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November's Cat Club

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 829
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Welcome to the November ML Cat Club 2011, sorry it's a few days
    late but as we know that I'm doing it Subaroo and waited for him.........

    All are welcome here, to chat about cats and all things feline, to exchange information, seek and share advice and support about all things cat related. There’s a huge range of experience here, and whatever the query, we usually manage to come up with some suggestions.

    If you have a specific and urgent problem which needs a quick response, you might prefer to start your own thread: entitle it "Cat Emergency" and it will attract attention more quickly, although most of the regular visitors to this club check in on a daily basis.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Please note, one of the most frequently posted pieces of advice is, ‘Take your cat to the vet’. None of us claim to be veterinary experts, and no vet would diagnose a problem via a message board. So if you’re really worried about your cat’s health, please get him/her to your vet asap, and maybe come on here afterwards for advice and support on treatment. But if you’re not too sure whether it’s urgent or not, feel free to ask for an opinion. Most regular cat clubbers are here, dipping in and out, 24/7, so you shouldn’t have to wait long for a response.

    Other threads you might want to visit:

    Feral/Stray Cats 3::

    Feral/Stray Cats 2: This thread's been closed

    Good Food for Cats no. 1:
    And no. 2

    Pucci's Feline Diabetes:
    This thread is now closed and for reference only. It is a wonderful resource for those with diabetic cats:

    Cats should look here:
    Cats’ Ceilidh – a place for cats to have their own fun, without their slaves cramping their style:

    And another, which we frequently point people to, is Bash’s introduction protocol, a really good way of introducing a new cat into a household of existing cats – well worth a read, and it is highly recommended by those who have used it:

    A link to the cat club rota, because we can always do with more volunteers to open a new thread. If this link works, it will take you to the last page:

    And the 2012 rota already and were are not that far off 2012,
    it's got volunteers up to May 2012, if you've got time please

    And a link to a thread that's open for all animal lovers to post photos of their four-legged friends (or even stick insects if they want):

    These are some external sites that have been found useful:
    Fabcats (feline advisory bureau) is useful for most feline things and it's legit because
    it's written by vets.

    Re legislation in the UK in terms of caring for an animal properly:

    Code of practice on care of cats:-

    Dr. Pierson (guru on nutrition and other feline information):-

    Tanya's Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Centre:

    yellowcats' site:

    For all cat owners/lovers: List of all plants that are poisonous to cats.
    Which includes all types of Lilies that are VERY toxic to cats, because when they get the pollen on their fur, they wash it off and ingest so
    their organs collapse and die a painful death.

    And finally here's a link for October's Cat Club thread.

    If I've forgotten something please add it for me.
    Also M & M are outside in the gardens or they'd have "assisted" me in opening this. LOL

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    I was reluctant to add to the old thread when I read that this one was being hatched. Thank you for your concerns re George. Elsethread it was suggested that I rename him Mysteron.. I think Mclavity might be a better name, because He;s never here.

    During the night He consumed 2 x bowls of one sachet per bowl (one Felix, and one Co-oP brand, the latter from his previous servant's bequeathment). So with two clean bowls, I don't know which brand He prefers. Again, upstairs food, downstairs "facilities".
    May remove the downstairs temp cat bed.. Older readers may remember the downstairs set-up is in he loo, because I found him cowering there and He allowed stroking. This means that if I can put the bed upstairs near his food bowl (and thus, beside my anti-back-ache armchair) and have space for the bigger, and thus more suitable, litterbox into the downstairs loo, from upstairs, where He ignores it.

    Sorry, I'm rambling. Got a date for my last relative's funeral (Mon 14th), and feel that I should be doing something - although I don't quite know what!

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    I was reluctant to add to the old thread when I read that this one was being hatched. Thank you for your concerns re George. Elsethread it was suggested that I rename him Mysteron.. I think Mclavity might be a better name, because He;s never here.

