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MFC healthy eating thread 29/1/13

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 95
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Monday, 28th January 2013

    Welcome to another week of the MFC (Mustardland Fit/Feisty/Friendly/etc Club) – new posters and old very welcome, it has been lovely to see more new posters here recently.

    We are a support network discussing issues around healthy eating and weight management. We celebrate our successes, encourage each other through low days, and swap helpful tips and advice – however you are choosing to lose weight, there will almost certainly be an MFC member who can help.

    Some of us are members of clubs such as Weight Watchers or Slimming World, and others are forging our own paths with low fat, low carb, the 5:2 method or calorie counting. Many of us are also trying to increase our exercise and activity levels, which we discuss here and also on the Cyber Gym thread (link below). It is widely accepted that support from others is a vital tool to help with healthy and sustainable weight loss, and that support can be found in spades here.

    There are only two MFC rules. One is that we don’t mention real life weights and sizes, as a starting point for one of us might be a long held and distant target for another. Do feel free to share pounds, kg, inches or cm lost – and we have had some fun with other measures too, such as scales like the un-wearable/too tight/just about/fits nicely/baggy clothes scale! Our other rule is to leave all disagreements and arguments at the door as you enter. Please forget any disagreements from other threads, they are not important here and we are all keen for the MFC to remain welcoming to everyone.

    Otherwise, post away! Some MFCers weigh on Tuesdays and post food diaries on Wednesdays, some people measure instead of weighing, and all of these are entirely optional.

    Here are links to our associated threads (I hope…):

    Our very own cyber gym hosted by GEm, for exercise advice and encouragement:

    The cookbook, for food advice, healthy and delicious recipes:

    And a rota thread for opening up our weekly MFC thread:

    Hope everyone’s week is starting well.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 28th January 2013

    Thanks for opening m-t, I'll be back tomorrow, off to bed after a cup of tea soon.

    Pug x

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Monday, 28th January 2013

    Great opening. thanks MT x

    I am not weighing tomorrow as I normally do, because of course homework and commuting to Brighton this week. I may have lost a bit, as clothes are feeling distinctly looser which is a good thing but it does mean they don't look so good. I have drastically reduced the 'white' carbs which has helped I think.

    I have had a couple of slips on the 'dry'January attempt but am dead impressed with myself as I didn't think I'd do anywhere near as well as I have done not drinking

    I have an exam on Friday for the end of the course, so may have a wee drink to celebrate the completion of that.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Monday, 28th January 2013

    Thanks Pug, me too!

    See you soon.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    morning - quickie from me. Thanks for opening up m_t, and thanks to everyone who was encouraging me at the end of the last thread. I have put 2lb on and am really not happy about it, given it was only the first weekend of nearly four weeks. However, he and I have spoken about it briefly, and are going to aim for healthier eating from now on.

    Off in to work - v busy and stressful day ahead, which isn't helping my frame of mind. But the sooner I can get there, the sooner I can make my porridge. Onwards, etc.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Morning! A very positive start to the week, well done on the loss geepers, and the saggy clothes Sausages! And say hello to Brighton for me, I used to live there many, many years ago.

    500 cal day yesterday was OK, the main problem now is that I drink so much so wake up to go to the loo. But I can live with that.

    I've just had two slices of toast for breakfast, and feel quite satisfied with that. Most of the time in the past, I would have one more. Going forward, I have to stick to portion control and no unhealthy snacks. Once I've lost the weight, I can't afford to put it back on again. But feeling v positive!

    Good luck with the course Sausages, and I hope the day is not as stressful as you fear, geepers.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013


    On my phone in a crowded and smelly train. I paid an arm and a leg for this but at least work will refund most of it.

    Thanks for the good wishes for the course. I feel quite pressured to do well as work have paid quite a lot for it but I did a mock exam last night and passed ok so not too bad. Daughter is home in bed which makes me feel a bit guilty leaving her although I'm sure it's not serious. Oh the joys of being a working single parent.

    Food all done for the day (soup in flask) so feeling ok about that at least lol.

    Sorry you have put on a couple of lbs Geepers but if b/f is ok about the healthy eating then you should be able to get back on the straight and narrow again soon.

