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New Stress thread

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 2005
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    The old one is trembling on the verge of 2000, so I'll post the link to this on there so that if it goes over the edge, it won't quite matter so much.

    Families eh. If they want you, they'll soon come running. A masterly inactivity always works. My family is fortunately very helpful and co-operative. It's me who comes up in the rear giving very little. I just don't ever blame them if I am remiss.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    thanks for setting this up love and yes some families are god awful.

    on the day of mil's cremation when we went back to the flat the cousin who goes on about family came out with J must have left us something as we did go to see her while she was in hospital as a memento.........OH looked at me and wispered she can jog on!

    when OH's uncle died last April the same cousin said the same thing that B must have left something for them!

    ok, if they'd put themselves out to help out than yes but as it is no way, B lived about 20 minutes from them and not once did they go and see him when he was alive.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    Due to a continuing need we're starting a new Stress Support Thread.

    I started the first thread when I discovered that Mr C was suffering from nervous depression. It has been such a help to me and I know that it's been helpful to all who come in and let off steam.

    It's open to anyone who feels they need to yell, scream, cry or just ramble on about any stressful situation. We're a friendly bunch and there are always chocolate biscuits and mugs of tea or coffee available along with a listening ear.

    Link to the old one as above.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    Sorry link here.

    Excuse my rambling on the end of the old Fred made a complete mess of linking them. A dumb blond moment, other than I'm not blond and never have been!!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Spartacus (U14243804) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    I was running round in circles - bit like my life really... link sorted!

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    Sorry Angua,

    As said I was having a dumb blond moment!

    Glad you've found us though. :O)

    I've built a new fireplace now that the winter months are coming along. Loads of comfy armchairs in sit in and as always loads of tea and or coffee. Oh and not forgetting the chocolate biscuits. :O)

    I thought of having some beanbags again but we had a problem with them the last time I did a bit of changing. Eeveryone could get into them, but then got stuck! So old fashioned armchairs. Beanbags if you can get up in the cupboard. :O)

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    c_h_p, there is a spare rooom in the Ö÷²¥´óÐã for the Bewildered if you would like to stay for a night or two!.

    Your room sounds so delightful I may just stay put on this nice squiishy armcahir near to the fire.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    i've added three large floor to celing bookcases as well with a wide range of books as well, history, philosiphy (?), historical novels, family drama novels, Dickens, Austin, Bronte, Thackerary, Mrs Gaskell and also cookery books including Mrs Beeton and some Elizabethen ones as well along with the Complete Pepys Diary as well ( I do enjoy a good read) along with morden classics as well.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    c_h_p, there is a spare rooom in the Ö÷²¥´óÐã for the Bewildered if you would like to stay for a night or two!. 
    Not too sure it isn't too late SilverJenny!

    Ohh Giggle is there room for some light reading in the bookshelves too, please? I'm bagging the Complete Pepys Diary if no-one else wants them for a bit. :O)

    More pics if you want to nosey.

    You'll see 2 portrait photos half way down page 2. There's a group on Flickr where you take 100 strangers. Firstly asking them for permission to take their pic and then asking them questions about themselves. They can then tell you as much as they want to.

    I've wanted to start taking some portraits so it was a good way of getting me started. Not that easy asking complete strangers though. The project is also there to help communication skills too. Though Mr C says I don't need them. :O)

    Hope everyone's having a good evening.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Tuesday, 4th October 2011

    Hi everyone

    CHP how interesting! Not had a look yet but hope too soon. Sorry you had a rough patch - you sound chirpier now so hope you're feeling better.

    Just popping in to say hi really, had a gorgeous sunny weekend. Out singing this evening which was fun but I'm zonked!

    So waves to everyone and see you again soon


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by MrsGks (U14084771) on Wednesday, 5th October 2011

    This room is so cosy no-one seems to have moved since yesterday. I've set up a table for brunch - rolls, croissants, quiche, salad.

    No children's books, giggle. Is this a child-free room.

