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Village Hall thank you thread

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 67
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Nomadnomore - XNo - Quiz Queen (U3180380) on Friday, 15th February 2013

    There was a suggestion from Sadie that we might have a thread that told all the stories but given the nature of some of them people may feel the past is best left in the past. This is an alternative suggestion and your chance to say thank you if you wish to.

    For my part I would like to say thank you for all the support I got when I was grieving for my step-son.

    Thank you for the laughs and company on the various hospital threads following the extreme bird feeding ankle incident.

    Thank you (David K and all contributors) for the Potting Shed.

    Thank you for letting me give a bit back sometimes.

    XNo xxx

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Morganish (U9108847) on Friday, 15th February 2013

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to helping me sort out my moral dilemmas with friends and neighbours, Germans on the verge of a nervous breakdown, small children, strange weddings, people with peculiar eating habits, mad neighbours etc over the years. I don't think I'm any better at understanding people and their behaviour than I ever was, but when challenging situations crop up in future I will ask myself 'What would ML think?' and it will be a comfort.

    Thank you to those on the Dog thread for all the kindness and understanding offered over five horrible days one Easter when my dog was stuck down a hole. She is currently trying to chew my foot.

    Thanks to the dementia/elderly parents threads, which were a great support when trying to find a way through my MiL's decline into dementia.

    Actually, just thank you. (Sniff).

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by karmickris (U15523507) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Oh what a lovely idea, Sadie.

    Thanks for re-posting it XNo.

    I'm eternally grateful for TVH and some of the threads here. It has always felt 'safe'.

    Too tired now to post but I will be back..I love that "What would ML think?" Morganish!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Lilo (U12007400) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    A wonderful idea and one that sums up what TVH has meant to so many people.

    Being able to bang on at 5am about all sorts and have a reply soon after.

    Mainly the Dog Club members. I've been with them through Zeddy dying five years ago, to adopting Murph the little poodle git, and a year ago rescuing Isaac the wondrous poodle with so many problems, from a cruel Welsh puppy farm. The members have become friends, supporting, advising, making each other laugh, and not so alone in the struggle to train, to grieve, to become exasperated, and to love.

    Last year my closest friend had a recurrence of cancer with ops and the people there helped me to help her. So much advice and support and compassion.

    I had a problem with a young friend taking advantage and lying. It was so hard because of the connection with other friends. Again, I had such amazingly good advice.

    Potting Shed. I had plants identified immediately. Saved me hours of wondering what the...is that? Advice, chat, just lovely.

    I think what strikes me most of all is the time and effort that goes into the studied replies. I'm a stranger, it means nothing to them, and yet it's as if they're sitting right next to me.

    Thank you so much for everything. I'll be over at Peets Place and he has a Village Hall, so it can become just the same refuge if that's what you want.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by karmickris (U15523507) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Watcha lovely Lio.

    I too love the fact that at almost any time of the night you can post, and someone will say hello.

    Y'know what else i love? I've never posted on the Dog thread, that I can recall.

    Yet I know all about the character that is Murphy, and lived through your early days with Isaac - vicariously through your posts.

    I've always read through the TVH threads, even though I haven't posted on many, and I suspect I'm not alone. I feel as though I 'know' so many posters i have rarely 'spoken' to, and I like that (stallkerish though it appears when i write it.!)

    Still too tired to write my thoughts on the compassion and kindness to be found in TVH, (Insomnia is my friend) but I will be back one glorious day when I'm actually awake.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by karmickris (U15523507) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Lio? Lilo, sorry...insomnia is NOT my friend!

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Lilo (U12007400) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Lio? I quite like it.

    I'm really surprised that you've been reading the Dog threads kris. In a nice way. It's brought home to me how you post, you write your innermost thoughts sometimes and you forget people read them and say nothing. I don't mind that, I think it's ...er...can't think of the word. I also had little sleep last night and now I've got to clean the house of sand (the penalty of living next to the beach) and get the Poodle Boys off to the groomers so we can tell which way is front, and lots of friends coming for an Italian Night tonight. I'm all stressy, and see? I've started rambling on about nothing. It's the way of the Mustard.