    Have a good day all

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Thanks for opening m_t,

    Geepers, what goes on quickly comes off quickly (I hope!) If 2 lbs went on in one weekend, by taking quick action I'm sure it can come off nearly as quickly.

    I've had a maintain this week, which to be honest is fair given what I've eaten and the lack of exercise. Now I really must work more on portion control and decreasing carbohydrates.


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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    ooops sorry geepers, just read properly and see that your two pounds were the wrong way......

    But it might not be that bad you know. The first couple of weeks I weighed myself pretty much every day (if not twice a day) and the fluctuation over the week was really quite significant.

    Which is why I'm now trying to stick to once a week (which I nearly managed last week).

    Just been for very muddy dog walk, I tried t keep the pace up as much as possible (I'm prone to dawdling) and worked up a bit of a puff and sweat.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Well done Swedey that sounds really good.

    F-P, a maintain is fine, well done. I don't think it is realistic to lose absolutely every week and I'm sure a slow steady rate of loss is a healthier approach.

    Just heating up some soup for lunch. It's leek and potato - might have to treat myself to a little of my reduced fat mature cheddar to go in it - yummy, one of my favourites.

    Sausages hope your course is going ok and your daughter is back to rights soon. Very hard having to leave her alone.

    KOKO all

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Well done Swedey x

    Well fed up here.. Course is boring and difficult. I missed the train by 1 minute so will be late home and the kids are on their own. Plus I have 2 hours homework to do. Grrrrr

    Soz just needed a bit of a moan (again) anyone know any rich single blokes that like slightly over weight women? Wanna give up working for a living...

    Heated up beef bourginion for dinner

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    How rude of me,, thanks MT daughter days she feels better but was a bit tearful on the phone but hopefully a bit of TLC when I get home will be enough.

    Oops here comes the ticket collector. Now where did I put it ?

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    As sausages, how miserable for you. I hate missing trains. How come they are always on time when you are running late? Hope miss chipolata feels better after a mummy hug.

    We're having warmed up beef casserole for tea. I don't feel I'm as well on track this week, too much wine for a start, but we will see on Friday. The swimming may help, I'm hoping to get another mile in tomorrow. I got a good dog walk in today, one of my old favourite routes that I haven't been on for a while as there were gypsies at the end of the track, with dogs and ponies to get past. They have moved along a bit, so I got a good 45 minute speedy walk in late afternoon, the extra day length really helps.

    Miss puglet home for a few days tomorrow, it will be lovely too see her, as she hasn't been home this term yet. She is on study leave for major exams coming up in 10 days or so, and a bit stressed, so home comforts will help I hope.

    Sorry to hear of the gain Geepers, bit hopefully it will come off again fast as others have said. And the maintain is good f-p.

    Swedey, you sound so much more positive than a week or two ago, so well done, and I hope the scales show you a good result.

    Waves to all.

    Pug x

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 29th January 2013

    Sore knees here! I'm just in from my PIlates class, we did some new moves and you should have heard my knees creak! The whole class were laughing at the noises!

    I've spent the last two days tied to my computer and the accounts I'm preparing ready for a meeting tomorrow - when I came in there was a message it had been cancelled. Oh well the work needed to be done, but I could have taken more breaks had I known.

    I made a huge batch of soup today, of the LOV'M variety - Left Over Veg with added Meat. OH and I had it a lunch time, and there are 7 batches of 2 portions in the freezer.

    KOKO one and all

    F-P (off to a warm bath and bed soon!)

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Good morning!

    Sausages - I hope your daughter is feeling better, there are a lot of nasty bugs out there at the moment. Also keeping fingers crossed that the course is more fun/makes more sense today.

    Pug - enjoy having Puglet back! Can't imagine what life will be like when Swedelet isn't around all the time any more (yes I know I've got years to go).

    Pig - love the sound of LOV'M soup.

    I'm on my second 500 cal day for this week, and I'm going to try to keep busy.

    I came across this article yesterday . It takes a negative stance to the diet, and I can understand why. The author used to be anorexic (have anorexia? suffer from anorexia? don't know what the right expression is, but you know what I mean) and I can see that if you have a history of eating disorders it might not be a good idea.

    I did think that before I read the article, as I can see that if you are that way inclined, the "starving" days could spur you to eat like that every day.

