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Diabetes Discussion

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Messages: 1 - 43 of 43
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Sunday, 4th November 2012

    I don't see a diabetes thread on the first two pages.. Is there one? Yup, I know Geepers has her diet thread, but I think that has a different purpose.

    One is given all sorts of advice - Don't put sugar in your coffee, eat less fat and so on.
    I'm more concerned about the practicalities.. All fruit is sweet with fructose - sugar - Milk contains lactose - sugar. Cook books for diabetics usually "cook for four" - no use at all. And what about theworks canteen - who knows whats in that??

    Just looking for a discussion on how to manage in practical terms.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Dig looked for one in August,

    and I thought that Primrose Path had written about it, but I may have remembered wrongly.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by CC Growing old disgracefully (U13344869) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    There was one a while ago in the bull. Found out that a MLer in Australia is doing the same research trial for a new drug as me. They were fascinated at medical research centre when I told them.

    I have seen a couple of other threads but not for insulin dependent diabetics.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Thanks for responding, and thanks for that link, Carrick-bend.

    The new drug is interesting, but I'm more interested in the "Here and now".
    My situation is this. I went to Doc's with Backache, and a walking problem, eventually diagnosed as weak ankles (which I suspected, and also suspect that it was the source of the backache). Doc immediately decided that the backache was a painful pancreas, and sent me for blood and urine tests, which showed a positive Diabeties result.
    Got referred to Kidney Doc - further tests - Told No sign of diabetes, Pancreas does not cause backpain nor any pain, but I had Membrainous.. More tests - incl Kidney Biopsy. So lets cut to the chase.. Diabetes back on the menu which caused poisoned toe problems - long story, so I'll leave it there.

    Nett result = much talk of diet control, so I ask how one manages this.. for example, I'm told to reduce/eliminate sugar.. but how. Every label I read shows presence of Sugar/clucose/fructose.. so what does one do. I thought "increase in fruit, decrease in chocolate" might be called for.. but fruit includes sugar.. so not sensible.. I bought fruit juice, but it reads on the packet that it should not be drunk frequently as it was not a healthy option.

    Then think of work... Mostly fried food in the works/retail canteen - "out of hours" usually consists of overcooked leftovers from the stores customer cafe, or leftovers/out-of-dates from shop or bakery.

    Or home cooking.. The only diabetical cook books seem to be cooking for a family - as it is healthy food for everyone. But I cook for me. ...or buy reasdymeals from frozen food shop.. The ingredient list fools me ("contains x% carbohydrates incl y% of sugars").

    I'm interested to know how people cope.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Kit Powlett Jones (U2673415) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Re: I'm interested to know how people cope.

    GLO -

    It sounds like you are frustrated at having to spend the extra time researching and preparing the right kinds of foods for your condition. I hear you! It is time consuming! And changing habits regarding food can be very difficult!

    I mostly combine two methods to eat less sugar and less fat while still eating foods I like - principles emphasized in Weight Watchers ESPECIALLY measuring the amount of food you eat, journaling or writing down exacting what and how much you eat. The South Beach Diet has an easy Phase One List of foods that are low on the Glycemic Index.

    Breakfast is the most changed meal of the day as far as reducing sugar. Here is a sample of what I learned to like THAT ALSO HELPS KEEP ME FULL:
    One boiled egg
    One third cup chick peas (garbanzo beans) drizzled with one half to one teaspoon light olive oil
    One half cup plain steamed spinach sprinkled with one tablespoon of shredded Parmesan cheese

    Of course you probably use different measurements than I do and would want different serving sizes.

    I essentially learned to substitute garbanzo beans for bread.

    Do I fall off the wagon? Yes.

    But I am trying to eat better.

    Haha! Sometimes I have to play head games with myself. Like - wow! I am eating a savoury breakfast - this is kind of German! But later in the day I'll notice - hey I didn't have any sweats and energy loss today so skipping the milk and cereal this morning was worth it!

    Again - cooking a breakfast like this can be time consuming but I use a microwave for the spinach and sometimes I boil several eggs at once. And also a bag of loose, frozen spinach is one of my favourite vegetables.

    If you want to eat less sugar, you will have to eat more veg. I do not see any way around it.