    Hoping everyone is having as good a day as possible.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Wednesday, 5th October 2011

    That's why I have two copies of Peyps Chp!!!!!!!!;o)

    Yes Mrs G no kids books as it's child free...........for the under 10's that is!!;O)

    Mistle.........don't knock yourself out doing too much.

    Thanks for the light foods..........I did decide to stay here for a good long while as I needed a treat!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Wednesday, 5th October 2011

    Hi. Quiet here today - is everyone lounging around reading Giggle's books?

    Back at work today. Manager has obviously decided she can stop tip-toeing around me now and is back to being her usual Irritating self! Roll on 2 years and I can retire.

    Hope everyone is OK and Mr CHP is back on more of an even keel.

    Wishing you all a peaceful night.

    'Night, 'night

    Tatty xxx

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Wednesday, 5th October 2011

    Hi Tatty, sorry to hear about manager returning to usual form.

    I was tucked up reading for a while earlier, then psych appointment and out to the pub with friends. Thanks for reminding me Giggle, I am having a constant battle not to try to do too much!

    Ooh, please can we have *some* children's books? I'm a sucker for them, and think some of them are darned fine writing. I'm currently re-reading one of the Redwall series & recently re-enjoyed The Earthsea Quartet - fab.

    Night all


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    morning all

    brekkie set up.

    Mistle you are new best friend..........I love all the Redwall books by Brian Jaques, brillant writing and even better stories, love Martin the Worrior and hares as well.

    Ok I'll root out some kids books, let me have suggestions, also have copies of all the Lord of the Rings books as well on the book cases.

    Tatty pity you can't tell the maanger where to go, I know I would love (I'd tell her to climb up her own arse as she seems to like talking out of it!).

    TTFN and catch you all later

    PS hope all's well with everyone else as well and a big wave!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    Ooh, another Brian Jacques fan Giggle, how exciting! Yes, it's Martin the Warrior that I am re-reading at the moment. I spotted them all on my bookshelves at home and got hooked again. Funny how bits of them have stuck in my memory...

    "Salad anna sconn, lookit yurr 'e coom" (mole version of the Salamandastron song)

    OK, yes, I am sad. Shame I don't remember much of undergrad physiology or pharmacology in quite such detail!

    Anyway - off out for a walk now to try to catch some of the fleeting sunshine. Planning a bit of pilates when I get back but then I will look forward to curling up in front of the fireplace with a book on a big fat beanbag. Don't worry CHP, I'll put it back up in the cupboard when I've finished.

    Hope everyone is OK, that your manager is being bearable Tatty, and that both CHP and MrC are doing OK. Waves also to everyone else who is around.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    exactly so Mistle.

    I have most of the books in storage at my mums and our storage unit so not that easy to get to.

    Loved the book about the badgers of Salamandastron and how they got there and why and how they are chosen.

    Love mole speak as well, the food at the abbey sounds wonderful when you see it written down, also have a wonderful image of the big tapestry in the Abbey showing Martin the Warrior as well.

    Don't worry about not remembering much of your undergrad stuff.......look at this way love so have most of the consultants as well!!!!!

    Enjoy your walk and hope you get to do the pilates done as well, I've got all my housework bar polishing done and have a second load of washing on while mini is at school and I've had lunch as well and managed to catch up with e mails as well, all done while listening to Radio 4 extra and caught The Men from the Minstry at noon as well.

    Have flu jab this pm so tomorrow it's taking books back to the libary and and getting a new curtian for mil's flat's kitchen window with a extending pole for the tenants, have told OH they will pay him back for it, the husband works all week and has no idea about curtains and the wife is from the Ukraine and speaks hardly any english apart from hello how are you and she can floow you if you speak really s-l-o-w.


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    Good morning everyone.

    Trying to tear myself away from a cosy armchair and that selection of books, giggle, Have you got Pullman's The Amber Spyglass amongst the not-children's books? Read the other two titles in the trilogy but not that one yet.

