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February Cat Club

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 703
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Welcome to February Cat Club

    At last the days are starting to stretch and for many of us the snow has receded allowing out cats out and about again.

    As always this board welcomes all who have an interest in cats and who wish to share questions, advice or anecdotes.

    Following is a separate post with all of the usual links to make it easier to bookmark or print them out, but please remember we are not vets, so, if you are really worried about something, then do call your vet first.

    Some history:

    Our famous character for February is Mike, (February 1909 - January 1929), who gained his fame by guarding the entrance to the British Museum.

    He became such a fixture there that Time wrote two articles about him.

    More here:

    Best wishes to one and all.


    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Here are Cat Club recommended links, but please remember that none of these are intended as a substitute for contacting your vet. Leave us a message, ask our advice but, if you are really worried, also ring your vet asap.

    Links to be found on this Messageboard -

    Feral/Stray cats:

    Introducing a new cat to your home:

    Pucci’s Feline Diabetes (excellent reference thread for those with diabetic cats) -

    Good Food for Cats -

    Photos of all four legged friends welcome here -

    A fun thread for the cats themselves -

    New volunteers for the monthly Rota, click here –

    Finally, a link back to the last month’s Cat Club –

    Other useful sites –

    FAB (Feline Advisory Bureau) is a charity dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of cats through improved feline knowledge, to help us all care better for our cats. Also on FAB are many useful pages for cat owners like this list of poisonous plants and other substances.

    Another useful plant site created by a Board member -

    This is a privately run site which has masses of information on just about everything on cats.

    The National Office of Animal Health compendium, with the data sheets for most drugs.

    UK legislation on animals and Government Code of Practice on Cat Welfare:

    Dr. Pierson (guru on nutrition and other feline information):-

    Probably the leading site on FIP, FCV, Stomatitis research and treatment.

    Tanya's Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Centre

    If you’ve got a Missing Cat or have Found a Cat, why not start here –

    CatChat is a brilliant site and on this, their Lost and Found page, you will find advice on searching for your lost pet, links to rescue organisations and much more. There is also information on dealing with found cats and details of cats for adoption all over the country, both pedigree and non-pedigree.

    Cats Protection’s main site also has many printable information and advice leaflets, plus details of how to contact their branches in your area.

    If you can’t find information to help you, then please just ask us.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    I do like the idea of a cat database and am working on producing one.

    So far:
    - web site available.
    - database created with basic tables to manage members and cats with the ability to select/add breed and comments.

    In progress:
    - creating web site to enable registration and updating of details.

    It will take a little while but I will make the bare bones available as soon as possible and then it can grow over time to accommodate whatever functionality is needed.


    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    I do like the idea of a cat database and am working on producing one.

    So far:
    - web site available.
    - database created with basic tables to manage members and cats with the ability to select/add breed and comments.

    In progress:
    - creating web site to enable registration and updating of details.

    It will take a little while but I will make the bare bones available as soon as possible and then it can grow over time to accommodate whatever functionality is needed.


    Ruairi thanks for opening February's Cat Club and good luck with starting up your new website,I'll be interested to see it (I'm on Peets)

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Milly, Des and Percy are happy to have their details put on a CC database of some kind...

    Thank you for opening up for February, Ruairi. The nicest thing about winter is that all three cats come to bed with us and sleep peaceably together on the bed. It is a little crowded but it's also rather nice.

    Furfles to all.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by HolRose (U15447369) on Thursday, 31st January 2013

    Hi Ruairi, Thank you for opening up February's CC. I loved the Mike article, particularly his eulogy ode, what lovely scansion. I would really like to see the website and database for the CC Crew, more power to your typing fingers and cleverness.

    I was so pleased to see my three furry and two feathery faces this evening after a particularly trying and disheartening day at work. I was doing my usual lifting little Minnie and big Wilf off the kitchen work surfaces 10 times while I tried to dole their evening meal into their bowls (Dennis stays politely on the floor and waits for his dinner like a gentleman) and I could feel their soft warmth and Minnie's little heart beating and it really struck me how lucky I am to have such delightful companions. Then, after eating, they all trooped into the parrot room and spent the entire evening with me as if to support my feelings. It was lovely.

    Love to all. Here's hoping for good things for February (not least in terms of weather) for everyone and their feline and other companions.

    Hol xxx

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Great OPs, thanks Ruairi.

    Will be compiling my inmates, I mean employers, list later. Bx

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Great opening, Ruari. Loved Mike's story. At a CP meeting last night the possibility of creating a calendar was discussed with possible winners in the annual photo competition being used. Does anyone have any experience of this type of fund raiser?