    However, if you eat a lot of frozen meals, which I do, I learned to eat half a frozen meal that may have white pasta in it BUT THEN I BRING EXTRA VEGETABLES.
    For me it would be one third to one half cup of baby green peas or soy beans (edamame). These peas and beans have more fiber and we burn it more slowly than e.g. the sugars/carbs from white flour.

    I also rely a lot on nuts for snacks. Raw almonds, walnuts, and pistachios. Easy to carry and have fat for satiety.

    Sometimes I use almond milk instead of cow's milk.

    I really like dairy and mocha latte coffee drink in the morning. Sometimes I measure out 4 ounces of 2% milk, one half teaspoon of coffee crystals, and 2 teaspoons of dark chocolate syrup. And that's the coffee and milk ratio for the day.

    It's a small amount but it brings me to another bit of advice - at Weight Watchers they would say something like most people get the most satisfaction out of the first two bites of food (like a piece of cake). So a lot of times I limit myself to only three bites of something - like candy or a cookie, or a piece of cheesecake. And stop eating. If after 20 minutes I am still hungry, then...

    I think I have probably lost you by now so I am about ready to stop.

    Except, GLO, in one of your postings you said recipes are often formulated for a family of four? Well, you will probably have to cut the recipe down to size. Keep a notebook or file folder of recipes with modifications that you like. That is what I do. And or make the extra serving and throw it in the freezer or eat it in the next day or two.

    Again - I know it's difficult. One of my friends recently reminded me that old age is not for sissys and that a lot of people don't make it this far.

    Best wishes,


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Hi Kit..

    Breakfast has tended to be a Museli (can't remember what I put in it, but i think twas Bran, Wheatgerm, walnut kernels, sultanas). Or -- in this cold weather Porridge 50-50 milk and water and some non-sugar sugar (I'm experimenting for a palatable one).
    All very easy as I'm not working - My policy was to do 20-25 weeks work a year in my dotage, but a)there's no work in my own field, and b) a (diabetic) toe problem is precluding more physical work until some medical procedure. For the same reason active hobbies are also on hold, thus I don't feel that I need much food. This will (I hope) change after a medical procedure**.

    Most work has about 2 hrs drive each way, so home cooking is then minimal - and odd hours. i was wondering how people cope with reliance on canteen of limited choice, or (if staying away) cafe food.

    You will see also that I'm reluctant to stock up with perishable food - hence the ready meals with some (brocolli, Cauliflower) additions. Snacks - well often cheese with fruit (Granny Smith, grapes), but only if I can consume them within a few days, but again, not using much energy means that I'm seldom hungry enough for snacks. Thus what others might consider snacks (Jacket Baked spud or Soup and a bread roll) tend to become main meals instead of the frozen stuff.

    I'm therefore looking forward as well as current times.

    ** Too ill for last appoint.Assessment next week for minor ops.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Kit Powlett Jones (U2673415) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    goodlookingone -

    Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

    Again, I see more lean meat and veg such as beans, mushrooms, and possibly eggplant in your future EVEN FOR BREAKFAST.

    I think a lot of people who dine in restaurants would probably eat the meat of a hamburger and throw the bread rolls away if they are avoiding carbs.

    I often bring a cooler in the car with me if I want salad and e.g. turkey breast or tuna, cottage cheese, raw carrots when I am at work. This keeps me away from too much white bread and a lot of greasy chips.

    But as you implied you have to go to the produce section of a store every day or two, and you have to plan ahead (so you don't eat things you are trying to avoid but are readily available in canteens and cafes like bread rolls and potatoes).


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    I think a lot of people who dine in restaurants would probably eat the meat of a hamburger and throw the bread rolls away if they are avoiding carbs. 
    Oh, I wasn't aware that I should be avoiding carbs. You are obviously a few pages ahead of my knowledge.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Kit Powlett Jones (U2673415) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    GLO -

    I am sorry if I am saying the wrong thing. I am not a doctor and I hope your doctor has spoken with you about what diet changes are best for you.

    Here is one website that is supposed to help with menu planning

    This is the homepage for that site

    Here is another website with suggestions for breakfast

    Best wishes,


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Thanks for that, Kit.

