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The Final MFC, Mustardland Fabulous Feisty Fit Club

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 225
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Roll up one and all, everyone who's benefitted from membership of this very special corner of Mustardland please come and say "Hello"

    As I've learnt MFC is a venerable institution, it may have been the reason TVH was created, but that was before my time here. We are a group who meet to talk about Healthy Eating and Healthy Lifestyles. Most of us would like to lose weight, or maintain weight losses. We talk about different ways to do this - but even in this last week I hope we can maintain our two rules

    1) We never say what our actual weight, or dress size is. This is because we are all different and one person's starting place can be another's goal.

    2) We are friends, we do NOT bring spats from elsewhere into this Club

    This week we have a very big decision to make, are we going to move on masse (is that the best choice of words?) to the same venue or are we going to make our own way after next weeks pulling of the ML plug?

    There is already a MFC Trial Thread in Peet's here
    If you are not used to posting in Peet's, please do NOT delete all the previous messages that appear in the posting box, apparently it is a bad idea! They will not appear in your post.

    There is also an introductory MFC thread in Sue's here

    Sausages has also started a FB group - but I don't have the link as I know that I'm not going down that road.

    May I urge everyone to look around and think where they'd like to settle, and then let us all know on here.


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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    So far I haven't got around to posting much in either place - I've been too busy manning the barricades, getting modded, appealing and unmodded etc, it all takes time! I'm also busily stitching a 100th birthday card - may I suggest taking up such a hobby if you have a penchant for nibbling?

    I'll weigh myself tomorrow, but I'm not too hopeful.


    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Thanks for opening up, Fire-Pig, for the valedictory MFC here. Like Anne-Marie, I was in at the beginning, and although I've only recently returned to it, MFC has always been for me one of the best things about ML.

    My vote is for either Peet's or SML. I really don't mind too much which. I'm happy to vacillate between them for a little while, to see if one feels more like "home", if that's what people would like to do. I won't join a FB group, so if that's the vote, I'll wave those who go that way goodbye, with my very best wishes.

    On topic, today has been a 500 calorie day, and it's been OK. I enjoyed my baked cod with roasted vegetables very much. I may go and have a tangerine now, which will take me probably to about 520 calories - what the hell, eh? Weighing will happen for me on Friday. I had a high-ish calorie eating weekend, but not ridiculously so, and I enjoyed it all. I've managed to keep up the walking, so I hope that's doing something for me in compensation!

    Love to all - hope this week won't be too difficult in any way, though it does feel quite weird round here...

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Thanks for opening up, FP. I'll be here properly from around Thursday - a lot going on in RL at the mo for me, and I'm a bit too distracted for posting anything serious.

    I'm registered at Peet's and have been for ages, so would prob vote for there but if more want to go to sue's that's fine. I'm not sure about FB yet - I've set up an account for Geepers, but spend a lot of time there in my RL name and am not sure if I want the hassle of two accounts. Will see how it works out.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Hello all..

    Sorry I've not been in much, I can't be doing all this brow beating stuff so just lurking until it all closes up.

    As I said last week, for private reasons, it is unlikely I will be going to either of the alternative message boards mentioned here, nothing to do with anyone on this thread.

    There is a group on fb, I can't do a link as I use an app, but its called Mustardland FC and just ask to join. As its a closed group you need permission but that's all I do, no moderating or stuff like that I can assure you.

    My diet, is going very badly ATM as I am off work I am out of kilter a bit. I went shopping today and it was a bit depressing as I am not in the size of clothes I want to be..

    Ah well... Hope everyone is well

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Monday, 18th February 2013

    Hi everyone!

    Here's the link to the MFC Facebook group:

    Well this all feels very very strange.

    It's about a full decade ago that the MFC was founded, in the spring of 2003, and indeed, was the reason why TVH was started up by Keri, as our discussions were felt to to be rather in the way of proceedings for first TB and then TBU.

    So many changes over the years since then.... Not in the least the fact that dear Squigs, co-founder of the MFC, is no longer with us at this moment, to share another keypoint in the MFC "story".

    I'm really sorry G Em is away at the moment and won't be back before the boards are shut down. She has put so much effort into the Cybergym for so long now. I don't know what will happen to that section of the MFC at the moment, she wasn't here when the announcement of the closure of the boards was made.

