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Gardeners' World 31st October

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 66
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Lonicera (U12312494) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Hello everyone,

    The latest Gardeners' World preview clip is up and running, take a look at tonight's programme...

    Don't forget, you can find out what the team have been up to behind the scenes by reading the blog. There's also a chance for you to post your comments.

    Hope you enjoy the show.


  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by hotsunlover (U5664870) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    smiley - erm this link shows Toby taking branches off a tree Lonicera. A previous weeks programme I think? Sorry if I am wrong but it looks very familiar. smiley - peacedove

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Lonicera (U12312494) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Hi HSL,

    Sorry you're having trouble seeing the new clip, it's definitely live. Sometimes different servers take a while to show new content, try again in a few minutes but I''keep an eye on this thread so any further problems, just let me know!


  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by lunicorn (U12603465) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Sorry I just get Toby pruning a branch Lunicorn

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Lonicera (U12312494) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Hi guys,

    Try this...

    Go to

    Click on
    'Internet options'

    And then
    'Delete files'

    Let me know how you get on!


  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by welshcol (U2301689) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Wooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-there is a spirit about.
    smiley - whistlesmiley - biggrin

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Ariadne Knickerbocker (U4534559) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    I saw it! There's a load of pumpkins and some tips on how to char grill pumpkin seeds.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Lonicera (U12312494) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Thanks for the feedback Venusmantrap,

    Good to know someone can see the clip!


  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by sept31 (U13664054) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Not to be picky but, most of fruits in picture are squash not pumpkins.
    Also the seeds he was eating were burnt over cooked.

    Venus Mantrap I think they roasted them not grill them. Grilling and roast are to different cooking methods.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by alys fowler (U11197555) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Neither burnt nor overcooked, but soaked in worcestershire sauce first.Mmmmmmmmm

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by sparklingsnowleapord (U3848262) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Yep i saw it to pumpkins and toby eating the seeds.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Ariadne Knickerbocker (U4534559) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Personally, I thought the addition of the Worcestershire sauce was masterful giving a hint of Heston Blumenthal to the dish.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by allotmentshaun (U7951205) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Tonight's programme is potentially my last - or until they boot those couple of idiots off (Joe swift and that geezer that's supposed to be the new presenter, Toby something or other). Or perhaps I might be surprised and have something to get my teeth into, like an entire half hour dedicated to cultivating mustard and cress seed for the vegetable growers amongst us. I can't imagine it being anything more challenging than that if the last few episodes are anything to go by.
    Utter, utter UTTER garbage. Make no wonder Carol stays put in her own garden, even she can't abide being amongst this shower. Pack them off to a Wyvale garden centre where this couple of half wits belong. And as for slack Alys...! Mind you, when the Ö÷²¥´óÐã squander £6M of the viewers license fee on paying Jonathan Woss's wage they probably don't have much left to get any decent staff.
    And they have the audacity to talk about dumbing down. God help us,

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by pjgolf (U2469936) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    If Heston Blumenthal hd cooked them it would have taken a few days smiley - smiley

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by pjgolf (U2469936) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    WOW !!!!!!!!
    maybe I should have read the previous post before writing my last message.
    What is it with people hiding behind the annonymity of the Internet and hurling personal abuse at the presenters of this programme !!
    Shaun,what you said was apalling. If you dont like the programme or more specifically, the content of it, then you could make some sort of constructive comments regarding what you feel is lacking and what you would like to see.
    What sort of a forum is this turning into when people can`t get their point across without reverting to abuse. !

    You should be ashamed of yourself but maybe I`m hoping for too much !


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by sept31 (U13664054) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    alysflower why no recent blog update.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    allotmentshaun - good grief. smiley - ale Have a drink on me, I think you need one.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by welshcol (U2301689) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Is alysflower "our" Alys from GW? smiley - erm
    I was wondering how she managed to get a red title!! smiley - doh
    If it is nice to see a GW presenter contributing to the debate(s)like Monty occasionally did. smiley - ok

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by mcspanna (U7544489) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    smiley - doh there's always one who has to spoil it before the show's even aired!

    Good to see you on here Alys, it's always reassuring to know that someone from the show is lurking to take note of our comments after the show.

