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January 2012 ML Cat Club

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 658
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Welcome to January 2012's Cat Club
    Also Happy New Year and i hope that it'll be a good one for
    us all but not forgetting the cats that died in 2011.

    All are welcome here, to chat about cats and all things feline, to exchange information, seek and share advice and support about all things cat related. There’s a huge range of experience here, and whatever the query, we usually manage to come up with some suggestions.

    If you have a specific and urgent problem which needs a quick response, you might prefer to start your own thread: entitle it "Cat Emergency" and it will attract attention more quickly, although most of the regular visitors to this club check in on a daily basis.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Please note, one of the most frequently posted pieces of advice is, ‘Take your cat to the vet’. None of us claim to be veterinary experts, and no vet would diagnose a problem via a message board. So if you’re really worried about your cat’s health, please get him/her to your vet asap, and maybe come on here afterwards for advice and support on treatment. But if you’re not too sure whether it’s urgent or not, feel free to ask for an opinion. Most regular cat clubbers are here, dipping in and out, 24/7, so you shouldn’t have to wait long for a response.

    Other threads you might want to visit:

    Feral/Stray Cats:

    Good Food for Cats no. 1:
    And no. 2:

    Pucci's Feline Diabetes:
    This thread is now closed and for reference only. It is a wonderful resource for those with diabetic cats:

    Cats should look here:
    Cats’ Ceilidh 2011 – a place for cats to have their own fun, without their slaves cramping their style:

    And another, which we frequently point people to, is Bash’s introduction protocol, a really good way of introducing a new cat into a household of existing cats – well worth a read, and it is highly recommended by those who have used it:

    A link to the cat club rota for 2012, because we can always do with more volunteers to open a new thread.

    And a link to a thread that's open for all animal lovers to post photos of their four-legged friends (or even stick insects if they want):

    These are some external sites that have been found useful:
    Re legislation in the UK in terms of caring for an animal properly:

    Code of practice on care of cats:-

    Dr. Pierson (guru on nutrition and other feline information):-

    Tanya's Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Centre:

    Fabcats (Feline Advisory Bureau) is a site for most cat queries
    and everything bit of it is written up by vets, also I use it a lot
    and it was helpful when I made my decision about a thyroidectomy
    in 2011.

    And this is the link for December 2011's Cat Club

    But if I have missed something out please add it which includes
    the Cat Ceilidh 2011 thread needs updating, I left it because
    I haven't used it...........


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    i forgot this thread's link.

    For all cat owners/lovers: List of all plants that are poisonous to cats.

    Yes I do know that we don't normally put our cat photos on
    the first posts of a new January 2012 Cat club thread but
    I have.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Thanks for opening, Rosalind. And Happy New Year to you and Marmalade and Mischief.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Perkin Warbeck is not a cannibal (U14797366) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Ah, that's so cute!

    Perkincat is fascinated by the cupboard under the sink

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    And what better way to start off 2012 than with a lovely photo of Marmalade? Thanks for doing the honours, Rosalind.

    The afternoon turned quite pleasant and they have both been out for a good trot. Came back in together and demanded and received grub. Both now have their noses in the food bowls, so I guess all is right with the world.

    Rusty, good to see you back, I was wondering where you'd got to.

    Looking forward to more "tails" of our furry masters in 2012. I suppose we'll have more joy and more heartbreak, and also more support and friendship to see us through all the different ups and downs of being owned by cats.

    A Very Happy 2012 to all of you from Astrid, Billy boy and servant (another one who knows her place).

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Thanks Rosalind for opening up our new year Cat Club thread.

    Happy New Year from rainy Kent from Herbie, Hattie, Freddie and Horace, now all very settled together. In fact, if I lean back I have a lovely comfy Horace pillow on the back of the sofa.

    Jo x

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by woofti aka groovy gravy (U1483210) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Cool, I see on one of those threads that cats will regurgitate, which is what happened to my Jinksy.

    But only once and he's fine again now.