    During the night He consumed 2 x bowls of one sachet per bowl (one Felix, and one Co-oP brand, the latter from his previous servant's bequeathment). So with two clean bowls, I don't know which brand He prefers. Again, upstairs food, downstairs "facilities".
    May remove the downstairs temp cat bed.. Older readers may remember the downstairs set-up is in he loo, because I found him cowering there and He allowed stroking. This means that if I can put the bed upstairs near his food bowl (and thus, beside my anti-back-ache armchair) and have space for the bigger, and thus more suitable, litterbox into the downstairs loo, from upstairs, where He ignores it.

    Sorry, I'm rambling. Got a date for my last relative's funeral (Mon 14th), and feel that I should be doing something - although I don't quite know what! Ìý

    glo, sorry to hear about the news of your late relative's funeral. Thinking of you.

    Here is TS Eliot's Old Possum's book of Practical Cats, navigate, click for Macavity. I love that book and my copy's very battered

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Re-reading it, "Maclavity" doesn't fit George's description.. George has Great Big Eyes, and a rich dense coat (at least He did when I last saw him). That Reading that took me back to Junior School. - ' wonder what happened to Mr C...., my teacher!

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Re-reading it, "Maclavity" doesn't fit George's description.. George has Great Big Eyes, and a rich dense coat (at least He did when I last saw him). That Reading that took me back to Junior School. - ' wonder what happened to Mr C...., my teacher! Ìý

    OK and you do realise that this is November's CC, yes I slightly
    altered the title, but I felt like that.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks for opening up Rosalind - I hope M&M are behaving today.

    glo, I hope the funeral goes ok. I am sure George will come round eventually.

    I have a copy of Old Possums Book of Practical Cats - it's one of those books that will never be chucked. I like the Jellicle cats - I used to refer to Tom and Jerry as my Jellicle cats.

    Love to all...

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks for stepping in and opening November's CC Rosalind.

    Subaroo, if you're lurking in ML (I remember you said you might) do drop by and say hello if you feel up to it. Thinking of you and Rosie & Frank.

    Ack, much sympathy glo, that twilight spell before a funeral is always difficult to bear.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks for opening up Rosalind - I hope M&M are behaving today.

    glo, I hope the funeral goes ok. I am sure George will come round eventually.

    I have a copy of Old Possums Book of Practical Cats - it's one of those books that will never be chucked. I like the Jellicle cats - I used to refer to Tom and Jerry as my Jellicle cats.

    Love to all...

    Thanks blimbles, yes M & M are behaving themselves, other jokey question. Is Rosalind behaving herself.

    They are good weather indicators, not going out in the rain.

    I love the Macavity poem and like you the Jellicoe cats one, it's
    got sentimental memories.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Frangipangi (U14798502) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Rosalind - many thanks for starting the November thread.

    Glo - condolences regarding your relative. I do hope the Invisible George makes an appearance soon in appreciation of your continued efforts.

    AelM - sympathies also regarding Sham. It's never easy having to make these decisions and I'm not sure if having the time to get used to that decision is easier than it being unexpected.

    I have lost part of a filling and finding it difficult to eat anything at the moment. Having to chew very carefully on the opposite side at the moment and can't get appointment with dentist until a week on Tuesday. I may well be living on porridge until then!

    I am just about to order a couple of the Vicky Hall books - there seem to be four that are equally recommended so I can't make up my mind. Does anyone have any recommendations about which 2 I should go for (I can't afford all four at the moment esp with dentist bill looming).



    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Ooh Frangi, how exciting! (Um, the books, not the lost filling - ouch, poor you). I've found the first three invaluable, but didn't bother to get the fourth - can't remember why. Will have a quick scan later, and see which I liked best (and try to remember why I didn't rate number four so highly.

    Well Holi's still alive, though for how much longer remains to be seen. My phone is resting quietly in a bowl of rice (can you still buy silica gel, I wonder?) and I won't know for several days if it has survived.

