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MFC 5 Feb 2013

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 138
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Monday, 4th February 2013

    [Shameless cut and paste alert.]

    A very warm and hearty welcome to the latest MFC/Healthy Eating Club thread. This is a thread/club/meeting for anyone and everyone who is interested in losing weight/staying at the weight they've reached/generally eating more healthily. January tends to see a lot of people thinking that they might prefer to be a bit less than they currently are, but February can be the time when New Year's resolutions tail off... Research apparently shows it's easier to lose weight if you're part of a supportive group, so if you're finding a resolution hard to stick to, at least stick with this thread and let us support you, in return for you supporting us!

    We are a very informal club, and we have but two rules. The first is no mention of real life weights or dress sizes. Do feel free to tell us you want to lose X pounds or Y inches (I know, I'm showing my age - kilogrammes and centimetres are equally welcome) but please don't tell us what you actually are/want to be, in case where you are now is where someone else is struggling to get to. And the second is that this is a safe place for everyone - any spats or tension from other threads needs to be left at the door, please. Apart from that, feel free to post what you will. We are a dead nice bunch and you will almost certainly get nothing but encouragement from us. New posters are always welcome so anyone who's been lurking should jump on in - the more of us there are here, the more experiences we can learn from - all of us go through doldrums at time, but unless it's an exceptionally bad week, there's usually someone around to post something up-perking.

    Some people post here frequently, others sporadically. Some people weigh regularly, some never. For most weighers, Tuesday is weigh-day, but you can weigh or not weigh whenever you want. Or you can measure if you prefer. Or you can do neither. Quite a few of us post our food diaries on a Wednesday just as a means of keeping a bit of an eye on what we're eating. Some people post diaries more often than that, some never post them. Again, it's entirely up to you.

    You'll find people here who are following, or have followed, different diet regimes - Weightwatchers, Slimming World, Rosemary Conley, low GL etc - while others are just working out what works best for them. But for all of us the focus is on eating healthily. So while you'll find heaps of encouragement and support, if you confess that you're making one tomato last you for three days (and that's when you share it with a friend) you may well find someone having a word with you about things like protein, and variety, and making sure you don't let your body think it's being starved.

    We have three sister threads. Given the focus on healthy eating, it's not surprising that a lot of us are fans of the cookbook thread, usually referred to as Katy's Cookbook, as Katy runs it. You'll find it full of interesting recipes, cooking tips etc as well as lots of info about calories/points/syns to. You'll find it here:

    And then there's exercise - not a dirty word at all, but a dead good way to shift the pounds just that bit quicker. You don't have to start running marathons, you just need to move about a bit more. And there is, of course, a fab exercise thread to use for more encouragement, called the Cybergym. Most of us refer to it as GEm's gym, though, as GEm runs it. You'll find it here:

    And finally, there is a rota thread - just like we have no rules (that'll be apart from rules that we do have) we have no leader either. We each take it in turns to sign up for a week - all you really have to do is post the opening thread, with the three links included if you can do links (and if you can't, someone else will post them for you). Not hard work at all. You'll find the rota thread here:

    And now here's to a very good week for everyone - including me, who's just had two rather bad weeks, and is feeling porkier rather than perkier at the moment.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Monday, 4th February 2013

    Thanks for opening G, and I hope this week makes you more perky in every way...

    smiley - winkeye

    Pug x

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Monday, 4th February 2013

    Yes I hope you can get back on track soon Geepers and thanks for opening

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Monday, 4th February 2013

    Hello, you two!

    I'm sure things will perk up some time soon - but having just realised that a significant part of the new bed we're hoping to sleep on is still on the shelf at IKEA because I didn't read the list of what we needed properly isn't helping either. A glass of wine seems to be in front of me...