    Sunny but cold out. I need to borrow a dog and go walkies!.

    giggle, you have been busy. I need to book an appointment at the Health Centre for a bp check & a fasting blood test: hate that one.

    ES is taking me down to see wren on Sunday and his gf is coming too; wren seems to have taken to her and she is not phased by seeing him. She has a cousin with mh problems so is used to highs and lows. We will be looking for somewhere with a carvery for lunch: wen is a meat and veg. man!. Saves the train journey for once.

    mistle, don't worry about forgetting the under.grad stuuff: I am sure it will be in the memory somewhere. Someone asked me about a library classification system the other day. I studied it hrmph years ago and was surprised that I recalled anything but out it came. Not my beloved dewey decimal system either.

    Hope all is well at the coop. Quick wave to everyone, back latter.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    i have all the Pullmad triligoy so it is out and waiting for you really good book the last one and well worth the read.

    Our GP is good as they call you for blood tests adnd fasting ones also for the flu jab, better than OH's old GP who he had to have a fight with to get anything done.

    I worked at the British Library and the sceince (?) reading rooms used the dewey system which us in the basements hated, we used tha numerical and alpabet system which was for example YC7742.F which was morden fiction, PP3321 was periodicals, Country Life etc, MSS was manuscripts, 4731.a.3313 was in the medical/reglion compartments each basement is the size of the old Wembley football ground so the compartments were large with moveable storage shelfs.

    We also had fixed shelfing as well at each end of the compartments, did a hell of a lot of walking must admit and the only real time for a sit down was tea break times and lunch breaks, we retrevied and replaced the collections as well.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    We used the [American] National Library of Medicine classification when i was at the medical library, giggle, which is better for specialised collections. We imagined that staff at BL Boston Spa, which provided us with mounds of photocopies and books on loan, must have had roller skates. I loved Dewey as a classifier at the public library but agree it is not so easy on the shelver.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    it's a bugger Jenny love, a bugger, to replace, the other shelf marks are just so much easier and don't take as long, a large barrow of 500 books takes about (depending on the person doing the replacing) an hour or just under, with dewey it takes an hour and 45 minutes or longer.

    When I was as the BL in Euston Road I could get through two and a half barrows in just over 2 hours which would be 1,250 books, but when I first started it took me that long to do just one barrow!

    So many people think the BL is like a council run libary but it's not and the volume of books being sent up to and coming back from the reading rooms has to be seen to be belived, I remember one summer about 7 years ago the basement I was working in had 37 barrows of books brought back down for replacing, half of us had to be pulled off retreiveing to start replacing as there's no way the evening staff could have got through it all in 4 and half hours as they would be spread over all 4 basements.

    Just wish I had the time to read as much as I used to but with Mini not an option now, but than I was travelling to and from work so had the time to read on the buses and trains!

    Doing curry tonight (beef balti) with rice and chipattis so all welcome and loads to go around.

    Will catch you all in the morning so TTFN and have a good evening!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    Wow you two. That is fascinating stuff. Who knew we had so much library expertise on here? well I didn't, anyway!

    Jenny, the Amber Spyglass is even better than the previous two, and that is praise indeed IMO. Wonderful trilogy. Ooh this is fun, this book chat.

    Thanks for the dinner Giggle. Sounds more adventurous than what I will probably be having - veggie pasta of some variety, yum.

    I had a good walk and managed shopping and some other jobs too. However, had a late lunch when I got back and then got immersed in a book ('Room' since you ask, Emma Donoghue) and now feeling panicky and as if I've wasted the afternoon. Just chatted to my folks on the phone and that hasn't helped the old anxiety levels!

    So. Plan now is - pilates, laundry, and dinner. Realistically that'll probably be it before bedtime, but I might also try to pack my bags for tomorrow. Off to see some other friends this weekend, in Yorkshire this time. Hopefully we'll have lots of lovely walks.