    HNY to all cats and cat people.

    woof x

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Thanks for opening, Rosalind. And Happy New Year to you and Marmalade and Mischief.  

    AeIM, it is no problem having opened Janaury 2012's Cat Club
    but I was in a cheeky mood posting my photo of Marmalad
    "helping" me check the kitchen cupboard.

    laReine-Astrid [message 5]
    And what better way to start off 2012 than with a lovely photo of Marmalade? Thanks for doing the honours, Rosalind. 

    LRA, happy new year to you and your cats, thanks that
    is one of my favourite photos. I'll upload more in the week
    (when I remember)

    JoBo [message 6]
    Thanks Rosalind for opening up our new year Cat Club thread.

    Happy New Year from rainy Kent from Herbie, Hattie, Freddie and Horace, now all very settled together. In fact, if I lean back I have a lovely comfy Horace pillow on the back of the sofa.

    Jo x  

    Thanks Jo, Happy New Year from Marmalade, Mischief also
    Rosalind x


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Lovely pic of Marmalade. Jasper likes helping me to check the cupboards too.

    He was very sweet last night. I went outside to let the New Year in, chatted with neighbours for a few minutes, watched some pretty, QUIET fireworks at the end of the street, and then went back into the house. I picked up Jas for a cuddle and to wish him a HNY, and he purred happily, and stretched up to give me a kiss. Melts you when they do something so sweet, doesn't it? Then he decided he didn't want any Drambuie, but scrounged a few morsels of Wensleydale-with-ginger before going to sleep.

    Happy New Year to all Cat Clubbers and their overlords.

    G-AC xxx

    ps Thanks for opening, Rosalind.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Lovely pic of Marmalade. Jasper likes helping me to check the cupboards too.

    He was very sweet last night. I went outside to let the New Year in, chatted with neighbours for a few minutes, watched some pretty, QUIET fireworks at the end of the street, and then went back into the house. I picked up Jas for a cuddle and to wish him a HNY, and he purred happily, and stretched up to give me a kiss. Melts you when they do something so sweet, doesn't it? Then he decided he didn't want any Drambuie, but scrounged a few morsels of Wensleydale-with-ginger before going to sleep.

    Happy New Year to all Cat Clubbers and their overlords.

    G-AC xxx

    ps Thanks for opening, Rosalind.  

    G-AC HNY to you and Jasper, it's a jazzed up hot chocolate drink
    for me last night and then bed.
    I had double cuddles last night as ever.
    But the NYE fireworks have just started now and Mischief's
    fine, Marmalade's trembling/cowering behind the washing machine that's after I gave her a cuddle.

    Rosalind x

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Just seen the photo you linked to, Rosalind- I love it. Very helpful......

    I have some photos on the phone of Pebble looking rather, err, well (ie fat!) which I will get onto Photobucket later.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    just bookmarking really, saying HNY to all, and I did like the photo of Marmalade. What is it with kitchen cupboards? Most cats seem to want to get in them and investigate

    Cat x

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Happy New Year Rosalind, and thanks for opening.

    Could we please correct the entry regarding the Felina Advisory Bureau though, as it is not completely written by vets. Claire Bessant, the CX, is an animal behaviourist and author, and she does have an advisory panel she can put matters to for veterinary advice and expertise, as well as experts in other fields. There is a complete separate section than vets only can access to get advice and discuss things among themselves.

    Hope you don't mind.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Dear Cat Clubbers, Happy New Year to you all. I have some catching up to do, as always!

    Just wanted to ask you all to send some positive healing vibes to the two beautiful cats I rescued yesterday. The short version is that someone in Brooklyn hung himself yesterday morning, with his two beautiful cats in the apartment, and his kind neighbour, while dealing with the paramedics and police, took it upon himself to call our clinic and I sent someone in a taxi to go and get them as the police were planning to seal the apartment with one of the cats still inside, because it was considered a crime scene.

