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Mustardland Fit and Feisty Club 22/1/13

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 116
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Borrowing shamelessly from other opening posts I'd like to wish you all a good morning and welcome to this weeks meeting of the MFC. Not so much a diet club, more a way of life.

    We are a support network which helps its members reach weight targets. We celebrate success together; buoy each other up on low days; and provide endless advice and tips.

    There are few rules here, one is that we don't mention real life weights and sizes, as a starting point for one might be a long held and distant target for another. Feel free though to share pounds or kg or inches lost, or even how well your clothes are fitting. And the second is that this is a safe place for everyone - any spats or tension from other threads needs to be left at the door, please.

    Apart from that, feel free to post what you will. We are a dead nice bunch and you will almost certainly get nothing but encouragement from us. New posters are always welcome so anyone who's been lurking should jump on in - the more of us there are here, the more experiences we can learn from - all of us go through doldrums at time, but unless it's an exceptionally bad week, there's usually someone around to post something up-perking.

    Some people post here frequently, others sporadically. Some people weigh regularly, some never. For most weighers, Tuesday is weigh-day, but you can weigh or not weigh whenever you want. Or you can measure if you prefer. Or you can do neither. Quite a few of us post our food diaries on a Wednesday just as a means of keeping a bit of an eye on what we're eating. Some people post diaries more often than that, some never post them. Again, it's entirely up to you.

    We have three sister threads to help us achieve our goals.

    Katy's Cookbook

    GEm's Gym

    And Wendy's Rota (every bit as much a part of the process, taking your part in organising us - even if, like me, you forgot it was your week). It's not difficult, no one minds a bit of cut and paste :0)

    The door's open wide so in you come


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Just got weighed and surprised myself by having lost 2oz short of a pound. It is a surprise as I haven't managed very much walking over the past few days and I'm not sure if I'll get out today as it's snowing fairly consistently and I'm nesh.

    Very cold here and there's not much food in the house - the weekend sort of morphed into a whole list of basic chores I didn't get done - so I need a quick shower and dash down to the shop for enough to tide us over until I can have the car for a proper shop.


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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Thanks for opening up, Primmers. Just popping in to get my name on the board. More later...

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  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by madamealfredcarriere (U6606192) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I think I get far more help from this thread by reading what everyone else says rather than adding my experiences. As a relative newcomer I would like to apologise for my first post some weeks ago in which I mentioned a clothes size. I wasn't aware, then, of the very necessary and good rule that such details are not acceptable. I won't do it again!

    Meanwhile, I am maintaining my weight loss, with a slight, almost imperceptible, edging downwards. I am at what I call my 'alarm bells' weight, and would ideally like to lose another four pounds to give myself some breathing space. It has been really difficult in the later stages to keep up the confidence levels when there is virtually no progress at all. I keep having to remind myself that this time last year things were much worse. I have now accepted that the food regime I have worked out for myself is one I shall have to continue with for ever. I'm not 'on a Diet', this IS my diet. I'm past longing for chocolates, butter etc, wouldn't thank you for them, I would just like more food, any food!

    Last week a friend asked me to 'help' her lose half a stone, so we are going to send each other honest emails every Wednesday morning recording weight. I was pleased she asked, but am sure I will get as much from the process as she does.

    We are off to Canary sunshine next week, can't wait. We didn't go last year, partly because I was so miserable about my weight that I couldn't face it. I try to remember that when in despair at how hard it is to KOKO!

    Many thanks to everyone for the support offered here.


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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    We all help each other Madame AC ;0) I know I'm not the only one who doesn't always remember to think long term when I'm considering what I have achieved and what I still need to do, your post adds to my stockpile of good examples.

    I'm very jealous of your upcoming holiday, a little warmth would be lovely right now


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  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I am jealous too, want some sunshine!!

    Ate my lunch too early today and will be hungry again by 3 pm.. silly me.

    Mentally gearing up to change my regime for 2 weeks, in case its not good news tonight

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  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Just a quick check in for me too. Sunshine, I vaguely remember what that is.... Enjoy the holiday Madame AC, you deserve a break and looking good in the sun.

