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2/08/11 MFC Healthy Eating

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 96
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 1st August 2011

    Welcome one and all to the brand new Healthy Eating Club. This is the place for you if you want to progress to a healthier lifestyle, by eating better/more healthily.

    Here you will find a place where you can ask questions of others who have been trying, and succeeding, at times. All we ask is that out of respect for every individual we do not mention our particular weight or clothes size. We would love to hear about successes whether they are wight losses or decreased measurements. We are also hear to hold hands when the desired result doesn't materialise.

    Many of us have found the threads a tremendous support, and have opened our hearts when things have gone wrong (Who can she be thinking of? - Ed, - Doh, she's talking about herself once again!) I have been through a bad time and the support here has kept me going and has meant that I did not gain too much weight then. So come on and join us!

    We have three threads to help us on our way - Katy's Cookbook thread which can be found here Post your food queries here, or search for healthy recipes.

    GEm's cyber Gym will help you keep moving, or help with motivation that can be found here

    Last year we discussed keeping a thread open for a month, the consensus then was that if it got very long it could be intimidating for a newcomer. We have a Rota Thread where we sign up to open the door each week - usually on a Monday evening or a Tuesday morning. Lately we have had a couple of two week threads - would this be acceptable to everyone as a general thing?

    At the moment nobody has signed up to open today or next week/fortnight. Do have a go! The thread is here

    Do come and join us!

    KOKO one and all


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Monday, 1st August 2011

    Thanks F-P ... will be back soon.
    xx ana

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    I got up this morning intending to start a new thread if no one else had, only to find that you'd beaten me to it, Fire-Pig! Thanks a lot!

    So... I've reached the point where I could be content (blood sugars and blood pressure good), but where I still want to lose about another stone ideally and am finding it very hard to shift this last stone. If we think about the UVWXYZ lettering that Fire-Pig mentioned last week, I was on Z when I originally started (before I joined here) and was on X when I joined here and am now on V and a bit... But U is definitely the zone I need to be in. I've hovered at Ustone 12 lbs for a bit and am now back in the V category... I need a bit more momentum and then maintenance. But I'm finding this very hard....

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    I've reached the point where I could be content (blood sugars and blood pressure good), but where I still want to lose about another stone ideally and am finding it very hard to shift this last stone. ... I need a bit more momentum and then maintenance. But I'm finding this very hard.... 

    You and me both, Lost, you and me both... smiley - sadface I had hoped to ditch that last stone when I turned 50 in Spring, then when that didn't work, plan B was to get there for our 30th wedding anniversary at the beginning of July. Nope, still hovering, have managed to lose about 5 kgs since Christmas, but the final 5-6, oh dear...

    :O Katy

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Last year we discussed keeping a thread open for a month, the consensus then was that if it got very long it could be intimidating for a newcomer. We have a Rota Thread where we sign up to open the door each week - usually on a Monday evening or a Tuesday morning. Lately we have had a couple of two week threads - would this be acceptable to everyone as a general thing? 

    Well I think so, especially over the holiday season when so many are away or just too busy. Thanks for opening up, btw!


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    just something as food for thought (no calories!)

    I was listening to one of the science progs on Radio 4 and one of the ladies said that research had shown that the body gets a message from you staying at a weight for a while that this is the "appropriate" weight for you. So whatever you do it works hard to maintain that weight for you (thanks body!) You have to work really hard to break the message and then keep going until you get to the new weight you want to be and keep it there for some time (she was talking about 3-6 months IIRC). Your body will then get the message that this is your new appropriate weight and you'll find it easier to maintain.

    Sounds right to me. I have lost a bit of weight through extra running and have maintained it because I've been pushing it with the running and not eating huge amounts (not working so not hungry). My body seems to maintain it's new weight regardless of the odd big meal out or weekend with friends with no effort.

    Just thought I'd share to motivate you all to keep going and to then maintain. Keep in mind if you put the effort in now it gets easier.