    Words fail me. What a kind neighbour. He said "If I give you guys a hundred bucks, will you come get them now; I don't even have a carrier and it would break my heart if I couldn't help these cats and the police want to seal the place now". I would have sent someone regardless. I was getting ready to ask the clinic's owner to let me leave to go myself, but luckily I was allowed to send someone.

    The kennel boy who went to get them named them Lovely and Chunky. Not the best names, but I wanted to give him the privilege of doing so as he didn't flinch when I pushed money into his hand and asked him to go get them.

    Lovely is a delicate little tabby boy with white paws, a pointy, pretty little face and intense eyes, very vocal and friendly.Not at all boyish. Chunky isn't really chunky, he's just a big cat, twice the size of Lovely, they look like Little and Large, and is a beautiful ginger and white boy, with a slightly bemused, wise, almost sad face. I stayed until 10pm at the clinic on my own so I could get to know them. I changed their litter tray and gave them fresh food as they hadn't eaten all day, and when Lovely kept coming up to the front of the cage, I decided to get into it with them. They both calmed down and just sat with me, and I must admit I cried a bit and gave them extra hugs. It brought back really sad memories of rescuing my friend Nick's cats who died of a drug overdose. They were two kittens I adopted out to him from my first TNR project at the warehouse in DUMBO, and I knew one day I would be coming back for them.

    Anyway, I am trying to shake off the knowledge that they went through this, I mean that they were present, and wondering how it must have somehow affected them. Oh dear, thinking about it is making me weepy again. Poor guy and poor cats.

    They will be adopted out as a pair, of course, no way are they being separated. I think we will put them up for adoption as a pair whose owner died, without going into it.

    Right, off to DUMBO, Happy New Year to all,

    Bash x

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Sorry, forgot to thank you Ros for opening up.


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Sunday, 1st January 2012


    I'm opening up next month so can you let me have the correction?

    D's S

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Sunday, 1st January 2012


    Oh how sad, but the kind neighbour and you were there for them. Please furfle them for me when you can.

    And I would love to hear about the forever home for Dougal Junior and Baby Tabatha - yes I know I am a soppy idiot, but so what!

    D's S

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Thank you for opening Rosalind, and Happy New Year to everyone.

    Ginger, I suggest you post a link to the correct entry, so that everyone can see it. Then we can add it to the opening post and make sure it's up to date.

    Love to all, R and co xxx

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Oh, Bash, how awful for those poor cats and their desperately troubled owner, but what a lovely neighbour. At least we all know they'll be safe and find a kind home.


    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Hi D's S and Roots

    It's not so much the link (which is direct to the cat owners FAB section as opposed to FAB itself), but the description of FAB given with the link.

    We stress that we are not vets but this link says that every bit of the FAB site is written by vets and it isn't. I do work with Claire Bessant and FAB and know they wouldn't want people gettingt the wrong impression of them.

    That's why it might be better to link to the home page of the site perhaps, rather than a sub section. What do you think?


    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Carol Tregorran (U8943346) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Oh, dear, Basia, another emotional roller-coaster for you. What a sad start to the year - tragic young man. May he find peace at last.
    Gentle furfles to the two cats - I hope that they will find a good home.
    Best wishes to you & to the Brooklyn gang.

    Carol xxx

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    I fully agree.

    Somehow such an action seems even more terrible at a time of family celebration than at any other time of the year.



    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 1st January 2012

    Ineed Ginger, someone on another thread reminded me that safly New Year's Eve has a higher than usual (god I've no idea what 'usual' means) number of suicides.

    And thanks for clearing up the FAB site question.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by woofti aka groovy gravy (U1483210) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Jinksy likes helping me with my Hebrew. I was just sitting at the table with my nose in Genesis and Jinksy springs up and sits down on the table, listening with a no doubt expertly critical ear to my reading.


    woof x

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Wooft, cats are SOOOO helpful, aren't they?

    Bash, what a start to the New Year for you. But so great that you were able to get those two cats out of there. Everything crossed that they will find a good home, they sound lovely.