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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Monday, 4th February 2013

    I'm sure having boys back is making things perk up Geepers... (-:

    Thank you for opening up. I'll be in to post my progress tomorrow - but for most of the week i was on the straight and narrow and varying my eating to avoid stagnation. However the weekend witnessed a bit of carb fest - oh made macaroni cheese in prep for our run on sunday. Well he and son were doing 10 miles so probably needed it - me doing 7km needn't have been quite so eager... ahem. I did eat plenty of salad in mitigation tho.

    So it'll be interesting to see what tale the scales tell - espec as I am a bit bloated, time of the month an' all.

    Actually, I'm feeling very jaded too - I have a big deadline in 3 week's time and I have LOADS to do for it - spending most of my weekends and evenings on it. If I have to create another table, I might go mad - but as I am only 1/4 through it is likely that madness will result...

    Off to drink some water and eat an orange to perk me up.

    See you all tomorrow


    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Good morning all

    I hope you don't mind me popping in again but I have been establishing a 5:2 programme over the past three weeks (for health and to control those few unwanted kg that will stick if I am not careful). I have found it really freeing (but then I often go 15 hours without eating) and easy and painless results on the measurable factors. 2 kg seems to have settled off since Christmas with a bit if a weekly fluctuation but always downwards.

    Monday and Thursday are my designated 500 cal days and I try and have two meals about 12 hours apart. I never or feel the need to eat 'more' on normal eating days and find it even easier to make sensible choices, have smaller portions (slightly) and feel all the better for it

    Interested in any others who are or considering trying this. I have bought the book and it makes really interesting reading as well as containing good recipes/ideas for the restricted cal meals for men and women and a calorie counter too.

    I was thinking of starting a specific 5:2 thread but wonder if an occasional post in here would be acceptable/helpful. I won't be offended if you would prefer I took it elsewhere.

    Thoughts especially to Sausages (try not to stress about numbers on a wii - good luck for tonight) and Geepers - life sometimes conspires to confound our best endeavours, beat us, and then we go on and beat ourselves up. Be kind to yourself and try and get into a good routine that is not obsessive but that allows a bit of leeway when circumstances must. It sounds from reading as if you are having alt of challenges and obstacles to deal with. It takes a while to establish a new routine that is safe from sabotage.

    Be Kind to yourselves. Because . . . you are worth it!

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Hi BYT, 5:2 is absolutely fine in here, a couple of folk do it. I find it an interesting idea, particularly the bit about lowering blood sugar levels (type 2 diabetes, currently not particularly well diet controlled), but somehow don't quite get myself organised to do it....

    I'm in to report a magnificent 4 oz in two weeks, clearly my bods way of telling me to stop playing silly so and sos with carbs. I've an interview in 17 days, I'd like to weigh less then than I do now so I know what I need to do - fewer starchy carbs and more moving about.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Budge up PP, I'm sitting beside you! My scales are NOT my friends at the moment. They had the temerity to say I'd gained this week, GRRR!

    This week is not going to be easy as Elder Piglet is coming home for a few days (yay! I'm thrilled but ....)


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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    BYT, you are very welcome here as PP says, I did 5:2 at the start of my current regime to gain some control.

    PP, 4 oz is 4oz, so better than a gain or a maintain. Take it as a good first step and I'm sure you will weigh less in time for that interview.

    F-P, sorry to hear about the gain. Maybe next week will show the results with that old MFC adage of the week in hand rule. And do enjoy elder piglet's visit.

    I'm off to have a very chilly walk as snow is forecast and have had more of the leek soup for lunch. Leftover pork from Sunday dinner for tea tonight. Not sure what I'm having it with yet, veg or salad but I'm sure I'll sort something out.

    Pug x

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    I'm interested in those of you doing the 5: 2 thing - I know I could not do this. I like eating too much.

    I think the 5: 2 thing is for people who dont have issues with food but just want to lose a bit. When I say "issues with food" I mean those of us that eat when we are miserable or bored and who don't have much of an off-switch when iot comes to portion size.

    That's me.