    Doc doesn't give advice on diet. The convention is that the Diabetc nurse (whose time is cheaper than Doc's), - sometimes shared between practises, but this a multi-practise clinic, so there's two of them - does the twice a year tests, and takes notes, but feedback is minimal - She goes mainly on test results to tell you that "You are managing it well", but I needs something a little more concrete, particularly as my "Lifestyle" is likely to be a little slower, but hopefully only temporarily.
    The links you included could be useful. Much thanks.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Retired-Rural-Person (U8479978) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    GLO, I have no personal experience of this but wonder if I may add in another website that might help

    Also links to other useful info.

    Hope your toe is better soon.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Monday, 5th November 2012

    Apols for absence - been putting spud in oven for baking.
    Thank you for that RRP.. (I have bookmarked it, as I did with Kits links). It will be consulted before next trip to Sainsbury. I note that both links (i.e., RRP's and Kit's) warn against diabetical foods.. I needs to get new reading glasses, and will take a squint at the small print on the packet. I noticed that Thornton's Chocolate is labelled as NO ADDED SUGAR... HHMMmmnnn added to what amount I wonder?

    Thanks all.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by CC Growing old disgracefully (U13344869) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    Just catching up. Lots of good advice given here. Has your GP arranged for you to see a dietician?. It is interesting what sugar is in. I did not realise how much sugar there is in mint imperials or jelly babies. even one.

    My problem is that I have a mild heart condition( angina) as well and often what is low fat is high in sugar content so balancing between the two things can be difficult.

    Do hope that you can get a chance with a dietitian at a diabetic clinic, as they can help you. One word of advice. If you go on a ML meet. Avoid the cake no matter how tempting it is!

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    Hi, CC.. Growing Old Discracefully was the name of a club hereabouts. Seems to have got lost in the recession.

    Well, no. there is no diabetic clinic or advice that can tell me what to choose when I go into a cafe/canteen, and look down the menu. 'fraid I know nothing of Angina, but I suspect you are advised only to take certain types of fried food - but do you know what fat your various fish shops uses? Do you know what fat the supplier of meat pies put in their pastry?

    It was the lack of any such "Official" advice that I started this thread. There does seem to be an organisation ("Vitality" - I believe they hire a kitchen in the tech college one day per week. Afraid I was working during their last course.) that do things like cooking (or, more interestingly, arrange country walks in the various nature reserves hereabouts). However. I know cooking can be useful, but I normally eat wherever I'm working, usually with very limited options. In fact, since GB no longer makes things (OK, theres some manufacturing left where proper food is available - The Tractor Factory down the road has canteen food to rival a Niff noff Hotel that I worked in, earlier in the year). Oh, I'm digressing. The food (if any) in retail canteens is usually Chips*(Kept warm for hours) with a choice of: Eggs (hard fried) Bacon(that is overcooked and gone a bit "see-through"), Baked Beans (Eukk), but once out of the chefs working hours, the availability becomes the uneaten stuff remaining from the public cafe at its closing time. Should I abandon the canteen and buy sandwiches - and sandwiches of what?

    * and I'm far from convinced that its fried in proper healthy beef fat

    The diabetic cookbooks, seem to be cooking for a family, reasonably, in the belief that the result is "healthy eating" for all. Fine.. but trying to make 25% quantities - it never works - its always shrivelled more than the full 4-person meal would be, so I understand why they don't address the subject... and then, after a weeks work one comes home on the seventh day to find the remaining ingredients are six days stale. I cannot be the only person in this situation. That's why I'm asking here. I'm told to reduce sugar, but this seems to mean "no sugar in tea/coffee". but there is so much sugar in other stuff... Does Honey count as sugar? Does fruit count as sugar, and fruit juice.., and How much is allowable - and how is it measured.. If I take a plastic cup in every-little-helps canteen and put orange juice in it, how many teaspoonsworth of sugar is included. and how many teaspoonsworth is reasonable (say) per day.

    Yes. I know, I'm a moaning Minnie. but there must be some rules of thumb..

    Re cake... I'm told that fruitcake (or fruit and walnut cake) is OK. .. not that I'm hinting for the next meet or anything...