    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Kishtu (U14091165) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Good morning everyone (I now expect of a choruse of "good MOR-ning Mrs Hlafdige" in a schoolroom styl-ee...)

    I sometimes think the older I get the more inclined I am to believe in the existence of a deity, higher power, what you like - something with a sense of humour who arranges coincidences to fall out somewhat wryly.

    What am I chunnering about?
    Well, yesterday I was bemoaning the fact that I haven't got a "target" - an event or a day or a something where I can say I want to be fit/gorgeous for *this* thing. And then yesterday Hairy Maclary asked if we wanted to go to the Jane Austen Festival in Bath for the day in September.... so I might get to meet my friend from Turin for the first time! (Internet pen-pals... love it.)

    So mid-September is now my official "goal" to be fitter - I don't want Antonia thinking "lor! what a slug!" smiley - winkeye

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Good MOR-ning, Mrs Hlafdige!

    And everyone else smiley - smiley

    I've managed to get back into eating three times a day, albeit a bit patchily. On Sunday, after eating very little all day, we stopped en route home at a good old-fashioned chippie and I was suddenly ravenous, first time I've felt properly hungry in ages!
    It disappeared after fish and chips, but I'm just keeping on with three times a day and hoping my appetite comes back.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Good MOR-ning, Mrs Hlafdige!

    And everyone else smiley - smiley

    I've managed to get back into eating three times a day, albeit a bit patchily. On Sunday, after eating very little all day, we stopped en route home at a good old-fashioned chippie and I was suddenly ravenous, first time I've felt properly hungry in ages!
    It disappeared after fish and chips, but I'm just keeping on with three times a day and hoping my appetite comes back.

    Glad to hear you're feeling peckish, Laura.

    Definitely not joining in the chorus, Med. I've escaped school for another 5 weeks, so I'm not chanting for anyone! I'll be in Bath again next week (loved it last year, spa and all...!) so I can relate to your new goal. Internet friends are amazing.

    Let's hope this sponsored swim pushes my body to new lows, then, GEm, because I don't want to stay at this weight for ever, but I do think my body's adjusted to it...

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Kishtu (U14091165) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    That is good news, Miftreff Laura.
    (Don't you find there's an awful lot of spit on the keyboard after you've said that...)

    I'm not surprised iyour appetite disappeared after fish and chips, although if you ask me it's never tasted the same without the newspaper ink....

    I'm too excited to eat now smiley - winkeye Breakfast this morning consisted of... two Dairy Milk chocolate buttons, and they were melted into oblivion by the Smallage before he handed them to me.
    I wonder how long one can continue to be excited before RL kicks in again?

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    I should think you could last a month on excitement, Med!

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    I have been full of enthusiasm since weighing myself yesterday morning! I forgot to take my muesli bar into work yesterday, and really didn't miss it, and didn't eat anything extra so today I deliberately did not take one in! baby steps but great oaks grow from little acorns!

    Lost you have come even further than me, well done, we WILL get there. It was very interesting what GEm had to say about the body getting used to plateau weights, I can understand that.

    Medhull I hope you enjoy your Jane Austen festival. I can remember going to a wonderful Jane Austen ball when I was a student, I can still "see" the dress I made for it, cream with a blue velvet ribbon!

    High Season at work has started, thank goodness for an assistant! Today my computer was moved into the new office and I am getting used to it all.

    KOKO one and all


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Nearly fell for a half-kilo of marzipan (which you may recall is two and a half THOUSAND calories and which I invariably eat in one evening) and instead came home with a packet of almonds and some lavender sugar. I already have rosewater to hand.

    I can eat all the marzipan I like as long as I make it myself from scratch. Now, where's my pestle and mortar?

    Breakfast: apple, cheese
    Lunch: turkey and coleslaw sandwich, slice of bread with butter and greengage jam
    Supper: three potato rosti with Branston Pickle, apple

    Which is not ideal, but it's over 1200 calories which is more than I was managing last week. I know a few days of listening to one's body is fine, but I'm not happy to go more than a few days at fewer than a thousand calories a day.