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  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Hello all! I was just popping in to say that I've decided to give 5:2 a go, only to find it's the topic du jour! I've been drawn to it for a while, and then this last weekend I wasn't able to be as in control of my eating as I would like (I didn't go mad, but even so...). So I decided that this might be a good week to give it a go, partly in compensation, and partly to see how I get on with it.

    Today is my first 500 calorie day, and so far it's been OK. Breakfast was half a grapefruit and a boiled egg, which isn't so different to one of my regular breakfasts (there'd usually be a slice of bread with a smear of butter as well, but I didn't really miss it). I'm currently sipping a cup of instant miso soup (27 calories), which is savoury and warm. Tea tonight will be prawns and salad with a fat-free oriental-style dressing.

    My other 500 calorie day will be Thursday, so tomorrow will be a 'normal' day. Even so, I will still be logging what I eat and not going crazy, but I think that will be OK, as I've definitely re-educated my expectations during the last few weeks of calorie-controlled intake.

    I'm definitely interested to hear how others get on with it. I don't think I could have gone straight into it in December, when I decided that I needed to take myself in hand, but having been monitoring my calorie intake for a few weeks now, it doesn't feel like such a big step.

    Whatever you're doing, hope it's going well for you. Sorry to hear about the gain, F-P, but I think there can be a cyclical element - hope that it's preparing you for good news next week.

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  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Constance (U14594138) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    I've been doing the 5:2 diet since the last week of October and so far have lost a stone. I had time off for good behaviour and C'mas and a couple of weeks where the 5 days were a bit ott for food, but I'm pleased with my progress.

    I too have Tues and Thurs as my LC days (low calorie). I'm helped as I don't have to cook for OH on those days so can please myself and not see someone else tucking into a meal.

    I find the Sanesberries fiery ginger beer a good drink (as I like ginger anyway) and there are only about 2 calories in a big glass.

    I divide my calories into 3 'meals' and a snack mid morning. The best way for me not to fall by the wayside with it is to make sure I have plenty of things to do. I keep a record of what I eat and how many calories on a spreadsheet. I've found that I'm more conscious of how many calories there are in things generally - so that helps with the other 5 days.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Good to see some others trying the 5:2. As stated, for me it is largely because of the well documented long term health benefits but the extra kg off being a positive bi product. I am quite happy eating only twice in the 24 hours, as advised to engage the maximum effect of the health benefits.

    500 cal days I usually have 40g porridge (with water) and 140g blueberries for breakfast (at 7:30 -much earlier than usual). Yesterday I had a small sliver of steak with lots of salad and 2 tbsp cooked brown rice for dinner at 7:00 pm. I did have to think twice before pouring a glass of breakfast o. juice the first few times. Only about 70 cals but I would rather eat those. Now I add a splash to sparling water or have hot water with lemon and a drizzle of honey.

    I do cook otherwise for MrThing most days but can adapt quite happily. The recipes in the book/or in Radio Times supplement a couple of weeks back are really useful.

    Perhaps worth exchanging recipes/choices that come in at under about 300 cals for supper.

    Best of luck.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    evening all - sorry I'm not doing the best job at keeping up with people's posts - bad host this week.

    I too did 5:2, and may well go back to it when the boyf is back in his warzone. I didn't have much variety, I'm afraid, but it worked for me. I went for three meals and an evening snack: I had a small serving of porridge made with water for breakfast (about 80 cals); lunch of 1 large hard boiled egg, and salad (I found crunchy stuff worked better than leafy - favourite was 40g cucumber, 40g red pepper and 50g lightly blanched green beans) making a total of about 120 cals; dinner of some light kind of protein and heaps of veg at about 250 calories; and finally a plain yoghurt before bed at 67 calories. Dinners were usually either a tin of tuna or big pack of prawns with a good lot of veg stir fried with spray lite and a teaspoon of soy sauce. I've said it many times but a programme like myfitnesspal.com is really helpful for getting your calories right - shows you what choices allow you to eat more, which is good for me!