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Kit Powlett Jones (U2673415) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    Re: there is no diabetic clinic or advice that can tell me what to choose when I go into a cafe/canteen

    But it seems like you could learn a lot from reading e.g. this page from the link Retired suggested:

    e.g. "Instead of white and wholemeal bread, choose granary, pumpernickel or rye bread."

    If you want more education on diabetes this link shows contact information based on where you live

    Re: However. I know cooking can be useful, but I normally eat wherever I'm working, usually with very limited options.

    What I hear you saying is that you don't know what to do when you are away from home for a week working and you are at the mercy of a very limited food choices.

    It sounds like you need to pack a lunch? Go to a nearby grocery store and pick up some food? Like a tangerine, a granary, pumpernickel or rye bread roll, and a few slices of turkey breast or a cooked chicken breast so you can have a sandwich? Plus you may have packed some raw almonds at home for snack? And maybe some packets of tuna packed in water (that don't need refridgeration)?

    Re: diabetic cookbooks
    There are suggestions for meal planning for one person:

    It sounds like you are learning a bit each day. You implied that you knew all cakes don't have the same glycemic load!

    I better bow out of this discussion since I am not a doctor.

    But I spent time researching some info for you because it seems like if you learn to eat in a more healthy way, your overall health will be better.

    Best wishes -


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by CC Growing old disgracefully (U13344869) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    If you telephone your local hospital there should be a diabetic department and they could arrange for you to call and have a chat about things.

    Some diabetic items like biscuits and chocolate ids very expensive and often alternatives like Digestive or rich tea biscuits are just as good and less expensive..

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    Just tagging on with a fleeting visit, no direct exp. but here's a link to some information from NHS Choices on diabetes and you can also put your postcode in to find a diabetic service close to you.

    I would have thought that your GP practice staff should be able to direct you to advice and support either through a clinic or dieticians, or through voluntary sector support groups.

    NHS Choices www.nhs.uk is well worth a bookmark for anyone.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 6th November 2012

    Sorry for delay in responding. I have been out much of today: I was "seizing up" andas toe is well enough to walk easily, I have been out "Walking about" a bit, albeit on paving, not our in the Country.

    Much thanks for all the advices.

    Looks like making a weeksworth of sandwiches and freezing them each weekend is the best bet. I usually use Wholemeal (or make it) bread, - you seldom get that in Supermarket sandwiches - Havn't a clue where to get "pumpernickel". Much thanks for Help and Suggestions.

    Looby Lewis, I did the postcode thing - None in this town, but several equidistant.. including .. The hospital that took my tonsils out in 1948???? and which was closed many years later pending demolition, when we used it as an office to work in nearby Hospital. Will do an e-mail for appointment as soon as I have dates for toe "procedure", and know how mobile I will be afterwards - assessment appoint for Monday.

    Incidentally, Hospital Canteens are usually better-labelled re menu notes for different diets. ... but some are diabolical.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Wednesday, 7th November 2012

    Your GP should be able to refer you to a Livewell course (or something similar) that should explain something about the mechanisms of the body, what has gone wrong when you have diabetes and how the different food groups affect your glucose levels.

    All the advice these days focusses on healthy eating irrespective of diabetes and to use the balanced meal/plate.

    Carbohydrates are the evil blood glucose raisers. So anything containing fructose, lactose, sucrose, probably anything has anything ending with ose is a carbohydrate. The most evil stuff is filled with refined sugar. Cakes, sweets, full fat soda drinks.

    White pasta, potatoes, rice, bread are also culprits. Whole grain rice, pasta, bread are better. Carbs from an apple are a whole lot better for you than carbs from a licorice allsort.

    Do not deny yourself carbs totally as this is the only food group the brain functions on.

    Fats will not raise your blood glucose levels but will have an affect on your cholestorel levels and weight. Weight will often be a factor in type 2 diabetes.

    Proteins are very complicated. I'm not even going to attempt to get into their funtions in antibodies, digestion, hormones, etc as I'm not qualified. Just accept that you need proteins. Egg whites, fish, meat minus the fat, nuts and seeds. Goodness knows where veggies get their proteins.