    And Faceache tells me it's your birthday this week! Don't know when, but have a very happy one, surrounded by cats and other friends.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Rosalind, thank you for opening the new thread.

    Basia, wonderful that you were able to rescue those cats so quickly, but how sad about the chap.

    Daisy left me a surprise present. Last night I was making my way out to the garage to put something in the fridge out there, when I slipped on .... something squishy ... and I and the chicken casserole nearly went a-o-t. Belatedly turned on the light and found Daisy had thrown up and hadn't told me about it. Urk. Still, looking on the bright side, I was wearing slippers, although cleaning cat sick off them wasn't my evening entertainment of choice.

    Happy New Year to all CCers and furry friends.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Right Gingerbells. I see what you mean now. I hadn't read that bit in detail as I just expected to see what I usually see in the links. I'll sort it out for February.

    D's S

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Archie7762 (U14090056) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Just bookmarking and saying thanks to Rosalind for opening up.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by blimbles (U2522058) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Hi all, a very happy new year to all.

    Just bookmarking really, thanks to Rosalind for opening up.

    Sending vibes to Basia's 2 latest rescues. What tragic circumstances. Very sad. I hope they can be re-homed quickly to a lovely home. Yep, as Samaritan volunteer for over ten years, I can vouch that we definitely get high numbers of sad people at Christmas, New Year and also Valentines day. These times of year when families get together and those without loved ones around struggle. Everything seems to shut down and nothing is "normal" for over a week.

    Anyway, I hope all CCers had a good festive break. Will be good to get back to "normal" though...normal food, normal hours of coming and going etc...

    Love to all..

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by woofti aka groovy gravy (U1483210) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Wooft, cats are SOOOO helpful, aren't they? 

    Very helpful.

    Why, only this afternoon he discovered the cursor on the computer screen, noticed how it moved around, watched it for a while, pawed at it and then helped me clean my monitor with his tongue!

    How clever of him to know I was thinking of cleaning the monitor.

    Hey up, here he is. Little kiss, now he's getting comfy on my lap. He is a very loving animal, for which I'm terribly grateful.

    woof x

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Portia Antrobus (U14257929) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    He must have been watching this, Woofti:

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Portia, that is wonderfully silly

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Thanks D's S - glad you understand.

    I wondered if we could also add the www.Messybeast.com as there's loads of good stuff in there and possibly a couple of sites for lost/found cats?

    Mind you, it might need to have the links given subdivided into diet, health etc, as there are getting to be so many links.

    If you want me to try it in a different format, just let me know.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by AelM (U3803556) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    I knew I forgot a link last month, the MessyBeast one.

    Will try to remember that one next time.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Oh dear - now I feel even more guilty!!!

    Do you want me to set them into groups?


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Monday, 2nd January 2012


    I've got the intro in Word so in an easily editable format.

    I think it is a really good idea to section the links. And that part of the intro has rather just grown like Topsy with no structure to it. I could have a play with it and then let you see it. Do you have an e-mail in Peet's? I'm in there as Dougaldhu....

    D's S

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Thanks D's S - yes, I am in Peet's.

    Shall I dig out some links for lost/found and send them to you? I've got them in my e mail somewhere as I used to send them out for CP.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    DS, just who I'm looking for. Are you in editing mode? We have lift off with the protocol....emails ahoy! Bx

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    OK Bash

    Just give me clear instructions......

    PS what about Dougal Junior and Baby Tabatha (with three 'a's) and their forever servants. Tabs and I need news!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Oooh, good DS.

    I asked the director of my rescue group what's going on with Dougs and Tabs and I know they are well and that darling Dougie had this operation for a condition I keep meaning to look up but forgetting to, and they are happy and safe and warm and well. She is now super controlling and paranoid who they get adopted to, which I don't blame her for. The longer they stay at her house, the harder it will be for them, but they don't do well in the cages at the clinic, or rather, she doesn't want to put them through the teething period where it's stressful for them. Trouble is, I have no control over it but I know she will not let them go to just anyone. She has spent a lot of time and money on them, so it's her prerogative, but I would love to see them homed. My darlings....Will let you know.


