone find me something positive in an operatic baritone singing Bohemian Rhapsody

    Where's my I-pod?

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Orpheus (U14408875) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    Aw Trillian,

    Get your £3 'gift' chair out in the garden, put your I-pod on, soak up the sunshine. Have some Pimms?

    I confess I have never had a Pimms in my life, but it seems about right for a sunny garden chill-out!

    Fab news about your flat FJB. Are you going to have an ML house-warming party? I can make some wicked bacon, cheese, garlicand herb chicken kievs if you like ?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Small Town Girl (U1483784) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    I have been eating home-grown peas straight from the pod.

    Absolutely fantastic!

    Oh, and we have picked our first courgette of the season.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Small Town Girl (U1483784) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    And a second, oh!

    We must have a wren's nest fairly nearby, because we've had baby wrens in the garden today. They are sooooooooooooo beautiful.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    Wren fledgies are really sweet, smalltowngirl, how lovely

    Two punnets of cherry toms picked, the split ones roasted, all lawns mowed, a veg patch weeded and we even found time to take bikes out for a spin and mooch round a local steam fair, which for a traction engine junkie like me is just marvellous

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by laughingDeborah (U13727461) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    Just a lovely peaceful day on my own getting all sorts of things done which have been bothering me. Being alone is a rare treat at the moment and tomorrow will be back to chaos but, as the sun sets tonight it's bliss.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    I have tried so many times yesterday and today to post, that if this gets through it will be one positive thing today!

    Yesterday I discovered a ML Meet is being held in N Wales on 11th August, somehow I had missed previous references to it. I will be able to go.

    Today I went to Llangollen, had the sight of a fantastic hillside field full of rose bay willowherb - a feast for the eyes. I went for a card making workshop - good in parts including the cream tea they provided included in the cost!


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Sunday, 31st July 2011

    Ooh enjoy Deborah, I had a day a bit like that yesterday and it was lovely.

    Today my positive thing is that I saw my parents and we went for a really interesting guided walk together.

    Nic - those kievs sound fab! Lovely to hear about baby wrenlets and new flats too... what a cheering thread.

    Report message50

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