    I'm still happy about the reasons and the way that I'm doing it, as I am changing my habits massively on my "feast" days too. But not having to have banned foods, or weigh and calculate foods on my days off means that I'm not unhappy on those days. Which I think I would be otherwise.

    I think diets/healthy eating plans are very personal, and different ways suits different people depending on physical makeup and mental state and attitude. I decided not to get involved in the thread about the Weight Watchers programme (which I didn't see by the way) as there seemed to be a number of posters with the attitude "just eat less and exercise more, it's not rocket science".

    But I think we all know that it takes a lot to get to that point, and having this thread for ideas and support I think is fantastic.

    Right, rant over, as you were!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by madamealfredcarriere (U6606192) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Major celebrations inside my head here. A year ago I weighed three stone more than I do now and driven by panic as much as anything else, plus a wardrobe full of clothes I loathed, embarked on The Project. Late last year I had begun to think that I wouldn't be able to lose the last few pounds, but have managed to lose three more since finding this thread, so huge thanks to all for the encouragement. Another three pounds to go and then I shall be well inside a safety zone.

    And then I have to keep it off!

    Yesterday I completed a local gym programme with a final assessment comparing my performance after 24 hours of gym with my starting point. Blood pressure the same, weight down a bit, and stamina hugely improved. So some reason to be pleased. I aim to continue with twice a week at the gym and one swim, but I am not famous for sticking to things so will see how it goes.

    Off to the sun tomorrow for twelve days.

    Keep going everyone.


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    morning all. After the heights come the depths - and Sauages please stop sniggering, I have gained half a pound and can truly say that I haven't the faintest idea why. The RC leader said that "we are all at different stages in our cycles and that can make a difference" and I didn't like to point out that my cycling days are long gone.


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by superjan3 (U6523409) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    That's brilliant MmeAC. A real achievement.
    Enjoy your trip to the sun.
    Another lb off here - only 2lb off to go before a stone since last November.
    Best wishes to all,

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    BC - hormones can still play a part in our weight. That's why you should look for trends rather than absolutes!

    Swedey - I was reading something (can't remember where) about an experiment re weight loss through diet and exercise and the upshot was that men can lose weight through exercise alone but women have to do both diet and exercise to lose weight. Something to do with different percentages of muscle in the base body. So exercise alone won't lose you your weight but it is a useful way of keeping the metabolic rate raised and of keeping your weight off.

    I'm reasonably careful what I eat - mainly because when I run I don't want to be hauling around a lot of blubber. It's hard enough dragging the bones and muscle around - but I use my running as my main way of staying slim. My enforced non-running period for injuries has drummed home to me just how much it does keep off as my jeans were getting a bit snug. 3 weeks back running and they are comfortable again.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    The main reason I'm exercising is that I just want to get fitter. Climbing the hills of the Devon coastline last year left me in tears.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Hi, everyone! I htink I'm back on track now. It was my birthday on Saturday, I had a pub meal out with the family (duck, but I didn't eat the skin) then came back to my place and indulged in a hot chocolate fudge cake from S@@nsbury's. I had meant not to have any, but there you go.

    The upshot was that my body reacted violently to all that sugary, cholcolatey stuff and .....well to be delicate, it did not stay inside me very long.

    Suitably purged, I got back on the healthy eating and I'm feeling much better.

    I get weighed to morrow - fingers crosssed. I have a new incentive to lose more - I have bought a dress off the internet for my son's wedding in March and when I tried it on it looks lovely but is a little bit tight. So if I can lose at least half a stone or a stone before the wedding it should look good. I have got 6 weeks to go!

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013


    BC I would never snigger honest. It's blooming hard not losing believe me I know

    I only popped into say thanks for the good wishes. DD seems much better and has gone to school. Ill read everyone else's posts later, as I'm on my course and using my phone.

    Soup, fruit and yoghurt for lunch.


    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Afternoon all,

    Glad your daughter is feeling better Sausages.

    Sixties, you poor thing! Sounds horrid. Glad you enjoyed your meal out though - I love duck.