    Vegetables. Full of vitamins and fibre. Gorge yourself on all the green and leafy stuff. Just be aware that root vegetables (carrots, onions, turnips, beetroot, parsnips and so on) have a registerable carb level but much lower than fruit. Tomatoes are a fruit.

    The Glycaemic Index thing. All to do with how quickly a food raises blood glucose levels. Important if you have diabetes because you want to avoid spikes. Anyrhing that slows digestion of carbohydrate will lower the glycaemic index. Fibre is your friend here. Hence wholewheat everything and apples in preference to grapes.

    I so wish I could practice what I preach.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Wednesday, 7th November 2012

    Thanks Nomad.
    I'm feeling a bit guilty about monopolising this thread, I suspect a Silent audience exists who might be watching, needing the same advice as me. Please join in.
    By your leave, I shall print off some of this before this "walking wounded" of an expiring pooter pops its clogs.

    Hurty toe hurting again, but I needs to practise walking - got to get to hurty-toe clinic on Monday - so will gp to town and use library pooter printer.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Sad Border Collie (U2036041) on Wednesday, 7th November 2012

    Hello GLO, I'm not diabetic but am very overweight. Nor have I any medical training - but I do have striong views about carbs!

    I have a friend with type 1 diabetes. We are both finally on a low carb diet. A sort of Atkins with about 20 grams of carbs a day for me and more for him - veggie carbs not bread potatoes, pasta etc. For the first time in many years his blood sugar is greatly improved. It's not the usually recommended diet though!

    I think the usual advice given by dieticians is not that great (just my own experience).

    In my case, being also veggie, eating few carbs is difficult but I am managing and feeling much better than for years before. So friut only from berries. I find that very hard but do manage because a protein rich diet controls cravings.
    When you don't eat too many carbs your brain starts to use fat for fuel.
    I've resisted this for years but I do now think carbs are 'the enemy'.

    What I also noticed though is that when you don't buy carbs, you miss out most of the supermarke ailest. Eating low carb is not cheap. But that just shows that carb rich food is cheap to manufacture, dominates supermarkets and makes people fat. Having spent years trying to diet thinking fat was the enemy, I am finally convinced.
    Not sure if my experience is of any use to you but I hope so.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 9th November 2012

    Hi, QBC..
    This is my second attempt at a reply - ancient pooter in its death throes.

    I had to go to A & E, Wed night - GP told me not to wait an appointment if hurty toe hurt again, but to go straight to A & E, and they would fix a drip... It didn't work like that at all... I had to go back to GP with INSTRUCTIONS???? telling him what to do. I seem to be piggy-in-the-middle, going between docs. One problem is that each time I go to GP, I see a different one. I did note that the one I wanted to see is fully booked until next Wednesday? So I did my best to politely tell the one I saw (for the first time) this time that another diagnosis (well two alternative diagnosis to add to diabetes) was now in favour. Seems to be a different diet altogether is necessary for either of the newconditions - looks\like I can eat what I like except any kind of food...

    I think you will understand that I havn't a clue what to do now, so I'll go away and think....

    Thanks for everybodys help.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Friday, 9th November 2012

    GLO, what has each person said is actually wrong with your hurty toe?

    It sounds like your first GP is suspecting an infection (in which case feeling unwell with it or it spreading would indicate going to A&E and possibly being admitted for IV antibiotics via a drip); and it sounds like the hospital and your second doctor are suspecting gout.

    If an infection has been ruled out then there is dietary advice associated with gout. OH had a painful spell of it a couple of years ago and we had quite a challenge to marry his dietary advice with healthy eating and according to the gout advice our regular list of favourite ingredients was totally wrong.

    We had to avoid mushrooms, prawns and seafood in general, cauliflower, spinach, lentils, red meat and so on. Oh, and yeast products relevant to ML - no marmite.

    According to what I read gout is a form of arthritis that is caused by a build up of uric acid which is contributed to by purine rich foods, such as the ones above.

    We did the diet thing but what seemed to have most effect was stopping any alcohol. That seemed to stop the attack and even though we now eat all the forbidden gout foods and he is back to drinking alcohol he hasn't had any further attacks.

    Please note - gout is not in any way connected to diabetes as far as I am aware apart from an unhealthy weight could contribute to both.