    Gosh, it's not often I post in MFC trying to eat MORE!

    Anyway, KOKO to everyone trying to eat more healthily no matter in what direction it is!


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011

    Lost -- if you tell me when you'll be in the spa I'll meet you there, if I can. I shall wear a flower in my hair and a black swimsuit .....
    Medhuil too, though the dates may not fit. or my bonnet .....

    Here, am trying but not so far succeeding to bump start the loss again. People making lunch for me ..... or taking me out (sigh).

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd August 2011

    Oh, Ana, I don't think I'll make the spa this year. I'm so sorry. I would love to meet you, though, if we could arrange something else? I don't know how to contact you directly...

    Last year's spa visit was a real treat, but it meant I didn't see much of Bath itself and this year I hope to go round the Roman baths with my family and see some of the 'tourist' sites. I don't know which day we'll go there.

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  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Kishtu (U14091165) on Wednesday, 3rd August 2011

    Lost, amd I allowed to enquire what on earth you're doing up and posting at 6 o'clock in the morning...???

    I have an excuse, I have a yarpful blue cat wanting to get out to slaughter some wildlife!!

    Ana, Hairy Maclary and I will be picnicking in the park on the Saturday afternoon with what now sounds like a whole *gang* of Italian ladies, not just my friends! I imagine you will know which is us by the howls of laughter at HMcL's attempts to speak Italian. We haven't decided which park yet though.... can't decide whether to ensconce ourselves on the green in Royal Crescent or to head off to Henrietta Park.

    A trip to the cheese shop in the market hall may be in order for said picnic! (CHEESE? Wash my mouth out with soap! On this thread too!)

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Wednesday, 3rd August 2011

    6 is normal; in fact, I'm usually out of the house by 6. This is so I can get in my swimming before work.

    O.K., so I'm not actually in school this week. But the early morning swim sessions last 90 minutes and the lunchtime ones only last an hour and I'd never have completed the Channel Swim in 12 days with lunchtime sessions. So I have sacrificed mornings to be able to do the requisite lengths.

    And I now have just 200 lengths to go in 2 days!!

    Cheese is fine in moderation. For most people, it's even good. It's just me who tends to try to avoid it as I look at it and pile on the pounds!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 3rd August 2011

    Lost you are going well, I have forgotten if you said whether you were being sponsored and supporting a charity.

    Mostly another good day until a semi disaster while cooking supper! How could I forget the mustard? Tonight my mushroom stroganoff was not nearly as good as usual - suddenly I remembered that while I had taken got the mustard out I hadn't used it! There were mitigating circumstances, m'lud, the tomato paste had squirted in the wrong direction - onto my clothes, and I wiped that up quite forgetting the mustard!

    I also enjoy cheese and am getting better at eating just a taste! We can't get our favourite Anglesey Blue Cheese at the moment as the farmer has broken his leg.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Thursday, 4th August 2011

    Yes, I'm being sponsored and am swimming to raise money for the charity Aspire, which helps people with spinal cord injuries. I'd be swimming anyway, but it's good to have a personal goal to keep me motivated and to be able to help others at the same time.

    Not long to go now! And then I can go on holiday feeling I've done something positive.

    Stroganoff without the mustard... just not the same, eh?!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Thursday, 4th August 2011

    I wonder if any of your read about the worst places to holiday wrt gaining weight in the Daily T*l*graph this morning?

    Apparently if you go to USA for a fortnight - the average gain in over 8 lbs! The Caribbean is the next worst - and the lowest - with still an undesirable 6 lb is Greece.

    They article says that haveing gone in for pre-holiday diets and toning, we plunge straight into bad habits, using the "it is a holiday after all" as an excuse. In USA portions are HUGE. This plus beach/street snacks which are often deceptively calorific, and cocktails and nibbles cause most of the trouble. It said that a pina colada has more cals than a big mac.