    I am really pleased to report a loss this week, only a small one but that's fine as I have not found the week at all easy eating-wise. Although I've been eating mainly healthy foods, I have eaten rather more than I planned on several days. However, I did a few really good exercise sessions and I'm sure that has made the difference.

    Hoping to manage some more exercise this pm, although for some reason I have had a very sore back ever since I woke up (perhaps I slept weirdly? This has never happened before!) - so I'm going to start with a gentle Pilates routine to see whether I can manage more than that, don't want to exacerbate it.

    Have good days all. Sausages I'm planning the same lunch as you!


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Mistle - stretch your back out with a yoga pose

    Lie on the floor with your back in a neutral position. Bring your right knee up to your chest and hug it. Then place your left hand on the outside of your knee and gently bring your right knee over your left side towards the floor and your left armpit (you may need to scoop your left hip under a bit) Then put both arms out in a cross position and turn your head to look along your right arm.

    This fully stretches your spine. Hold it for a few minutes letting gravity pull the knee down further and further as your muscles relax. Then slowly reverse back to lying on your back and repeat the other side.

    Slow controlled breathing throughout

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Auntie Molly (U14110968) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    I have been doing Weight Watchers and due for my third weighing tomorrow. I lost 3lbs the first week and 1lb last week. I am sticking religiously to the points and exercising too. However I am prepared for it to be a long haul to my one and a half stone loss target because of my underactive thyroid. . I am determined however - if I can only lose a pound a week so be it - I wil get there eventually.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    I'm hungry! I have reduced my carbs today and now .... I can keep going and feel smug until later.

    Auntie Molly, I'm not aiming for anything more than 1 lb a week, if I average that all year I'll lose 52 lbs or 3 stone 10 lbs, which would be fantastic! Can I do it? YES I can!!! My long term aim is 4 stone, so I would be almost there. If I manage 3 stone during the year I'll be very happy. Good luck with your WW program.

    Sixties, food to see you, and you have a fantastic reason to keep on the straight and narrow - good luck with it.

    How many more days at the course Sausages? Hope the chipolatas are fine with it all.

    We had some more of the LOV'M soup at lunchtime, this time I'd thinned it a bit with stock, yesterday it was far too thick. OH called it Brown Windsor, as I'd used beef stock (little tub) and it was brown, I prefer LOV'M!


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    < SFX AM dashing in... >

    Evening all. Sorry I've been absent and not contributing. Life is v hectic and I have had several work deadlines - 2 of which were today and one major one which is going to take much of my free time until beginning March.

    Anyway, I thought I'd report I have lost my 1/2 lb gain last week so that is good. Altho for a week of no alcohol and 36 km running, I might have hoped for more... So I do wonder if I might be stagnating a bit at this weight... I have changed a few things re my lunch this week - varying the food regime slightly. Maybe that will surprise my system.

    I'm afraid I haven't had time to read the thread yet - so group wishes that gains will soon be maintains will soon be losses.

    Right, off to make tea - spanish omelette with leafy salad and tom/sweetcorn salad.


    < SFX AM dashing out... >

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Right back now and fed (grilled salmon and salad).

    Nice to see you Sixties, are you still doing SW?

    Aunty Molly I have about the same, maybe a bit more, and am having to content myself with about 1lb a week. Still its better than non at all I guess.

    The course is another day and half, with a 2.5 hour exam at the end. I did the foundation paper today, which I passed (thankfully).

    I'm so glad I don't have such a long commute everyday, as the journey took 1.5 hours due to signal failure at Hove. Right I must away to do my homework..see you later

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Evening all, glad to see seem losers if you will excuse me calling you that. Well done auntie Molly and hello if as I think, we haven't met before.

    Puglet back in the pugsty, and nice to have her home. We've had a fishy salad for tea, salmon, smoked salmon and lots of salady things, with some of our favourite broccoli salad on the side.

    I've managed a mile swim again today, which makes 3 miles this week, so I hope that counteracts some of last weekends wine. But unfortunately time constraints and work meant that I didn't get a walk as well, too dark after swimming.

    I feel I may have a gain this week, as the clothes feel tighter but that may be imagination. We will see on Friday.

    Pug x

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Well done on the swimming Pug, the exam pass Sausages yay!! And the loss of your 1/2lb A-M (plus deadline made...)