    I've decided to take the next two days off and get on top of the house stuff - feel better for that decision. Going in for about an hour tomorrow, but apart from that it's unpacking and cleaning and getting on top of it all.

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  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Forgot to say - had chilli on just about everything too, to speed up the metabolism. I'm a firm believer in food being tasty.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Evening all..

    I can't say I fancy the 5:2 thing as I can't do being that hungry, but well done to those that do it, much respect.

    Well my news is that I have lost 3lbs in 2 weeks, which I'm very happy about. There is ow 10% less of me than when I started at Slimming World at the end of last summer. Slow, I know but I am dead chuffed that all my worries of yesterday were not realised. I am now half way to my goal, so should be svelte by the summer (all being well!)

    Got to sort out tomorrow's lunches so night all!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Beats my 4 oz :0)

    Today's big news is that i have not had any bread and, when out for a cuppa in a cafe with lovely cake selection, chose not to have anything to go with the tea.

    I have had some medjool dates - who knew how lovely they are?


    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Awww PP don't beat yourself up you have a lot more on your plate than me, and I have a massive support network with my slimming group which helps tremendously. Well done on the No Cake discipline and the lack of bread : - )

    Off to bed now with a new book (doncha love a new book!)

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Well done sausages! Excellent work there, and yaboosucks to the wii.

    And PP, determination in the face of cakes deserves the MFC medal of the week.

    I'm just back from dog training and I've had a cup of tea, bed soon methinks.

    Pug x

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    That's fantastic, Sausages - well done!

    I enjoyed my prawns and salad, and found I still had 150 calories in hand, so have had a small apple and tangerine, and 3 rice cakes, and feel almost decadent.

    It's been OK today - I've been aware of feeling a bit hollow, but no worse than that. The worst thing has just been that I've felt very conscious of being on a 500 calorie day, so it's been to the forefront of my mind more than I think is healthy. I hope that with practice it can feel more normal and routine. Oh, and I certainly need to plan my eating for the day - it's worked well, because I've known what I have been going to eat and when.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 5th February 2013

    Well done PP, as good as my ignoring the chocolate OH was eating after lunch

    I've come in from my Pilates class all glowing with endorphins. It was the first time we've worked with ankle weights. As I left the class I felt as if I was "walking on the air"!!


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Auntie Molly (U14110968) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Well done Sausages that's great.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Well done Sausages. Glad all the worry was needless. Can you switch the weight reading off the wii???

    Slow and steady is the way to go. I bet you feel more than 10% better than you did before starting this programme.

    Good luck with the house sorting. I am sure it will be a great mental and physical boost.

    KOKO everyone. On whatever methods you choose. What's right for you is right for you.

    I just wanted to say a couple of general things about the 5:2

    1. If people want the health benefits (blood sugars, cholesterol reductions and general greater protection (believed) against various heart/cancer illnesses) it is important to work towards longer gaps between eating - 6 hours being a minimum; 12 being optimum on this system.

    2. Hunger. I suspect it depends a little on volumes and types of eating patterns before starting, but as a moderate eater who doesn't snack (ie eats three times a day or less) I have not found hunger an issue at all. There is the 'habit' thing to get over - thus trying to keep busy and not think about 'lunchtime' and what that otherwise means.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Well done to all losers/maintainers

    Sausages - switch the Wii weight off or ignore it. You weigh once a week at SW which is a good way to track trends - and so long as it's downwards then that's great. You are also checking your measurements/clothes which if you are building muscle will counteract any increase on the scales.

    Geepers - I think you are very wise to take a couple of days off and get sorted. Once your home is settled you'll feel much more in control and less stressed. In terms of your "diet" I know you like the 5/2 thing but it doesn't seem to work when BF is home does it? Can you work out a regime that you can stick to on a more long term basis when he is home? I worry otherwise that you'll lose your weight/regain it/lose it/regain it which effectively will mess up your metabolism long term. Is there something like SW that would fit more into a "family" lifestyle. If BF is an active warzone person then he's not going to exist on 500 calories - or even 1000. Is there something you could do where you can have small portions and he can have big portions and you can eat the same. For example when we are eating out I try not to eat for the other main meal that day other than a bit of fruit (in my case it's not managing weight but tummy space for my meal out) but OH (and kids if home) needs to eat so I make him/them a couple of sandwiches or a pie while I have my fruit or I do a big salad and give him/them a load of protein and a jacket potato with his/theirs and have a small salad myself.