    So if off for you hols - it is worth bearing all this in mind.

    Also beware the buffet effect. Evidently we eat more if we choose from a buffet rather than from a menu.

    We're off on a cruise in a few weeks, and I must try to remember this. The chief chef works with a dietician and the menu meals are fine - but I have to be careful if I choose the buffet instead for lunch.

    I usually put on 4-5 lbs, but will see if I can keep it down at bit this time.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 4th August 2011

    Yes I heard that auntie prue and yes, even with lots of walking (grand canyon trekking etc) and not going mad, I gained during our three week stay in the states and in Mexico at Xmas

    I think its also due to having more for brekker and lunch than I would usually do at home, because we never take" laze on a beach" type , I'd be so bored very fast if I tried that. I'm afraid to say... And I'd need an extra hold all for the books (-;

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Thursday, 4th August 2011

    Your holiday sounds excellent, GuzziNut. : )

    One of the reasons I like cruises is that you can get a lot of exercise if you don't use the lifts and do a circuit of the decks regularly.

    Fred Olsen provides smoked salmon at breakfast - so I usualy have a couple of slices of that with some fruit. Being able to keep the starchy carbs down to a minimum helps a lot.

    On the wagon now to give my liver a holiday before my holiday starts : )

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by flyingMuckspreader (U14021641) on Thursday, 4th August 2011

    To Fire Pig - sorry you can't get your Gorau glas.

    I started a weight loss programme 4 weeks ago and have lost 5.5 pounds so far - not much but it's a start!

    Just got 1.5 stones to go!

    Need to do more exercise though.

    My boyfriend has a Wi fit - I sometimes use it. What do others think of Wi-fit?

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Wish I could lost 5.5 lbs in 4 weeks. Yet another maintain this week... up 4lbs from about 4 weeks ago, so that's not good at all. And I'm about to go on holiday too. No matter how much I tell myself it's muscle from all this exercise etc., I can't help but feel I need to do something radical on the eating front. Estivation seems a good idea. Surely if I slept the rest of the summer holidays and didn't eat at all, I'd lose some weight?

    Wii-fit... I think they're great and surely have got to be of /some/ benefit? Go for it, flyingMuckspreader!

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Since you recognise Gorau Glas flying Muckspreader, it sounds as if you are in the area, have you seen this thread ?

    I am somewhere near Caernarfon and could offer a lift if you are interested but Cake will be eaten!

    I can't believe it is nearly the end of the first week of the Silly Season at work and I have not worked a single 10 hour day - what a difference it makes having an assistant! I am even managing to get some cards made for charity sales in the evenings, so really a win win situation for me. Other years I would have been at my desk by now beavering away, now I am about to go in, having first spoken to my friends here!


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Lost some of that extra weight may be fluid retention due to the recent hot weather.

    Just a thought.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Friday, 5th August 2011


    Sorry. I'm shouting, aren't I? But I am excited too! 1426 lengths in 12 sessions (10 more than needed, but I couldn't finish on such a number as 90!) 22 miles. It feels good!

    I'm back from my pampering too, with silky skin. Now I have to go and pack, though, so I really must go. But I wanted to share the triumphs as well as the disasters with you!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    yay! well done lost (-:

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Auntie Prue (U14585893) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Excellent news - well done : )

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Oh, Lost, you mermaid, WELL DONE !!! What an achievement!!!!

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Friday, 5th August 2011



    with silky skin. 

    [nods knowledgeably] Yep, I've read that cross-Channel swimmers have to coat themselves with goose-grease to keep warm, bound to give you silky skin...

    Okay, quick quiz for MFC long-timers!

    Hands up who remembers a very unconfident exercise-loathing poster starting here? One who was, quite bluntly, trapped in a load of problems adversely affecting her health and well-being, with a big part being that, it seemed to me, she didn't believe she could really do anything well or properly...?