    Thanks GEm, that sounds almost identical to the exercise I was most looking forward to in my Pilates (good glute stretch too). The gentle routine earlier was particularly useful, especially that stretch. Managed some dance and some more Pilates this pm as it felt like it was helping. Back still feels a bit weird, and sore when I bend/roll down forwards, so I hope it doesn't seize up again overnight, I have a much busier day tomorrow..

    Fairly good day today otherwise and I have just blended the remains of a fruit salad for a breakfast smoothie tomorrow. Yum!

    Hope you all have good evenings,

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    m-t, do you do the 'Semi-supine position'? My Pilates teacher swears by it for many back problems. If you don't know it, I can try to describe it


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Auntie Molly (U14110968) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Hello countrypug, don't think we have met.

    Not feeling optimistic for tomorrow's weighing even though I have been sticking to my points and have done 30 mins on the cross trainer every night this week.

    Had chicken stir fry and brown rice for dinner. Left out the cashew nuts, and used a few sprays of cooking spray instead of the usual tablespoon of groundnut oil. It was surprisingly nice.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Auntie Molly (U14110968) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Well done on passing your foundation paper sausages. and best of luck for the other exam.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Thanks auntie Molly, and good luck for your weigh in tomorrow.

    I have just taken my last batch of soup out of the freezer, for lunch tomorrow so guess what I'll be making over the weekend. Any low fat suggestions? Preferably with beans or lentils.

    I'm going to make a huge spinach and chick pea Dahl as well.

    Night all x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Wednesday, 30th January 2013

    Current fave soup is spicy chilli bean soup. Saute a chopped onion, a thinly sliced clove of garlic or two, half a red pepper and half a green pepper - both diced, a finely sliced celery stick or two and a carrot that has been quartered lengthways then thinly sliced. Give a generous sprinkling of hot chilli powder, add two tins chopped toms, a small tin of kidney beans and a generous amount of sweetcorn kernels plus 1 1/2 pints veggie stock. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Delish with some plain yog swirled through, makes an enormous pot (although Girly and OH capable of finishing it off before I get round to freezing it).

    Alternatively, lentil and tomato soup. Finely dice two onions and finely slice a couple of cloves of garlic. Saute with a teaspoon dried basil, add 5-6 generous handfulls of lentils, two tins chopped toms and 1 1/2 pints veggie stock. Simmer for about 30 mins, stirring regulalrly to stpo the lentils 'catching' on the bottom of the pan.

    I haven' t got weighed this week as I'm demoralised enough by the trouble I'm having getting the shifts I've worked signed off. I'm owed about £650, some of it from as far back as early December and I'm afraid I've been stress eating :0(


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    They sound lovely PP (Stupid question alert) do you eat them like that or blend them? Sorry to hear of your continued work problems though. They do seem a particularily difficult organisation to work for x

    I am on the train again off for another delightful day learning the wonders of project management. Last day tomorrow then it's back to work next week to try and put it all into practice.

    Last of the frozen soup for lunch again with fruit and yoghurt

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    I do a very similar lentil and tomato soup to PP's. Mine often had a squirt of tomato puree in it, and also some cumin powder. I don't blend that one, just make sure it's chopped tomatoes rather than whole ones!

    OH's favourite is herby pea and ham. This is made with the boiling water from cooking a gammon/bacon joint. I don't measure anything, sorry! It starts with some chopped onion, softened in the cooking water, then a bag of frozen peas, fresh mint (other herbs available!), if you have any veg left over, such as a potato or cabbage leaves they can go in too. After about half an hour that is blended. I add some chopped meat from the joint to the soup.

    Apart from the lentil and tomato, I tend to make soup in quantity and freeze for another occasion. Until this year I've been working full time, so didn't have time to cook daily.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    I've posted this in the Cybergym as well but I know you don't all pop in there.

    Fascinating Horizon last night on exercise. Definitely food for thought.

    Showed that about 15% of people don't get fitter from exercising - 15% are super responders (approx numbers) and the rest of us are somewhere in-between.

    Showed effects of fatty food on blood and therefore weight

    Looked at research in to hyper exercise.