    Wherever you all decide to go, I will follow, and I'll flag up the MFC's whereabouts in the other places Mustardlanders are turning to. I'm going to add a contact tab on the Cookbook website too, so if anyone gets lost in cyberspace, they'll perhaps find their way back to the others via that site.

    I know that I haven't been around at all very much lately, barely managing to lurk often, and I'm sorry for that. I'm still reading through all the older MFC threads of months past, picking up recipes and so on as I go along, for inclusion on the Cookbook website eventually.

    What shines through time and time again is the very real fellowship in this group, and the way all the members look out for each other. Sure there have been differences of opinion at times, but that's only normal in a group of such varied individuals - and as a group, the MFC has always weathered the storms, and held fast to its ideals.

    I'm so very proud to have been one of the MFC's co-founders, and fervently hope that we as a group will prevail.

    Koko to you all, and thanks for all the friendship and support you've given me too all these years.



    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    The scales show 1 lb off this week, a week of not really concentrating on what I ate. They seem to be fickle friends!

    Today I'm off to the GP with a symptom which could be nothing or dire, so still not concentrating fully.


    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Sixties Relic SAVE ML (U13777237) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    All the best with your doctor's visit, fire-pig.

    I lost a pound last week but it is the same pound I had put on again recently. This week has been more difficult - I've been away so not fully in control of what I eat.

    And my hoped-for house sale has evaporated. The couple who came back for a second look said it was a choice of 2 - mine and one round the corner. They have chosen the other one. Bummer. It was cheaper but to my mind not so nice.

    Boo hoo.

    I shall miss this when the board shut - are we all migrating to Sues place or Petes place?

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Morning! Sorry you are feeling out of kilter Sausages.

    Well done on the loss F-P, I just maintained last week. Only did one 500 cal day and had friends staying both Saturday and Monday nights so lots of entertaining. Back on track this week though, and I have found a really goo class at the gym.

    Found out on Saturday that an old friend has bulimia, which I'm finding hard to deal with - I always want to make everyone around me well and happy, so I don't know how to go on as normal with her. She's not looking for help says she has it "under control". Anyway, that's just an aside.

    Off to hairdressers shortly, going blond again for the first time in years. All part of me reinventing myself!!!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    All the best with your doctor's visit, fire-pig.  

    Thanks Sixties, it seems all is well, Cancer was mentioned, but ruled out pretty quickly. It was a locum I've never met before, but she was very calm and lovely. Naturally, as ever with these things there is the "Come back if symptoms persist, but I really think you have nothing to worry about"

    Must be a day for hair, I'm off now to have mine done, followed by a Lent Lunch.


    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Congrats on the loss F-P, and commiserations sixties.

    We are off to the hairdresser too (DD and I that is. I am treating myself to highlights for the first time in years )

    I am debating not going to the weigh in tonight as I know I've put on weight and I will get all depressed. On the plus side I'm off to a pub quiz with friends which I'm looking forward too.

    Have a good day all

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    I am just popping into the threads I used to post on regularly and of course that includes the Fabulous Feisty Fit Club :0)

    Could I just thank Katy for all she has done gathering up some lovely recipes and all the help she has dished out over the years. x

    For myself, some of you may remember I embraced The Dukan way of eating and worked my way through the four stages of the diet to end up eating normally except for one day a week where I eat low fat dairy and protein. Following through the first two stages got my weight to where I wanted it, the third stage gradually reintroduced bread, cheeses and fruit again and allowed for two meals a week where you eat whatever you choose, and after you have held your weight steady for quite a while you move onto the final stage where you have a free reign except one day a week. I am just beginning my third year.

    Looking at my chart, I began Dukan the end of January 2011 and lost 20lbs. Maintained for 100 days and on July 18 moved on to the final stage Stabilisation. Have given myself a 3lb maintain zone and am usually a few pounds below it.

    So as you can tell, I feel very much in control of my weight now and am very thankful this diet was recommended to me by a fellow Mustardlander. I'm v grateful to her.

    I wish you all well x

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Thank you Westie! Hope all is well with you and yours - and that we will meet again somewhere else in cyber-space?