    I've not watched the preview clip but I'll be watching the show and back later with some _constructive_ criticism if necessary!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Hi Welshcol, Monty was on the boards the other day. Can't remember which thread, oh just have. It was the 80gardens thread. About the garden in SA.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by paperwhite (U6380063) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    I enjoyed this one, well done. Seemed to 'gel' together.
    Not just because Alys has appeared on this posting. Alys your section was good, could this be due to having American inlaws. I am half American so love Halloween also.
    Looking forward to next weeks programe.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Fell asleep just as Joe was about to cut into a pumpkin.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by welshcol (U2301689) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    At least you nearly got to the end amazing that's you "amazing" not amazing you got to the end!!smiley - dohsmiley - biggrin. Thought it was a relaxing, not taxing on the little grey cells offering with a little bit of tongue in cheek work for Halloween. Thought there was a little of the hazy, swoopy camera work creeping back in but thank goodness not too much to distract.
    Touching closing section of Alys and Toby making a witches besom after Joe's lantern efforts but not a major loss if you missed it. smiley - ok

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    Hi Welshcol, I've got my own, sits at the front door. Scares off the men in black. smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by rankinraj (U13666631) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    I thought this weeks programme was appallingly bad. It seemed like an episode of Blue Peter circa 1974- "let's make a wormery, a witches broom. Lets see Joe Swift make a Haloween Pumpkin". Awful, awful.

    I miss the gravitas of Monty. This season has become incredibly dumbed down. Though Alys is cute.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by houseworkfairy (U13666629) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    How far ahead do they film these? Now I live just 20 minutes away from Berryfields and round here we had a lot of SNOW on Tuesday which was still around on Wednesday and which did my plants no good at all and the soil is wet and VERY cold at the moment.

    Did they mention it?

    Was the programme filmed this week? Most unlikely

    I normally enjoy Gardeners World but it was so irritating to watch them furtling about in light clothing when this week it has been gloves woolly hat warm scarf and winter coat weather here.

    I thought there might be a mention at the end but was there? heck no.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Madonplants (U5524817) on Friday, 31st October 2008

    They are doing winter protection next week!! That would have been too late for my delicates, which are already and have been for a week now, fleeced up!! Sorry Alys, but I wish I could plant up planters that quick, though I did like the plants you used. I agree with a previous poster in that this has been the worst one, since Toby took over, though I have been enjoying GW under him. It seemed too bitty, which may not be the presenters' fault, but the producer trying to cram in an hours worth, into 30 minutes. Did we have to go to that couple about the tulips, even my wife cringed at that one?

    As much as I love Carol, I just wish she did her stuff from Berryfields, though I understand it must be quite a trek to get there. Some bad camera work again, something I thought was getting better!

    Come on Ö÷²¥´óÐã, you can do better, much better. I've never complained about GW before and I'm hoping this is my first and last time!!

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Gaynor Witchard (U11583299) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Well, I enjoyed it. I quite like the little money saving tips and ideas for recycling the containers you have in the garden. I have an old tin bath which I might turn into a wormery - never thought of that before! As Alys has written a book on the subject of gardening for less money, maybe we could have her to incorporate some of it into the programme as well. Anyway, I must say I'm not happy that it's the last programme next week - still, I can watch UK TV gardening, I suppose...

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Orange Blossom (U13454540) on Saturday, 1st November 2008


    I quite liked the Abbey gardens, and will have to go and visit in the Spring to check out all those lovely Tulips. I think you should be thankful that Ian and Barbara had their clothes on -they are usually known as The Naked Gardeners smiley - winkeye

    The camerawork in the opening scene with Toby sat with the pumpkins near the greenhouse made me feel sick. It had the daft blurry seedheads obsucuring the view in the right hand corner of the screen and then they kept moving the camera up and down, up and down -it was like being on a bad fairground ride. Production team what were you thinking? Please don't do that again. (I'm surprised the pumpkins weren't sick too [IMG]/IMG])

    I am continuing to really enjoy Toby, Carol and Alys contributions to the programme. They are now a solid presenting team for Gardeners World. As much as it pains me to knock the poor chap (as I don't dislike him) I really feel that Joe is not right as a weekly presenter on the show. His scenes are so heavily scripted and staged, the are akward and painful to watch. Next year I'd like to see him come back and do some design slots, but would also hope to see other designers contributing to the programme such as James Alexander Sinclair. The show would work better without him appearing every week. More garden visits and design inspiration slots from designers, including Joe would however be welcomed.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by sparklingsnowleapord (U3848262) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Loved the program this week it was varied and very topical.
    Well done Toby and the gang.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Although I have little time for Halloween, I accept that others enjoy these seasonal diversions. I thought this was a nice programme - nothing too adventurous or educational, but a pleasant half-hour nevertheless.