    Love to all.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Yes, loved the opening. Must admit I'd never heard of Mike or his story - the only cat I think of in connection with BM (apart from the ones in cases) is Ottoline, who features on a range of their products.

    stp - I thought CP always produced annual calendars, some overstamped and one made from their competition photos? What sort of thing were you thinking of doing?

    We always do one in the Norwegian Forest Cat Club, solely to raise funds for our Welfare section. Over the last couple of years, this has taken the form of a desk calendar and members have the chance to "buy" a page, the front cover etc; costs range from about £25 I think. I've also had my cats featured on an American one which was to raise funds for HCM research, so featured all about hcm and showed cats who had died and others who were living with the disease. One of the American breeders produced them all on his computer.

    Ginge x

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Jo Bo (U1485540) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Just bookmarking. I'm sure Hattie, Freddie and Horace would love to be featured in a Cat Club database, with maybe honorary mentions for the dearly departed, in my case, Herbie, Susie and Ginger, all of which were original Cat Club kitties.

    Best wishes to all, especially those poorly or grieving, both human and feline.

    Jo x

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    When I said yesterday, Thursday that Marmalade is going
    "Stir Crazy" it's only because I won't let her out into the garden yet.

    Also I've googled where I can buy Feliway from. That's a local
    Garden & Pet Shop which I use a lot and trust.

    So when I go out on Saturday, I will ask in that shop about it etc
    Although I reckon that Rosalind's more stressed about Mischief
    than Marmalade is. Who is very attentive and cuddly today

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Ginge, the idea came from the North Ayrshire branch which produced its own calendar for 2013. We wondered if there would be more incentive to enter our annual photo competition if winners were to be featured in a calendar. Of course it all depends on the costs and potential profit involved.


    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Frangipangi (U14798502) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Ruari - thanks for opening up and the database sounds like it's progressing.

    stp - I have a feeling our local CP talked about doing their own calendar made up of pictures of cats that had been adopted over the year and asked their servants to send in pictures of them and the 'top 12' would be picked for the calendar. I'm not sure that it came to anything though, as presumably the only people that would buy them would be those that contributed, whereas the official CP calendars tend to feature professional photos that are designed to appeal to everyone, eg fluffy kittens mainly. I'll make some enquiries when I go to the next meeting and see if I can find out.

    HolRose - just going back to the January thread and wondered why you needed ornaments anyway, after all it's less dusting to do if they get broken!

    Rosalind - nice to see you back. We used a Feliway for George when he was particularly scratchy and we thought it might be a nerves thing but I can't say we noticed any difference so did not bother replacing it when it ran out.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hi Rosalind

    Good to see you back in the Cat Club.

    Have a look on the Viovet website and you will find Feliway and its ingredients. It's a non-prescription product so would not have anything like penicillin in it, as antibiotics can only be sold on a prescription in this country. Their prices are excellent too.

    You will also find a natural product called Zyclene, which may be the other thing mentioned to you by your vet. It's the latest product for stressed animals, even horses, I think, and being promoted by loads of vets. I do know someone who has used it on one of her cats and thinks it helped, but the depends on how stredded you and your cat get at giving pills.

    Ginge x

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    It's Zylkene, Ginge, I think, and Rusty often recommends it.


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Brooke Field (U3225360) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Ruari, thanks for opening this month's thread.

    This morning there was a rather poorly-looking nuthatch on my bird table, it looked very sorry for itself and was clearly unwell. Later on when I went into my kitchen, the floor was carpeted with fluffy feathers and there was a sad little nuthatch corpse in the middle. Daisy was by then nowhere to be seen and when she did appear, was apparently unable to help with my enquiries...

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Yes, I know someone in the UK whose dog is on it and doing well on Zylkene.

    STP, re fund raising cat calenders. We have a professional photographer who comes to the clinic on a volunteer basis, and takes photos with a backdrop *before* they get adopted out, the pics that go on our Petfinder page. We haven't yet produced a calendar as a group, just because it was quicker for the (Type A personality ball-busting) director just to ask corporations for money without the fuss of producing one, excl mk. Anyway, I think we should produce one, with the lovely pictures we have, as there is a cohesion. I'm going to push for it this year.

    One of the board of directors independently produced a 'men with their cats' calendar, which was a sweet idea, but looked terrible because the quality of the various photos was so erratic, the overall effect was a really badly cobbled together rag with half the pictures unable to withstand being blown up so looked out of focus. So I've seen it badly done. She fished around local printers upstate to see who would give the best deal to produce it, and given plenty of notice, there are no hurry-up fees. The printers outside the city were far far cheaper.