    Woh, sea of hands, everyone remembers the arrival of Lost In ML in the days when she was actually lost!

    You are an absolute star, Lost - you should be FOUND rather than LOST - although come to think of it, lots of things are "lost" - you lost your fear of exercise, you lost quite a few of your health worries, you lost LOTS of weight and you lost some of your disbelief in yourself!

    You are an inspiration, my dere Lost. You were so very brave when you didn't feel brave, way back then, and now you've just swum the bloomin' Channel!

    Please be very very very proud of your achievements, all of them as well as swimming the Channel.

    You are wonderful.


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Friday, 5th August 2011

    Well said Laura - am typing this one handed as I'm hoping Miss will see mine waving as high as possible!

    Actually I'm glad I'm sitting down as otherwise I'd have to take my socks off to type - I've been clutching at me trousers today. That old friend of mine, Droopy Drawers has returned, I really must buy some smaller trousers!

    I hope this posts, my computer has taken a dislike to ML and keeps telling me I'm making Bad Requests and refusing my posts. I ask you, a bad request to post on MFC?


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Saturday, 6th August 2011

    You lot are all wonderful. I'm about to go on my holiday (in the rain again...!) with a warm glow as I bask in your approval. You're right: I've come a long way.

    Played badminton last night: am reminded why I do swimming and the gym (solitary pursuits where no one's really looking at me). My hand-eye coordination is sadly lacking and I don't play ball sports well... but it was good fun and I ran round the court a lot, so that has to count for something, yes?!

    Now to maintain over the holiday... keep me in your thoughts, that I don't succumb to the holiday mode whereby I convince myself food does not have calories when I'm away! Plenty of starch to keep me on the right road. I have a tendency to graze far more when I'm away...

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 8th August 2011

    I decided to weigh myself weekly until I get below the next stone target. The scales show one pound less than last Monday so that's a good start! This coming week includes a night out tonight and a ML Meet on Thursday where I am sure there will be cake!

    I realised during the week that the stone I am in at the moment is a number that has had huge significance in my life - at school we were each given a number in the boarding house and our clothes were marked with that, and a number for the house. It made it easier for everyone to sew on a label with just three digits, especially if a name tape would have been very long with a long first name and a double barrelled surname! Anyway, my weight to the nearest stone is now my house number - no surprise it wants to be my best friend! (My two best friends in the house had numbers 6 and 30 so I don't think I'll ever have my weight as their numbers!) I must obviously concentrate on Christine who had the number lower than mine and try to reach her number!

    Sorry that was all rambling but .... I'll leave it in to show how my mind works!

    KOKO one and all


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Monday, 8th August 2011

    Fire-Pig this made me laugh!
    Only because I am sort of superstitious in the same way.
    For example I sign my personal mails XL or XXL ----- oops, does that make me extra large?? or extra extra large?
    And my password is a word I found once and have never found another use for, but I like it -- only it means oily, chubby -- if I changed it to something like 'lissom', would I get thinner?????
    xx ana

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 9th August 2011

    I once came across "pultaceous, grumous" in a description and had to look them up - porridgey texture, it means, both of them!

    I'm off on Wed til Monday for a long weekend in the 17th century, and am hoping it sorts out this vagueness of appetite. Dad asked yesterday what i was planning for supper, about 6ish, at which point I realised my entire intake had been one can diet-coke and two pints water. Sigh.
    that is going to start messing with my metabolism soon. I'll end up gaining weight, as well as ending up becoming depressed and easily-upset, by past experience.

    KOKO everyone!


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 9th August 2011


    How about writing down a day's meals, with the times to eat them? Make them you little doll's meals if you like. Try to make them nutritious, and delicious. It should be a point of honour that you eat them at the specified time - and please report back whether this works or not.

    Are you still busily stitching or should that be bufily ftitching? Is this costumes for the 17th century?