    Lio (I'm a bit tired of the pneumatic old slapper anyway)

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Like so many others ML & TVH in particular have become part of my life.

    It started a few weeks after my first tentative posts with such overwhelming support when my nephew took his own life. I was the support for my Sis & my Mum, but without you lot I don't know how I would have managed. I was a stranger and you took me in

    I remember discussing bereavement with you XNo, every year now I think of your Dan on my birthday

    MFC has been another home for me, that was where I got support when I did descend into depression

    I have tried to return support, but I'm sure I've gained far more than I've given here.


    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Many thanks for starting this thread, XNo.

    I think all of us are feeling stunned at the situation we find ourselves in, aware that we should be doing something, but not quite sure what…..so thank you again for this opurtunity.

    I would like to say thank you to you and all who have taken part in the gongs on in The Potting Shed over the years.
    I hope my legacy will be that I’ve helped some to enjoy their gardens a little more.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Whoops! Please read 'goings on'.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    What a nice idea Xno.

    TVH has been a support, a sounding board, a place to get my own thoughts clear in my head by writing them down and making them concrete - and to take from things in other people's situations which resonated with me - and to learn and understand more about things which do not resonate. It's a trite thing to say but I've worked out who I am and found a voice in which to express it over the last seven years and in a large part that is thanks to threads in the TVH, particularly but not only the alcohol concerns threads.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    I echo what has already been said,

    TVH and in particular the Stress Support thread have been invaluable to me over the last 4 years, it's seen me go from a depressed stay at home mum to a then 16 month old little girl to a happy content mum to a happy confident 5 nearly 6 year old.

    All the other threads here as well have been lurked on and well read during that time and have been of emense help to me.

    I really don't know what I would have done without TVH as it has been of great use and help to me!

    So a massive thank you!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Dirigibles was here (U7278225) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Indeed, David, among many other things, it was through the Potting Shed that I identified fringe-cup.
    Thank you to Septic for hosting the Photo thread, much enjoyed, and to Syd Rumpo for the Bird Table.
    Thank you to the lovely Payshent Nemesis for being willing to lend me a posh frock.
    And thank you, Mustardland, for letting me know that I'm not alone. I've had such kind advice on many tricky subjects over the years, when there was just no-one else I could ask or tell.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by DiamondLil (U11107751) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Thank you all the posters in TVH who have dished out the advice, help and general good wishes to all in need, on just about every subject we can think of. I have been on quite a few threads at different times in the last 6 years, and received help and support and most of all genuine kindness... Thank you all.

    Please do keep in touch at Sue's or Peet's. We mustn't let all this just fizzle away


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Retired-Rural-Person (U8479978) on Saturday, 16th February 2013

    Insomnia is not our friend , Kris, just our constant companion!

    Giggle, lovely to see you post like that, have not posted there for a while, it'slife was good to you, you have worked for it.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Oz (U14922697) on Sunday, 17th February 2013

    Great idea.
    Much love to all here. There are some very special people that I first met in TVH .
    To some I will always keep in touch with albeit sporadically but in touch nonetheless .

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by gigglemahanaz2 (U14257954) on Sunday, 17th February 2013

    Thanks RRP, and it's lovely to "see" you too my love, how you doing?!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Retired-Rural-Person (U8479978) on Sunday, 17th February 2013

    Good, Giggle, I'll see you in some of the new places

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    I've found TVH really useful, in many ways, particularly the Equestrian Thread, which has been a source of support and a way of making my progress as I've restarted in the area that has meant so much to me.
    The Alzheimers thread has been an invaluable resource, the Cats Celidh has been such fun, and, last but not least, thanks to David Knapper and all the people who've been at the Potting Shed.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    I don't think the full effect of the board closing has properly sunk in for me yet.

    Special thanks to those on the mental health thread through the years, I don't exaggerate when I say that you helped save my sanity when it was slipping away. Luckily I have been quite well recently, but I will miss you when the hole opens underneath me again.