    I'm just tucking into my parsnip soup for lunch, out of the freezer of course. Not entirely certain what dinner is yet bit I'm sure it will be wholesome and nourishing!

    PP, and M-T, so sorry about misreading the rota, I obviously don't know what the day of the week is. Thanks for opening Primrose.


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  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Hello everyone

    it's years since I've been in here, although I was a founder member of the MFC. SInce then I have lost weight with SW - very successfully to start with, then slightly less so. Stopped going when they combined some classes and the time wasn't feasible.

    And of course the weight has ballooned. Last autumn I went to a health check arranged by our local surgery (bloods, BP, weight and health history) and had to face reality re weight. Dr was able to prescribe a course at either Weight Watchers or Rosemary Conley. I initially turned it down but never really lst any weight and after Christmas decided I needed some help. This is partly stimulated by the fact that we are going on holiday in 2 weeks and apart from the aesthetics there will be a certain amount of walking involved.

    So 2 weeks ago I signed up for RC, mainly because the class includes a period of aerobics. The diet is tough but helped by the fact that OH is semi-retired and able to take a bit of time to cook the right things. The main thing of course is giving up the booze - and cakes which we never used to eat but have got rather into the habit of.

    And I'm trying to walk most days - ought to be out there now although it's not inviting.

    Week 1 was a great success - 4.5lbs - and I am off again tonight. I love the aerobics and stretches - it really makes the session seem good value.

    Must go and walk!


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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Thanks to Sister P for opening up this week - good to be here again.

    Hi bc! I remember you being in MFC many moons ago, when I was there too, in its early days... and I'm a recent returner too. I came back in mid-December, when the switch flicked in my head, and I suddenly felt ready to face up to making the necessary changes to shed the weight I'd put back on (plus some). I've been at it for nearly 6 weeks, and so far all is positive - mostly my attitude and feelings about food, which is the main thing. I'm 12 lbs lighter than my starting weight, which still leaves a LONG way to go, but for me it's all about the direction of travel. I was musing to myself on the fact that the weight I recorded last Friday would have horrified me objectively a few years ago - but compared to my recent starting position, it feels like a triumph!

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone who posts here, and I hope that all who do find it helpful and supportive. As I'm not in ML much these days, I don't know anything about any tensions elsethread, and I value everyone's contributions, and hope we all stick around encouraging each other.

    Have been out walking in the snow for about 90 minutes today, which must be a good thing. Tea tonight is probably going to be pasta bol, with a sauce made with lots of vegetables plus some meat, and a modest portion of pasta for me. I might allow myself a small sprinkling of cheese on top, as long as it's within my calories.

    Also, there is an insert in next week's Radio Times about 5:2, which may be of interest. There's information about the science and potential health benefits, as well as some meal ideas. I was particularly interested in what it had to say about how the length of time each day between "eating events" (!) has gradually got shorter. It's interesting to think about how long I'm OK going without food. I'm increasingly attracted to it, but for the time being, as the food recording/calorie counting seems to be working OK, I'm going to stick with what I'm currently doing.

    Madame AC, I really appreciate your posts which are a great reminder about the fact that this has to be for life (a lesson I clearly didn't learn first time round). 4lbs doesn't sound like much, but I appreciate you saying that it is a weight that sounds warning bells for you, as I know how easily it can creep up. It's partly for that reason that I think I find 5:2 or 6:1 attractive (in theory, having not done it) - it seems to be a good way of keeping weight fairly stable once target has been reached.

    Love also to geepers, countrypug, LoopyLobes, ana, m-t, Anne-Marie, Swedey, Sausages and anyone else I've forgotten... Congratulations on losses achieved, and here's to making good eating choices.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Afternoon all. Back in after a day out working in the cold (my cruel husband insists I do a bit now and again!)