    Thanks for advice on cybergym. I think for the first week while I am travelling that I will need to heed your advice but the second we are on a huge compound that I am assured is well protected and therefore safe to run around.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    morning all

    after last week's blip I am please to report another 3.5 lbs off so that's 10.5 in 4 weeks. I have two more weighings before we go away (and almost a full week between the last weighing and departing) so would really like to shed a stone in total. But I know that as my body reacts to less food it will take longer.

    Well done Sausages. I was told last week that ideally we should weigh only once a month and that even once a week can show up anomolies.

    The slightly ironic thing is that I haven't changed what I do very much. Breakfast is porridge, with a small blob of honey (30grms) and lunch during the week a brown bread sandwich (thin slices) with some egg or smoked fish, celery and some fruit. I have cut down the amount of fruit, compared to what I used to eat, and given up bananas completely. Then evening is some meat/fish and veg, sometimes with some carbs, sometimes not. But the meat and carb portions are weighed and less than we wre eating before.

    Oh, and I have hardly had a drink for the last month. Two small glasses of wine the first weekend (social occasions) and the occasional small whisky and water, especially on cold evenings. This from someone who would normally drink a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, and certainly more than that at weekends. Could that have something to do with it I wonder? (irony alert). And when I want a drink I think of all the money I am saving!

    And I have been exercising every day - mimimum half hour walk (with hills) and the 45 minutes exercise/aerobics at the weigh in.


    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Well done bc, that is brilliant. Small changes can make all the difference, and I'm sure you're right that the alcohol is a big player. I'm cutting mine down, but am it willing at this stage to cut it out completely -a glass of wine on a night off is such a treat.

    But the exercise will also be playing an important part I'm sure. I used to go to RC classes, and their workout was good, but now getting there would be difficult, so swimming is taking an important part in my weight loss.


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Well done bc, great result. Also many congrats to sausages, last night I was posting from my iphone and it is far more difficult to scroll back and memory isn't what it was, so apologies for not congratulating earlier.

    I'll have just another little moan, it's not fair - there I've had it! All you drinkers can get a quick start from giving up, but those of us who don't drink can't. I wanna quick start! I've given up choccy and nibbling, and getting a lot better at that.

    This coming week is going to be a trial, EP is coming home from the Highlands for almost a week, and I will be in full protective Mother role. Some of you may remember that he has been through - is going through a most horrendous separation. The mother of my grandchildren would not even let them come to my own mother's 95th birthday, unless EP signed away all future rights to see them, needless to say he didn't. What I can't understand is why they aren't divorced and why it hasn't been sorted by courts. Sorry enough of that - but you will understand, I'm sure why I go into protective Mama role.


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Oh F-P, that is so sad, I had hoped it was finally sorted by now. I'm guessing he is going through the courts to sort things? I do hope that his ex will finally see sense, and that the children will start to express their opinions as they get bigger.

    It will be lovely for him to come home for some mum spoiling though. Enjoy your time...

    Pug x

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    F-P it's rotten, isnt it? I hope your family CAN aviod the courts. They are a dreadful drain on your money, often with no effect except to make everyone even more adversarial. if you can persuade them to avoid the courts, do so. I'm speaking from experience.

    Well done sausages and the rest of you who have had lossed this week! I'm doing okay, I htink - weight day is tomorrow.

    I've done Pilates this week too - I absolutely love it. We have a second class on Thursdays which I'll try to go to tomorrow. Today it was swimming and an aqua class - excellent stuff.