    You might expect a cat who is living in fear of being recycled into an item of clothing (Cat, I do like your idea of a Davy Crockett hat. Holi also has a beautifully ringed tail, which fluffs up into a magnificent bottlebrush when she's irritated, and I imagine she'd be quite irritated by being turned into a hat) well, you might expect such a cat to be somewhat downcast - but not a bit of it! She's been strutting and preening, and making Berry's life hell, all morning. She's obviously thoroughly delighted with herself for having done away with a hated rival for my attention.

    I think the other cats had better watch their backs in case it's given her ideas...


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks for opening, Rosalind.

    Frangi, I've got Vicky Halls' Cat Detective and find it very good.

    Have just bitten the bullet and made an appointment for boosters next week. Have been putting it off for a few weeks, as Tilly and a carrier are not a natural pairing.

    glo, good luck with the invisible George. Progress is clearly being made, albeit very slowly. He's lucky to have you. (btw, a friend of mine has a Skimble after TS Eliot)

    Sorry about your news, AelM. A tough call for you.

    love to all.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Rosalind - many thanks for starting the November thread.


    Frangi, that's fine, I did it in a slightly different copied/pasted the whole first message from October's CC thread and opened the links which I'd scribbled down and matched one by one plus the few that
    I'd added.


    supertillypops [11]
    Thanks for opening, Rosalind.Ìý

    Ok, stp, I don't mind doing it for others,

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    "My phone is resting quietly in a bowl of rice (can you still buy silica gel, I wonder?) and I won't know for several days if it has survived."

    Don't want to sound pessimistic, Gil, but when a male colleague of mine dropped his new work mobile phone down the loo (I will NOT go into details, so don't ask), the phone was kaput. Poor chap wasn't flavour of the month as a result, and they refused to replace it with another brand new one, but did send him back his "old" phone, the one which the loo phone had replaced, and he had to make do with that until the next update came round. Can't remember if it was one year or two.

    And on the subject of cats being converted into human garments, when the late and sadly missed Emily was young, I remember my aunt sitting in my kitchen, watching Jas and Em playing around, and saying: "If you only had that one (pointing at Jas), I think you could probably make something of him. But that one (pointing at Em), well, all you could make of her would be a pair of gloves." I think it have been the day after they unpacked her suitcase for her while we we out for the day.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    "My phone is resting quietly in a bowl of rice (can you still buy silica gel, I wonder?) and I won't know for several days if it has survived."

    Don't want to sound pessimistic, Gil, but when a male colleague of mine dropped his new work mobile phone down the loo (I will NOT go into details, so don't ask), the phone was kaput. Poor chap wasn't flavour of the month as a result, and they refused to replace it with another brand new one, but did send him back his "old" phone, the one which the loo phone had replaced, and he had to make do with that until the next update came round. Can't remember if it was one year or two.


    G-AC, yes you can still buy silica gel, do you want to buy it online
    or in RL kind of shop? If the latter go to a DIY shop or I'll let someone advise you.

    As to dropping mobile phone into water, it's not something that
    I've done yet. (thank goodness) but relatives have done that then
    dry it off with kitchen paper and let it dry in a warm place such as an airing cupboard etc

    PS oops she got the CC title wrong oh well

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Nothing to do with cats, but.. I was studying (professionally you'll understand) the work of medical Secretaries: One young Lady was having great difficulty typing from a dictaphone.. She took out the cassettes, studied it, held it up to the light, and said, "Do you think this is the tape that I dropped into my coffee".

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Oh G-AC, you've rather confirmed my worst fears! On the slightly-more-hopeful front, the phone I'm using now is the one I hurled into a steaming mug of coffee around Easter time (I don't seem to have much luck with phones). It took a couple of months iirc, but it did eventually recover, so there may be a slim chance...

    Jasper & Emily were a right pair, weren't they? (Not that Jas seems to need encouragement from anyone else, it has to be said ; ) )


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Frangi, I just lost a huge long post about Vicky Halls' books (so perhaps my phone isn't completely recovered?) but it boiled down to this:

    1) Cat Confidential
    2) Cat Detective
    3) Cat Counsellor
    4) The Complete Cat

    Very much enjoyed 1, 2 & 3, didn't get 4 because it's basically a compendium of cat care and I have SO MANY cat care books already I couldn't justify buying another.