    Please also note that I am not qualified in any way and could be an axe murderer from Barnsley just getting a bit of light relief by posting on public message boards.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    Ah,, XNo.
    I am trying to do several things. The first is to keep things simple so that this thread doesn't go off on a tangent. Perhaps I simplified too much.
    Secondly I am trying not to get involved over which Doc (four GP, and one A & E) is right or wrong either in diagnosis or attitude.
    Thirdly, I am trying to keep the next appoint with the hurty toenail clinic (Mon) foremost in my mind to make sure I am fit enough to attend (I cancelled the last appoint because I had trouble walking).
    And fourthly, I'm trying to separate in my mind, what each bod has actually said, as opposed to stuff gathered from internet descriptions.

    The last (i.e., this morning's) GP seemed to think their were two problems - although one could exacerbate the other. The toe infection is one thing. GP (or at least one of them) thought this was Diabetically triggered. Hosp Doc thinks that is unlikely, and that diabetes is insignificant. The more likely trigger is one of the arthritis's, Probably Gout, possibly Osteo, and that GP should arrange the respective tests, then treatment, then maintenance medication..GP thinks that Gout is more likely, but that the tests (Blood and X-ray) only give dubious results unless the ailment is well developed. Much more useful is examination and location as to source of pain, and type of sensitivity. - although this is better assessed once the infection is in control - just rely on pain killers (and He gave me options) until then.
    Hosp Doc thought that Purine is the cause of gout, but so many foods are involved (Rice, Potatoes, most vegetables) that management by pills (not painkillers as GP said) is the only way. You will note that Diabetic diets keep recommending a Jacket baked spud as good, and purine control indicates the contrary.. I'm not concerned with alcohol - Doubt if I have drunk even half a bottle of wine a year, and probably no more than a coupla pints of beer per year.
    My immediate concern is which painkillers to use to a) control pain until Toe clinic assessment and b) what is compatible with procedural needs if I can go on for the minor ops.

    This is all wandering off what I hoped would be about more general needs on diabetic diets and not merely pertinent to my own needs - thus I'm feeling a bit selfish now,

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    I don't think you should feel selfish. It's a good discussion and relevant to everyone.

    I do think that once you have a diagnosis of T2 diabetes all the medics are very quick to say that this explains everything that is wrong with you. Yes, it can complicate other things and you can suffer very serious health issues in the long term if it is not well controlled but it doesn't define everything.

    One thing with diabetes that is very relevant is that infections can get out of control and can be difficult to deal with, particularly with open wounds. I'm not sure which is cause and which is effect but infections can cause difficulties with glucose levels and extra glucose is heaven for bacteria.

    I had a long running infection in the bone in my leg caused by a bad ankle break several years ago. I was seeing a consultant who was keeping an eye on it but having no treatment.

    Completely non-connected to the bone infection I suddenly lost my hearing in one ear. A completely different consultant prescribed a week of steroids in a very high dosage.

    Next thing was that the ankle scar started to weep. A couple of weeks later I started to feel quite shivery and unwell and leg started to be quite painful. A & E at 5 in the morning for this.

    Glucose levels on admission were around 16. Steroid induced diabetes with the infection from the bone exacerbated by the glucose in my blood. Within 2 days of starting the IV antibiotics to bring the infection under control my glucose levels reduced to non-diabetic levels. Leg was still an infected mess and I had to have lots of antibiotics over the next 3 weeks.

    Flipping registrar looked at the diabetes diagnoses (assumed from a Hba1c test of 6.8 which is not diagnostic) and told me that my leg infection was caused by my diabetes and I had to start taking metformin immediately.

    Needless to say I was a bit cross that my entire medical history had been ignored by a simple tag and medication to answer all my ills.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    Oh that's not good Xno, good for you for speaking out, a lot wouldn't which worries me. A lot of neglect, mis-treatment etc. is down to poor communication skills on behalf of the clinical staff.

    GLO, it might be a bit late for Monday,but if mobility is being an issue and causing you to have to cancel appointments, you must request patient transport. This will either be a (generally) volunteer car, or one of the ambulance services (or a contractor) mini-bus. Bit more of a hassle as you have to go round the pick up and drop off route, but at least it would get you there. Your GP should be able to request it, or the hospital for outpatients.