    Jules interesting about times between eating events. For me breakfast is usually between 0530 and 0645 depending if I am out of the house or not. Then lunch can be anytime from 12.30 to 2.30 (as it was today) and supper between 7 and 9. So quite long intervals for me (I tend not to eat inbetween meals unless I am running when I'll have a slice of cake or a banana before a run to kick start the fuel burning if it's been more than 3 hours since the last meal)

    So today breakfast was around 6am. Lunch was 2.30 pm and supper will be around 8pm. So that's 8.5 hours, and 5.5 hours (I think I'm usually a more balanced 7/7) Does this make a difference?

    On the 5/2: 6/1 thing I've a friend who has lost a shedload of weight on the Weight Watchers diet and she has kept it off by sticking to her diet points monday to Friday lunch time and then having what she wants (though paying attention to portions and hunger) at weekends. Seems to work for her - she looks absolutely stunning.

    I suppose I am also a bit more relaxed at weekends - for example I'll often have a bottle of wine Fri - Sun or we'll be out for meals. I don't fuss it just make sure I balance it during the week by being a bit more abstemious if we've eaten out a lot (either that or weather permitting up the mileage on the run)

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Hello all,

    BC, lovely to see you - sorry about the circumstances (didnt know you were here before but am a relative newbie) but sounds like you've made a fab start. RC classes sound good.

    MadameAC, thanks for your interesting post, so right about changes in the long term... Have a wonderful holiday.

    Pug, no apols needed. I also thought it was my week yesterday for some reason until I checked!

    I'm still calorie counting and doing ok with that, and some of my enjoyment of food has returned. Doing a bit less well with the exercise, however (only two proper sessions last week). Weather not helping but no excuses - just me being feeble. So I have booked time in for three this week starting today.

    Am going to follow all your good examples and cook some soup this evening with leftover veggies. My other cooking today is less virtuous - cake for choir tomorrow (my turn on the rota) - smells good and I'll make sure I build in room for a small slice tomorrow.

    Very interesting about time between eating. I have often heard in the past advice re "little and often" being a healthy approach, and that is def what I'm finding works for me at the moment (huge appetite due to some of my meds).

    KOKO everyone and fingers crossed for a good week all round.


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  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Evening all

    Lovely to see you BC (air kisses all round).

    Great posts aswell everyone. I'm not sure i could ever manage all that time between meals Gem, I think 3 hours is the maximum I am comfortable with but I think boredom is a lot of the problem. I am rarely fully occupied at work (despite requests for more to do) so nibbling becomes a bad habit. If I am busy like at weekends then I can go about 4 hours.

    I just love this thread to pieces, everyone has time for each other and its generally lovely

    Must dash I have taxi duties and a slimming club to get to.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by 2norty (U15568264) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I'm not dashing anywhere as we're snowed in! We have about 14-15 inches of snow so far and the snow hasn't stopped.

    I did take myself off for a hike to the Co-op this morning for a couple of provisions and by the time i got home I was exhausted! However I am enjoying the looseness around my jeans waistband and the new portion control is going well. smiley - smiley I'm trying not to put any food outside the inner rim of the plate.

    I was going to attempt pilates again (leaving lab in the other room this time) but decided that my expedition earlier was enough.....

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    just had an email to say the class is closed! I may try to get weighed somewhere else on another evening but will miss the aerobics as I have other commitments.

    Thanks for all the greetings - MT - I didn't have a health problem per se, it's a routine check undertaken on everyone over a certain age, the aim being to prevent future problems.

    I tend to have breakfast at about 7,45, lunch at 12.30 and supper anywhere from 7.30 - 9.00. But I did get into the habit of having a piece of cake when I got home from work!


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    evening all - and welcome back to BC.

    I've had a good day - worked at the closer office so have clocked up a bit of flexi time that would otherwise have been spent skidding around country lanes. Got out for a walk at lunchtime, and got over thirty minutes in, but not at the usual brisk pace, because of all the slush and murkiness. For dinner I've had a repeat of last night's pretend prawn dhansak with sweet potato.