    So, if picking two, I think I'd choose 1 & 4 if I didn't have many (or any) other cat books and wanted good all-round coverage, or 1 & 2 for a more in-depth look at cat psychology and behavioural problems. (3 is more or less a rehash of 1 & 2, with some extra material added).

    Now Mr. Post, don't you dare vanish this time...


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Hi Frangi

    No hesitation - Cat Detective and The Cimplete Cat.

    Just as an idea, have a look on Amazon or on ABE Books as you could pick up all four secondhand for the price of one!


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by yellowcat (U218155) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    (can you still buy silica gel, I wonder?)Ìý

    Yes you can, some types of cat litter are silica gel:

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Sorry gingernut, but I still think it depends on what books, if any, you already have in your 'arsenal'.

    As I said, if I were starting from scratch, or thereabouts, I'd definitely pick Cat Confidential and The Complete Cat, but if you already have a fair few cat care books TCC may not be worth the expense (or shelf space). There's nothing in it that isn't covered more fully in several other books, or in VH's own earlier titles.

    Horses for courses, and all that...


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    (can you still buy silica gel, I wonder?)Ìý

    Yes you can, some types of cat litter are silica gel:


    Oh yes of course it is!

    I'll see what my local petshop has to offer.

    Thanks yellowcat.


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Gordon Bennett!

    Don't know what Berry's been up to but he's just come in from the garden, and his little pink nose and two little white front paws are completely black.

    Oh I do love chasing cats round the house with a damp flannel. Sigh.

    Might as well have kids...


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    hmm, have the black paws left black paw prints all over Gil? So that's two cats in the norty korner then?

    Cat x

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Hi Gil

    Well, 1 and 4 is what I recommended, but Frangi doesn't sound as if she has many books of cat care, so 4 for the price of one would not be a bad buy.

    The thing with the Complete Cat is that it is much better indexed but it doesn't have as many anecdotes and case histories as the others, so I prefer the others to read but The Complete Cat to seek advice in if I'm in a hurry. Her other book, The Secret Life of Your Cat is a good present for a newbie cat owner, as is Bruce Fogle's What's Up with My Cat.

    Mind you, if you can access the FAB website or Messybeast,com, you probably don't need any books at all!


    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Snork, much more of this Gil and you'll be able to make matching gloves and scarves from your lot. Wonder what Berry has been up to to get into that state?

    Thanks for opening, Rosalind, can't believe it's already 4th November.

    Glo, sorry to hear about your relative's funeral, not a good time for you.

    Gil, have you ever thought about keeping phones and liquids well apart? Just an idea... The only time mine has had an impromptu bath has been when an old one fell out of its holder into deep mud. It survived but I've been a bit more careful with them since.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    I fell into a dyke in Norfolk with my phone in my pocket. Took it apart, dried it out for a week and it was fine.

    Same cannot be said about my pride. And it was December, so the dyke water was very cold. And stagnant.

    Cat x

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Oh Lord, Pebble has just come in. I think it's raining a bit...

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by superjan3 (U6523409) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    That's one wet cat.
    Megan to the vets today - she has an infection around one tooth. Antibiotics, in capsule form were taken with some tuna. If they don't work the only other optiion is to take the tooth out but I wouldn't put her through the anaesthetic with her other health problems.She goes back next week.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Blimey, AelM, I didn't realise Pebble was blue ...

    Could be my screen, of course.


    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Blimey, AelM, I didn't realise Pebble was blue ...

    Could be my screen, of course.

    Snork, I think that might be because of the flash!

    Gomez has just come in looking nearly as bad, I bet Morticia comes in bone dry.

    Jan, sorry to hear about Megan's tooth, I hope the antibiotics will clear that up. Does it bother her at all?