    I thoroughly enjoyed last night and the meal - knickerbocker glory for dessert - no choice! That brought back childhood memories as we always had them on my birthday - I didn't get a birthday cake as we were on holiday almost every year at the end of August.

    Today is another day and there won't be a knickerbocker glory!

    KOKO one and all


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Miftrefs Laura in Lothian bufily ftitching (U2587870) on Tuesday, 9th August 2011

    I think that's the only thing to do, f-p. Once I'm back in modern time (til the 26th when I set off again in my Tardis!) and home from the funeral, I must prepare breakfast the night before, and straight after breakfast I must prepare lunch and so on.

    Thursday to Sunday will be a steady supply of oatcakes made over a wood fire and if those are all I eat, I'll be jolly healthy! But I'll have cheese as well, and the local gamekeepers are supplying eight rabbits and a deer for me to deal with and spit-roast, and there'll be some cider as well as water... I think I'll manage to eat fairly healthily without any problem!

    p.s. it's the very end of August I'm bufily ftitching for - I've completed the 1630s shirt in fine linen (eg 14 inches drawn up into 2.5 inches of pleats, each less than a millimetre), and the breeches in deep blue fine-wool only need the pewter handmade buttons on the fly; the doublet is a major piece of tailoring construction, but I should just about do it in time!!
    After August, I've been commissioned to do a pair of cuffs for fine leather or kid gloves for an officer, embroidered onto silk velvet in silk thread with goldwork, couched metal thread, a bit like the 2nd and 3rd examples here

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 11th August 2011

    My computer has taken a dislike to ML and won't let me read or post on too many threads in one visit. It just fails to open the page or says the server is not responding. I am not getting this problem anywhere else.

    Laura I am deep in admiration of you, do keep us informed how the gloves go. I have done very little with kid leather - just in some of my gold work embroidery.

    Today I thoroughly enjoyed my day out with other MLers near Llangollen. Along with the others still there, I enjoyed carrot cake as we were in Carrog. A day that was better for the soul than the waistline!


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Thursday, 11th August 2011

    Me, I am off to the land of pizzas and pasta and wine. Sympathy, please.
    But I plan swimming every day and lots of walking ...... see you all when I get home!
    xx ana

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 11th August 2011

    But Think of the salads Ana, they are good too (-: (Could be a place with a salad allergy you are off to) have a lovely trip X

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Sunday, 14th August 2011

    Have a lovely time, Ana. I'm just back from your neck of the woods and adore it. Daren't get on the scales yet, but at least I only inhaled all the chocolate from the handmade shops and didn't consume any.

    Back to lessonplans and DIY next week, but oh, the joys of the Cotswolds... good for the soul if not for the waistline!

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by boo decker (U10848648) on Sunday, 14th August 2011

    Hello people.

    Yes, its me, back again! OH and I had a long chat over the holiday after he told me he was worried about me and my weight. I am too.

    We are both going to try to shift some weight. I keep visualising myself comparing the photo taken of me at this year's London Moonwalk with the one that will be taken next year.......

    Laura, I was near Duart Castle last week and remembered you talking about the tiem you sepnt there when the ship 'fired' on you and thus I avoided a cream cake........

    At my Dad's house we saw Pine Martens, they come every evening, and one was prone to 'meercatting' when she was hopeful of food.... again the MFC came to my aid... and I avoided the biscuits.

    I am off to weigh myself and this shall be the start of the great reduction!

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Sunday, 14th August 2011

    Glad to see you back, Lost and Rebekah and hope you enjoyed your well earned breaks. I wish I could get my OH concerned about his weight, he won't talk about it, but both Piglets and I am worried about him and his general health. It is as if he has decided that his 70th birthday last month gave him licence to be an old man!

    I am now trying harder at losing weight, rather than just being healthier. It is great having assistance in the office and not feeling so exhausted at the end of an August day. While the teachers are not teaching, we in the tourist business are run off our feet! It is interesting seeing how the visitors change over the season, the build up in May and June lasts a lot longer than the decrease in September and October, yet September frequently has the best weather of the year.