    Alternatively, you may be able to claim for taxi expenses, but check first locally.

    Hope you get sorted soon.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Retired-Rural-Person (U8479978) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    Dear glo.
    My OH has been through these hoops in the last few months, hope his tale may help.
    He developed pain in his foot slightly above the toes, red and swollen, just after some fierce DIY on a ladder on a very hot day.
    I was convinced he had cellulitis and dragged him off to be seen by a proper doctor for antibiotics/actually locum for his own GP who said "Gout".
    Took a long time to settle with NSAIDs, reviewed by his own GP who said "A N Other kind of inflammation" but agreed to arrange gout blood test when requisite time had passed.
    Blood test confirmed gout.
    Our own GP not keen on gout preventing pills, advised increased water, and to eat sour cherries. Other bits of gout avoiding diet mentioned, including moderation re alcohol.
    Only bits OH has remembered is "Drink more water" and sour cherries. No recurrence as yet, and foot improved dramatically with extra fluid.
    I think that rice and potatoes are in the groups you are allowed to eat.

    This site was helpful.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    Ah.. this is why I mentioned contrary opinions.. A & E Doc specifically mentioned Rice and Potatoes as containing Purine (whatever that is - I have not even checked the spelling), and being a cause of gout....but so many foodstuffs were mentioned that it just looks to me like "All Food to be avoided"

    Mention was made upthread of a digestive biscuit being acceptable/welcome re diabetes - (I'd go back and check, but this pooter is being sulky in its dying days). BUT, when I worked in a hospital (I was planning the needs for replacing a kitchen) - and sharing an office with the dieticians - the contrary view was expressed. Incidentally, have you ever left a digestive on a sheet of plain paper overnight - the grease blob expands beyond the biscuit footprint? they are sweet and fatty

    I'm not critisising - far from it. but it does seem a minefield. All advice is welcome, but it all needs analysing. I Know nothing of sour cherries for Gout, but doesn't fruit contain sugar - I'm trying to comply with VERY vague advices from Diabetical nurse - which is criticism, rather than constructive.

    Not certain what NSAIDs, actually includes. I have Co Codemil. (the prescription dose - not the over-the-counter weaker dose), was offered diclofenic (but was told to throw them away by the biopsy Doc when the diabetes was being investigated - no trace of diabetes from that test, but did have Membrainous) - see: I said it was getting complicated), and am now told to control Toe/foot pain/swelling with Ibuprofen, which I hope will keep me going through the Hurty toe clinic procedures.

    Sorry, I'm going on a bit, and I didn't mean to. Simple fact is that I have to get through this so I can find some work. First stage is Hurty toe clinic Monday morn for an assessment.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Saturday, 10th November 2012

    GLO, I know your IT is a bit flaky at the mo, but hope you've not missed the pointers from me re transport to your appointments.

    Hope you get it sorted soon. I do understand the need and assurance that a definative diagnosis can provide.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Sunday, 11th November 2012

    Thanks, Looby. Hurtiness in toe seems to have gone (nearly) has suddenly abated as rapidly as it re-occurred last Wednesday. I did a reccie by bus to find the place, and see how long it would take to hobble there, but I may well be able to drive.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 13th November 2012

    Yup, I've been quiet,,,

    Went to Hurty Toe Clinic. Got there before the appointed time, and sometime after that time a Woman from some other clinic (Receptionist/nurse/Doc.. have no idea), to tell me that Podiatrist has a sore foot ans has cancelled appointments...

    This appointment was in a town a few miles N of here.. The Appontments Clerk is in a town a few miles SW of here, and, according to a notice that I had plenty of time to read, in the waiting room, The Surgery is in a town a few miles East,,, I didn't have mobile with me, and really didn't feel like pursuing a wild goose chase around the County. I shall go away until I'm in a better mood,,,,

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Kit Powlett Jones (U2673415) on Tuesday, 13th November 2012

    GLO -

    What a hellish time you are having.

    I am so sorry to hear about these delays to treatment!!!