    I share the concerns of a fellow-poster relating to the unnecessary and distracting camerwork at the beginning of the programme. Thankfully, this lunacy didn't stretch throughout the whole programme. Toby and Alys are starting to look less like strangers now, and the new subdued Carol is doing what she clearly enjoys. Poor Joe continues to drag the programme down. This week he got his family into the act (the names of the youngsters had to appear on screen of course, as they may have a book coming out shortly), and we had to watch as they contrived to carve out a funny face. I wonder if Joe really appreciates how he has been turned into a figure of fun by this ill-advised allotment slot. I was one who actually looked forward to an allotment slot on the programme, but now wish they had given us a regular couple of minutes on houseplants instead. Just go Joe - and leave the programme to experienced gardeners.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by marcia (U2338697) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Although I vowed not to tune in to GW after last week's disappointing show, the remote somehow twitched it on (must be from sheer habit)

    The Wormery looked to be an interesting feature, up until paying out £5 for those extra worms! Then, after the bit of old carpet went over the old wheelbarrow and all it's contents ... what happened next? Do we find out next week?

    I have to wholeheartedly agree with this from Rothschild Orchid:

    "As much as it pains me to knock the poor chap (as I don't dislike him) I really feel that Joe is not right as a weekly presenter on the show. His scenes are so heavily scripted and staged, the are akward and painful to watch. Next year I'd like to see him come back and do some design slots,"

    I think Joe is being made to look silly, particularly over this allotment lark. Then his Blue Peter slot (as another Boarder quite rightly referred to most of the programme's content) A professional and expereienced garden designer .. with his children (!!) showing us how to carve a pumpkin face. Very, very sad.

    Then "How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds" for a tasty snack.

    Then I took control of the remote and pressed the off button.

    That programme was DIRE.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by allotmentshaun (U7951205) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    You'll have noticed I am not a regular contributor to this forum and the reason being is that I prefer gardening to sitting at my computer and communicating with a bunch of strangers which I delude myself into believing are close and sincere friends - which is the impression I get from some of the contributors. Perhaps they don't get out often. In response to one criticism about anonymity - well, I am aware that using your own personal details on a web forum is inappropriate. I can assure you I am not hiding behind anything, including a smiley face pretending everything is just swell for the sake of pleasing people. And yes, I shall refrain both from watching the garbage that Gardeners World has become and also from bothering to make further contributions to this site. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the weekend talking about whether Toby roasted or grilled his pumpkin seeds.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by quitedutchbrit (U10671966) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    I didn't know that the couple from the Abbey Garden usually garden clothesless and I'm glad the bbc had the decency (!) to spare us that. But I loved their garden and I also liked them. Articulate and clearly plant lovers (tulips this time). Something that isn't always apparent in the 'pulling out' and 'shove it on the compost heap' context of some of the rest of the programme (- Carol absolutely NOT guilty in this regard. She treats everything and everybody with respect.)
    I really don't need all that halloween stuff. Yes, it was a bit Blue Peter-esque and Joe, I warned before on these illustrious pages, is being groomed for a role as garden gnome. Don't let them do it to you Joe! And Alys as the garden elf........ but she wants that role it's clear.
    Dire isn't the exact word for all this, maybe trivial and silly are the words that cover it!smiley - sadface

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by marcia (U2338697) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Bye then Shaun.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by Orange Blossom (U13454540) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    We love you too allotmentshaun xx

    A garden is what you make it.
    So is life.

    If you want to spend all your waking hours out there, so be it.
    If you wish do be angry and see fault in everything go for it (even though it probably won't make you a very happy and fulfilled bunny in the long term).

    I for one love to spend many an hour in the garden, but I also enjoy gaining inspiration from talking to other garderners and learning from their experiences and ideas (and for the most part find people friendly and helpful on these boards). I am quite happy to read the papers, have a few cups of coffee and browse the message boards and blogs on a rainy Saturday in November and see no shame in that.

    I also still enjoy curling up on the sofa on a Friday night to watch Gardeners World.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Ken-71 (U13228396) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Not a bad programme, just light and Tony has the perfect degree of head presenter.
    The rapport betweeen Tony and Alys is interesting.
    Tony said "small and perfectly formed" referring to some bulbs or plants, Alys looked pleased, touched her hair, and I fully expected her to say thank you.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by Laura (U9085143) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    I entirely agree about the Blue Peter slot with pumpkins and children. Isn't this supposed to be a programme for GARDENERS? What a waste of time in the very short half-hour slot.

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by farmerfewy (U13172836) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Just watching this weeks outing! Is it me or did Toby say that the wheelbarrow he was using for his wormery was well and truely 'cream crackered' - didn't think the Beeb allowed strong language anymore aka Ross and Brand!!! smiley - laugh

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by greeneddy (U6603838) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Mmm. Obviously Toby is allowed more license than we are . . .