    Waves to everyone and if I don't have time to pop in tomorrow hope you all have a good weekend, I'll be back next week.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    mistle, give my love to Yorkshire. Hope you have a great time. Are you finding it any easier to pace yourself?.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Thursday, 6th October 2011

    Have a lovely weekend, Mistle.

    Waves to Jenny and Giggle.

    Hope everyone has had a reasonable day and has a peaceful night.

    'Night, 'night
    Love, Tatty xxx

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Friday, 7th October 2011

    morning all

    brekkie set up so enjoy.

    Mistle have a good weekend and enjoy yourself, I think your right about a wealth of libary knowledge between myself and Jenny!

    Tatty hello and how's it going?

    Chp, is everything ok? How's Mr C doing now and are you alright?

    Angua YO!

    Mrs G hope all's well with you and young MrGKS.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Friday, 7th October 2011

    Good morning giggle and everybody. I might just have a coffee and croissant and sneak a quick look at the giggle library before doing sometthing Really Useful.

    I am waiting for a delivery for ES 'sometime today' which was all the courier could venture. Last time that happened he arrived at the stroke of 8am and me still in me pj's!.

    Wave to everyone. Chp, hope all is well at the Coop and it is work which is keeping you busy.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Friday, 7th October 2011

    Yes, I'm all right thanks,

    Just got stuck in other things and haven't had much time for chatting on here. Every time I've been about to answer someone, something else has taken over.

    Mr C is OK too, thankfully. I've got out a bit when the weather's been good enough very rainy today. :0(

    I'm putting the Paddington Bear books in the bookshelf too as I love them and they make me laugh!

    I'll be a bit busy tomorrow during the day, but I'll try and make an effort to come in during the evening.

    Take care all.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Friday, 7th October 2011

    there's a stall in Paddington station that sells Paddington bears and my mum bought Mini one the other year though where the hell the bear is now I don't know I think it may be in storage somehow.

    I love the Famous Five and the Secert Seven as well so I'll dig some out, I also enjoy Jean Plaidy, Micheal Samsom, Ellis Peters, Hiliary Mantal, Phillipa Gregory, anything historical really, the second and third writers are historical murder mystery writers, Samsom is Tudor, Peters is medieval (Brother Cadfeal).

    I also enjoy auto biographies and biographies (historical figures mainly, tudor is a favorite)

    Will try and pop in tomrrow if I can but if not than Sunday!

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Friday, 7th October 2011

    So pleased you and Mr C are OK, CHP. Thanks for the photos - I'm loving your "100 Strangers".

    I'm doing OK, thanks, Giggle. It's 8 weeks today since Stephen died - amazing how the time goes by so fast. Son is really opening up about his feelings for his Dad. He admits he is much more relaxed about being at home when I'm not there. He says there is a big hole where his Dad was but acknowledges he is in a better place now. It is very comforting for him to imagine Dad is in heaven, surrounded by past friends and family. I'm lucky to have Son - I would be very lonely without him.

    Hope everyone else is OK. Wishing you all a peaceful night and a good weekend.

    'Night, 'night.
    Love, Tatty xxx

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    Just bumping the thread as it is in danger of dropping off into page 2. Hope everyone is OK.

    If anyone is lurking and wondering whether to join us, please do - this is a non-threatening thread and it has certainly supported me through an extremely difficult 18 months or so. Many of us may have walked in your shoes and have some understanding of what you are going through.

    Best wishes to All.

    Tatty xxx

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Spartacus (U14243804) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    Good call Tatty.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    Cheers, Angua smiley - smiley

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    Well saved Tatty. :O)

    I had a bit of a busy day on and off. Plus I wanted to get out and try and find some more strangers! Finally managed this afternoon. I went out in the morning, but everyone was too busy. Or rushing here, there and everywhere.

    Also got some other things too.

    Not too bad here. Mr C still on an even keel, but my up and go has still gone. Though I feel slightly better, so hopefully I'll be able to manage to do something soon.