    Is there a photography student in your area who loves cats who would like the publicity of having her/his name on it? I've had a photography student come to my house with a black velvet backdrop, and had beautiful results for her personal project. Not to take away from the lovely pictures that people do take, heaven knows last month's thread had some stunners. Anyway, a notice in the local art school that has a photography course might flush out some enthusiast...don't get unless you ask...

    Hope all are well, back shortly,


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Frangipangi [message 13]
    Rosalind - nice to see you back. We used a Feliway for George when he was particularly scratchy and we thought it might be a nerves thing but I can't say we noticed any difference so did not bother replacing it when it ran out.


    Thanks for the welcome back, Frangi.
    I have had second thoughts this afternoon and will buy some Feliway
    tomorrow because Marmalade went to "look" for Mischief, with her
    body low to the ground and scared. She sensed something I couldn't.

    Rosalind - nice to see you back. We used a Feliway for George when he was particularly scratchy and we thought it might be a nerves thing but I can't say we noticed any difference so did not bother replacing it when it ran out.


    Hi Rosalind

    Good to see you back in the Cat Club.

    Have a look on the Viovet website and you will find Feliway and its ingredients. It's a non-prescription product so would not have anything like penicillin in it, as antibiotics can only be sold on a prescription in this country. Their prices are excellent too.

    You will also find a natural product called Zyclene, which may be the other thing mentioned to you by your vet. It's the latest product for stressed animals, even horses, I think, and being promoted by loads of vets. I do know someone who has used it on one of her cats and thinks it helped, but the depends on how stredded you and your cat get at giving pills.

    Ginge xÌý

    Gingernut, thanks and I've just looked on the Viovet website, all
    it gives about Feliway is prices really no ingredients, then I might
    have missed that page since I've never used the Viovet site before.
    It doesn't say anythng about Zyclene. But I will ask in the local
    Pet shop tomorrow to see what Feliway has is in it before
    I pay for it.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Oh Brooke, how sad. We have them round here, beautiful little things, and when my feeders are full, there's much tail-twitching at the windows; they excite my cats in a different way to the big slow mourning doves.

    Daisy was by then nowhere to be seen and when she did appear, was apparently unable to help with my enquiriesÌý

    Snork. Although I'd be careful posting that sort of thing round here at the moment...[cross-threading violently].

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Here you are, Rosalind.

    Feliway is a calm-inducing diffuser, designed to encourage the nervous or stressed cat to move freely within the home and gain confidence. Particularly effective when introducing a cat to a new home or environment, or when another cat is familiarising itself with the other. The product can also be used in carriers when transporting a cat to a veterinary appointment, or in other situations likely to induce high levels of stress. Feliway is formulated to contain the very same compound as a cat's naturally produced pheromones, encouraging a cat's anxious mood to shift to one of happiness and contentment. Usually supplied as a liquid, plug-in diffuser and placed somewhere out of the way, the product releases tiny amounts of vapour, of which humans are unable to detect. Cats, however, are able to pick up the scent and respond to it. Also available as a liquid spray, working to encourage a feeling of calmness, confidence and wellbeing in cats.

    Zylkene is a unique treatment for stress in Dogs, Cats and Horses. It is a safe and natural remedy, based on a protein extracted from milk. It acts on certain receptors in the brain to have a calming effect during periods of stress or environmental challenge. Ideally it is given once daily for a few days beforehand, then also on the same day as the stressful event. It is safe to give for long periods too, but if this is done, it works best if combined with some form of training or de-sensitising regime.

    Ginge x

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013


    I thought I'd posted this yesterday with the ingredients for Feliway, and its patent document. Scrolling back I see I somehow ballsed it up.

    It's a discussion about Feliway, as I said in the post that was incorrect, scroll down to post #7

    Even if it can be claimed you might as well have catnip, Feliway is 24/7 which you wouldn't do/can't do with catnip. Nothing in it will be contraindicated with giving Methimazole Rosalind.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hi stp

    Thanks re Zylkene - I need a new set of fingers that can spell!

    I really don't know how good calendars are as fund raisers, unless you do them as our Club do - ie we know how much we shall raise before we actually sell any because people pay for their pages.

    I think it's different for the Clinic where Basia works, as I would imagine a large clientele and not too much competition, whereas you would be up against the official calendars produced by CP, plus all the others that are sent to people like me free of charge. Apart from my much loved Henri le Chat calendar and Beau's own Siamese calendar, I've still got enough to have one in every room of the house.