    Oh, and I got a really good (not sarky!) email from head of Customer Care at Debenhams - apologises, points out all the places he sees that customer services went wrong, has referred the tape of my first conversation to the Manager for 'corrective action' and the author of the email that nearly pushed me to homicide has had a 'documented conversation' and is having 100% of her emails reviewed. Oh, and a 'gesture of goodwill' is in the post to me. Just hope it's not flowers, seeing as how they'll go to the house I'm not moving into till next week...

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    replying to myself to bump this further up the mayo than last week's thread.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    That's it going to give cut out all processed carbs this week. No pasta, rice, or potato for me!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Is that in response to this week's weigh in, Sausages, or is that later this evening?

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I'm hoping to join ana for her cyber dinner party from the other thread. It all sounds absolutely delicious. I've just had a lovey fish salad for tea - a bit of smoked salmon, bit if smoked mackerel, coupe of anchovies and some sardines. All on a lovely mixed salad with lemon juice as the only dressing.

    I hope the weigh in wasn't too bad sausages, and good luck with the cutting out processed carbs.

    BC, lovey to see you back, welcome in. And Madame AC, good to hear your news too, as it is Jules and anyone else I've missed out!


    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I rather jumped in to the thread this evening without properly reading all the posts, so am making amends now.

    MadameAC - very good on the maintaining/edging downwards. I'm glad you feel better able to go on holiday this year, and I hope you have a great time. And I hope that the mutual support with your friend will be helpful to both of you too.

    BC - it's nice to see someone else joining us, although I can understand mixed feelings about finding yourself here again. Glad you're enjoying RC, but a shame it's been cancelled tonight. I've been walking just about every day since I decided it was time to Do Something - only around 30 minutes most days, but every little helps.

    Jules - twelve pounds in six weeks is really good going.

    MT - good your enjoyment of food is returning. It's a bit miserable not to be enjoying what you're eating. And well done for booking in some extra exercise.

    2Norty - loose clothes are just fab, aren't they?

    Good to see so many people in here - quick wave to sausages and pug and GEm and Primmers. And I'm sure I've missed some out...

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Evening all! Popping my head round the door of the new thread. Thanks for opening up Primrose - I like the idea of us being fit and feisty!!! I'll have a quick peruse of posts so far...

    PP - well done on your almost 1lb loss.

    Mme AC - nice to see you again. Glad you find the thread helpful. But please do share your ups and down. hearing about others' experiences. I think I know what you mean about alarm bells weight. I think I'm in the zone myself - struggling with the final few lbs to get to target. ANyway enjoy your holiday...

    BC - lovely to see you again. My history is similar to you. One of the originals; oct weight then; disappeared; did SW; stopped Sw; gained etc etc Anyway I reckon this is my 3rd/4th stint here. But keeping SW in the back of my head. ANyway your starting loss is great. Glad you are enjoying your RC class too. The exercise element is appealing. But not the lack of wine!!

    Jules - what a lovely post. I understand re the switch in your head. It is definitely a mental state game and being in the right mindset is essential for sustained success. I'd say this goes for other areas too - for me it is key in my efforts to run and increase my distance.

    GEm - I'm more of a snacker to stave off excessive huger pangs when I might make the wrong decisions. So it's banana mid morning and apple on the way home. I am also more relaxed food wise at the weekends.

    Sausages - I take it the weigh in was a bit tricky. Hope you're not too disappointed and use it as a motivation. Just wondering - have you got much more that you'd realistically like to lose?

    2norty - yes looser clothes are lovely. CLotehs are a good gauge to weight loss. But O have found in the past that being toned can reduce clothes size, without reducing weight.

    Geepers - good news re Debenhams.

    Right, I expect Ive forgotten someone so sorry - but you're all wonderful.

    My weigh in - after last week's maintain, a 1/2lb increase. Not what i wanted, but as I said last night, i thought the snacks would come home to roost. I'm just reeived it's nt worse...


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Checking in, after a reasonable day - my pedometer is showing a far more respectable number than recently. The Pilates class was cut short as the teacher wasn't very well. I hope she'll be better soon.

    Welcome BC, well done on that first week, and good luck for the future. I haven't been back here long after a year in the wilderness!