    Hope everyone's had a good evening.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    Hope you find your get up and go soon, CHP.

    Now I must get up and go to bed!

    'Night, 'night, Fred, Sleep tight.

    Tatty xxx

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Saturday, 8th October 2011

    c_h_p, glad mr C is on an even keel; if I see your get up and go I will send it back.

    Enjoying your 'stranger' portraits; you are selecting interesting faces. What will happen next: it there to be a collection of them somewhere?.

    There has been a cold going the rounds & it is has decided to call on me; sneezing nonstop and achy. i dare say I wll survive!.

    Tatty, can't believe in it is 8 weeks since Stephen died; so much has happened to you and your family since then. Love Son's view of life and also that he feels better about being in the house when you are not in. He must be a comfort to you, as you are to him.

    Hope everyone will have a good night's rest .

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Sunday, 9th October 2011

    Hello All, back from the Cambridge Meet. Lovely library and book talk. I have a sleeved copy of the Pullman series and have decided that I don't like it. I read it all and there were good bits, especially the Polar Bear, but will find it a new home. I haven't read the Redwall series, but have just received back the Nemesis series from a young friend. I could recommend the Susan Cooper series "The Dark is rising" etc I have so many books to read now, and I'm rereading old favourites into the bargain. I love Elizabeth Goudge and am rebuilding my considerable Georgette Heyer collection which had some very tattered volumes. Comfort reading.

    My mother said I should have been a librarian. I said that it would have been like an alcoholic running a pub. But my SiL was just such and became a librarian for a while. He was even more addicted than I was by all accounts. His mother went up to his room while he was supposed to be getting dressed for school and found him with one arm up a jumper sleeve and reading while getting dresses. I used to stop entirely - getting dressed I mean while an exciting bit was going on. They were all exciting bits though.

    I was interested in the Dewey versus other systems debate. I used to rail at Birmingham Uni library for not being Dewey, but now 1) I inderstand why with a huge turnover of books, and 2) the time it takes. The same thing really, but couldn't quite unravel my brain.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Sunday, 9th October 2011

    hello all

    I like Susan George as well, good writer and gripping stories Inspector Lynley.

    That's why the BL has only the sceince stuff on Dewy not anything else as it's dreadful to replace when you have a high turn over of books, if someone can do 2 or 3 barrows of 250/500 non dewy as opposed to 1 and a half of dewy.

    Glad you had a good day anyway and glad that everyone else has been on an even keel as well.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Tattyhead (U2777247) on Sunday, 9th October 2011

    Hi! Hope everyone has had a good/reasonable weekend. I am off to London for a 2-day meeting tomorrow, staying over tomorrow night so won't be back in here until Tues or Wed evening. My daughter is going to stay with her brother so, although it's work, it will be different, if you see what I mean.

    Wishing all a peaceful night.

    'Night, 'night.
    Love, Tatty xxx

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Sunday, 9th October 2011

    Glad we're running along OK. Horrible morning but cheered up a bit later *and* warmed up.

    Mr C suggested I went out for a walk with my camera (of course) came home to find that dinner was on; (we decided to have dinner rather than lunch today) and the the washing up done from the preparation. :O)

    Have a good time in London Tatty.

    Here's my photos as usual.

    Must go to bed it's late here. Night night.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    Morning all,

    Dull and grey here this morning, but forecast says it's going to get better later and into the week. :O)

    Brunch out as it's a bit late for breakfast.

    Hope everyone's OK and has a good/reasonable day. I'll pop in later to check on how we all are. :O)

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    thanks Chp, enjoyed the brunch very much.

    windy and cool here in Middlesex at the moment looks like it /may/ rain, mini over her cold and back at nusery today, in fact she insited on it, wanted to go Friday but as she had a touch of the cold thought it better to keep her in,

    met up with some mates on Saturday and went for a meal and min gave our friends a good laugh and entertainment during the meal.

    got home late and mini went to bed, funny thing is that for the last 4 days she's only wanted daddy so I've left him too it.