    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Retired-Rural-Person (U8479978) on Tuesday, 13th November 2012

    Oh, Goodlooking One, that's maddening. Hope the toe is less hurty.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 13th November 2012

    The toe is indeed less hurty.. but I'm "conscious" of it all the time: Pondering if a Hurty episode is coming forth before re-made appointment comes to fruition.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Tuesday, 13th November 2012

    GLO, that's frustrating. Why they couldn't let you know or scheduled another podiatrist to cover is beyond me. I despair of the service sometimes, and I work in the NHS. Worth a letter of complaint to the Trust running the service. Not in your neck of the woods, but if you ever wanted, I'd be happy to help draft a letter that would get a response or could help you identify who to write to. I'm in Peet's should you like to take the offer up.

    You should be given another appointment quickly as it was the service that rearranged not you. Give them a ring.

    Glad hurty toe was less so, but nonetheless, needs looking at.

    I saw something that tomorrow was World Diabetes day (not sure how well taken up in the UK it is as it is Self Care Awareness week too, and men's cancer month, hence Movember) it might mean that pharmacies and the like do a bit more in the way of information about diabetes awareness as a result.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Wednesday, 14th November 2012

    Bumping for World Diabetes Day. Lots of stuff on Twitter and the like to raise awareness.

    Hope GLO's hurty toe is still less hurty.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Wednesday, 14th November 2012

    And a link regarding T1 diabetes in children - signs to look for

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Friday, 16th November 2012

    Phoned The Hurty Toe Appointment maker... Seems that I'm on top of the list marked "urgent", just that there's still no appointment slots available.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Sunday, 18th November 2012

    Hi each.. Much thanks for everyone's interest, so I'll just give you an update..

    I was walking through the Town Square Yesterday (Saturday), minding my own business, when I got accosted. I was invited to go to an appointment (to be arranged next time that my suburb comes to the fore) with an outfit called Vitality. The pre appoint interview was about ailments (actual), ailments (suspected), height, weight, vintage, pills and potions taken (prescribed or over-the-counter), How much I smoke (zero) how much alcohol (Well I had a glass of wine around April, and a half pint of beer about three months before that), how much exercise (nil since hurty toe) and so on and so fifth.
    I was pointed to Vitality before, but at that time their prime concern was Booze (in a town where Gilbey's Gin was then a prime employer), and tobacco (In a town where .. Oh never mind - a factory with a big "Black Cat" Statue), although they were also linked to a group of country ramblers. (3 to 5 mile walks on weekdays)
    Seems it is a branch of NHS, but oddly, from S W Essex, whereas this is in the S E Essex area. Will see what happens.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Monday, 19th November 2012

    I'm somewhat sceptical of the Vitality outfit you have described.

    If it is part of the NHS and for general health then I would expect your local GPs surgery to be aware of it and be promoting it, particularly to patients with diabetes.

    It also sounds far too vague that they have taken all this "pre-appointment" information from you but have only said that your appointment will be when your suburb next comes to the fore.

    I would ring your surgery and check what they know about Vitality.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 20th November 2012

    They do know about Vitality at the Health Ctr.. but they are mainly concerned there, with stopping people smoking, or from being overweight.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Looby-Lewis (U11820972) on Tuesday, 20th November 2012

    It is genuine - part of SW Essex Community Services. It's a general health and wellbeing service.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by goodlookingone (U6012246) on Tuesday, 20th November 2012

    Yes, I'm sure it's genuine - the local council are a bit fussy about who can bring display lorry/caravans into the Town Square (usually animal rescue or charity jobs, or Further Education). When diabetes was first mentioned, the Doc (later told She wasn't a Doc, merely a locum???????), gave me a their card, but it seemed mainly concerned with smoking cessation, and they did something on diets at the Women's Clinic, I know they also did a course in the Catering Dept in techie college. (and I think they were involved - with others - in sign language for friends of the newly deaf). My only connection has previous connection has been when they pounce from their caravan and ask if I smoke, or drink, brandishing the appropriate leaflets. But they seem to me to be a very small group covering a wide area: Geographically and technically - especially if they are dabbling in more general diets..

    They were definately NOT involved when I did NHS work. .
    Just googled this:..Vitality, NHS.

    We shall see......

    Report message43

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