    Geepers, I'm so pleased to read that about Debenhams. We can definitely stand down the demonstrations now! I wonder what you'll get? Holiday Inn Chicago once sent me a voucher after very bad service - sad to say it was just for Chicago and out of date before it arrived! (We were in Wales then not US)

    Jules, I think I've had that mental switch, but later than you, so not so much to report yet!

    I've started yawning my head off, so must take myself to bed.

    Sleep well one and all!


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Sleep well f-p, glad to hear your mental switch is on, or off. I know what you mean though.

    I've had a rather hungry evening after watching great British bake off, should have changed channel. But the craving for cake has been satisfied by a raw carrot and a couple of baby bels.

    Now having a second cup of tea, which means at least one night time loo trip, but somehow just fancied another cup.

    Hope all is well with others.

    Pug x

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    I was watching supersize vs superskinny. Still hungry though! Time for weetabix/yoghurt/honey supper.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013


    Sorry to hear some are still snowed in, a pain in the rear end. Shame about the missed class too BC. Good news from Debenhams too Geepers.

    I actually put on .5lb this week and am very very miffed. My weight loss, since starting SW is now much less than1 lb a week.. By any measure I need to lose between 1.5-2 stone and its not shifting.. I'm doing it no different than others and they are losing much much more, even people a similar size to me.

    Ö÷²¥´óÐãmade tomato Soup, ham, fruit and yoghurt for dinner tonight.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Have a look at harcombe sausages. Like Atkins but not no carb. First 5 days are an induction, with no caffeine, no dairy except fat free natural yoghurt and no processed carbs except if you want 50g of brown rice daily. Sounds awful but actually ok. And a good kick start. Certainly suits me.

    I'm very glad loopy pointed me in this direction!

    Sorry abut the gain though, such a disappointment.

    Pug x

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Sorry from me too, Sausages. Maybe a shake up like the Harcombe induction is a good idea - does sound a challenge, but I think it's a bit of a healthier choice than the Atkins induction (and doesn't give you bad breath!).

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Oh, rats, Sausages, that is very annoying. I don't know how long you've been doing SW? I'm not too sure what it involves (have heard of red and green days, and that's about it). Would a change of approach help? The great thing about a class (as a former WW member) was the encouragement of others and the discipline of weekly attendance, but if it's not doing it for you at the moment, perhaps it's worth a bit of a rethink.

    In the meantime, much sympathy here, and please don't let it derail you too much - think of what you have achieved so far.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Sounds like the similar as Atkins induction. Unlimited green veg and salad, meat and cheese, eggs etc but no carbs. I've never understood the antipathy towards Atkins as I did it once lost a ton of weight but the second time I tried I lost virtually nothing, no matter how few carbs I ate,

    My main gripes about any low carb diets, are 2 they tend to be a bit boring and unsustainable in the longer term.

    I shall do a week eating more veg and fruit and no rice, pasta or potatoes. I can't go the full low carb as I have a ton of yogurts to eat and can't afford to buy too much meat.

    If that doesn't work I might just give up eating altogether. : - (

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Blimey what awful typing.. I haven't been on the voddie although it looks like it!

    Hope you get my drift though.

    Enough of my woes, sleep well all tomorrow is another day : - )

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

    Please forgive me, Sausages, if you've already tried this, or it doesn't fit your lifestyle or otherwise float your boat - but have you tried a food log? I definitely find writing down what I'm eating (or rather, entering on my laptop) helps mindfulness, and I like developing a sense of how I "spend" my calorie allowance each day. For me, it helps to think that nothing is forbidden - it just has to be accounted for. And it also fits my feeling that, ultimately, losing weight has to be a matter of burning more calories than are taken in. I know it's definitely horses for courses, and what suits one of us doesn't suit another - but if you are still committed to shifting that remaining weight, and what you're doing now isn't working, then it's an option to consider.

    Hoping you can find something that works for you, and - if it's not a liberty - sending you a cyberhug.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Hi jukes, yes I do that already, in a spreadsheet at work. Going to cut down portion size as well, might help, even though on SW you can eat 'as much as you want' I am possibly being greedy and need to get stomach used to smaller portions.