    Potting shed, dog thread and others - thank you for all the sound advice!

    And most recently of course, the MLF healthy eaters thread - a stone and a bit lost so far! Invaluable help during the first few weeks, thank you.

    Doh. Feeling really sad now. Sniff.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by sadie (U781345) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    thanks Xno, I think this is a much better idea, in fact I popped in to start a thank you thread tonight and there you were!

    My thank yous would fill the whole thread, but simply put, thank you to those in the Village Hall who gave me the confidence to change my life forever.

    With no one in the real world I could talk to, on here I found friendship, acceptance, tough love when needed, fun, laughter oh and inadvertently a husband to be.

    Quite apart from meeting the amazing Mr Right at the Tate, I would never every have been at the Tate without the Village Hall crew egging me on and supporting me to make changes months earlier.

    There are far too many people to name check here, you all know who you are, thanks for everything, I will never ever forget ML the people and the friendship (got a lump in my throat now)

    I think the lyrics of this song almost fit how I am feeling, thanks for everything everyone.


    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Now Locking for a house (U3261819) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    I have received invaluable support in relation to my children's alcoholism.
    The MB gave me an ear when I was isolated by their drinking. Some of it redeemed my sense of self when I felt an absolute failure.

    I am so pleased I have also been able to share my children's recovery.
    I hope their stories have offered a warning and encouragement.
    I always knew they were fit for something!

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by carrick-bend (U2288869) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Your children's recoveries, and your unwavering support for them have been a wonderful thing to be able to "see", Locki.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    The Difficult Relationships thread - an off-shoot from the MH thread, was the reason that I found the strength to change my life.

    The wit, humour and intelligence I found in TVH has been truly inspirational as well as healing.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Twin-Lions (U3870602) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Thanks for this thread, and all the others I have found helpful, interesting, essential - Difficult relationships, Cats, Offspring going to University, Alcohol, Bullying, Bereavement.

    Wouldn't it be lovely if they opened up Mustardland for a day every year, like Imber, so that we could have a sentimental update ...

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Jane (U1484860) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    I've popped in and out of various threads - cats, potting shed etc but found myself settling in on the Cancer Copers nearly 2 years ago.
    Getting a cancer diagnosis is always a shock and in the aftermath of surgery I found a wonderful group og people who walked alongside me through radiotherapy and continue to be there whilst I deal with the after effects of treatment. I am fortunate that I now know some of the copers IRL but will always be extremely grateful for the welcome they gve, the support, the love and the understanding.

    Oh, just typing that has made me feel weepy


    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Redbookish (U1335018) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    I've been lucky never to have had to call on the support of TVH, but I've learnt a lot here, an awful lot. And I hope my bracing advice to PhDers and others has been useful. Tough love & all that!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by RosaGallica (U3612905) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    TVH helped me get myself out of a cult-like religion I had been in for nearly thirty years. Part of its MO is to label any doubters or dissenters as sinners and families have been torn apart by one member leaving. Through an appeal for help in TVH I was able to walk away and over the next couple of years all but one family member has left too. No ruptured relationships between siblings or parents and children. All 5 grandchildren are growing up free of the cult.

    I had great support here, when I first posted I was nearly to afraid to click "post". It seems amazing now that I was so afraid. So a huge, huge thanks to all who helped.

    I have also had support from the mental health thread and the dog thread. Kath was enormous help when my sister had a breakdown, some years ago now, and I was her only support.

    Now I am getting invaluable help as I struggle to leave an abisive, controlling man. Frankly, without the help I have received from the difficult relationships thread, I wonder if I would still be here at all now, as I was in such a state of fear and anxiety when I first posted. *

    So thanks to all the generous souls who have held out a hand of friendship and kindness to me over the years. I can't actually thank you all enough

    *yes, I can see a pattern in my life decisions !

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by karmickris (U15523507) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Goodness Rosa, what a wonderful testimony to your own strength and to the ethos of the VH ethos.

    I wish you courage and strength to complete your journey.