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by superjan3 (U6523409) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Hello AelM
    The tooth did seem to bother her a bit. However, she's eaten well today.
    The vet did say that she would be at high risk if she underwent an anaesthetic, and rather than put her through that I'd rather she slipped away quietly to avoid more pain. It's been seven months since she started treatment for the fainting and the pills for that are working well.
    As I'm typing she's eating more food and she has been brighter today.
    She's due back next Friday unless she shows signs of distress before then.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Oh Jan, I will keep everything crossed that the a/bs work well for Megan. It's good that she's eating well - long may that continue.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Aw Jan, sympathies to poor Megan; achey teeth are a real misery. Let's hope the a/bs clear up the infection quickly. Eating's a good sign though - sounds as though she's feeling brighter already. Good for her!

    Please give her a gentle stroke from me.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Gil Holroyd (U14164075) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Ohmygod! AelM, the only time I have *ever* seen a cat that wet was when Baggins (RIP) fell in next door's water butt. Doesn't Pebs know he isn't supposed to like water?

    By the way, I've noticed something about your pics...

    ...that giraffe's always lurking in the background, like Waldo.

    Tell me, do you ever get up in the morning and feel sure he was in a different part of the room when you went to bed? Do you ever catch a streak of yellow and brown movement out of the corner of your eye, when you know you're in the room alone?

    Just asking...


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    You're dead right GIl, it is!

    Also, is that a ginger cat doing contortions in a photo on the back wall?

    Apologies for spellling etc - spent 5 hours in Eye Casualty Waiting room today for 10 minutes with the triage nurse and 5 minutes with the doctor. I don't think the drops have worn off yet and nor has the image of the fat girl in there who ate the entire time!!!


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    For Glo and George!

    Poem 1:
    This Cat
    This cat
    Walks into the room and across the fl oor,
    Under a chair, around the bed,
    Behind the table and out the door.
    I’m sitting on the chair
    And I don’t see where he is.
    I don’t see one hair of his.
    I just hear the fl oorboards scarcely squeak.
    This cat comes and goes
    On invisible toes.
    The sneak.
    —Karla Kuskin


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Jan - I'm just whizzing back in before bed with furfles for Megan...I really hope the anti-bs work on her tooth. Glad she is reasonably bright and eating.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks Gingernut.

    There were fireworks earlier (they made me jump, so gawdnose How they'll affect a nervous cat.. ), so I went up to the spare room with "dreamies" and the cardboard box that I got him to enter (on the one occasion when we met). No Joy.. I really think He must wait for total night time silence before He comes out of hiding.

    Two bowls of catfood, and one of water set out for him.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Not come across that one before, thanks.

    GLO I know you want to bond with George, but sometimes cats are funny creatures and have funny ways of engagement. It might take some time but he'll come out when he's ready. Have you tried catnip in a spot where you could both interact?

    I have 5 cats, but most days any visitor to the house would think none or perhaps one, because Davina and her boys do a good job of hiding or keeping out the way. They have their places where they turn up and none are ignored. It may be that George is that type of cat.

    I'm not sure if it was on this or the Oct thread but someone m.entioned cats coming to visit when on the loo. Must admit all mine *love* to visit a human on the loo if the door isn't shut* (and if it is they queue up).

    *me using the en suite

    I'm off before I incriminate myself further. Waves to all and furfles to the furries.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Alsdouble (U524298) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Ocicat, bengal, called Max but aka 'Bimpy' update.

    Well it's been many months now, living with the squatter. I've sent him home twice but he's back here like a rocket. Makes one wonder what is he running away from? We are obviously the better option. We 2 over 60s and two 16 year old female cats.

    He is a little bit hard work. Has the wanderlust. He's also got injured and I had to contact the owners, (no vet would treat him,) and they said 'we will sign him over to you.' but when push came to shove, they didn't.

    Anyhow, down the vets, 44 quid kerching! Injection and some antibiotics. (Fight wounds.) At the vets, after staggering around for a week like a sick Long John Silver, he performed like Tarzan.........


    We hadn't planned on a 3rd cat, not at our age, but...what a lovely cat he is.