    It isn't just about burning calories though is it, if it was SW just wouldn't work as you can eat 'as much as you like' of certain foods (like fruit) that are quite high in calories. I think its also about how many calories are actually digested and how many are ' waste'. I have seen the size of the platefuls of food some people at my SW group eat ( photos on the Facebook page ) and the calorie level must be huge, but they still lose weight.

    Anyway I must away to work now.. Have a good day all x

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Thanks for the cyber hug, much appreciated.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    You have a good day too, Sausages.

    I find portion control very difficult - I have a friend who eats far less than I do, so I try to use her as a bit of a role model - where I would think a boiled with two slices of toast was a good size of breakfast, for example, she has the egg and one slice of toast. Shrinking your appetite is a challenge...

    I'm off to work too - going to work at the closer office again, which means a more boring walk at lunchtime, but I can get my porridge made for me in the canteen for just 40p!

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013


    Your body isn't a mathematical equation - it's full of hormones and is organic. It's been very cold this week so your body may have slowed your metabolism a bit to preserve a bit of fuel to keep the "frost" thermostat burning slowly rather than just burning through everything it's been given. Stick with it and I am sure next week you'll have a decent loss again. Some weeks it will be slower than others depending on your level of activity as well.

    Couple of questions for you to think about

    1) Have you got in a bit of a rut with your food? would mixing it up a bit help

    2) Have you reduced your portion sizes as you've got slimmer? Particularly of the food with more calories in? I am always amazed at what people consider a portion to be. So a portion of meat/fish should be no bigger than the palm of your hand. A portion of carbs a tightly clenched fist. Cheese portion is the end segment of your thumb (without the 6 inch nail on the end!). Have your portion sizes gone up a bit or not been reduced a little as you get smaller? i know SW says as much as you like but surely they say that you have to listen to your body and only eat as much as you need to slake the hunger. So ask yourself honestly - are you getting up from the table very full or just comfortably satisfied. I always believe I should leave the table feeling I could eat a bit more but don't need it.

    3) Are you drinking enough? Both to fill you up and help your body to do the digesting. I've found it so cold this week that I have found I haven't drunk as much - have made a note to self to drink more today.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    I would like to say something about weighing oneself, something I have to remember. For those who don't know me, my background is as a Maths (and sometimes Physics) Teacher, which is relevant to what I want to say.

    I weigh myself on my bathroom scales, they weigh to the nearest pound. When I weighed myself on 7th January they showed Z stones 2 lbs (I'm not breaking the rule!) As they weigh to the nearest pound, I could have been anywhere between Z stones 1.5lb and a shade under Z stones 2.5lbs. There is a 1 lb range and assuming my scales weigh correctly, then I was somewhere between the two.

    A week later the scales showed Y stones 13lb, naturally I reported a 3 lb loss, which is what it was apparently. This time my weight could have been anywhere between Y stones 12.5lbs and a shade under Y stones 13.5 lbs.

    In other words my loss was anywhere between 2 and 4 lbs.

    When anyone weighs themselves they should know how accurately they weigh - do they weigh correct to the nearest lb like mine, or is it the nearest half lb, or even the nearest ounce. Whatever it is, your actual weight is somewhere around that point, it could be above or below.

    Another thing to consider is what you are wearing, or are you jumping on the scales first thing in the morning in the nuddy? Don't forget to wee before you weigh yourself! The old saying is "A pint of pure water weighs a pound and a quarter" - a good wee might well be half a pint, I had to measure them when EP was born but can't for the life of me remember how much they were!

    I think my advice would be, allow your scales to be a guide, but not a slave master. Clothes size and tape measures can be a better indication of actual loss.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Sausages - I too hit a plateau with SW and I know a number of others at the class did, whereas some people like Dusty just continue to lose and lose.

    Rosemary Conley is very hot on portion control and we have been eating about 2/3 the amount of meat and rice that we normally do*. But eating it slowly. Have you tried a smaller plate?