    Patsy had some Christmas cards done of cats that had been adopted from her and was selling sets on her website last Christmas and some clubs do notelets.

    We also used to run a photoshow and display all the entries at the annual Club BBQ :
    We stopped when we stopped the BBQ as we found people weren't so interested when they couldn't see all the entrants. You could do one online, but, again, it's all the organising.

    CP HQ could probably give you some good advice and ideas of things to do that they don't already do for the national organisation.

    Ginge x

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by supertillypops (U7654482) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Thanks for all calendar comments and suggestions. The committee meet again at the end of the month so I'll report back.

    Have spent this afternoon socialising at CP. I so wanted to bring Oliver Twist home. I expect you can guess the origins of his name. He's a tiny black boy, very skinny. Just had his tail amputated. Brought in as a stray. The vet thought he'd been swung round by his tail. Can you believe that? If only my two would not be rocked by a newbie I would have him like a shot.


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Here you are, Rosalind.

    Feliway is a calm-inducing diffuser, designed to encourage the nervous or stressed cat to move freely within the home and gain confidence. Particularly effective when introducing a cat to a new home or environment, or when another cat is familiarising itself with the other. The product can also be used in carriers when transporting a cat to a veterinary appointment, or in other situations likely to induce high levels of stress. Feliway is formulated to contain the very same compound as a cat's naturally produced pheromones, encouraging a cat's anxious mood to shift to one of happiness and contentment. Usually supplied as a liquid, plug-in diffuser and placed somewhere out of the way, the product releases tiny amounts of vapour, of which humans are unable to detect. Cats, however, are able to pick up the scent and respond to it. Also available as a liquid spray, working to encourage a feeling of calmness, confidence and wellbeing in cats.

    Zylkene is a unique treatment for stress in Dogs, Cats and Horses. It is a safe and natural remedy, based on a protein extracted from milk. It acts on certain receptors in the brain to have a calming effect during periods of stress or environmental challenge. Ideally it is given once daily for a few days beforehand, then also on the same day as the stressful event. It is safe to give for long periods too, but if this is done, it works best if combined with some form of training or de-sensitising regime.

    Ginge x

    Ginge, thanks but the one thing that I don't need Feliway for,
    is Marmalade familiarising herself in my home because she's
    been here for nearly 12 years.

    As to placing the plug-in diffuser out of the way (Marmalade's mainly?)
    could I plug around a similar place like where a radio is?
    Because I live in a flat.
    And the next visit to the vet for Marmalade's blood tests won't
    be until March 2013. But I give her treats beforehand and afterwards
    as well. It might be more difficult next time Re Mischief etc


    I thought I'd posted this yesterday with the ingredients for Feliway, and its patent document. Scrolling back I see I somehow ballsed it up.

    It's a discussion about Feliway, as I said in the post that was incorrect, scroll down to post #7

    Even if it can be claimed you might as well have catnip, Feliway is 24/7 which you wouldn't do/can't do with catnip. Nothing in it will be contraindicated with giving Methimazole Rosalind.


    Thanks Basia, I did scroll back to your posts yesterday, and looked again. I did bookmark the Feliway FAQ page. As I said earlier that
    it gave a page to find local shops that sell Feliway, there is one
    near to me so I'll look in on Saturday.
    I am always cautious with new chemical or medical things that
    are unfamiliar.
    But Marmalade also takes Fortekor for her CRF/kidneys.

    As I type Marmalade is asleep in a cupboard that she likes loads.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Oh good idea re cards Ginge.

    Forgot to report on darling Slimmy's appt. He was easy to get into the carrier, I just followed him into the closet where he sleeps, although his owners had thought it would be a good idea to shut him out of it, which would have rsulted me in terrifying him into another corner of the apt. Sigh. I just toweled him into a big burrito. Only Mum Slim came with us, which made things a little...more manageable. I had been asked if I wouldn't mind taking Slimmy on my own, 15 mins before we were due to leave, and I jolly well did mind, as I had plans afterwards and anyway, there were questions the vet asked about day to day issues that I couldn't possibly have answered without spending half the appt on the phone, grr.

    So he has dandruff, which was presumed to be diet. He is as fussy as Foggy, so they finally found a wet food he likes and ran with it. The vet thinks he might have a food allergy so they were instructed to stay with a grain free diet. We took blood as he needs a mild dental, some gingivitis, no extractions hopefully, but a cleaning now will prevent what's coming that'll cost three times to fix. He was wonderful during the appt, but they could not get blood from his leg veins and had to resort to a jugular vein. Poor poppet. I joked that he's actually an alien cat and doesn't have blood. He was really good even when they were taking long trying to get his blood.