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Hi all. Typing this on my ipad with an intermittent connection here so hope this will post.

    As Katy says she, Squigs and I used to coordinate back about 10 years ago and we had a memorable planning evening once when Katy was over staying with Squigs and they popped up to see me for dinner. I know for Squigs mfc was very important and ml became increasingly so after the prof died. Through that link I gained a young charge on her mums death coming up for 9 months ago and stood in for her as mother of the bride at her wedding.

    I have been able to read here if not post. It's a bit of a shock but I guess inevitable given the cuts. It's always been when for me not if. So to the future. I don't and won't do Facebook but have found Peets place and will register when I get home. If you want the cyber gym to continue I am happy to figure out how to do it there. Katy can you owl me how to maintain the rolling thread when you have a moment.

    It's been a blast guys . Don't be sad life moves on. Celebrate all we have achieved here and the half dozen extra "people" we shave shed


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    G Em! How lovely you that you've been able to pop in! Of course I'll owl you with all the info re your thread, I can practice with the Cookbook one then if I get stuck I can ask Peet for help. Sue has already suggested that I put up a thread in her "Links" section with all the information where we can be found, so I can add a link to the Cybergym in Peet's there too.

    As for the future whereabouts of the main weekly MFC threads, decisions, decisions, we could do with a Poll like they have in SML & PML....... runs away very fast puff pant oh well at least that's my exercise for today sorted...... wheeze koff koff collapsing in a heap,

    : D Katy

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Westie! I'm so glad to see you back here, as I remember you as one of the lovely supporting people here when I first joined MFC , and in fact, having just looked, you were my first MFC reply! I know you are not posting as much for other reasons, but I'm so pleased you are happy and stable with your weight too, that is lovely.

    I've been on a course today, so lunch included -rather nice beef bourgignon. But also shortbread with coffee etc and not much walking about either.

    But tomorrow is a day off so long dog walk and a swim are in order.

    As for our final destination, I'm rather on the fence. I think sue's ML is slightly easier to navigate but that is just because Peet's looks more different. I too have 2 FB personas now, and it isn't too easy but I'll certainly pop in there too.

    I may or may not weigh in this Friday as we had such a calorific weekend. Time will tell.

    Pug x

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by GuzziNut (U6364582) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013


    Well, I'm registered in pml and sml, (i know, i know, i'm such a tart... ;-p ) so will go with the flow, messageboardwise

    I'd like to have the cyber gym continue tho... Happy to wait until GEm gets back, she does the gym thing better than I, but until then, I could open a holding thread in both places, a la Mfc, if people want me too

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Westsussexbird or Birdy aka Westie (U6316532) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Pug x

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Anne-Marie (U1474870) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Hello all.

    Thanks for opening up for the final time here fire-pig. It all feels muted and unreal to me...I thnk you feel similarly Jules.

    I don't really mind where we end up so will follow,the crowd. Like guzzinut, I'm signed up in all 3 other places but I do hope we settle on one main place.

    Sausages, did you go,to weigh in? Even if you,fear there's a gain you should go to get the support to continue...

    Geepers, hope the RL stuff gets sorted soon...

    KAty - lovely to see you. Sorry about the issues that have kept you,away. We know you'd be here if you could...

    Sixties - well,done on the pound loss. Shame you lost out on the house sale,too...

    Birds, glad the Dukan has worked for,you. We all find a way to suit our own needs - shame I'm slightly veering off course at the moment...

    GEm - glad you have popped in. Pug - enjoy your walk and swim tomorrow.

    Like swedey, I am definitely maintaining at the moment. Despite my aspirations, I don't think I'm going to lose the last couple of pounds. I'm finding it hard to consistently make sensible choices and my enemy carbs are creeping in.

    I've been here before and what happens next is that the choices revert tommy old ways; I start to gain weight ; I stop weighing and I put my head in the sand.

    I really don't want to fall back into that pattern - so I most definitely need your support and ideas how to combat the urges and desires.

    So please help me to KOKO!!

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 19th February 2013

    Hi all

    I think this maybe one of my last posts here but will carry on posting in Facebook as long as others do to, I won't carry on posting on my own.