    * perhaps I should say "that we used to eat".

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Good advice FP - my skinny levis and my bike leathers are my OMG moments

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    snap, especially the one piece set for trackdays... I dont want to lash out on another set of them

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Thanks Gem, very helpful stuff but I am not at all happy with the cumulative loss, even if we discount Christmas barely 1lb a week is not enough especially as I have given up the booze for Jan (with only one minor slip up but don't tell Aunty Prue)

    In answer to your points.

    1) No I am varying it much more than previously as I was getting a bit bored.

    2) Portion size is a Big Issue for me, plus I do need to eat slower. I have started a new regime for this today (plkus the reduction in carbs)

    3) I drink masses of water each day, always have done.

    Anyway, lunch is now going to be consumed, slowly and we have slamon and stir fry for dnner. The kids will get noodles, I will have extra veg.

    Hope all are well x

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Sausages - after the initial burst I think 1 lb a week average is not unusual. You have to fool your body into /not/ slowing down the metabolic rate when you eat less. I would be very wary of going much over this over any period of time.

    After all it's 52 lb a year and that's 4 stone. If I said to you "you'll be 4 stone lighter in a year's time", wouldn't you take it?


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Well yes and no.. (if I lost 4 stone I would be skin and bone lol ). Its just so eratic and I am a woman of very little patience! Will try and do the Wii Fit at least 3/4 times a week to burn more fat, but even that gets boring after a while.

    Anyway, there is a woman in my office that does RC on line and swears by it, lost loads too so good luck with it BC

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    being impatient and trying to lose weight aren't that good a combination, are they...

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    No you are quite right Geepers x. I've eaten less tonight and no white carbs in sight : - )

    Well I've done another 104 cals on the Wii fit and ave an age of 33!

    How's everyone else today, you are all very quiet.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Sausages remember you didn't put it on overnight so it won't come off overnight either.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    I was busy reading all the posts on the Debenhams official Facebook page - all very amusing.

    And now I'm going to stir my stumps, get off the sofa and start getting the house ready for the boyf getting home, and me ready for going to pick him up - tidying and packing and stuff to do. This really is too stressful a way of life for me!

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    Not such a good day for me today. I didn't get a walk in as I went to a special Mothers Union service this afternoon. I was helping to serve tea & biccies afterwards; they were very special biscuits ... Yes I had two of the rejects while clearing up. I'm not supposed to eat anything without thinking about it.

    One of the clerics said, as he took one, I shouldn't really, it's a 500 day. I wonder how long he's been doing it!


    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    It is quite quiet in here isn't it. F-p, serving tea and biscuits and not eating the odd one would probably be a miracle for me!

    Reasonable day here, home made cauliflower soup at lunchtime, dog walk (getting brisker as pup gets bigger and ground less icy) and I made it to the pool for a mile swim at tea time.

    Dinner has been a salmon fillet baked in the oven with roasted veg ( that old favourite). I have survived the great British bake off too. All good. I need to get some fruit and veg stocks though as we are getting through so much at the moment.

    Good luck with the packing Geepers, it'll be worth it when you get back to your own house.

    Sausages, I think I am averaging less than a pound a week at the moment but as long as the trend is generally downwards, I'm happy.
    I might not be if I put weight on on Friday mind you. We shall see.

    2 weekends off are coming up, that will be a wine related challenge!

    Pug x

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    managed to wegh n ths evenng and another 3lb off. know Sausages will want to know why I'm telling her to be content wth 1 lb but this is only my second week.


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 23rd January 2013

    well done BC, that's a good result.

    It must be salmon day - I had salmon for dinner, stir fried with veg and half a sweet potato, and I think Sausages said she was having it too, didn't she, and Pug's had it too. Are the rest of you feeling left out of salmon club?

    Not really packed all that much - I know I'm going to to regret it next week, but I keep looking at things and thinking I may need them before we go. Ah well - it'll keep boyf occupied while I'm at work.

    Think it's time for my supper snack, as I'm feeling a wee bit peckish. And an early night too - was awake way too early this morning.

    Report message50

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