    So I will get the results and book accordingly. The owners really are hopeless and when they were instructed to give Slimmy a course of antibiotics before the dental, I almost laughed out loud. There is no way in hell they would manage Clavamox liquid twice a day, so I packed up all flavours of Pill Pockets, including dog ones, as blanks to see which one he would tolerate. So far so good, he likes the chicken cat one, phew, so on paper, this is possible. It's not the end of the world if this doesn't happen, but I only found out *after* Soames' dental that the dental surgeon likes the cat to be on antibiotics for a week before, to decrease the inflammation of a gum infection; makes it easier to see what's going on, and therefore his work is more precise. Er...that was news to me, oh well, no harm done. It's just one of those things that is good if it can happen...

    Apparently Slim's mum is finally getting to grips with letting him get hungry enough to possibly eat the good stuff, as instructed by the vet.

    So progress.

    Just got a call from someone in my industry who feels she needs to give up her 15 year old cat due to increasing allergies and is not prepared to get an allergy shot. Her husband and child love the cat, as does she, but is struggling. Weeeell, she's going to get short shrift from my rescue group, as he's severely overweight ("he just eats and sleeps", no shyte Sherlock).


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hello all, just bookmarking really.

    Cats same as ever here, cuddly.

    Cat x

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Ah, I just spoke to a lovely client who has three cats, two who are litter mates, 5, and one who is a year older. Monk, Maurice and Max. Two nights ago there was a massive freak out, and poor Max ended up terrified under the couch and poor Monk, who has had digestive issues, threw up. No injuries that he could see, so he's coming in Sunday for a yearly check up with all three, and meanwhile he just ordered Feliway over the net and is staying calm as each cat is doing well and purring and snuggling. Poor Max peed on the bed immediately afterwards, so he is sequestered in the bedroom with all he needs. The brothers playfight and Max isn't normally involved but he was this time, and it was bad.

    It made me think of you Roots with the Vandals, so I'm sending him a link in case he needs us, providing he has the medical all clear on Sunday.

    Monk and Maurice were found on the street as kittens and Max was adopted from our clinic.

    Hello G, you're doing everything you can, and if you feel like joining us with your beloved boys, you'd be more than welcome.


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hello, just catching up and bookmarking.

    Rosalind, if Marmalade is above all upset by being kept in, then maybe it's time to let her out? I fear you might be doing more harm than good by deciding to keep her in for a set period of time if it's not what she wants.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Ruari, thanks for such a good opening post, and all the best for the cat list, which sounds really promising. I don't know how clever a wizard you are with such things, but I did think that maybe a field for specific health problems would be useful ???

    I know it works well in CC that if anyone posts about a health problem there's nearly always someone who has some personal experience, but it could be a useful aide memoire to be reminded about each other's cats' particular problems.

    Thank you to everyone who admired the Vandals photos in last month's CC. I will try very hard to get some more photos, although as I've said before, Brandy refuses to have his parasol tail captured on camera.

    Rosalind, I think maybe you've misunderstood some of the posts about Feliway. It's a totally natural pheremone spray, meant to help cats feel more relaxed, and it can't possibly harm you or Marmalade. Worse case scenario is that it won't help Marmalade at all, in which case you will have wasted your money. But in lots of cases it does seem to help cats relax and feel happier, so think it's worth you giving it a try, if you're worried about how Marmalade is managing without Mischief. Agree that you can buy it cheapest online, which I think you're okay with doing. But also agree with LaRA, that if Marmalade is desperate to go outside you maybe have to let her go and explore. I believe cats are incredibly intelligent creatures and that once she's satisfied herself that Mischief isn't lurking somewhere in the garden she will come back to you for comfort and reassurance.

    My best to all xxx

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Friday, 1st February 2013

    Hi Roots

    Ruari, thanks for such a good opening post, and all the best for the cat list, which sounds really promising. I don't know how clever a wizard you are with such things, but I did think that maybe a field for specific health problems would be useful ???Ìý

    Yes, that is very much in the back of my mind, at the moment what I am working on is cat with name, description, date of birth, date of death. Selectable and editable list of breed and colour. A trail of events / comments for each cat. Obviously in many cases dates will be approximate but that is very much in the nature of the little bundles of fluff that we love.