    I have put on 2lbs this week, but am glad it's only that much. Tomorrow will be another new start

    Take care all xx

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Okay one to make you all laugh. Am at a posh All Inc hotel with OH this week and there are quite a lot of big people here (mostly from the US and Canada) This afternoon we jumped in the pool and they had one of those rings you sit in and float around. OH threw me onto it and I sat in the middle and promptly dropped straight through bum first smiley - winkeye the joys of being a tiddler eh? The. Pool erupted into laughter including me when OH had fished me out

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    This isn't really the tiddlers' thread, though, is it GEm? This is the thread for posters who are generally quite upset/depressed/frustrated about not bring tiddlers.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Having been clothes shopping yesterday I have to agree with that one Geepers.,

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    "I'm so very proud to have been one of the MFC's co-founders "

    me too,Katy,even though I've not been around for a long time now. Seems a long time ago .........

    I tried Dukan and was successful for a while but was left with cravings and binges once I relaxed so need to go back to good old SW or just 'sensible eating' for the foreseeable future.

    Good luck to all who move on and let's all KOKO, ( or KBO) as Squigs would say........

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Ok geepers I was trying to inject a little humour into what is starting to read as depressing. I get the message though I am not welcome so wherever you go post ml I won't bother so goodbye and thanks for all the fish as Adams says

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Fire-Pig - proud to wave the protest banner (U12231213) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Ladies, ladies we are no longer the Fat Club, we are MFC. Make the F what you will, this week of all weeks please can we try to be friends

    We talk about Healthy Eating and about being Fit, GeM has much to offer please treat her kindly

    GeM my memory of a tube in a pool, dates from when I was teaching in Northern Ghana. One day there was an elderly man in the tube, and someone asked whether I'd met the RC Bishop I hadn't till then. I didn't know whether I was supposed to kiss the rubber ring or not!


    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Wendy, how absolutely wonderful to see you here!

    Chaps & chapesses, please please please don't spat, so many of us are feeling sore & tetchy because ML here is dying, so it's so easy for upsets to happen even if they weren't at all meant... : (

    I think I'll pootle off for a bit to count up all the votes as to where we're decamping to. If we really can't decide, how about starting up a main MFC thread both in PML & SML, give it a good go in both places, and then just see where we feel most comfortable posting?

    Threads in Peet's will stay on the boards as long as they are posted on regularly, no matter how old they are, it's only a slow-moving thread like the Cookbook one which will need tweaking to make it stay. The Cybergym could be tweaked too just to be sure it doesn't disappear during quieter moments, when many people are on holiday say.


    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Anne-Marie is spot on - "muted and unreal" is exactly how it feels to me this week! A-M, if you're only a couple of pounds off your target, that's fantastic, well done! I would guess that there are reasons that are making it hard for you to make the food choices to deal with them (maybe including the feeling of being unsettled engendered by ML's imminent demise - but could be time of year, or whatever). Maintaining at your present level is fine for a while, but I would guess there will come a time when you are ready and able to make that final push. What you say about continuing to pay attention to what you eat, regular weighing etc makes a lot of sense, and I hope that your ML chums can help you with that, wherever we are.

    Wendy!!!! How lovely to see you, even at such a sad time. Are you going to be able to join us elsewhere? Whatever the answer, thank you for coming in to say hello this week.

    Birdy!!! Another returner! Lovely to see you too, and it's great to hear that you've managed to maintain a healthy weight so well - very encouraging.

    Sausages, 2lb sounds pretty good in a difficult week - I hope they're soon gone again.

    Geepers, as has been said, hope that RL settles down soon and that you can get back on to the straight and narrow - you know you can do it.

    GEm, hope you're having a good holiday, and I'm so glad you were able to post this week. I laughed at your story! I hope you will continue to offer the help and encouragement to MFC that you have done so with such generosity since the beginning.

    Fire-Pig, you're doing a great job of hosting in this difficult week - thank you.

    I'm sure I must have forgotten someone... apologies if so. Today is my second 500-calorie day this week, and then I will weigh on Friday. Fingers crossed for a bit more progress.

    Wishing all MFCers, past and present, a great day.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Katy, of course, that's who I forgot... Another person who I am so pleased to see back, even though the circumstances are not as we would wish.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    And Guzzinut, Swedey, Countrypug and Sixties too... hope to see you in either PML or SML, and that all is going well for you this week.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Morning all. I'm hoping to have a full "back on track" day today. Heading off for a longish dog walk soon, homemade soup for lunch then a healthy tea.