    I've got another viewing of my house on Sunday so fingers crossed. I'm busy cleaning up thoroughly as I tend to do before a viewing. This is my third since the new year, the other two came to nothing.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Sixties you say F-P it's rotten, isnt it? I hope your family CAN aviod the courts. They are a dreadful drain on your money, often with no effect except to make everyone even more adversarial. if you can persuade them to avoid the courts, do so. I'm speaking from experience. 
    I meant I'd like them to get divorced so that it is over, there'll never be any reconciliation. Is that what you are saying to avoid? What I left out this morning is than my mother has never yet met these great grandchildren of hers thanks to their mother.

    The rot will start this evening as the train times are such that we will call for fish'n'chips on the way back from the station. I know, I won't eat all of the batter and only a few of the chips, but it will be later than my normal supper so will be hungry.

    I won't be able to get to my second Pilates class this week as it's Friday morning and I've got to work then.


    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    FP I have a contact order in place, no divorce (we weren't married) but you can apply for a legally binding contact order through the courts which won't allow for such nonsense as that. No judge would allow such goings on! It costs about £200 and you don't need expensive lawyers (a mistake I made and am still paying for).

    Well done to BC For a brilliant loss.. I am sure you can reach your goal.

    I have had a good day. I managed to pass my exam with 75% which I am truly amazed about. Must to admit to a glass of fizz tonight.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Gosh well, done Sausages, that is great. You deserve a treat. My confession is a sliver of home made orange cake (made by me). I have made one for my very good friend and neighbour who is 50 tomorrow. I made one for the boys here too, and just had a taste for quality control purposes. It is not the most beautiful cake (Mary berry need not be alarmed) but it tastes pretty good. It's the thought that counts I believe haha.

    I've also been to the pool and swum just over a mile today, a slight increase on my usual. My swimming earphones are a bit cranky though, no sound in one ear so I need to get some new ones. Off to make tea now, bolognese sauce with baked potato for the men and just veg for me.

    Pug x

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    What do you listen to whole swimming I am intrigued..

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    I'm not much of a music listener Sausages, so I download the odd bbc podcast (Friday drama is always available), or audiobooks -I've found a website called librivox which has free audio books out of copy-write, so mainly classics. I've recently listened to Jane Austen's Persuasion, and currently Dickens "No Thoroughfare" (partly written by Wilkie Collins intriguingly). A lot of the readers are American but the slowness of classics quite suits my swimming I think!

    I really enjoy audio books...

    Pug x

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Sister Primrose of the Red Tinsel Flag (U5405579) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    But what do you listen to them on? Doesn't the mp3 player get wet? Or have you got some sort of bluetooth thing?

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    My swimming earphones are a bit cranky though, no sound in one ear so I need to get some new ones 

    Swimming earphones? I am intrigued. I presume the equipment you are listening through also needs to be waterproof. What do you need?

    One of the things about swimming is that it is so boring.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Sorry I should have explained that. I have a speedo underwater MP3 player. I got mine quite a long time ago, and it doesn't have much storage space so was quite cheap, but there are quite a few on the market for about £40 upwards. The current speedo ones seem to be about £100. Mine was only about 40 I think.

    It is designed to attach to your goggles or hat, but I usually don't wear either so I tuck it into my swimsuit as it is really small. There are some that are put purely on your head too now though. I have bumped into my neighbour at the pool a few times recent,y, and having seen mine, he has got a head set one and says it has transformed his boring swims!

    Pug x

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Wow what a fab thing listen to audio books while swimming.. I listened to loads when I was gardening for a living. If you borrow them from the library and load them onto your MP3 player they are quite cheap, a couple of £'s to hire.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Ah sadly our local very small library doesn't have audio books or I would. I do subscribe to audible though, which means you get discounted ones. I listen to them whilst dog walking too.

    I keep meaning to load some old ones from the house onto it too as we have some I haven't listened to for ages. And I find I often forget the stories!