    In the short term what we are interested in is who has who but over time it could be very interesting to have ailments by age or breed, treatments, average age at which things occur.

    We possibly have a sufficient cat population in CC to be reasonably useful.

    Starting point is very much members and their cats but searchable events such as behaviour or health could be really useful.

    Very many thanks to all for the appreciation for my little opening history lesson and for the support for the idea of a database.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hello, just catching up and bookmarking.

    Rosalind, if Marmalade is above all upset by being kept in, then maybe it's time to let her out? I fear you might be doing more harm than good by deciding to keep her in for a set period of time if it's not what she wants.Ìý

    LRA, yes Marmalade's upset but I had thought about letting her out,
    sometime next week, it's forecast to snow again. So if it's right
    (hope noto) that it'd be mean to let Marmalade out for a day or two
    and then have to keep her in because of the snow. Also when I
    do let Marmalade out, it'd be on a day that I'm not goinjg anywhere.
    But I was going to let Marmalade and Mischief outdoors when I
    thought that he'd get better, we all know what happened to Mischief RIIP.

    Roots [29]

    Rosalind, I think maybe you've misunderstood some of the posts about Feliway. It's a totally natural pheremone spray, meant to help cats feel more relaxed, and it can't possibly harm you or Marmalade. Worse case scenario is that it won't help Marmalade at all, in which case you will have wasted your money. But in lots of cases it does seem to help cats relax and feel happier, so think it's worth you giving it a try, if you're worried about how Marmalade is managing without Mischief. Agree that you can buy it cheapest online, which I think you're okay with doing. But also agree with LaRA, that if Marmalade is desperate to go outside you maybe have to let her go and explore. I believe cats are incredibly intelligent creatures and that once she's satisfied herself that Mischief isn't lurking somewhere in the garden she will come back to you for comfort and reassurance.

    Roots, it wouldn't be my first or last time that I have misunderstood
    CC posts.
    Also having read your post 29, you've helped me change my mind
    and Marmalade's gone outside. But if it does snow then I will
    have to keep her inside. That's nothing to do with Mischief but
    she's too small to cope with walking in the snow.
    I will still buy the Feliway just in case and as you said it might
    end up being a waste of money.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Ruairi, what you propose sounds very like Bearhug's PSS spreadsheet. (Aeons ago I posted a plea to help find me my ideal perfume, and I think we're about six threads on now, and it's been an amazing journey although I still have not found The One. But Bear compiled all the comments made by everyone about every perfume, and it is an amazing document.)

    Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to work for me but it might just be because I'm on the iPad. It's the very first thing on this latest PSS thread:

    Milly, Des and Percy are currently waking up at 4.30 each morning. This is mildly annoying during the week but infuriating at the weekend. If they just romped about having fun it would be one thing but Des likes to wind Milly up which starts her off with the old hysterical growl, and then Percy can't resist joining in which makes Milly even worse. We can't just ignore it but as soon as one of us gets out of bed they all three go, "Wahey! It's breakfast time!" and thunder down the stairs, shouting as they go.

    If no human follows and does their bidding, Des bangs the cat flap with his paw. Unfortunately this then wakes the neighbours so we have to get to him before he's upset the entire street.

    For a dim cat he can be remarkably clever at times.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    I bought the Feliway spray having looked at it in the shop, asked
    questions whilst talking to the shop assistand, whom I know.

    I've sprayed the Feliway in a few places and rather than settle
    Marmalade's instincts, she is more bothered by it.
    But is enjoying the chill wind in the garden (where she is as I type)

    Because Marmalade never sleeps in the same spot for more than
    a few weeks, I have used the Feliway spray in her main 3 favourite
    places. Time will tell etc

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hello everyone

    Hope no one is offended but I'd really rather not be on any database (well, have the cats on it!)

    I'm probably too identifiable online as it is, and don't want to make myself more so.

    Cat x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Gayer-Anderson Cat (U13637930) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Just bookmarking.

    Many thanks to Ruairi for opening this month.

    A few words on Feliway: when I have it, I use the plug-in diffuser. I plug it in in the kitchen, but find that its effects seem to spread all over the house if I leave the interior doors open (which, like a well-trained cat servant, I do). Oh, and my vet has refills on offer for £5 at the moment.


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hi Rosalind.

    I've sprayed the Feliway in a few places and rather than settle
    Marmalade's instincts, she is more bothered by it. Ìý

    I think that with the spray it is quite strong initially and takes about 20 minutes to settle down. The advice that we had was to use it well in advance in Top Cat's carrier as he used always get very distressed when taken in the car.