    It is lovely to see Wendy back too, another of the inspiring people who encouraged me to join in here.

    Pug x

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Tally so far of votes (I looked at last week's thread, this one, and both PML & SML):

    Peet's: 5 votes

    Sue's: 4 votes

    OK with either: 4

    Have flagged the question again in the Facebook group (which now has 13 members), nipping over to PML & SML to do likewise, in case there are people over there who have decided not to come back here at all.


    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013


    To save people trawling, if you haven't yet registered anywhere else and would like a good look first before casting your vote, here are the links again for the Other MFC MLs:



    Facebook (though you won't be able to browse the group because it's a closed one):

    Really must be off to RL now....

    See you later, all


    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by anagramladysin (U14258840) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013


    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Dusty Substances (U1474929) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    "I'm so very proud to have been one of the MFC's co-founders "

    me too,Katy,even though I've not been around for a long time now. Seems a long time ago .........

    I tried Dukan and was successful for a while but was left with cravings and binges once I relaxed so need to go back to good old SW or just 'sensible eating' for the foreseeable future.

    Good luck to all who move on and let's all KOKO, ( or KBO) as Squigs would say........ 
    Just a quick final message from me before the life support is switched off for this place.

    It is SO gorgeous to see Wendy here - you were such an inspiration and honest person in your message that sparked all this off, with Glad, and the others.

    10 years ago I started my weight loss journey - a considerable one - and with the support of this thread and my membership of Slimming World it has been life changing. Over nine and a half stone lost so far, a new career running 5 Slimming World groups myself and the pleasure of seeing other people doing well with their chosen routes to health and self esteem.

    But I think I need to thank Wendy and Glad most of all for lighting that life changing spark. I can't thank you enough and love you both.

    Good luck to all of you - thrive and prosper wherever you make your home.


    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    oh D, you are the inspirational one now! 9½stone!! That's amaZING!!
    ( That was a typo but I'm leaving it)

    I think I spotted Chris/Glad somewhere but can't find the post now.I was thinking about how his posts triggered the rest of us to address our problems. We owe him a lot too.

    I've lost and regained weight a few times over the MFC years unfortunately.I'm not back to where I was at the start,and don't ever intend to be,but I really admire the way you have just continued to lose. Good old SW,it obviously is worth sticking to whatever suits you best. Well done D.smiley - smiley xxx

    I don't think I will follow elsewhere Katy,even though the MFC is the first place I come to when I lurk and I really need it again now, but good luck and love to you all,wherever you end up. smiley - winkeye

    P.S. Don't flounce GEm,it was a funny story,even though we're jealous. smiley - winkeye Considering you have no weight problems yourself you've always been remarkably supportive of us over the years.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    oh sorry,Jules,it was you who asked if I was moving on. oh dear. I always did post first/check later.

    Glad to see you again, I always think of you running up that hill! smiley - winkeye

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Jules Bee (U3036149) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Bless you, Wendy - I often remember being spotted by you! I haven't run for ages, partly because we now have a dog, and so running time is often walkies time instead. The plus side is that I get out much more often - the down side is that it is much less intensive. I have been pondering returning to running, whilst my knees and hips can still take it - may do so as we move into Spring, and also after losing a bit more, so that my joints are under less strain again.

    I did put it all back on again, plus a bit, and for no good reason... I am determined this time that it is a change for life. Which is why I think the ongoing support of others will be so necessary for me - as I suggested to Anne-Marie earlier, I think continuing accountability and encouragement will be part of what gets and keeps me where I want to be.

    I'll be most sorry not to see you again in the future, Wendy, but DELIGHTED that you popped in to say goodbye. You know there'll always be a warm welcome elsewhere if you decide to seek us out.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by countrypug (U9227943) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Wow Dusty, lovely to see you here again and that is truly fantastic.

    I always think of you when making cheat low cal non Pimms in the summer!