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    ginger, sorry for the misunderstanding, M16. I totally see what you're saying now. Re your M27, I think the more links the better, because that way we're all a bit better informed. Only trouble is, the more links in the OP, the more people tend to skim over them - IME. So if someone can come up with a brilliant idea to have all the links available, but not individually in the OP that would be good.

    I'll leave it to D's servant to work out a cunning plan for next month.

    Mayhem here this evening. Tremendous kerfuffle in the dining room and when I went to investigate I thought Brandy was playing with one of the toy mice, (Christmas presents), but this one was very much alive and scurrying about, although it took me a while to work it out - must get new glasses. Flipping thing disappeared behind a bookcase - cue O/H and I emptying books out of it so that we could move it, and then trapping mouse under a large mug, sliding cardboard underneath and releasing it outside. I'm not sure why I bother, since mice are vermin, but I'd rather have it running about outside than taking up residence under the fridge or the oven. Brandy seems confused. He has hunted high and low for his mouse, and he keeps mewing at me. I think he's saying, 'Sorry Mum, I had a mouse for you but I seem to have lost it.' Bless his large furry paws.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Dougals Servant (U7470526) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Would your Director just fall so in love with them that she would give them a forever home?
    Just being soppy.... I just feel a connection to those two!
    D's S

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Oh, Hi.. Just bookmarking really. thought I'd lost you..
    George is getting braver. He Mews and chirrups very quietly, but this morning, it sounded louder... He was standing on me in bed...

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Perkin Warbeck is not a cannibal (U14797366) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Just a query

    Do cats over a certain age need senior cat food - Perkincat is knocking on a bit but I still feed her standard, good quality cat food (oh so meaty as standard, varied complementary with higher meat content).

    Should I change?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 36.

    This posting has been hidden during moderation because it broke the in some way.

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Everyone seen this:

    Perkin Warbeck, OBE. I'm sure people more knowledgeable than Me can answer authoritivley, But I think the answer last time this was mentioned was NO. ..and even if it was yes, it was at a much older age than the makers print on the box.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    What a wonderful way to start 2012!

    Happy New Year, Glo and George.


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by woofti aka groovy gravy (U1483210) on Monday, 2nd January 2012

    Yes Portia, by the satisfied note to Jinksy's purring tonight I think he must have taken inspiration from that website.

    I know he goes online when I'm in bed, but he is careful to remove all traces of where he's been by the time I wake up.

    Of course when I wake up he is usually there, pretending he's been on guard all night against monsters.

    The joys of living with a cat, eh? Unbelievable. I used to think you lot were a bit batty, if I'm honest, but now I have Seen the Light.

    woof x

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Urban 'Reg' Chronotis (U2338993) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012

    I know he goes online when I'm in bed, but he is careful to remove all traces of where he's been by the time I wake up. 

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by woofti aka groovy gravy (U1483210) on Tuesday, 3rd January 2012

    Breakfast time. I put out Jinksy's breakfast.

    Yesterday was a one-pouch day. He is playing with me again.

    Some time later he comes into the study loudly complaining.

    But I am listening intently to the radio so I pay him scant attention.

    Then I go into the kitchen to make the tea.

    Jinksy *instructs* me to put his food up on the table before he will eat it.

    I watch him eat for a while, then he finishes eating, and I leave him sitting on the table looking at me quizzically.

    I come back and sit in here and listen to my morning show and read the internet a bit.

    Then I become aware of Jinksy's absence - did he call me? - and start looking for him.

    I look everywhere. I start calling. He emerges from under the drawing-room coffee table, all big eyes.

    We go into the kitchen. (In the meantime I had put his food back onto the floor in a fit of pique.)

    I have to pick him up and put him by his food. As I pick him up, scolding him, he purrs.

    I have to stand there watching while he eats.

    Now he's finished eating.

    Well the cleaner is coming just now so he's got the hoover to reckon with again.

    Report message50

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