    Not been too bad myself and am on an even keel at the mo which is a good thing.

    Hope everyone's ok and will try and pop in later if I can!


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    Hello everyone

    Am back from a very nice weekend. Lovely to read all your news but just popping in today as I'm out singing this evening. Rather tired!

    Good to hear from you all and especially you, Tatty - glad to hear your son has found some comfort and really good that you are both there for each other.

    See you soon


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Rwth of the Cornovii (U2570790) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    << just popping in today as I'm out singing this evening. >>

    Stop when it gets too dark, and cut down on the repetitions, or do Missel thrushes not repeat their songs?

    I'm off to a meeting of the Institute of Advanced Motorists tonight and need to spruce up a bit. First, I am debating whether todays mud from the reservoir will be dry enough to brush out or if I will have to bath the dog.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Spartacus (U14243804) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    Evening all

    Sounds as if things are OK at the moment here - long may it continue!

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Monday, 10th October 2011

    We do seem to be sailing along in calm waters I agree Angua, as you say lets hope it lasts.

    I went out to try some night time photos today. Plus there are a few others things in there too.

    Mr C has gone to bed and after I'd taken B-dog out she went into the bedroom too. T-cat is out here with me. :O)

    Hope everyone has a good evening, sing well Mistle.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

    morning all

    Brekkie set up and also a brunch as well just in case.

    Got up this morning to find we had no water!

    Called the housing association who said oh there's work by the water company (ahem!) to which I said ok but they usually tell us, so I called Three Valleys water and they told me no we have no works or reports of burst water mains in the area............so.............. I got back on the phone and blew some people up at the repair line.......told them I'd called the water lot and also told them what I'd been told..........than advised that there'd been a power failure in the night at 12.30pm and the pumps were out.

    I asked OH as he was using the PC at that time doing work sheets, he said loudly enough for the bloke on the other end of the phone to hear, no there wasn't as I was using the PC than and didn't finish my work until 1 am so if there had been the PC would have crashed..........pull the other one the marines are at the end of it!

    Anyway they said they had someone on the way this was at 8.15am and still waiting.

    I think it was one of the buliders on the site who are finishing off the flats for sale who switch something off they shouldn't have!


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

    we now have water!

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Silver Jenny (U12795676) on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

    giggle, glad the water came back on. I don't like getting snippy with people but with the untiliies it does take time to get to someone who actually knows what they are talking about, I find.

    A while back I tried to report that the giant padlock on the door the local electricity generator had been forced off. Lots of small children around here. So I rang the emergency number and got the third degree about my id. Did lose my rag after we were heading for 'and what was your grandma's maiden name' territory. Suggested forcibly she got off her butt and alerted the callout bod before a child was hurt and slammed the phone down. The padlock was back within 2 hours, not a moment too soon, I reckon. I do seem to be more assertive since wren was diagnosed and have learned how to find the right person to talk to get something sorted.

    Sunny day here but still windy. Hope mistle has ecovered from the weekend. Have as good a day as possible everyone.

    Back later.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

    you have to some times Jenny love.

    I've only been really bolshy since having depression, I really can't be doing with all the crap tbh.

    I know the people who work in these places are only doing thier jobs but it can really be annoying when you get all these stupid bloody questions especially when it's a matter of safety or a basic utility, I dread the leccy going as we are all eletric so I wouldn't be able to cook a meal or anything.

    I've go the clothes washing done and have now got all the bedding on to do so only have to make our bed and put Mini's duvet and pillow case in the dryer when it's done!

    Not bad work so far and got the naffing ironing done yesterday so I am H A P P Y!

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

    Glad to her you've got water again Giggle. Plus the ironing done. Want a trip to France, there's a pile here that needs doing........

    Hope everyone's had a good day. It's been grey here, but not cold. I got out for a walk this afternoon. Didn't find a great deal to photo but several that I liked. Oh and another stranger.

    Report message50

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