    I wish the decision makers at the Beeb read back here, and saw how Rosa, Archi and others have utilised the energy and empathy of this board, and used it to springboard their quest for freedom

    I wrote a lengthy paragraph here but have erased it in favour of this: Archi and Locki, reading about and engaging in your journeys has enriched and widened my scope of understanding my world immeasurably. One of the greatest assets of the threads in TVH has been its cathartic nature. I truly believe that we all benefit form this to a degree; those who externalise their troubles and those who are, by the very nature of these threads, allowed to offer support, empathy or advice.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by chicken_hot_pot (U8480346) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    I'd like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has nipped into the Stress Thread to make comments or just to see how we're doing. I started it 4 years ago and it's helped me through some really tough times. We're continuing it in Peet's or Smee Sue's so no-one will get left behind.

    Also thanks to the Cat & Dog Threads for when I've needed help with our 4 leggers and the Gardening Thread when I haven't known a plant or flower.

    Newbies and Snorkers kept me going for a long time too. It's been fun and will be missed, but Mustardland continues elseweb which is one major bonus.

    Thanks again and be kind to yourselves.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by fairy hedgehog (U1485678) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    > I've been with them through Zeddy dying five years ago, to adopting Murph the little poodle git, and a year ago rescuing Isaac the wondrous poodle with so many problems <

    It's been a joy to watch you gradually get to grips with your two poodles. I remember when I read your post about furry lad being dead - I burst into tears and felt slightly foolish explaining myself to my OH.

    The dog club people were here for me when my d
    ogs faded and died. I always thought that my OH would be the responsible adult, the one to take them on the final visit to the vet, but both times he was away from home and I came here to fret and to have some company in my distress. This is a nice place, thank you everyone.


    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Now Locking for a house (U3261819) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Thank you Carrick.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Now Locking for a house (U3261819) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    and thanks to you kris.

    kris. Can I say once again. You have been an example of cheerfulness and bravery to me. I could never emulate you in the face of illness but when I am tested in that way, which I surely will be, I will try.

    Yes, the powers to be have underestimated the potency of this MB.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by sagethyme (U5272261) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Delighted to see this thread as it was needed.
    Jotted down some posters I wished to thank then decided to limit it to 10, otherwise it would be absurdly (or delightfully) long. You are a lovely bunch of folk. We have shared joys and sorrows and news and information. Some of you may not remember an occasional poster, but I shall remember your wisdom and kindness.
    Sometimes a completely different perspective from our usual RL circle is so useful.

    Laura, Fee, Basia, EllKaye, Lili Bolero, Sunny Clouds, David K, Fausto, carrickbend, Dabchick.
    - May the sun shine softly on your faces, and the rain fall softly on your fields -

    Oh dear, how could I miss out kris, and Locki, and Vicky S and all the rest....

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Now Locking for a house (U3261819) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    'May the sun shine........and the rain fall.' How beautiful. Is it original or a quotation?

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by sagethyme (U5272261) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    We have always known it in my family. Googled it and found it comes from a Celtic blessing, not African as thought. Learn something new here every day!

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Thanks, sagethyme - I've particularly enjoyed your contributions to the Atheist thread.

    In fact, I've enjoyed that thread generally - one of the things my ML years have done for me is to cause me to think rather more carefully about religion - I used to be an unthinking atheist as a result of family background - but I'm now a much more thinking one and can understand more where many theists are coming from.

    There's something about the more thoughtful threads in ML which has allowed me an insight into how people who think in similar ways to me can come to different conclusions.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    I used to be an unthinking atheist as a result of family background 

    I used to an unthinking atheist too. Can't say it was family background, apart from general apathy re religion. I guess I have become more consciously atheist having participated and/or followed most of the threads on the subject in ML. The first thread I remember was 'Atheist silent' which came about when Jim entered as a character in TA. It ran to over 2000 posts, and some 70 posters (which is /a/ /lot/ as far as threads go). Many people thrashed out their beliefs/ absence of in that thread.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by archingmad (U8292055) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    I would just like to add a general observation about the value of the Boards, in particular TVH, that so many of the posters have been able to express feelings that they would never manage to articulate IRL. This is not to say that they lead sad, insular lives, but that sometimes you can be too close to people around you to rock the boat by expressing some of these innermost thoughts.