    Pug x

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Hello everyone - lovely to see old friends here. I was an original in the MFC but drifted away - now back on a course with Rosemary Conley, which includes 45 minutes of aerobics and stretches, something that I really enjoy. I lost 1lb last week and that makes 11lb since January 8th - 6 weeks. Off on holiday next Monday but I've achieved a weight loss and greatly improved my fitness.

    Dusty - 9.5 stone???? WOW. You certainly did KOKO. GeM - you reminded my of this little ditty:


    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Thanks,love. smiley - smiley

    Having a dog does give you a good excuse for exercise,you might not need to run now . I've tried doing yoga with a dvd, which I like but only in private... !

    It's so frustrating that it's so easy for the weight to return and so hard to get it off . I'm currently blaming it on being more or less post menopausal but I think it's really just that I'm greedy. Must learn to binge on salad! smiley - winkeye

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Dusty, how great to see you, what an inspiration you are for all of us!

    Wendy, they're a complete and utter major faff to do IRL, but here are some of Heston Bluhmenthal's savoury treats for you, the one on the left is apparently really a salad:

    : ) Katy

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  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by GEm (U4356909) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Ok no flounce. I am genuinely stunned though at how big the people here are. Most of the women are around the 5ft 10 upwards and the men are upwards of 6ft 5. I stood next to one yesterday at the bar and I will swear he was 7ft as I came halfway up his arm! As there aren't any children all the playthings have been designed for the guests so the chairs are taller meaning I have to dangle my feet. Luckily the staff are smaller.

    I was going to take geepers advice and ask my babysitter to run with me last week but he was so tall I wouldn't have had a hope of keeping up. So I ended up on a treadmill instead. Here is in 75 acres and lovely to run but I have had to get up at 6 to do it.

    Wendy keeping weight off is always hard. I was reading that only 1 in 3 manage it but through a comb of diet and exercise so sounds like you are doing all the right things

    Dusty that is awesome

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Big waves to everyone else I haven't really "spoken" to in this thread, sorry must dash....


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  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    G Em, when will you be back, and would you like someone else to start up a Cybergym thread for you in the meantime?

    Right, I really really am so out of here now.

    : O Katy

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Wendy (U2222183) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Thanks Katy. Kindness as ever................! smiley - smiley

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    I've stuck my head through the swing doors between this room and Peet's, and have moved my chair over there. I expect I'll be just as infrequent a visitor there as here, but I did really want to have my name on the list of those of us remembering and celebrating MFC - a quite remarkable place. And it will go on being so, even in a new venue. (Oooh. Interior design. Shopping!!!!!)

    Special thanks to Wendy and $quigs, who made me feel very welcome and cosy when I first popped in. And a mustard-coloured silk square to buff up the halos of both GEm and Dusty, who both give me great inspiration and are testament to the Applied KBO ethos!!

    Remember, it's not what you eat between Christmas and New Year that's important, but what you eat between New Year and Christmas....

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by Swedey (U4339411) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Hello!!!! I think I've registered on both Peet's and Sue's, so will go wherever. Don't think I'll be doing facebook.

    Jules, I'm also on second 500 cal day, find this time of day the hardest. And it makes me feel so cold, will light a fire and make supper shortly me thinks. Pleased to be back on the wagon though, having fallen off slightly last week. Feels good to prove to myself that I can climb back on!

    I'll pop in again before the closure, I'm sure.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by geepers (U6804393) on Wednesday, 20th February 2013

    Posting at the end so this isn't a reply to anyone.

    I'm not/wasn't spatting at all. But for me, unlike some other posters, the F in MFC definitely does stand for fat. And, just like I understand the no weights/sizes rule because one person's problem weight can be another person's dream goal, so I find it hard to see the place for a funny story which is only funny because it illustrates how thin the person posting is. Others have said they found it funny, which is absolutely fine, I didn't, and I said so. I certainly didn't intend to make GEm feel unwelcome, but I would hope it's okay to express one's feelings.

    As I've said recently, RL is proving quite stressful at the moment. As well as having a wedding to organise, I absolutely must get a job in England as it is too much for us to be clocking up 3000 miles of driving every time boyf is home, not to mention ferry/plane fares and hotel bills. There is some other stuff too, so I don't expect I'll be around much wherever we decamp to, at least in the short term. Thank you all for your support, and good luck to everyone.

    Report message50

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