    He's the baby of the house. 2 next February, approx.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 4th November 2011

    Thanks Looby.. I do have some catnip biscuits, (and a canvas catnip mice). I am absolutely convinced that George's problem is some kind of mistreatment - probably unintended. I'm sure the answer is to stay awake all night, when it's quiet, and meet him when He comes out for food. As you might have seen elsethread, I has a few problems at the moment, and needs to be awake in the day. He seemed totally disinterested in any kind of toy, or treat, so I'm very much playing this by ear. He does now (well, for the last two nights) take a cat sized amount of food. But I really needs to at least look at him to make sure He is fit and well, even if I can't touch him.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Alsdouble: That is one contented, confident cat.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Looby, you ain't gonna believe this: whilst I've been sitting hear playing pooters, the food in one of them bowls has disappeared,

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Looby, you ain't gonna believe this: whilst I've been sitting hear playing pooters, the food in one of them bowls has disappeared, Ìý Hey that's good news! At least you know he's eating that must be reassuring. Make sure you get some rest too, don't want you running yourself into the ground.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Well, Alsdouble - he'd certainly win a baby beauty contest - isn't he cute!!

    He's obviously made up his mind but a small part of me feel sorry for his "real" servants, who chose and shelled out for a very nice cat but hadn't thought it through or weren't advised properly.

    Some cats just love an admiring audience.


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Hi Jan

    Hope Megan had a good night and is feeling brighter this morning.


    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Glo - the Invisible Cat has struck!!

    Got to be good, as he must have been hungry to come out of hiding when you were up, so yippee!!

    My big ginger spent last evening under my bed, but at least does come out now after I stick my head in and tell him the All Clear has sounded.

    The rest of mine sat ion the windowsill and a couple actually went out.


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    GLO, hang on in there, you'll clap eyes on him eventually. Honest.

    Als, that is a gorgeous spotty cat. And I agree, he'd win a baby beauty contest.

    Jan I too hope the anti-bs do their job on Megan, good that she's eating well.

    Gingernut, my pair aren't bothered by fireworks, they both twitched their ears at a couple of loud bangs last night but that was it. Doofus sat ont he windowsill and watched them for a bit but got bored and went to sleep. Thena t 6am he decided I needed waking up so he tried to climb the Roman blind in my bedroom. Little git.

    An update on the kittens & mum being looked after by a young person my boyfriend works with. Rescue space weren't forthcoming, so they're staying put for now. I've pulled some strings and have persuaded a rescue organisation to donate some food. Also a 'cat charity' (ahem) has located some feeding plates and litter tray. BF reports the kittens are growing well. We're trying to find homes for the kits, and again with some string-pulling will advertise them on rescue org websites. Will also put notices up in local vets (idea being people in vets are likely to be responsible owners). YP is keeping the mum cat, it is okay with landlord and other involved professionals, and with BF's support he has a financial plan in place for it all. It has done YP the world of good, and the mum adores him.

    I've done a list of instructions and things to watch out for as the kits grow up a bit - hazards etc. Includes
    To mash up food well to a paste when they start weaning
    To watch out for litter eating - no clumping litter
    Hazards (electric cables etc)
    Cut away side of box when they get mobile

    Any other suggestions welcome please, it's a while since I fostered mums & kits so the memory is a bit rusty.

    Cat x

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Morning Cat

    Glad to hear all is going well with the YP.

    If it's of any use, I've got all sorts of things here for cats and can willingly do a box full for the YP.

    I could get it up to Derbyshire tomorrow or Preston after the Supreme Cat Show.

    I'm in Peet's Place, so do let me know.


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Saturday, 5th November 2011

    Thanks for opening, Rosalind, can't believe it's already 4th November.

    . Ìý

    AeIM that's fine. I think that you are in the CC Rota to open December's
    Cat Club, knowing myself I am probably wrong.

    Also we had fireworks last night and I am dreading tonight's (bonfire night) fireworks because if they are like previous years they'll go
    on from dusk until the early hours. Mischief sleeps through most
    of it and Marmalade hides behind the washing machine for hours
    it's cold there.


    Report message50

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