    In the same vein, some of the wit sparked off would not be possible without the inspiration found here in what I see as an intellectual nirvana.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by patriarchou (U11317033) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Two threads in TVH have a special place in my heart.

    The MH thread, where each contributor was part of a supportive network - each giving and taking according to their needs. Every one an integral part of the amazing whole.
    Thank you dear posters for bringing me through dark caverns, and sharing sunny uplands.
    You are each of so much greater value than you will ever realise.

    Lighting a Candle.

    The immediacy of the responses in this thread, has borne eloquent testimony to the beauty of the human soul.
    Bless you all.



    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Carol Tregorran (U8943346) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Locking, The quote comes from this traditional Irish Blessing: -

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    It conveys my wish for good fortune for all on these boards who have made Mustardland such a unique and special place.


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Elnora Cornstalk (U5646495) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    I pop into the Village Hall every day, and can't express how much it's meant to me, even as an infrequent poster. (I wish I'd been able to contribute more. ML's been a life-saver, in difficult years; but time and stress always kept me making quick dips, dashes and exits.)

    David K was a true friend in the Potting Shed: I'd lost touch with gardening (RL problems). David kept the shoots alive. I'm sharing an allotment - and though the sweet peas failed, the cucumber was a triumph. Thank you, David (sweet peas next year - promise).

    The Copers and Carers took me through OH's and my father's diagnoses four years ago (and my worries whenever they're checked since), and led me directly to a poster with specific experience which helped so much, and kept me keeping going. I've been a lurker during my mother's sudden and devastating illness this last few months (Mum was a private person, so I didn't post about her here, but FB friends - all from ML - carried the VH baton). I couldn't have faced this without the strength and knowledge powering out of your thread.

    Hoarders and Clutterhollics - well, I'm a lost case; but anything I have decluttered, I've done it through you. A special thank you to Greenjewel who celebrated with me when a vast pile of notes eventually became a small book, and to Laura and everyone for making a fever of worry seem, actually, quite reasonable. I'll keep trying.

    The Swimmers got me back in the water, and into the lanes. I don't do much at a time, but if I'd been swimming in a straight line, I'd be bobbing up out of the waters for the Tate Meet 2020.

    TVH's led me to loads of interests, and to new ways of understanding, and to real, long-lasting, friends. I'm going to miss it terribly.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    My thanks go particularly to MFC, one of the oldest Village Hall Clubs - I was in it at the beginning, and the fact that I'm recently returned tells its own story - but I have found nothing there but kindness, support, encouragement, celebrations and commiserations as appropriate, tons of practical advice, and a sense of not being alone.

    I also owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Dog Club, which was very helpful as we contemplated becoming dog-owners, but was particularly vital in the first few days of dog ownership, as I wept and wondered whether we'd made a huge mistake. Midge, our miniature poodle, is now 2 and a half, snoozing on the sofa next to me, and a huge source of fun, joy and companionship. Shy in particular was a fabulous source of encouragement and support, but so was everyone else there - it was a real lifeline.

    I want to thank too all who posted on the various Christian threads, both Christians and non-Christians. Again, I learned a lot, and they helped me to explore my own thinking on many aspects of faith. It's not too much to say that it has been an important part of the journey that's brought me to training for ordination.

    I have learned a lot about lots of things here, from mental health issues to alcoholism - thank you to you all.

    I've not met many of you, but I have learned so much from so many people's postings. I feel we've gone through many and various ups and downs together on the way. "It's only a message board". Yeah, right.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by whitbyrose (U15069960) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Thank You to anyone who has been kind to me over the past 7 years. It has been very much appreciated. More than you will ever know.

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Thursday, 21st February 2013

    Having a bad, blubbing morning. Thank you whitbyrose (cross threading, but reckon it's a allowed considering the circumstances).