    Well worth iPlayering if you missed it

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Auntie Molly (U14110968) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Just back from my weighing and I have lost a pound. Better than a kick in the teeth I suppose.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Well done Molly that's certainly better than a kick in the teeth.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    "Nice to see you Sixties, are you still doing SW?"

    Yes, I'm one of saddos who need to go to a weekly class or else I eat too much and put on weight.

    Well done all of you who have lost something and those of you that have not - do not fret.

    I've just remembered something George Melly said at one of his gigs.

    Someone asked him why he was so fat, given how much he jigged around on stage all the time. He answered - just think what I would look like if I didn't jig about!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Not sad at all Sixties I go too x

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    How long is it before repeated actions become habits? I'm battling against nibbling, particularly cheese, when I cook. I'd so love not to be tempted!!

    OK OK, I know that's too much to ask! Actually I'm feeling tempted but still virtuous!


    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 31st January 2013


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  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Evening all. A late check in from me as I've had a manic day at work and have not long had tea. I'm a bit shattered so excuse me if I miss out people as my memory is not going to be up to everyone!

    PP, so sorry to hear your work related problems -and not being paid is the final straw. I can certainly see why you are stress eating.

    Molly, well done, every pound counts. Sixties, you are indeed not sad, lots of us need a routine, for me it is coming here.
    Sausages, a wave - is your weigh in past or have I missed it? Chicken and lemon stir fry tonight for me with carrots sweet corn and peas. And of course weighing in tomorrow morning, although I'm not too hopeful.

    I did manage to get out for a gale assisted/resisted walk this afternoon, difficult to even open the car doors!

    Pug x

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  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by mistle_thrush (U3279940) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Well done Pug, it's been very windy here too.

    PP so sorry to hear about work issues and hope they are sorted soon.

    GEm why 21 days? I'm intrigued! Think it takes me a bit longer than that (at the moment, anyway)

    A small victory to report - I came in from dinner chez a friend and for some reason *really* fancied some mint chocolate - odd as I am not usually a chocoholic and it sits in the cupboard for months. Anyway, I felt I couldn't trust myself to stop at one square so have had an orange instead.

    And a fairly good day eating-wise, and looking forward to exercise tomorrow.

    Sleep well all

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  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Well done on the windy walks and sensible choices.

    I've just watched the Horizon, the findings about super responders and non responders when it came to the gym stuff done by Nottingham Uni didn't even begin to surprise me. I wonder how one goes about volunteering to get the DNA done...


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  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hello all
    Forgive me jumping in - I often read this thread full of admiration at your dedication, achievements and support for each other.

    I am dealing with the small aftermath of a rather sluggish few months but happily have no great issues currently, though I have been using the 5:2 since Christmas for health and also to get back in control. It's working. Feel great and the few errant kg are slipping back nicely.

    I 'popped' in because I had a tip from way back that might help Fire-Pig. When The Younger Things were, well . . . younger I found the pounds slid on way too easily due mostly to 'nibbling' with them and their tea, an hour or so before I than had my own dinner.

    The tip that got me over that was sugar free chewing gum. Never got round to nibbling with that in my mouth or bothering to take it our in order to snaffle cheese, sausages or any other parts of the meal until I was sat down for my meal.

    And once that habit was broken I have never suffered it again.

    What works for one does not work for all - but thought I would share it in case it might be worth a try.

    You are all marvellous.

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  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Morning from the train!

    I'll watch that programme later and I am also intrigued by the 21 day thing too

    Manic morning with trying to get to the train to Brighton on time, one chipolata ill ( the other one this time), DD causing me concerns about her rather secretive behaviour and a small matter of a 2.5 hour exam to do. Yee gods!

    Anyway all seems to be ok ATM and arrangements in place but the good thing is that it's all a distraction from food!

    Have a good day folks x

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  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    21 days conscious behaviour is what the psychologists say is necessary for the behaviour to start to move into unconscious habit. So if you repeat a behaviour consistently for 21 days it becomes easier and easier to adopt and by the end of it you will be in the "groove". If you go to the gym you'll get the same - 21 days of it being a chore before it becomes a habit.

    This is something I employ when doing change with organisations - I make sure that there is 21 days worth of the work lined up so that it's repetitive for people and sure enough after that they do it without prompting.

    Hope that helps

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