    May well be that once the smell has settled that it will help Marmalade settle.

    Good luck.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hi Cat

    There would be no compulsion for people to have entries so please do not worry about that.

    What I am planning in terms of owner details is just a username, people should use the same as here so that we recognise each other and a rough location.

    As I would expect everyone to maintain their own cat's details I will need to create accounts and for this purpose would need an email address to authenticate a password, there would be no intention to use that email address for any other purpose so a disposable one would suffice.

    Really all that is intended initially is to gather information about our cats and perhaps over time provide a searchable resource of problems and solutions.

    Best to all.


    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by laReine-Astrid (U10636638) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    I think it's a great idea, Ruari.

    If I've understood correctly, instead of having to repost the same information over and over again, you would form a database of replies to questions on similar issues.

    No problem for me with having BB&A's details in there.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hi LRA

    Yes, that is very much the idea, initially member and cats but with the ability to add events to those cats. Over time we can start to categorise those events and provide search functionality.

    Database is ready, just working on membership / authentication at the moment.



    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Roots (U2273958) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Ruari, it still sounds good to me, and like CC, there's no membership rules. You post or join in as you like presumably?

    The Vandals have just had the most enormous bundle. There's clumps of fur all over the place - excuse to get the new vacuum out perhaps, but they've frightened each other and Lucy, who was probably glad not to be the centre of attention for once. I don't know what gets into them sometimes or why they have to have such fights. The weather isn't too bad at the moment so they've been outside today and burned off some energy, but obviously not enough. They are now sitting in separate rooms, looking a bit embarrassed.

    Rosalind, I did warn you that Feliway might not work for Marmalade. But it may be that if you've got the spray rather than the diffuser, it's the alcohol propellant which is putting her off a bit. I should have said before that you need to spray it in a couple of her favourite places at least 20 minutes before she goes there, to let the propellant disperse, so that all she gets is the pheremone, which should make her feel more relaxed. It's a pity there isn't a similar thing for us humans isn't it.

    But glad you've felt able to let her outside, and that she's happily come back to you, which must be a big relief.

    Love to all xxx

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Saturday, 2nd February 2013

    Hi Roots

    Ruari, it still sounds good to me, and like CC, there's no membership rules. You post or join in as you like presumably?Ìý

    Indeed, like here registration is required and the confirmation of that registration will take longer than here as I do not have the resources of the Beeb at my disposal.

    Once registered anyone is free to add their cats to their membership and then add or edit history for those cats.

    I am thinking date of birth (approximate in may cases) breed, colour and description as the basics (for the cats that is).

    Each person who joins can view all of the data but only update their own.

    I am quite certain that there is lots of functionality that can be added over time but first I need to get the basics working so that we can start to gather some data.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Hi Ruairi

    Hope all is ok.

    Just to let you know, your link to last month's cc isn't working. (Well not on my computer anyway!)

    Yve x

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by gingernut (U14737656) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Morning Basia

    You said something last month about not being used to different queens and their litters at the same time. For your amusement, I've sorted out some photos of my lot and of some of our temporary visitors here in the mad Cat House.

    Hope you enjoy:

    I've had all sorts, from 3 kittens given to me by a vet, to friend's cats having a break, and I've had more visitors than I have bred kittens. I know it's not following the usual CP orders which say you mustn't mix your own cats and CP cats, but mine have not come from CP, although CP have found some new homes. The thing they all have is a blood test before they even set foot in my home and, to date, we haven't had a problem.

    Hope they make you laugh.

    Ginge x

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Ruairi (U15121157) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Hi Ginge

    That will be because I did not update it from December!

    Here is the correct link:


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by RosalindF (U11043377) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Hi Rosalind.

    I've sprayed the Feliway in a few places and rather than settle
    Marmalade's instincts, she is more bothered by it. Ìý

    I think that with the spray it is quite strong initially and takes about 20 minutes to settle down. The advice that we had was to use it well in advance in Top Cat's carrier as he used always get very distressed when taken in the car.

    May well be that once the smell has settled that it will help Marmalade settle.

    Good luck.


    Ruairi, That's interesting but yesterday, I had sprayed the Feliway
    just a few minutes after Marmalade had gone out into the garden.
    I smelt the strong smell but she didn't come back indoors for
    45 minutes - 1 hour. I think that it's the unfamiliar pheromones
    thing that might have spooked her.