    I know life moves on and it's not the End, but I'm going to miss this sooooooo much.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by wandypig (U3850819) on Thursday, 21st February 2013

    there's something about a message board, or about this one anyway - one can expose all one's raw wounds and have them soothed. I shall always be grateful to those in the MH threads who supported me when I was worried about a young friend (still am, but I'm coping better with the worries now and she is still plodding on with the support of her friends, who include one of my piglets). I am also eternally indebted to Looby Lewis, who gave me much needed practical advice when I was dealing with the labrynthine beast which is the NHS around the time of my mother's final illness.

    And I would also like to thank the two board hosts I have known, Keri and Tayler, both of whom have acted as conduits for me to contact posters off-board when necessary. Theirs has probably not always been a comfortable role, but I know I'm not alone in appreciating their efforts.

    And thank you to everyone whose posts have broadened my experience and my mind over the last however many years it has been (8 or 9 in my case, I think). I'm a better person for having met you all.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by savannahlady (U2362903) on Thursday, 21st February 2013

    Nomes - what a nice idea! I'd like to thank all those who offered kind thoughts when my nephew suffered a Sudden Cardiac Arrest nearly four years ago (he's now a strapping 32 year old with a pacemaker, but fit and happy). And also encouraging messages when I had my brain aneurysm treated in the same year.

    It's been a pleasure to meet so many thoroughly nice people in cyber space and I hope I have been of some help to various people behind the scenes. I won't be moving elsewhere when ML closes and for health reasons I have had to stop doing my humanist work for the time being so I have suspended myself (!) from the British Humanist Associate celebrants website. However, I am registered at Peets and my email addy is there so if anyone does need some help with such things as humanist ceremonies, do feel free to contact me via that address.

    Thanks again to everyone and I wish you all the very best for the future wherever you may be. May your God, if you have one, go with you and if you don't, be as good to yourself as you are to others (yes, I mean it that way round!)



    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Thursday, 21st February 2013

    /so/ sorry you will not be posting elsewhere, savvie. I'm going to miss your contributions so much. You have been one of the pillars of ML, for me. Thanks for leaving allowing your email to stand in Peet's, though.

    Bette x

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  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Elnora Cornstalk (U5646495) on Thursday, 21st February 2013

    savvie, if you're still here, please could I thank you for your postings about the work of Humanist celebrants? Because of you, I searched for, and found, a celebrant for my mother's funeral this week. My father and family hadn't heard of these, and were really rather worried about what exactly I was proposing (though I was following my mother's request for a non-religious event); but we all feel now it was the perfect choice for her, and for us. Thank you so much; and if you do ever feel like dropping into peet's or sue's, it would be lovely to see you again. Peace and good health. x

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Viola (U15626835) on Saturday, 23rd February 2013

    I too would like to join in thanking many users of the Village Hall who have provided such a wonderful forum for support and friendship here. I am a lurker who has belatedly registered to join the throngs standing up to be counted at this sad time, but am taking the opportunity to thank the many people in the Village Hall who have unwittingly given me so much support and inspiration over the past few years.
    Although I never posted, I regularly visited some threads for advice or thought provocation, and was never disappointed. I have also been deeply moved by some stories here, and by the reactions they elicited from other posters.
    I will only list some of the threads that I followed: numerous Otherwise threads (especially relating to family relationships and problems with aged parents, plus some health issues); Alzheimers (good luck to all the regulars there, I know only too well what you are going through); PhD; decluttering; atheist; historical fiction, and no doubt many others over the years.
    I hope to find some of you at Peet's or SmeeSue's, and I might even muster the courage to post there. But thank you again to all of you for some wonderful, life-enhancing posts.
    And because she has specifically said she won't be posting on the new boards, I will single out one individual: Savannahlady. I have loved your posts and the warm caring personality shining through them. Recently we had an uplifting humanist funeral for a close relative which I helped put together, and I thought fondly of the wise words I read from you over all these years which helped inspire me. I'm sure I won't be the only one to miss you.
    Good luck to you all, TVH is full of lovely people.

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