    Did anyone else notice that Toby used the word "cranesbills" when referring to perennial geraniums. I'm all for giving the common names as well as the Latin ones, but does anyone actually describe those plants, if they have them in their gardens, (or not), as "cranesbills"?

    I enjoyed the bit about the Abbey Garden; seen a slot with them before in aeons past, and it reminded me what a wonderful place it would be to go and visit in tulip-time. And I always enjoy Carol's slot.

    But we went back to viewing stuff through blurry plants in the foreground, a pet hate of mine.

    And much of the dialogue just seems so stilted and 'false'; I know some posters have said things along the lines of , well its a TV prog, its not real life, of course the bits are staged, but it never used to feel like that.

    My vote would be for experienced gardeners, who are used to being relaxed in front of TV cameras, doing what they are expert at in their field. This is on my Xmas wish list, for 2009.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by toonia (U4760062) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    I agree with everything you said, greeneddy. There was a mix of botanical and common names which was quite random.

    I am not convinced by the wheelbarrow wormery. I thought the idea of one was to collect the juice, where will that go in a barrow full of holes?

    I know these are hard times but I don't want an ugly corner in my garden with old carpet and seedtrays of grass clippings and plastic cloches.

    GW is just a bad habit that I can't give up!

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by groundelder (U11750698) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Oh, Carol! I am such a fool
    I thought you were dizzy
    But you're really cool

    You're special
    You're not like all the rest
    A weekly reminder
    Of gardening at its' best

    Don't leave me
    Drowning in the dross
    Come back to Berryfields
    And show 'em all who's boss!

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 42.

    Posted by Amazing (U7102651) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    Very good mayfly.

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by groundelder (U11750698) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    2nd verse

    Carol, there will never be another
    To take the place of you
    Those with decisions
    Don't really have a clue

    I would always want you in my garden
    No matter what you grew
    Oh, oh, oh Carol, let's have some more of you.

    The end

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by greeneddy (U6603838) on Saturday, 1st November 2008

    smiley - ok

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by hotsunlover (U5664870) on Sunday, 2nd November 2008

    This weeks offering was more like a Lifestyle programme than a gardening one. Apart from Carol it was absolutley b****y awful. Next week I will watch and see the building of a cold frame to see if he does anything I could try (I already build my own each winter) but this is becoming a very missable programme. I do not watch a gardening programme to learn how to cook, carve pumkins or make brooms!

    Shall we start a petition to have more gardening content on GW? I'll start it, so my hands are the ones that will be slapped.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Braidman (U11753668) on Sunday, 2nd November 2008

    When I was in Primary School, we used to have students in from teacher college teaching us.
    They used to have all the latest (crazy) ideas on teaching, when they left the normal teachers used to shake their heads and say they'll learn, or something similar.

    The present presenters on GW remind me of those days, way out, mad cap schemes, little to do with real gardening, and little real info for those wanting and willing to learn!

    What I would like to see is a return to reality!

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by bookhimdano (U10771514) on Sunday, 2nd November 2008

    Excellent Show. Well done.

    pumpkins looked good.

    keep up the good work.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by rainonroses (U10426712) on Sunday, 2nd November 2008

    I enjoy Toby's approach, mainly because I'm a sucker for Handy Tips and sit there going "that's a good idea" even if I'd never do it in a month of Sundays. I was also pleased to see that the cameraman shares my passion for knitting and so gave me lots of really close up shots of Toby's nice jumper, so that I could see such details as how the sleeves were set in etc. So annoying when he finally swerved onto a shot of the plants.

    I also liked the different carved faces on the pumpkins (another handy tip for next Halloween) as I always seem to end up carving the same face, more or less. Loved the big one eating the little one.

    I think Carol is now utterly wasted, I really have seen enough of her splitting big clumps of plants into smaller clumps and collecting seeds but hope she's happy to be back in her beautiful house and garden without having to trek up to Berryfields to hold the fort until the Ö÷²¥´óÐã found a man with suitable knitwear to be main presenter.

    As for Joe's allotment, I'm not going to say another word on the subject, I'm not, I'm NOT... Oh well, perhaps just a word - I see that on 28 November we're going to be treated to a whole hour of "the highs and lows of Joe's virgin allotment year". Apparently it's been a "fun and rewarding journey" and he's managed to harvest "TONS of tasty veg."

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by darren p (U8518743) on Sunday, 2nd November 2008

    how strange it seems to me that someone who does not watch the show AND dislikes this messageboard,would waste their very valuable time here and would want us to know these facts about himself? interesting. very interesting indeed. i hope you (allotmentshaun) had a productive and enjoyable weekend but please- do not tell us about it.

    Report message50

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