    As to going to the vet with Marmalade up to the last appointment
    she's had (until March 2013) was last Seotember, she's fine then.
    I have a suspicion that that Marmalade might "fight" against it
    because of Mischief not coming home from the vet that day.

    Roots [40[
    Rosalind, I did warn you that Feliway might not work for Marmalade. But it may be that if you've got the spray rather than the diffuser, it's the alcohol propellant which is putting her off a bit. I should have said before that you need to spray it in a couple of her favourite places at least 20 minutes before she goes there, to let the propellant disperse, so that all she gets is the pheremone, which should make her feel more relaxed. It's a pity there isn't a similar thing for us humans isn't it.

    But glad you've felt able to let her outside, and that she's happily come back to you, which must be a big relief.

    Love to all xxxÌý

    Thanks Roots, when I bought the Feliway spray yesterday, one
    of the things that I thought about was that you'd said that it might
    not work for Marmalade.
    I will wait a few days before I try the Feliway spray again and close
    the door to the room concerned. So that the Feliway stuff can "settle" down and when Marmalade outdoors somewhere.

    I bought the Feliway spray because Marmalade hasn't ever had one single spot that she settles in. That's happened for many years.


    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Gorgeous photos, Gingernut.

    Des and Percy have taken to snuggling up together on our bed during the day. They've been sleeping there together for a while, but not actually touching, just gradually getting closer and closer. They're never very far apart from each other and often go outside together, too. Milly will have nothing to do with this cosy arrangement, natch.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Ginge, oh my oh my, those photos are adorable. Love the higgledy-piggledy sizes.

    I think that with the spray it is quite strong initially and takes about 20 minutes to settle downÌý

    Yes, indeed. My lot don't like anything that sprays so it has a way of halting any unwelcome antics (looking at you Henry) immediately even before the effect has kicked in.

    Quiet here today, the kittens are at the clinic for weekend viewing and they are not happy about it, but, huuuge but, they had their first (hopefully their last) ever photo shoot for their adoption pawtraits on our site. They were handled by two different strangers, had a big camera pointed at them, were moved to two different rooms and plonked against a backdrop and did not freak out once. They were terrified and made themselves as flat as pancakes, but when picked up were as good as gold and snuggled into armpits and necks....aw....I am so proud. I got hissed at last night, just because. Not holding it against my beloved Lincoln. I came round the corner too fast and looked into their cage, which incidentally is right at the front of the clinic, but not dog-nose height, just human face height. Phew. Balls off Wednesday.

    Heard from the woman today who has their mama, Kizzy, who is still essentially feral but becoming socialised. She was reading on the bed, the woman, not Kizzy (not as far as we know anyway...) hand on the covers and Kizz came up slowly and bopped her hand with her paw. Mrs L thinks this is wonderful progress. I love this woman. She is in for the long haul and delights in small changes like Kizz walking away from her rather than running. That's dedication.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by catwomyn (U1485618) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    aw Basia, reading about Kizzy has brought tears to my eyes. Soft old thing. There's something so special about a timid/feral coming around slowly.

    Cat x

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Eliza Bennet (U2508760) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    Kizzy has a good 'un there then, Bash, that's good. I hope the kittens find a good human too.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by BasiainBrooklyn (U505001) on Sunday, 3rd February 2013

    As to going to the vet with Marmalade up to the last appointment
    she's had (until March 2013) was last Seotember, she's fine then.
    I have a suspicion that that Marmalade might "fight" against it
    because of Mischief not coming home from the vet that dayÌý

    Rosalind, I'm not sure if you're serious here, but may I say, as kindly as possible, that I think we tread dangerously when we anthropomorphise. Marmalade cannot possibly have a concept of where Mischief went in terms of geography, they aren't capable of the same sort of comprehension as humans and her mental capacity is not such that she will ever make a connection to Mischief's last journey and her next trip to the vet. All she knows is what is going on in her life at any one moment and reacting to recent change, so she wouldn't be able to react in several months time to being put into a carrier in the way you describe. I think some anthropomorphising is harmless, but when we try and second guess our animals and borrow trouble from the future about something that might actually end up being ok, I think we do ourselves and our charges a disservice.

    I often hear people say that their dog or cat did something out of spite - I take exception to that. In their world something is wrong and whatever undesirable behaviour (to humans) they indulge in, is their react on one of few ways they have learned to express themselves. They don't pee on your bed because they don't 'like' your boyfriend because he's a git, they do it because their world has changed and all the ensuing behaviours follow. He might be the nicest person in the world, it makes no difference if a cat doesn't like anyone else around.

    Right, laundry.

    Report message50

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