    Today will be a day around the house catching up on odds and ends, before work again tomorrow.

    KOKO one and all


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by boo decker (U10848648) on Sunday, 14th August 2011

    Well, I have just stepped on the scales and I currently weigh in at Z stones 8 lbs. I haven't been this heavy since I was pregnant with Pinga. eep!

    Ah well.

    Onwards and downwards I say!

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Monday, 15th August 2011

    I have much sympathy with you, Fire-Pig, having just been on holiday as a tourist!

    O.K., Rebekah, you and me both... we both need to be more assertive and pro-active in losing weight. We've done it before, we can do it again. Strategies? I think I need to kick-start (shock) my metabolism again, which has obviously got very used to salads and soup!!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 15th August 2011

    Lost, we know that if we don't make our money now we won't make it, and too many people's livelihoods depend on it. I am sure that you are not one of the ones who forget to pack their brains! The questions we get asked sometimes are quite amazing. "Am I where I think I am?" is one that caused some mirth* - how could anyone answer that?

    Oh dear, last week's pound off has returned - blame going to a ML meet and eating carrot cake in Carrog!

    Rebekah by telling us that your weight was Z stone something assures us that is it, you are taking control there is nowhere after Z is there? It will get better, along with Lost and me, any more joining our gang? Are we still allowed to call it a gang?

    Hope Laura doesn't find the return to the present day too traumatic, and that her diet of real food has helped her appetite.

    KOKO one and all


    *mirth after the tourist had left, I hope we are too professional to laugh in the face of someone.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Monday, 15th August 2011

    I hope I didn't leave my brain behind, too, Fire-Pig, but I love tourist offices... The staff there are generally very helpful, I love the postcards and the maps and the free leaflets. I went to one in Cirencester and they saved me a long journey to see something that wasn't worth seeing...!

    Right. The plan today is not to snack. Not even on 'healthy snacks'. I had porridge with raspberries for breakfast. I will have homemade soup for lunch. And then I will have chicken risotto with a side salad and a fruit salad as dessert (foreign visitors coming for dinner, very exciting... there is also a cheesecake for them, but the fruit will do for me.)

    That's more than enough. So no snacks in between.

    Back to swimming this morning after a week off. Heaven. The rest was lovely, but it felt good to be back in the water!

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 15th August 2011

    Lost, I don't work in a tourist office but at a tourist attraction - that's why I say we need to make our money over the summer holidays.

    This morning I forgot that we are out for supper tonight, so I will eat what is put in front of me with good grace! I bet it won't be as good for me as chicken risotto and salad with fruit salad!


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by LostInML (U13646691) on Tuesday, 16th August 2011

    I managed fairly well yesterday... did have a banana mid-afternoon on top of the scheduled stuff, but otherwise the plan worked.

    Today's plan... breakfast as yesterday. Salad for lunch. I may add a rasher of bacon to it to make it feel more substantial! I will then chop the said rasher of bacon up so it looks like I'm eating lots of bacon and then psychologically I will feel fuller.

    Dinner... well, the rest of the family has asked for lasagne, but I'm going to just have the mince bolognese without the cheese sauce and lasagne. I hope. If I can resist. I'm trying to be very good this week to make up for last week's holiday!

    I hope your tourist attraction attracts lots of tourists who are happy and polite to you today, Fire-Pig! I went to lots of different attractions last week and have to say that the staff made a real difference to me. Some were absolutely wonderful, helpful, smiling and gracious, as I'm sure you are! (A very rare few were not...)

    But the biggest lesson I had in customer relations came from a shop in Oxford where a young man served me (three times in the end... long story...) with such enthusiasm and grace even though it was by then almost 5 p.m. that I told his supervisor he was an absolute credit to the shop!

    Report message50

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