    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    I've just posted this in the gym and think it only fair to post it here

    When I come back from holiday I will not be returning to ML - if you want to ask why ask Bright Young Thing - she seems to think she can read my mind and interpret my comments though I disagree.

    Thanks for all your friendship here


    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Oh dear Gem, that's such a shame you contribute so much to this thread and I will miss you, so please reconsider your position x

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    Ah Sausages - thank you. I will think on while I am away but at the moment I am so angry I can barely think straight. It takes a lot to get me angry...


    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    I understand that Gem and have followed the thread.. But as you say take a deep breath, walk away and come back revived! Where are you going? Should I be jealous (sob...lol)

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    GeM, please don't go, you are a mainstay of this and the Gym.

    You know that we have two rules here, one of which is that what is said elsewhere in ML doesn't count, we leave disagreements at the door.

    Please take time to think things over and (or even thonk them over as I first wrote!)

    Have a good holiday - is it all holiday or some work?


    Lovely sounds of laughter coming from my TWO PIglets, it is good to have them both under our roof.


    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    I is off to Mexico one week work .. The bit where I will be following geepers advice and one week chilling out Baha'i principe sua kaim or something like that where I have a garden suite with a private jacuzzi on the terrace .. Oh yes and himself is joining me. Okay I will think on while away.

    G x

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 6th February 2013

    GEm, I haven't seen what you and BYT have fallen out over elsethread, but I would certainly ask that you reconsider. Your contributions here are always worthwhile, and your encouragement much appreciated. I'm sorry you're so angry, but know that it can happen (it happened to me in December on a thread about the women bishops vote, when one post in particular made me violently angry to the point of shaking, in a way that is completely uncharacteristic). Decisions made in the heat of the moment may not be the best... please do think about this when you feel a bit calmer, and if you decide to return, I'd be really pleased. Have a great holiday.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Thursday, 7th February 2013

    Ohh Mexico, lucky you even if it is work... We spent three weeks or so, over one Xmas driving from Mexico City to cancun. No bikes, as hire was too expensive. We had a fabulous time and didn't get into any trouble at all, even when we tackled the mexico city underground... amazing country, and the history is mind blowing

    Love to crate a couple of the bikes and tour there on two wheels

    Anyway, wrt to you going, my comment is in the gym, but, who else can I get threads off topic with and talk bikes?

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Thursday, 7th February 2013

    As said elsethread. Okay I get the message and have calmed down a bit.

    Mix of holiday and work - the first bit is work and I've been told that I have to stay put when in Mexico City as at the moment it's a bit dodgy with some gang wars between drug barons and the authorities getting in on the act too. Other half will be with me as we've then booked a few days touring in Yucutan peninsula (I want to see the ruins and pyramid) and then we have a few days in an all inclusive for a chill.

    Not sure about taking the bikes over there. OH said in Morocco that away from the cities the kids saw the bikes as a good way of getting money from rich westerners and kept trying to get themselves run over by the bikes so they could claim compensation. I have enough trouble holding my bike without having to play skittles or dodgems with kamikaze kids. OH said they seemed oblivious to the fact they would be seriously injured

    Back on topic - in Tesco they had Weight Watchers yogurts on offer so I bought a pack of Greek Style yogurts - lemon and grapefruit and nectarine flavours. Have to say OH and I had them last night and they are very very nice. I assume quite diet friendly too - the pack said they were 1propoint each (no syns mentioned Sausages - I searched the pack)

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Thursday, 7th February 2013


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  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Thursday, 7th February 2013

    A weightwatcher product won't show Syns Gem as Slimming World is a competitor. I do know that the mullerlight greek style yoghurt is 1/2 syn a pot. very yummy

    I'm very motivated today, and am trying, yet again to increase my veg intake, so it Carrot, coriander and lentil soup, with roasted veg for lunch. Spinach and Chickpea dahl for dinner

    Mexico sounds very very lovely and I am green with envy. Have fun!

    Report message50

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